Swine Flu Scare Closes School
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Focusing Winning in Alpena Diabetes conference spotlights North baseball team strides toward a cure PAGEIB wins tournament PAGE IC Grosse Pointe News VOL. 70, NO. 19,46 PAGES MAY 7,2009 ONE DOLLAR (DELIVERY 710) Complete news coverage of all the Pointes • Since 1940 GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN week ahead 10 11 12 13 14 Swine flu scare closes school By Amy Salvagno dents cannot participate in after school ac- Officials optimistic as outbreak StaffWriter tivities, including Little League or Honors THURSDAY, MAY 7 Band. • Parenting Strategies That Brownell Middle School remains closed "The good news is we have a very con- offers few severe HlNl cases Work for Young Children is until Monday, May 11, after Grosse Pointe scientious family working with us. The stu- presented from 6:30 to 8:30 school officials received notice from the dent is under medical care and he has no By Tuesday, more than 400 con- Updates available at p.m. at the Grosse Pointe Wayne County Health Department that a other siblings in our schools," said Fannon. firmed cases of the HlNl influenza grossepointenews.com Baptist Church, 21336 Mack, student has a probable case of the HlNl The boy began showing symptoms last (swine flu) have been identified in Grosse Pointe Woods. Parent flu. Monday and his parents have kept him 38 states. Eight are from Michigan, The only United States death came coach, psychologist and rela- The building will stay sealed from all home since, she added. The first round of including one in Livingston County last week, a 23-month-old infant in tionship therapist Tim Hogan students, faculty and staff through the tests revealed the student had the A strain and seven in Ottawa County, ac- Texas. New York has 90 confirmed and therapist Mary McKheen weekend unless the second round of tests of the influenza virus, which can cause cording to the state's website, cases, followed by Illinois with 82, will answer questions and pro- on the male student come back negative, HlNl. Michigan.gov. California with 49 and Texas with vide three strategies to resolve said Rebecca Fannon, community rela- Health professionals are relieved child behavioral issues. This tions specialist. In addition, Brownell stu- See FLU, page 10A by the lack of severe cases reported. See CASES, page 10A program is aimed at parents with children infants through age 10. • Grosse Pointe Theatre's pro- GROSSE POINTE WOODS duction of "Miss Saigon" is pre- sented at 8 p.m. at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial, 32 Lakeshore, Grosse Pointe Veteran cop faces Farms. Tickets are $22. For more information, call (313) 881-4004. domestic assault FRIDAY, MAY 8 • Grosse Pointe Theatre's pro- obstructing charges duction of "Miss Saigon" is pre- sented at 8 p.m. at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial, 32 ByKathyRyan ter posting a $2,500 surety Lakeshore, Grosse Pointe Staff Writer bond. He has been charged Farms. Tickets are $22. For with two misdemeanors, do- more information, call (313) A 32-year veteran sergeant mestic violence and obstruct- 881-4004. with the Grosse Pointe Woods ing a police officer. Both •The Grosse Pointe Woods public safety department was charges carry penalties of 93 BeaurMcation Commission arrested on charges of domes- days in jail. and the Grosse Pointe North tic assault and obstructing a In a written statement, Parents Club sell flowers and police officer. Woods Public Safety Director hanging baskets from 10 a.m. James DaDeppo, 53, of St. Michael Makowski acknowl- to 5 p.m. on the lawn of Grosse Clair Shores, is to be arraigned edged DaDeppo's arrest and Pointe Woods City Hall. Wednesday, May 6, in said that the sergeant had • The Grand Marais Chapter Warren's 37th District Court. been placed on paid adminis- of Questers No. 215 meet at DaDeppo was arrested at 8 trative leave pending an inter- 9:30 a.m. at Jean Doelle's p.m. Friday, May 1, after police nal investigation into the inci- house. The meeting's topic is were called to a house in the dent. fake miniature portraits. 