The BG News May 9, 1969
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-9-1969 The BG News May 9, 1969 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News May 9, 1969" (1969). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2333. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. The BG News Serving a growing university since 1920 Fridoy, May 9, 1969 Volume 53, Number 100 Viets may be setting the stage for peace WASHINGTON (AP)- Diplomatic nam. supervision to be worked out by ity, with good neighborly relations It called for the unilateral and full responsibility for the "losses sources here say that North Viet- the parties. for all Including the United States and devastation it has caused to nam may be setting the stage In unconditional withdrawal of all all- Other provisions Included: but with no military alliances. the Vietnamese people In both , Paris for some movement In the led forces under International -Establishing a policy of neutral- -The U.S. government must bear zones." next few weeks on the peace talks. The sources say Hanoi has re- called It envoys from Moscow, Peking and Eastern Europe and 1 there are Indications the North Vietnam government has reached ABM at 'critical point - Dr . Place new decisions on war and peace strategy. "by SUSAN PURCELL community staging a mall-ln to budget. A sparce gathering of what Dr. Informants would not disclose the Staff Reporter protest (he system. "In the last nine years our de- William O. Reichert, representing source of their Information and Dr. Richard Place explained Describing himself as "a long- fense budget has Increased from the Political Science department, State Department officials said they "The future of our society Is In time member of the peace consti- $45.5 billion to $82 billion," the terms "protest people" were on had no Immediate confirmation. serious question" during a forum tuency" Dr. Place stated that historian from Wayne State Uni- hand to hear an evaluation of the on the recently proposed ABM a major debate over defense versity said adding, "we have to ABM system by Dr. Place. "The . The Viet Cong yesterday ad- ABM system Is a crucial point in vanced a 10-polnt peace plan con- system that ended with an estima- spending will eventually lead to a make up our mW«defense wise- ted 35 members of the University series of bills to cut the defense one way or the other." the defense picture, as initiating taining a number of previously such a program would escalate rejected demands but also some the arms race," he said. new elements which allied diplo- "We will build our system, and It mats promised to study carefully. won't work and the Soviets will The plan Included a provision -• build their system and It won't for an Interim coalition govern- I I ■1 work either...and maybe this situ- ment In South Vietnam and de- ation would bring us to the peace mands for the unilateral withdraw- It II table quicker." al of allied troops, both turned Giving a psychologist's view of down previously by the United States the defense situation Shepard and South Vietnam. But the allies Braun, instructor of Philosophy, carefully avoided rejecting the plan I upheld the views of Dr. Place by outright. stating that "such an Institution Spokesmen for both delegations I I as the ABM system would most said the plan would be examined certainly stimulate the arms carefully before a position Is taken. race." U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot According to Braun, by stimula- Lodge avoided a direct reply when » 1 ting the arms race, the cold war newsmen asked for his comment would be stirred up and the end after the meeting. He said the pro- AGAINST THE ABM Dr. Richard Place, from result would be nothing less than posals dealt with political matters on the steps of Williams Hall. Others on the Wayne State University, headed a trio of speak- panel included Shepard Braun and Dr. William another unwanted war. and therefore should be taken up Dr. Reichert, professor of poli- by the Front and the Saigon govern- ers at an ABM discussion yesterday at 4 p.m. 0. Reichert. (Photos by Larry Nighswander) tical science, took a more mili- ment. taristic stand on the proposed sys- One of the main new elements tem by pointing out the "unholy was the packaging of the various alliance that exists between the in- proposals In an Integrated whole. Jerome overrules appeals board dustry and military in the United Another was the spelling out of States today." specific details. According to Dr. Reichert, our The plan, for example, proposed military policies are being shaped that a provisional coalition govern- in Nye - Drumright suspensions by Industrial forces. ment should be set up In Shouth By JAMES MARINO the form of a prepared press re- and clarification of University re- In reference to the mall-ln Dr. Vietnam as soon as peace was es- Ass't. Managing Editor lease from the University News gulations concerning suspensions Reichert said "mailing letters to tablished to arrange for a general Irrespective of their Innocence Service, which Boutelle heads. and dismissals. our representatives about this election. It envisaged eventual rule or guilt, University President Wil- Jerome said, according to the question is like standing on a of Sough Vietnam *>y another co- liam T. Jerome yesterday ruled to release, that the dean of students, Dr. James G. Bond, vice presi- sinking ship but at least we are alition government, pending re-unl- uphold the suspensions of two stu- Raymond C. Whlttaker, has suffi- dent of student affairs, said Pres- voicing our opinion." flcatlon of North and Sough Viet- dents under Indictment by the cient information available to him ident Jerome would have a more The Forum, sponsored Jointly by County Grand Jury for narcotics to suspend the students. detailed statement to make today the Ohio Peace Action Committee violations. He added, "Suspension or dis- concerning the suspensions. and the New Democratic Coali- The President's decision over- missal Is never undertaken light- tion ended with the mall-ln of let- ruled a recommendation by the The President was unavailable ly," according to the release. for comment yesterday. ters In the mall station in Univer- five-member University Appeals Jerome said he met with the sity Hall. Board which voted four to one to Appeals Board, a five-member lift the suspensions of Ronald Nye Student Council committee, and and David Drumright. both Nye and Drumright before "This suspension should remain making his diclslon, the release In force until additional evidence stated. might be presented by these stu- A clarification of University dents of their willingness to ac- rules for suspension was also cept responsibilities In the Uni- called for by President Jerome versity community," President In his statement Jerome said, according to his "The 'best Interests of the Uni- public relations spokesman Clifton versity' is difficult to define," The News looks at Nick Licate P. Boutelle. President Jerome was quoted as Jerome's remarks were made in saying, as he called for a review ...see page 12 Michalski attributes victory to hard work By GLENN WAGGONER among them, Michalski still feels background In the problems of off- Staff Reporter he an! Hi'? new student council will campus housing," Michalski said. "I would attri- be able to launch an effective pro- Also high on the list of priori- bute my victory gram of student government. ties will be problems in the area to al lot of good "The problem with the last coun- of what Michalski terms "the gen- hard-working cil was that they were trying to eral communications gap". "And people who were do too much at one time. When one of the biggest problems in this convinced I would council members are on three or communications gap Is the make a good Stu- four committees at one time, they BG News," Michalski said. dent Body Pres- can't do an effective Job on any," "I don't think coverage of events ident." said Michalski, still bleary-eyed by the News has been adequate," This is how the from Tuesday night victory parties. Michalski stated. "In the editor- new Student Body "I would rather have one working ials, they tell what the problems committee than five paper ones," are, but fall short on providing President, Bob Bob Michalski Michalski, sum- he added. solutions," he continued. med up his hair-breadth triumph Michalski added that student Other remedies for communica- at the polls last Tuesday. "I council must "sell" itself to the tions problems offered by Michalski thought It would be something of students, a Job which he said, the were to have student council rep- a horse-race, but I felt we were last council did not accomplish. resentatives explain bills at hous- moving ahead as the election ap- According to Michalski, the first ing units, and to have housing unit proached, "Michalski said Wednes- area of attack,by the new council governments vote on council bills day. will be off-campus housing prob- to provide an Informal measure of Admittedly surprised at the fail- lems. "In the next month or three student opinion on bills being con- MAIL-IN -Marcantonio Squatrito, a graduate student in sociolo- ure of his three running mates to weeks, I would like to give the per- sidered by council.