Vol. 154 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2008 No. 150 Senate (Legislative day of Wednesday, September 17, 2008)

The Senate met at 3 p.m., on the ex- U.S. SENATE, UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY piration of the recess, and was called to PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, BILL NELSON, of Florida, to be a Rep- order by the Honorable JIM WEBB, a Washington, DC, September 22, 2008. resentative of the United States of America To the Senate: to the Sixty-third Session of the General As- Senator from the Commonwealth of Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, . sembly of the United Nations. of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby BOB CORKER, of Tennessee, to be a Rep- appoint the Honorable JIM WEBB, a Senator resentative of the United States of America PRAYER from the Commonwealth of Virginia, to per- to the Sixty-third Session of the General As- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- form the duties of the Chair. sembly of the United Nations. fered the following prayer: ROBERT C. BYRD, President pro tempore. f Let us pray. Almighty God, sovereign Lord of the Mr. WEBB thereupon assumed the LEGISLATIVE SESSION chair as Acting President pro tempore. universe, limitless, timeless, in whom The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- resides all wisdom and power, remind f pore. Under the previous order, the our Senators today that they have RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Senate will now return to legislative nothing to fear about the future when LEADER session. they remember how You have led us in The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- f the past. Energize their memories to pore. The majority leader is recog- remember the dangers, toils, and nized. SCHEDULE snares over which You have brought f Mr. REID. Mr. President, following our Nation and world so that Your leader remarks, the Senate will pro- EXECUTIVE SESSION peace will guard their hearts. Lord, ceed to a period for the transaction of may they never forget that the gal- morning business, with Senators per- axies belong to You and the fullness DISCHARGED NOMINATIONS mitted to speak for up to 10 minutes thereof, the world, and they who dwell each. As previously announced, there therein. Teach them the wisdom of Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- imous consent that the Senate proceed will be no rollcall votes today. seeking You so that they will fulfill Last week, we were able to reach an Your purposes for their lives. to executive session and that the Sen- ate Foreign Relations Committee be agreement to consider H.R. 6049, the We pray in the Name of Him who is tax extenders legislation. Following the author and finisher of our faith. discharged from the following, and the Senate proceed to their consideration, morning business tomorrow, the Sen- Amen. ate will consider three amendments to en bloc: PN2053, Senator BILL NELSON, f to be a Representative of the United the bill, with limited debate and votes in relation to the amendments. Sen- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE States to the 63rd Session of the Gen- eral Assembly of the United Nations, ators should expect the first amend- The Honorable JIM WEBB led the and PN2054, Senator BOB CORKER of ment vote to occur prior to the caucus Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Tennessee, to be a Representative of lunches and the remaining votes in the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the the United States to the 63rd Session of afternoon. One of the things to con- United States of America, and to the Repub- the General Assembly of the United sider now is maybe not having morning lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Nations; that the nominations be con- business tomorrow to move this along indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. firmed and the motions to reconsider more rapidly. f be laid upon the table, en bloc; that the The Republican leader is seeking rec- President be immediately notified of ognition, and when he finishes, I will APPOINTMENT OF ACTING the Senate’s action; that no other mo- give a few remarks. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE tion be in order; and that the Senate f The PRESIDING OFFICER. The resume legislative session. clerk will please read a communication The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY to the Senate from the President pro pore. Without objection, it is so or- LEADER tempore (Mr. BYRD). dered. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The legislative clerk read the fol- The nominations considered and con- pore. The Republican leader is recog- lowing letter: firmed are as follows: nized.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:44 Dec 04, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD08\RECFILES\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE S9170 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 MAIN STREET RESCUE PLAN alike, to contain this crisis before it is out the colors. The couple saved up Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, too late. their money until they could build a when there is a fire in your kitchen I am confident that we can work to- home of their dreams. Jane has planted threatening to burn down your home, gether. The American people are count- a white dogwood tree now at the house you don’t want someone stopping the ing on us. Let’s not disappoint them. in Tommy’s memory. firefighters on the way and demanding f In that house, Tommy turned the ga- they hand out smoke detectors first or HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES rage into what Jane calls his ‘‘war lecturing you about the hazards of room,’’ where he put up pictures of bat- keeping paint in the basement. You MASTER SERGEANT THOMAS L. BRUNER tles from the Revolutionary War to Op- want them to put out the fire before it Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I eration Enduring Freedom. It was his burns down your home and everything rise today to pay tribute to one of Ken- little getaway, and Jane has left it just you have saved for your whole life. tucky’s great heroes in uniform. MSG as it was. The same is true of our current eco- Thomas L. Bruner of Owensboro, KY, Tommy was a veteran soldier, having nomic situation. We know there is a se- was tragically lost while serving his served on Active Duty from 1975 to 1979 rious threat to our economy. We know country in Afghanistan on October 28, and then joined the Army Reserves in we must take action to try to head off 2007. A proud member of the Army Re- 1981. He volunteered to serve in Af- a serious blow to Main Street. serves for many years, he was 50 years ghanistan because he wanted to help Over the weekend, Congress received old. train the younger soldiers and was de- a straightforward four-page Main For his valor in uniform, Master Ser- ployed with Headquarters, 2nd Brigade, Street rescue plan aimed at protecting geant Bruner received several medals, 100th Division, U.S. Army Reserve, millions of American families and decorations, and awards, including the based out of Owensboro, KY. ‘‘He want- small businesses from the potentially Meritorious Service Medal, the Joint ed to go, and I said, ‘There’s no way devastating effects of a credit melt- Service Commendation Medal, two I’m going to stop you from doing what down. We are told that inaction could Army Commendation Medals, two you want to do,’ ’’ Jane says. ‘‘He was make it impossible for ordinary Ameri- Army Achievement Medals, the Army just a soldier doing his job, and he cans to take out loans for college tui- Good Conduct Medal, the National De- loved it.’’ tion, cars, new homes, and everything fense Service Medal with two Bronze Jane also recalls that Tommy said he else, triggering a corresponding col- Service Stars, and two Armed Forces loved it in Afghanistan. He thought the lapse in manufacturing and services Reserve Medals with ‘‘M’’ device. country was beautiful, and he was try- that could wipe out savings and lead to Those who knew him will remember ing to learn the language. He told Jane massive job losses. The final cost of the Master Sergeant Bruner—or, as friends the mission in Afghanistan was the plan is unclear, but the potential con- called him, ‘‘Tommy’’—as a family highlight of his career. man. ‘‘Family was first to him,’’ says sequences of inaction are not. Patrick Rowe, the training coordi- his brother, Robert Bruner. ‘‘It was all This proposal was designed to con- nator at the Owensboro Army Reserve the time family, family, family, every- tain a spreading crisis, and urgent ac- Center, recalls Tommy’s bond with his where he went.’’ tion is needed. That is why Repub- fellow soldiers. ‘‘He knew his guys,’’ He was devoted to his wife Jane licans have resisted the impulse to try Patrick said. ‘‘You could ask him any- Bruner, to whom he was married for 27 to add permanent tax relief and other thing about anybody.’’ aid to families and businesses that we years. They met in a club where she served bar. Night after night, he would At home, Tommy attended Our Lady believe is critical to the long-term of Lourdes Catholic Church and worked health of our Nation’s economy. And walk in and notice her. Jane was skep- tical at first, but eventually Tommy as manager at the Don Moore Auto we ask our colleagues across the aisle Mall. They appreciated him there be- to show similar restraint so that what- convinced one of her friends to trick Jane into going out with him after the cause he was ‘‘so picky,’’ Jane says. He ever action we take can be done quick- paid attention to every detail. He had ly and in time to make a real dif- club closed. ‘‘He spoiled me rotten,’’ Jane recalls. ‘‘He would do everything been planning to retire after his latest ference. tour, but Jane thinks he still would This stabilization plan gives us an for me. He was my everything . . . my have worked there to give himself opportunity to prevent long-term dam- life.’’ something to do. age to Americans’ savings, home val- Jane’s two sons, Tom-Tom and Brian Tommy died of a heart attack while ues, and livelihoods—to contain the Sanefur, became Tommy’s stepsons, serving his country in Afghanistan. problem from spreading to Main and he loved them like his own. ‘‘He Jane knew something was wrong be- Street. Surely we can all agree to work was always there,’’ Brian remembers. cause Tommy called her every day, with each other and stand up for the ‘‘He was a good father, husband, and until one day he did not call. American people instead of using the friend.’’ bill as fly paper for partisan add-ons. Perhaps even better than fatherhood Our thoughts are with his many Republicans have many serious ques- was grandfatherhood. Tommy had loved ones after such a loss. We are tions about this plan, but this is the three grandkids—T.J., Jacob, and thinking of his wife Jane; his stepsons, only concrete plan we have seen so far ‘‘Baby’’ Grace—and loved playing with Tom and Brian Sanefur; his mother that aims to protect Americans on them. ‘‘He lived for those grandkids,’’ Martha; his grandmother Virginia; his Main Street—to protect their homes, Jane says. She remembers how it was grandchildren, T.J., Jacob, and Grace their savings, their retirement plans, not uncommon for Tommy to crawl Sanefur; his brother Robert; and many protect endangered jobs and small busi- down on the floor with them and watch other beloved friends and family mem- nesses—and we shouldn’t jeopardize cartoon after cartoon. bers. that effort by delaying urgent action The most exciting holiday in the Jane received an insurance settle- or playing partisan politics. Bruner household was Christmas be- ment after Tommy died. She decided Americans want to know their sav- cause Tommy outdid everyone on deco- she already had everything she wanted, ings and retirement accounts are safe. rations. He was able to spend each so she gave the money to the grand- They want the security of knowing the Christmas at home. ‘‘He had reindeer, children. ‘‘It is what he would have problems on Wall Street are not going he had lights, a snowman, a sled,’’ Jane wanted,’’ Jane said. to spread to Main Street. The only way recalls. ‘‘We’ve always had big Christ- I express my deepest sympathies to we can give them that security and mases.’’ While serving in Afghanistan, Jane Bruner and to all of her and Tom- that assurance is by putting partisan Tommy even told Jane that he had my’s family. I would like them to know interests aside. gone to a bazaar there and done some this Senate honors MSG Thomas L. There will be many more questions Christmas shopping for her and the Bruner’s great devotion and his sac- about this plan. I have many myself. children. rifice, and we offer our deepest grati- But we owe it to the American people Soon before his passing, Tommy and tude to him and his family for all they to do our due diligence quickly and act Jane built a new house together in have given our Nation. swiftly, Democrats and Republicans Owensboro, and Tommy helped pick Mr. President, I yield the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9171 RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME savings and loans. It should happen put cronies and idealogues in charge of The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- here. That means this plan should not our most critical regulatory agencies, pore. Under the previous order, leader- permit taxpayer money to purchase an people who disdain Government over- ship time is reserved. asset at an inflated price exclusively sight of any kind and systematically The majority leader. for the benefit of private shareholders. put Wall Street ahead of Main Street. