Congressional Record—Senate S3902
S3902 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2011 COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS AND The preamble was agreed to. ate now proceed to the consideration of ENTREPRENEURSHIP The resolution, with its preamble, S. Res. 210, celebrating the Boston Bru- Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I ask reads as follows: ins’ victory, which was submitted ear- unanimous consent that the Com- S. RES. 209 lier today. mittee on Small Business and Entre- Whereas the Dallas Mavericks finished the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The preneurship be authorized to meet dur- 2010–11 National Basketball Association clerk will report the resolution by ing the session of the Senate on June (NBA) season with a 57–25 record; title. 16, 2011, at 10 a.m. to conduct a hearing Whereas, during the 2011 NBA Playoffs, the The assistant legislative clerk read Mavericks defeated the Portland Trail- entitled ‘‘An Examination of SBA Pro- as follows: grams: Eliminating Inefficiencies, Du- blazers, Los Angeles Lakers, Oklahoma City Thunder, and Miami Heat en route to the A resolution (S. Res. 210) congratulating plications, Fraud and Abuse.’’ NBA Championship; the Boston Bruins for winning the 2011 Stan- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Whereas the Mavericks epitomized a ley Cup Championship. objection, it is so ordered. ‘‘never say die’’ attitude during the 2011 NBA There being no objection, the Senate Finals, overcoming losses in games 1 and 3 of SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE proceeded to consider the resolution. Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I ask the NBA Finals with thrilling fourth quarter Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, it unanimous consent that the Select comebacks in games 2, 4, and 5 to take a 3– 2 series lead; would be unimaginable there be objec- Committee on Intelligence be author- Whereas, on June 12, 2011, the Mavericks tion to such good news.
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