Boxgrove Parish Council Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council 2 McAdam Close, Hambrook, PO18 8FG T: 01243 575094/E: [email protected]/ ______Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Monday 2nd March 2020 at 7.00pm at Boxgrove Village Hall and Community Centre

Present: Cllr H Potter Chairman Cllr Tynan Cllr Addison (Vice Chair) Cllr Etherington Cllr Lloyd Tooze Cllr Bish Cllr Moyler Cllr Simpson

In attendance: The Clerk CDC – Cllr Henry Potter WSCC: Cllr Jeremy Hunt 11 members of the Public

1. Apologies Cllr Jill Raikes 2. Declarations of interest Cllrs Michael Bish for planning application 19/02257 3. Minutes – to agree and sign the minutes of 3rd February 2020 meeting The Minutes were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record and were duly signed by the Chairman 4. Outstanding items from the previous meeting None 5. Public Question time from residents of Boxgrove (Standing orders 3d – 3l) A resident asked if public meetings were to be banned due to the Corona Virus. The Electors' Meeting will still take place on 14th March. 6. Boxgrove 5klm race – update from Lucy Stent Ms Stent informed the meeting that the Boxgrove 5klm race in aid of the Primary School Hall will take place on Saturday 13th June. There may also be a 10klm race this year – to be confirmed. Everyone is encouraged to attend and contribute to the fund. The school is trying to raise £170K – of which £40K has already been raised. Once the fund reaches a certain amount, they will be entitled to some help from WSCC. She also asked if anyone would like to sponsor the race event. It costs £500 to run it and a part or all of that would be most welcome. Cllr Potter proposed donating the Chairman's allowance of £200. It was agreed to discuss later under finance. Ms Stent also asked for volunteers to help with marshalling on the day. Cllrs Potter and Addison volunteered. 7. Report from Cllr Bish will be having a meeting on 5th March in front of 38 Halnaker to discuss fencing and hedging issues within the conservation area.

Cllr Tooze had received Traffic Management information from Goodwood for the Qatar Race meeting which he had sent to Jim McDonald of the Traffic Calming group. Mr McDonald is liaising with Goodwood over traffic management schemes for other events. Mr McDonald agreed that a consistency of approach would thus be achieved, and he will route everything through Celine at Goodwood. 8. County Councillor, District Councillor and Chairman’s report i. Cllr Jeremy Hunt WSCC a) Cllr Hunt confirmed that the budget had been approved by Cabinet at the 14th February meeting

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b) The South Chichester County Local Committee meeting will be tomorrow, 3rd March, at WSCC. (Cllr Potter to attend) c) Cllr Hunt had spoken to Mike Dare at CDC about the installation of the bench at the bus- stop and he understood that a councillor was also in touch. WSCC still wish to tarmac around the bench as they do not approve paving stones (such as the crazy paving which is currently there). Mr Gillespie (traffic calming group) explained that he had shown to Mr Dare the two dropped kerb points either side of the proposed site, which were considerably more dangerous as they both propelled users into the road. Mr Dare is still adamant that tarmac must be installed. Cllr Addison had asked for a temporary 18 month licence. Mr Dare wishes the Parish Council to accept the Public liability in this case. The council already has PL insurance and as the bench is owned by the PC the insurance will be in place. d) Cllr Hunt brought to the attention of the meeting the Donate a tree scheme of WSCC. They will supply and plant a new tree in the next planting season (November through to February). The tree will be a staked, container grown ‘extra heavy standard’ (approximately 2-3 metres tall), with a strimmer guard and irrigation tube installed. Certain tree species appropriate to the village can be requested. For the first three years after it is planted, the tree will receive an annual visit from the Young Tree Maintenance Team. They will inspect and carry out any routine maintenance and formative pruning. If the tree dies or becomes unviable due to damage or vandalism in the first 12 months after planting, WSCC will replace in the next planting season. The contribution cost is £150 per tree. Requests by the end of August will guarantee the tree is included in the upcoming planting season. Cllr Potter and Tynan wanted to replace the tree that had been planted for the Queen's silver Jubilee, in the school grounds, but which had died. e) The County Council has employed Ms Lucy Butler to lead the Children's Services. f) The Fire and Rescue service has had another inspection by HM Inspections and Constabulary unit, and they have noted tangible improvements. The staff now felt supported and there was clear commitment from WSCC to make the adjustments necessary. The inspectors felt that it was not necessary to come back until next year, such were the improvements. g) The Fire service was able to use its drone for the first time, on the fire at Westhampnett. It is a very useful tool with a powerful camera. h) With the excessive rain over the last few months the damage to the highways has been extensive. There have been 2500 repairs and 110 repairs undertaken every day. The number of teams deployed has gone from 8 to 10. There are 3000 miles of highway to repair and Cllr Hunt urged drivers to drive with caution.

