REPORT PACK FOR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING ON 10 SEPTEMBER 2019 Agenda item 1. Mayors Report 10th September

Since the last meeting I have attended the following events:-

10th August – Youth Centre Open Day.

11th August – Outreach Kitchen at Horncastle Community Centre.

31st August – Opening of Wolds & Coast Churches Festival at St Marys Horncastle.

3rd September – Commemoration Event to mark 80 years since start of WW2 at Horncastle War Memorial Centre.

8th September – Civic Service.

Date for your diary – Horncastle Civic Service will be on Sunday 19th April at 3pm.

Agenda item 4.

Title: Guest Speakers from the Environment Agency and Lincolnshire County Council to discuss the flooding in town

1. The guest speakers will be:

John Ray - Senior Advisor, Flood & Coastal Risk Management from the Environment Agency; and Paul Brookes – Flood Risk Manager from Lincolnshire County Council

2. The have been invited to speak about the flooding events which occurred in June, the flood alleviation scheme, individual property protection offered to residents and Section 19 investigations.

3. They have been informed that residents will be in attendance and will be given the opportunity to ask questions.

Agenda item 5. NOTES Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting


In the chair: Councillor Birchall (Vice Chairman)

Present: Councillors Aron, Barker, Everton, Hinkins, Lockwood, J Martin, Moore, Wilkinson and Williams

In attendance: • A Bushell - Town Clerk • 10 members of the public • John Fieldhouse – Horncastle News • Councillor Campbell-Wardman and Cllr Avison - ELDC Councillors for Horncastle • PCSO Nigel Wass

Public participation: The Chair expressed disappointment that Cllr Davies was not in attendance and she apologised to the public, but informed them that the Town Council had only just been told that he wasn’t attending this meeting, but he had offered to attend a future meeting.

A member of the public asked what could be done to deal with drug issues in the town and PCSO Wass explained what the Police were doing, and he suggested that the Town Council invite the Police Inspector to a meeting to come along and answer questions. Members of the public were asked to feed in information to the Police about drug dealing in the town.

Another resident spoke about flooding on 11th June and explained that she had some serious questions that she would like to be answered on behalf of quite a few residents who were flooded. She requested an on-site meeting, and County Cllr Aron agreed to organise this and he also spoke about a Section 19 investigation. Other residents in attendance at the meeting confirmed that they were flooded. County Cllr Aron explained that Lincolnshire County Council was the lead flood authority and they worked in conjunction with the Environment Agency to investigate incidents of flooding. County Cllr Aron was asked to provide the Town Council with information about the process of a Section 19 investigation.

Another resident mentioned the state of the verge on Hemingby Lane / corner of Louth Road which was being damaged by vehicles being parked on it. County Cllr Aron agreed to report this and ask for it to be investigated as to whether vehicles repairs were being carried out on the verge. PCSO Wass confirmed that the Police had already looked into this matter and there was nothing that they could do as the vehicles were taxed and tested, so were legal to be parked on the highway, and it was not a criminal offence to park on a grass verge.

45. CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS AND MAYOR’S REPORT Cllr Birchall informed the meeting that she was standing in for Cllr F Martin. She gave details of events that the Mayor had attended in June, and she spoke about the unveiling of a Blue plaque at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School which she had attended.

46. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND REASONS GIVEN Apologies with reasons given were received and accepted from Councillors Burbidge and F Martin.

47. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS AND DISPENSATIONS There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensations received.

48. DISCUSSION OF HIGHWAYS ISSUES IN THE TOWN WITH CLLR RICHARD DAVIES, THE EXECUTIVE COUNCILLOR FOR HIGHWAYS AT LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL (LCC) Cllr Richard Davies was not in attendance, which councillors agreed was very disappointing and extremely frustrating since the meeting had been geared around his attendance. The Chairman read out the list of questions which had been sent to Cllr Davies prior to the meeting, and Cllr Aron provided replies to a couple of them and it was agreed to send the other questions to him again and ask for written answers. The Chairman then invited questions and comments from Councillors. Cllr Wilkinson stated that one of the biggest issues with highways was communication, and there needed to be sensible communication with officers, as taking two years to get slabs replaced was not acceptable and business owners and residents were getting frustrated because they were not well informed about highways processes, and the Town Council needed to have the answers, which it currently didn’t have. District Cllr Avison commented that the District Councillors had direct access to ELDC officers and he questioned if Cllr Aron had direct access to speak to LCC officers, and he confirmed that he did. Cllr Barker informed the meeting that he had a list of highways schedules from the past 4 years, and he pointed out that of the 17 items on a list produced by the Town Council in January, only one issue had been resolved, and that was the Conging Street resurfacing work, which in his opinion was not completed to an acceptable standard and he queried who had signed off the work. Cllr Barker also felt that it was unacceptable that there had been no follow up to the meeting with the headteachers, and the communication from LCC was abysmal. He suggested that a special meeting should be called to deal with flood and highways issues. He also asked for Cllr Aron to explain what the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) connection was to Highways, and Cllr Aron explained this, and he was informed that the LCC website had no reference to the LLFA and Highways being connected. Cllr Aron informed the meeting that Highways had agreed that the lights on the Boston Road zebra crossing would be upgraded to provide LED lights, it was acknowledged that this was good news, but it didn’t resolve the issue of the crossing being located in the wrong place. PCSO Wass was asked if it was still the case that the Police had seen no link between the rise in crime and the street lights being turned off, and he confirmed that the report carried out the previous year had shown no increase in crime. Cllr Hinkins commented there had been no good answers received on the issues raised by the school, and he hoped that Cllr Davies would be able to meet with the Town Council as soon as possible. The Chairman invited questions from the public. The following questions/comments were made: - When the sunken gully gets repaired in the High Street, can it be confirmed that the road from Bridge Street to the High Street will be resurfaced as it is in a terrible state? - Hoped to thank LCC for the good work to Conging Street, but although the surface is smooth the road is extremely bumpy, and not the quality of work that should be expected. - The present state of affairs is appalling and unacceptable. Town and Parish Clerks should have direct access to Highways officers, and the Council should write to the leader of LCC about this. - Fix my Street is an independent website, and it is not the right vehicle for letting residents know what is happening about issues that have been repaired, it does not have the facility to keep residents informed and provide feedback on issues. - Does Cllr Davies not have a Deputy who could have attended in his place, or why didn’t a Highways Officer attend? - The issue of parking along Prospect Street which was reported to LCC 10 months ago had still not been resolved. HGV’s continue to struggle to get into Travis Perkins’ yard when vehicles parked on single yellow lines, and because the sign is missing informing drivers not to park there, the Enforcement Officers are unable to enforce the no waiting restriction. It was queried why it was so difficult to get a new sign made and erected, and Cllr Aron agreed to chase this up. - A question was asked about the Youth Centre and the resident was informed that this was being discussed later in the meeting. Cllr Aron was asked to explain in which capacity he was attending the meeting, a Town Councillor or County Councillor, and the Chairman explained that it was not necessary for him to explain as he didn’t have a prejudicial interest and everyone was aware that he carried out both roles and was the Town Council’s link to Highways. PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Clerk would write to Cllr Davies and express frustration that he was unable to attend the meeting and didn’t provide a reason for not attending or contact the Clerk to let her know that he wouldn’t be here; and he would be asked when he would be available to attend a future meeting.

49. MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 11 JUNE 2019 PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (by 8 votes and 2 abstentions) that the notes of the Council meeting held on 11 June 2019 be approved as a true record of the meeting subject to the following changes being made: - Change the words in County Cllr Aron’s report at minute 29 from ‘had produced a report’ to ‘were seeking funding for a feasibility study’ - Add the words ‘and deal with townscape’ to the suggestion for a working group at minute 35. - Add the comment made by Cllr Aron to minute 39, that LCC had offered the land to the Town Council at no charge, and to also mention that this was discussed by councillors who were unable to recall this. It was suggested that all Council meetings should be recorded in future so that any queries of what was said, could be checked. The Clerk explained that the Council’s Standing Orders were being reviewed in September and could be amended to state that all meetings would be recorded.

RESOLVED to alter the order of the agenda to deal with item 7 next, so that PCSO Wass could give his report as he needed to leave.

50. REPORTS FROM THE PCSO, DISTRICT COUNCILLORS AND COUNTY COUNCILLOR PCSO Wass reported that the local policing team had been carrying out youth engagement via the schools to work with young people to try and stop them getting into trouble during the summer holidays. He also commented that he fully supported the role of the youth club and everyone involved. He mentioned that the Youth Club had been active over the years, but not so much recently. He was aware of different people trying to do provide youth activities, but they weren’t co-ordinated. He didn’t have any issues of crime to report, and he was asked if he could look into inconsiderate parking which was causing an obstruction to the footpath by Robert Bells. PCSO Wass confirmed that he had spoken to his colleagues about attending the Town Council meetings, but again he was here on his own. Councillors agreed that it would be good to meet the other members of the Local Policing Team. District Councillors Campbell-Wardman and Avison reported that it was the ELDC full council meeting the following evening, so they didn’t have too much to report. A few planning enforcement issues had been reported to them this evening by a member of the public which they would look into and report back to the Clerk. The District Councillors reported that they still had grant money available if anyone new of a group that may need some funds. They were asked when the new litter bins would be sited in the Market place, and whether the tree surrounds in the Market place would ever get replaced as they were an eyesore. They agreed to find out. County Councillor Aron reported that the fire and ambulance crews had started to move into the new Blue Light headquarters, and the Police were due to move in during the Autumn. The meeting was informed that this was the first joint Blue Light Headquarters in the Country. Cllr Aron spoke about the new BBMF static display at the Visitors Centre at RAF Coningsby, and also mentioned the three major resurfacing schemes which had taken place in Horncastle during the past year, and he informed the meeting that remedial work to Lincoln Road and West Street would be taking place. He agreed to report the issues with the Conging Street resurfacing work which had been raised by a member of the public. Cllr Aron was asked if he could find out if Highways had plans to repaint the line markings at the traffic lights in the near future as they were no longer there, and he also said that he would look into the Youth Centre closure announcement and see if anything could be done.

