St Paul’s Province Weekly Newsletter: 165 9 March 2020

Our birthday Eithne Donoghue 9 March girl this week is:

Isaiah 12:4

Pat and I went to Women’s International Day at the Congregational Church where we had a beautiful prayer service. This year the country chosen was Zimbabwe and the theme was ‘Take up your mat and walk’. As we all know, Zimbabwe has been in turmoil for many years and is now hoping for a better future. (Jesu tawa pano). Jesus we are here. Love from Liverpool. Pat & Maureen MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF OTHERS

Our Sisters: Nora Horan Rita McStay

Regina Boland Laurence Beatty Una Vaughan Anthony Mary Ward

Relatives/friends of Sisters: Clyne, Brigid Murphy’s brother-in- law; Marguerita’s brother, Pat; Carmel Comerford’s sister, Clare; Anna Hainey’s brother, Danny; Barbara Sexton’s brother, Denis, and his Eily May’s brothers, Tade & Jack, wife, Breda, both of whom are ill, and and her sister, Mary White; also their sister-in-law, Angela Sexton, Francis’ niece-in-law, Val McCartan; who is very seriously ill; Kay Doran’s niece-in-law, Kerry; Mary McLean, Margaret Travers’ sister; Martin ’s sister, Julie; Anna Kearns, grandniece of Sr Annie Michelle Reid, Rita McStay’s niece-in-law; McCambridge; Elaine Plunkett,Keighley Associate; Maria Somers, wife of Paschal; Dominic, brother to Ann Cotter (Chile).

Please pray for Sheila McNally’s brother, John McNally (the singer), who is currently unwell.

Prayer Updates: helping us to pray more effectively. Last week Maria (Somers) saw the oncologist about the results of recent scans. The scans were a follow up to surgery and radiotherapy last year to deal with a brain tumour. The results revealed that there is no sign of the tumour's return. We are both glad and relieved to hear this news and would like to take the opportunity to express our wholehearted thanks to all the sisters for their prayers and good wishes for Maria and our family. She will have another scan in three months time and the hope is that with each scan the news will get better and better. Blessed Dominic and Elizabeth Prout have been particular 'friends' during this challenging time. A thousand thanks, Paschal 2020: BICENTENARY YEAR OF THE BIRTH ON 2 SEPTEMBER OF OUR FOUNDRESS, THE , MOTHER MARY JOSEPH OF JESUS IN SAECULO ELIZABETH PROUT: OUR HERITAGE: THE GROWTH OF HER CONGREGATION PART FOUR

Founded within thirty and fifty years of her death; Birnieknowe, Ayrshire, Scotland, 27 July 1894 The Crescent, Salford, 2 September 1894 Halifax, Yorkshire, 18 January 1895 Re-foundation, Lytham, 24 August 1896 Islington, London, 12 August 1898 Warrington, 3 January 1899 Ilkley, 30 August 1899 St , Bryson St, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 8 September 1900 Parkfield, Bradford, 1 April 1905 St Comgall, Larne, Northern Ireland, 12 June 1906 Waterside, Ayrshire, Scotland, 26 July 1906 Lochgelly, Fife, Scotland, 2 September 1907 St Gerard, Liverpool, 23 August 1909 St Joseph, Horwich, Bolton, January 1912 Playa Ancha, Valparaiso, Chile, South America, 23 November 1912 St Philomena, Limache, Chile, 23 November 1912 The Blessed Sacrament, Avenida Salvador, Santiago, Chile, 23 Nov. 1912 Calle d’Avila, Santiago, Chile, 23 November 1912 St Rose, Molina, Chile, 23 November 1912 St Anne, Cerro Cordellera, Valparaiso, Chile, 23 November 1912 St , Melbourne Place, Bradford, 31 January 1913 St Brigid, Ballycastle, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland, 27 August 1913

This is our heritage, the history of our Congregation. Would you like to write a paragraph? Then send it to St Paul’s Post or Sister Dominic Savio CP, MMJ Cause. Thank you.