CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E309 HON
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March 5, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E309 known as Bloody Sunday. We must not forget efforts. His vision to revive otherwise decrepit HONORING LONG-TIME MONTEREY the courage of my esteemed colleague, Con- areas across Dallas will benefit countless peo- PARK RESIDENT AND COMMU- gressman JOHN LEWIS, and others during the ple through expanded access to housing and NITY ACTIVIST: MRS. RUTH march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in improved quality of life. It is with great pleas- WILLNER March 1965. Non-violent marchers led by ure that I honor the work of Mr. Norman Henry LEWIS and Hosea Williams were brutally beat- for his contributions. en, opening the eyes of the Nation to the HON. JUDY CHU struggle of African Americans to win the right f to vote. Let us resolve to protect the voting OF CALIFORNIA rights for which participants of that march suf- COMMEMORATION OF MARIA D. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fered such brutality, and honor them for their FERNANDES commitment to non-violence. They are an in- Monday, March 5, 2012 spiration for all Americans. Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- f HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. ognize a great loss to our community, Mrs. PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF NEW JERSEY Ruth Willner, who passed away on February 28, 2012, after a lengthy and valiant battle IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ADAM SMITH with cancer. My heart goes out to her two chil- Monday, March 5, 2012 dren, Paul and Julia; her granddaughter, Eryn; OF WASHINGTON and her many friends and family members. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Ruth was an extraordinary citizen, an advo- Monday, March 5, 2012 commemorate the life and legacy of Maria D. cate for her community, and a good friend and Fernandes of Sea Bright, New Jersey. Mayor Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, on loyal supporter. I first got to know Ruth’s Fernandes served the constituents of Sea strength and passion in the 1980s, when she Monday, February 27, 2012, I was unable to Bright for 16 years and retired in January be present for recorded votes. Had I been was the Chairperson of the Committee for 2012. She passed away on Sunday, February Harmony in Monterey Park, which was formed present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall 26, 2012 at the age of 59. Throughout her il- to defeat a proposed English-only and anti-im- vote No. 73 (on the motion to concur in the lustrious career, the Mayor continued to pre- migrant ordinance in our hometown. Thanks to Senate amendment to H.R. 347). serve and enhance the quality of life for Sea Ruth’s tireless efforts we succeeded in defeat- f Bright residents. Her service is truly worthy of ing that ordinance. this body’s recognition. HONORING NORMAN L. HENRY A native of East Los Angeles, Ruth attended Maria Fernandes served as Sea Bright Bor- Roosevelt High School and earned degrees ough Mayor from 2008 until 2011. She was from Los Angeles Community College and TIC HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON proud to be the first Portuguese-American fe- Berkeley. A widower, she was married to her OF TEXAS male Mayor in the state of New Jersey and husband Irv for 56 years and lived in Monterey IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the third in the United States. Before becom- Park for 52 years. Monday, March 5, 2012 ing Mayor, Ms. Fernandes was elected to the Sea Bright Borough Council in 1997 and Ruth truly loved her community. She was in- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. served in this capacity through 2007. She was volved in too many community groups, com- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the work of appointed Sea Bright Council President from missions and organizations to name here, in- Mr. Norman L. Henry, President and Executive 2003 through 2005 and was an active partici- cluding the city’s Blue Ribbon Budget Com- Director of Builders of Hope CDC. Builders of pant and member of the Sea Bright Planning mittee, the School District Formation Com- Hope CDC is a Community Housing Develop- and Zoning Board from 1996 through 2011. As mittee, Friends of the Library, Concerned Citi- ment Corporation in Dallas that has dem- a member of the Borough Council, she imple- zens, and the anti-casino and anti-billboard onstrated its commitment to revitalizing com- mented a program to add the North and South committees, to name a few. munities through the construction of energy-ef- Beach areas to the monthly street cleaning As a 35-year member of the Pasadena ficient, environmentally-friendly homes that are schedule. Sea Bright now has regularly sched- League of Women Voters, Ruth played an in- also