F.No.10-108/2008-1A-III Government of India Ministry of Environment
F.No.10-108/2008-1A-III Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (IA.111 Section) Indira Paryavaran Bharan, Jor Bagh Road, New Deft - 3 Dated: 09th September, 316 To M/s Usha Breco Limited, 701, Surya Kiran Building, 19, K.G. Marg, New Delhi - 1 Sub: Construction of `Udankhatola' Aerial Ropeway at Mount Girnar, Disrict Junagadh (Gujarat) by M/s Usha Breco Limited - Environmental Clearance - rfg. Ref: Your application No.UBUGIR/MoEF/01/08-09, dated 08.09.2008 and subseqtent letter dated 03.11.2008, 24.11.2008, 12.12.2008, 30.09.2009, 23.10.2009 end 20.11.2009 and online proposal No.1A/GJ/MIS/53151/2008 dated 10thMay, 2016. Sir, This has reference to your application No.UBL/GIR/MoEF/01/08-09, dated 08.09.2108 and subsequent letter dated 03.11.2008, 24.11.2008, 12.12.2008, 30.09.2009, 23.10.2109 and 20.11.2009 and online proposal No.IA/GJ/MIS/53151/2008dated 10th May, 2116 alongwith project documents including Form I, Terms of References, Pre-feasibility Reprt, EIA/EMP Report regarding above mentioned project. 2. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has examined he application. It is noted that the proposal is for construction of an aerial ropeway at Moint Girnar in Junagadh District, Gujarat. The total area required for the ropeway project is 7.2V1 ha. The project site stretches from the foot of Mount Girnar to a point near the Ambaji Tem)le at the top of the Mountain.
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