Vol. 22 No. 11 June 28, 2012 www.opunakecoastalnews.co.nz

Published every Thursday Fortnight Phone and Fax 761-7016 A/H 761-8206 for Advertising and Editorial ISSN 1171-0624

Inside... Latest All Black at ease in new role Beauden from us. the Olex Sevens team who very pleased to have played When Taranaki’s outstand- won the Gold Coast Inter- a part in his development as a ing player came onto the national Sevens tournament. player. Taranaki has produce field off the bench during He was selected straight from many outstanding rugby the third test against Ireland, this provincial team into the players and with continued he looked so assured and New Zealand Sevens team community support and the An update on Every- smoothly became part of the (now All Blacks Sevens). continued development of body’s Theatre - page 3 All Black onslaught. One Being part of the Academy the Olex Taranaki Academy could have been mistaken meant Beauden played his we will produce many more. for thinking he’s been an All club rugby for Coastal. This Beauden is a fantastic role Black for some time – not in game time allowed Tender- model to all young rugby his fi rst test! He also made Link Taranaki coach Colin players. an impact with the boot, Cooper the opportunity to see We wish him every success contributing to the All Blacks Beauden and he was selected in his journey and look for- score with a penalty and into the TenderLink Taranaki ward to seeing him in amber three conversions (9 points in squad in 2010. and black this year. all). Here is a bit about him, He is everything that we look compliments of Taranaki for when selecting players to Rugby. join the Olex Academy. He Obituary - Doug Cox- Beauden entered the Ta- has an incredible work ethic, head - see page 5 ranaki Rugby environment he’s coachable, has great straight out of school. He character, he’s resilient, self- was one of our fi rst recruits in reliant and a real team player. the Olex Taranaki Academy. He has everything it takes to The Olex Academy enabled be an outstanding athlete. He Beauden to stay in Taranaki also has an exceptional level and play his rugby – without of support from his family. it he would have left to play We are very proud of Be- Taranaki’s Beauden Barrett, who won his fi rst cap for elsewhere as he pursued his auden and we are pleased to the All Blacks against the Irish team recently. Beauden in action. studies. He was selected in see him excelling. We are “To succeed you’ve got to have a dream” Neil Pennington - see page 9 Dale Copeland honoured for services to art In this year’s Queen’s with her partner award-win- has just taken part in 6PLY Birthday honours Taranaki ning artist Paul Hutchinson. a exhibition artist Dale Copeland was The house is the original with fi ve other artists. She made a Member of the New school house for the old has also exhibited overseas Zealand Order of Merit Puniho Native School. The frequently; she took the work (MNZM) for her services house is dominated by books of twenty one Taranaki art- to art. A modest woman, and art treasures in equal ists with her to show in the Dale commented, “It was measure. Lincoln Centre in New York. partly embarrassing – also Dale’s greatest love in art She has also done much Customers enjoy the (left me) full of guilt being is assemblage and the objects to encourage art in Taranaki RD1 reopening night- honoured for something I do, she uses are very diverse. and was the founder of the see pages 12 & 13 and love”. She showed me one which Real Tart Gallery and runs Dale lives in a century-old included the foetus of a pos- the Virtual Tart website. house near Okato township sum. “I have such fun with Dale is a trained teacher it”, she comments. One work – her specialty is maths and Dale Copeland MNZM, with two assemblage creations. she showed me was called this also a hobby of hers. She is Sabum”, which is a Korean ‘No Matter How You Mea- currently tutors secondary anyone can give them. They FOUR SQUARE 45 term for a senior black belt. sure – Extinction is Forever’. students in this subject. deserve stupendous support”. She holds a 4th Dan Belt and Dale is well known for her Another great love is Tae- All You Need trains three times a week. work with other artists. She kwon-do. “My proudest title Finally, she concludes, “I She is a great enthusiast for think I’m the luckiest person Hellers Taranaki art. “Taranaki has in the universe because I love NEW COASTAL#OMPUTERS¬¬s¬¬,APTOPS¬¬s¬¬0ARTS¬¬s¬¬!CCESSORIES¬¬s¬¬3OFTWAREsome superb artists and they what I do”. 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RemovalOr Email:Saturday fi[email protected] & 9am Upgrades to | 1pmwww.matts.co.nz MACHINERY ENQUIRIES 4580350AA 57 Victoria Street, Hawera Phone today on Open everyday 7:30 – 8pm Or Email: fi[email protected] | www.matts.co.nz 4580350AA Ph: Today on 06 278302057 Victoria or Street, 0274 Hawera 219 113 77 Tasman Street, Opunake Ph 06 761 8668 06 2783020 or 0274 219 113 146 GILL ST, Open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm Saturday 9am to 1pm Open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm Big enough to be competitive, small enough to care NEW PLYMOUTH Saturday 9am to 1pm FARM MACHINERY CENTRE Or Email: [email protected] | www.matts.co.nz PH (06) 757 5582 57 Victoria Street, Hawera Or Email: fi[email protected] | www.matts.co.nz 4580350AA 57 Victoria Street, Hawera See us online at www.opunakecoastalnews.co.nz For advertising or editorial please phone/fax (06) 761-7016 2 NEWS AND VIEWS Thursday, June 28, 2012 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS EDITORIAL Car crushing - a tasteless display

Many people, no doubt, his licence for 21 months about four years now. will be turned off at the and a fi ne would also have Professor Greg Newbold, sight of the Hon Anne Tolley been appropriate. But this the Canterbury University (Minister of Police) standing wasteful exercise, with its criminology lecturer has a triumphant on the fl attened element of grandstanding, point when he described the remains of Daniel Briant’s will probably have the op- car crushing as a vindictive, Nissan Laurel car – valued at posite effect – the would-be petty and undignifi ed way of about $9,000. What a waste boy racers will respond by dealing with the boy racer of an asset which could have being even more defi ant. We problem. gone to a needy organisa- can now expect more of this The spectacle of the trium- tion, intact or its equivalent dangerous activity. phant Minister - seemingly value after sale. One charity There have been many gloating on the top of what which could have benefi ted prosecutions for boy racing, was left of the car - was is the Women’s Refuge Cen- but this is the fi rst crushing, nauseating. Let’s hope this tre, an organization whose as far as we know. I imagine is the last photograph of government funding has that Daniel will feel singled this nature we see, as wiser been recently cut. out for this unfortunate spec- heads at the Cabinet table Of course the nineteen- tacle under the Sentencing prevail – and the practice e Hon Anne Tolley and the  attened car. year-old driver should have (Vehicle Confi scation) Act, is halted. We are grateful for e Dominion Post allowing us to reproduce their photograph. been prosecuted. He has lost which has been around for Letters to the Editor Dog impounded -The STDC responds Thank you Dear Editor in a threatening manner. were originally ten puppies Dear Editor: I am writing in response to By law, a pit-bull must be in the litter, six of whom an article in this paper’s last classifi ed as a Menacing died before the mother was My wife, Terri, and I wanted edition about the condition Dog (under the Dog Control impounded. to express our appreciation of a pit-bull held in the Act) and should not be off to the neighbours, friends, pound for 17 days, and its own property unleashed The Council has a zero co-workers, and patients express my disappointment or unmuzzled. All menacing tolerance approach when who have made our stay in with the reporter’s failure dogs must also be desexed dealing with menacing dogs New Zealand such a special to investigate and report – which this dog obviously which we make no apology experience. a balanced story to your wasn’t. for. As a result, there has Readers. been a massive 40% drop We return to the US with The accusation in the article in dog attacks/incidents in stories of unique adventures To put the record straight: that dogs in the Pound are South Taranaki over the and experiences in this Our After Hours Animal not well cared for is also last two years. Owners of beautiful country. Control Service attended wrong. All impounded dogs aggressive dogs or dogs the property at 4am after are well fed and exercised declared ‘menacing’ can It is my greatest desire At last an ArchitectCUSTOMER designed:CENTRAL ALUMINIUM we received PROOFa callTIME from31/05/2011 a daily.11:31:49 Oura.m. Pound site is also expect attention from the that Opunake soon gets its new clinic and a young REP ID: C105 neighbour complainingLAST RUN: 06/02/11 that shared with the SPCA. Council. Our community home on your site for $550K* the pit-bull in question had 8168458AA enthusiastic New Zealand SIZE: 15X4 has strongly signaled to the come onto their property This particular dog was Council that they do not physician to become a Total cost Move in! and was harassing their dog in average condition when want to tolerate the effects long term member of the CUSTOMER:CENTRALwhichALUMINIUM was tied up. (WePROOF doTIME 31/05/2011it entered11:31:49 a.m.the pound and of such dogs in our district. community. O REP ID: C105not generally make houseLAST RUN: 06/02/11most feeding mothers lose8168458AA calls at 4am just becauseSIZE: we 15X4some condition as they feed I trust next time the reporter This is a special place and feel like it) their pups. The dog and her will get both sides of the we felt honoured to have litter were in the pound for story before publishing. been so accepted and were Why settle for brick & tile? The article also failed to 17 days before the owner, humbled by the graciousness mention that Missy, the of our adopted town. Saunders Architects Tel 06 759 7430 CUSTOMER:CENTRAL ALUMINIUM PROOF TIME who31/05/2011 knew11:31:49 wherea.m. they were, “sweet natured” two year old REP ID: C105 LAST RUN: claimed06/02/11 them. Most owners 8168458AA Mike Hudson, MD *Other Packages from $350,000 pit-bull that had never beenSIZE: uplift15X4 their dogs from the Jim Single, registered, was roaming the Pound after only a few days. Opunake Medical Centre streets, going onto other The pit-bull owner also STDC Regulatory properties and was acting explained to us that there Services Manager SIMPLSIMPLY Y Send your your views to “Letters to the Editor” Registered offi ce: 23 Napier Street, Opunake SUPERIORSUPERIOR PO Box 74, Opunake 23 Napier Street, Opunake.

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PLEASE READ ALL COPY CAREFULLY. CHECK SPELLING AND PHONE NUMBERS. PROOF Once proof is approved APN Newspapers will not accept responsibility for incorrect copy or layout. OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Thursday, June 28, 2012 NEWS 3

Letters to the Editor cont. equipment, taking up small Solid Energy plans for developing Coal Seam Gas areas of land measuring about 8 metres by 6 metres, Written in response to the article “Coal seam, gas nightmare” which appeared in the June 14 issue of the Opunake & Coastal News. surrounded by pastureland with stock grazing right up The potential benefi ts from tion plant in Huntly that we innovative technical solu- to the fence line, as pictured coal seam gas (CSG) de- can construct and operate a tions through the appraisal here at our Huntly demon- velopment in the Taranaki CSG plant producing high phase. stration plant. could be signifi cant, writes quality gas, and generating Once potential locations There will be no compari- Solid Energy’s General electricity from it. This has and the appropriate tech- son with the experience of a Manager Gas Develop- been achieved over the last nologies have been deter- small number of Australian ments, Dr Steve Pearce, few years, meeting our own mined we will formally land holders involved with but allegations being made very high environmental engage with landowners, CSG extraction from their Solid Energy Project Manager CSG, Mark Westbury, standards and by integrating properties and how we de- about the social and envi- neighbours and the wider carries out one of the daily routine checks of the fl are at ronmental impacts of the the plant into some of New community before apply- velop our plans in Taranaki. the demonstration coal seam gas plant in Huntly, Wai- company’s plans are alarm- Zealand’s most productive ing for resource consents. The geology and the geogra- kato. ist scaremongering. farmland. Each potential location we phy are vastly different and Solid Energy’s coal seam Solid Energy is still in the identify will have differ- it is likely that the technolo- Designer Perfumes gas resources in Taranaki early stages of developing ent challenges and would gies used will also be differ- equate to around 900 peta- our work programme in need appropriate controls in ent. But more importantly, We Now Stock joules, enough to power a Taranaki. The initial aim place. From an environmen- it is because Solid Energy Jovan Original Musk combined cycle gas turbine will be to rank the best lo- tal perspective, the resource starts from the position that For Jovan Black Musk like the 400MW generation cations to develop for pilot- consent process ensures this we have to minimise our Men David Beckham unit at the Huntly Power scale extraction trials. The happens. environmental impacts and Station for 45 years. gas resource sits in multiple A typical CSG produc- meet stakeholder expecta- Plus alternatives to: Solid Energy has already thin coal seams in Taranaki, tion well site is very unob- tions in the way we carry D & G The One proven at our demonstra- so we will likely trial some trusive, with little surface out our business. Armani Code Cool Water Everybody’s Theatre News Update Boss Element Kate Moss support or simply fi ll in our For Jovan White Musk form provided today, which Jovan Original Musk states that you agree with or Women Playboy disagree with the upgrade J.LO Glow for the theatre. So get writ- Christina Aguilera ing and drop them off at Beyonce Opunake Post and Lotto or Heidi Klum mail to Debbie Campbell, If you would like to see other brands in store 4 Napier Street, Opunake - come in & let us know and we will try and get it in. or email: northmeetswest@ Manaia Pharmacy Opunake Medicines, Health xtra.co.nz 47 Main St, Manaia & Beauty Centre Ph: 0800-367-232 38 Tasman St, Opunake Debbie Campbell Phone 761-8144 Everybody’s Theatre Chair- person

Everybody’s Theatre closed.

We have had it suggested wired permanently in place. important to us as it give us  a number of times that we This equipment is large and direction and further ideas should just use Sandfords would be in the way for other for the survival of the the- Everybodys Theatre Event Centre to show mov- uses in the centre. The screen atre. We need to know them. ies. We would like to explain for showing a movie needs to It maybe you wish to see a Upgrade Opinion Form why this isn’t possible. First- be of a certain standard and is new auditorium instead of ly, it is illegal to hire a movie expensive. Secondly, to hold an upgrade or just stick to the  from a hire centre and sell movie nights would interfere upgrade plans but your input Please cut out and send it back to us. tickets to the public to watch with dinner and bar bookings is vital to us at this stage. To the movie. If we wanted to and the restaurant would help with funding through Drop off at Opunake Post and Lotto or hire our movies from dis- miss out on income for the the council’s long term plan mail to D Campbell 4 Napier St Opunake tributors like we have done sake of a few movie goers. It or other funding agencies we in the past we would need to may not be suitable to have need to prove that our com- Or email [email protected] run them by way of two op- children attending movies in munity supports this project. tions: move our present two a bar/drinking environment Thanks to everyone who projectors, power supply and if there were other functions has already donated and amplifi er down to Sandfords being held at the same time. written letters of support .We Letters of Support where they would need to be Your support and views are ask that you write letters of

I/we ……………………………………  .support/ do not support the upgrade of Everybody’s Theatre so that it can be used by the community as a multi func- tional facility.

