- Eritrean conflict 1952- 2000

Part I

Background and possible causes of conflict (1952-1982)

The area of during the second World War under British rule after the defeat of in 1941. After the second World War II Italy in international fora attempted to regain its former colony. In order to avoid Arab and Muslim world in this field victorious powers pushed for the UN draft connection Eritrea to Ethiopia. In accordance with the decision of the UNGA in 1950, this report has been submitted in September 1952 into the hands of the Ethiopian Government with the status of autonomous province (eg self-police, high taxes, mortgage, etc.) and by Ethiopia to gain access to the sea. But already in August 1955 was the Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie forced to withdraw elected head of the Eritrean government Tedla Bair and was replaced by favored candidates Ethiopia. Pressure Ethiopia to Eritrea had escalated to the introduction of Amharic official contact in Eritrea, the Eritrean ban on the use of flags, ban political parties and the introduction of censorship. In 1960 the organization was founded Eritean Liberation Front (ELF), whose aim was to oppose the central Ethiopian government and ensure the independence of Eritrea. In June 1970 Osman Salah Sabbie former head of the Muslim League based Popular Liberation Forces (PLF), which arises from tearing ELF and later renamed the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF). Conflicts of opinion between ELF and EPLF led in the years 1972 - 1974 the struggle between the two parties which have claimed up to 1,200 victims. 12. January 1974 rebellion 4th Territorial brigade deployed in NEGELE started the events that led to the downfall of the Empire Haile Selassie. Already 13 years before these events, the situation in the armed forces of Ethiopia trying to influence the 120-member Coordinating Committee of the Armed Forces, Police, and Territorial Army, composed of members nominated by constituents. Later, in short called the (Amharic in committee or commission) headed by the elected Mengistu, Haile Mariam. Although the declared support of the emperor and his executive after the events at the beginning of 1974, gradually assumes power in the country and in August so he could afford to reject a plan to resolve the crisis in the country, the introduction of constitutional monarchy. De facto power in the country takes over the Derg in the 12th September 1974 when Emperor Haile Selassie arrested and begin mass arrests of its supporters. To be able to receive the Provisional Military Administrative Council (pmac). The first leader pmac becomes Lieutenant General Aman Mikael Andomat after the death on 23 November 1974 occurs within the Derg power struggle represented by and his focus on Eastern bloc and former Chief of General Staff Gen. Teferi Bantem which is supported by . U.S. continue to support Ethiopia in 1976 but Mengistu Haile Mariam visited Moscow and concluded a trade agreement with Moscow, totaling 385 million dollars, which actually effectively meant the end of orientation to the U.S.. In 1977 it terminated the contract with the U.S. base lease Kegnew. Gen. Teferi Bantu even manage to get Mengistu Haile Mariam to leave Addis Ababa but the third February 1977 is killed in a shootout when power is finally getting Mengistu Haile Mariam . Rapidly settle from its political opponents and raises the country's one party regime with a focus on the . in the years 1977-78 is the country of the Soviet Union supplied military equipment worth more than one billion dollars. In November 1978 the podísaná Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance with the Soviet Union for a period of 20 years. After the coup in 1974 in Ethiopia were many local rebellions. Among the most important were in rebellion in Eritrea and the Tigray. Eritrean problem, inherited from the Derg regime of Haile Selassie and was the subject of extensive discussions. Finally, the Derg decided to address the issue of Eritrean military force. Began deployment of Ethiopian troops on the territory of Eritrea and combat actions against the two most important rebel factions Eritean Liberation Front (ELF) and Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF). In 1976 in various areas of Ethiopia there have been many separastických movements or groups of Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) in the south and Somalia Somali Abo Liberation Front (Salfi), Western Somali Liberation Front (WSLF). 