51. REPORTS FROM THE CLERK AND COUNCILLORS ON MATTERS OUTSTANDING Members noted the following list of outstanding matters: • Hedge along the path between Bush Tyres and the Swimming Pool (Min ref. 43 (11/06/2019)): Jackson Buildbase had contracted someone to cut the hedge back, but this had not yet been done and the Clerk was asked to chase them up as the overgrown hedge now made the public footpath dangerous for those people on mobility scooters to use. • Events to mark the 75th Anniversary of VE day (Min ref. 43 (11/06/2019)): The Bank Holiday at the start of May had been moved to Friday 8th May, and events nationally were being held over the weekend 8th – 10th May. An item would be put on the next Horncastle Together meeting agenda. Any suggestions would then be brought back to the Town Council to consider whether to take the lead in organising events as requested by the Horncastle & District RBL. • Planning Training (Min ref. 31 (11/06/2019)): ELDC had confirmed another session of planning training for 31st July. Councillor Lockwood would be attending so that he could then resume his position on the P&D Committee. Any other councillors who wished to attend this training so that they could be a P&D Committee substitute member were asked to contact the Deputy Clerk.

52. REVIEW OF THE DONATIONS POLICY, AND TO CONSIDER REQUESTS FOR DONATIONS PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to accept the policy. The following applications were considered: • Bain Valley Foundation - £300 • 1st Horncastle Scouts Group - £737

Cllr Birchall declared a personal interest as a family member was a scout leader.

PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to: a) Only award £500 of the 2019/20 donations budget so that there would be funds remaining for any requests received later in the year; b) give a donation of £200 to the Bain Valley Foundation to purchase five sets of music; c) give a donation of £300 to the 1st Horncastle Scouts Group towards purchasing a 6mtre bell tent, and suggest that they approach the District Councillors for a grant for the rest of the funds required.


54. UPDATES FROM REPRESENTATIVES The following reports were received: Lincolnshire Wolds Tourism Group: The next meeting was scheduled for 11th September

Horncastle Together: The notes of the last meeting had been sent to councillors. The next meeting was scheduled for 5th September.

CCTV Partnership: The next meeting was scheduled for 18th July.

Stanhope Hall: There hadn’t been a meeting.

Horncastle Walkers are Welcome: There had been a meeting the previous week where the Heritage Trail project had been considered and was progressing. Details were given of the Horncastle Heritage walk which had been organised in conjunction with Magna Vitae as part of the GOGA (Get Out Get Active) project.

Recreation Area Working Group: The Working Group would be meeting with the selected partner later in the week, who would be visiting the town earlier in the day to start consultation with the schools. ELDC had provided a formal letter of support for the Town Council using the Prospect Street land which was needed so that grant funding could start to be applied for.

Town Council surgery: The next surgery would take place on 27th July, and a further one would be organised for September so that the date could be advertised in the next issue of the Horncastle Matters magazine. A rota for manning the stall would be produced.

55. UPDATE ON THE TRANSFER OF ASSETS FROM DISTRICT COUNCIL Councillors were provided with an update report which was noted. One Councillor queried the pre-emption clause which ELDC was proposing to put on all the assets, and the Clerk explained what this was. Another Councillor suggested that the Council may want to look at taking on the car parks once the current transfer of assets had taken place. The Clerk explained that a special meeting would probably be needed in September to consider the advice from the Town Council’s Solicitor in detail before agreeing to progress with the transfer of assets.

56. FINANCIAL MATTERS a. To approve future and retrospective payments and note income received PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) that the following payments be approved: i) Payments to be made: Recipient Detail Amount Shogun Vehicle Lease rental of vehicle Leasing £289.45 * Robert Bell & Co Office Rent (July) £325.00 Business Rates for Town Council Office ELDC (August) £46.00 Staff Wages – July £5,882.03 LCC Pension Fund Pension contributions – July £1,529.15 Jackson Buildbase Maintenance supplies & sand for sandbags £137.75 * Talk Talk Business Telephone calls, line rental & broadband (July) £48.83 * Welton Garden Grass verge cutting (June) £1,434.00 Services * Boston Road Service Petrol & Diesel Station £92.80 * Simon Rawdon Tyre & Tube fitted to mower wheel Exhausts £21.60 * Viking Direct Stationery £96.52 * Cllr F Martin Travel allowance claim – Mayoral duties £21.60 Green-Tech Wooden stakes £45.48 * Amberol Planter £521.10 * Petty Cash To top up petty cash £40.00 Page Paper Stationery, toilet rolls & postage stamps £140.71 * Pelican Trust Exclusive right of burial leaflets for the cemetery £50.40 Structural Engineer report assessment of York Sills Cemetery Chapel spire £114.00 * Agrigem Weedkiller £101.52 * Annual fee for Cemetery Database hosted Edge IT Systems service £296.40 * LALC Training course fees £32.40 *

ii) To approve retrospective payments: Recipient Detail Amount Vodafone Mobile phone contract £20.17 * E-on Electricity at allotment toilet £8.23 # Wave (Anglian Water) Water at allotment gardens £30.11 Wave (Anglian Water) Water at allotment toilet £13.36 Michelle Moss / Digital Waterproof Stickers for planters Printing £27.72 * Parking fee - LALC training course at Boston Napier Parking (petty cash payment) £4.50 Replacement double glazed unit at the Reflections cemetery lodge £99.00 * Rechargeable batteries for office phone Amazon (petty cash payment) £2.85 * Michelle Moss / Brytesoft Microsoft Projects software £49.99 Cathedral Training Manual handling training course fee £90.00 * Heron Cleaning supplies (petty cash payment) £2.58 * High Street Discounts Cleaning supplies (petty cash payment) £2.00 Post Office Postage (petty cash payment) £1.50 Photographs for Estates Supervisor NRSWA Fletcher & Hughes licence (petty cash payment) £5.00 Disposable gloves and washing up liquid J. Kemp & Son (petty cash payment) £7.79 * * These payments include VAT at 20% which will be reclaimed from HMRC. # These payments include VAT at 5% which will be reclaimed from HMRC. iii) Fund Transfers Details Reason Amount From deposit account to To move money into current account to cover £15,000.00 current account payments iv) Payments received: Item Amount Cemetery fees £1,551.00 Cemetery Lodge Rent £400.00 VAT refund £426.64 Bank interest £52.98 HMRC PAYE refund £70.73 b. Financial report Councillors received reports showing receipts and payments to date, and a copy of the latest bank reconciliation. The Clerk answered a query about the grass verge cutting budget.

57. APPROVAL TO ADD THE DEPUTY CLERK AS A SIGNATORY ON THE COUNCIL’S UNITY TRUST BANK ACCOUNTS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY Councillors received a report explaining why this was required. PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to add the Deputy Clerk as an Internet Banking User on the Council’s Unity Trust Bank accounts.

AGREED to continue the meeting past 9pm.

58. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED SINCE THE LAST COUNCIL MEETING The following correspondence was considered: From Regarding Action agreed/already taken

Lincolnshire Wolds Lincolnshire Wolds Area of Letter regarding Annual Review Countryside Service Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) document sent to councillors Annual Review 2018-19 with the agenda. Hard copy of annual review document available to read on request. RAF Benevolent Fund Raising awareness of their services Copy of e-mail sent to councillors with the agenda. Posters requested to be displayed on the town’s noticeboards. Press release sent to Horncastle Matters magazine, and Clerk requested to send it to the Horncastle branch of the RBL. LCC Highways Notification that due to adverse Copy of e-mail sent to Maintenance Design weather conditions there has been councillors. Noted. Engineer slippages in this year’s surface dressing programme so the surface dressing of several streets in Horncastle has been deferred to 2020 Resident E-mail ref. pollution Copy of e-mail below sent to councillors. Clerk to send the e-mail to LCC Transport. User of the Youth Letter from LCC about the future of Letter e-mailed to councillors. Centre Building the Horncastle Youth Centre The letter from LCC regarding the future of the Youth Centre was discussed in detail. AGREED to write to the Leader of Lincolnshire County Council asking for the decision to close the Youth Centre to be delayed to give the community more time to come up with a proposal to save the building. The letter would express disappointment that the TC was not informed about the decision to close an important building in the town, and ask for evidence that the building has to be closed due to health and safety. Cllr Aron also agreed to ask LCC to delay the decision.

59. REVIEW OF THE POLICY ON RECORDING, FILMING, PHOTOGRAPHING AND BROADCASTING MEETINGS. PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to approve the policy subject to correcting the Standing Order reference number.