Signed …………………………………

Date……………………………… 

a 3URRÀQJ)RUP 4 NEWS Thursday, June 28, 2012 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS COUNCILLORS COMMENT kitchens I am constantly in awe of ‘asking seat.’ How does one the total handle on what’s pest-free sanctuary around the rural towns and com- judge that a certain pro- happening in Pungarehu Lake Rotokare near Eltham, from humble to stunning munities in our district. ject deserves more support and up in Eltham. Only you, also put their signi cant *RRG0RUQLQJ.DU\Q  ey are full of focussed, (money) than the other? the people who live, love, application ($600k over 10 years) out to the community 7KDQN\RXIRU\RXURUGHUWKURXJK3ULQWLQJFRP cookware committed go-getters who Who is really able to elevate work and play in those areas believe in their community one group’s value to a com- can tell us what you want for for feedback. e result? An avalanche of $WWDFKHGLV\RXUDUWZRUNSURRIDQGRUGHUIRUP7RFRPSOHWHRXURUGHUSURFHVVZHUHTXHVWERWKWKLVSURRIIRUPDQG\RXURUGHUIRUPDUHFRPSOHWHGand work their butts o to munity above another group your communities for the make things happen. ey in another community – or years to come. support that made up more VLJQHGDQGUHWXUQHG work long hard hours on across the whole district? is year, based on cases than 60% of the submis- a voluntary basis to create What really makes a di er- made to us, the Council de- sions to the Long Term Plan :HZRUNKDUGWRHQVXUHWKDWDUWZRUNSURRIVDUHFRUUHFWEXWPLVWDNHVFDQKDSSHQVRSOHDVHWDNHWKHWLPHWRFDUHIXOO\FKHFNDOO\RXULQIRUPDWLRQ gallery & factory and maintain facilities for all ence and who bene ts most cided to up the level of sup- - that’s more than 500 of LVFRUUHFW7KHEHORZSURRIIRUPKDVER[HVWRWLFNWRFRQILUP\RX·YHPDGHWKHVHFKHFNV3OHDVHQRWHHUURUVIRXQGDIWHU\RXUDSSURYDOZLOOEH\RXUages and to encourage par- - a speci c user group, a port for the Sandfords Event the 800 submissions we re- UHVSRQVLELOLW\2XUIDVWWXUQDURXQGWLPHVPHDQHYHQLI\RXQRWLFHDQHUURUWRPRUURZ\RXURUGHUPD\DOUHDG\EHLQWRSURGXFWLRQ168 waihi road  ticipation in a diverse range particular township or the Centre from $25k to $40k ceived. at’s ‘a heck of a lot hawera 4610 of activities. at per year for the next three of reading’ for councillors

&RORXUFDQDOWHUIURPSUHYLRXVSULQWMREVVOLJKWO\GXHWRGLIIHUHQWEDWFKHVRISDSHUVWRFNKXPLGLW\DQGWHPSHUDWXUHDWWKHWLPHRISULQW&RORXUgiftware p - 06 278 4280 Without these people the large? years and is also supporting - but the message was clear e - [email protected] YDULDWLRQLVLQKHUHQWLQWKHSULQWLQJSURFHVV2XUDUWZRUNSURRIVDUHQRWFRORXUDFFXUDWH,I\RXKDYHFRQFHUQVSOHDVHOHWXVNQRZSULRUWRSULQWfabric and  bre of our ru- Despite what some people the iconic Taranaki National and is one we listened to. ral communities would be may think, the co ers at Art Awards for the amount e same process has been ]RWOb`g munities they serve. able to claim to have the full Cinema2. is year the Ro- allocating – then who are we to argue? 5DFKDHO6PLWK It’s a really di erent expe- picture of what the Waito- tokare Scenic Reserve Trust, rience, being in the ‘decid- tara community considers a the group that created and Bonita Bigham *UDSKLF'HVLJQHU ing seat’ as opposed to the priority and conversely have manages the inland island red Podiatrist is K iste ava )RUIDVWHUVHUYLFHNHHSDKROG ar reg ila yn Lehrke neral footcare bl ll ge e RIWKHVHUHIHUHQFHV for a Polar swimmers

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Ph: 06 752 1019 Mob: 027 335 5827 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 7KLVLVDVPDOOVDPSOHRIWKHSURRI Above. A few brave souls entered the Opunake Polar Bear Swim on Sunday, which is a fundraiser for the Opunake For all your agricultural machinery Surf Lifesaving Club ( e Oaonui Hall committee mem- IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR PROOF: bers).Top Right Olivia Anderson (right) and Jesse Nichol- 7KLVLVDORZFRVWSURRIZKLFKLVQRWFRORXUDFFXUDWHDQGVKRXOGEHXVHGDVDJXLGHRQO\,IFRORXUPDWFKLQJLVUHTXLUHGSOHDVHVSHDNWR\RXU$FFRXQW0DQDJHUand parts son as Siamese twins. Bottom Right Seal killer Andrew Pentelow.

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6,*1+(5( 7KHQVLJQ\RXURUGHUIRUP Waiwakaiho 3)WRSULQW$9LYLDQ6WUHHW32%R[1HZ3O\PRXWK(UDFKDHOVPLWK#SULQWLQJFRP0272 932ZZZQ]SULQWLQJFRP 356 06 759 8432 Call: 06 761 8445 or 0274 845 138 www.agtraction.co.nz OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Thursday, June 28, 2012 NEWS 5 A daughter’s tribute – Doug Coxhead (4th June 1928- 24th May 2012) Dad was always ties - Te Kiri and Opunake. for the stone walls, put up way you can”. you farewell in your own ready to go and al- He worked hard on the Christmas trees in the main So, Dad, you’ve been a words, “Goodneet, and ways ready to do. Cold Creek Water scheme. street, led the Christmas safe pair of hands, a driv- good gardening to you all”. Dad’s ‘doing’ is all He was a main driver for Parade, and fitted many ing force of good for many, around us. There’s the Opunake Cottage Rest more things into his near- and a source of inspira- Averil Coxhead scarcely a piece Home and worked on home ly 84 years to support his tion and wonder. We bid of Opunake that and school committees and community and look after he hasn’t thought was a stalwart of Lions. his patch of the universe. Meads Motorcycle Repairs about, dug over, He literally gave his shoul- He’d like us to keep on planted, concreted, der to the church, when he doing. He’d like to know 9 Main South Road Manaia painted, or con- fell off the roof during a that we looked forward Ph 06 274 8216 Mobile 027 2104673 tributed to in some painting bee. He dropped to the future. He’d like to way. Mum and Dad and rolled, and picked his know that we will continue were both doers. brush up straight away to to love, laugh, and live life They were a unit keep painting. One thing without him as we did with that worked and I can guarantee is that we him. He’d like the stories walked together. don’t know the half of to grow mercilessly long- Dad wanted his what Dad’s done, and for er, funnier and slightly less Above: Doug Coxhead own hockey team of whom. connected to reality. For all Your Farm Bike Needs Douglas Ivor Coxhead, has kids - a team of ‘doers’. He Think of him and work- A year ago I ended Mum’s died. As Dad would say, got seven of his own, but ing bees every time you eulogy by saying, “It was. “He’s never done that be- his team soon grew to the take a walk around the It will never be again. Re- Sylvia Huitson (Masters Ed, BA Psych CertCouns MNZAC) fore and he’ll never do that size of an entire tourna- lake, wander along the new member”. For Dad, I’d like again”. But there was a lot ment. Dad worked for the path along the cliff tops, or to say, “It was. It never of doing and caring ‘in be- basic things in our lives go to the lookout over the will be again. Remember. South Taranaki Active tween’. and of his two communi- sea. He’s carted stones And be a doer in whatever Counselling in Intentions in New Hawera Plymouth Fleur Beale’s writing workshop very informative Ph: 06 278 8288 Ph: 06 751 1483 She mentioned several rhythm of the writing, and writers she felt were out- unfortunate sentences, could Ph: 027 6000 302 standing, such as Margaret be discerned in this way. Mahy, Sherryl Jordan, Mau- Beginnings were impor- rice Gee, and David Hill, but tant, but she admitted, “I find urged, “It’s good to develop starting short stories very your own voice and style”. difficult”. She suggested, One of the writers who just get started. “Don’t angst inspired her was her own about getting it perfect”. She mother Estelle Corney, who added, “Often we have to had written stories and plays. write our way into a story”. Estelle was just starting to She also explained, “Your get work published when she beginning doesn’t have to be became ill. exciting - it just has to pose Fleur thought it important to a question” and also allow a Award-winning writer Fleur Beale speaking at a recent share a story with someone positive response to the ques- writer’s workshop in Hawera. A number of writing en- Mahy Medal for her out- thusiasts turned up to the standing contribution to NZ workshop held on Saturday writing for children and June 23, conducted by multi- young adults. award winning writer Fleur The three hour session was Beale. She is the judge for as intense as it was worth- the 2012 Ronald Hugh Mor- while. Fleur spoke freely rieson Literary Awards and of her own experiences as e writers workshop, which is part of the Ronald Hugh this workshop is one event to a writer, set several writing mark the 25th anniversary exercises and gave construc- Morrieson Literary Award’s 25th anniversary celebrations. of this award. tive feedback. She also made Participants listen to writer Fleur Beale. OPUNAKE & COASTALFleur Beale was born in many suggestions as to what trusted, but not someone tion “do we (the reader) want 2000 Inglewood and has worked to do and not to do when who will be overly negative. to keep on reading”. as a secondary school teach- writing short stories. For ex- “Share your story with some- Toyota Hilux er. ShePh/Fax currently (06) lives 761-7016 in ample, she argued against the one you respect”. This workshop was excel- NEWSWellington. Her 30 plus use of too many adjectives Reading aloud was im- lent and the participants will books – published in NZ, - and adverbs (“Too many portant and revealed more have gained greatly from the TO: Grant @ Taranaki Pet Foods LtdUSA, Australia and the UK are toxic”) she felt should than a silent reading on the experience. $8,000 - are mostly for children and be used even more sparingly. computer or hard copy. The Hi, your advert for your approval - nextyoung issue adults. is May 7. Given the vagaries of pub- She has won many awards, lishing she has one piece of Introducing such as the Esther Glen advice, “Get a good day job”. I’ve scanned the sticker Award – twice - for ‘I Am She had a word of warning. Theresa Coates Not Esther’ and ‘Slide the “Be very careful because if Theresa has been with us for five as requested and put Corner’. This year she won it (writing) gets you by the years and specialises in travel to the it into a 2 column advert. the Storylines Margaret throat, it won’t let you go”. Philippines and other Asian Countries. Ph (06) 758 6119 New Plymouth - Extra Cab Is that okay? FREEPHONE 0800 730 830 Canopy email: [email protected] - 5 Speed Please let me know Departure for Manual Tuesday please. Christmas to the Phillipines Dec 7th or 14th DON OAKES MOTORS Kind regards Special Deals Broadway, Stratford Carol Hours: 9am till 5.30pm Mon-Fri & Sat 10am till 1.00pm Phone & After hours (06) 765 4383

Please check proof with care then fax back by ASAP BY TUESDAY. OK. ALTER. PLEASE SHOW ALTERATIONS NEEDED. Client please sign below: Signature: ______Position: ______6 COASTAL COPS Thursday, June 28, 2012 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Petrol prices may be going would come in and take Coastal down however we have anything. Unfortunately two recent reported cases these days have gone and Okato Opunake of petrol the s from rural any opportunity given will Hello everyone. Cops addresses. One was on the be taken. Residents in both Parihaka Road and the urban and rural locations Sorry I have not put in an other on the Wiremu road need to make every e ort to article in for a while. You and in both incidents a large secure their premises when could read two things into SLINKY CALVES quantity of petrol was taken. they are absent from it. Rural that; either I have been JEFF WILLS It appears that o enders residences in particular are too busy or there has been are targeting locations that prime targets and it would nothing happening for me Phone or TEXT DAIRY NUMBER TO Rich Corry are some distance from appear the occupants of to complain about. 027 575 4362 OR (06) 758 0041 any dwelling and this gives these are generally the Well things around the them ample opportunity to worst for locking anything Coast have been pretty the buildings and that BETWEEN AUROA & OMATA siphon the petrol o with up. Just because you live in good to be fair; I have Also carrying Captive Bolt Gun any damage will not be out interruption. We believe a rural location does not however attended the odd tolerated by us. ‘FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE” that the o enders are local make you immune from vehicle accident and am On the traffic side of and know the area well. It o enders.  e most recent already dealing with some things it amuses me that is more than likely the will serious burglary where a of the farm employees I still hear the odd person be using a Ute or towing large quantity of items were who are new to the area. complain about getting a trailer as the quantity of taken was committed by I know as an employee caught crossing the centre fuel taken would require big an o ender who resided it is a challenging time line on the stretch of State drums for storage. in Stratford. He had no employing new staff, but Highway 45 between Please check the location of links or connections to our I can't stress enough how Upper Timaru and Upper your tanks and the security area and was speci cally important it is to complete Pitone Rds. One easy way you have in place. If there here to commit an o ence. the relevant checks on to insure that you do not is a problem please do Seriously consider security any new staff - especially get a ticket there is don't something to eliminate it. systems that can be installed if they are coming form cross the centre line, easy. With the onset of the wet these days at a competitive outside of the district. weather we are seeing an and a ordable price. In fact On that note don't forget Anyway enough of the increased amount of mud the cost of the system may be if you have changed business side of things. being dragged on to the less than that of the damage addresses lately and have What a great sight it was roads, particularly in rural caused by those entering, let a firearms licence you in the weekend to see farming areas. Common alone the property that is have to inform police Beauden get his chance in sense would tell you that taken. and we will complete a the Black jersey. It also this mud is a danger to Finally we always welcome security check. Now, this was very pleasing to see tra c particularly if it information from the public needs to be done if you the Coastal A's dispatch is in a large volume and in regards to information FOR ALL YOUR FENCING REQUIREMENTS: have a firearms licence, New Plymouth Old Boys certainly if it becomes wet you can provide that helps you don't have to have any at Rahotu in the weekend, Agricultural & Electric, Fencing & Shelter Belts, with rain.  e onus is on us and the community. Stockyards, Retaining Walls, Residential, firearms at the address. which must put them in those responsible to ensure If you do not want to I have had a small amount 180 Rev. Post Rammer. a pretty good position to that this is removed and not talk to us direct then call of damage occurring at Member FCANZ secure a home semi final. for us to deal with at a Press Ads later4274 LT-F300F Special Off er Dealer Press March 2012 Crimestoppers on 0800 the old Okato School. If Anyway must go. Take