Mr McDonald from the traffic calming group asked Cllr Hunt about the poor quality of work undertaken in repairing potholes. He gave a photograph to Cllr Hunt showing a pothole after repair which was only two/thirds repaired leaving a deep hole of water which will soon erode the repair. Mr McDonald agreed that the lovewestsussex app worked well and the response was fast, but the ensuing work was not worthwhile. Cllr Potter said that the repair teams should be using a leaf blower to clear out the potholes as this not only cleared all the debris and water from the hole but also dried the hole. He said using a broom as he had seen a few days ago, was a complete waste of time.

i) Cllr Hunt continued his report with the good news that between April and September £2.5m of additional benefits had been made available after advice given by Age UK Wellbeing campaign. These funds give help with care funding and it is a free service. It also helps those in need manage their funds better.

j) Cllr Hunt confirmed his attendance at the Electors' Meeting on 14th March End of report

A member of the public said that 2 months ago Cllr Hunt had reported on the snagging on the windmill due to be completed but that it still wasn't done. He showed a photograph of a missing bolt. He said that the lack of management and signing off before completion was a waste of public funds.

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ii. Cllr Henry Potter CDC a) Progress is being made towards the compulsory purchase of large tracts of the land over at The Tangmere Strategic Development Land. This is such an important contribution to the Districts 5 year supply of available housing developments, that a Compulsory Purchase Order is the only way to settle the disagreements between the various landowners. This is a big step for the District Council, but it must be done. One small consolation is that the number of houses planned has been reduced from the original 1,500 to a revised number of 1,200. b) Still a considerable number of people in cars spilling on to the already congested A27 at Temple Bar. c) The Budget for the forthcoming year, 2020/21 has been set and to be agreed by the Full Council on Tuesday, 3rd March. This amounts to £14,235,800 in respect of the Councils' own services provision and represents a 3.11% increase for the average Band D taxpayer, bringing their contribution to £265.81 pa. Regrettably other increases for Sussex Police and WSCC precepts are not so modest. d) The Allowance scheme for elected Members underwent a review last year by an Independent Remuneration Panel. This is the first review since 2015 and the recommendation of the Panel is for the Members' basic allowance to be increased from £4,725 to £5,200 with effect from 1st April 2020. Other Special Responsibility additional allowances have also been recommended for modest increases, for example chairpersons of committees, and the Leader but not the Chair of the Council. Cllr Potter hoped that everyone appreciated that District Councillors don't do it for the pay! e) Finally, since agreement was reached that Henry Boot Associates were the preferred bidder, CDC is waiting for further ideas for the Southern Gateway Project when the actual Appointment of Henry Boot will be announced. Throughout the process of design for this huge scheme, all details will be scrutinised by the Council's own Overview and Scrutiny Committee and, of course, will be subject to all Planning controls. End of report - Henry Potter CDC Member for the Goodwood Ward.