31. January 1977, the EPLF managed to conquer the town of Om Hajer lying on the Eritrean - Sudanese border and 12 other city fell in April and August 1977 Tessenei Agordat and Bärental. In military operations the Ethiopian army in Eritrea has been achieved some success as a major seizure of towns Keren, Mitsiwa, Aseb but in 1978 the insurgents controlled 90% of rural Ethiopian army failed to conquer these areas back despite substantial assistance to the socialist camp. A total number of Eritrean militia was in 1978 40 000 men, supported by heavy weapons captured from the Ethiopian army. These forces dominated the Red Sea coast but failed already occupy an important port Asseb. During this period the main effort focused on the Ethiopian army in the Ogaden, the Eritrean army tried to lose control over the major cities (Aseb, Asmara) No scale air raids and managed its bombing insurgents. After the defeat of Somalia in the Ogaden, the military effort may be transferred to the territory of Eritrea, which was phased out progressively deployed in Asmera second Army of 4 mechanized divisions, each with a strength of 12 000 men and armed with tanks T-55 , OT BTR-50 and BTR-152, the entire artillery D-30 and 122 mm M- 46 and 130 mm BM-21 . The offensive started on 12 May 1978. Strike which hit the ELF and EPLF led to early loss of previously conquered cities. The starting point for the EPLF a withdrawal of units in defensive zone massif Nakfa. Or two consecutive offensive in December 1978 and January 1979 did not bring the success of the Ethiopian army. Another offensive was followed in June 1979 when Ethiopian forces attacked Eritrean positions in the strength of 40 000 men in two directions from the south and north of the landing of one division on the Red Sea. Even the offensive after the loss of more than 6000 men ended prematurely. Last more important battle in the period 1978 - 1980 in Nakfa took place from 1 15 December 1979 when the Ethiopian army in battles lost six divisions and the total loss amounted to 15 000 other Ethiopian men and ten pieces of heavy equipment and hundreds of trucks were seized by the EPLF. EPLF also coped with his political opponents pushed the ELF which the forces on Sudanese territory, where they were disarmed and ELF gradually ceased to exist as a real force in this conflict. In the period 1980 - 1982, the Derg focused on maintaining the status quo in the area and prepare the next offensive. After the defeat in late 1979, the Ethiopian army had withdrawn back to Asmara, where in 1982, concentrated 10 divisions of the Ethiopian army in the total strength of 140,000 to prepare the operation Red Star. The aim of this operation was to destroy the power and dominate the ELPF Nakfa and Helhal. After a devastating artillery preparation and air strikes that lasted for several days in early 1982, the Ethiopian army managed to pass 10 km into the defensive zone ELPF in causing losses of 20,000 men. EPLF took counterattack that resulted in a cessation of offensive Ethiopian army and high losses of up to 100 000 men on the Ethiopian side. Valuable support for EPLF was also degrade the Ethiopian army supply convoys by the TPLF, EPLF from which 70 years from the end closely. After the crushing defeat the Ethiopian army resigned to gain control over the entire territory of Eritrea and focused on maintaining its military bases in the area and control of major cities. Between 1982 - 1985 due to prolonged drought famine broke out in the country most affected by the Tigray region. EPLF several times during this period demonstrated the ability to face the Ethiopian army units.

