
maps xiv 1. Th e Mediterranean xiv 2. Th e Aegean Sea xv 3. Central Greece figures 7 1. Drunken symposiast and 10 2. Anatolian storm god 11 3. throwing lightning at 32 4. A Muse playing the lyre 43 5. Th e birth of 48 6. Amphitritê stands before 51 7. Th ehead of 55 8. Th eChimaira 70 9. Th e punishment of and 78 10. and 82 11. Zeus fi ghts Typhon 92 12. Dawn pursues the Trojan prince Tithonos 105 13. Egyptian relief of Maat

vii 113 14. born from the 117 15. Th e Cretan princess Ariadnê and Retribution 124 16. A naked plowman 130 17. A winged North Wind (Boreas) rapes Oreithyia 136 18. A presents a tripod with handles to Dionysos 149 19. Th e theater and reconstructed columns of the Temple of at 159 20. Th e Lapith Kaineus being destroyed by a 161 21. A centaur tries to carry off Hippodameia 163 22. Th e pursue 168 23. Zeus parts and genealogical charts 38 1. Th e primordial gods 40 2. Th e children of Earth and Sky 44 3. Th e off spring of Earth and the blood of Sky and the birth of Aphroditê 46 4. Th e descendants of Night ( ) and Strife () 50 5. Th e descendants Earth and Sea 53 6. Th e descendants of Phorkys and Keto 56 7. Other descendants of Phorkys and Keto 59 8. Th e children of Okeanos and 61 9. Th e descendants of Th eia and and Kreios and 63 10. Th e children of and 63 11. Th e descendants of Koios and Phoibê 65 12. Th e children of Kronos and 69 13. Th e descendants of Iapetos and Klymenê viii illustrations 85 14. Th e off spring of Zeus and his many wives 87 15. Th e descendants of Ares and Aphrodite 89 16. Th e descendants of and Perseïs 91 17. Other children of Kadmos and 93 18. Th e children of Dawn ( ) 95 19. Th e descendants of Kalypso, , and Aiëtes 152 20. Th e descendants of Perseus and Andromeda

illustrations ix This page intentionally left blank