iii. Cllr Henry Potter Chairman a) Cllr Potter wanted to say how disappointed he has become with the disregard of simple Planning Regulations. Aside from the breaches already noted, last week a resident called him with the news that a flowering cherry tree on the grass verge at the junction of St. Mary’s Road and Crouchcross Lane had been cut down! A plain unmarked vehicle arrived at the site and three operatives proceeded to fell this particular tree. Three hours later they were gone, and Cllr Potter added, the site was left very tidy. The manner in which it happened was suspicious, so he informed Jason Lemm, Boxgrove's PCSO, and he enquired of WSCC Highways on whose grass verge the tree grew. It was in fact they who had ordered the supposedly diseased and unhealthy tree to be felled, “it may become dangerous”. Nobody in the vicinity had reported it as being in that state and Cllr Potter thought that at the very least, the PC should have been informed! b) Cllr Potter cycled to the Anglesey Arms yesterday lunch time and was amazed at the size of four considerable potholes and broken road surfaces between the Village Hall entrance and the junction at Halnaker. He returned later with a vehicle (for a bit of protection) and reported, using the "Love " app, two immense holes, one surrounding a manhole, and the disintegration of the edge of the road on the eastern side and the almost complete break-up of the ridiculous full road width section coloured pink. It’s been reported that WSCC, among others, have been allocated substantial increased funding to deal with this menace but unless they deal with these repairs in a proper manner that money will be wasted. Cllr Potter wanted to know why WSCC couldn't appoint proper contractors who could be held to account for what everyone sees as shoddy, inadequate work. c) Referring to the Anglesey Arms, hopes were raised when a new “ manager” reopened the hostelry ten days ago, but it was soon apparent that this was to be a very short appointment. Cllr Potter believed he ran out of a very limited stock of beer over the first weekend. However, he has gone, and a new caretaker ‘tenant’ is in place as of the end of last week. It was good to see so many local patrons enjoying the place once again and Cllr Potter sincerely hoped the arrangement between the former tenant and the leaseholders is workable. Everybody admits they miss it, so everyone wishes the new man Good Luck. d) Cllr Potter has heard no news of the running of the Village Hall and Community Centre since the manager broke, quite badly, her ankle. All he could add was that each time he passed by

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there never seemed to be anybody using the facilities. Perhaps an update report should be asked for, on just exactly what is happening to the Community asset. e) Finally, in addition to the copper beech tree which was planted on the edge of the Playing field and Car Park to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Boxgrove's Women’s Institute, Cllr Potter has now planted three more small saplings out on the Common and he is still waiting now for all the others he planted in pots to appear and grow on. At the moment just one apple shoot has appeared above the compost! f) Cllr Potter has made quite an effective repair to the trough in the middle of the Car Park at very little cost. End of Report

Cllr Potter reported back on a SALC training that he had attended where he had been told that it was unlawful not to display an agenda on a noticeboard. Action Clerk A member of the public asked if it were not possible to have a report from the village hall on a monthly basis so that the Parish Council could be kept up to date with what was happening. The clerk to contact trustees. Action Clerk

9. Clerk's report i. Correspondence received From Concerning Action

CDC Parking management plan consultation None ends on Thursday 5th March NHB Boxgrove will have the possibility to Clerk to investigate whether apply for £811.16 in New Homes Bonus the Primary school could grant. Must be community based. It apply. There is usually a time was asked whether the school could limit for spending. apply. Playground group could also apply.

ii. Payments for consideration – the payments for consideration with the addition of three expense claims by Cllr Potter were proposed by Cllr Simpson, seconded by Cllr Moyler and unanimously RESOLVED for payment. iii. Bank reconciliation and Expenditure to date The clerk circulated the expenditure against budget to date. All being well the council should close the year about £2k budget.

Cllr Simpson proposed, and Cllr Moyler seconded a discretionary grant of £500 to the Primary school to fund the race day. This was unanimously RESOLVED by the council.

The clerk will start the annual audit this month.