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I wish to Democrats believe this legislation af- One example of this irresponsibility: make my statement before morning fects not just the American economy The Bush administration refused to business starts. but the global economy, and we will provide oversight of the mortgage in- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- call upon other nations to do their dustry to ensure the rules were fol- pore. The majority leader is recog- part. But one of the provisions sug- lowed. The result was massive fraud, nized. gested in this bill is that we would predatory lending, and a practice of spend money to bail out foreign banks. preying on American families with de- f I think we have to be very careful with ceptive, dishonest loans. that. TREASURY DEPARTMENT Now, we all know the banking indus- LEGISLATION We believe this legislation should provide aid for Americans at risk of try has been deregulated, and the few Mr. REID. Mr. President, this week- losing their homes to foreclosure. As regulations left were not in force. But end the Bush administration sent to the law currently stands, the wealthi- now we find an article written by Sen- Congress its plan to address our coun- est Americans can seek mortgage as- ator MCCAIN in one of the health jour- try’s growing economic crisis. All my sistance from a bankruptcy judge to nals saying he thinks the health care Democratic colleagues in the Senate help keep their second, their third, industry should be deregulated just understand the need to take action to their fourth, their fifth, their sixth, like the bank industry. How about steady our economy, and we are pre- even their seventh home, but working that. It is in writing. President pared to act swiftly and responsibly to families can’t seek mortgage relief ‘‘Wannabe’’ MCCAIN has written an ar- pass legislation that puts interest in from a bankruptcy judge for their first ticle saying we should treat the health the security of the American people and only home—their primary resi- industry just like the banking indus- first. We know, for example, that last dence. That makes no sense, and we try. Now, that is enough said about year 21⁄2 million Americans secured should change it. Bankruptcy court how Senator MCCAIN is going the take mortgages, and nearly half of all col- should have the authority to reach mu- care of the problems of this country lege students secured loans so they tually beneficial arrangements to economically. could go to school. The consequences of allow families to keep their homes and This hands-off, business-first, Bush- a broken banking system, devoid of prevent more foreclosures. Cheney economic philosophy infil- loans for homes, college tuition, auto- We believe it is not enough to fund a trated nearly all aspects of the econ- mobiles, and business investment Wall Street bailout. We need an eco- omy—from mortgages to consumer would be devastating. We are prepared nomic recovery plan to create jobs, safety to the airline industry—and the to do what is necessary to avoid these provide better unemployment insur- people of America are now left to suffer unacceptable consequences, but we will ance, and invest in our country’s infra- the consequences. This morning, Mon- not let haste abandon good judgment structure. Now, such a plan has to be day, the first day of autumn, President in the process. voted upon before we adjourn, either as Bush released a statement preemp- The Bush administration has called part of this legislation or separately. tively criticizing Democrats for work- on Congress to rubberstamp its bill These steps will help catalyze long- ing to improve his plan. If the Presi- without serious debate or efforts to im- term economic growth once the dust on dent is serious about reaching an effec- prove it. We can’t let that happen. The Wall Street settles. tive, bipartisan solution to the eco- legislation sent to the Congress by the Democrats in Congress fully under- nomic crisis he and his people created, Treasury Department recognizes the stand the severity of the situation and he should join us in solving the crisis scope of the crisis the Bush administra- the need to pass legislation, but we are he created. tion created, a view that we share with not willing to give President Bush a We Democrats in the Senate are not Secretary Paulson. The Bush adminis- blank check. We are now seeing 8 years going to drag our feet. We will respond tration’s bill is a starting point but by of reckless Bush economic policies with the urgency of action this situa- no means the final product. come crashing down with unimaginable tion demands. But after 8 years of a fis- Democrats believe there should be speed and severity. This crisis puts our cal dereliction of duty, it is time for protection for the taxpayers who are economy and the well-being of the accountability. It has taken 8 years of footing the bill for this legislation. American people in serious jeopardy. this dereliction of duty. Should we re- That begins with more oversight, more President Bush said on Friday we solve the issue in 1 day? I think not. transparency, more accountability, and should assign blame later. What else is more controls to prevent conflicts of he going to say? Of course, he would Democrats understand the two pri- interest. Democrats believe there say exactly that because he is the cul- mary responsibilities of Government should be limits on compensation for prit of the crisis. What else would the are to protect the physical and fiscal company executives who benefit from culprit say? well-being of the people. Whatever the this legislation so the American people The American people have a right to ultimate cost of this legislation, we al- don’t see their tax dollars spent on ex- know what brought us to this grave ways remember these funds don’t come orbitant corporate pay and even golden economic danger. The answer is the from some nameless Government ac- parachutes. The American people earn President and a Republican Congress count. Every dollar comes directly out their pay through honest hard work determined to repeal all reasonable of the pocket of every American tax- and so should CEOs. oversight and accountability and ig- payer; every dollar that should have What is a golden parachute? It is a nore what they couldn’t repeal and been saved for someone’s secure retire- method of compensating executives allow corporate greed and recklessness ment, every dollar that could have when they leave their companies. It to saturate our economy. Democratic been invested in health care for the un- would be wrong for these employees— and Republican Presidents who served insured or education for students or to these managers who are leaving their before President Bush all understood fund a small business startup. We companies—to get huge amounts of that demanding accountability from Democrats understand the value of money for simply leaving. This legisla- the financial sector is not somehow each and every dollar spent on this tion should prevent that. anticapitalist but the opposite: It plan because we know each and every We believe that in exchange for maintains balance, protects taxpayers, dollar comes from the American peo- shouldering the enormous burden of and keeps our economy running ple. We will work unending hours in a the Bush plan, taxpayers should reap smoothly. bipartisan manner to ensure this legis- any future economic rewards. That is The greed-fueled Bush-Cheney econ- lation doesn’t just get done but that we what happened when we bailed out the omy thought they knew better. They get it done right. s

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 ADVANCING AMERICA’S It used to be that if one Senator was the ‘‘yes’’ vote of Senator COBURN. But PRIORITIES ACT trying to abuse the Senate rules, then not this Congress. This Congress, the Mr. REID. Mr. President, I have a his or her caucus would set them Republicans allowed each of these bills unanimous consent to take up, if we straight—they would vote for cloture, to be held up by the whimsy of one have someone here on the other side. to end the filibuster of the one who was Senator of their caucus, and then, to We have been working for this entire halting progress on broad bipartisan show the height of how the Republican Congress, especially hard the last 6 legislation. Unfortunately, we have a minority doesn’t help, now I am being months, to complete legislation that minority now that is not interested in asked to wait until 6:30 or 7 o’clock one Senator has held up—34 different keeping the trains running in America. today, until he shows up, holding up bills dealing with very important In fact, they are interested primarily the entire Senate, holding up the pas- issues: stroke victims, people who are in obstructing the process on impor- sage of these bills. These bills are not paralyzed, postpartum depression. tant legislation. There is no better ex- just naming of courthouses. These are We have situations dealing with very ample than what has happened on bills dealing with the Christopher serious issues. In fact, the ‘‘Oprah’’ these bills. Reeve paralysis bill, helping people show has dealt with one issue that this Remember, these bills have passed who are paralyzed, stroke victims; set- one Senator has held up dealing with the House of Representatives, they ting up a registry for Lou Gehrig’s dis- sexual predators, pornography. But one have been reported out of the commit- ease. Senator has held up 34 different bills. tees of jurisdiction. We have seen an What were the bills the Republican Now, remember, these are authoriza- unprecedented number of filibusters by Congress allowed Senator COBURN to tions. There isn’t a single penny spent the Republicans. It is not a few more hold up? I will talk about each one at in any of these bills. than previous Congresses. The Repub- greater length later, perhaps, but here We have legislation being help up licans have shattered the record for ob- is a quick rundown of each of these which deals with Emmett Till, giving structionism. At each step of the legis- bills: a bill to stop exploitation of chil- some recognition to what has gone on lative process, we have seen delay, ob- dren by Internet predators, which has in years past about people of color and struction, delay, obstruction. We have been held up for months and months; bills to promote research and edu- how they were treated. had to waste weeks and weeks of Sen- cation about strokes, paralysis—in- So I am going to take a few minutes ate floor time before we could vote on cluding helping paralyzed veterans. We to make a series of unanimous-consent legislation which ends up passing by a have seen it on their license plates— requests to try to get some important huge margin. bills passed. I will start with S. 3297, We are told by the Secretary of the ‘‘paralyzed veterans.’’ That is what the Advancing America’s Priorities Treasury, we are told by the head of they have in Nevada. I don’t know if Act. And then if Republicans block the Federal Reserve System that the they have it other places. Paralysed that, I am going to break it into var- No. 1 problem that caused the start of veterans—held up; Lou Gehrig’s dis- ease; postpartum depression; a bill to ious parts and seek unanimous consent the financial meltdown was the hous- promote Internet broadband access to pass these. ing crisis. Let’s go back and look at The Senator from Oklahoma has said throughout the country; bills to im- that: Seven filibusters were initiated he has no problem with eight or so prove research into knowledge about to pass the housing legislation that we bills. We will see. It is hard for me to oceans; a bill to improve the health ultimately passed. Seven filibusters. In comprehend how, each day that goes and safety of America’s beaches; a bill that process, more than 100,000 people by, these very important pieces of leg- to improve treatment options for men- islation are held up. We have tried to went into foreclosure. We have seen delay, delay, delay. It tally ill criminals; a bill to help keep get these passed. I have filed cloture on America’s kids off the streets and ex- is regrettable. It is an abuse of the two separate occasions, and it has been tend a helping hand to children who process, and it is shameful. The height blocked by Republicans. This is regret- have already run away from home; a of the ridiculousness came on the clo- table obstructionism, but it has bill to reauthorize an agency that oper- ture vote on the motion to proceed to plagued this Congress. We have had ap- ates at a net profit to the U.S. Govern- S. 3297, these 47 bills, this package of proximately 95 filibusters used this ment, that has helped promote U.S. ex- legislation made up exclusively of bills Congress. ports for years; bills to promote impor- with broad bipartisan support. These We all know the Senate was not built tant U.S. foreign policy and diplomacy bills all passed the House with huge bi- for speed. That is the way the Found- programs. ing Fathers set this up. But what has partisan votes—an average of about 380 Each of these bills has broad bipar- happened is ridiculous. The Senate votes in the House. Almost a third of tisan support and has seen extensive rules give rights to the minority, as the package has been introduced by Re- legislative action. Yet Republicans are they should, and even individual Sen- publican Senators. All the bills had bi- allowing one person to hold up these ators. The Senate rules sometimes partisan lists of cosponsors—every one bills. They vote with him. They vote make things move slowly and don’t of them. The bills had seen extensive with him. They are just as responsible allow the majority to run roughshod legislative action. All had been marked as he is because they let him get away over the minority, and I agree with up by the House committee, voted on with it. that. The rules promote bipartisanship. by the House, marked up by the Senate One of the worst things about this They promote a deliberative process committee, and reported to the floor. obstructionism is that it was based on and policies with broad support The vast majority had seen all three false and disingenuous arguments. The throughout the country. processes. Scores of amendments had primary argument made by Senator At the same time, however, these been considered and disposed of during COBURN was the package of bills would rights come with some responsibilities. the legislative process. spend over $10 billion; it costs too Traditionally, the rules of the Senate In Congresses past, these bills would much. There is not one penny spent. To have not been abused by the minority have passed with unanimous consent show how absolutely foolish this is, he or by individual Senators. When a pol- with minimal floor time or at least wrote me a letter and said what he icy has brought bipartisan support and gotten the support of the minority to would like me to do is for me to pick the Senate committees have acted, in- stop this abuse of process. But here, no. $10 billion out of this, delete it from dividual Senators would not hold up In fact, some version of the six bills the bill, and then offer an amendment important pieces of legislation in years had passed by unanimous consent in to put it back in—that I would do that. past because, otherwise, one Senator is previous Congresses. Those six bills, The argument that it would cost $10 saying: I know best. That is what has plus scores of others, with over $1.3 billion is simply false. It is not true. It happened here. I know better than the trillion of new authorizations, passed is erroneous. The package of bills in- committee. I know better than the under Republican rule last Congress cluded only authorizations. There was Congress, better than the Senate, bet- with no offsets. How foolish it is to not a dime of appropriations to the ter than the broad bipartisan majority. have offsets for authorizations—and package. The Senate rules were meant to pro- that is just counting the bills that Everyone in the institution knows an mote centrism, not egocentrism. passed by unanimous consent or with authorizing bill does not spend a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9173 penny. Just to hammer the point tion, as the majority leader is aware, is I see in this body the Senator from home, we had the independent CBO that there have been 35 bills combined Maryland. With her help—we were new confirm that the package did not result into one. Instead of having different in this body. I had three women come in any new spending—which didn’t votes on different bills, you get one to visit me in Nevada. They were all take a Ph.D. at CBO to figure that out. vote on 35 bills, and Senator COBURN very sick. They had a disease called in- Authorizations allow programs to be has already indicated his willingness to terstitial cystitis. I had never heard created and funded. When we pass an allow votes on several of these bills: the words in my life. Those women did authorizing bill, we hope the author- the Drug Endangered Children Act; not want to see me. They were sick. ized level will be looked at it in appro- child pornography prosecutions—En- More than 90 percent of the people who priations committee—as I did as a hancing the Effective Prosecution of get this disease are women. Because we longtime member. But we realize there Child Pornography Act; the Appa- are a male-dominated legislature—not are competing priorities, and full fund- lachian Regional Development Act as much as we used to be—she was here ing doesn’t come very often. Amendments of 2008; the Prenatally alone, the only woman. I said we have There is an entirely separate process and Postnatally Diagnosed Conditions to do something about this because that determines actual spending levels; Awareness Act; the Christopher and people say this was a psychosomatic that is, the budget and appropriations Dana Reeve paralysis bill that the ma- disease. Fortunately, one of the women process. The budget and appropriations jority leader mentioned; the Vision who got this disease was an orthopedic process determines total spending and Care for Kids Act; the Preservation of surgeon. She said: It is not psycho- sifts through competing priorities to Records of Servitude, Emancipation, somatic. It is like slivers of glass being determine how much money each pro- and Post-Civil War Reconstruction shoved up and down in my bladder. It is gram should get. Act; and with some changes the ALS not psychosomatic. I got the Senator from Maryland to Further, even when a new program is Registry Act; the Emmett Till Un- help me. First of all, we established a funded, that money does not just ap- solved Civil Rights Crime Act; and the registry for this disease. Now 40 per- pear out of thin air. The appropriators PROTECT Our Children Act. cent of the people who get this disease make tough choices. Sometimes they As I said, the majority leader is are symptom free. There is a medicine will cut one program to the bone to ac- aware of Senator COBURN’s objections that has come about that helps these commodate a new program. Other to considering these bills as one, and times they will take a little bit here or people. therefore I would be required to object. In addition to that, because of the there to accomplish what they want. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- advocacy of the Senator from Mary- But in all cases the spending decisions pore. Objection is heard. land, the National Institutes of Health are made through budget and appro- The majority leader is recognized. now have a protocol, so that every- priations, not through the authorizing Mr. REID. Mr. President, I say to my friend, with all the many days, weeks, thing that is done to study disease, process. women have to be included. She knows Unfortunately, pesky little things and months they have been held up, they studied 10,000 people to find out like facts and the truth have not been you cannot blame Senator COBURN what effect aspirin would have on heart much of an obstacle to obstructionism alone because there has been the com- disease. We looked at the study and not this year, especially on these 34 bills. It plicity of these people on this side of a single woman was tested. They were is an old playbook. If you repeat a lie the aisle allowing him to do this. It is all men. We have been a male-domi- enough, then gullible people, I guess, shameful. There is no other way to say nated legislature, so we ignored them. believe it. But facts are facts and truth it. Everyone knows this doesn’t cost a But because of Senator MIKULSKI, we single penny. To say they are objecting is truth. The main argument against have not done that. this package is false. because we lump them together—did What we are trying to do with this I am going to try again. Due to Re- they want us to file cloture on every registry is the same thing, with inter- publican obstructionism, we simply do one of these 34 bills? Every one of stitial cystitis; that is, start having not have time to spend a full week of them? Remember what it takes; I have someplace where a doctor in Las Vegas Senate floor time on these bills. I filed gone over it: 2 days to get to cloture, 30 or a doctor in Baltimore or a doctor in cloture on a motion to proceed once be- hours after that, get on the bill, 2 more Chicago or in Phoenix can send to a fore. The Republicans voted against it, days, 30 more hours—it is outrageous place: Here is what happened with so we would have to do that. It takes 2 what has happened to this country ALS. We were able to diagnose it; she years—2 days, I am sorry; it seems like with this Republican status quo. And got it; he got it; here is how long they 2 years—2 days to get to that first vote, look what the status quo has gotten us. lived; here are the symptoms—put and then there is 30 hours, and then on We are now in a financial meltdown. something together so the great minds the bill I have to file cloture again; 2 The objection is unfortunate. These of America can work to deal with this more days, 30 more hours. That has are broadly bipartisan bills, these are disease. It doesn’t cost any money. But happened almost 95 times this year, good bills, these are important bills, Dr. COBURN has held it up, and he is but on these bills, that is what they but we are not going to let obstruction going to continue to hold it up. He said did. We do not have time to do that. If go that easy. I am going to enter a se- this is one he will not agree to. we have a lameduck session, perhaps ries of unanimous-consent requests As I mentioned, every one of these so. here to try to move pieces of this pack- deals with some problem that people UNANIMOUS-CONSENT REQUEST—S. 3297 age. within the sound of my voice—either I am going to seek unanimous con- I repeat, the outrageousness of all of their families, friends, or neighbors sent that the Senate proceed to Cal- this—do you think I might have some- have a situation that encompasses this. endar No. 894, all 34 bills, that the bill thing else to do tonight at 7 o’clock The Christopher and Dana Reeve Paral- be read three times, passed, the motion while we are waiting for him to jet in ysis Act has been held up for 2 years by to reconsider be laid on the table. from Oklahoma or wherever he comes this guy—2 years. I mentioned that The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- from? Do you think other people have also includes paralyzed veterans and pore. Is there objection? other things to do than to meet his the STOP Stroke Act. We have the The Senator from Arizona. schedule, so he can be here to do a few Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Mr. KYL. Mr. President, reserving things? Act—that is postpartum depression. the right to object, and I will object on The first unanimous-consent request Postpartum depression is serious. Peo- behalf of Senator COBURN, the majority is the entire health care portion of this ple are hospitalized as a result of that. leader is correct, he will be here a lit- package. This portion consists of very We need do some work on it. Dr. tle later this afternoon and will speak important bills covering a range of dis- COBURN said this would not accomplish to each of these issues. In the mean- eases and conditions. I venture to say a thing, doctors know what to do now. time, he has asked that I respond to that every American, every family in All it would do is create a lot of bu- the majority leader’s unanimous-con- America is touched by some portion of reaucracy. We do not need to worry sent request. The only other thing I the health care provisions of this pack- about these people. Doctors know what would say is that his primary objec- age. to do.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 Vision care for kids, and the Pre- Mr. REID. So you say there are eight previously. So you cannot—because natally and Postnatally Diagnosed we can pass right now? someone is objecting, it does not mean Conditions Awareness Act. Three of the Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I think it is that is grounds for your not being a six bills on here, on the health care important, since I am speaking on be- part of it. People on the Republican title package, were introduced by Re- half of another Senator, that staffs side of the aisle voted overwhelmingly publicans. All of these bills passed the make sure what I have said is accurate. not to move forward. So I tell you House with strong bipartisan support But my understanding is there are what, Mr. President. I will be happy to and have strong bipartisan support in eight bills Senator COBURN has no ob- take the suggestion of my friend from the Senate. But they will not let us go jection to proceeding with. Obviously, Arizona. In the next hour or so we will forward, the Republicans, even though he and the majority leader, you and he sit down, my staff—I do not know there are an equal number of bills basi- have been discussing how to put these about Senator COBURN’s staff, maybe cally on both sides of the aisle. The Re- together and get them done, but there they are in Oklahoma also. But we will publicans are supporting Dr. COBURN in may be changes necessary in the ALS be happy to sit down and work to get helping us get nothing done. Registry and Emmett Till Unresolved some of these bills passed, so I will re- f Civil Rights Crime Act, and the Pro- turn at a later time. tect Our Children. Mr. KYL. Would the majority leader UNANIMOUS-CONSENT REQUEST— Mr. REID. So what I say, if there are indulge me one moment here? My staff TITLE I OF S. 3297 eight of them that we can pass, let’s do has indicated there are four ready to go Mr. REID. Mr. President, I have a bill it right now. right now. I will read the title and then at the desk which is word for word Mr. KYL. Well, I am speaking on be- your staff will have those. One is the identical to title I of our bill, which is half of someone else. I want to make Prenatal Conditions Bill; another is the health care provisions. I ask unani- sure what I have represented here is ac- the Child Pornography bill, that is S. mous-consent the Senate proceed to curate. I am perfectly willing at this 4136; another relates to Child Pornog- the immediate consideration of the time to get the two staffs together to raphy, S. 4120; and then there is a bills at the desk, which consists of title see if that can be done. House message accompanying S. 496. I of S. 3297, the health care title of that Mr. REID. I say respectfully, our Apparently all four of those are ready bill, the bill be read three times and staffs have spent, with his staff, to go. That is the Appalachian Devel- the motion to reconsider be laid on the unending hours. And I will be anxious opment bill. table. to see, whenever he shows up, because Mr. REID. We will take the first The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- it is always, when you get right down three. Let me think about this for a pore. Is there objection? to it, you cannot do it. If there are moment. Are these all Republican Mr. KYL. Mr. President, reserving eight we can do right now, let’s do bills? the right to object, and I will object on them right now; do them one at a time. We will do them all, except for the behalf of Senator COBURN, I would note I will ask unanimous-consent. We Appalachian whatever it is. two things: First, that we do not have will do them right now. The ones we Mr. KYL. If the majority leader wish- to wait until 7 o’clock tonight. I came cannot do, we will wait until next year es, I will ask unanimous-consent—— over to the Chamber so the majority when we get a new Congress and a new Mr. REID. And the language has not leader could posit his unanimous-con- President. And the people who are sick been changed in any way? sent requests and there would be some- and need this help will have to wait Mr. KYL. Let me combine the three body here to speak on behalf of my col- until we have a Congress that is willing then to make it simpler. league Senator COBURN. That is why I to pass those. Mr. President, I ask unanimous-con- am here. Mr. KYL. Mr. President, in further sent, since these are different commit- Secondly, as I said, some of these clarifying with staff, we know there tees—— bills, there are eight of them, that Sen- are some that could be cleared right Mr. REID. If I can interrupt my ator COBURN has said, let’s pass them now, at least three. There are others friend, there are a couple different right now. We do not have to go where someone else has posed an objec- versions of the bills floating around. through the whole rigmarole of filing tion, and I do not know who that might On these three, which I am very happy cloture and 30 hours of debate and all be, or which side it is on. to get done, we will make sure that the of the things the majority leader But our staff indicates if the two minority and majority staff agree it is talked about. staffs can get together, they think at the right piece of legislation so we do One or two of those are on the list he least on some of these it can be re- not make another mistake. spoke about. There are eight in total solved very quickly. Mr. KYL. What we will do is have here. So I would note that it boils down Mr. REID. We have gone in the last your staff confirm that this is, in fact, to ‘‘take it or leave it,’’ either all 35 or minutes—this is what I have dealt the version, and then either you or I or none, whereas Senator COBURN’s view with—from eight to three. I will take someone else can ask unanimous-con- is that some of these bills could be the three. What are the three? sent to clear these three bills? passed without the necessity of filing Mr. KYL. Mr. President, with all due Mr. REID. We will wait for Senator cloture; let’s just do it. But he and the respect, that is not fair to what I said. COBURN’s arrival. majority leader have not been able to I am not in the middle of this. There Mr. KYL. That is certainly fine. agree on which ones they are. There- are staff on both sides who have been Mr. REID. Mr. President, you can fore, the objection must be made. working on these. My understanding is now announce morning business. Mr. REID. I say to my friend, that Senator COBURN is not the sole ob- f through the Chair, then are you saying jector with respect to some. There are that if I offer unanimous-consent on three where he was the sole objector. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME the Stop Stroke Act, the Mothers Act, He is willing to let them go. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ALS Registry, Downs Syndrome Sup- I cannot speak to anyone else, to pore. Under the previous order, the port, Christopher Reeves, do these indi- whatever objections might exist. But leadership time is reserved. vidually, that you will allow those to staff informs me they believe if we f pass? were to sit down and have the two Mr. KYL. Mr. President, it is my un- staffs of the majority and minority MORNING BUSINESS derstanding that there are eight bills work together, that perhaps up to eight The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- on the list Senator COBURN has devel- of these bills could be cleared today. pore. Under the previous order, there oped that do not need modification. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I say with will now be a period for the transaction There are three, at least, one of which all due respect to my friend, the junior of morning business, with Senators was mentioned, the ALS Registry, that Senator from Arizona, he is in the mid- permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes he believe need changes. I assume he dle of this. Every Republican Senator each. and the majority leader have discussed is in the middle of this, because we The Senator from Maryland is recog- that. could not move forward on these bills nized.