60. ITEMS FOR FUTURE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING AGENDAS, AND TO RESOLVE TO INVITE REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE ENVIRONMENT AGENCY AND LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL TO SEPTEMBER’S TOWN COUNCIL MEETING TO DISCUSS THE FLOODING EVENTS WHICH OCCURRED IN JUNE Councillors were provided with a list of items for future agendas, and reminded that the Council did not meet in August, so the next meeting wouldn’t be until 10th September. Councillors noted the list of items for future agendas. It was acknowledged that some of the items to be discussed in September might have to be moved back to a later meeting if the number of items became too many to consider at one meeting. PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to invite representatives from the Environment Agency and Lincolnshire County Council to the September Town Council meeting to discuss the flooding events which occurred in June and to answer questions from those residents whose properties suffered from flooding.

AGREED that a special meeting would be called to discuss highway issues on a date convenient for Cllr Davies.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.19pm.

Agenda item 6. Action points/Matters Outstanding

• Market Place Tree Surrounds (Min ref. 156 (12/02/19) & 89 (09/10/2018)): ELDC has inspected and identified that the existing limestone edging surrounds to the trees currently do not pose a risk to health and safety as there are no significant trip hazards. ELDC will continue to inspect the area on a regular basis to ensure that there is no further deterioration. The Building Surveyor at ELDC believes that new cast iron tree surrounds would provide a better long-term solution that is more in keeping with the area and it would be better to undertake the works when the car park is next due for major resurfacing. However, the current survey data is indicating that this will be undertaken within the next 3 years (subject to a regular review).

• Hedge along the path between Bush Tyres and the Swimming Pool (Min ref.43 (11/06/2019)): The Manager of Jackson Buildbase informed the Clerk that the hedge would be cut back on 8th August, but this never happened and when the Clerk queried why she was informed that the vegetation was not cut back as it is outside the boundary of their yard. and the footpaths officer sent the following e-mail: Public Rights of Way usually run over private land and the right that we protect is the right to use that route. Trees and hedges are normally the responsibility of the landowner, or where overhanging/obstructing the path from the side, the adjacent landowner. Following my email exchange with Amanda last week I thought it prudent to undertake a land registry search to see what is registered to whom. I received this information on Tuesday and unfortunately, that has not been useful in this case, as the area where the current 'offending trees' are, is not registered, and is outside the Buildbase registered land. The offending trees are effectively in a 'no mans land'. Unless the Town Council own it? I recall that the bench seat by the river, close to this location, was installed as part of a 'environment improvement scheme' (possibly with groundwork Lincolnshire approx. 20 years ago) and if memory serves, it was a bit of a beautification project that may have included some planting to screen the builders yard? It would have required some sort of landowner permission at that time I expect. From my perspective, the trees cause no issue currently to those walking along the path so I have no problem with them growing there. I can see that residents living nearby may not like them, but that is not a reason to trigger any action from ourselves. I would guess that the trees were present and not a problem before the relatively new terraced houses were built opposite. If the owners of the properties wish to undertake pruning or felling of the trees themselves, I cannot see anyone stopping them, but any works will require a temporary closure of the Public Footpath to safeguard the public while any work is carried out. The Town Council’s Estate staff did cut the hedges back a little in July to make the path passable, but it wasn’t a complete cut back as the hedge is not the responsibility of the Town Council. The Manager of Jackson’s has asked for a meeting to discuss the hedge. There is a chance that Horncastle Walkers are Welcome would consider tidying up this area if asked as one of the objectives of the group is: To work to improve facilities for walkers, including maintenance of existing footpaths and bridleways, and the creation of new ones.

• Borrowing approval application and application to the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) for a loan (Min ref. 39 11/06/19)): Borrowing approval from the Secretary of State was granted on 31st July 2019, and following this an application was submitted to the PWLB to borrow the requested funds. PWLB have confirmed that the application is in order and the loan may be advance by telephoning the PWLB two days before the funds are required and the rate will be confirmed at that time. The Clerk will request the funds at the end of September, as the first invoice from the Contractor is due in October.

Agenda item 8a.


In the Chair: Councillor Burbidge (BB) Present: Councillors Barker (RB), Birchall (AB), Hinkins (DH) and Williams (RW), Michelle Moss (MM) Deputy Clerk. East Lindsey Planning Officer: Andy Booth (ABo)

In attendance: 6 members of the public; 0 member of the press

31. Apologies for absence and reasons given - None

32. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations: To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – AB stated that she knew the applicant of agenda item 5, but not well enough to bias her opinion.

Section 1: Planning decisions to be made by Horncastle Town Council: 33. To determine planning application: S/086/00712/19 4 OSBERTON DRIVE, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Mr J Bevan PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Planning Permission - Erection of a green house. RECOMMENDATION: Approve with conditions CASE OFFICER: Leanne Clark It was noted that the orientation of the greenhouse had been switched from the original proposal to have the gable end towards the property. RB proposed; RW seconded; unanimously agreed to approve the application with no additional comments.

34. To determine planning application: S/086/00780/19 43 PROSPECT STREET, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Mr J Espin PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Erection of front boundary walls to a maximum height of 1.15 metres (works completed). RECOMMENDATION: Approve CASE OFFICER: Leanne Clark RB proposed; DH seconded; unanimously agreed to approve the application with no additional comments.

35. To determine planning application: S/086/00901/19 1 BARGATE LANE, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Mrs A Rees PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Extensions and alterations to existing bungalow. RECOMMENDATION: Approve with conditions CASE OFFICER: Leanne Clark ABo noted that the application was for a simple extension which would have minimal impact on the street scene. It was noted that no requests had been made for archaeological reports. DH noted a concern regarding the removal of the fruit trees, more from an ecological perspective than because they add to the street scene. RB proposed; AB seconded; unanimously agreed to approve the application with an advisory note asking the applicants to consider planting replacement trees.

ABo left the meeting. ______

Section 2: Planning Applications where Horncastle Town Council is a Consultee 36. Public Participation (maximum 15 minutes) - Members of the public will be invited to comment on any planning related matters they wish to raise. A maximum of 3 minutes is allowed for any one speaker with not more than 15 minutes in total. No comments raised.

37. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 17th June 2019 – RB proposed; AB seconded; unanimously approved with no changes.

38. To receive reports from officers and councillors on matters outstanding and actions arising from the minutes – It was noted that ABo had suggested completing some training relating to material considerations either before or after a Horncastle planning and development committee meeting – the committee unanimously agreed the this was acceptable and would prefer after a meeting. It was noted that BB would present the proposal to request electronic devices for P&D committee members to full council in September.

39. To consider planning application: S/086/01154/19 1 DEVEREUX WAY, BOSTON ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Mr P Jackson PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Extension to existing joinery manufacturing premises to provide 2no. light industrial units. RB queried: the lack of detail contained in the plans; whether the new units were for use by the business or would be rented; whether there are sufficient parking spaces within the curtilege of the site to prevent further parking on the road; and whether there would be sufficient space to allow vehicle turning. Following a lengthy discussion AB proposed to support the application but to highlight concerns regarding inadequate parking, lack of detail regarding parking on the plans, and to question whether the two units would be rented out or used for the existing business; DH seconded. Proposal supported with 4 for and 1 against.

40. To consider planning application: S/086/01137/19 RAWDON TYRES, SPRATT CLOSE, BOSTON ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Mr T Rawdon PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Extension to existing vehicle repair workshop to provide and enlarged workshop and storage area. It was noted that the application was to expand the current business. DH proposed; RW seconded; unanimously agreed to support the application.

41. To consider planning application: S/097/01016/19 THE DAIRY, LANGTON LANE, LANGTON APPLICANT: Mr A Vamplew PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Change of use, conversion of and extensions and alterations to existing Dairy to provide a dwelling. Erection of a double garage and change of use of agricultural land to provide a domestic garden. It was noted that Horncastle were being consulted on the application as the property has a border with Horncastle Parish. DH noted that alterations to the property would use traditional materials and remain in character with the surroundings. RB raised concerns regarding the access. BB proposed; DH seconded; unanimously agreed to support the application.

42. To consider proposed tree works 0065/19/TCA 3 LINDEN RD, HORNCASTLE PROPOSAL: T2 Conifers – Fell REASON: Trees are overgrown and haven’t been managed. Applicant would like to extend the garden. It was noted that the local tree officer had commented that the trees obstruct the footpath and collect litter. It was noted that the two options open to ELDC would be either to agree to the works, or to place tree preservation orders on the trees. RB noted that there was insufficient information to be able to comment. BB noted that the trees were in an untidy state and were not native and so proposed to support the application to fell them; AB seconded. The proposal was supported with 4 votes and 1 abstention due to lack of information. . 43. Enforcement: a. To receive an update on recent issues raised with the Enforcement Team at ELDC – None currently outstanding b. To agree approach with any potential new enforcement issues – None received. MM noted that ELDC had responded to an enforcement report (not made by the Town Council) at Land adjacent to 48 Louth Rd, to advise that the roadway, access and turning spaces had now been completed and the enforcement case closed.