10. Elector's Meeting 14th March – arrangements There will be 5 displays at the Electors' Meeting in the large hall: - Traffic calming group with Community Highways schemes to view; - Neighbourhood Plan – important information about the next steps for Boxgrove given that CDC will have no local plan in place to "protect" the parish from speculative development and/or the extra 50 homes still figuring in the draft local plan; - Playground project proposals - Community Action Plan which will ask for suggestions for the spend of the Community Infrastructure Levy (about £50K for Boxgrove) and the New Homes Bonus. - Boxgrove Conservation Area – dos and don'ts for those living in properties in the Conservation area. Maps to show which properties are within the area for Boxgrove and Halnaker

Cakes and coffee will be provided by several volunteers – the primary school will be able to help serve coffee and tea.

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The table-top sale will be in the small hall.

All welcome!!

11. Boxgrove Rangers Report – Cllr Addison i. Cllr Addison and Mr Dipple today installed the concrete slab in The Street for the bin. Once it is secured CDC will empty it. They will remove the one from the play area and install in St Blaise. ii. The clerk will order one, round, green Neapolitan bin for the Tinwood Lane kissing gate, and one square black bin with a gold band for the bus-stop. iii. The rangers were asked to help clear the paths on the common for the 5klm run – the challenges will be the nesting areas and the public footpaths. iv. Cllr Addison will attend the Pathwatch meeting at SDNP on 17th March at 10am. v. Cllr Hunt asked if the WSCC ranger was in touch. Cllr Addison is in touch with them. They are responsible for a lot of the area and have done some good work including repairing the kissing gate. Two new ones have also been installed at Redvins – probably by Goodwood.

12. Resilience Training Report – Cllrs Addison/Potter i. Cllr Addison reported on the two sessions attended by himself and Cllr Potter (Cllr Simpson having been unable to attend). The training was organised bt WSCC and the first session was an introduction to emergency planning, and how the community can help itself and help the emergency services in a crisis. Much of it is common sense and applying that common sense. The second session was specific about how to set up the documentation for an emergency plan. There are templates and documents that can be downloaded from the WSCC website. Topically Corona virus was on the agenda and they talked about people self-isolating and about those people who do not have relatives or friends near for food and medicines. They talked about a community on "lock-down" if there were an outbreak.

Other issues covered were trees coming down, road traffic accidents, air accidents and looking to see what skills and equipment exist to help the community when emergency services are inundated. They talked about creating a register of vulnerable people for example – this requires the permission of the person concerned. Actually compiling the plan helps the community help itself and thus the emergency services. There were 200 events attended in the last storm by the emergency services. Cllr Simpson and his wife had compiled a list. Using a representative in each road, when the power cuts came some years ago, they were able to take flasks and wind-up torches to vulnerable people in the village. Also covered was using village halls for emergency shelter – the Village Hall or St Blaise centre.

Cllr Addison said that to move things forward now a small team comprised of councillors and volunteers should be set up. Priory Close residents' association has such a plan, and this could be useful too. It was agreed to formalise this at the Annual meeting on May 4th – volunteers welcome! (Cllr Hunt left the meeting).

13. Traffic Calming Group Report Mr McDonald gave a detailed report on the Traffic calming group:

Halnaker Entrance Gates status

• Gates now purchased and in storage waiting Balfour Beatty site surveys and confirmation of installation date. • The TCG will support Balfour Beatty with installation of the gates, as done for the Boxgrove gates. • Parish funding and implementation of the gates supports our commitment to WSCC Highways to go some way to partnership in the overall Halnaker CHS which is going through the approval process

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Boxgrove and Halnaker Community Highway Schemes status