http://countrystudies.us/ethiopia http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_179.shtml http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/eritrea.htm http://www.fpif.org/briefs/vol5/v5n25eritethiop.html Ethiopia_Map.jpg

Ethiopia - Eritrean conflict

Part II

Intermezzo (1982-1991)

Famine, which affected Ethiopia lasted from 1984 - 1988. Many areas of Ethiopia were affected by this disaster and the ruling regime is maintained only through humanitarian aid, the international community. Control over the supply of aid to the Derg attempted to gain hegemony over the territories disobedient. In the period 1982 - 1985 Soviet military aid peaked volume of arms deliveries stopped at number four billion dollars. Significant support for the Ethiopian army meant the presence of 15,000 Cuban contingent stationed in the Ogaden. Although Cubans directly to the fighting in Eritrea did not intervene because of their presence Derg did not commit their own military groups in the disputed Ogaden area. In 1984 the Cuban contingent in Ethiopia reduced to a mechanized brigade of the strength of 3000 men. Everything changed for 1985 and the advent of Gorbachev to power. The volume of military aid from the Soviet Union began to significantly deplete and famine and losses suffered by the Ethiopian army has been the cause of low-intensity fighting in Nakfa. EPLF this time used to prepare the attack, and training with captured tanks T-55 and armored vehicles. In March 1984 with the help of artillery and tank offensive against EPLF took positions in the Ethiopian army and managed to conquer cities and Karora Mersa Teklay. Mersa conquest Teklay the complicated situation on the Ethiopian army, which lost for the supply of port reinforcements and supplies. In the ensuing Ethiopian counterattack Infantry Division died or were injured in 4000 and a further 2400 men were captured. EPLF continued to pressure the government forces and managed to occupy cities Alghena, Senafe and Addi Caleh, which managed to capture large amounts of military equipment and supplies. 21.-22.05.1984 EPLF held a diversionary action to an air base in Asmara where they managed to destroy 32 aircraft Ethiopian Air Force (MiG-21 and MiG-23, An- 26(Soviet) Il-38, Mi-8 and Mi- 24 ). Despite the declared efforts to defeat the Derg EPLF during the period 1982-1988 was scheduled only one large ground offensive and to Ethiopian military efforts were only air force attacks rebels as 23.-03.24.1985 Abi Adi against the city where they have been collected by the TPLF forces just celebrated the 10th anniversary of their movement. In this attack, the city was badly damaged and the number of victims of the raid was considered to serve in the hundreds. EPLF arranged for payment in August 1985, managed to conquer the city Bärental, beat two infantry divisions and the Ethiopian army had lost another 2,000 men. After the defeat of the Derg was moved to Eritrea's other two divisions (30,000), which withdrew in the Ogaden. Reorganization of the two divisions created military leadership one mechanized division, which should be used to counterattack. To 24.08.1985, while the city fell after a massive artillery and aerial bombardments, Mechanized Division took 13 counter-attacks until it was successful and the overall loss of 12,000 men. Later, the army managed another successful conquest of the city Teseney EPLF was forced to withdraw back into the Gaza Nakfa. Na 10 October 1985 Derg our next ground offensive, whose aim was to print the EPLF with the band in Nakfa "5days" Operation Air Force and began planting continued in the northeastern part of the landing zone Nakfa and ground operations to obtain the city itself Nakfa. After two unsuccessful counter-attacks on the city the whole operation was called off. In 1986 the EPLF guerrilla tactics continued to fight and 14.januára 1986 again its diversionary units attacked air base in Asmara, and this time managed to destroy 40 aircraft. After the military success of the EPLF tried to succeed politically and 23.9.1986 issued statements for the Organization of African Unity (OAU), League of Arab States (Arab League), and the which called for recognition of their nation to self-determination. Followed by reconciliation with the ELF and the integration of their armed forces to the EPLF. Derg meanwhile, dropped from the next major ground offensive and instead focus on training the army and its reštruktruálizáciu to prepare it for major offensive against the rebels, and so neither side was prepared to accept a political solution to the problem but were determined to continue to use military force to enforce its goals. 19/03/1988 EPLF achieved one of its most important victories in the city Afabet where she managed to destroy two Ethiopian divisions and cause them loss of 20 000. ELPF further continued military pressure on the army and 17/01/1989 taken another attack against government forces in the area between Asmara and Mitsiwa, 19.2.1989, in cooperation with the TPLF has managed to conquer the Indian city of Silas, 15.3.1989 died town of Adi Kwala, followed by 3.29 Adi Gorota city. These military victories have also political sequel since 07.26.1988 in a meeting in Moscow, Mikhail Gorbachev refused further increase in arms supplies to Ethiopia and proposed Mengistuovi "just solution to Ethiopia's internal problems" in July 1989, the High Representative of the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yuri Jucal first met Secretary General of the EPLF Issai Afwerki to the declared intention not to further Moscow's unlimited Derg military aid and Moscow's efforts to resolve this conflict by political means. After an unsuccessful coup directed against Mengestovi Derg received an offer of former U.S. President James Carter to mediate peace agreements between the EPLF and the Ethiopian government. These talks were first held in 7.9.1989 Carter Presidential Center at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. 9/17/1989 depart from Ethiopia last unit Cuban contingent after 12 year presence in the country. On the bilateral negotiations have agreed to agree next meeting in Nairobi on 20.11.1989 but no such negotiations have not produced a peace agreement. Meanwhile, government forces on the battlefield were slaughtered again and again. 10 February 1990 conquered port Mitsiwa EPLF, whose loss was fatal to the further development of the conflict. Occupation of the port was 2.armáda Ethiopian ground forces deployed in the north cut off from supplies by sea and it was only a matter of time when the Derg lost control of the whole Eritrea. In August 1990 the EPLF continued offensive in the south of Asmara Dekemhare wear and they managed to cause a loss of government troops, and even when government troops have taken at the end of 1990 a number of minor offensives, de facto control over the territory of Eritrea, the EPLF had. Government forces are kept only in major cities of Keren, Asmera, and Aseb. But change was already prepared, and in April 1991 the EPLF launched offensive operations to regain control over the south coast of the country. 24. 5. 1991, surrounded by abandoned garrison 120 000 Asmara, on the same day fell the day after Keren Asebom followed. All cities were occupied without a severe struggle the EPLF and the Ethiopian Government has proposed the repatriation of captured military personnel and government of the occupied territory.