Ph Steven on (06) 764-5393 or 021 298 5106 time. 555 111 or if you wish to you see anyone over there care out there and be safe. We all wish we lived in do it online at http://www. pop in and let them know a perfect world where crimestoppers-nz.org. that, as a community, Rich we could leave our doors we are all looking after unlocked and no one Mark, Nigel and Ricky LIMITED LIMITED Martha has Elvis fl oored! Martha Nuku from the cups, DVDs, CDs and post- Opunake IHC with the rug ers” all of Elvis. OFFER OFFER she made bearing the image She’s also a Member of of Elvis Presley. the Elvis Presley Fan Club In answer to the perhaps which is based in . unnecessary question, was Every three months she gets she a fan, Martha com- sent a magazine of Elvis, mented: “I’ve got badges, she said. LT-F300F JUST LT-F300F JUST books, trinkets of Elvis, The King lives on! $ $ 9,500 INCL. GST 9,500 INCL. GST KingQuad 300 4x4 manual KingQuad 300 4x4 manual OPUNAKE • 3-speed sub-transmission – 15 forward gears • 3-speed sub-transmission – 15 forward gears For all general electrical • Selectable 2WD/4WD • Selectable 2WD/4WD • Front disc brakes • Front disc brakes and wiring work. • Front diff -lock in super-low ratio • Front diff -lock in super-low ratio Domestic and farm maintenance, • Independent front & rear suspension • Independent front & rear suspension • 24 month/15,000km warranty • 24 month/15,000km warranty new houses and cowsheds. Hurry, there are only 100 available Hurry, there are only 100 available nationwide at this price. See us now to nationwide at this price. See us now to Ph Craig on 027 207 7775 secure one for your farm. secure one for your farm. TRICK OR TREAT GIFTS Impress your loved one with that special gift. Teddies, Helium Balloons, Novelty Chocolates and Treats. Special off er only while current Special off er only while current stocks last and not available in stocks last and not available in R18 Products Available. conjunction with any other off ers. conjunction with any other off ers. Ground floor, Centre City PH (06) 759 4249 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Thursday, June 28, 2012 NEWS 7 Health facility to Poor dental hygiene unsexy "It's unsexy to have poor form the age of 0 to 18 years. dental therapist. dental hygiene," said Lois The dental therapist com- "It doesn't occur natu- have pharmacy Harrop, one of the mented that half of school rally," she said of fluorine speakers at a special assem- students took advantage of adding that unfortunately bly at Opunake High School the mobile dentistry service, a it was the lower socioeco- who followed the new CO quarter "don't want to know" nomic group who were at of the Taranaki Rugby Foot- and the remaining quarter go higher risk of dental decay ball Union. Echoing the to their own dentist. and most benefited from theme of his talk the dental They can also provide cus- adding fluorine to the wa- therapist also linked good tom made mouthguards for ter supply. She added that dental hygiene to success. the nominal price of $30. fluorine was present in very "Success is linked to teeth," Speaking prior to the as- small amounts, one ppm she added. sembly on the fluoridation of (part per million). Ninety percent of dental water which the New Plym- She added "I don't think decay is preventable the outh District Council has con- the council should make Dental Therapist with the troversially recently voted to that decision. I think it Mobile Dental Service told discontinue, Lois said though should be a central Gov- the students. fluoridated toothpaste "had ernment decision by the "You must start taking re- changed the face of dentist- Health Department or the sponsibility for yourself", ry", a little under 50 percent District Health Board." she advised adding that ten of people don't clean their The Stratford District percent of students did not teeth once a day hence the Council has recently decid- keep their appointments. need for fluoridating the wa- ed to continue to fluoridate The Mobile Dental Service ter. Her opinion was based on water in their area. is available to all children her 30 years experience as a

TO ADVERTISE Above; Oakura Pharmacy’s Jin Kim addressing the last meeting of the Coastal Care PH (06) 761-7016 Committee expressing an interest in running the pharmacy. or email us on [email protected] Addressing the last meeting would staff the pharmacy owns the Manaia Pharmacy the new health centre and of the Coastal Care Com- he said. He said his friend, and Opunake Medicines. how it would be staffed. mittee, Oakura Pharmacist if involved, would commute Ben has also expressed in- The rent of the pharmacy Jin Kim expressed interest from New Plymouth while terest in running a pharmacy would be based on commer- in running the pharmacy Jin would continue to run attached to the new health cial rents, he added. which will be attached to the Oakura Pharmacy. facility. Jin made the point that the the new Health facility be- Originally from Korea, Jin Dan Holmes, President of pharmacist was often the ing proposed for Opunake. who spoke about the impor- the Coastal Care Trust, com- intermediary between the Jin recently bought the tance of the relationship be- mented that the proposed doctors and the patient. Oakura Pharmacy which tween the pharmacist, doc- new health centre, which “Communication is very he has been managing since tors and nurses remarked is expected to service the important,” he said adding 2009. His wife is also a that he had been approached 4,200 people in the area, has that in new measures the pharmacist. He has a close in the past to open a phar- “got to have a pharmacy on “intervention” role of the friend, also a pharmacist macy in Opunake. Though the premises.” pharmacist was to increase. “very keen to come into Opunake no longer has a Steve Corkill commented Coastal Care trust member BROPHY BUILDERS partnership” who accompa- resident pharmacist, a dis- that the Trust was still three Lynda Corkill said at the nied him to the meeting. Be- pensing service is currently months away from making meeting they wanted to start For new homes, roofing, tween the three of them they provided by Ben Araba who really firm decisions about building early next year. “It’s really good that alterations, kitchens, decks you’ve come along,” she and all farm buildings. remarked to the two phar- macists at the meeting who For all your building requirements phone Phil were shown a concept plan 6190 South Road, RD 35, Pungarehu of the new facility which in- cluded the area allocated to 027 236 7129 or (06) 763-8777 a/h the pharmacy. This meeting with the two pharmacists ended with Ste- RENTAL VEHICLES ve Corkill emphasising that the Trust needed to know • CHARTER what the pharmacist wanted • CARS • VANS in the new health facility. BUSES For advertising phone • VANS (06) 761 7016 IHAIA • TOUR BUSES MOTORS ALUMINIUM SCAFFOLDING for A GRADE REPAIRS FOR HIRE $35 per day, $50 weekend. • Tyres • Batteries More than 6 days $30 per day. Above: Tom Chapman President of the now defunct Club Hotel’s Social Club (right) • Lubes • W.O.F WATERBLASTER FOR HIRE and Mike Williams (centre) - also from the Club - with a cheque for Dan Holmes, • Panel beating • Painting President of the Coastal Care Trust. Petrol 3000 psi 15L/minC • Farm Bikes • LPG Tom said a decision was made to wind up the social club which started 25 years ago. Cost: Half day $90, Full day $120, Weekend In accepting the cheque Dan commented that it was great the way everyone’s got in • All mechanical repairs $130. Friday after 3pm return Monday 9am. behind the proposed new health facility. “The support has been absolutely fantastic.” • Insurance work Bond for waterblaster and scaffolding $50. Money raised from the community for the new health centre in Opunake including • Radar Detectors For more information contact Tracey or Christine at pledges currently stands at $437,000. Dan added that they had over 428 letters of support for the proposed health centre. AT COMPETITIVE Tom said hopefully the residue of funds from the social club, which they had also di- PRICES. PICKERING MOTORS vided between the Opunake Fire Service and the Ambulance Service, would benefit the Tasman St, Opunake 11 TENNYSON ST OPUNAKE PH (06) 761-8363 local community. Ph (06) 761-8502 0800 22 11 20 Email: [email protected] 8 FROM THE BEEHIVE Thursday, June 28, 2012 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Performance pay usually the mark of failure mark of failed management. signed by the workforce and The absence of cognitive Some types of payment was agreed between manage- problems. that might be described as ment and workers. Secondly, A serious performance pay Licenced Scrap Metal Buyer performance pay, like com- it related only to things in system for teachers would Member of the Scrap Metal Association missions on sales, are valid the control of the workforce. have to exclude the impact WE BUY - UNWANTED CARS forms of remuneration. They Thirdly, it was not dependent of all these things. Then reflect skill and effort to on company profitability. you’re left with rewarding a • $140 for complete car picked up close a sale, the very thing Finally, it was not used as a teacher for being in class and $ • 180 if delivered to the yard. you want of salespeople. But substitute for negotiated cost preparing decent lessons. But - Roofing Iron for complex roles like teach- of living adjustments. that’s what they’re meant to - Steel ers, police officers and even The scheme worked be- do anyway. And if they’re ANY NON FEROUS SCRAP, ie copper, ACC staff, there is no case cause it incentivised the not, then it’s not performance brass, lead, s/steel, alloy cans, etc. for performance pay. right things. So, for example pay that is necessary, it’s Andrew Little, List MP In my nearly 20 years of it didn’t reward minimising performance management. being either a union lawyer lost time injuries because that Likewise with police. What We accept, FREE OF CHARGE, all whitewear, or union secretary, I dealt would just see injuries swept is it that would be rewarded computers, TV & home appliances. Performance pay seems to with dozens of proposals under the carpet and would and incentivised in a job be all the rage in the public for performance pay. Most defeat good health and safety that is different every day, CALL ERIC or service. were more about manage- management. subject to superior orders IAN ON This government wants ment control rather than For teachers, what is it that and includes challenges that teachers to have it. They’re superior performance. Only would be rewarded? There are probably immeasurable? 027 237 8003 proposing police officers one succeeded. It was in a are so many factors bearing Getting good performance or depo (06) should get it. Apparently, it’s manufacturing company and upon the successful educa- from our public services already been introduced for 2 Pinney Drive, Eltham applied to plant operators and tion of a pupil and very few won’t be achieved with pho- 764-8303 some ACC staff. maintenance staff. It started of them are in the control ny pay mechanisms. They I think performance pay in the 1990s and is still in of the teacher. Attitudes to need good leadership and for most jobs is just another operation today. learning at home. Reading good management practices. management fad and is total It had a number of features. habits. Nourishment and nonsense. It tends to be the Firstly, it was mainly de- sleep. Intellectual ability. Andrew Little. List MP OPUNAKE For all general electrical Fieldays and philosophy and wiring work. eter for public opinion like But Labour says we are not rate to 28 per cent, imple- Lambton Quay, High Street, focussed on export growth. mented across-the-board Domestic and farm maintenance, Victoria Avenue or leaning We have allocated $35 personal tax cuts, and re- new houses and cowsheds. on a gate up the Paraparas. million to the Irrigation Ac- duced ACC levies for farm- We know farming is the celeration Fund to help get ers. We’ve also been making backbone of our economy. irrigation projects underway, changes to the Resource Ph Craig on 027 207 7775 The rural sector is a key part and proposed future invest- Management Act to make of National’s plan to build ment of up to $400 million of it easier to do business. But a stronger economy, create equity in regional irrigation Labour says National doesn’t more jobs, and raise incomes. projects. But Labour says we care about business. WOFs & SERVICING But Labour called farm- do nothing for the provinces. The concerns of rural New * Grease & oil ing a ‘sunset industry’ and We’ve also invested in Zealand and provincial and * Tune ups did nothing but bad mouth rural infrastructure and road- metropolitan New Zealand * Exhaust systems Hon Chester Borrows farmers. ing to improve connections align. Our economy would * Brake & clutch repairs MP for Whanganui We are working hard to and services for our rural be stuffed without the ex- * Cambelts replaced support our primary sector communities. Last week I ports the rural sector pro- GET YOUR CARS TUNED Last week was the Mystery and rural families and com- watched a teacher at Matapu duce. Those who create those & SERVICED Creek Fieldays, the largest munities. We have more vets, School teaching astronomy exports would be stuffed agricultural showcase in the classes across the North Is- without the infrastructure of by the team at doctors, and midwives in Southern Hemisphere. It our rural areas through our land. There are 50 schools in urban New Zealand. Without provides a great opportunity voluntary bonding scheme. this network including cos- sustainable farming practis- OPUNAKE AUTO REPAIRS to look at the contribution of Our rural broadband initia- mopolitan city schools and es, a smart education sector, a Ph (06) 761-8161 • DOMETT ST, OPUNAKE New Zealand’s rural sector. tive will deliver much faster remote rural schools. They connected infrastructure, and I was there on Saturday to broadband to rural New are connected to the fibre a productivity focussed econ- meet the public and answer Zealand. network and urgently await a omy we’d be like Greece questions on everything National is encouraging re- provider to ultra-fast broad- and Spain. We will continue Coastal Agri Services from government policy to search and innovation in ag- band in the next few months. to support and invest in our www.coastalagriservices.co.nz the price of fish. We touched riculture through the Primary But Labour says National rural sector, to grow our on crime and punishment, Growth Partnership. This doesn’t care about education. economy, create jobs, and DAIRY HOT WATER CYLINDERS information technology, government-industry initia- These initiatives are being deliver a brighter future for healthcare, aged care, pet tive is showing great results supported by moves to break all New Zealanders. Fully fitted sight glass care, tertiary education, pri- so far, with projects under- down barriers to growth, 2 x 3KW elements mary education, secondary way across a range of sectors such as improving the tax Chester Borrows education and sex education. coming from hundreds of system and cutting red tape. High quality thermostats Fieldays are a great barom- millions of dollars invested. We’ve cut the company tax MP for Whanganui Integrated anti vacuum device ‘Stole Me’ gets thumbs up from Police Convenient side filling Police have put their sup- dent Bruce Bird says the munity will welcome the The website also has the and overflow port behind a new website website is a non-commer- service that Stole Me pro- support of the Crime Pre- launched today to help cial enterprise and fits in vides." vention Partnership Forum, people recover their sto- 250 Litres $1600+GST well with the police online The public and businesses a collaborative partnership len property. The website stolen vehicle and stolen are able to list their lost between Police and busi- 350 Litres $1933+GST aims to reunite people boat databases. or stolen items to increase ness, working together to 450 Litres $2100+GST with their lost or stolen "Our stolen vehicle da- visibility, prevent re-sale, prevent and disrupt crime. 550 Litres $2250+GST property or pets by creat- tabase was launched ear- and ultimately aid recov- 600 Litres $2850+GST ing a forum for people to lier this year and it's been ery of the items. It can also A link to the Stole Me site post photographs and de- extremely well received be used by prospective is on the police website scriptions of their missing by the public with over buyers or traders of second www.police.govt.nz or at property. 260,000 stolen vehicle hand goods, to reduce the www.stoleme.co.nz Tasman Street, Opunake National manager Crime searches.” risk of buying or trading 24 hour Service - 7 Days a Week Prevention, Superinten- "I'm sure the online com- stolen goods. OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Thursday, June 28, 2012 NEWS 9