• Boxgrove – Chris Dye from WSCC Highways has provided the TCG with schematics of the proposals for the Boxgrove CHS to be issued for safety audit and then costing. • These schematics will be shown at the Electors meeting on March 14th. Chris has made it very clear that these schematics are illustrative of the possible changes to be implemented but are subject to review and still require funding allocation in the 2020/21 budget to be confirmed to support implementation after April this year. • The TCG has provided some feedback to Chris Dye on the schematics which he said he would pass onto the consultants developing the scheme but expressed caution that changes were unlikely at this stage in the process. • Halnaker – No change in status from last month -- The scheme is now on the listing of 14 schemes approved by WSCC Highways which are awaiting confirmed funding allocation. Many schemes from other Parishes were rejected in the process as they did not achieve the minimum score against the set criteria. The scheme has been listed as a £50k scheme, which is substantially below our request of £200k but clearly is appreciated in these fiscally tight times. The TCG are hopeful of securing additional funding of £30k from Reece Jeffrys and are now pursuing additional funding of £50k from SDNP. Implementation of the new village entrance gates is also seen by WSCC Highways as a positive contribution by the Parish to the overall scheme.

Goodwood Members Meeting

• The Goodwood team have confirmed their commitment to signage at both ends of Boxgrove before, during and after the Members Meeting. This signage will advise drivers that The Street is not the access to the event and drivers should use Temple Bar/A285 • Additionally, The Goodwood team have issued instructions to all contractors not to use The Street. • Further, signage will be added to the A27 to direct west bound drivers to Temple Bar prior to them excecuting a turn at the Tangmere exit. • The TCG will feedback to Goodwood during the MM as necessary.

Community Speed Watch Status – February

• Winter weather continues to cause late cancellations during already limited day light hours • Not safe to operate in rain of any level or poor/low visibility (CSW central/Police guidance) • Vacations and weather affecting number of sessions at roadside again this month • We welcome Tim Pullan who has completed his CSW training and now joined us at the roadside in Boxgrove . More volunteers are still needed ………… • A meeting with Representatives from Eartham regarding Traffic calming measures is scheduled for March 13 and a similar meeting with Birdham PC is pending. • Multiple CSW sessions are scheduled in March as days get longer and hopefully weather improves

• CSW Reporting between 01/01/2020 & 29/02/2020 o Active 9 o Number of Sessions this period 9 o Total Vehicles exceeding limit 106 o DVLA Valid vehicles 105 o Accuracy 99% o Maximum Speed recorded in 30 limit 53mph (+110%)

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• Police Actions this Period o Letter Sent 47 o Pending 58

• Group started recording on 09/10/2017 o Number of sessions since start 275 o Total recorded Speeders 4253 o Maximum Speed recorded in 30 limit 68 mph (+126%)

• Traffic volumes remain steady through the month o Boxgrove during 1.5-hour sessions 250-350 o Halnaker 500-700 o Boxgrove offenders per session 0-6 o Halnaker 12-40+

• Speed Indicator Devices o Both Speed indicator devices are continuing to be deployed around Halnaker and Boxgrove in accordance with the agreement with WSCC Highways which only allows the devices to be deployed in given locations for short periods of time and cannot be deployed permanently in any one location. o Please note Tangmere PC have invested in 2 SID devices to provide drivers with speed feedback. Pot holes

• Several pot holes have been reported to WSCC Highways over the last few months using Love West Sussex. • These pot holes have generally been repaired in good time but unfortunately many of the repairs are poorly executed. Shown below is an example in The Street where part of the pot hole has been filled but the remainder is unfilled and continues to fill with water and remains a hazard to cyclists. • The TCG propose that those pot holes that are poorly repaired are reported to the WSCC Highways management team for appropriate action to be taken. • PC support in this matter is requested.

He said that the local Police Community Support Officer Jason Lemm now visited repeat offenders in the Parish to talk to them. This month also saw a visit from the Shoreham Police Casualty Reduction Unit who came to Halnaker and issued on-the-spot fines to offenders. Halnaker is rated one of the most dangerous spots in West Sussex.

