In . . . Children, Youth and Family Life
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SURVEY RESEARCH CENTER An Inter-Center /}60 Program of RESEARCH Studies in . CENTER FOR Children, Youth and Family Life GROUP } DYNAMICS A SELECTIVE REVIEW OF COMMUNITY-BASED PROGRAMS FOR PREVENTING DELINQUENCY Martin Gold J. Alan Winter 1 fa h 4% 1 - W i V INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN I A SELECTIVE REVIEW OF COMMUNITY-BASED PROGRAMS FOR PREVENTING DELINQUENCY presented by the Inter-Center Program of Research on Children, Youth and Family Life of the INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan for The Chicago Youth Development Project A joint project of the Chicago Boys Clubs and the Institute for Social Research Martin Gold . J. Alan Winter October 1961 Acknowledgements We would like to express our gratitude to Ann Desautels, Judith Gee and Alice Phelps for the typing of the Revlaw and to Fauni Epstein for her critical proof-reading of the final draft. Above all, we are grateful to Norma McCarus Harris without whose aid and advise on innumerable editorial matters this Review would not have been made generally available. The Ford Foundation sponsors the Chicago Youth Development Project for whose use the Review was initially compiled. The editors are both members of the research staff of the CYDP. Table of Contents Page Title page 1 Acknowledgements iil Table of Contents v Programs Summarized • ' ' v*"* Bibliography * * x* Introduction * g Summaries Epilogue c « V Programs Summarized Dates of Page Program Location operation 45 All-Day Neighborhood New York City 1951- Schools 9; 99 Boston Special Youth Boston 1954-1957 Program (Roxbury) 29 Central Harlem Youth New York City 1947-1950 Project 123 Catobridge-Somerville Cambridge and 1937-1948 Youth. Project Somerville, Mass 77 Chicago Area Project Chicago 1935- 91 Dolphin Club Liverpool, Eng. 1953- 113 Englewood Project Chicago 1954- 57 143 ExperImenter-sub j ec t Boston ca. 1959 psychotherapy 53 Fuld Neighborhood Newark, N.J. 1957; 1958 Work Camp 149 Girls' Service League New York City 1951- Psychotherapy Project 71 Group Guidance Los Angeles ca, 1961 Project 59 Hyde Park Project Chicago 1955- 58 15 Los Angeles Youth Los Angeles 1945- Project 85 Passaic Children's Passaic, N.J. 1937- Bureau 155 Pre-delinquent Gang New York City ca. 1958 Project 37 Provo Experiment Provo, Utah 1956- 25 Red Shields Boys Club Louisville, Ky. 1946-1954 vii Dates of Page Program Location operation 21 Quincy Youth Quincy, 111. 1951- Development 81 South Central Youth Minneapolis 1955-57 Project 107 Street Club Project New York City 1950- x Bibliography Page 9. Ackley, E. Gruman, and Fliegel, B,R, A social work approach to street-corner girls. Social Work, I960, 5, 27-36. 45 The All-Day Neighborhood Schools. Interim Report #XIII. Juvenile Delinquency Evaluation Project of the City of New York (mimeo) . 15 Alston, Estelle. Group work with hard-to-reach teen-agers. The Social Welfare Forum Proceedings of the National Conference of Social Work. Atlantic City 1951, Columbia University Press, N.Y., 281-294. 21 Bowman, Paul H, Effects of a revised school program on potential delinquents. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., 1959, 322, 53-62. 25 Brown, Roscoe and Dodson, Dan. The effectiveness of a Boys Club program in reducing delinquency. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci.. 1959, 322, 47-52. 29 Crawford, P.L., Malanrud, D.L., and Dumpson, J.R. Working with Teenage Gangs. Welfare Council of New York City, 1950. 37 Empey, L.T, and Rabow, J, The Provo experiment in delinquen• cy rehabilitation. Amer. Soc. Rev., 1961, 26, 679-695. 45 Franklin, Adele. The all-day neighborhood services. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., 1959, 322, 62-68. 53 Fried, Antoinette. A Work Camp program for potential delinquents. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., 1959, 322. 38-46. 59 Gandy, John M. Preventive work with street-corner groups: Hyde Park Youth Project, Chicago. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc. Set., 1959, 322, 107-116. .71 Group Guidance Section, Los Angeles County Probation Depart• ment and the Youth Studies Center. The use of authority with delinquent groups: a proposal for an action research program, Univ. of Southern Cel., (ditto) no date- 77 Kobrin, S. The Chicago Area Project: a twenty-five per cent assessment. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., 1959, 322, 19-37. xi 31 Konopka, Glsele. Co-ordination of services as a means of delinquency prevention. Annals, Amer. Pol. Soc. Sci., 1959, 322, 30-37. 85 Kvaraceus, Wm. Juvenile Delinquency and the School. World Book, Yongers-on Hudson, N.Y., 1945. 123 McCord, Wm. and McCord J. Origin of Crime. Columbia Univer• sity Press, 1959. 123 McCord, J, and McCord Wm. A follow-up report on the Cambridge- Somerville study. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci,, 1959, 322, 89-96. 91 Mays, J.B. On the Threshold of delinquency. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, August 1959. 99 Miller, W.B. Preventive work with street-corner groups: Boston Delinquency Project. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., 1959, 322, 97-106. 