This enabled him to real- drink in every word of the To succeed you’ve got to have a dream ise another of his dreams, to man who, from humble buy back his (the) family? origins, has capped his ex- provisionally for just three Neil emphasised the impor- farm. traordinary career with the weeks and must have im- tance of working hard, being Today he lives in Warea on ultimate job. pressed the boss however patient and holding onto the the farm juggling farm life You couldn’t fail to be im- because at the end of the dream, as he ascended the with his dream job. pressed. three weeks he was handed corporate ladder. It was a great speech and a contract. He was working for Price- the young students seem to It was the first step on the Waterhouse, got "absconded ladder to success. to Shell Energy" where "I Married at 18 - and still worked my butt off. For a BRIAN CRAWFORD married after 25 years - and couple of months I watched with two children and "an everything - didn't say a CONTRACTING LTD old car", Neil subsequently thing; was a sponge," Neil • Truck and trailer for general cartage. said. decided he wanted to be an • Digger Hire, Tractor-Trailer Hire. accountant. "Then I started to make He then returned to the comments," and ask ques- • Race Fines, Tanker Track Metal and theme of his speech about tions. Never be afraid to ask Drainage Chip. the importance of having people who are successful Cultivation a dream which “has to be questions, he advised the • Ploughing • Rock Crushing • Roller Drill personal and it has to be spe- students. • Undersow or Direct Drill • Levelling cific”, he said. Neil went from being an • Rotohill- Giant Discing Neil Pennington, how to succeed in life. Aged 20, “I decided I accountant to General Man- Silage It's important to have a new CEO of the TRFU. wanted to be the boss. The ager of a 100 million dollar Pit or Stack Silage with Loader Wagons business. dream, said the newly ap- In an address in which, us- second thing I wanted was Rolling Stack ing no notes, he "spoke from to be a millionaire.” And a final piece of advice pointed CEO of the Tarana- Round Silage Single Wrap ki Rugby Football Union the heart." Neil started by And finally he said “I want- Neil advised the students to who gave an inspirational talking about his dreams. ed a Holden V8 brand new.” not be frightened to change Single bale stacking talk on how to succeed in "At about your age I was Education was the key, careers in the pursuit of your Round Hay, life to Opunake High School sitting in a hall like this however, to achieving these goal. Square Hay Hay for students at their morning as- wondering what I would do lofty goals. Over the years he changed Scatter sembly recently. with my life," he said. "All I Neil went on to qualify as careers five times and jobs, Raking Sale “I started in a hall like cared about was rugby." He an accountant, essentially ten times, all with the aim of Mowing this,” began Neil Penning- left school "with not a very going back to school. being the boss. NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL !! ton originally from Rahotu good education". "In four years, without my "When I was 40, I took a who has just been appointed His first job was in a news- degree, my salary went up risk and bought a business. PHONE/FAX: 06 763-8868 to the prestigious position paper. At the interview the $12,000,” he said. Once he I worked a 110 hour week.” and who went on to detail employer told him he threw had his degree, it went up in In 18 months he went on to MOBILE: 0274 447 482 his steady rise to achieve the away 90 percent of the ap- the same period of time - by sell the business for a large 506 NGARIKI ROAD, RD 34, RAHOTU pinnacle of his career as the plications. He was taken on $180,000. profit.

Taranaki family owned business providing New and Used car sales , Servicing and Parts, Paint and Panel

Contact details

Max Penningtons Autocity Max Penningtons Autocity Molesworth Street Regent Street New Plymouth Hawera 06 7695371 062782010 10 NEWS Thursday, June 28, 2012 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS

FEELING Diane takes over at Kapuni Store and Takeaways and Rick for this opportu- THE CHILL? nity, which she is enjoying so much. (Sarah and Rick ORGANISE YOUR have retained ownership of the property). HEAT PUMP QUOTES Despite her busy life Di- ane expects to find time NOW for some fishing as well as SINCLAIR ELECTRICAL solving a few jigsaw puz- zles – a passion of hers. & REFRIGERATION Diane and her staff look OPUNAKE 761 8084 KAPONGA 764 6084 OKATO 752 4084 MANAIA 274 8084 forward to seeing you at Kapuni Store and Takea- ways at 1393 Skeet Road. The phone number is 06 274 8175. Friendly service Machinery Repairs Keyway cutting & Broaching assured, as well as delicious Structural Steel Fabrication Digital Heavy Duty Lathe Cowsheds Turret Punching, Plate Shearing food and groceries at com- Crane Hire & Notching petitive prices. Fitting & Turning Alloy Welding Stainless & Alloy Fabrication 3.5 Ton Crane Truck Large Bed Heavy Press New leaseholder of Kapuni Store and Takeaways Diane Coltart. We supply bearings, steel, fasteners, chain and general engineering supplies. Also hydraulic hoses, fittings and crimping. We are a local company training local people. 34 years. Email us at [email protected] On the first day of this WAREA month Diane Coltart be- She admits to no chal- came the new leasehold- lenges that cause her to er of Kapuni Store and frown. “No you just ride Takeaway. It’s early days over those”, she says. but so far she’s loving Although she enjoys all the “awesome” challenge aspects of the shop, her of running a shop for the special love is the takea- first time. “It was a good way side of the enterprise. opportunity,” she says Diane is grateful for the simply. help of several staff - in- She continues, “I like the cluding her daughter Sa- people here. It’s a good rah Coltart, who was the place to be”. She is in a previous lessee with part- Above: Diane gets ready for the takeaway trade. good position to know – ner Rick Harvey. She says she’s lived in Kapuni for she is grateful to Sarah Folic acid in bread submissions Time is running out for the fortifi cation on folate sta- public to have its say about tus and potential effects on Hi, I’m Diane options to fortify bread with birth defects. Coltart. folic acid. “This will give all inter- Change Public consultation on the ested parties an opportunity Cattle underpasses and box culverts of issue began in May and will to consider the options and for road and river crossings. As the new owner fi nish on Monday 16 July let us know their views,” 2012. says Julie Collins, MPI Di- Farm Bridges. ownership I’m looking forward The Ministry for Primary rector of Biosecurity, Food All fabricated to Tranzit NZ Standard. to continuing the Industries (MPI) has re- and Animal Welfare Policy. high standards leased a discussion paper “This is an important issue 110 Rifle Range Road, New Plymouth setting out four options and we encourage people to Phone: (06) 7578214 set by which range from manda- go to the MPI website and www.iclconstruction.co.nz Rick & Sarah tory fortifi cation of most make submissions. breads from 30 September “MPI will then analyse 2012, through to voluntary the submissions and give Phone (06) 274 8175 fortifi cation. advice to the Minister for Kapuni Store & Takeaway To help inform the review, Food Safety.” Is Celebrating the Ministry has released Information about how to 1393 Skeet Road, RD28, Manaia. a scientifi c paper which make a submission, along It’s 1st Birthday!! looks at both international with the discussion and sci- ALUMINIUM and New Zealand research entifi c paper, are available JOINERY on the impact of folic acid at www.foodsafety.govt.nz/ So to Celebrate every $10 consultation spent in store this June puts you in the draw • Windows • Bi-Folds to win a fantastic Gift • Sliding Doors Basket (value $100) • Entrance Doors • Conservatories Great People, Great Service, Great Results Last few days to go in • Garage Doors *draw for the gift basket. • Inserts/Retro Fitting For all your legal requirements. Call today for a free measure and quote IN YOUR AREA PHONE +64 6 769 8080 www.escapismbooks.webs.com EVERY WEEK. FREE PHONE 0800 733 837 Ph: (06) 758 8073 Fax (06) 758 4157 Email: [email protected] CLIENT PARKING Web: www.rylock.co.nz 86 Bridge Street, Eltham Ph 027 727 6736 136-138 Powderham Street, New Plymouth, Email [email protected] Website www.rmy.co.nz OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Thursday, June 28, 2012 NEWS 11 Schools to be demolished “We tried to get them in 2003 in the controversial some time he added. leased or sold… there’s decision by the Ministry of There had been an attempt no demand for them,” said Education. to get them leased or sold Wayne O’Styke from the The group of locals gath- but there was no demand Offi ce of Treaty Settle- ered at the meeting called for old schools, he com- ments Landbank standing by the Offi ce of Treaty Set- mented. in front of the old Pungare- tlements included Taranaki Pungarehu, Te Kiri and hu Primary School. iwi and locals. Pihama primary schools are The boarded up school, The old Pungarehu School all to be demolished within which closed in 2003 amid will be demolished and the the next week or so. emotional scenes and has site tidied up said Wayne It was acknowledged gen- since been extensively van- O’Styke. “The site’s going erally among those present dalised, was a forlorn sight. to be used for iwi settle- that the buildings which It is one of the closed ment in the future.” cannot be moved had “too schools which are now to The decision to demol- far gone” to be habitable. be demolished. A third of ish the schools – many of Barry Proffi t from Warea the smaller primary school which had been vandalised Road remembers help- in the region were closed - had been on the cards for ing to construct the play- ground and pull down the Above: Among those gathered with Pungarehu Primary School in the background. old school house down which previously occu- pied the site of where the Phillips who was also there playground still stands on described the fate of the the hill overlooking the school as “sad”. A former school. “We sold the tim- pupil he had many happy ber,” which was rimu re- memories he said. He re- calls Barry “and with the called calf days and school proceeds of that we paid for TK’sLocksmithing picnics. Also walking bare- the playground.” Barry was foot to school from Pariha- New agent for Magic Seal, on the School Committee ka, a distance of three and for a number of years and Taranaki’s inexpensive double glazing a half kilometres, “picking one of their three children which fits onto existing windows. blackberries” en route. And was a former pupil. chasing cows from where Also insect screens at a competitive price. “It’s got to the stage where they had been sitting and it’s past renovating. It’s lying in their place to keep pretty well wrecked,” he Free quotes. warm. Though the school said of the buildings. was to be demolished Puna Wano-Bryant for- Tony Kelsen “Memories live forever,” merly from Parihaka and on he commented. (06) 765 8310 the Taranaki Iwi Trust who 0800 1044 6027 311 7211. was among those gathered, said her grandmother went TO ADVERTISE Above: One of the Pungarehu school rooms which has to school at Pungarehu Pri- PHONE been vandalised. mary School in the early 1940s. Her uncle Charlie (06) 761-7016 B.B.C. (Bible Believers Corner) The Last Book

The last book in the Bible, in Chapter 4 and sees God open the sealed book. on that throne, and that was Revelation is scary for most on the throne. Verse 2 clear- John weeps for this is the God. So where did the lamb people. It is a book of im- ly says John saw ONE on end. Unless those seals are come from? agery and symbols. But its the throne. broken all is lost, including God had become the Lamb. Tue-Fri 9am-5pm opening words tell us what In Chapter 5 the Lambs himself. But an angel tells That Lamb was Jesus and Late nights & Saturday it is about, Jesus Christ. book of life is found sealed. him not to weep for the Lion Jesus is God revealed! by appointment. Chapter 1 verse 8 describes Unless it is opened the of the tribe of Judah has pre- God as the Alpha and Ome- names of those who have vailed. John looked to see Richard Oliver ga, the Beginning and the eternal life cannot revealed. this Lion but saw a lamb, as Pastor Eltham Message Style your hair with End. Isaiah 41 v 4 confi rms A call goes out for any- if it had just been killed. Church God is the fi rst and the last. one worthy of opening the Where was that Lamb? www.messagechurch.com Rhonda At the end of Revelation 1 sealed book. No man was The Lamb was in the midst verse 8 He is called the Al- worthy to open this book, of the throne. But it can’t mighty. There is only one not Moses, Adam, or Elijah. be, because we know from Almighty, and that is God. No one was found worthy to verse 2 there was only one “Building homes future generations would love to own” From verse 12 we have a description of God as a artner judge. He has a white wig, MEETINGS: tors who p feet like brass, eyes like a g creat r Building nd deliver fl aming fi re and His face Sundays at 38 Tayler Street, clients a ith their es shines like the sun. But then Eltham at 10.30am. w onal home God says, “I am the fi rst and exceptio the last, I am He that lives, Phone 06 764 7358 and was dead and am now for other Bible Studies. alive for ever.” But an eternal God cannot Eltham Message Church die! Who is this God, this Pastor Richard Oliver KURIGER BUILDERS LATEST RECOGNITION : Almighty, the First and the We are an independent Bible Believing Church GOLD AWARD IN NEW ZEALAND Last? John, the writer of the All are most welcome ARCHITECTURE FOR RESIDENTIAL HOUSES. book is caught up to heaven www.messgechurch.com Ph Doug on (06) 761-8175 Mobile 0274 442 704 12 NEWS Thursday, June 28, 2012 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Huge turnout at opening

There was a huge turnout edge of Opunake township. treated to continuous spot fence standards, normally things done.” 18th year with the com- at the opening of RD1s The more central loca- prizes of goods donated by $4 each which had been Appointed to the manag- pany. new premises in Opunake tion of the former Taranaki suppliers of RD1 knocked down to a $1. Wa- ers position in March this “It’s been great, people last Thursday night. Farmers Building would There was also a lot of ter blasters which usually year, Carol Dodunski for- have been really welcom- Hundreds crowded into the mean a lot more foot traf- specials on the night. retail for $300 had been merly worked in the Kiwi ing,” said Carol clearly new premises – the former fic said Michael who is in “It would be one of the slashed to $99.99. Trading Company for 12 delighted to be back in the The new manager also years under Robert Fisher. town she grew up in. got the thumbs up among She subsequently trans- And of the successful patrons. “You couldn’t get ferred to Hawera, then opening she said with ob- a better manager,” com- Stratford where she be- vious pride “It’s been a mented Julie Morgan who came the assistant manager great turnout.” was at the opening refer- of RD1 before returning to ring to Carol. “She gets Hawera. She is now in her

RD1 Opunake branch Manager Carol Dodunski address the opening while Regional Operations Manager of RD1 Michael Mouat looks on.