The issue of speeding Emergency vehicles was discussed. The TCG have not until now monitored the speed of these vehicles, nor of buses. Cllr Etherington suggested that their speed should be monitored in the future and the information assessed and then a further discussion could be had. This was agreed. It will be discussed at the next TCG meeting.

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14. Quarry Mr Leah as Boxgrove Quarry Liaison Group representative said that the planning permission for the Quarry ends in Oct 2020 and, as yet, they have not asked for an extension. However, they have done a topographical survey, and this has justified an extra 50K tonnes. Currently they are delivering 10K tonnes a month, with another 90K tonnes to go – so it will be another 9 months which will require an extension. The importation should be finished by the end of the year. When the application goes in the council should make a comment. The trees on the outside of the bund will probably stay.

Cllr Simpson brought up the issue of the dumping of the horse manure from the stables which is coming close to being fly-tipping. It is creating a wall alongside the footpath and is unpleasant and smells. Cllr Simpson to investigate further.

15. Neighbourhood Plan Update Following the admission by Council that they need more time it is inevitable now that Boxgrove will get more houses. He said that an important point to be noted to residents is the difference in CIL that will be received by a "made" neighbourhood plan – 25% as opposed to 15% without a neighbourhood plan. This could equate to almost £100K.

The clerk reminded all present that the response of all councillors and NP committee members to residents' questions should be neutral and that they cannot influence the resident in any way on how to vote in the referendum.

16. Report on Planning applications

Planning number Address Detail Comments BX/19/02557/FUL Tinwood Construction of 1 no. dwelling with landscaping Support Winery and associated works (Alternative design to planning permission BX/19/01405/FUL).

BX/20/00459/DOM 25 Priors Acre Loft conversion Object

i. Cllr Bish first reported on the issue of the removed flint wall in Church Lane. He had written a polite and explanatory note to the owners to say that as their house was in the conservation area, the removal of the architecturally valuable flint wall should not have been sanctioned, and the replacement with a slatted wooden fence, was not acceptable under the article 4 direction. The owners are preferring to speak directly to CDC. Cllr Bish has spoken to the case officer who says that the application is unlikely to succeed. When the application comes in, the Parish Council will object strongly and the application will go before the planning committee, at which Cllr Bish will speak. This is a conservation issue and it will go before the historic buildings' advisor. The flint wall was removed by specialist architectural salvage contractors, so the value of the stone was known about, but has now probably been sold on. ii. Another application had been added after the agenda was printed: BX/20/00459/Dom – 25 Priors Acre – Loft Conversion. Cllr Bish said that this application posed a fundamental "overlooking" issue. Currently no windows figure on this side of the property. He said that this house sat on the boundary of the conservation area and its flat roof was inappropriate.

Cllr Bish proposed that the council should object because of the fundamental impact on the conservation area and the overlooking of number 96 and another 5 cottages which are all regarded as positive unlisted buildings. This was unanimously AGREED.

In the interests of transparency this application will re-appear on next month's agenda.

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iii. Cllr Bish declared his interest in application BX/19/02557. He explained that this was the same application but with a change to the height and slant of the eves. He showed the plans and then left the meeting.

Cllr Etherington asked whether this application had already been granted planning permission. The clerk said that BX/19/01405 had been granted permission and that the council had not objected to the application. Cllr Etherington said that he had not supported it. He asked for Cllr Bish to come back into the room to answer questions. Cllr Bish returned and said that this application had not yet been approved but that this was an amendment to the application in progress. Cllr Etherington said that he was very angry and that it was completely unacceptable that the clerk had deliberately misled the meeting. The clerk apologised and said that that had not been her intention. Cllr Addison said that the principle of this application had already been decided with the council's previous support and that this was just a design consideration. The house will be tied and must always be used for staff to support the winery.

Cllr Simpson proposed, and Cllr Moyler seconded supporting this application. Cllr Etherington objected, and the remaining 7 councillors supported. Cllr Etherington left the meeting.