99 Miller, W.B. The impact of a community group work program on delinquent corner groups. Soc. Serv. Rev., 1957, 31, 390-405. 107 NYC Youth Board, Reaching the Fighting Gang, New York, 1960. 113 Penner, G.L. An experiment in police and social agency co-.- operation. Annals. Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., 1959, 322. 79-88. 113 Penner, G.L. Report on the Englewood Project. Chicago: Juvenile Protective Association of Chicago. 1958, 123 Powers, E, and Witmer, H. Prevention of Delinquency. The Cambridge-Somerville Study, Columbia University Press, 1951. 123 Powers, E. An experiment in prevention of delinquency. Annals of Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., 1949, 261, 77-88. 15 Robinson, Duane. Chance to belong: Story of the Los Angeles Youth Project. Woman's Press, N.Y., 1949. 59 Shireman, CH. The Hyde Park Youth Project, Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago, no date, ca. 1959. 143 Slack, C.W. Experimenter-subject psychotherapy: A new method of introducing intensive office treatment for unreachable cases. Mental Hygiene, 1960, 44, 238-256. xiii South Central Youth Project: a delinquency control program, 1955-57. Final report to the Community Welfare Council, Hennepin County. Stranahan, M. and Schwartzman, C. An experiment in reaching asocial adolescents through group therapy. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci.. 1959, 322, 117-125. Tefferteller, R. Delinquency prevention through revitalizing parent-child relationships. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., 1959, 322, 69-78. xiv Review of Some Community-based Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Programs Introduction The reviews which follow were compiled to facilitate the initial stages of the planning of the Chicago Youth Development Project, a joint program of the Institute for Social Research of The University of Michigan and the Chicago Boys Clubs. The joint effort is supported by a grant from the Ford Foundation. The task of the Boys Clubs is to carry on a program of extension work with street-corner clubs in three areas of Chicago thus extending their traditional building-centered program to meet the needs of the hard-to-reach youth of the neighborhood. The task of the Institute is to evaluate the effectiveness of that program. The project began its operations in September, 1960, and plans call for a six-year program. It was known from the start that the Chicago Youth Development Project (CYDP) was by no means unique. There had been other extension worker programs and other delinquency prevention efforts; there had been other attempts to evaluate such programs. Some of the evaluation studies had, like our own, been part of a joint research-action program. We had reason then to hope that much could be learned from reports of the operations of delinquency prevention programs and of other attempts to evaluate such programs. Three sets of decisions were made to facilitate the learning process. First, there Was a set of decisions dealing with the selec• tion of material. The presentation of the reviews was a second area - 1 - I of concern. Third, we devised a scheme for comparing reports on Important analytic dimensions. Selection1 We thought a search of the-available literature on delinquency prevention^ programs could be most profitable if we excluded reports of programs which were quite unlike the proposed action program of the Chicago Boys Clubs. The Boys Clubs program was to be community-based with all of the youths in the program residing in or spending their leisure time in the neighborhood or community serviced. Thus, it was decided to review only those reports which pertained to community-based programs. In practice, this meant the exclusion of reports of work with institutionalized youth. The particular techniques The selection of material was facilitated by referring to two publications of the Children's Bureau: •'' Blake, Mary E. Selected,' annotated reading on group services in the treatment and control of juvenile delinquency, #3 of the Children's Bureau series Juvenile Delinquency: Facts and Facets, U.S. Gov't. Printing Office, Wash. D.C., 1960. Witmer, H. & Tufts, E. The effectiveness of delinquency prevention programs. Children's Bur. Pub. No. 350, 1954. The editors would also like to thank the following individuals who kindly answered a request for suggested references: Francis Allen, David Austin, Daniel Glaser, Russell Hogrefe, Solomon Kobrin, Charles Shireman, James F. Short, Anthony Sorrentino, and S. Kireon Weinberg. Generally, one distinguishes between "prevention programs" and "treatment or rehabilitative programs" on the grounds that in the latter case the youths serviced are known delinquents and often institutionalized. Prevention programs are seen as dealing with delinquency-prone youths who have committed no known delinquency. We did not make such a distinction in our selection of material, since: 1) even rehabilitation programs aim to prevent delinquency, albeit a repeat of some previous delinquency; and 2) our program alms to prevent both youths with and without known delinquencies from committing delinquent activities.