!®Anrhp0tpr Hpralft Percent Chance of Showers in the 19S6

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!®Anrhp0tpr Hpralft Percent Chance of Showers in the 19S6 V <»'■ Jv ’ V '* '<* M — MA1»<CHESTER h e r a l d . Friday, A pril 4, 1986 CARS I CARS I RECREATIONAL MUSICAL CONNECTICUT R n meal estate INSTORE jun_ TAG SALES FOR SALE FOR SALE |Zo|wM ITED |^0FRCE8PACE IHI fUIIWTURE I EQUIPMENT ITEM S 1983 Citation — I n running 1979 Ford LTD Landau — Mandolin oufo harp, Antique Show - Second V-8, good shape. $2,500. Glottonburv offict space One Sleeper couch, $80, 2 Poolsl Pooltl Poolsl AAA Congregational Church, condition. Automatic. upholstered chairs, $80 pool dltfrlbufor must dis­ Sears silver tone amp. 8, Cell after 8pm, 646-7195. Burn patients Hurst to lead tor lease, easy on/off gulfor. Call 646-7195 after 385 North Main Street, Banged up right side. $500. access to route 2. Imme­ each, 9 X 12 rug, $50. Coll pose of enfire stock of Manchester, Fridov April 633-5654 offer 6pm. 649-0169 otter 3pm. new, leftover, 1985, 31 ft. 8pm.______________ 1972 Buick Skylark — Top Prleo» Paid, for M diate occupancy. Now be­ 4th llom-9pm, Saturday Needs body work, engine Red Sox charge ing renovated, paved fam ily sized swimming 1981 Pontiac Grand Prix, to get treatment family houtot. Coll 64»- April Sfh, 10am-5pm (1-84 runs great. $300 or best parklna, private en­ Low bock swivel living pools with huge sundeck, I MISCELLANEOUS Air, power brakes, power M47. fencing, filter, ladders exit 62). _________ offer. 649-0098, osk for Pot. trance, poislbllltv of fin­ room or fam ily room I FOB SALE steering, AM-FM Stereo, . p a g e 7 ... page 11 ishing to tenants request. choir, multi colored and warranty for only V6, New Tires and rims. $978. Installation optional Tag Sole April 5, 239 1976 Toyota — 5 speed, air 1,300 square feet at $12.00 green. Very good condi­ Strickland Street. GIm - Asking $5,000. 643-9800. tion 646-1525 and extra, financing avail­ Small Air Tight Scondla conditioning, tape deck, per square foot, plus utili­ ISO wood stove, damper fonburv 10:00AM to IFOTBENT able. Call Paul of 721-1884. Mustang, 1976 — 2 2,3 good condition, asking ties. 659-3221 Days. 233- plate and stove pipe. $100. 1:00PM. plus 48 Inch Round maple pe­ door, 4 4 $1,000. Cell after 5pm, 7383 evenings. Coll 643-4209.____________ cylin d er, speed, Lodits Only — NIco, qulot destal table, 4 maple Miscellaneous House­ Cleon, low miles, best 647-9346^________________ room for tonlor clfixon or motes chairs, very good I^BOATS/MARINE Ceramic Molds For sole, hold, clothing, glassware offer. 649-3737. working olrl. Rtfertncts condition, $225. 643-1958 649-3676. 1978 Lincoln Continental & linens. Friday 8, Satur­ . — 3 door. Excellent condi­ and Mcurify. Coll offer oft gr Spin. loolHiuipiiENT day, 9am-2pm. April 4 8,5. Can you buy Jeeps, Cars, tion. Low mileage. Reaso­ 5:30pm, 644^003. Picnic Cooler, $10; Mag­ 3 0 Fulton Road, f^R00MMATE8 4x4’s seized In drug raids nable. 646-3336 or 647-7787. ( ^ W A N T E D nnTV/RTEREO/ 16 foot Mad River canoe, nus console organ 8, Manchester^____________ for under $100.00? Call for .Monchesfor — Com- paddles Included. Used bench, $40; hl-fl Mag- ploftly furnished Includ­ L ^ a p p l ia n c e r facts today I (615) 369-6701 four times. Excellent con­ navox console, $25; chain Manchester Multi family ext. 357. ing sfove. refrigerator dition. $800. Please call saw 10* home light, $100; tag sale. April Sfh, 8am- and linens. SSO weekly needed to share condo In Used Refrigerators, 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- roll away bed, $35, dinette 2pm, 160 Ralph Road din­ ITRUCK8/VAN8 plus 3 weeks security. Coll Manchester. Please coll Washers, Ranges — 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for set, parketfe top, 6 gold ing room set and other |F 0 B 8 A L E Manrltrstrr HrralJi 643-6472 O tter 5pm. ) Manchester — A City of Village Charm between 5 and 9pm, 646- clean, guaranteed, ports Bob leather chairs, $150; cell­ furniture. 9033. and service. Low prices. ing lamp, $30; 2 speed fan, B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 GMC Suburban, 1977 — $10; movie prolector with Hove you read today's 350 V-8,74,000mlles. Reese WANTED Main Street, 643-2171. 1978 Pontiac Firebird - 4 r n APARTMENTS MUSICAL screen 8, splicer, $40; and Closslfied section? If con­ speed, standard transmls- hitch. $3,500 negotiable. 25 Cents TO RENT many other miscellane­ tains hundreds of Interest­ Saturday, April 5, 1986 FOB BENT Panasonic Upright Va­ ITEM S .slon, good condition, 649-1634. ous Items. Call 11-5, 647- ing offers. 