Taranaki Farmers building charge of 12 RD1 branches bigger trading days of the – enjoying a meal, courtesy covering all of Taranaki year,” remarked Michael of RD1 and complimentary and beyond as far as Pio who commented that drinks. It was quite a do. Pio. He said the new store the Opunake branch of Regional Operations was also much bigger than RD1 was “one of the big- Bob Watt holding his spot prizes which included some Maxi-crop which stimulates Manager for RD1 Mi- the former premises. ger branches in the re- plant growth. “I’ll try it on my hair,” he quipped after receiving the spot prize. chael Mouat congratulated A retail outlet owned by gion.” the RD1 Opunake branch Fonterra, part of RD1’s It’s great for the town manager Carol Dodunski profit goes into the dairy commented Jim Dodunski, and her staff describing the farmer payout – 4 cents owner of Ihaia Motors who new shop and the effusive per kilogram of milk solid, was impressed at some of launch as “a credit to you commented the Regional the specials on the night all.” He added: “ It’s a fan- Manager. such as CRC which nor- tastic turnout.” In addition to the com- mally retails at $10 but The former premises of plimentary meal, patrons were selling at 6 for $12. RD1 were on the northern at the opening were also Other specials included

Customers enjoy a meal that was one of the many highlights of the evening

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with you ‘til the cows come home OPUNAKE & COASTAL Thursday, June 28, 2012 PAGE 13 Bigger, and better – new RD1 store opens in Opunake

RD1 Opunake opened for look forward to welcom- now working out of a larger will also be offering fuel business at 62 Tasman ing customers to the new site with extended yard and (self-service) on site 24 Street (the former Allied store. retail space, the store itself hour/7days/with EFTPOS Farmers store) on Monday, “We’re pleased our new will be easier to navigate, transactions only. plus will June 11 2012. store is up and operating and we’ve got room for a continue to operate the fuel as the dairy industry pre- larger range of products.” pumps at the old store loca- Store Manager Carol Do- pares for one of the busiest tion at 108A Tasman St dur- dunski says the RD1 team times of the year. We’re She says the new store ing work hours only (8am – 5.030pm) using cash or account transactions for the foreseeable future.

“We are the only fuel pro- vider in town and saw con- tinuation of supply as an im- portant consideration when establishing our new store. “If you’re in the Opunake area pop in and see us – we’re focused on having Above : Manager Carol Dodunski congratulates Francis a wider range of competi- tively priced products and Mullin on winning the Major prize Draw ensuring these are avail- able when you need them. We also offer quality sup- plementary feeds, advice on buying and selling live- stock, comprehensive farm insurance, discounts on fuel, Proud to support power, telecommunica- RD1 Opunake tions and much more. If you aren’t already taking advan- tage of these extra services, For all drainage and water we look forward to helping you do that.” supply products Above and Below: e crowds embrace the opening nite and enjoy the feastivities Anyone is welcome to shop with RD1 and opening an account is free. The Opunake & Coastal Chris Standing for all your Farm News Dairy Hygiene requirements Congratulates RD1 Ecolab values the support of RD1 On their and its customers new Premises Ph: 021 791 246 Providing Fitting Solutions for over 50 years

Tank Level Indicator

Trough Valves Tank Fittings Threaded Pipe Fittings

Ball Valves

Polythene Pipe Fittings Unions Reservoir/Tank Valve Congratulations Opunake on your new premises 14 NEWS Thursday, May 31, 2012 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS

Two children were absorbed One involved matching Stepping Stones underway with a fl ourish in an activity by themselves. the shape of various ani- They were fi shing from a mals with the words. “This The brand new Okato early Stones is in its fi rst month OPUNAKE & COASTAL is going well. Currently 18 morning, the main activities table with various objects leads to the development childhood centre Stepping of operation and everything pre-schoolers are enrolled, were art, dressing up and TELEPHONE AND FAX: (06) 761-7016 such as paua shells and glass of maths skills, such as although not all children at- puzzle completion. beads. “I’ve got two fi sh,” shapes, matching, colours NEWS With the art ac- announced Reiley proudly. and colour identifi cation”, tivity that Head Teacher Carolyn Primrose explains Sarah. “It also Teacher Sarah was helping the children teaches the importance of MacGregor was DATE: 2/9/10 NO. PAGES: with dress ups. “I’m loving perseverance”, adds Sarah. conducting the it,” she enthuses. She adds, It’s early days, but Sarah is children were ORGANISA70TION: Cowling RdC O- NewLLI PlymouthNS S P O -R Ph T S 06 C 7539911 E N T R E - Fax 06 7534984 FAX NO: “We have a lot of fun here”. pleased with how Stepping busy with col- Another low key, but im- Stones is progressing. “It’s FOR THE ATTENTION OF: Brian FROM: Carol lage. One skill portant activity is the appro- pretty much how I wanted was the success- priate treatment of animals. it to be”, she says. “Howev- ful and safe use “Lilly’ the Maltese cross er, it may be a while before of scissors. “It’s Hi Brian dog helps here. The children we pick up the (enrolment) Above: Sarah MacGregor teaching col- know not to pick her up, numbers”. Suppliers of the Certified Playground lage with some of her pre-schoolers, Ke- despite her friendly nature. ziah, Jaden and Jordie. Advert as discussed.Bark Please for Stepping let me know Stones if you would like any changes. not so much the end prod- She’s very good tend on the same day. Decorative Bark—Playground Bark—Mulch—Sawdust uct that is important but the with the chil- All the children seemed very Peelings—Woodchip—Decorative Stone—Metal—Sand skills needed”, explained dren. The feed- Many thanks, focused on the activities. On Sarah. Glueing material was ing of the fi sh is Monday of this week in the Carol another skill being fostered an important part in this art activity. of the day. GET YOUR LAWNMOWER & Although everything is go- One child Jaden CHAINSAWS SERVICED HERE! ing well, there are a few was very keen challenges, such as “Getting on the puzzles We service all types of LAWNMOWERS, BIKES, routines established,” says he was doing. CHAINSAWS & ROD & REELS. Sarah. Business changes hands Cape Engineer- It was built by his grandfa- ing at Pungare- ther Phil Dillon “out of ten hu is under new Austins” says Chris. And “it management. Chris goes”. His father is also a Shingleton and part- car enthusiast so it’s clearly HP ner Krystal Price in their DNA. AVAILABLE have recently leased Chris also races cars and the business which has three cars which he has ON they have renamed built which are Streetstocks. MOWERS Cape & KC Engi- Originally from Palm- neering. erston North, Chris grew A car enthusiast, up in Hawera moving to the Above: e new owner of Chris has cleared up Coast 18 months ago where Cape & KC Engineering, the area around and in front he’s been working for a lo- COLLINS SPORTS CENTRE Chris Shingleton with his of the workshop buildings cal contractor. Tasman St. OPUNAKE Ph 761-8778 1938 Austin. which house some of his He says he’s enjoying be- OPEN SATURDAY 9AM TO 12NOON cars. ing his own boss and com- A 1938 bright red Austin ments “You can’t beat it.” 10 is just one of his vehicles. SSSAAANNNDDDFFFOOORRRDDDSSS RRRUUURRRAAALLL CCCAAARRRRRRIIIEEERRRSSS PleaseRur acheckl & proofGen wither acarel C thenart faxag backe byLi FRIDAvestoY cif kpossible. Readymix CAPE & KC OK. ALTER. PLEASE SHOW ALTERATIONS NEEDED. ENGINEERING Specialising in Cartage Concrete Client• Palm please Kerne signl below:• Fertiliser ALL OF YOUR GENERAL ENGINEERING NEEDS Depots: Okato, Auroa, Depots: Hawera & Wiremu * Welding * Cow Sheds * Lathe Work •Signature: Aggrega t e______• Hay & Silage Bales Hawera & Waitara * Trailers to Suit Position: ______Ground Spreading Chris Shingleton 4WD Trucks P: 06 763 8878 M: 027 660 8612 spreadmark certified, 6358 Main Road Pungarehu GPS proof of placement.

0508 726 336 or 06 274 5852 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Thursday, June 28, 2012 NEWS 15 Madeley Park sets sale series with a roaring tone Tom McBeth Te Kowhai top price, but he went rea- purchased 7 head - paying sonably at $3200 to Jim $3000 for Madeley Park McBeth Te Kowhai’s bet. Red Dell strongly bred to A son of Madeley Park the Big Hollow Easter Dai- Red Sonny whose dam MP sy Ex CPSD family being Loyal Sugar VHC 95 1235 a great granddaughter of M/S noted Show Champion Merrilands Lees Dream Ex dam of bull none other than ep purchased at the 1984 Madeley Park Prince Beaut Merriland Dispersal for VHC 90 888 M/S. For milk $15,000 by the Brookvale volume his dam and sister Stud Ngaere. She bred su- are both over 8000l, in the perbly well there. same season - a New Zea- In the yearling Bulls, which land record. was a magnificent line, the In the cows the top price young fellow which caught was Madeley Park Sam’s the attention of the crowd Nita VHC 89, a cow that was the son of Madeley looks like it will be a top Park Red Susan VHC 91. producer, which already He fell to the hammer at has the two 5000l milk re- $4700 to an undisclosed cords - took the bidding to buyer. $4200 to D Scott Feilding Another bull, a son of MP ca 11. Red Sonny from MP Boys This cow was sired by a Above: Cattle in excellent condition commanded high prices Stacey VHC 90 663 M/P son of Madeley Park Loyal showing the strong likeness Sugar VHC 95 Show Cham- The Madeley Park Jersey 11 yearling bulls av $2325 Mrs Oldhum for the out- 627 M/S. of Tarnhowe Red Linden pion from a Top Tarnhowe Sale on account of Rione 10 I/C heifers av $3255 standing in calf heifer Mod- Mrs Oldhum also purchased bloodlines took the bidding female family. and Trish Belfield, Ngarua 37 Head av $2755 eley Park Red Fyn sired by Madeley Park Suga for to $4400 - also to an un- Allan Jenkins Road, Waitoa held recently The cattle came forth in ex- Madeley Park Red Victor, $4000, a great granddaugh- known bidder. Taranaki Purebreeders Jer- has set the tone of the sale cellent order which contrib- a son of Taranaki bred cow ter of MP Loyal Sugar VHC The first bull in the ring, sey Club series on a very high note. uted to the high prices paid. Beledene Rems Veil VHC 95 1235 ? noted champion with a brimful of top pro- Publicity Officer Sale averages – 7 cows av- Top money paid for the day 94. 800 M/S for Madeley and Madeley Park Red Lizz duction backing everyone eraged $2685 was $8600 by local woman Park Fyns Briar VHC 90 at $3800. expected him to bring the Don't get caught short on Farm Trusts I was recently in the from those that did accept farmhand. Advertorial Mokauiti Valley visiting them had lots of exclusions Income protection has a farming couple who had and/or were far too expen- both accident and sickness Combined Insurance specializes in Personal set up a Farm Trust as ad- sive. They therefore left it attached. It is the sickness Accident and Sickness Insurance vised by his accountant. at that, thinking "Oh well, portion of the policy that Combined Insurance specializes in Personal Accident and Sickness Insurance for individuals, By becoming employees of we'll sort it out later," and contributes towards the ma- families, the self-employed and jority of the premium due in particular the farming industry. the Trust they could waiver ‘yes’, you guessed it. Soon Combined Insurance has been involved in Accident and Sickness Insurance in New Zealand since their ACC levies of over after he had a severe acci- to the risk being greater 1965 and we are heavily involved in the farming sector with tens of thousands of customers na- $5,000pa, a fantastic saving dent that resulted in weeks as people age. Therefore, tionwide. for their already tight farm of hospital time, months of taking an ‘Accident Only’ Accident and Sickness Insurance can be arranged either combined or separately, negating the need policy, would have sufficed for costly sickness premiums or loadings based on medical history or age and therefore, much more budget. The Accountant recovery at home and a per- affordable. also advised them to take manent disability, leaving in their situation and would Hi, my name is Peter Capper, Territory Representative for Combined Insurance here in Taranaki. out Income Protection to his wife having to do 95% have cost a fraction of the We at Combined Insurance pride ourselves on providing full comprehensive Personal Accident top up their ACC cover due of the farm work. premium. However, not and Sickness Insurance, tailor-made for your immediate and future needs. many companies offer just Our Accident Only Benefits include; to their meagre taxable in- Little did they know that * No need to pay expensive Sickness Insurance as you have the choice of Accident cover only come they paid themselves there was an opportunity accident cover. * No medical or income test required for Accident cover through the Trust. to cover them selves with- If you believe you are in a * No excess payable on any claims However, after contacting out having to pay for sick- similar situation or you are * We pay you up to $300,000+ and up to $2,200 per day * We pay you for Accidental Death, Hospitalisation, Disability, Major Trauma and more... a number of insurance com- ness cover by taking an paying too much for your * We pay you from the very first day of injury with no stand down period panies, they found that due ‘Accident Only’ insurance Income Protection plan * You are covered up to the age of 75 years of age to their age (45+) and medi- policy. After all, they only then you may need to revise * You are covered in New Zealand, Australia, The European Union Member States, United States cal history, insurance com- needed to replace ACC - your situation. As they say, of America and Canada When setting up your Family Farm Trust, be sure to arrange an appointment with me on 022 624 panies were either reluctant and they would have had "Better to have it and not 3014 to ensure your family's financial needs remain safe and secure. to offer them ‘Income Pro- enough insurance to con- need it, than to need it and tection’ or the premiums tribute toward the cost of a not have it "- as this farming Please join me and Mark Hughson of Hughson and Associates Chartered Accountants at The Club couple found out! Hotel, Opunake on Tuesday 19 June at 1.30pm to discuss Family Farm Trusts and how we can help save you money! (Lunch snacks available) Please Phone Peter on 022 624 3014 to register your attendance. L Thomson O’Neil YOUR CHARTERED A & Co. ACCOUNTANT Our Opunake Office is attended by: • is a member of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Robert England on Wednesday and Fridays, UGHSON & ASSOCIATES Accountants W for buying and selling Houses, Farms and Businesses; • studied for 7 years to achieve his professional qualification Trusts; Wills and Estates. • is required to undertake on WE ARE YOUR PERSONAL, FRIENDLY FARMING going professional development Neal Harding on Thursday, for Residential Sales and • is bound by a code of ethics Y Purchases; Family, District, and Criminal Court matters; Mark G Hughson, and professional standards & BUSINESS ACCOUNTING SPECIALISTS B.B.S., C.A., Dip B.S Civil and Business matters. • has a professional qualification from New Zealand that is internationally recognised E FOR ALL YOUR LEGAL REQUIREMENTS 0800 ACCOUNTANT Look for the word 2 2 2 6 8 6 “Chartered” R 30 Tasman Street, your assurance of quality Opunake OPUNAKE OFFICE is OPEN every WED 9.30am-3pm Ph: 761-8823 Ph our Hawera office on (06) 278-4169 • 26 St, Hawera or E-mail: [email protected] www.hughson.co.nz S Dorothea Henry 16 SPORTS Thursday, June 28, 2012 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS

OceanView Parade, Plenty of action in basketball scene New Plymouth OceanView Parade, New Plymouth On Thursday May 24 two www.tasmanmarine.co.nz www.tasmanmarine.co.nz Senior Opunake Associa- tion teams played against Book now for your teams from the Stratford Association. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Winter Service The Women’s team in- cluded Sophie Cooksley, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sinaed Horo, Gemma Grey, Marama Hohaia, Tupaia •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cooksley, Cath Cook, Le- anne Lash, Jade Smith and Sharlee Mareikura. The Men’s Team included Haydn Langton, Graeme Mehrtens, Shea Bentley, Ethan Bloemen, Chris Cook, Matt Lash, Chris Hipp and Neihana Tapiki. The Inter-club Basketball Phone Lee at (06) 769 5656 9.75% interest on results were as follows: Opu- nake Women 88 vs Stratford Blaine Cook acts as trailing referee at an Opunake A Grade men’s game as part of Opu- New Packages Women 48 and Opunake nake Junior referee training programme. Blaine is wearing his Junior Ref Shirt which - conditions apply Men 56 vs Stratford Men 48. tells players and spectators “IF YOU SEE, GREEN DONT BE MEAN”. We will play them again in Contact Lee 06 769 5656 July at home. Girls 20 much-appreciated help of Smith, and Simone Cook, Senior Basketball Results Wahine Toa 32 - Classics Chris Cook, Matt Cursons who are now permitted to We Welcome supplied editorial! Week 9 23 and Bryan Roach. referee a level below their If You have Sports Stories from your code or Cross Ova 33 - Nomads Nek Minit 32 - OHS All The Juniors who have playing grade with supervi- great sporting photos please send them to A 32 Stars 35 passed their junior refer- sion. They were awarded [email protected] Rebels 24 - Nomads 22 FACT 79 - OHS Junior ees test are Jessica Roach, certificates, whistles and OHS A 43 - OHS Junior Boys 46 Dylan Roach, Liam Ahern, Junior Referee Shirts with EFS 44 - All Sorts 11 Tyler Ahern, Blaine Cook, “If you see Green Don’t Be OHS A Boys 32 - Blitz 26 Krysten Johnson, Johnathan Mean.” Well Done! CCHHIIPP SSEEAALLIINNGG SSPPEECCIIAALLIISSTTSS We recently held Junior Tahau, Jo-Ellen Hughson- Opunake Basketball Referee clinics with the How, Tara Clement, Taylah Association

Sick of the Currently reconstructing Namu, Kiri & Skeet Roads dust or the For STDC mud on your tanker track if so, call us now - we can help.

Tel: 06 756 6080 A close contest Mob: 0274 742 864 Trish Mackenzie (Nomads Women) prepares to shoot against Womens A grade table [email protected] leaders Rebels. e tightly played game was sent into extra time aer a 22 all draw. Rebels won the game aer scoring the golden basket in extra time. TARANAKI'STARANAKI’S 4WD4WD CENTRECENTRE -- QUALITYQUALITY & & SERVICE SERVICE Congratulations! Coastal Rugby Draw Winner

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I ritana Hohaia has Junior Basketballer Achieved a first for Opu- See our website nake Junior League Bas- takes out top honours ketball recieving Awards www.opunakecoastal- for Best and Fairest Play- news.co.nz er and most Outstanding Player in the Year 7 and for all our new email 8 competition. addresses CJ Taamaru won most outstanding Year 5 and 6 or refer page 2. Isabella Perrett won Best and Fairest Year 5 and 6 Krysten Johnson was a awarded Best Junior Referee

Winners of the A grade year 7 and 8 competition St Josephs Falcons Winners of the B Grade 7 and 8 competition Auroa Storm

Winners of the A Grade 5 and 6 competition Auroa Breakers

Winners of the B Grade year 5 and 6 Competition Opunake Aces

There’s still fish to be caught You don’t need to put the fly rod away over the winter, there‘s still some good fish to be caught in the lakes and bot- tom parts of the rivers that are still open over the winter months. Brian Collins caught this 3.14 kg trout in a lake not too far from Opunake in the middle of June this year on a garden fly.

Adult Community Education TERMTERM 31 COURSES OUT NOWNOW! Learn a new skill, meet new people and have some fun!

ART & CRAFT COMPUTING Take up a new hobby or interest Catch up with technology or further your existing skills ESOL FITNESS & WELLBEING Improve your speaking, Keep your body fit and listening, reading and writing enhance your quality of life if English is not your first language

IN THE KITCHEN LANGUAGES Experience fabulous Learn a new language and cooking and great recipes of culture, or further develop the family or entertaining language skills you already have

GENERAL INTEREST Improve self-knowledge, develop talents and reach your potential Joke of the Week It was Timmy’s 5th birth- the mini drum set that his it used to drive you crazy day and he was joyfully Grandmother bought for when we used to play the opening all the presents him. “Thanks Grandma this drums in the house grow- he received. He saved the is just what I wanted.” ing up?” Grandma simply smiled biggest for last, so it took a It was after Timmy went to E: [email protected] | Ph: 0800 223 827 while until he got to open- bed that Timmy’s mother and replied, “Oh I remem- ing Grandma’s present. approached her mother. ber, darling... of course I www.acetaranaki.ac.nz “Wow” Timmy exclaimed “Ma, I’m surprised at you, remember.” Visit our website to see what’s on offer and to enrol online in delight upon seeing don’t you remember how 18 SPORTS Thursday, June 28 2012 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS PREMIER SPONSORS Coastal Rugby

Proud to be sponsors of Senior A Coastal Rugby Coastal Taranaki - Clarke Logan 1 Claire Lynskey 021 388 957 Tracey Thomson 021 279 6519 or 0800 QUINPHOS (0800) 784 674) 16 PROUD TO BE THE MAJOR SPONSORS OF Altum Coastal vs. Tukapa THE SENIOR & JUNIOR A big crowd on a fi ne but GRADE RUGBY windy day on the 16th of June gathered to see the - TONY HAMMOND reigning champs Tukapa and 2 0274 835 758 competition leaders Altum Coastal go head to head. It would turn out to be a game Coastal would rather chose to forget as Tukapa raced out to a 24 to nil lead with Coastal having one try disallowed and not able to score due to BRUCE THOMPSON Tukapa’s defence that caused 3 the visitors to make mistakes. FREEPHONE (0800) 654-779 In the second half Coastal crossed for two tries to MOBILE 027 4455-285 fullback Steve Barron and winger come half back Gareth Goodin. Tukapa however were not going to let this one go and the fi nal score CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS showed Tukapa handled the conditions better, made fewer "We add value ... not just numbers" mistakes and even with two men down due to yellow Brent Stevenson is fended off in Coastal’s loss to Tukapa. PHONE: (06) 759-9034 FAX: (06) 759-9047 cards, forced the boys from Photo supplied by Brent Davies. 4 10 Young Street, New Plymouth the Coast off their game and into third spot on the table Wil Helu for Coastal made by Mitchell Campbell and Jade Fleming (1), Mitchell with Tukapa 34 and Altum some telling breaks ably Jade Fleming. Tries went to Campbell (2); Player of the Washer & Co Bull Hire Coastal 10. backed up in the forwards S. Barron, G. Goodin; MVP. day, Wil Helu (3) Ph (06) 752 1135 Fax (06) 752-1131 Altum Coastal Senior A vs. NPOB email: [email protected] A good crowd turned out time spent in NPOB half. spell with solid defence and but withstood a fi ery NPOB Mob 0274 437 100 (John) to witness Altum Coastal However NPOB came back grinding play at ruck time. restart. Solid defence coupled take on NPOB in a must win and scored a try and a penalty Wil Helu made a number of with some thinking clearing kicks (missed from last Proud to be associated with Coastal Rugby5 clash for the hosts. The game, to go out to an 8-3 advantage. hit ups for the pack to run played at the Rahotu Domain Heeding the words and off and the green, black and week’s game), got them on sponsors, members and game plan of coach Joe Lawn whites were rewarded with the territory they needed to Hareb Deken old timers’ day, started at and captain Nick Lawn, a penalty, to go to the break pressurise NPOB. Paddy a furious pace with both Coastal settled and played 6-8 after McKenna added to Stevenson taking over from teams fi red up from the start. competent, tight football to his tally. IMVDA Motors Ltd LMVD Barrett showed his experience Coastal scrum half Rick pressurize their city visitors Turning with the wind and worth bolstered a fi red up Proud sponsor of McKenna got points on the into mistakes. Coastal Coastal were without pack. McKenna was having board early for Coastal with forwards showed maturity prominent lock Kane Barrett a superb game and as his Coastal Rugby a penalty after plenty of and patience during this (taken off due to injury), continued next page 331 St Aubyn St • New Plymouth Ph (06) 759-9957 6 FREEPHONE 0800 289 493 Goodin Farms Contracting Senior Thirds COASTAL DRAINAGE LTD PROUD SPONSORS OF THE COASTAL RUGBY CLUB FARM GOODIN C O N T R A C T I N G JOHN PRICE PH 763-8223 10 ~ Satisfaction Guaranteed ~ FAX 763-8227 MOB 0274 449 196 JFM CONTRACTING 7 PROUD TO SUPPORT COASTAL RUGBY SPONSORS OF 12 Ph Jared McBride on 06 752 4558 Go COASTAL RUGBY or Mobile 0274 775 701 Coastal! YOU COULD BE Supporters A WINNER! of Coastal 8 73 Molesworth St, New Plymouth p 06 758 8618 Rugby Opunake Every Coastal Rugby www.officefurniturefirst.co.nz 13 2 Aytoun Street ‘GO COASTAL’ advert has a number. (06) 761 8773 CoastalProud to be Rugbyassociated Drawwith Whoever draws the Bonus No in the Coastal Rugby Last Issues Winner! Lotto draw after this issue will get a and the FREE quarter page advert Bonus no 30 9 winner Won by $ is.. (valued at 303.60) in the next issue ! Corkill Systems Ltd14 97 TASMAN ST, OPUNAKE PHONE (06) 761-7079 PUNGAREHU OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Thursday, June 28, 2012 SPORTS 19 Coastal Rugby BLUE RIBBON SPONSORS Proud to SPONSOR Coastal Rugby Freight & Bulk Transport Limited