44. To consider correspondence received since the last meeting From Summary Action ELDC GREENACRES PARK, SPILSBY ROAD. Full Planning To note - Permission - To site 5no. residential mobile homes and the noted construction of 5 no. hardstandings of internal roads. ELDC 4 LOUTH ROAD. Full Planning Permission - Change of use of To note - part of existing dwelling to use as a beauty treatment room. noted ELDC 26 COLLEGE PARK. Full Planning Permission - Extension and To note - alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a hallway and noted shower room. ELDC 11 PROSPECT STREET. Full Planning Permission - Rear To note - extension and alterations to existing house to provide 2no. noted ground floor additional bedrooms and an en suite shower room. ELDC LAND ADJACENT TO 49, SPILSBY ROAD. Full Planning To note - Permission - Erection of 2 no. detached houses with integral noted garages and 1 no. detached house and vehicular access. ELDC 2 & 3 OSBERTON DRIVE. Full Planning Permission - Culvert To note - existing dyke (work completed). noted ELDC MANTLES, 19 LAWRENCE ST. Conversion and alterations to To note - the first and second floor flats – Planning permission and Listed noted Building Consent applications withdrawn ELDC LAND AT 37 ELMHIRST RD. Outline erection of 14 dwellings – To note - Planning application withdrawn noted

45. To agree and schedule future agenda items for Planning and Development Committee meetings – RB noted that the agenda item proposed for August ‘to include a discussion to agree how to take forward action to improve the conservation area and derelict buildings in the town’, should be expanded to include the town centre street scene and highways issues. DH suggested the agenda item should be to clarify/revise the terms of reference of the Planning and Development committee to enable the scope to include these items, and subsequently seek full council approval.

Meeting closed 7.15pm


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting

In the Chair: Councillor Burbidge (BB) Present: Councillors Barker (RB), Birchall (AB), Hinkins (DH), Lockwood (AL). Deputy Clerk - Michelle Moss (MM)

In attendance: 4 members of the public; 1 District Councillor; 0 member of the press

Public Participation – Members of the public noted that they were present for agenda items 5,6 and 7. BB noted that they would be allowed to speak during the agenda item discussion.

46. Apologies for absence and reasons given – None.

47. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations: To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – None declared.

48. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 15th July 2019 – Unanimously approved with no changes.

49. To receive reports from officers and councillors on matters outstanding and actions arising from the minutes – It was noted that the training session on material considerations with Andy Booth had been planned for September. It was also noted that the highways issues had been removed from the Terms of Reference discussion as this was not a natural fit with planning and was being pursued as a separate working group. BB noted that he planned to raise purchasing electronic devices for members of the P&D as an agenda item in September’s Full Council meeting. All other actions had been completed.

50. To consider amended planning application S/086/02438/18 LAND ACCESSED OFF WINCEBY GARDENS, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Gleeson Regeneration PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Erection of 97no. dwellings, erection of garages and fences, construction of vehicular accesses and estate roads, provision of public open space and a play area and drainage features. (Amendments: Reduced number to 97 dwellings, alterations to layout, proposed equipped play area, electric sub-station position, amended flood risk assessment). BB summarised that outline planning had been obtained in 2016, when there had been a lot of public objection to the planning application. Earlier this year full planning permission had been submitted and the P&D committee at the time had objected on the grounds that: the housing mix had been changed and the bungalows had been removed; outline had been secured for 90 properties and the proposal was for 98; there was no useable area of green space; traffic safety concerns. District Cllr Avison noted that the provision of bungalows along the northern boundary, adjacent to existing properties, had been a compromise reached due to the amount of public objection to the application. He noted his disappointment that the current application does not support the bungalows. He also raised concerns about the additional volume of traffic and the potential for using Mareham Rd as a cut through. It was noted that Horncastle housing commitments exceed that needed over the next 5 years per the Planning Authority. The siting of the play park was raised as a potential safety issue given its proposed location on the edge of the development at the convergence of three roads. It was noted that: the number of houses represent an overdevelopment of the land and are too densely packed together; ELDC ask for 20% social housing and the developers are offering 30% affordable housing; the section 106 agreement for education is for 14 primary and 14 senior places, which is considered insufficient for a development of this size and type; there is likely to be a visibility issue for cars exiting the development via Winceby Gardens; the additional traffic from the development will be entering Spilsby Rd on a 40mph speed limit; the proposed houses would be too close to a flood area. Extreme disappointment was expressed that NHS are not applying for a s.106 funding for this development. BB noted that Anglian Water had stated that there is not the waste water capacity to deal with foul water from the proposed development and that in relation to the used water, the development would lead to unacceptable flooding levels down stream. Anglian Water also stated that the surface water strategy/ flood risk assessment submitted with the application is unacceptable. BB also noted that the figures on the traffic assessment submitted with the application are low and it makes reference to a bus and coach station in the town, which the town does not have. BB proposed; AL seconded; unanimously agreed to strongly object to the application for the reasons discussed. It was also resolved to write to NHS to express our disappointment and concerns that they are not requesting s.106 funding from these large developments.

51. To consider planning application S/086/01364/19 44 ACCOMMODATION ROAD, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Mr and Mrs P Donohue PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Erection of a two storey dwelling. RB declared a personal interest as he knows the applicants but stated that his relationship with them is not pecuniary and would not bias his view. AL noted that the design and location on the plot of the proposed dwelling are sensible, with the property set back from the other houses and a 1 ½ storey design which would not impose on the surrounding houses. AB noted that the proposal has parking for 2 vehicles. AL proposed; AB seconded; Unanimously agreed to support the application with no comments.

52. To consider planning application S/086/01251/19 LAND REAR OF MILLHOUSE, 42 LOUTH ROAD, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Mr R Myers PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Erection of a house with attached double garage, provision of parking and construction of a driveway. A member of the public noted that when the planning application for houses on Osberton Drive was submitted, it was agreed that the road would be unadopted and therefore a slightly narrower road was allowed. As there is an increase of traffic on the road now, he suggested a safety assessment should be completed prior to any more developments being allowed to use it. BB noted that the historic planning applications for this site were granted with access adjacent to 42 Louth Rd, but this application proposes to use the unadopted Osberton Drive. RB proposed; AL seconded; unanimously agreed to support the application with the following comments: The access to the dwelling should be via/adjacent to 42 Louth Rd to restrict the number of vehicles utilising a non- adopted road; and that all the trees are retained and maintained; if the planning authority do grant access via the unadopted road, consideration should be given to rotating the proposed dwelling to have the front entrance facing the access. - 53. To consider planning application S/086/01220/19 BANOVALLUM HOUSE, MANOR HOUSE STREET, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Ms C Aggett PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Alterations to the existing building (which is a Grade II listed building) to provide 2no. replacement windows. DH proposed; AL seconded; Unanimously agreed to support the application with a comment endorsing the HHHS suggestion to photograph anything of historic value.

54. To consider planning application S/086/01221/19 BANOVALLUM HOUSE, MANOR HOUSE STREET, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Ms C Aggett PROPOSAL: Listed Building Consent - Internal and external alterations to the existing building to provide an internal partition and doors to divide an office into two offices and 2no. replacement windows. DH proposed; AL seconded; Unanimously agreed to support the application with a comment endorsing the HHHS suggestion to photograph anything of historic value. 55. To consider planning application S/086/01260/19 BUSH TYRES, STATION YARD, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: B A Bush and Son Ltd PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – Installation of 5no. UPVC windows (Change of use, conversion of and alterations to part of the existing first floor mezzanine to provide 2 offices and an enlarged office/store and staff room does not require PP per ELDC 14.8.19) AL proposed; RB seconded; unanimously agreed to support the application with no comment.

56. Enforcement: a. To receive an update on recent issues raised with the Enforcement Team at ELDC – - None currently outstanding- noted. b. To agree approach with any potential new enforcement issues – - None received – Noted. MM advised that ELDC had copied the Town Council in on an enforcement action notice for 31 St Lawrence St, in relation to replacement uPVC windows, for our information only.

57. To agree whether or not to investigate the possibility of reallocating the ‘sports’ portion of the Langton Hill section 106 agreement, to enable it to be used for the recreation area. MM explained that of the s.106 monies granted from the Langton Hill development, the health contribution had been lost at appeal; £26,918 had been agreed for education; and £22,269 as a sports contribution for astro turf at Coronation Walk. It was noted that the astro turf had already been replaced and unanimously agreed that MM could investigate whether it would be possible to reallocate the s106 sports allocation to the new recreation area.

58. To review and revise the terms of reference of the Planning and Development committee to enable the scope to include the conservation area and derelict buildings in the town and to agree to seek full council approval. It was noted that the ‘street scene’ and ‘highways issues’ had been removed from the Terms of Reference discussion as this was not a natural fit with planning and was being pursued as a separate working group. DH explained that the proposed changes to the TOR are a natural expansion and clarification of the current responsibilities, but provide for actively pursuing improvements to the conservation area and unoccupied property. RB proposed; AB seconded; unanimously agreed to seek Full Council approval for the revised TOR.

59. To consider correspondence received since the last meeting: From Summary Action ELDC Full Planning Permission - Change of use, To note - noted conversion of and extensions and alterations to existing Dairy to provide a dwelling. Erection of a double garage and change of use of agricultural land to provide a domestic garden. THE DAIRY, LANGTON LANE, LANGTON ELDC Full Planning Permission - Change of use to create To note - noted of a wildlife park. LAND OFF LOUTH ROAD AND HEMINGBY LANE, (VISITOR ENTRANCE OFF LOUTH ROAD) ELDC Full Planning Permission - Erection of a green To note - noted house. 4 OSBERTON DRIVE ELDC Full Planning Permission - Erection of front To note - noted boundary walls to a maximum height of 1.15 metres (works completed). 43 PROSPECT STREET ELDC Full Planning Permission - Extensions and To note - noted alterations to existing bungalow. | 1 BARGATE LANE

Meeting closed at 19.55pm

Agenda item 8c.