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9175 ECONOMIC BAILOUT have lurched from one bailout to an- people first, to keep people in their Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I other: Bear Stearns, the insurance homes, those who have had some of the want to speak about this bailout we company, oh, no, not to Lehman, then most significant mortgage payment have been asked to do. Starting last after that failed, so we have gone from challenges, no golden parachutes that week, we were told by the powers that ‘‘no problem’’ to lurching around, to reward top executives for their ex- be in the Bush administration we need- now $700 billion and a blank check. cesses, their recklessness, and their ed to do a $700 billion bailout to sta- We have seen those George Bush sheer stupidity and greed, no blank bilize our economy. plans before. Now this one is a three- checks. There must be accountability When we heard that, Americans be- page bill. It gives the Secretary of the and oversight. Rescue does require re- came scared. People who save for their Treasury unlimited power to intervene form, regulation, and a strong possi- retirement, those who have been faith- in our financial markets without any bility of retribution. It must be trans- ful in paying their mortgage, those review by Congress, agencies, or parent. I am for prompt action, but I who have worked hard to pay for col- courts. They make the Secretary of the will not be stampeded the way I have lege, are wondering what is going on. Treasury a financial czar, a financial been stampeded in this institution by People who have worked hard and potentate, because it says: Give us a this administration in the past. played by the rules are wondering, are blank check with no balances. We need to make sure we do it right. they being asked to bail out those who Well, I say: No checks without bal- That means not handing over a blank did not? Americans are mad as hell and ances. Even the President of the United check or getting rid of the balances. they want to know what about them. States of America has to come to us to We have to ask tough questions and be They watched Wall Street executives declare war. I believe the Secretary of sure we have the right principles. If pay themselves lavish salaries. They the Treasury should be accountable to not, then the taxpayers will be on the watched them do irresponsible lending the Congress and to whether mecha- hook. If we make the wrong decisions, practices. They watched them do ca- nisms—if he is going to intervene with taxpayers will be on the hook not only sino gambling on risky investment $700 billion in his pocket. I say no regu- for Wall Street’s bad decisions, but I mechanisms. And now those very same lations without any safeguards. No don’t want to set this up for Govern- Americans who worked hard and way. No blank check. There must be ment’s bad decisions. We need to get played by the rules, were prudent in- regulations. There best be safeguards. Government back on the side of the vestors, prudent savers, prudent citi- If they do not want regulation, no way. people who need it. We need to put the zens, are asked to pay the bill for those If they do not want safeguards, no way. public good over private profits. This who did not. We are in uncharted waters, so we means we need to take a look at a 21st Now, it is for those people that I need to ask tough questions. First, how century regulatory system. I am tired know the Government must do some- do we know it will work? What guaran- of seeing this laxity where what thing. We must protect our economy tees are there it will work? Could this emerges when we deregulate is the and we must protect our way of life bankrupt our Treasury because it has emergence of sharks and whales. Either and we must protect our middle class. no parameters? Could it cause runaway way, the minnows get swallowed up. Sure, the economy is in a crisis. And, inflation, further eroding our econ- We don’t want our economy to sink, yes, we do have a credit crisis. Wall omy? What are the safeguards? and I think it is time to swim. But Street did make very bad decisions. Also, who is going to benefit? Is it when we do, we need to make sure we But now they are asking Main Street going to be the same Wall Street go-go are asking the right questions. We need to pay the bill. We must act to restore guy, the same Wall Street casino types to fight for the middle class. We need our confidence in our economy. I agree, who are going to benefit now? What- to fight for the people who go by the we must act promptly. But this Sen- ever we do, we have to insist that those rules. We need to have a legislative ator will not be stampeded into voting who created this scandal do not benefit framework that rewards those who did for this Bush administration bill. from the bailout: no golden parachutes. their very best and might be having a So far during the last 7 years, every Let them feel the hard landing that temporary spill. time there is a crisis, they generate my constituents faced when they were I look forward to hearing more about fear and they generate bad ideas. Do laid off at Bethlehem Steel. Let them this plan, but right now I need to know you remember after the horrific days of feel the hard landing of what it is like more. I need to be reassured more, and 9/11 when we all came to the floor and to have your mortgage foreclosed upon. I need to be absolutely sure that those pledged our patriotism? I said, we need- Let them feel the hard landing my con- who created the crisis don’t benefit ed to put politics aside because we stituents are facing right now. We do from it and we don’t leave the middle needed to be the red, white, and blue not need to subsidize bad behavior. class with all of the responsibility. party. Well, they took advantage of Now George Bush said he was the I yield the floor. that. And in that process we passed first MBA President. Well, hello, I do The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. something like the PATRIOT Act, al- not have confidence in this administra- CARDIN). The Senator from Virginia. lowing our Government to act with tion. Remember, this was the same Mr. WEBB. Mr. President, I begin by undue secrecy with no parameters. We crowd that brought us Katrina, FEMA, complimenting the senior Senator created the dysfunctional Department and ‘‘hey, you are doing a good job, from Maryland on her statement. I of Homeland Security. Brownie.’’ know many of us on this side of the Now we are being asked to deal with Well, is this what we are now sup- aisle are going to be asking a lot of the the fiscal crisis and the financial crisis. posed to say to those who are man- same questions. We have the same I am concerned we are going to create aging our finances? I don’t think so. sense of urgency about helping the a fiscal FEMA. We must act with re- We also have to prudently ask our- country while at the same time we pro- solve, but we cannot be a rubberstamp selves, are there better alternatives? tect the people who have had no voice for the administration’s proposal. This Let me be clear: I do believe we need to and no power, as this proposal was put proposal gives sweeping authority to act promptly but with safeguards. We together. I was with our colleagues on those who were asleep at the switch in need to act with resolve, but we need this side of the aisle during the con- the first place. to have regulation and even retribu- ference call on Friday when this situa- Remember the Fed? Remember the tion. If we have stabilization, which I tion was explained. I have a number of maestro at the Fed who plunged down believe we must do, we must also have the same types of questions as those interest rates, and now helped create reform. We are all looking at the ad- raised by the senior Senator from the housing bubble? Then there is the ministration’s plan, but I want every- Maryland. This is why I rise today. Treasury. There is the Secretary of the one to know where I stand. At a min- This is a very complicated issue, and Treasury. A couple of months ago he imum, the plan must, first, be limited we are being asked to resolve it on a said, no problem—like our President and temporary. It cannot be open- tight time-line. The American people ‘‘fundamentally sound.’’ ended. There also must be a plan for want some reassurance. They do want Then a couple of months later they those who have had those hard land- us to represent them and do something said, oh, there is a problem. And we ings on Main Street. We need to put about the systemic flaws that allowed

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 this debacle to occur, not simply to ecutives involved should get a Federal Mr. WEBB. The Senator from Illinois vote on a mechanical fix, but to ad- salary. This issue was raised with Mr. is correct. I mentioned earlier that ex- dress the issues and policies that al- Paulson over the weekend. ecutive compensation in our country is lowed this massive financial crisis to I have an article that came from to- wildly out of control, in terms of our emerge. day’s Financial Times, in which he said own history and in terms of what is Americans are also interested, as the the Treasury Department fears that if going on in the rest of the world. I do senior Senator from Maryland pointed we reduced executive compensation, it not believe it is punitive or unreason- out, in preventing those who benefitted would ‘‘undermine banks’ willingness able to ask for a fair measure when tax and contributed to the problem, from to take part’’ in the program because it dollars are being used to help bail these unjustly enriching themselves. would be punitive in nature. I must companies out. When the Senator from We are seeing in this proposal the say, I have a hard time figuring that Illinois and I were finishing college, possibility of a huge transfer of power out. We were told on Friday that we the average corporate CEO made 20 to the executive branch—not simply to are in a crisis that, and that if we do times what the average worker makes. the executive branch, to one official in not resolve it within the next week or Today it is 400 times. If we take that the executive branch—with very few so, it is going to undermine the entire multiple and apply it to what I was strings attached. This individual, banking system around the world, the saying in response to the State of the whose career I respect, spent that ca- entire global financial system. Yet we Union address a year and a half ago, in reer in the markets. Now, we are going are told that if we ask these corporate one year the average worker in this to empower this individual and the De- CEOs to take a salary in line with what country makes what his boss makes in partment of the Treasury to get di- Federal officials receive, they won’t one day. There is plenty of room to be rectly involved in the stock market in participate. What are they saying? We fair to the system and fair to the indi- a discretionary way that has very little have a crisis that is going to affect us viduals who are asking for the bailout, precedent in our history. At the same all; we are all going to have to take but ultimately we must be fair to the some sort of a hit. It is certainly puni- time, there are potential conflicts of taxpayers who are asked to dig down in tive to the American taxpayers, who interest that are unavoidable and will their pockets and help us straighten did not participate in these decisions, need to be examined. out this problem. However we sort out this problem and who did not receive any of the Mr. DURBIN. I have been in on these over the next several days or longer, profits. How is it punitive to an indi- meetings, and some were historic and there are a couple of areas where I be- vidual to say: All right, if we are bail- ominous. Secretary Paulson, Chairman lieve that without the right type of ing you out, you reduce your pay. We Bernanke of the Federal Reserve, and guarantees, it will be very difficult for are giving you Federal tax dollars. You Chairman Cox of the SEC came to us take Federal pay until this is solved. me personally to vote in favor of the last Thursday night to discuss what we You make the American taxpayer proposal that came from the adminis- faced. They were using words such as whole. We will make you whole. If you tration. ‘‘meltdown’’ and ‘‘collapse,’’ talking increase the profitability, as you say First, we must put regulation and ac- about the very severe economic crisis you will be able to do, then you can in- countability back into the system. It is which we are facing. Certainly, the crease your compensation commen- inarguable that the regulatory struc- events of the last few weeks and ture now in place has not protected ei- surately. The legislation we are considering months back up the concern. ther our financial system or the Amer- When we raised the question of exec- must have a provision in it that cre- ican taxpayer. The administration is utive compensation, though, the push ates fairness for the people who are asking for unprecedented rescue, and back from the administration was: Lis- that rescue cannot come without fixing going to foot the bill. We are sent here, those of us who believe in the tradi- ten, don’t mess with the salaries of the system. these CEOs, even if their banks are Second and equally important, there tional precepts of the Democratic Party, to make sure that the health of failing because they may not do busi- should be guarantees in any legislation ness with the Government. They may that address the issue of executive society is measured not at the top, not at the apex, but at the base, by the not let the taxpayers bail them out if compensation. I have been speaking we restrict their annual bonuses and about this issue for many years. I men- well-being of the people who are doing the hard work of our society. It is our restrict their golden parachutes. tioned this in every single meeting I I struggle with this concept, I say to had when I was campaigning for the mission, it is our duty, to look after their needs. the Senator from Virginia. Is the ad- Senate. It is not inaccurate to say that If we can’t get to the bottom of this ministration suggesting they would executive compensation in American by the end of this week, as some seem rather see their banks fail, would rath- business today is wildly out of sync to be worrying about, maybe we need er see their hedge funds fail, their with our history, and with other coun- to take another week. Maybe we need mortgage operations fail than not re- tries in the world. When I graduated to stay with this until we can get it ceive their annual bonus? Is that the from college, the average corporate done. When you are betting $700 billion argument that is being made to us? CEO made 20 times what the average to a trillion dollars, we need to figure I do not know if the Senator from worker made. Today the average CEO out a formula we are all comfortable Virginia can recall any other aspects of makes 400 times what the average with. public or private life where we pay worker makes. This is not a global phe- I yield the floor. such rich rewards for incompetency. nomenon; this is an American phe- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The as- Where the businesses fail, it seems nomenon. If you go to Japan, whose sistant majority leader. these executives take away the most economic system works quite well in Mr. DURBIN. I thank the Senator money. In the Financial Times or in terms of the health of its economy and from Virginia for his comments. I the Wall Street Journal this morning— its balance of trade, the average cor- know when he spoke in response to the one of these publications—they talked porate CEO makes 10 times what the State of the Union a little over a year about Barclays riding to the rescue of average worker makes. Again, ours ago, he raised the issue of executive part of Lehman Brothers. They said, make 400 times. If you look at Ger- compensation. If I am not mistaken, he incidentally, just before Lehman many, which has one of the highest made the point that the average work- Brothers went belly up, they brought balances of trade in the world, totaling er, in the course of a year’s work, made in $2.5 billion for executive compensa- $280 billion last year, the average cor- what the average executive makes in a tion and bonuses, momentarily before porate CEO makes 11 times what the day. Maybe it was even more of a con- they were about to go out of business. average worker makes. Yet presently, trast. But it is a clear indication of That is unconscionable. our corporate CEOs make 400 times. how things have gotten completely out Now we are asking the taxpayers to The principles should be clear. If, in of line. I ask the Senator from Virginia come in with hard-earned tax dollars to solving the problem, we are going to if he could recount what that compari- rescue these companies and subsidize take tax money from Americans, many son was between pay for CEOs and the the compensation of executives so they of whom do not own stock, then the ex- pay for workers? do not have any interruption in their