PROUD SPONSOR OF COASTAL SNR 2NDS 158 Powderham St New Plymouth For: Bulk Transport - Spreading - Palm Kernel, Ph (06) 758 1199 Fax (06) 758 1188 20 11 Fertiliser, Lime, Metal, Race Fines, Silage, Hay. Members of the Independent Insurance Brokers Association (NZ) Inc SUPPORTING THE COAST FOR 43 YEARS • Opunake 761-7341• Okato 752-4124 Altum Coastal Senior A vs NPOB Again NPOB hit back but the line speed of the Coastal Proud sponsor of Coastal Rugby team matched them as B. Stevenson having a fine game OPUNAKE 06 761 8084 FAX 06 761 8082 at 5/8th marched them back MANAIA 06 274 8084 with a kick downtown. From KAPONGA 06 764 6084 the ruck Coastal scrum on OKATO/OAKURA 06 752 4084 21 half way and like “a thief in the night” McKenna went blind to beat the defence to Proud Sponsors of Coastal Rugby scuttle away and score his Young nd 2 try of the day much to the Carrington LAWYERS FOR THE COAST delight of the many Coastal Thank you for your support supporters. His sideline Lawyers conversion pushed Coastal out to 21-8 with 15 minutes 23 to play. Karam's It was in this period of Clothes on the Coast play that Coastal dug deep as Surf Highway 45, Opunake Ph/Fax (06) 761-8139 NPOB mounted attack after attack. Solid defence by the Coast kept them at bay. The TARANAKI FARM CONSULTANCY loss of a player sin binned for ruck misdemeanours meant ‘Coastal’ Farm Consultant for the last 5-10minutes JEFF LAGAN 24 Coastal were up against it. Outflanked, NPOB scored an easy try and converted taking the score to 21-15 in Coastal’s favour. Again the COASTAL VETERINARY SERVICES tackles went in, Coastal kept Supporting the Coastal Rugby Farm it tight, pushed NPOB down 25 field with some solid ‘pick and goes’ thanks to the fresh legs of Murphy, Le Prou and Trolove and big tackles from PICKERING MOTORS Weir and Newell. Ph (06) 761-8363 - Tennyson St, Opunake With Coast getting Coastal’s Jeremy Newall carries the ball with Kane Barrett in support under NPOB and holding GO COASTAL ! 26 winning 21-15 against NPOB last weekend. up try attempts and clearing their line the game was Continued from front 11-8. Pies Lawn, Campbell, and finally put to rest as Gareth EYESCAN previous page NPOB again came back Morgan made life difficult Goodin cleared the ball to but solid tackles from the for the much fancied NPOB. touch. Coastal had a fully - ROSS BROWN over from Barrett showed pack, which saw Jeremy In the back line,TeWaite. deserved win over a solid PROUD SPONSORS OF COASTAL RUGBY 27 his experience and worth Newell, Jade Fleming, and Mairekura, Steve Barron, and determined NPOB. bolstered a fired up pack. Kelvin Weir standing out, Helu and Chris Barron put The scoreboard read Altum McKenna was having a kept them out. Coastal pressure on their opposites Coastal 21 NPOB 15. With KINGSWAY MENSWEAR superb game and as his again used the wind cleared and forced mistakes. Coastal McKenna scoring all Coastal forwards drove over the their line and went deep were awarded a penalty, points. “On ya Rick.”; 28 PROUDLY SUPPORTING line the diminutive 5/8 into NPOB half. Constant McKenna made no mistake MVP.1 point Jeremy Newell, COASTAL RUGBY dived over the melee to pressure in rucks and mauls and the Coast eased out to a score and put Coastal in was where the front rowers, 14-8 lead. Continued next page 29 PROUDLY SUPPORTING Goodin Farms Contracting Senior Thirds COASTAL RUGBY PROUD SPONSORS OF THE COASTAL RUGBY CLUB FARM Ph (06) 761-6011, 108A Tasman St, Opunake GOODIN C O N T R A C T I N G CORKILL SYSTEMS 30 10 ~ Satisfaction Guaranteed ~ Proud sponsors of Coastal Rugby Elders/Harvey Farms Colts 5 Tasman St, Opunake Ph (06) 761-7531 Stewart Robinson First on the farm 0274 437 075 Coastal Rugby gratefully SPONSORING COASTAL RUGBY UNDER 20s acknowledges their support Elders PASTORAL Phil Johns 0274 960 719 15 sponsors: Proud sponsors of • B & R Barron Builders • Peter J Nielsen Builders • The Print Shoppe • Brian Hill Builders Coastal • Gopperth Contracting • Rahotu Four Square 18 Rugby • Sign Design • Okato Four Square Proud to sponsor Coastal Rugby • Travel Smart • Aluminium Taranaki • Collins Sports Centre • Mark Tatham Building Co Ltd 179 Courtenay Street, New Plymouth 30 • Rahotu Service Station • Elite Farm Solutions 0800 BTWSurvey (0800 289 787) FOURProud toSQUARE support Coastal Rugby 45 • Opunake Butchery • Classic Auto Repaints 17 77 Tasman St, Opunake • Campbell Contracting • Kuriger Builders Ltd www.btwcompany.co.nz • Ph:(06) 761-8668 19 31 20 CLASSIFIED/ WHAT’S ON Thursday, June 28, 2012 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS

WORK WANTED TRADES & SERVICES FOR SALE FOR SALE PUBLIC NOTICES FREEVIEW dishes and VIRALEX Attack extra NEW STOCK MGP Opunake & Okato Co-operating Parish Qualified aerials. TV tune in or set strength formulation to SCOOTERS arriving daily, up Freeview box. Phone support t the bodys natural parts now in stock. Availa- CHURCH SERVICES Builder Rob at Taranaki Aerial immune response for win- ble at Collins Sports Centre. St Paul’s Opunake Co-op & Rahotu Services: 0800 284 396 ter wellness. This month Opunake Opunake Cooperating Parish St Pauls, Havelock St, Decks, with free Vit D. At Hardy’s FOR SALE 9.30am every Sunday and the LAWN MOWING Fences, the health shop in Centre Rahotu - Wesley - 11am first Sunday of the month. Oakura - St James - 10am, 2nd & 4th Sundays. LAWNS NEED MOW- City 7587553. We deliver. CAR TRAILER, made New Homes, from alloy ute deck that tilts Okato - St Pauls - 10am, 1st & 3rd Sundays. ING? We mow lawns! DISCOUNTED $15 Additions and Phone 0274 572 741 rego & wof. $1000 o.n.o. Omega 3 fish oil 1500mgs. Phone (06) 761 7556 Evgs Opunake Catholic Church Alterations, or A/H 06 764-8885. 200 caps. High strength. SUNDAY 8.30 am at Pungarehu (St Martins), 10am at Opunake (Our Lady Star Of The Sea). Farm Sheds. LIVESTOCK Supports heart and joint It’s amazing health. $24.90. At Hardy’s Other areas Phone Lucas: WANTED STEERS the health shop in Centre how many Manaia - Sacred Heart - 1st & 3rd Saturdays at 5pm 027 746 0186 Rising two-year-old or City 7587553. We deliver. (2nd, 4th and 5th Sat at Hawera’s St Josephs). older, also heifers, cull businesses a/h (06) 761 7541 ESTER C Clinically prov- Kaponga - St Patricks, Sunday 8.45am cows and bulls. Imme- ALL WELCOME No job too small. diate payment and pick- en to support respiratory who don’t up. Ph (06) 761-8192. ailments 100 tabs $45.40 with free 60 chewable advertise HANDYMAN Sections FOR HIRE Opunake Business Association cleared, landscaping, reno- FOR HIRE kids ester c. At Hardy’s - also don’t vations, homedecorat- the health shop in Centre ANNUAL GENERAL NEED EXTRA ROOM? prosper! ing, change of tap wash- City 7587553. We deliver. MEETING ers, waterblasting . Phone/ Move a cabin to your GO CALCIUM 1 a day For text Mike 027 444 2860 site. Many uses. natural source formula. Clin- July 2 Opunake Surf Inn Power, insulated. ically trialled ActivK Plus advertising 5:30 Social Coastal Cleaning 3.6 x 2.4m. Minimum Vit D for super absorption hire 6 months. Very and bone health. . At Hardy’s phone 6.00 pm Meeting Services smart appearance. the health shop in Centre (06) 761 7016 We welcome any member of the community to our If it needs cleaning City 7587553. We deliver. meetings, you don’t have to have a business. - you need me. $50 pw 20 yrs exp. Inside or outside. No job too big or too small. HOUSE FOR SALE Ph 027 237 8563 Altum Coastal Senior A vs NPOB PROPERTY FOR SALE COASTAL GIB STOPPERS Opunake Township, reno- . Phone vated 1920’s villa. Very low Glenn 027 524 5745. Ph 0800 111 344 or 06 754 8421 maintenance, Decromastic PAINTING & tiled roof. Aluminium win- PAPERING dows, Pallisade external TOURS cladding. Fully fenced. 3 Tradesman - FREE quotes double bedrooms, 2 living G & E Lindsay areas, modern kitchen and YES bathroom. Conservatory, Ph (06) 752 1113 CHADDY’S 2 toilets, Infinity gas water CHARTERS heating. Log fire and Rinnai SITUATIONS VACANT gas heater, HRV. Sleepout, ISLAND TOURS small orchard, established Free museum. RELIABLE Person want- garden. 4 car garage or 2 New tandem mountain bikes car/workshop/auto doors. ed over spring period and and kayaks for hire. Also trips to seal colony and For more details phone 027 AB in Pihama area. Phone 327 1378. Open Home Skinny 027 331 9925 marine park. Also Gift Vouchers. Sunday 1 July 1.30 - PH (06) 761-7016 Open Daily 3.00pm. To view see #9870 TO ADVERTISE Ph 06 758 9133 www.homesell.co.nz or www.trademe.co.nz


DOOR for Hoover Heavy Duty clothes dryer. Can anyone help, parts no longer available. Please contact Bernice (06) 761 8206 or (06) 761 7016 NISSAN LUCINO COUPE 1995 SCRAP METAL - for Red, WOF and Reg. $2,500 ono all scrap metal Taranaki- wide, give us a call. Molten PhoneOPUNAKE &(06) COAST 752-4377AL Metals (06) 751 5367 NEWS www.moltenmetals.co.nz ARE YOUDistribution REACHING Area YOUR CUSTOMERS? - WE ARE ... The Opunake and Coastal News is distributed free to every home and business within the rural area bounded in the north by the New Plymouth city border, extend- Coastal’s Rick Mckenna dives for a try against NPOB last weekend supporters Sonya ing east to Egmont Village, and around to the edge of Moeahu and Mark Robinson applaud on the sideline. Stratford, south to the Hawera city border and inland to Kaponga and through Eltham. Continued from page 19 2 points Kelvin Weir, 3 to Inglewood. towards the semis. points and Player of the Day We need more Coastal “Support Local, Support .... WORTH THINKING Rick McKenna colours in the stand so see Coastal” Next week the lads have the Muzza and get ‘logo-ed Laters Rua Ngaitahu Over ABOUT ISN’T IT? bye then we are home again up’- especially as we march the Hill.

23 Napier Street • PO Box 74 • Opunake • Telephone and Fax: (06) 761-7016 • e-mail: [email protected] www.opunakecoastalnews.co.nz OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Thursday, June 28, 2012 WHAT’S ON 21 WHAT’S ON WHAT’S ON STDC – COLD CREEK RURAL WATER SUPPLY BILL – SUBMISSIONS FOR SELECT TODD ENERGY AQUATIC CENTRE COMMITTEES. Open 10.30am – 4.30pm school holidays Submissions are being called for the above. Refer public notice for further details. IN2NATION AT WAIMATE HOTEL POKER NITE Live music, Saturday 30th June 8.30pm till late Wednesdays at the Opunake Surf Inn. Refer advert. POOL SHOWDOWN SCRAP & CHAT / CARD MAKERS EVENING Opunake Surf Inn vs. Empire Hotel Stratford on Sunday 1st July. Come and support your Mondays at Pastimes, Tasman Street, Opunake from 7-9pm. Beginners and new people team. welcome. OVER 60’s POOL COMPETITION BERNINA SHOP Tuesday 3rd July. Entries still available. Sponsored by Hawkes Bay Brewery. Cash prizes, Kids Clothes class starting Friday 25thMay making clothes for toddlers ra es and giveaways. Runs for 5 weeks refer advert KARAOKE AT WAIMATE HOTEL SEA KAYAKING Saturday 7th July from 8.30pm Stage one Skills Course – a comprehensive course designed to cover the skills required to become a technically correct and safe paddler. COASTAL BOXING AMATEUR TOURNAMENT Friday evening 6:30pm to 8:30pm – wet exits, water con dence and rescues 14th July 2012 at Sandford’s Event Centre Opunake. Doors open at 5.30pm. Action starts Saturday 8:30am to 4:00pm – Paddle and boat handling skills and rescues at 6.00pm. Refer to advert. Sunday 8:30am till 4.00pm – planning, packing and group control Refer Canoe & Kayak, 6/631 Devon Road, Waiwakaiho, New Plymouth for further details. Phone (06) 769 5506

WHITE WATER STAGE ONE It’s amazing Introduction to White Water Ra ing, Refer Canoe & Kayak, 6/631 Devon Road, Wai- wakaiho, New Plymouth for further details. Phone (06) 769 5506 how many businesses PERCY THOMSON GALLERY’S TWO MAJOR EXHIBITIONS Dutch Etchers in a Golden Age: Rembrandt and his peers who don’t Adam Portraiture Awards. June 25 – July 26. Refer to advert. advertise - Holistic Counselling & Healing Free yourself from pain, stress & anxiety STRATFORD SINGERS PRESENT- MIXED MEDIA also don’t : Sacred and secular music at the Percy  omson Gallery, Saturday 30th June, 7.30pm and prosper! Ph 0800 THERAPY Sunday 1st July 2.00pm- Refer to advert www.meegancare.co.nz



Huge selection 30% OFF OpunakeOpunake FourFour SquareSquare At the RETRO South Taranaki needs more St John volunteers FASHION & ELCOME ACCESSORY SHOP W ! Join us, it could change your life 88 Bridge St, Eltham Welcome to Tues-Friday 10:30am Being a St John volunteer on an ambulance could be just what you’re New Farmers and looking for. Working with a dedicated team, learning new skills and giving till 4pm their Families something valuable back to your community, can be incredibly rewarding. Saturday 10am till 2pm