643-3711. $1,900.00. .644-0706. cuum — With attach­ 1166. Like Private Home — 3'/i Reliable, Single Profes­ ments, bags S, extra belt. 7 sional with well-trained King Super 20 Tenor Sox room apartment. Applian­ months old. $50. Good 1975 Chevrolet Malibu - C A M PER 8/ dog seeks house to rent In — Needs overhaul - Best WANTED TO ces. Working single adult, condition. Call 646-3245 reasonable offer. Coll 646- ENDROLLS Good Condition. $800 or TRAILER8 Manchester or surround­ BUY/TRADE best offer. Call 643-0243. mwried couple. No child­ after 5pm. 3345 after 5pm. 27'A width - 258 N Blast ing town. Will sign lease, TWA suspect ren, pets. 643-3800. provide references and 13% width - 2 lor 258 Truck Camper(IOVj') — 1-------------------------- - Jenn-AIr Electric stove & Revere Clarinet — Needs Want To Buy a good used 1976 AMC Pacer6cvllnder security deposit. Please MUST be pIckeO up it the lawn mower, and a se­ A/C excellent running Excellent condition. Must 3 & 4 Room Aoortnftents — oven with accessories. overhaul - Best reosona- Manchwttwr Herald Office be seen. Call after 4:30pm, Newly decorated. Colon­ call 643-2711 during the cond hand picnic fable. condition $550.00. Call 646- Black gloss front door. ble offer. Call 646-3245 before 11 A.M. ONLY. 742-6994. ial. Heat, hot water, day. Ask for James or Excellent working condi­ 646-1378. 6703. leave message. after 5pm. rocks appliances, central. Mid­ tion. $500. Will haggle If finding haven dle aged lady. 643-8470 necessary. 647-7653 or 646- offer 6pm. 3929. I ANTIQ UES/ Nice First floor 4 room 3 COLLECTIBLES LAWN AND bedroom apartment. I Frisco Quiet street near busline, I GARDEN in west Beimt wall to wall carpet, stove, no pets. S535 Including Lawn Maintenonce — SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - heat and hot water. Avail­ Free estimates. Byfhe lob TAKE Explosions demolished a three- BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) — 5 able April 1st. Coll Rose, visit the Linen Lady at the or monthly rates. Com­ Antique Show and Sale, story building housing dozens of Lebanese police investigated re­ 647-8400 or 646-8646. mercial and residential. shops and apartments Friday, Vernon Center Middle Call J., 649-4800. ports Friday that a woman sus­ Available Immediately. School. 777 Hertford T urn- trapping as many as 30 people pected of bombing a TWA jetliner Bradley First floor 3 bedroom. $375 pike, Vernon, CT. Sunday, Top Soil — Clean, rich inside and triggering fire that this week vanished into Beirut: but plus utilities. J.D. Real April 6th, 1986. 10:00am- stone-free loam. Any A belched a black cloud of toxic they held little hope of finding her Estate, 646-1980. SiOOpm. amount delivered, 872- fumes over San Francisco Bay. in a city that has become a haven i m Another 16 people were injured for international terrorists. travelers Manchester — 5 room, 3 by the explosions that blew the roof bedroom, being reno­ In the Lebanese port of Tripoli, a CLOTHING I GOOD THINGS off the building, set a second vated, no pets, parking. structure ablaze in a business park Lebanese woman identified as the $600 a month plus security I TO EAT CHANCE cautious and knocked out power to 4,000 suspect in the attack on TWA and utilities. Frank Spl- Maternity cloths In excel­ Flight 840, which killed four leckl, 643-3131. lent condition, size 9-10. Girl Scout Cookies. Call homes in the city's southeastern By John F. Kirch Some worn only once. 643-1975, 9-1 Monday thru section, officials said. Americans near Athens. Greece, Herald Reporter Hartford — South End. Call 646-5153. Friday. "Three to 30 people are unac­ issued a statement to news agen­ Standlsh St., 3nd floor, 5. counted for, ” Deputy Fire Chief cies denying involvement. Her There were plently of people rooms, modern kitchen KIT ‘M’ CARLYLE «by Larry Wright Charles Crespi said Friday night. exact whereabouts were not coming and going at Bradley and both. References. 873- "We won't be going in to look for known, police said. International Airport Friday 3374. bodies until morning" because of UPI photo Among the four killed was afternoon,' but not many were Colombian-born Alberto Ospina, Manchester-1 bedroom heat from the fire. traveling to Europe or the apartment Immediate oc- The explosion erupted at 3:30 38. of Stratford. Middle East. cuapancv heat & hot wa­ p.m. PST in the building, which Protest at Wesleyan “ We have no information. All we In the wake of the TWA fer, convientiv located, no housed apartments, paint shops, are getting is from you news airliner bombing that killed pets, security & referen­ artist stu(iios and other businesses, agencies,” said a police spokes­ four Americans earlier this ces. $495 monthly. 649- officials said. Two more blasts Wesleyan University stucjents hold a the Middletown campus. Similar pro­ man in west Beirut, where Moslem week, and threats of more 1336. went off within minutes, witnesses rally Friday honoring Martin Luther tests took place on campuses across the militias rule every block.
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