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9177 annual bonuses or any interruption in to be made by the Secretary of the Government of China over the last 10 their parachutes and rewards? There Treasury under his proposal about days, of massive investments from a has been an interruption in the lives of where the Federal taxpayers will step country that on one level is potentially most taxpayers. in with their money and buy illiquid a great strategic adversary, and cer- I say to the Senator from Virginia, is assets; in other words, buy the mis- tainly an economic competitor, di- there a parallel here of a similar exam- takes, the mortgage securities, for ex- rectly into our economy. There is a 49- ple that I am missing? ample. Those decisions will have a di- percent purchase proposal for Morgan Mr. WEBB. I say to the Senator from rect impact on the survival of institu- Stanley from the sovereign wealth fund Illinois, I also heard Secretary Paulson tions and on the jobs of the people who of the Chinese Government. say something similar in the con- are affected by those. So there are many pieces in motion. ference call in which we were partici- We want to make sure there is no We have the gravest duty to sort them pating on Friday, and I find his com- conflict of interest, that the decisions out. I congratulate the Senator from ments very puzzling—I am not vio- are made by those who have no skin in Illinois for his comments. lating confidentiality because Sec- the game, no investment in the deci- Mr. DURBIN. I thank the Senator retary Paulson said it at least three sion, and it has to be at least subject to from Virginia. times over the weekend on different some review. There is no one in this There are so many questions that television shows. When he was asked, country, thank goodness, above the have been raised by this proposal from on the one hand, whether this is a cri- law, and yet in the proposal given to us the administration. I have to say at sis that threatens to undermine all of by the Treasury Department, there is the outset, for those of us who have the financial markets within a few no judicial or administrative review of been here a number of years, this has days, and on the other, if it would be decisions being made about where the an eerie resemblance to something I punitive to ask the executives to take $700 billion is going to be invested. We have seen before. It was on the floor of a pay hit. And, in fact, Secretary are being asked—in a hurry—to get this Senate 6 years ago when we were Paulson indicated that some of these this done in a hurry, to give more au- told by this administration in October, banks might not participate if they are thority to this administration, specifi- before an election, that we had to give asked to do that. cally to this Secretary of the Treasury, to the President of the United States I would suggest there are plenty of a man whom I respect, but to give the authority to invade Iraq. Oh, he did competent officials who may have lost more authority to him than anyone has not say he was going to do it. He just their jobs over the past few weeks who ever had in the history of the United needed the authority to invade Iraq be- could step in if these particular indi- States, and to say that his actions are cause of weapons of mass destruction. viduals do not think this is a good for- not subject to review by any court, any Of course, the pressure was building mula. What I was saying in concept is, administrative body, when there is on Members of Congress: Do some- if you take in a Federal dollar to bail such a great potential for conflict of thing. Saddam Hussein may have nu- yourself out, you ought to get a Fed- interest. That concerns me. clear weapons. Condoleezza Rice talked eral salary until the taxpayer is made Mr. WEBB. I say to the Senator from about mushroom-shaped clouds. It was whole. Illinois, first, I wholly agree with you in that environment and atmosphere If you show managerial skills to pull on that point. I mentioned in my com- that the President said: Give me the us out of this, such that the assets you ments a little while ago about the po- authority; I will make the decision are requiring us to purchase improve in tential for conflict of interest. This is about whether we should invade Iraq. value, then, you could get some com- the continuation of a trend that dis- The pressure was on. Some of us were mensurate compensation because this turbs me greatly, that is the movement up for reelection at the time. I can re- is compensation for actual perform- of power toward the executive branch. call going to editorial boards in Chi- ance. I was a committee counsel in the cago, and I can tell you, I lost their en- Mr. DURBIN. So you are saying pay U.S. Congress 30 years ago. If you ex- dorsements because I said there is for performance, in other words, in- amine the balance between the execu- something that concerns me about stead of pay for title or pay for past tive branch and the legislative branch this. We are delegating so much power performance. That is a radical concept, over those 30 years, it has steadily, to this President. It is far easier to get but most workers in America would be particularly since 9/11, moved toward in a war than it is to get out of one. able to identify with that. That is kind the executive branch. This is another Here we are 6 years later. We are still of what they face when they go to example of that movement. in it. Mr. President, 4,183-plus Amer- work. I would make one other point. I and ican lives have been given in this con- Mr. WEBB. I would say to the Sen- a number of other people, Senator flict, 20,000, 30,000 have returned with ator from Illinois, very quickly, when BAYH among them, have been very wor- serious wounds and injuries—amputa- we use the word ‘‘punitive,’’ we should ried about sovereign wealth funds. I tions, paralysis, traumatic brain in- keep in mind that there are many peo- have talked about them and have been jury. I cannot tell you how much ple in this country who are teaching able to participate in some hearings on money we have spent there. It is al- school or out driving a truck who are other committees about a foreign gov- most as much as the President is ask- going to have to pay more taxes for ernment directly investing in our econ- ing now for the banks, maybe more. this, but who have not had the benefit, omy. One of the points I made several We are being told again, as we ap- in many cases, of even owning stock. times is that the U.S. Government has proach another election: Give the au- They are going to have to pay a pen- never directly invested in a discre- thority to the administration, to the alty for the malfeasance that has tionary manner in our markets. President, and step aside; in their wis- brought us to this situation. So we are seeing two different trends dom, they will handle it. I worry about If the administration and Secretary that are disturbing and that we should that. As I said, I respect Henry Paulson and others truly want to solve be thinking about. One is, if we do Paulson. I really do. I do not think he this problem—and I think they do— transfer this amount of authority to is a politician at heart. I think he is a then they ought to be able to yield on the Secretary of Treasury, the Federal patriot, a citizen who wants to do the this point simply because of the logic Government, on a discretionary basis— best for his country. But his actions of it. one individual, on a discretionary have to be put in a constitutional con- Mr. DURBIN. I might say to the Sen- basis—is going to invest in parts of the text. We have the balance of powers in ator from Virginia, the $700 billion rep- economy. All this in their own discre- this country because that is what resents roughly about $2,000 of indebt- tion, decided without review, as the America is. It is not because of what edness for every man, woman, and Senator from Illinois mentioned. That this current crop of politicians child in America to make up for the is a kind of a sovereign wealth fund in dreamed up. It is what the Founding mistakes of these banks. our own country, but with the bad as- Fathers said we are all about. We do There is another thing that troubles sets. not want to give too much power to me. There is great potential for con- The second trend we are now seeing any branch of Government. We want flicts of interest because decisions have is the movement, particularly from the other branches to be involved.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9178 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 A proposal is coming from this ad- the Federal Government would assume but a lot of them came to me and said: ministration now, a few weeks before the liability, a second mortgage, if you Are you going to do this, $700 billion the election, with ominous clouds gath- will—for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. for bailing out these banks? I said: I ering over the financial institutions of Now, this is a government-sponsored don’t know. At the end of the day, I America, and we are being told: Trust entity which basically guarantees 50 don’t know. I want to see what the ad- us. Trust us to give to the Secretary of percent of all the mortgages in Amer- ministration comes back with. Right the Treasury the authority to take $700 ica. So now our second mortgage is, we now we have a concept. I want to see a billion and to buy assets in banks with- are stepping in—not the shareholders proposal. out the review of any court or any ad- of the companies, the taxpayers are I thought to myself as I walked along ministrative body. stepping in to guarantee the solvency there and had a little press conference I do not see in here the protections of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. There with a bunch of folks who walked by on against conflict of interest. Why should was not much else we could do, I will the sidewalk listening: These are the I worry about conflicts of interest? be honest with you. We reached a ter- folks who are going to pay for this Have we had any conflicts of interest rible point where there were not many idea. These are the taxpayers who are with the war in Iraq? Let me think for alternatives. going to have to come up with the a moment. Does the word ‘‘Halli- How much liability is involved in money for this—for all of this. None of burton’’ spring to mind, these no-bid Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Well, it these taxpayers got a notice about the contracts for billions of dollars that will be easy to remember. It is exactly annual bonus checks at these major shortchanged our troops and our tax- the same liability as America’s na- companies that are going under. They payers? Excuse me if I am cynical and tional debt: $5.4 trillion. The second didn’t receive any of that. They didn’t skeptical, but I have seen this movie, mortgage on America is the same as get a parachute either. They are the and I don’t like the ending. The tax- the first mortgage. Now, don’t get me taxpayers. Unfortunately, it will be a payers pay too much money. The wrong. Behind Fannie Mae and Freddie bigger tax bill because of this. troops do not get protection. Halli- Mac is a lot of property—homes, busi- What has happened is a fundamental burton gets billions of dollars in con- nesses, real estate. So it isn’t as if failure of a philosophy that has been tracts. there isn’t collateral involved, but we tested and tried for the last 10 years or So should I be concerned that there are on the hook for $5.4 trillion. That is so that says the Government ought to is going to be one person in the admin- not the end of the story. The story goes get out of the way, no questions asked, istration or a handful allocating $700 on. and don’t diminish the dynamic aspect billion without anybody looking over We decided that people who have mu- of this economy with overregulation. their shoulder? Yes, I am concerned. tual funds—my family has done that That, to me, is something we need to Then there is a question about the too—and have taken cash and put it take a second look at. banks we are going to help. This start- into money market mutual funds—ev- Incidentally, my staff has told me ed out about the American economy erybody knows what I am talking the national debt is over $10 trillion. I and American financial institutions, about; it is not the CD at the bank at misspoke on the primary mortgage. I and now it has become something larg- the corner where Uncle Sam stands and got the wrong figures out of the paper er. At the last minute, the Treasury says: We are going to protect you via today, and I want the record to reflect Department said: Oh, we are going to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- it: The primary mortgage is over $10 help foreign banks too. Really? Foreign tion, but it is the money market mu- trillion, and Fannie Mae and Freddie banks? I want to know more about tual fund where you move money out Mac is an additional $5.3 trillion in li- that. I want to know how much we are of your stocks, out of your mutual abilities, as I said earlier. That shows going to get into this in terms of these funds, put it into your money market you the amount of debt that is in- foreign banks. A lot of these questions mutual funds because it makes a little volved. have to be asked and answered before bit better than what they are paying at So the fundamental failure of the any of us in good conscience can vote the bank. It turns out they are in trou- philosophy is this belief that somehow for this. ble. They are in such trouble now that we, as taxpayers, have a responsibility But that is the reality of what we we are going to have to step in for the to rescue but not a responsibility to face. Just in case people are keeping mutual funds and provide a money regulate. That is not right. If the full score, things have changed in the market guarantee on the mutual funds. faith and credit of the United States of United States of America in the last OK, we have our national debt and we America is going to come to the rescue several weeks. Some of it was