29800 block of Lane Court in "The department takes these Warren by a 53-year-old charges very seriously and will SATURDAY, MAY 9 PHOTOS BY RENEE LANDUYT woman who claims DaDeppo ensure that this matter will be Armed Forces Day had been pushing her and dealt with professionally and • A May tea party is from 1 to 4 shoving her in the kitchen of according to department poli- p.m. at the Provencal-Weir Tea party the house during an argument. cy," Makowski said. House, 376 Kercheval, Grosse The woman, who told police Warren Police Pointe Farms. Reservations Above, Grace Campbell gig- she and DaDeppo had been Commissioner William Dwyer, may be made by calling (313) gled as she told the calico cat to dating for several months, said in a written statement, said, "It 884-7010. Wearing a hat is en- take the magic wand and make DaDeppo attempted to leave is unfortunate that these inci- couraged. a hospitalized child smile. She her house with "some personal dents occur; however, our de- • The Grosse Pointe Woods was one of dozens of children items." partment takes all domestic vi- Beautiflcation Commission who stuffed and dressed 15- Warren police confronted olence complaints seriously. I and the Grosse Pointe North inch plush animals at the DaDeppo in the driveway of will ensure that this matter will Parents Club sell flowers and ChariTea Party, presented by the house, where he turned be handled professionally and hanging baskets from 10 a.m. The Family Circle of Friends. At over his firearm, but refused to in accordance with our depart- to 3 p.m. right, adorned with a flower, comply with other requests. ment's established procedure." *The Herb Society of Hannah Gunn sampled tea. When police attempted to See grossepointenews.com America/Grosse Pointe Unit Each family was asked to do- handcuff him, a brief struggle for an update after the sched- holds a herb sale from 8:30 nate a new teddy bear which ensued. uled arraignment and more on a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Grosse were distributed to local pedi- He was taken to police head- Ihe story in Ike May 14 edition Pointe Woods Community atric centers and hospital pro- quarters, and was released af- of the Grosse Pointe News. Center, 20025 Mack Plaza. grams,taught proper tea eti- quette and listened to a story. See WEEK AHEAD, page 10A POINTER OF INTEREST THE GREAT LAKES 'My life is giving back to others, that's where I Opinion 8A get my satisfaction.' Schools 1AO Obituaries 7A D Business 9A n Study says let nature set lake levels Autos 10AH ByBradlindberg mile matrix of frozen slush and slabs. Health 5B StaffWriter If it weren't for the breaker's 1 5/8-thick steel Home: Grosse Pointe Woods Entertainment 7B hull, 10-cylinder engines and twin 14-foot pro- Age: 71 Classified ads 8C The St. Clair River ice jam of April, 1984 wasa pellers, Michaels could have blended in with a thing of contrasts in the U.S. Coast Guard ca- scene described by another mariner of ancient Family: Wife, Jane; sons, reer of Brenton Michaels, first engineer aboard times: "The ice was here, the ice was there, the Harry and Michael; daughter, ice was all around." the 290-foot ice breaker Mackinaw. Marissa At one time during the 24-day jam, Michaels One day, off-watch crewmen on the worked 30 hours straight fixing one of the Mackinaw killed time by playing volleyball on Claim to fame: Texas Hold'em breaker's six diesel engines. At other times, try- the ship's fantail. They didn't notice when the player and teacher ing to free icebound freighters became so bor- 56525 10011 ing that the clock stood as still as the river's 22- See LEVELS, page 3A See story on page 4A PHONE: (313) 882-6900 • FAX: (313) 882-1585 • MAIL: 96 Kercheval 48236 • ON THE WEB: grossepointenews.com • [email protected] BREAKFAST & LUNCH SPECIALS 19218 Mack Ave • Just North of Morass Saturdays 586-774-0090 ACROSS FROM POINTE PLAZA • OPENSDAYS, CLOSED MONDAYS & 15251 E. 12 Mile • Roseville Carry Outs Available • 882-4475 Sundays! www.backerlandscaping.com GROSSE POINTE NEWS, MAY 7, 2009 NEWS Yesterday's headlines • WOODS LOSES TAX ing down Beverly Road toward CASE: A March ruling by the Lakeshore. One victim said she Michigan Tax Tribunal is going had previously seen the suspect to cost Grosse Pointe Woods acting suspiciously near the 50 years ago (Jus week about $ 15,000 in city taxes by school. the end of the year. • FARMS ALLOTS PEN- The tribunal ruled that as- SION FUNDS: The Grosse sessment for the last two years Pointe Farms city council ap- on property owned by St. John proved requests for appropria- Hospital have been more than tions in the 1959-60 city budget the true market value and or- Five years ago this week for retirement funds. dered the city to refund about Recommendations from the $ 10,000 in property taxes to the • LUXURYCONDOS PRO- General Employees' hospital. POSED: High-end condomini- Retirement Commission that Additionally, the board of re- ums have been proposed on the sum of $22,954 for pensions view lowered the hospital's as- Lakeshore property north of and $900 for expenses and sessment another $400,000 this the Grosse Pointe Vfar from the Policemen and year, costing the city $4,500 in Memorial. The War Memorial Firemen Retirement city taxes in the upcoming fis- bought 50 and 60 Lakeshore in Commission, $48,636 for pen- cal year.