For the week of May 31

CATHEDRAL CHRONICLE 252 James Street North, Hamilton, Ontario L8R 2L3 905-527-1316 ext 240 WEEKLY PRAYER CYCLE Cathedral Services Parish Cycle of Prayer: Violeta San Juan; Angela & David As we are unable to worship together during the Savage; Brian Shoesmith; Suzanne Simon. pandemic, we invite you to attend the

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: In the world-wide Anglican following Cathedral services listed below. Communion we pray for the Anglican Church of Melanesia, The Most Reverend Leonard Dawea, Archbishop of the Evening Prayer for Anglican Church of Melanesia and Bishop of Temotu. In the The Feast of Pentecost, May 31 Anglican Church of Canada we pray for Bishops , , Riscylla Walsh-Shaw, , Jenny To access the order of service click here. Andison, the clergy and people of the Diocese of Toronto. In To access the audio click here. the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada we pray for the Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute in Outlook Saskatchewan. In Ascension Hymn Festival, May 24 our partner diocese of Cuba we pray for the parish of San Jorge in Bartle; The Reverend Rody Perez Risco, minister-in-charge, To access the order of service click here. the candidate Yordanis Acosta and the people of that parish. In To access the audio click here. our we pray for our Bishop, The Right Reverend Susan Bell, All Saints, Ridgeway, The Reverend Dan Bennett, Rector, The Reverend Canon David Thomas, VIRTUAL COFFEE HOUR Honorary Assistant and the people of that parish. You are invited to gather for Coffee Hour As a community we pray for: Victims of domestic and on Sunday, June 7th at 11am via Zoom. family abuse and violence, especially women and children and those who help, support, counsel and care for them. You can join by phone for an audio only participation if you don't have or aren't comfortable Those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers: Susan Andrews; Eric Mills; Jim Lawson; Susan Worrall; Paul & operating with a camera and microphone on your Barbara Clifford; Bob Snelling; Margit Kafka; Pam Blackwood; computer, tablet or other digital device. In order Jane Sinclair; Judy Robertson; John Passmore; Peter; Brian. for us to cope with the many voices and get a We celebrate the life of: Joan VanHee chance to hear from everyone who wishes to speak, we will have a "managed" call, asking people to in- dicate by waving or using the chat function that PENTECOST SUNDAY WORSHIP they wish to speak. We will also be invited to share briefly something of what you are grateful for, how May 31st you are seeing God's love and presence active at this time. If you would like to attend please send an 10:00am - Prayers email to [email protected] and instruc- join Bishop Susan Bell tions will be forwarded to you. Numbers are limited on the Diocesan Facebook page so please respond by Wednesday, June 4th. Don’t forget your coffee/tea! 2:00pm - One in the Spirit join The Most Rev. Anne Germond, VIRTUAL YOUTH GROUP All youth, ages 10-13, are welcome to join the Virtual Metropolitan of Ontario Youth Group by Zoom on Fridays, noon to 1pm. click here All youth, ages 13+, are welcome to join in the Virtual Youth Group by Zoom on Fridays, 2-3pm. 4:00pm - One Family in Mission join Bishop Susan Johnson, Please email Sarah Bird, [email protected], indicating Archbishop , and your name, age, parish and email in order to receive Archbishop Mark MacDonald an email with sign in information. click here PRINCIPLES FOR A JUST RECOVERY Evening Prayer Service from Christ’s Church As governments begin to prepare Cathedral click here recovery plans amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Anglican Church of Canada and KAIROS have joined an informal alli- To Irene Maycock ance of over 150 national and local civil society who celebrates her groups to work to ensure that these plans move us 90th birthday on May 31st. toward a more equitable and sustainable fu- ture. Click here for more information. PRAYER CORNER The doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked. (John 20. 19)

Ever-present God, be with us in our isolation, be close to us in our distancing, be healing in our sickness, be joy in our sadness, be light in our darkness, be wisdom in our confusion, be all that is familiar when all is unfamiliar, that when the doors reopen we may with the zeal of Pentecost inhabit our communities and speak of your goodness to an emerging world. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

(A prayer by Andrew Nunn, Dean of Southwark, Scottish Episco- pal Church.)

STAY IN TOUCH, KEEP INFORMED Watch these web sites for up to date information.

Christ’s Church Cathedral for Evening Prayer services and ways to support the Cathedral and its ongoing ministries.

The Diocese of Niagara Sunday prayers and BISHOP SUSAN BELL’S pastoral letters from Bishop Susan Bell and the COVID-19 Resource Hub. PENTECOST MESSAGE

The Anglican Church of Canada for a statement Click here from Canadian Religious Leaders regarding COVID-19, resources for home prayers and details on the Pentecost celebration. Indigenous Ministries is excited to announce its first ever

online Gospel Jamboree, featuring PWRDF for information on their Covid-19 appeal and ways to support it. songs, prayers, fellowship and laughter from and with folks from across St. Matthew’s House information on their Canada and beyond! We call on all people continuing support of seniors in the community of praise and prayer to join in this event of hope, healing and and ways in which you can support this faith. For more information click here. ministry.

All of these resources are updated regularly to give you the latest information.

CATHEDRAL CONNECTIONS - Sunday, 31 May 2020: Pentecost

Pentecost was the day the disciples were no longer afraid, and the church was founded. This is the festival that should be celebrated with the most exuberance with bells, trumpets and wonderful music. After the crucifixion, the disciples were confused and dispirited. Even after learning on Easter Sunday morning that Jesus had risen, they met that evening in an upstairs room, because they were afraid. Later they went to Galilee, but were back in Jerusalem by the time the spirit came to them.

The events of Pentecost take a full chapter (Acts 2), starting with the familiar words “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.” First there were rushing winds and then tongues of fire came on them. Filled with the Holy Spirit, they started to proclaim the word in various languages so that all in Jerusalem, no matter where they came from, could understand them. Some suggested that the disciples had got into the wine, but Peter said that they were not drunk and spoke of the life, teaching and deeds of Jesus. He called upon them to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus. Many did, so that their numbers were increased by three thousand on that day, and they continued “in the apostles’ doctrine and fellow- ship, and in breaking of bread and in prayers”.

And, so we do today in the continuing church. Why not wear your red clothes, and decorate with red, orange and yellow balloons to symbolize the flames as we usually do at the cathedral? The Yvonne Williams window portraying Pentecost as one of the four great festivals is complicated. I believe that the central image (left) is God with His world. The family (center) represents the church, and on the right is the spirit coming to God’s earth.