http://www.flyingfish.org.uk/articles/eritrea/strawbs.htm http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?frd/cstdy: @ field http://www.dehai.org/archives/dehai_news_archive/jan-feb03/1134.html http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_179.shtml eritrea.jpg

Ethiopia - Eritrean conflict

Part III

Operation Divorce (Divorce) (1991 - 2006)

Ethiopia Name of country: REPUBLIC OF Ethiopia Area: 1,127,127 sq km Population: 73,053,286 (2005) Government: Presidential republic type Geographical location: East . Climate: Equatorial with summer monsoon rains and dry winter, temperatures vary considerably according to altitude Capital: Addis Ababa Currency: Ethiopian Birr (ETB) = 100 cents Languages: Amharic (official), many local languages in official communications is the standard English Administrative division: 9 provinces and states, capital Nationality. composition: the Ethiopia-Semitic (48%) - from the Amhara (32%) and Tigrejci; kušitská group (44%) - from the Oromia (40%), the rest of Somalis, Afar; omotická nilotská ethnic group and ethnic group; Religion: Christians (40%), Muslim (50%), animists

Eritrea Country Name: STATE OF ERITREA Area: 121 320 km2 Population: 4,786,994 (2006) Government: Republic Geographical location: Northeast Africa Climate: tropical in the north of the winds blowing in from the Red Sea cooler with average temperatures of 23-26 ° C, very hot in the south Capital: Asmara Currency: Nakfa (ERN) Languages: Tigrinya and Arabic (official), tigers, afar, English Administrative divisions: 6 regions (zobatat) Nationality. composition: Tigrinya (50%), Tigrejci and martens (martens) (40%), Afar (5%), Saho and others Religion: Christianity (50%), Islam (50%)

Departure of Ethiopian forces in 1991 from the territory of Eritrea and the subsequent successful referendum on the independence of Eritrea in 1993, gave a model of peaceful separation of the two states and a model of peaceful conflict resolution. After than in 1991, Mengistu fled to Zimbabwe and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the negotiations on the future of the country in England, returned, was taken over power in countries two rebel movements - Front exemption tigrejského people (TPLF) in Ethiopia and Eritrean peoples liberation Front (EPLF) in Eritrea, both strongly left- oriented, with no more interest in liberal democracy. After winning in 1991 but as a pragmatic way, at least in the economic field. However, while in Eritrea the EPLF was due to tightly controlled state with limited political freedom, no real opposition and military discipline, in Ethiopia, it appeared that the TPLF, although initially only fought for independence Tigrejcov, managed to get the support of all ethnic groups. Meles - TPLF leader needed to find a way even as the government got, it could continue with the agreement of the mass. This elegant, highly educated man (two high schools) gave Ethiopia oi constitution, which theoretically allows any region to be independent, in practice, however, followed the case of Eritrea, one of them can hardly fail. Conversely Isaias Afewerki - EPLF leader is considered not very spectacular, more rigorous policy. His "shyness" had the opportunity to experience already in Sudan (mutual accusations of supporting anti-government organizations), (12/1995 in Eritrea occupies a strategic islands of Hanish al Kabīr and recalled their forces to arbitration in 1998) and , countries with Eritrea which has for a long time relationship below freezing. Eritrea's independence and adoption 24/05/1993 Eritrea as a member of the UN 28th 5 1993 meant that, Ethiopia lost access to the sea. But in July 1993 signed the Agreement of Friendship and Cooperation between the Transitional Government of Ethiopia (TGE) and the State of Eritrea on the status of the port of in the agreement that was declared as free port.

But in respect of both countries remain several outstanding issues, which later proved fatal:

1. Or identified common border. Although it follows the line of the former colonial frontier, which in some places but has never been outlined in the field. 2. Not resolved the question of citizenship of Eritreans living in Ethiopia and Ethiopians living in Eritrea. 3. Mutual political and economic relations has been given a solid contractual framework.