In the Chair: Councillor Moore

Present: Councillors Aron, Burbidge, Everton and Williams

Also present: Amanda Bushell - Town Clerk and Stuart Goodacre - Estates Supervisor

Public participation: There were no members of the public in attendance.

24. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND REASONS GIVEN Cllr Everton was not present at this stage of the meeting.

25. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS AND REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATIONS There were no declarations of interest or any requests for dispensations.

26. TO CONFIRM AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 28 MAY 2019 PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously): that the minutes of the meeting held on 28 May 2019 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.

27. REPORTS ON MATTERS OUTSTANDING AND ACTIONS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES The following updates were given: Allotment competition – Judging had started. Horncastle Garden Centre had offered a gift voucher of £20. NRSWA Operators course – Stuart had attended and passed, he was just waiting for his photo id card to be sent and then he would be able to install the new street name signs on Centurion Park. Cemetery Chapel Spire – The Structural Engineer had looked over the quote for a permanent repair and provided a report which the Clerk would read and go back to the company who submitted the quote with the queries that had been raised. The Committee would decide how to proceed with this matter at September’s meeting. H&S Training – The Estates Assistant had attended Manual Handling Training, but on-line ladder training had not yet been booked for the Estates Supervisor and the Estates Assistant.

Cllr Everton arrived at 6.05pm and apologised for being late.

28. APPOINTMENT OF A NEW OUT OF HOURS EMERGENCY CONTACT FOR THE CEMETERY LODGE The Committee was informed that the Councillor who was previously the out of hours contact was no longer on the Town Council, so needed to be replaced. PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to appoint the Town Clerk as the out of hours emergency contact since she already had delegated powers to incur expenditure in an emergency and lived close to the lodge. AGREED that the Estates Supervisor would cover as the emergency contact when the Clerk was on annual leave, and Cllr Burbidge would assist if required.

29. UPDATE ON GRASS CUTTING OF THE NEW BURIAL LAND, AND TO AGREE TO CHANGE CONTRACTORS TO CUT THE GRASS FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR The Committee was informed that Banovallum School was no longer able to cut the burial land. PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to instruct Scrivelsby Farms to cut the burial land at a cost of £120 per cut + VAT. Scrivelsby Farms had confirmed that they would carry out a cut at the end of July, and then the Estates Supervisor would assess how many more cuts would be required before the construction work started, but it was felt that no more than 3 cuts would be required before the land was to be levelled and seeded.

30. NEW BURIAL LAND a) To receive an update The Committee received a verbal update from the Clerk which included the following points: • Committee members had met with the chosen contractor at the end of June and visited the site; • The Contractor was hoping to start work on 1st September, but this was dependent on the borrowing approval decision being received; • It was anticipated that the work would take 19 weeks; • An officer of the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) had requested further information from the Clerk on the Council’s borrowing approval application. The Clerk had submitted the additional information that had been requested and was hopeful that a decision would be made soon; • The Estates Supervisor would use a Cat & Genny to trace where the water supply went before construction work began; • The Town Council needed a letter from Witham Third Internal Drainage Board (WTIDB) confirming that it was acceptable to discharge rainwater into the existing culvert rather than by using a soakaway; • Lincolnshire County Council would be informed as soon as a start date on the work was confirmed so that it could consider whether to shut the community woodland off to visitors; b) To resolve to purchase a JCT Minor Works Contract PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to purchase a JCT Minor Works contract at a cost of £35.00 c) To submit a non-material amendment application to East Lindsey District Council The Clerk informed the Committee that the architect had been asked to provide a new plan to show the new location of the building and changes to the roadway; and he had informed the Clerk that if this work was to take less than 1 hour then he wouldn’t charge the Council. The Architect had also agreed to contact the Planning Officer at ELDC to check that the change to the roadway would also be classed as a non-material amendment. The Clerk explained that the application couldn’t be submitted until WTIDB had provided a letter confirming that it would be ok to discharge the rainwater run-off into the culvert, otherwise the Council would have to pay two lots of application fees if the amendments were submitted separately. PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to submit a non-material amendment application to East Lindsey District Council at a cost of £234 to reposition the storage building, to apply to discharge the rainwater run-off into the existing culvert rather than into a soakaway, and to show the new location of the roadways within the cemetery.

31. TO MOVE INTO CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS TENDER AND QUOTATIONS PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to move into closed session and exclude the press and public from the meeting at this stage.


AND TO SELECT THE CONTRACTOR TO USE Four quotes had been received from three companies. PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to accept the quote from Lincs Bathroom Fitting & Tiling Services to carry out the work in February 2020 to refurbish the bathroom at a cost of £5,500. The Clerk confirmed that there was £6,000 in the budget for this work.

33. QUOTATIONS FOR BUILDING CONTROL SERVICES IN RELATION TO THE WORK AT THE NEW BURIAL LAND, AND TO RESOLVE WHICH COMPANY TO APPOINT Three quotes were considered. PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to appoint Quadrant as the Building Inspector for the Burial Land project at a cost of £250 + VAT.

34. NEW BURIAL LAND TENDER a) To consider the revised figure for the work to the new burial land Maplethorpe and Mooney had confirmed that they would keep the cost of the contract the same (£98,312.05) for carrying out the following changes: • Reinforcing the culvert; • Moving the water meter; • Not providing a soakaway, but instead connecting the rainwater run-off from the storage building into the existing culvert; • Including a roof light to the toilet PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to approve for the changes to be made to the contract. b) To agree the pay period, retention amount and retention period to be specified in the contract PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) that: i) The contract would be paid in phased payments over 5 months (expected length of the work), approximately 20% of the total cost per month on presentation of an invoice detailing the work that had been carried out during that month. It was acknowledged that the payment amount each month might not match the value of the works carried out, but the total amount paid for the contract would end up being the same; ii) The retention amount would be 5%. 2.5% of this would be paid on completion of the contract and the remaining 2.5% would be paid following the expiry of a 12 months defects liability period.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 6.50pm.




1. The Committee will consist of 5 councillors who will be appointed by the Council at the Annual Meeting of the Town Council. Reserve Councillors will be trained and available as substitutes when required.

2. The Chairman and Vice Chairman are to be elected annually by the Committee at the first committee meeting each year

3. The Committee will meet monthly on the third Monday of the month, starting at 6pm.

4. The Chairman of the Committee can request additional committee meetings as and when necessary


1. The Planning and Development Committee has the delegated authority from Horncastle Town Council:

a) To make representations to the Local Planning Authority on applications for planning permission made under the Town and Country Planning Acts

b) To make representations to East Lindsey District Council on applications for work to trees within the Horncastle Conservation Area, and trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order

c) To determine the street naming policy and review it as appropriate, and to make recommendations to East Lindsey District Council on applications for the naming of Horncastle Streets

d) To review and approve new nominations for street names to be included on the proposed street names list, at least annually

e) To monitor the built environment of the town, and proactively identify and make representations to the relevant authorities in respect of enforcement action, any matters considered to be breaches of planning regulations, or any land or building which the Committee considers to have an adverse effect on the amenity of the area, with particular regard for visual impact upon the conservation area f) To actively pursue and promote initiatives to reduce the incidence of vacant commercial properties within the conservation area, and increase uptake of shop front renovation schemes g) To work with and through any Conservation & Heritage officer so appointed or employed by the local planning authority to enhance the beauty and viability of the Horncastle Conservation Area h) To consider development plans and other development related consultation documents and to respond as appropriate i) To consider any consultation requests relating to environmental work within the Horncastle area and to respond as appropriate j) To deal with any other planning related matter that a meeting of the full Council considers appropriate to be referred to the Committee. k) To carry out planning related project work in response to recommendations in the Horncastle Neighbourhood Development Plan or in relation to other Horncastle documents (e.g., Horncastle Conservation Area) to help make physical improvements to the town or improve planning processes

2. The Planning and Development Committee has the delegated authority from East Lindsey District Council to determine those planning and associated applications set out at, Appendix 1 [Planning Applications Delegated to the Town Council], of the Agreement on Delegated Planning Functions between the Town and ELDC, and within the context of the Development Plan and Government planning policy for those applications which ELDC consider Horncastle Town Council Planning and Development Committee are suitably qualified to make.

All applications presented for decision by the Planning Committee will be decided at the Committee meeting which they are presented at.

Decision Making 1. When determining a planning decision the Committee will invite applicants and objectors (where applicable) to speak on each planning application. 2. Arranging to speak at the determination meeting The following procedure rules for public speaking at a Planning committee meeting will apply: All speakers must give notice of their intention to speak at least two working days before the meeting and their comments or any photos to be included on the supplementary agenda be submitted by noon on the Thursday before the Planning Committee meeting on the Monday. Before the meeting starts the Clerk will speak to the members of the public present and ask them which applications they are interested in. The public are advised that if several people are interested, they should agree, before the meeting, that one person will speak for everyone. If this does not happen (or they cannot agree) then Chairman will have to decide who should speak. In deciding who should speak in favour of the application, the applicant will be given precedence over supporters. Town Council may ask for permission to share speakers contact details with other people who wish to speak, but this is not a requirement. 3. Process during the determination meeting The Chairman makes his or her report, adding to, updating and illustrating the written report already circulated to Committee Members. The following order will usually apply: a) An objector is allowed to speak – please note we can only allow one person to speak - for up to 3 minutes. b) The applicant (or representative) or supporter can speak - also for up to 3 minutes. Public Speaking Procedure Rules c) Members of the Planning Committee are then given 10 minutes to ask questions to the speakers. d) The Ward Member or other interested Members in addition to those on the Planning Committee be allowed to speak usually for a maximum of 5 minutes, but longer at the Chairman’s discretion. e) The Councillors who make up the Committee debate the matter (and may request further information) before reaching a decision.