lost on have our secondary mortgage—Fannie of these private institutions, we have the business pages, and some of it most Mae and Freddie Mac—$5.4 trillion an obligation in Government to the people did not focus on. But I have more, and now we are stepping in to taxpayers of this country to ask the tried to study it a little more closely guarantee money market mutual hard questions in advance, before the with this $700 billion request. funds. How much could that be? Well, disaster arrives. We should have been To put this into perspective, the debt it is much smaller than the other two. asking these questions a long time ago. of the U.S. Government is $5.4 trillion. It is $3.4 trillion. Stay tuned, sharpen We should have asked them about the In the combined history of the United your pencil, there is more to follow be- predatory lending practices of major States of America, all of the money we cause we are being asked now to come credit institutions. We have had sev- have had to borrow to keep this Gov- up with $700 billion to buy illiquid as- eral votes on the floor of the Senate on ernment moving over and above what sets. What is that? Something nobody that issue. We should have been asking we raised in taxes comes to $5.4 tril- wants to buy. We are going to buy about how this money was being lion. That debt, incidentally, has gone them. loaned—the circumstances. up dramatically, a record-breaking Do we have to do this and try to stop I guess there is not much sympathy pace under the Bush administration. the seizure of the credit institutions of for people facing foreclosure in Amer- We are now facing, this year, a $480 bil- America? We may have no choice, but ica today. A lot of us might be inclined lion deficit—I am sorry, I think it is I think it is reasonable to ask a few to think: These poor souls, they should $407 billion, but it will be $480 billion questions. Just as we should have have been a little more careful, until next year, a record-breaking deficit. asked more questions about weapons of you take the time to meet some of So to put that in perspective, this is mass destruction 6 years ago before we them. Some of them got carried away. our mortgage, America, $5.4 trillion found ourselves in this war, we need to Don’t get me wrong. I can’t have a lot and growing. It is a mortgage we will ask questions today about where this is of sympathy for them. They made big pay as long as we are alive, and so will leading, and we need some protection mistakes trying to make big money, our kids and so will their kids. That is for the taxpayers of this country. but some of these folks were conned. the starting point. What has happened I walked down LaSalle Street on Fri- They signed up for mortgages full of recently? day. It is a great street in Chicago, tricks and traps that ended up explod- Almost 2 weeks ago, the decision was lined with banks and big office build- ing in their faces and now they are made that we would assume liability— ings. A lot of people came and said hi, going to lose their homes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9179 At the end of the day, this crisis products less burdened by the worst excesses UNANIMOUS-CONSENT AGREE- started with a housing catastrophe and of State-based regulation. MENT—RESOLUTIONS EN BLOC disaster and continues because of it. It I don’t know when Senator MCCAIN Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I is up to us now to decide what we are wrote that. It couldn’t have been re- ask unanimous consent that the rel- going to do about it. We can rescue the cently because I have to tell my col- evant committees of jurisdiction be folks at the top—that is what is being leagues that if he is promising for the discharged and the Senate now proceed health insurance market what we now proposed—but we need to do a lot more to the en bloc consideration of the fol- face in the banking market after de- than that. I think we need to set up a lowing resolutions: S. Con. Res. 96, S. regulation, God help American fami- mechanism for those who are about to Res. 614, S. Res. 653, S. Res. 644, S. Res. lies. I couldn’t disagree more with Sen- lose their homes to be protected. 646, S. Res. 652, S. Res. 651, H. Con. Res. Here is an interesting thing. If you ator MCCAIN’s position on deregulation when it came to banking, and now his 163, S. Res. 648, S. Res. 502, S. Con. Res. face bankruptcy today and you have 93, H. Con. Res. 296, S. Res. 634, and S. seven or eight homes and go into the position on deregulation when it comes to health insurance companies. Res. 657. bankruptcy court, they can renegotiate I further ask unanimous consent that the terms of all your mortgages, except If the Government doesn’t set the rules, the insurance companies will. the Senate then proceed to a number of one. They cannot renegotiate the resolutions submitted earlier today: terms of the mortgage on your home. How would you like to throw yourself on the mercy of that insurance com- S. Res. 670, S. Res. 671, S. Res. 672, S. Why? If they can renegotiate the terms Res. 673, S. Res. 674, S. Res. 675, and S. on my vacation home, my farm, my pany adjuster, when it is your health or the health of one of your kids on the Res. 676, all en bloc. ranch, my property in some other The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there line? Insurers compete with one an- place, why not my home? There is no objection? other, trying to avoid costly patients good explanation. The fact that the The Chair hears none, and it is so or- and avoid paying for procedures. We bankruptcy court cannot renegotiate dered. hear about it almost every day. Ac- leads us, sadly, to the point where Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I cording to Senator MCCAIN, let a thou- banking institutions and credit lenders ask unanimous consent that the reso- sand flowers bloom. Let the market and the others are not renegotiating lutions be agreed to, the preambles be work. The market works pretty well if terms. They would rather see people agreed to, and the motions to recon- you are young and healthy or wealthy. fail and face foreclosure. I think we sider be laid upon the table en bloc. It doesn’t work very well if you are have to do something to make sure the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without older, have a history of illness, and objection, it is so ordered. bankruptcy courts have that option. I don’t have much of an income. That is think there should be incentives for The resolutions were agreed to. why we need sensible regulation. The preambles were agreed to. those lending institutions to try hard This idea that we are going to move to keep people in their homes. The resolutions, with their pre- away from employer-based health in- ambles, read as follows: Mr. President, 340,000 Americans surance, as Senator MCCAIN has said— S. CON. RES. 96 were foreclosed on in the month of Au- well, I am sure there are some people gust. It is a record-breaking number. who buy into that. Put each one of the Whereas on May 12, 2008, Irena Sendler, a Not since the Great Depression have we living example of social justice, died at the customers in America out on their own age of 98; seen that percentage of homeowners buying health insurance instead of facing that kind of liability. So we Whereas Irena Sendler repeatedly risked buying through pools where they work, her life during the Holocaust to rescue over have to keep the taxpayers in mind and we know what will happen. The 2,500 Jewish children who lived in the War- when we read this proposal of the sickest people will have the toughest saw ghetto in Poland from Nazi extermi- Treasury. We have to keep homeowners time finding insurance and paying for nation; in mind, and we ought to keep account- it. That isn’t how it should work. We Whereas Irena Sendler was inspired by her ability in mind. At the end of the day, learned that, I am afraid, the hard way, father, a physician who treated poor Jewish there is no branch of this Government patients, to dedicate her life to others; and Senator MCCAIN is stuck on that. I Whereas Irena Sendler became an activist above the law. When it comes to $700 think he is wrong. I think we need a billion in taxpayers’ dollars and at the start of World War II, heading the health insurance program in America clandestine group Zegota and driving an un- money—and hard-earned money, I which gives us all a fighting chance. derground movement that provided safe pas- might add—they are not above the law. Unfortunately, Senator MCCAIN’s ap- sage for Jews from the Warsaw ghetto who One last point I wish to make. Sen- proach does not. So we have to make faced disease, execution, or deportation to ator MCCAIN has made a name for him- sure that when it comes to banking or concentration camps; self in the Senate, calling himself a health insurance, Senator MCCAIN’s ap- Whereas Irena Sendler became 1 of the leading deregulator. He has been op- proach is not going to be our approach. most successful workers within Zegota, tak- ing charge of the children’s division and posed to regulation. In fact, he teamed This idea of deregulation may at one up with Senator Phil Gramm of Texas, using her senior position with the welfare de- time have had wide subscription, but partment in Warsaw to gain access to and who was his inspiration for years, and today it does not. We have to move for- from the ghetto to build a network of allies they voted together on many issues: to ward with the concept that there is an to help ferry Jewish children from the War- deregulate, get the Government out of appropriate role for Government—not saw ghetto; the economy. Let a thousand flowers to go too far but to provide enough pro- Whereas Irena Sendler was arrested by the bloom. Let’s let these forces of cap- tection, disclosure, transparency, and Gestapo on October 20, 1943, tortured, and italism go to work. I am not going to accountability to make sure we don’t sentenced to death by firing squad; diminish the power of the entrepre- find ourselves in the crisis we find Whereas Irena Sendler never revealed de- neurial spirit and the forces of cap- tails of her contacts, escaped from Pawiak today with our banking institutions. prison, and continued her invaluable work italism, but they can get carried away. I yield the floor. with Zegota; We saw it happen with the savings and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Whereas in 1965, Irena Sendler was recog- loan crisis and we have seen it happen ator from Minnesota is recognized. nized as ‘‘Righteous Among the Nations’’ by with the subprime mortgage crisis. We Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in have seen it before. It might happen first of all, I wish to thank the Senator Israel; again if we don’t learn a lesson. from Illinois for his leadership. He has Whereas in 2006, Irena Sendler was nomi- I am disappointed that Senator been an advocate for a long time for nated for the Nobel Peace Prize; Whereas Irena Sendler was awarded the MCCAIN in the past took that position. changing the way this administration Order of the White Eagle, the highest civil- I am troubled that, in a recent article has allowed these agencies to decay and to not be regulated—not just our ian decoration in Poland; in Contingencies magazine, he said Whereas ‘‘Tzedek: The Righteous’’, a docu- about our health care market: financial market but our consumer mentary film, and ‘‘Life in a Jar’’, a play Opening up the health insurance market to market and the market for oil and about the rescue efforts made by Irena more vigorous nationwide competition, as we other things. I thank the Senator from Sendler, chronicle the life of Irena Sendler; have done over the last decade in banking, Illinois for his leadership and his far- Whereas Irena Sendler, a woman who would provide more choices of innovative sightedness during these last few years. risked everything for the lives of others and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 whose bravery is unimaginable to many, ex- Whereas some groups, including the Con- Resolved, That the Senate— pressed guilt for not being able to do more sumer Healthcare Products Association and (1) congratulates The Ohio State Univer- for the Jewish people; and the Community Anti-Drug Coalition of sity football team for achieving 800 victories Whereas the story of Irena Sendler reminds America, have taken important steps by cre- in its 119-year-history; citizens of the United States and the world ating educational toolkits, including ‘‘A (2) recognizes The Ohio State University community not only of the horrible cruelty Dose of Prevention: Stopping Cough Medi- athletic program for its accomplishments in at the time of the Holocaust, but also the in- cine Abuse Before it Starts’’, which provides both sports and academics; and credible difference 1 person can make: Now, guides to educate parents, teachers, law en- (3) requests the Secretary of the Senate to therefore, be it forcement officials, doctors and healthcare prepare an official copy of this resolution for Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- professionals, and retailers about the poten- presentation to— resentatives concurring), That Congress— tial dangers of abusing over-the-counter (A) The Ohio State University for appro- (1) mourns the loss of Irena Sendler, a cough and cold medicines; priate display; woman whose bravery and heroic efforts Whereas the Partnership for a Drug-Free (B) the President of The Ohio State Uni- saved over 2,500 Jewish children during the America and community alliance and affil- versity, Dr. E. Gordon Gee; and Holocaust; iate partners have undertaken a nationwide (C) the head coach of The Ohio State Uni- (2) pays respect and extends condolences to prevention campaign utilizing research- versity football team, Mr. Jim Tressel. the Sendler family; based educational advertisements, public re- (3) honors the legacy of courage, selfless- lations and news media, and the Internet to S. RES. 644 ness, and hope that Irena Sendler exhibited; inform parents about the negative teen be- Whereas millions of children and youth in and havior of intentional abuse of medicines so the United States represent the hopes and (4) remembers the life and unwavering that parents are empowered to effectively future of the United States; dedication to justice and human rights of communicate the facts about this dangerous Whereas numerous individuals, charities Irena Sendler. trend with teens and to take necessary steps benefitting children, and youth-serving orga- S. RES. 614 to safeguard prescription and over-the- nizations that work with children and youth Whereas over-the-counter and prescription counter medicines at home; and collaborate to provide invaluable services to medicines are extremely safe, effective, and Whereas educating the public about the enrich and better the lives of children and potentially lifesaving when used properly; dangers of medicine abuse and promoting youth throughout the United States; Whereas the abuse and recreational use of prevention is a critical component of what Whereas raising awareness of and increas- over-the-counter and prescription medicines must be a multi-pronged effort to curb the ing support for organizations that provide can be extremely dangerous and produce se- disturbing rise in medicine misuse: Now, access to healthcare, social services, edu- rious side effects; therefore, be it cation, the arts, sports, and other services Whereas in a recently sampled month, Resolved, That the Senate— will result in the development of character 7,000,000 individuals aged 12 or