Agreement on Monetary Union, among others, were never published in Ethiopia, did not set clear rules binding on both sides. On the one hand, Ethiopia with 60-million-population and chronically inadequate resources for their livelihoods, which most important source of income is coffee, bringing into state coffers some 450 million. dollars annually. On the other hand, Eritrea with approximately 3.5 million. poorer people and resources that seek to attract investment in manufacturing industry and become a kind of Singapore of East Africa. Ethiopia began to worry that it will be only a supplier of cheap labor for Eritrean industry and that its own industry will be inexpensive to Eritrea export much more vulnerable. In 1994 the Legislative Assembly was replaced by a temporary parliament in 1991. The newly adopted constitution in 1994 has been amended to Ethiopia Federal Republic. While nine ethnic areas have the right to withdraw from the Ethiopian state formation. In 1995, Ethiopia signed the agreement on free trade zone. The first parliamentary elections after the overthrow of the communist regime in 1995, but opposition parties have boycotted. At the end of 1996, economic relations between Eritrea and Ethiopia deteriorated. Governments of both countries failed to agree on further joint exploitation of oil refineries in the Eritrean port of Asaba. In early 1997, got into trouble monetary union. Introduced Eritrea Nakfa (ERN), in the new Ethiopia Birr (ETB). Eritrean Government has proposed that trade between the two countries were made in both currencies, but was not willing to accede to the union rate of both currencies against foreign currencies. Ethiopia responded by declaring that the mutual trade relations will be conducted in USD. Neglect pinpointing the border line also bring problems. Tigrajský State, which forms the northern part of the Ethiopian Federation, began in mid-1997 to claim some territory in the south of Eritrea. Even at the beginning of 1998 should remind the Eritrean independence friendly divorce. The hoped that Meles and Isaias Afewerki will have a long regional allies against Sudan, which has traditionally been the main thorn in the side in this area. Ethiopia is not trying to make contacts in Sudan currently operating Eritrean Muslim dissidents. It would if it would succeed, could dangerously undermine the fragile Christian - Muslim balance in the region. Issai also neotame and never managed to connect with another American "favorite" Gaddafi and commanders Oromského Liberation Front, fighting Melesovej government from bases in northern Kenya and western Somalia.

But it was the Eritrean units that crossed the disputed area and 6 5. 1998 penetrated the territory of Badme (administrative center - Yirga), which was under Ethiopian administration. There came into conflict with Ethiopian police and militias. Occupation of Badme, the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea has moved from the border scuffles to regular war. Eritrean conflict gradually escalated bombing and Adrigatu Mekel. Simultaneously, the mutual repatriation of the population of Ethiopia has expelled 250 000 inhabitants of Eritrean origin in Ethiopia and back to back 150 000 Ethiopians from Eritrea. From the beginning of armed conflict is the Organization of African Unity - OAU (Organization of African Unity) tried to be peace mediator in the conflict. Made several peaceful resolution of this conflict but Eritrea sure to win a peaceful solution was rejected. Followed by an Ethiopian offensive 6.2.1999 when the Ethiopian forces in support of aviation, artillery and heavy machinery tried to conquer back Badme region, which is after them hard and tiring battle and succeeded. 29/02/1999 Eritrea following the defeat at Badme demonstrated its willingness to negotiate and accept a peace plan USA / , which again refused to change Ethiopia. 05/12/2000 Ethiopia launched an offensive line crossing between Shambuko and Mendefera, Mareb crossed the river, and cut off communication between Bärental and Mendefera. This was brought under control ¼ Eritrean territory. Finally, after two years of mutual accusations and fight, which cost about 100 000 victims, was supported by the U.S. 12.12.2000 signed a peace agreement between warring parties.

08/09/2000 UN Security Council has established a mandate for a UN peacekeeping force that would oversee the ceasefire - UNMEE. The main objective of the peacekeeping mission UNMEE conducted on the basis of UNSCR. 1312 and 1320 of 2000, was to support the peace process and normalization of relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea. To the peacekeeping mission in Eritrea with dislocation and Slovak soldiers recruited in January 2001. Our engineering unit to be 200 men and was part štvortisícového contingent comprising troops from 45 countries. The main camp of the first Slovak unit of the African continent was near the town of Adi Quala, others are located Barante, Gergere and Assebe. The main task of Slovak soldiers were sweeping, repair and construction of roads and fords, hard landscaping and other construction-ženijné work. The boundary between the two countries was legal settlement to the decision of the Boundary Commission in The Hague on 13th April 2002.

Sources: http://www.noveslovo.sk/archiv/2000-25/bezhranic.html http://www.mosr.sk/ukoncene-misie?PHPSESSID=717ed57ef381558eee051acfb37822d4 http://dromedar.zoznam.sk/cl/11172/125479/Eritrea http://dromedar.zoznam.sk/cl/11172/98797/Etiopia http://www.afrikaonline.cz/spa/bulletin/etiopiebulletin2000.html http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/eritrea.htm http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_189.shtml