General 1. When making representations on planning applications where the Council is a consultee only, the Committee will invite applicants and objectors (where applicable) to speak on each planning application at the Chairman’s discretion. 2. The consideration of an application will not be delayed simply because someone who wishes to speak is unable to attend the meeting

3. The Committee will be mindful of and take into consideration National Planning Policy and guidance and the Horncastle Neighbourhood Development Plan when considering planning applications

4. Where an application is subject to an appeal, the Committee is authorised to make written representation or to elect a member of the Committee to attend the hearing and speak on behalf of the Council.

5. Where the Town Council is a consultee, the Chairman of the Committee or the Chairman of the Council shall have discretion to refer a planning application to the full Council for consideration where a representation is required

6. Site visits may be arranged by the Chairman of the Committee, or the Vice Chairman if the Chairman is not available, prior to a Committee meeting.

7. Wherever possible, a member of the Committee is to be nominated to attend East Lindsey District Council Planning meetings to represent the Committee’s views in respect of controversial planning applications

8. Councillors will attend appropriate training provided to enable them to properly discharge their function and their responsibility to the public.

9. Councillors appointed to the Planning Committee must have already received the most recent mandatory planning training provided by ELDC, which will be no more than twelve months previously. Where they are newly elected to the Planning Committee this mandatory training must be attended within one month of appointment.

10. Councillors will at all times observe the Town Council Code of Conduct and Councillors serving on the Planning Committee will also observe the Town Council Planning Code of Good Practice

11. The Committee is subject to all applicable Standing Orders of the Town Council.

Proposed to P&D Aug 2019.

Agenda item 10.

Title: To appoint councillors to fill the vacancies on Committees, Working Groups and Outside Bodies caused by the resignation of Councillor Williams

1. The resignation of Councillor Williams has caused vacancies on the following:

Estates Management Committee

Horncastle Together

Walkers are Welcome

Lincolnshire Wolds Tourism Group

2. The Town Council needs to be mindful that if it fills all the vacancies at this meeting then there will be no places on Committees or Working Groups for the new councillor, who will be able to be co-opted at November’s Town Council meeting, if at election is not called.

3. Councillor James Martin has offered to be the temporary stand in on the Estates Management Committee and will then stand down once a new councillor has joined the Council so that they can be offered the place on that Committee, and if they do not wish to take it then the Council will have to appoint another councillor as a permanent replacement.

Agenda item 12.

Title: Highways a. To receive a response from LCC Highways to the letter sent to Councillor Richard Davies referring to specific issues in Horncastle b. To receive a proposal to set up a Working Group to deal with Highways concerns in the town

a. The response letter from Highways is attached to the agenda e-mail sent to councillors. b. Below is a proposal for the scope of the working group: SCOPE for the HIGHWAYS WORKING GROUP To prepare and maintain a detailed schedule of highways concerns raised to the Town Council, review this monthly, and work through and alongside the County Councillor to make representations to the relevant authority to ensure these are expedited and dealt with in a timely and reasonable manner. This schedule shall include, for each issue, a date by which a further update or action is to be received or completed. The working group would make a written report to the Town Council each month, which the council would then note. Although the Working Group’s role would be to monitor and discuss highways only, if it did wish to take any actions through the Town Council (sending communications to third parties, undertaking any work with a capital requirement) it would need to bring this to a meeting for approval as well. Any new items to be added to the schedule would need to be approved by the Town Council. The make-up of the working group would be for the Council to decide. SCHEDULE OF HIGHWAYS ISSUES This is an example of a schedule which might be maintained by the Working Group, to be circulated monthly in electronic form to the Council. This could be an Excel spreadsheet or other format. Items should be added chronologically (oldest at the top). ‘Date first raised’ may obviously need to be a guess as we have not historically recorded this and there is no point going through old minutes for this purpose – but it does add accountability as we’re able to say, ‘This was first raised in [year x], why has action still not been taken?’ Item Date Location Description of Issue Action taken Date of next Owner No. First expected Raised update/action* 1 1975 ‘Coastal A bypass is required Horncastle 1/1/2040 - W Highway’ for the town centre. shortlisted by LCC update Aron (A153 & (date) A158)

2 2016 Junction of Zebra crossing Special LEDs to be July 2020 – HTC South St & inappropriately sited added to the request re- Boston Rd crossing lights siting of (07/2019) crossing again

3 2016 Louth Safe pedestrian LCC believes no 09/2019 W Road crossing required appropriate site – Aron no further action 4 2000 Market Cobbles repaired with None 09/2019 W Place/St tarmac. Cobbles Aron Lawrence require reinstatement. St

*a specific date must be provided at which a further update is expected, or by which action is to be taken. Other responses such as ‘on-going’, ‘?’, or ‘to be confirmed’ not appropriate. Where the Council considers an action ‘closed’, it may be removed from the list or marked as such. It may not be marked as ‘closed’ by the Highways authority. Where an action is considered closed by LCC but the Council is not satisfied, the Council may approve further actions such as formal communication of HTC’s concern until the item is agreed to have been satisfactorily resolved by the Council and removed from the list.

The County Councillor may be asked (as he already is) to provide an update on each issue by a certain date, even if this update is ‘no change’. This will provide a tangible record of what progress is being made, if any.

Agenda item 13.

Title: To agree terms of reference for the observers appointed to the Stanhope Hall Company

DRAFT Terms of Reference Purpose

1. The main objective of the observers is to ensure the Town Council are aware of key issues discussed at The Stanhope Hall Committee meetings which are of relevance to the Town Council


2. The Town Council will annually appoint 2 councillors

Meeting arrangements

3. The Observers will be invited to attend all public meetings of the Stanhope Hall Committee including the Stanhope Hall Annual General Meeting 4. The Stanhope Hall committee will send an agenda and minutes from the previous meeting to the observers at least 2 days in advance of each meeting 5. The observers will not take an active part in the meeting unless invited to do so by the Chairperson of the meeting 6. The observers will update the Town Council on the following items at the next Full Council meeting following the Stanhope Hall Committee meeting: a. Financial situation b. Building condition and proposed repairs c. Any concerns that the Town Council, as landlord, should be aware of

Agenda item 14.

Title: To receive a proposal to provide members of the Planning & Development Committee

The following proposal has been received from Cllr Burbidge:

ELDC are not intending to send out paper copies of plans for planning applications, all applications will now be sent electronically. As the planning committee are required to comment or determine planning applications, I would propose that the committee members be issued with electronic devices to enable them to follow the applications from start to finish. By doing this the Deputy Clerk will be able to email all current applications to committee members as soon as received then the applications can be studied in advance and tracked keeping in touch with changes as they occur. There are a number of suitable devices on the market (I understand ELDC currently use Apple IPADs.) Having looked at the devices I have listed a number which may be suitable as follows


APPLE SYSTEM IPAD 32G £319 Machines chosen should also be purchased with suitable cases prices depending on chosen machine.

Prices quoted are current high street shop prices.

My initial recommendation would be the SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB A 32G 10 inch - £169 or the HUAWEI MEDIA PAD 10 INCH SCREEN 32G - £149 I do not anticipate any special software being required just the ability to access the internet during meetings (Stanhope Hall wifi) and at home And of course emails During meetings plans would still be projected on to a screen/wall to gain the Larger size for viewing.

Alternatively, a large printer would be required in the office with all its running costs (although with the future in mind this may also be desirable) a typical machine would be

Canon Imageprograf Tm-300 Large Format Printer Colour at around £1700 to £2500 depending on specification Should this be the chosen route planning members would still be required to access the applications on their own devices or to have all papers in an application printed out for them in the office, a time consuming and costly operation which I feel would be a totally retrograde step.

If it is agreed to purchase devices it should be possible to negotiate a discount from the chosen supplier

(I will bring an android device and an Ipad to the meeting for demonstration purposes).

Cllr Brian Burbidge

Notes from the Clerk: 1. There isn’t a budget for purchasing electronic devices for councillors within the current year’s budget.

2. If the proposal is approved a usage agreement would be required to cover the following items: a. Damage & Theft b. Purpose of usage c. Responsibilities d. Care & Maintenance e. How to prevent data leakage (security, virus management) f. Technical support g. Return of device when Councillor resigns/is not re-elected.

3. Consideration will be needed that other councillors not on the P&D Committee may request a device.

Agenda item 15.

Title: To receive an update on the transfer of assets from East Lindsey District Council

1. Local searches have been carried out by our Solicitor on the assets to be transferred and the results have been supplied to the Clerk. Our Solicitor has raised some questions with ELDC about the various leases.

2. Below is the latest update from ELDC’s Solicitor (02/09/2019):

I have drafted the sale contract and forms of transfer, which I would hope to be able to exhibit fairly soon – my main instructing officer is currently on holiday, and it would seem sensible to finalise the Coronation Walk access road position before I exhibit the drafts; the Coronation Walk plan would also require further amendment to reflect any agreed exclusion of the access road.