older reported (1) designates the month of August 2008 as and the future success of children and youth; using prescription psychotherapeutic medi- ‘‘National Medicine Abuse Awareness Whereas the President issued a proclama- cines for nonmedical purposes; Month’’; and tion on May 30, 2008, proclaiming June 1, 2008 Whereas abuse of prescription medicines, (2) urges communities to carry out appro- as ‘‘National Child’s Day’’ to demonstrate a including pain relievers, tranquilizers, stim- priate programs and activities to educate commitment to the youth of the United ulants, and sedatives is second only to mari- parents and youth about the potential dan- States; juana, the number 1 illegal drug of abuse in gers associated with medicine abuse. Whereas September, as the school year be- the United States; S. RES. 653 gins, is a time when parents, families, teach- Whereas recent studies indicate that Whereas, on September 6, 2008, The Ohio ers, school administrators, and communities 2,400,000 children, or 1 in 10 children aged 12 State University football team, known as increase their focus on children and youth through 17, have intentionally abused cough the ‘‘Buckeyes,’’ achieved its 800th win, be- throughout the United States; medicine to get high from the ingredient coming the 5th major college football pro- Whereas September is a time for the people dextromethorphan; gram to reach this mark; of the United States to highlight and be Whereas 4,500,000, or 1 in 5, young adults Whereas the Buckeyes have an all-time mindful of the needs of children and youth; have used prescription medicines for non- record of 800 wins, 304 losses, and 53 ties in Whereas private corporations and busi- medical purposes; their 119 seasons; nesses have joined with hundreds of national Whereas according to research from the Whereas, in 1890, the Buckeyes played their and local charitable organizations through- Partnership for a Drug-Free America, more first game, and since have become a symbol out the United States in support of a month- long focus on children and youth; and than 1⁄3 of teens mistakenly believe that tak- of pride and tradition for the past and ing prescription drugs, even if not prescribed present members of The Ohio State Univer- Whereas designating September 2008 as by a doctor, is much safer than using more sity community; ‘‘National Child Awareness Month’’ would traditional street drugs; Whereas The Ohio State University has the recognize that a long-term commitment to Whereas the lack of understanding by largest self-supporting athletics program in children and youth is in the public interest, teens and parents of the potential harms of the country; and will encourage widespread support for these powerful prescription drugs makes Whereas The Ohio State University con- charities and organizations that seek to pro- raising public awareness about the dangers tinues to strive for academic excellence in vide a better future for the children and of the misuse of such drugs more critical sports, ranking first in the Big Ten Aca- youth of the United States: Now, therefore, than ever; demic All-Conference Team for the 2007–08 be it Whereas misused prescription drugs are academic year; Resolved, That the Senate designates Sep- most often obtained through friends and rel- Whereas, there are 1,877 Buckeye All- tember 2008 as ‘‘National Child Awareness atives; Americans in the history of the program; Month’’— Whereas misused prescription drugs are Whereas the Ohio State athletic program (1) to promote awareness of charities bene- also obtained through rogue Internet phar- strives to improve the academic quality of fitting children and youth-serving organiza- macies; The Ohio State University by donating key tions throughout the United States; and Whereas parents should be aware that the funding to renovate Ohio State’s academic (2) to recognize efforts made by such char- Internet gives teens access to websites that facilities, including the recent donation to ities and organizations on behalf of children promote medicine abuse; the William Oxley Thompson Memorial Li- and youth as a positive investment in the fu- Whereas National Medicine Abuse Aware- brary; ture of the United States. ness Month promotes the messages that Whereas Ohio State strives for diversity at over-the-counter and prescription medicines all levels and was commended nationally in S. RES. 646 should be taken only as labeled or pre- 2007–08 for its National Collegiate Athletic Whereas the prevalence of running away scribed, and that taking over-the-counter Association academic progress rate, Overall from home and homelessness among youths and prescription medicines for recreational Excellence in Diversity, and for ranking 2nd is staggering, with studies suggesting that uses or in large doses can have serious and in the Degree Completion Program; between 1,600,000 and 2,800,000 youths live on life-threatening consequences; Whereas each year Ohio State student-ath- the streets of the United States each year; Whereas National Medicine Abuse Aware- letes and coaches are involved in thousands Whereas running away from home is wide- ness Month will encourage parents to be- of hours of community service; spread, and youths aged 12 to 17 are at a come educated about prescription drug abuse Whereas each player, coach, and contrib- higher risk of becoming homeless than and talk to teens about all types of sub- utor to the team remained committed to en- adults; stance abuse; suring that the Buckeyes achieved this his- Whereas youths who run away from home Whereas observance of National Medicine toric accomplishment; and most often have been expelled from their Abuse Awareness Month should be encour- Whereas all supporters of The Ohio State homes by their families, have been phys- aged at the national, State, and local levels University are to be praised for their dedica- ically, sexually, or emotionally abused at to increase awareness of the misuse of medi- tion to, and pride in, The Ohio State Univer- home, have been discharged by State custo- cines; sity football program: Now, therefore, be it dial systems without adequate transition

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9181 plans, or have been separated from their par- Whereas on February 20, 1962, John Glenn Whereas Dandy-Walker syndrome accounts ents by death and divorce, are too poor to se- became the first American astronaut to orbit for approximately 1 to 4 percent of hydro- cure their own basic needs, and are ineligible the earth; cephalus cases; or unable to access adequate medical or Whereas in July of 1969 President John Whereas patients with Dandy-Walker syn- mental health resources; Kennedy’s vision of landing a man on the drome present with developmental delay, en- Whereas effective programs that support moon and returning him safely to Earth was larged head circumference, or signs and runaway youths and assist youths and their realized with the Apollo 11 mission, com- symptoms of hydrocephalus; families in preventing youths from running manded by Neil A. Armstrong, Lunar Module Whereas Dandy-Walker syndrome affects away succeed because of partnerships cre- Pilot Edwin ‘‘Buzz’’ Aldrin, Jr., and Com- males and females approximately equally; ated among families, community-based mand Module Pilot Michael Collins; Whereas seizures occur in 15 to 30 percent human service agencies, law enforcement Whereas on April 12, 1981, NASA began a of patients with Dandy-Walker syndrome; agencies, schools, faith-based organizations, new era of human space flight and explo- Whereas subnormal intelligence is mani- and businesses; ration with the launch of the first Space fested in 41 to 71 percent of patients with Whereas preventing youths from running Shuttle Columbia, commanded by John W. Dandy-Walker syndrome; away from home and supporting youths in Young and piloted by Robert L. ‘‘Bob’’ Whereas failure to diagnose Dandy-Walker high-risk situations are priorities for fami- Crippen; syndrome with hydrocephalus in a Neonate lies, communities, and the Nation; Whereas on June 18, 1983, Dr. Sally Ride be- or a child can cause serious neurologic com- Whereas the future well-being of the came the first American woman in space as plications; United States is dependent on the opportuni- a crewmember of Space Shuttle Challenger Whereas Dandy-Walker syndrome is named ties provided for youths and families to ac- for STS–7; after former University of New Mexico neu- quire the knowledge, skills, and abilities Whereas NASA has greatly expanded our rosurgeon and professor Arthur E. Walker necessary for youths to develop into safe, knowledge and understanding of our planet (1907–1995) and Walter E. Dandy (1883–1941), healthy, and productive adults; and solar system through various unmanned who first described the disorder in 1914; and Whereas the National Network for Youth vehicles utilized on numerous missions; Whereas there are 2 known researchers and its members advocate on behalf of run- Whereas, during the Cold War, NASA’s dedicated to Dandy-Walker Syndrome in the away and homeless youths and provide an achievements served as a source of national United States and additional investigators array of community-based support to address pride and captured the imagination of the are needed: Now, therefore, be it their critical needs; world by demonstrating a peaceful use of our Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Whereas the National Runaway Switch- technological capabilities; Senate concurring), That— board provides crisis intervention and refer- Whereas NASA now serves as a model for (1) Congress commends the Director of the rals to reconnect runaway youths with their international cooperation and American National Institutes of Health for working families and to link youths to local re- leadership through the International Space with leading scientists and researchers to or- sources that provide positive alternatives to Station and other scientific endeavors; ganize the first National Institutes of Health running away from home; and Whereas thanks to NASA and the far- conference on hydrocephalus in September Whereas the National Network for Youth reaching gaze of the Hubble Space Telescope, 2005 and the Inaugural ‘‘Cerebellar Develop- and the National Runaway Switchboard are we have seen further into our universe than ment: Bench to Bedside International Con- cosponsoring National Runaway Prevention ever before; ference’’ in November 2006; and Month in November 2008 to increase public Whereas NASA space probes have landed (2) it is the sense of Congress that— awareness of the life circumstances of on or flown by eight of the planets in our (A) the Director of the National Institutes youths in high-risk situations, the need for solar system; of Health should continue the current col- safe, healthy, and productive alternatives to Whereas the aeronautics research by NASA laboration, with respect to Dandy-Walker running away, and the resources and support has led to great discoveries and advances in syndrome, among the National Human Ge- available for youths, families, and commu- aircraft design and aviation; nome Research Institute, the National Insti- nities: Now, therefore, be it Whereas the work done by NASA has ex- tute of Biomedical Imaging and Bio- engineering, the National Institute of Child Resolved, That the Senate recognizes and panded the scope of human knowledge, cre- Health and Human Development, the Na- supports the goals and ideals of National ated new technologies, and inspired young tional Institute of Neurological Disorders Runaway Prevention Month. men and women to enter scientific and engi- neering careers; and Stroke, and the Office of Rare Diseases; S. RES. 652 Whereas in the last fifty years, NASA has (B) further research into the epidemiology, Whereas the number of elderly and dis- positively impacted almost every facet of diagnosis, pathophysiology, disease burden, abled citizens of the United States is increas- our lives; and and improved treatment of Dandy-Walker ing dramatically; Whereas, thanks to the heroism, courage, syndrome and hydrocephalus should be con- Whereas assisted living is a long-term care and supreme sacrifice of our astronaut corps ducted and supported; and service that fosters choice, dignity, inde- over the last five decades, we are now able to (C) public awareness and professional edu- pendence, and autonomy in the elderly and live and work in space for the benefit of all cation regarding Dandy-Walker research disabled across the United States; humankind: Now, therefore, be it should increase through partnerships be- Whereas the National Center for Assisted Resolved, by the Senate That the Senate— tween the Federal Government and patient Living created National Assisted Living (1) honors the men and women of the Na- advocacy organizations, such as the Dandy- Week; tional Aeronautics and Space Administra- Walker Alliance and the Hydrocephalus As- Whereas the theme of National Assisted tion on the occasion of its 50th Anniversary; sociation. Living Week 2008 is ‘‘Filling Life with Love’’; (2) acknowledges the value of NASA’s dis- S. RES. 648 and coveries and accomplishments; and Whereas the USS Nautilus (SSN 571), built Whereas this theme highlights the privi- (3) pledges to maintain America’s position and launched at Electric Boat in Groton, lege, value, and responsibility of passing the as the world leader in earth and space , on January 21, 1954, was the legacies of the lives of the elderly and dis- science, aeronautics and space exploration first vessel in the world to be powered by nu- abled of the United States down through the and technology. clear power; generations that care for and love them: H. CON. RES. 163 Whereas the USS Nautilus overcame ex- Now, therefore, be it Whereas Dandy-Walker syndrome is the treme difficulties of navigation and maneu- Resolved, That the Senate— most common congenital malformation of verability while submerged under the polar (1) designates the week beginning Sep- the cerebellum and its causes are largely un- ice, and became the first vessel to cross the tember 8, 2008, as ‘‘National Assisted Living known; geographic on August 3, 1958; Week’’; and Whereas between 10,000 and 40,000 people Whereas the USS Nautilus continued on (2) urges all people of the United States— have Dandy-Walker syndrome in the United her voyage and became the first vessel to (A) to visit friends and loved ones who re- States; successfully navigate a course across the top side at assisted living facilities; and Whereas the incidence of Dandy-Walker of the world; (B) to learn more about assisted living syndrome is at least 1 case per every 25,000 to Whereas the USS Nautilus, having claimed services, including how assisted living serv- 35,000 live births, however this is likely a sig- this historic milestone and returned home to ices benefit communities in the United nificant underestimate because of difficul- Naval Base New London, contin- States. ties diagnosing the syndrome; ued to establish a series of naval records in Whereas the Metropolitan Atlanta Con- her distinguished 25-year career, including S. RES. 651 genital Defects Program, Centers for Disease being the first submarine to journey ‘‘20,000 Whereas the National Aeronautics and Control and Prevention reports that Dandy- leagues under the sea’’; Space Administration was established on Walker syndrome may affect as many as 1 in Whereas the USS Nautilus completed these July 29, 1958; 5000 live born infants; significant and laudable achievements dur- Whereas on May 5, 1961, NASA successfully Whereas approximately 70 to 90 percent of ing a critical phase of the Cold War, pro- launched America’s first manned spacecraft, patients with Dandy-Walker syndrome have viding a source of inspiration for Americans Freedom 7, piloted by Alan B. Shepard, Jr.; hydrocephalus; and raising the hopes of the Free World;