- but not forgetting Call us today to find out how you can train to become a St John volunteer. PS our Local You’ll never look back! Bring this Volunteers needed for Patea, Waverley and Opunake. advert in & get Customers. a further 0800 ST JOHN (0800 785 646) 20% off your OPEN 7 DAYS www.stjohn.org.nz/volunteer RED SPOT goodies 59 TASMAN ST, OPUNAKE P 06 761 8686 Fax 06 761 7245 OFFER FROM JUNE 28 to JULY 7 ALL YOU NEED Sorry Eftpos not available Kitchen Showdown PAGE 22 Thursday, June 28, 2012 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS it be – Tofu vs Haloumi? salt in the sauce or completely Asian vs Italian infl uences? leaving out the brown rice fl our soon As the girls wrote on their en- from the gnocchi or cooking Birthday month for Manaia WI Twenty seven children making try form: “We wanted to use the pumpkin without taking out Manaia WI members were the Grandmothers’ outing, AGM, which is to be held in club sandwiches and they were Maggi products in an unusual the pips fi rst, did nothing to en- welcomed to their meeting by and they had enjoyed lunch Wellington starting June 18. going for it! Year 7 and 8 stu- way to make us stand out from hance the dish! So to overcome dents, all competing fi ercely for everyone else. We also wanted that age old problem of “but President Ann Chisnall and at a Hawera restaurant and a The Mary Hutton Trophy a place in the Maggi Intermedi- to help people with restricted I know the recipe off by heart enjoyed a pot luck lunch of visit to the Lysaght Gallery. was awarded to Meg Kelly, ate Schools Cooking Competi- diets like gluten-free and veg- now so I don’t have to look at party food to celebrate their Cleta Clark also reported and the wandering coin was tion Team. etarian. We did lots of taste it”, we laminated each girl’s in- th I was invited to help Oakura testing to create our winning dividual duties in the meal prep. 58 year. that some of the members won by Noeleen Graham. Primary School compete in this recipe and it is a yummy and From then on, they would cross A great display of knitted, had attended the Pink Ribbon Members were reminded of competition, and I had to fi rstly delicious meal, which uses all each ingredient off their sheet booties, beanies and matinee Breakfast also at The Fat the up coming Institute walk fi gure out how to choose just the food groups and looks very with a whiteboard marker to th 4 baby-chefs from the 27. I appealing” . ensure nothing was forgotten or jackets was on show before Cow and had made a great in Manaia on the 25 June – fi nally settled on a nice simple doubled! We had our timing being given to the midwife effort with their decorated to meet at the Gibson Hall at yet effective selection event. Our dish is: “Pan seared down to within one minute of who passes them to babies bras. Special guests Ross 10.30am. We set up the school hall with Haloumi cheese, on pumpkin the allotted time. I was happy all the necessaries to make a puree with Parmesan Gnoc- with that – one minute to spare in the area, and beanies had Dunlop and Michael Self Competition Results: peanut butter/raspberry jam and chi and green vegetables” is plenty! also been knitted for a South did a great job serving the Bloom banana club sandwich - deli- We made it into the semi- The day of the semi-fi nals Taranaki Federation Project. breakfast. 1st Phyllis Malcolm cious! The participants had just fi nals. I’d hoped choosing a of the Maggi Kitchen Show- nd 15 minutes to make their cre- gluten-free theme would fi nd down dawned cold and clear in It was also agreed to make The Roll Call was what I 2 Meg Kelly ation and clean up. The success favour with the judges and at Porirua. We had to take all of a donation of books to the enjoy most in our Home & 3rd Ruth Binns criteria was based on : least get us into the next round. our gear apart from the stoves Manaia Pre-school and some Country magazine – it was • Listening skills and Gluten Free food is a bit of a so our cars were well packed ability to follow in- hot topic right now and I want- with food and pots and excited members have volunteered to the cooking and gardening Shrub structions ed to take advantage of that. girls. We camped locally the help with reading and craft at sections that were most 1st Phyllis Malcolm • Food and knife han- And I’m guessing we would be night before, which meant we the Manaia Primary School enjoyed. 2nd Ruth Binns dling the only ones to do vegetarian. got to the venue with plenty of rd • Neatness and timing There’s nothing like difference time to spare to get dressed into over the next few weeks. Remits were discussed for 3 Shirley Barr • Presentation done well to set you apart and the yellow Maggi aprons and Meg Kelly gave a report on the upcoming National I chose Isabel Goodhue, Ni- get some attention. Out of the paper chef’s hats. cole Watchorne, Sian Tran- 112 schools throughout NZ They had the thrill of meeting Lawrence and Georgia Sand- that entered, our team were se- Erin Simpson (of TV fame) and ers. lected for the Central Region, the guest chef judges and being Maggi Kitchen showdown Over the next couple of weeks, - 3 regions with 12 teams in a part of all the drama of fi lm- The Fabulous Fondue Four each, and the girls were very ing a television show. and I prepared recipes for what excited. The large commercial teach- would be a gluten-free, vegetar- They practised at least two full ing kitchen at Whitireia Poly- ian meal for a family of four, afternoons a week for several technic was a far cry from which had to contain at least 2 weeks. As time went on we my warm, rustic kitchen at Maggie products. What would discovered that doubling the home – very industrial, but the girls soon sorted out their area alongside the other 3 teams in Coastal Boxing our heat. The place was full of TV cameras and crew, people Amateur and pots and steaming pans. They were great and their Tournament meals looked beautiful. Any Bringing Boxing back to the Coast! restaurant would have been proud to have served what all Come Support Local Taranaki Boxers! those children had created that day. 14th July 2012 Tickets So now we wait. The results for Sale at: will be shown on the Erin Sanford’s Event Centre Simpson Show on TV on Opunake - Rahotu Servive Station June 29th and we don’t know - Sanfords Event Centre until then who wins and goes Doors open at 5.30pm - Coastal Boxing Club on to the fi nals to be held in in mid August. Action Starts at 6pm - Collin’s Sport Shop Of course we hope it’s us, but without a doubt we’ve all en- Adult: $10, Children (5-14): $5, Preschool (under 5): $2 joyed the experience of getting *CASH ONLY DOOR SALES* to know each other, learning Corporate Tables: $80 Includes Beer, Wine & Platters, Ringside new skills (for me and them) seating - to pre purchase a Corporate Table contact Mike 761 8004 and having the excitement of being part of a television pro- Coastal Boxing Contact: Terry Simpson 06 763 8785 gramme. That doesn’t happen Sian Tran-Lawrence, Isabel Goodhue, Nicole Watchorne and Georga Sanders. Watch to kids every day. Erin Simpson’s children’s variety show on Channel 2 on this Friday June 29.

>> Site Surveys >> Subdivisions >> Resource Consents >> Boundary Locations >> Easements t >> 06 278 4135 e >> [email protected] 79 Princes Street, Hawera OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Thursday, June 28, 2012 WHAT’S ON 23 Double treat at Percy Thomson Gallery of the European Collection at Te Papa. There were a number of distinguished artists who attended the opening such as Dale Copeland, Paul Hutchinson, Roger Morris and Marianne Muggeridge - who has twice won the Adam Portraiture competition. The Adam Portraiture award went to Stephen Marty Welch for his self portrait entitled ‘3 nights, A Mirror and Loads of Coffee’. Sev- eral paintings were accorded ‘Highly Recommended’ sta- tus. The etchings were intrigu- ing, with portraits, everyday scenes, and landscapes. Rem- brandt van Rijn (1606-1669) was keen on self portraits – he did at least 31 of these Winner of the Adam Portaiture Award was this self in the 1630s, which “capture portrait by Stephen Mary Welch entitled ‘3 Nights, A personality and mood with mirror & Loads of Coffee’. extra sensitivity” . The other The offi cial opening night Papa’s ‘Dutch Etchers in a etchers of his period – such as – for two concurrent exhi- Golden Age: Rembrandt and Nicolaes Berchem – depicted bitions - was held on June his Peers’. Both exhibitions an interesting set of scenes 25 at the Percy Thomson run until July 26. and portraits. Gallery, Stratford. Firstly, There were two distin- on display there were the guished speakers at the event This is one event not to be fi nalists (and winner) of the Avenal McKinnon, Director missed. Remember, last day Stratford Singers mid-year concerts touring Adam Portraiture of the NZ Portrait Gallery is July 26. Don’t miss out. The Stratford Singers will be holding two mid-winter concerts on Saturday 30th June at Awards and secondly ‘Te and Vicki Robson, Curator Rolland McKellar Stratford singers mid-year concerts The Stratford Singers will Adam Portraiture Awards programme called ‘Mixed there will be drinks and be holding two mid-winter and the Dutch etchings of Media’ will consist of light refreshments and the concerts on Saturday 30th Rembrandt and his peers. both sacred and secular cost will be $20.00 plus 49 MAIN RD, MANAIA -Ph orders (06) 274 8341 June at 7.30pm and Sunday This will be the fi rst time pieces - some new and old booking fee. Bookings are 1st July at 2pm. the choir has performed favourites - and will include essential and can be made The venue will be the Percy in such surroundings and a bracket of songs to mark at the Stratford Information OPENLive FOR Music LUNCH Thomson Gallery and will everyone is looking forward the bicentenary of the birth Centre. Sunday’s afternoon In2nation Saturday 30th June coincide with the Gallery’s to providing a treat for of Charles Dickens. concert will be $15.00 with AND8.30 EVENING till late exhibition of the 2012 both sight and sounds. The On Saturday evening, door sales only. bus from outside of province Karaoke MEALS.7th July - from 8.30pm visits the Hall of Fame for a Johnny Cash tribute show tour of the museum and a PhoneWed to forSunday bookings. - Lunch year-old baritone vocalist, country music show. Bergen Raikes, will is also Up to 40 people are invited Thurs to Sunday $15 Meal Specials be a stand-out performer. to the free show which Meals Thankand Takeaways you for 7 Days your Media personality Bryan starts at 1pm on Sunday, Vickery will also make a July 15 at the Taranaki patronage this year. cameo appearance. Other Country Music Hall of musicians are keyboard Fame, 11 Surf High 45, TWO MAJORMerry EXHIBITIONS Christmas AT player Nyall Corbett and Manaia. Those wishing to PERCY THOMSON GALLERY harmonica player and attend must be well dressed. and a Happy recording artist Russel And because demand for New Year. Sutherland. the show will be high, they Dutch Etchers in a Golden Age: Musical director Helen are asked to contact Bryan Braithwaite says the tribute Vickery on bryanvickery@ PhRembrandt (06) 274 8341 and - his49 MainPeers St, Manaia show will capture the essence radionetwork.co.nz or 0274- of Johnny Cash. «This 498-896 to book their seat. A selection of 17th Century etchings and engravings concert will be performed Attendees are requested to

Developed in front of a studio audience be there be no later than from Te Papa’s permanent collection. and presented by the The Taranaki Country Museum of impaired entertainer who in a museum which has 12.30pm. New Zealand ONE OF ONLY FOUR VENUES Te Papa Music Hall of Fame in Tongarewa boasts a superb voice plus is thousands of country music The fi lmed show will also Manaia will play host to an accomplished drummer. pictures on the walls, «says serve as a polished rehearsal a specially fi lmed Johnny Other performers include Helen Braithwaite. The for a Johnny Cash Tribute ADAM PORTRAITURE AWARDS Cash Tribute show in front award winning country fi lmed performance will show which is being held of a studio audience. music artists Alex Hockly, be professionally fi lmed on July 28 and 29 at the The 70 minute show will and edited and be used to The Portrait Gallery of New Zealand presents Mary Barnard and Chris Hawera Memorial Theatre, feature some of Taranaki›s Welson along with recording promote tourism to Taranaki with all proceeds going forty-five of this year’s finalists. fi nest singers, including artists Helen and Ian and the Hall of Fame. to the Hawera Memorial Adam Foundation PERCY THOMSON Teena McEwen, a visually Braithwaite. Twenty-four- Each month at least one tour Theatre Friends Trust. GALLERY MIRANDA STREET several fl oors of New Zea- training at the Trinity College STRATFORD On this month in history land House in . of Music. He performed in JUNE 25–JULY 26 � (06) 765 0917 On June 26, 1971 New Zea- at the age of 56. He was also He was raised on the Kapiti many roles at venues such land’s most celebrated male an expert carver and a well- coast and Waikato, but head- as the Royal Opera House, opera singer (bass baritone) known piece was the 17 metre ed overseas in 1947 to pursue Covent Garden, London and WWW.PERCYTHOMSONGALLERY.ORG.NZ Inia Te Wiata died of cancer Pouihi, which passed through his singing career, including Broadway, New York. 24 WHAT’S ON Thursday, June 28, 2012 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Dirty Dusting delights the audience

8778866AA AUDITIONS The hilarious comedy by Devon Williamson Directed by Tracey Blake

A cast of 5 women (20-75) & 2 men (30-75) are required for this rip roaring comedy.

AUDITIONS ARE SUNDAY 1st JULY This Sunday at the Castle in Regan St from 7-9pm

FOR DETAILS ETC - RING THE DIRECTOR 0274136863 Olive (Jane Lawrence) looks shocked at Dave (Ben omas) wrestles Olive (Jane Lawrence) for the phone, while what her boss Dave (Ben) might be hear- Elsie (Felicity Willis) and Gladys (Carole Hosie) are otherwise occupied. ing. Stratford Singers Present Hawera Repertory has veteran cleaning ladies in excellent account of them- From the curtain fall to maintained their high stan- danger of being made re- selves. ‘Elsie’ was played reveal a superb set, through dard with their latest pro- dundant. They come up with by Felicity Willis, ‘Gladys’ a few songs and much com- duction, ‘Dirty Dusting’, a money-making venture – is played by Carole Hosie edy, the audience had great whose season continues dirty phone calls. However, and ‘Olive’ played by Jane value for their money. Well Mixed until Saturday June 30. Rep- there is a huge surprise at Lawrence. done all involved with this ertory House, Collins Street, just who phones in to have Ben Thomas plays ‘Dave’ show – backstage, on stage Medi Hawera is the venue. The his fantasies exercised. the rather unpleasant boss and not forgetting ‘front of sacred and secular music show reviewed was the One cleaning lady decides with a humorous campy the house’. matinee on June 23. to be ‘Marilyn Monroe’, to twist – and no regard for tact. The play was written the horror of her other two “The company has decided There’s still time to see the Percy Thomson Gallery by Ed Waugh and Trevor companions. Loud bump. to employ some younger show. Remember, last night Saturday 30th June 7.30pm Wood and premiered in the “That’s Marilyn turning in models”, then departs sing- is Saturday June 30. UK in 2003. This produc- her grave”, they chorus. ing ‘Happy Days Are Here Rolland McKellar Sunday 1st July 2.00pm tion was directed by Saman- The acting crew gave an Again’. Saturday Concert - $20.00 plus Booking Fee (Includes wine & tha Turner her first since her Nibble) * Bookings Essential at Stratford Information Centre hugely successful ‘Ladies Sunday Concert $15.00 (concert only) door sales only Night’ in 2010. She must be delighted with the way her comedy was received – the The Gallery is featuring displays of the works of audience only drew breath Rembrandt, and The National Portrait Awards. to continue laughing. The story was about three

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CHECK OUR NEW Open 7days 8.30am - Late Caltus, Stoney Oaks American bison enjoying a quiet moment. He’s getting to be a WINTER MENU Bookings Essential big boy and can be rather intimidating at times according to Gail Simons from Stoney Ph: 06 761 8358 www.headlands.co.nz Oakes Wildlife Park at Inglewood who sent in the photograph.

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