I am also awaiting instruction in relation to the lease schedule information requested in your letter of 12 August, and will exhibit this once it has been collated.

3. The latest update from the Town Council’s Solicitor (06/09/2019):

As you are aware, I have asked Fergus Gilmore for up to date information regarding the various leases, i.e. I wanted to know what rent is currently paid (some of the leases had rent review provisions) and whether there were any rent arrears. I have attached a Schedule that I have been provided with from the Council. ELDC’s Solicitor is taking instructions on our request on whether the transfer of Prospect Street Recreation Ground could be dealt with separately and I will let you know once I have heard further. He is also going to come back to me clarifying the Coronation Walk access road position. I understand that his instructing officer is due back from holiday this week, and hopefully I will hear shortly. I am hoping to get the part of the overall Contract and Transfer Deed soon so that we can move matters along. I am very nearly in a position to provide you with a report on the Title (there is just a couple of other small matters outstanding). I very much hope we can move on with matters quickly once I have received the draft documentation from ELDC’s Solicitor.

4. A special meeting will be called when the documents have been received from the Council’s Solicitor.

Agenda item 16.

Title: To receive an update on the proposed closure of the Youth Centre by LCC, and to consider the request for support from the Horncastle Youth Centre Working Group

1. The response letter from LCC was sent to councillors separately

2. Copied below are the comments from the Chairman of the Horncastle Youth Centre Working Group to the letter: Cllr Hill states tenants were given ‘sufficient notice’ of the closure. This relies heavily on definition of ‘sufficient’ – the tenants would disagree, especially as there has since been confusion about the actual date by which they were to stop using the centre. This was due to the fact that their letter of notice used the vague phrase about groups being out ‘by the end of September’ rather than using a specific date. Attempts by LCC to bring this forward to 31st August were successfully halted on the grounds that a reasonable reading of the letter was that the notice date was 30th September.

Cllr Hill’s statement that the Council has offered to help the Centre’s tenants ‘find alternative venues’ is a flat out lie. Most of the tenants have had no communication from anyone connected with LCC since the letter of notice. The statement in the Horncastle news that they were being helped to find alternative accommodation in Horncastle is also misleading: the dance school is looking at holding classes in four separate locations during the week, none of which are ideal, and one of which is in West Ashby. Other users are in a similar predicament, if they have located alternatives at all. This is hardly convenient for users.

The building is not over 120 years old. Construction began in 1904 and was completed in 1905.

From our current investigations, we can evidence that the Youth Centre passed its electrical inspection in May 2018 and was not scheduled for another until 2023. I personally doubt that any ‘essential work to the electrical systems’ which has been identified would be sufficient to require the closure of the centre – especially as it is in continuous and presumably hazard-free use on a daily basis up to the end of September with no remedial action being put in place or other action taken to render it safe.

The roof does need significant work, but is unlikely to pose a hazard to tenants, beyond the fact the building isn’t water-tight. Independent estimates are being sought for the work required.

LCC are quite aware that any business case put forward by a community group will be significantly weakened once there are no sitting tenants, and users have either found other venues or closed their doors. Apart from the fact it will cause great inconvenience to all of the groups, who currently benefit from the central location and low rents, any pressure we can put on LCC to delay the closure of the building by three months would be welcome.

3. Below is the letter from the Horncastle Youth Club Working Group requesting support from the Town Council:

Mrs A Bushell The Clerk, Horncastle Town Council The Stanhope Hall Boston Road Horncastle Lincolnshire LN9 6NF

4th September 2019

Dear Amanda


Following the discussion that took place at the Horncastle Town Council’s (HTC) July Meeting and the support being expressed for retaining the building and its activities, Cllr Aron had an in-depth meeting at which we agreed he would approach Lincolnshire County Council with a view to ascertain exactly what was needed to bring the building up to standard and importantly to allow us time to present a business case. In the meantime, we have submitted an expression of interest in making a sustainable case for saving the building which is, at present, under-utilised but has massive potential.

We were pleased that you had wasted no time in writing to LCC’s Leader Cllr Martin Hill expressing our concern about the proposals. We arranged a very successful Open Morning at which some 100 people attended and were given a guided tour of the building. I gave a number of presentations and during the morning we received 60 positive completed short survey forms. We have also received financial pledges plus offers of volunteering and expertise – a very encouraging start. All the existing hirers have indicated to us they want to continue renting parts of the building, as well as interest from some new ones.

On August 20th we held a meeting of all those who have shown an interest in forming a Working Group, and agreed to constitute ourselves as a registered charity. I was appointed Chairman, and progress on this is ongoing. On 28th August, we held a further meeting with Wendy Moore of LCC’s Community Engagement Group, and a representative of Property Services, to discuss the asset transfer process, and how we could secure an arrangement to keep the Centre open past 1st October. We were encouraged to hear that it may be possible to agree a lease for a period of 10 to 12 months, while negotiations are under way, during which the Working Group would be responsible for all running costs and maintenance, although it would be required to use LCC’s approved suppliers for this.

LCC’s stated preference would be for a freehold transfer, although they would also consider a long leasehold should this prove unsuitable. A business case is now being composed for this.

The Property team have let us have copies of the latest structural report, running costs from 2016- 19, and Electrical Inspection report (EICR) of 21/5/18. The building was rated ‘unsatisfactory’ on electrical safety: we are awaiting clarity on whether LCC has failed in its duty of care by knowingly renting a dangerous building to children’s organisations for over 16 months, or whether the urgent repairs have already been done to remedy the items listed as dangerous, as required by law. Should all ‘C1’ and ‘C2’ items in the EICR have been properly dealt with, there will be no electrical Health and Safety grounds for closing the Centre in October. Although email replies are still pending, we should know this by the time of the Council meeting.

If this Council is so minded to support a Community Group running the Centre and LCC permit a Lease then we would ask that the Council consider providing us with a Grant from the Parish Project Fund - details to be agreed as negotiations proceed.

Yours sincerely

Cllr Dominic Hinkins Chairman of the HYC Working Group

Agenda item 17a. To approve payments to be made:

Recipient Detail Amount Shogun Vehicle Leasing Lease rental of vehicle £289.45 * Robert Bell & Co Office Rent (September) £325.00 ELDC Business Rates for Town Council Office (October) £46.00 Staff Wages – September £5,368.41 LCC Pension Fund Pension contributions – September £1,524.04 HMRC PAYE & NI contributions – September £320.90 Charles H Hill Mower repairs £579.09 * Jackson Buildbase Maintenance supplies £4.96 * Telephone calls, line rental & broadband Talk Talk Business (September) £44.95 * Welton Garden Services Grass verge cutting (August) £1,320.00 * Boston Road Service Petrol Station £13.00 * G.L.Clarke & Sons Diesel £52.14 # Cllr Aron Travel allowance claim – CCTV meeting £17.10 Lincolnshire Association Annual subscription to Local Council Review of Local Councils magazine £17.50 Reimburse for building work contract purchased from Amanda Bushell Amazon £34.87 Viking Direct Stationery £43.15 * J.T Friskney Drill bit £6.11 * ELDC Market stall for TC surgery £18.00 Scrivelsby Farms Grass cutting of burial land £144.00 * Unity Trust Bank Bank charges (June to Sept) £38.25 Mr J Leek Wayleave & electricity for town clock £121.43 Simon Rawdon Puncture repair on trailer £21.60 * Lincspest Treatment of wasp’s nest at cemetery £108.00 * Playsafety Limited Annual play area safety inspections £202.20 * High Speed Training Ladder safety training £72.00 *

To approve retrospective payments:

Recipient Detail Amount Vodafone Mobile phone contract £20.17 * E-on Electricity at allotment toilet £6.98 # Robert Bell & Co Office Rent (August) £325.00 Business Rates for Town Council Office ELDC (September) £46.00 Staff Wages – August £5,193.81 LCC Pension Fund Pension contributions – August £1,501.15 HMRC PAYE & NI contributions – August £355.12 Grass cutting additional allotment land & new Horncastle Education Trust burial land £1,020.00 * Boston Road Service Petrol & Motor oil Station £17.28 * G.L. Clarke & Sons Diesel £135.91 *# Paul Riddel Skip Hire Skips at allotments £240.00 * Talk Talk Business Telephone calls, line rental & broadband (August) £35.59 * Jackson Buildbase Maintenance supplies £16.51 * Welton Garden Services Grass verge cutting (July) £1,320.00 * Shogun Vehicle Leasing Lease rental of vehicle £289.45 * Teleshore UK Warning Signs for memorials £120.00 * Grays of New handle for canopy of works vehicle £85.36 * Witham Third Internal Application fee for consent to discharge into a Drainage Board watercourse £50.00 ELDC Market stall for TC surgery on 27th July £18.00 Chris Dodsworth Travel claim for attending training course £17.10 Viking Direct New telephone for Town Council office £39.59 * Infotone Ink cartridge £25.08 * ELDC Non-material amendment application fee £117.00 J.T Friskney Bolts £5.19 * Wilkin Chapman LLP Local search fee for ELDC assets £350.00 Scrivelsby Farms Ltd Grass cutting new burial land £144.00 * Quadrant Building Control Services £120.00 * Contribution towards Autumn 2019 issue of Horncastle Matters community magazine £250.00 Reimburse for engraving of allotment competition Michelle Moss shields by Locks & Leather £18.98 * Vodafone Mobile Phone contract £20.17 * Wave (Anglian Water) Water & Sewerage charges at cemetery £155.50 Unity Trust Bank Bank charges £1.50 Payroo Limited Payroll software (May, June, July, August) £48.00 * Charles H Hill Parts for mower £54.18 * Cleaning materials for the allotment toilet (petty High Street Discounts cash payment) £10.00

* These payments include VAT at 20% which will be reclaimed from HMRC. # These payments include VAT at 5% which will be reclaimed from HMRC.