accessible to low and moderate-income uled street cleaning services once a month as tegral role in educating and informing our local families. a result of Mayor Fernandes’ initiatives. Her electorate. As program chair she shed light on Under Mr. Henry’s leadership, Builders of leadership abilities also led to her appointment issues as varied as NAFTA, Environmental Hope CDC has led the way in quality afford- as Chair of the Sea Bright Public Works Com- Justice, Immigration and Welfare Reform, and able housing in the Dallas area. Since accept- mittee in which she assisted in consolidating as a member of the Speakers’ Bureau for 25 ing the position as President in 2000, Mr. services and improving the accessibility and years she presented pro and con forums on Henry has overseen a fourfold increase in the cleanliness of the local beaches. As Public countless ballot issues and moderated scores output of affordable homes across several Works Committee Chair, she also managed of candidate forums. neighborhoods throughout West and South the Sea Bright Downtown Infrastructure Im- Dallas. Utilizing over 21 years of experience in provement Project (DIIP), addressing the A true believer in the political process, Ruth the non-profit management and affordable flooding in downtown Sea Bright. Other was a member of the Monterey Park Demo- housing field, Mr. Henry has built, remodeled, projects during Mayor Fernandes’ tenure on cratic Club since 1967, where she served as and sold over 224 affordable homes. the Borough Council have included the imple- past president and ran the club’s newsletter With the housing market collapse in 2008, mentation of the free parking system and the for 20 years. She also was an elected mem- countless Americans have either lost their negotiation of multiple shared services con- ber of the L.A. County Democratic Party for 12 homes entirely or now find the value of their tracts with neighboring towns. years and served as corresponding secretary homes to be less than the amounts they owe for the party. on a mortgage. Norman Henry, through the Mayor Fernandes is predeceased by her work that he has done with Builders of Hope Father Ernest Fernandes and her Maternal She was a tireless campaigner, walking pre- CDC, has contributed to keeping the American Grandmother, Jesuina Diaz. Surviving is her cincts and phone banking for George Brown Dream alive through the construction of these Mother, Adelina Fernandes of Sea Bright. for Assembly, serving as the San Gabriel Val- homes. Quality and affordable housing should Mr. Speaker, Mayor Maria Fernandes dedi- ley Coordinator to End the War in Vietnam, not be out of reach for any American with the cated her life to serving the people and the and volunteering for Hubert Humphrey and desire to purchase a home, and Mr. Henry town of Sea Bright New Jersey. Her actions George McGovern, among many others. has helped to bring the pride of home owner- touched the hearts and minds of countless I urge my House colleagues to join me in ship to even more Americans. men, women and children throughout Sea honoring Mrs. Ruth Willner for her record of Mr. Speaker, Norman Henry has helped to Bright and Monmouth County. Her legacy has civic activism, her indomitable spirit and her breathe new life into many West and South served as an inspiration to us all and she will remarkable service and contributions to her Dallas communities through his revitalization truly be missed. community and to our nation. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:25 Mar 06, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05MR8.001 E05MRPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 5, 2012 HONORING CLARA SIMS ‘‘Father of the American Cavalry,’’ often using Medical Center in Jerusalem that bears her his own finances to provide his forces with the name. Her gift is ensuring that Israeli women HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. finest equipment when allocations from Con- can benefit from the best diagnostics, treat- OF GEORGIA gress were limited. ment and research possible. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He valiantly gave his life in 1779, fighting for Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join with me the freedom he so believed in, and has been today to honor Mrs. Marlene Greenebaum. Monday, March 5, 2012 remembered since that day by both Americans Her dedication to quality healthcare for all Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I and Poles for his dedication to liberty and jus- people is an inspiration. Her strength and submit the following Proclamation. tice for all. courage now give hope to countless other Whereas, one hundred years ago a virtuous My recent trip to Poland reminded me how women. It is with great admiration and appre- woman of God, Clara Bryant was born in Ox- important it is for the United States and Po- ciation that I congratulate Mrs.