Delegated planning decisions to be noted Planning Address Details DECISION number 19/03113/ Notification of intention to reduce width on east and south PERMIT Rose Tree House TCA sector to boundary and crown reduce by 3m on 1 sweet chestnut

BX/19/028 The Paddocks Fell two sycamore trees REFUSE 70/TPA - Priors Acre

17. Agenda items for next meeting

18. Date of next meeting

There being no further business to be discussed the meeting was declared closed at 9.15pm.

Signed:______Dated:______Cllr Henry Potter – Chairman

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Boxgrove Parish Council Financial Statement Meeting 2nd March 2020

Balances on accounts Current account 83279.91

Total 83279.91

Received since last meeting 0

Paid since last meeting percy woodcock litter picking 100 clerk's salary 557 nest UNPAID 45.64 salc parish obline subscription 27 solicitor fees 591 bvh hall hire jan 32 supersigns 97.01 bvh hall hire for feb 32 l tooze 79.3 broxap 627.6

total 2188.55

Payments for consideration

percy woodcock litter picking 100 clerk's salary 556.8 nest pension feb 45.64 nest pension march 45.64 HMRC 207.2 bvh 32 westcotec 81 vinyl fencing ltd 1404 balfour beatty 2275.39 cricket club rec ground maintenance 850 salc councillor training 84

total 5681.67

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Bank reconcilation 2nd March 2020

Bank accounts as of 1st March 2020

£ current account 83,279.91

total £ 83,279.91

opening balance 1st April 2019 £ 36,431.27 add receipts in the year £ 95,734.90 less payments in the year £ 48,886.26 Balance £ 83,279.91

less reserve @ 50% of annual precept of £32552 £ 16,276.00

Total £ 16,276.00

less ring-fenced funds

neighbourhood plan designated reserve £ 3,978.60 cricket pavilion extension designated reserve £ 5,908.83 CIL traffic calming £ - traffic calming designated reserve £ - capital replacement fund £ 401.94 CIL £ 15,000.00 CIL £ 35,309.16 NHB bins and benches £ 527.00 Total £ 61,125.53

total available funds (less ring fenced and reserve) Total £ 5,878.38

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2018 - 19 2019 - 20 2019 - 20 Expenditure/Admin Actual spend Budget YTD

Clerks Salary 1 7,417.06 7893 7789.83 Payroll in above telephone/internet 3 260.00 360 285 heat/light/mileage 4 285.15 180 264.45 Stationery/equipment 5 308.02 250 224.57 Hire of premises 6 258.50 372 220 Audit Fees 7 563.80 700 550 Insurance 8 834.36 900 851.08 Members allowances/Expenses 9 140.20 200 11.25 Training 10 46.80 400 295 data protection 11 385.00 400 185 Website 12 100.00 150 100 Neighbourhood Plan 13 341.60 1000 0 Bus shelters 15 100 523 NHB 523 Noticeboards 16 100 0 Elections 17 400 217 PWLB 18 6,786.38 6787 6786.38 SALC/LCU/NALC/SLCC 19 454.25 460 585.82 18181.12 20652.00 18888.38

S137 expenditure S137 expenditure 20 310.61 250 209.96 Churchyard Grant 21 875.00 700 700.00 Pavilion 22 4,954.18 2500 1,550.09 recreation ground maintenance 23 1,700.00 850 1,070.00 7839.79 4300.00 3530.05

Grounds and Maintenance Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes 2nd March 2020 Page 12

PROW maintenance 24 2200 2200 1,930.07 Litter Picking 25 1216.6 1200 1,200.00 Play area 26 0 700 200.00 Dog and litter bin emptying 27 955.4 1000 1,044.16 Capital expenditure 28 0 1000 952.09 Traffic calming 29 4184 1500 3,575.86 CIL 1477.80

8556.00 7600.00 8902.18

TOTAL 34576.91 32552.00 31320.61

Year end less grants paid 29319.81 remaining funds as of 2nd March 2020 3232.19

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