Fund Transfers Details Reason Amount From current account to To move some of the precept payment into the £65,000.00 deposit account deposit account

Payments received: Item Amount Cemetery fees £3,872.00 Cemetery Lodge Rent £800.00 Allotment deposit and rent £103.33 VAT refund £1,831.69 Bank interest £191.55 Precept £78,771.25 Donation from Anglian Water £2,000.00

Below is information received about the donation from Anglian Water

I am happy to confirm on behalf of Anglian Water that would like to make a donation of £2000 to the Horncastle parish.

We have decided to do this because during the period of 13th July through to the 16th July some Anglian Water customers in your parish were advised to boil their water before use as a precaution due to some concerns over the water quality in our network. This was checked thoroughly and found to be safe, however during this period we found the customers to be very understanding and wanted to thank them for the support. We feel the best way to do this is to donate to the local parishes so we can help fund projects within those communities.

Agenda item 17c.

Title: To appoint a new bank signatory

1. The Council’s Financial Regulations state that it will have six nominated bank signatories. One of the existing signatories has recently resigned from the Council, so we currently only have the following 5 councillors as signatories: - Bill Aron - Richard Barker - Brian Burbidge - Fiona Martin - Matthew Wilkinson

2. The appointed new signatory will need to have access to a computer and be confident to use internet banking to authorise electronic payments.

Agenda item 19.

Correspondence received since the last Town Council Meeting

Date From Regarding Notes

22/07/2019 Resident (Richard Copy of response to LRSP ref. To note Ingram-Hill) SCP on East Street & Working Has also written a letter to with TC on road safety issues the Council to be considered as a separate agenda item at a future meeting. 22/07/2019 LALC LALC Conference and AGM on To decide if anyone from 15th October at The Bentley the TC will attend. Hotel, South Hykeham 25/07/2019 LCC Emergency New date for the 3rd Resilient Need to decide if anyone Planning & Communities Conference – from TC will attend. Business Monday 21st October (e-mail copied below) Continuity Service 12/08/2019 J.T Friskney Announcement that the To note Managing Director will be retiring and the business will close on 30th September 2019. 16/08/2019 ELDC Invitation to Vital and Viable Invite e-mailed to workshop delivered by the councillors. Chartered Institute of Place Cllrs Barker, Burbidge and Management on Thursday 19th Hinkins will be attending September as well as both Clerks 20/08/2019 ELDC Invitation for two representatives Need to decide which two to attend a Corporate Strategy representatives will attend Workshop session on either 7th or (invite copied below) 8th October 04/09/2019 ELDC Community Request to attend the October Need to confirm if happy Led Housing Town Council meeting to discuss for her to attend October’s Facilitator a Community Led Housing TC meeting Scheme in Horncastle with the (e-mail copied below) Town Council 04/09/2019 Links2lincs Offer of drone services to the E-mail copied below Town Council To agree response

Items of correspondence: A new date has been established for the 3rd Resilient Communities Conference which was scheduled to take place on 18th July 2019 but had to be cancelled because of the Wainfleet flooding incident. It will now take place on Monday, 21st October 2019 at the British Red Cross Headquarters, Unity House, 22 Tollemarche Road South, Spittlegate Level, . This year's conference will cover topics, including: • Knowing and understanding your Community and how you can help it become more resilient workshop • A year on since the ResilientLincs Programme Launch – what has happened and how you have shaped it • A practical 'volunteer' session with the Environment Agency • Places of safety – following on from lessons learnt at Boston 2013 and Grenfell, a practical workshop on the finer details of activating and managing a rest centre The theme of the conference is 'Understanding your community' and, as such, we will be looking at what makes our communities unique and, by working together, how we can improve resilience in more ways than just emergency response. Last year, we launched the 'ResilientLincs Programme'. This was aimed at streamlining the way information is delivered to and from you, the community, in times of crisis. This year we will be able to share with you the progress and key findings. Throughout the day, you will be able to meet representatives from the British Red Cross, Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue, , LIVES, the Environment Agency, members of the Lincolnshire Volunteer Coordination Group (VCG) and most importantly, the community. This year the conference will again be opened by Cllr Nick Worth, Lincolnshire County Council’s portfolio holder for emergency planning. The conference is open to all community groups, town and parish councils, individuals and voluntary organisations with free tickets being made available on Eventbrite (

East Lindsey District Council is currently reviewing its Corporate Strategy in order to provide a framework for setting and agreeing priorities for the next few years.

It is expected that the Strategy will not only set clear priorities that will help us to effectively target our resources, but we can also look at working in different ways in order to make the most of those resources we have, which will include considering how we work with our partners.

The consultation period for the final draft Corporate Strategy will be October 14 – November 18 (9am). When the consultation is open, a link will be sent where the Strategy can be viewed.

We are also holding a couple of Workshop sessions for Town & Parish Council representatives on the following dates (at Tedder Hall, Manby):

7th October 2019 6 – 8pm 8th October 2019 6 – 8pm

You are able to send two representatives from your Town or Parish Council (Councillors and Clerks welcome).

East Lindsey District Council have received funding to develop Community Led Housing schemes across the district.

Community Led Housing is housing provided for the benefit of the local community. Properties can be affordable rent, low cost home ownership or shared ownership. These properties must be affordable and can be owned by the community, Local Authority or a Housing Association.

ELDC’s role is to provide advice, guidance and assistance to the community to bring forward Community Led Housing Schemes. We can help provide funding towards start-up costs involved with setting up a Community Led scheme and we will provide grants or loans towards the cost of the development.

Input is welcomed from all members of the local community. Working groups are formed and made up of members of the Town Council and representatives from the local community.

As you are aware Age UK Lindsey are currently looking at a project in Horncastle and have expressed an interest in the property side of the project being a Community Led scheme.

We would welcome the opportunity to come and discuss this with the Town Council at the October meeting. Can you please let me know if that would be possible?

Many Thanks

Christine Vicary, Community Led Housing Facilitator

Dear Councillors

I now have CAA Permissions for Commercial Operations (PfCO) relating to Drone Flights, within the Drone Safety Code. Insurance is arranged Flight by Flight.

I would like to offer a free Aerial flight of Horncastle, within limitations, providing a number of photos and 3 minute video for use within your website or general Horncastle promotion and future planning but not for resale. I would retain full copyright and would display within my website. I would also like to work with the Town Council on other promotional flights being for the good and benefit of the town which may or may not incur a cost depending on complexity.

In essence, as a local resident I would like to help via this relatively new means of media to promote the town and its varied areas and interests and in particular the town centre if feasible within general Drone Flight limitations. This is a new service I have added to my existing services. The free flight I offer is totally free, thereafter I may or may not raise charges or just expenses depending on complexity as this offer is based on mutual advantages, The Town Council getting a generally high cost services at reduced or nil rates, whilst I get greater exposure for my service. I would be more than happy to work with one of your working groups beyond the normal monthly Tuesday meetings requirements.

Please see my website drone section at service

If this is of interest, please let me know and as to what procedure is required. Sadly, I am away on holiday for Tuesday 10th September so would not be able to attend this months Tuesday meeting if that is a requirement to set things rolling.

Kind Regards

Tony Cranwell Agenda item 21. Future agenda items


Item Details

Remembrance Day Parade Note the Remembrance Day Parade details Best Kept Allotments Prize giving before the start of the meeting to the winners of the Best Kept Allotment competition

External Audit Report If received in time (otherwise this item will be moved to October) Review Standing Orders Annual review To support the setting up of a Youth Council To consider ways to better engage with the community To receive an update on Horncastle Projects and review the Non- Prioritised projects list Gritting Routes To request to LCC that additional routes are added to the gritting route for Horncastle Road Safety To receive a letter from a resident about Road Safety issues in Horncastle, and to agree to work with him, LCC and the LRSP on these issues.


Item Details

Intermediate Internal audit


Item Details

Draft budget and precept Take a first look at the draft budget and suggested precept and feedback comments to the P&F Committee To review Code of Conduct January

Item Details

Donations Consider applications received by 31 December deadline

Budget and precept Approve the budget and set the precept

Annual Parish Meeting To agree the date, decide on the format and possible speakers

Speed sign data March’s meeting date To consider moving the March TC meeting back a week February

Item Details

Horncastle Projects To receive an update on Horncastle Projects and to decide whether to allocate new projects Financial Report March

Item Details

To review policies April

Item Details


Item Details

Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman Election of members to Committees and Working Groups Outgoing Chairman’s report Insurance renewal Financial Report Review policies June

Item Details

To approve the end of year accounts To approve sections 1 & 2 of the Annual Return form To approve Committee Terms of Reference To review Financial Regulations To approve the 2019/20 Annual Report July

Item Details

To discuss Highways matters with Cllr Davies has attended the July TC meeting for Cllr Richard Davies - LCC Executive the past 3 years and has agreed to attend again to Cllr for Highways speak to the Town Council. Donations Consider applications received by 30 June deadline Financial report September

Item Details