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9182 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 Whereas the USS Nautilus was the first Whereas anyone can experience sudden car- Whereas a recent study found that 70 per- naval vessel in peacetime to receive the diac arrest, including infants, high school cent of afterschool athletes arrive on the Presidential Unit Citation for its meri- athletes, and people in their 30s and 40s who playing field already dehydrated; torious efforts in crossing the North Pole; have no sign of heart disease; Whereas heat-induced illness is one of the Whereas Commander William R. Anderson Whereas sudden cardiac arrest is extremely most preventable sports ailments and par- of the was awarded the deadly, with the National Heart, Lung, and ents, young athletes, and coaches need to un- Legion of Merit for his role in commanding Blood Institute giving the disease a mor- derstand the physiological factors that in- the USS Nautilus during its historic voyage; tality rate of approximately 95 percent; crease the risk for heat-related illness and Whereas the USS Nautilus and its con- Whereas to have a chance of surviving an take steps to prevent it; tribution to world history was praised by a attack, the American Heart Association Whereas 13-year-old Kendrick Fincher range of American Presidents, including states that victims of sudden cardiac arrest from Rogers, Arkansas, collapsed during an President Harry Truman, President Dwight must receive a lifesaving defibrillation with- August pre-season football practice, was D. Eisenhower, President Lyndon B. John- in the first 4 to 6 minutes of an attack; rushed to the hospital, and for the next 18 son, President Jimmy Carter, and President Whereas for every minute that passes with- days his family waited anxiously for him to Bill Clinton; and out a shock from an automated external regain consciousness, tragically never re- Whereas President Eisenhower described defibrillator, the chance of survival de- gained consciousness, and died on August 25, the voyage to the North Pole as a ‘‘magnifi- creases by approximately 10 percent; 1995, from multi-system organ failure as a re- cent achievement’’ from which ‘‘the entire Whereas lifesaving treatments for sudden sult of heat stroke; free world would benefit’’: Now, therefore, be cardiac arrest are effective if administered Whereas Kendrick’s parents, Rhonda and it in time; Mike Fincher, founded the Kendrick Fincher Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas according to joint research by the Memorial Foundation in honor of their son, (1) recognizes the historic significance of American College of Cardiology and the with the aim to raise awareness of the poten- the journey to the North Pole undertaken by American Heart Association, implantable tially deadly consequences of dehydration the USS Nautilus; cardioverter defibrillators are 98 percent ef- for student athletes and to provide schools (2) commends the officers and crew of the fective at protecting people at risk for sud- with the information and equipment needed USS Nautilus on the 50th anniversary of den cardiac arrest; to ensure other students do not suffer from their magnificent achievement; Whereas according to the American Heart heat stroke; (3) recognizes the importance of the USS Association, cardiopulmonary resuscitation Whereas the Kendrick Fincher Memorial Nautilus’ journey to the North Pole as not and early defibrillation with an automated Foundation has distributed more than 130,000 only a military and scientific accomplish- external defibrillator more than double the water bottles and heat illness prevention ment, but also in confirming America’s long- chances that a victim will survive; pamphlets to children and athletes through- standing interest in this vital region of the Whereas the Yale-New Haven Hospital and out the United States; world; the New England Journal of Medicine state Whereas the Kendrick Fincher Memorial (4) commends the role of the USS Nautilus that women and African-Americans are at a Foundation oversees consultation with and the United States Submarine Force in higher risk than the general population for school district athletic programs to ensure protecting the interests of the free world dying as a result of sudden cardiac arrest, they have procedures in place to prevent during the Cold War; and yet this fact is not well known to people at heat illness and dehydration; (5) supports the continuing role of the risk; Whereas the Kendrick Fincher Memorial Whereas there is a need for comprehensive United States Submarine Force in defending Foundation provides heat stroke awareness educational efforts designed to increase our Nation in the 21st century. and steps for prevention at local health fairs, awareness of sudden cardiac arrest and re- S. RES. 502 community events, and the Annual Youth lated therapies among medical professionals Run through ‘‘cool huts’’, misting stations, Whereas, on March 21, 1983, the United and the greater public in order to promote and free ice water; States Space Foundation was founded by a early detection and proper treatment of this Whereas Gatorade Company joined forces small group of pioneering individuals in Col- disease and to improve quality of life; and with the National Football League to lead a orado Springs, Colorado; Whereas the Heart Rhythm Society and nationwide ‘‘Beat the Heat’’ campaign aimed Whereas 2008 marks the 25th year of excel- the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Coalition are pre- lence and service of the Space Foundation; paring related public awareness and edu- at educating parents and football coaches Whereas the mission of the Space Founda- cation campaigns on sudden cardiac arrest to about the importance of hydration in order tion is to advance space-related endeavors to be held each year during the month of Octo- to keep athletes safe in the hot summer inspire, enable, and propel humanity; ber: Now, therefore, be it months; and Whereas the Space Foundation has become Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- Whereas Gatorade Company and the Na- the leading nonprofit organization advancing resentatives concurring), That Congress— tional Football League held Gatorade Dona- the exploration, development, and use of (1) supports the goals and ideals of ‘‘Na- tion Days at training camps to raise money space and space education for the benefit of tional Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness to raise awareness of the Kendrick Fincher all humankind; Month’’; Memorial Foundation: Now, therefore, be it Whereas the Space Foundation embraces (2) supports efforts to educate people about Resolved by the House of Representatives (the all aspects of space including commercial, sudden cardiac arrest and to raise awareness Senate concurring), That— civil, and national security; about the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, iden- (1) it is the sense of Congress that— Whereas the current national security en- tifying warning signs, and the need to seek (A) National Heat Stroke Awareness vironment requires extensive use and ad- medical attention in a timely manner; Month provides an opportunity to educate vancement of space-based assets; (3) acknowledges the critical importance of the people of the United States about heat Whereas the Space Foundation has con- sudden cardiac arrest awareness to improv- stroke; tributed to space education programs in all ing national cardiovascular health; and (B) the Kendrick Fincher Memorial Foun- 50 States and also in Europe and Asia; (4) calls upon the people of the United dation should be applauded for its efforts in Whereas the Space Foundation is regarded States to observe this month with appro- promoting awareness about heat stroke; and internationally as a leading space advocacy priate programs and activities. (C) policymakers, parents, coaches, stu- dent athletes, not-for-profit organizations, organization, and is a member of the United H. CON. RES. 296 and other members of the community should States Delegation to the United Nations Whereas heat stroke is a medical emer- Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer work to increase awareness and prevention gency that can be fatal if not properly and of heat stroke; and Space; and promptly treated, and 50 percent of those Whereas the Space Foundation hosts the (2) Congress urges national and community with heat stroke die from it; organizations, businesses in the private sec- National Space Symposium and Strategic Whereas children absorb more heat from a tor, and the media, through National Heat Space and Defense, 2 of the top conferences hot environment because they have greater Stroke Awareness Month to promote the for space professionals: Now, therefore, be it surface area-to-body mass ratio than adults; awareness of heat stroke. Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas the smaller the child, the faster (a) recognizes the contributions made by he or she can overheat; S. RES. 634 the Space Foundation; and Whereas children and adolescents may Whereas, on April 26, 1968, after viewing (b) commemorates the Space Foundation’s have a reduced ability to dissipate heat the CBS Emmy-award winning documentary 25 years of excellence and support to the Na- through sweating; ‘‘Hunger in America,’’ Senator George tion. Whereas children and adolescents fre- McGovern introduced a resolution to estab- S. CON. RES. 93 quently do not have the physiological drive lish a Senate Select Committee on Nutrition Whereas sudden cardiac arrest is a leading to drink enough fluids to replenish sweat and Human Needs; cause of death in the United States; losses during prolonged exercise; Whereas the resolution establishing the Whereas sudden cardiac arrest takes the Whereas youth athletes may be more eas- Select Committee on Nutrition and Human lives of more than 250,000 people in the ily distracted by teammates and spectators Needs was enacted on July 30, 1968; United States each year, according to the when given the opportunity to rest and re- Whereas Senator George McGovern served Heart Rhythm Society; hydrate; as the Chairman of the Select Committee on

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9183 Nutrition and Human Needs from 1968 to strengthen the domestic food assistance safe- rye, and oats, often called a ‘‘gluten-free 1977; ty net by providing significant funding to in- diet’’; Whereas July 30, 2008, marks the 40th anni- crease commodity purchases for local area Whereas a delay in the diagnosis of celiac versary of the enactment of the resolution food banks; disease can result in damage to the small in- establishing the Select Committee on Nutri- Whereas, in 2008, more than 28,000,000 peo- testine, which leads to an increased risk of tion and Human Needs, which later became ple in the United States participate in the malnutrition, anemia, lymphoma, adenocar- the foundation of the current Subcommittee food stamp program; cinoma, osteoporosis, miscarriage, con- on Nutrition and Food Assistance, Sustain- Whereas, in 2008, more than 17,500,000 low- genital malformation, short stature, and dis- able and Organic Agriculture, and General income children receive free or reduced-price orders of the skin and other organs; Legislation Jurisdiction of the Senate Com- meals through the national school lunch pro- Whereas celiac disease is linked to many mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- gram; autoimmune disorders, including thyroid estry; Whereas despite Federal food assistance disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, type Whereas Senator George McGovern was programs, 35,500,000 people in the United 1 diabetes, liver disease, collagen vascular committed to exposing the failure of Federal States, including 12,600,000 children, con- disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and Sjogren’s food assistance programs to reach citizens tinue to live in households considered to be syndrome; lacking in adequate quantities and quality of food insecure; Whereas the connection between celiac dis- food; Whereas children who live in households ease and diet was first established by Dr. Whereas Senators George McGovern and lacking access to sufficient food are more Samuel Gee, who wrote, ‘‘if the patient can Robert Dole worked tirelessly in their re- likely to be in poorer physical health than be cured at all, it must be by means of diet’’; spective roles on the Select Committee on children from food secure households; and Whereas Dr. Samuel Gee was born on Sep- Nutrition and Human Needs to develop a bi- Whereas children are particularly vulner- tember 13, 1839; and partisan Federal response to hunger; able to the effects of food insecurity because Whereas, by designating September 13, Whereas the Select Committee on Nutri- undernutrition can have adverse impacts on 2008, as National Celiac Disease Awareness tion and Human Needs played a key role in emotional health, behavior, school perform- Day, the Senate can raise awareness of celiac educating Congress, the Federal Govern- ance, and cognitive development: Now, disease in the general public and the medical ment, and the Nation at large about the therefore, be it community: Now, therefore, be it magnitude of hunger in the United States; Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas the work of the Select Committee (1) recognizes July 30, 2008, as the 40th an- Resolved, That the Senate— on Nutrition and Human Needs was vital to niversary of the enactment of the resolution (1) designates September 13, 2008, as ‘‘Na- reforming the Federal food stamp program, establishing the Senate Select Committee on tional Celiac Disease Awareness Day’’; culminating in the passage of the Food Nutrition and Human Needs; (2) recognizes that all people in the United Stamp Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.), (2) recognizes the substantial contributions States should become more informed and which made the program more efficient and the Select Committee on Nutrition and aware of celiac disease; more accessible to those most in need by fi- Human Needs made in ensuring that effec- (3) calls upon the people of the United nally eliminating the requirement that tive and efficient Federal food assistance States to observe the date with appropriate Americans pay for a portion of their food programs were accessible to those most in ceremonies and activities; and stamps; need; (4) respectfully requests the Secretary of Whereas the work of the Select Committee (3) recognizes that hunger continues to be the Senate to transmit a copy of this resolu- on Nutrition and Human Needs was essential an issue plaguing the United States; and tion to the Celiac Sprue Association, the to expanding the school lunch program es- (4) supports the continued efforts of Fed- American Celiac Society, the Celiac Disease tablished under the National School Lunch eral, State, and local governments and pri- Foundation, the Gluten Intolerance Group of Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.) and permanently vate non-profit organizations to eradicate North America, and the Oklahoma Celiac establishing the school breakfast program hunger in the United States. Support Group No. 5 of the Celiac Sprue As- under section 4 of the Child Nutrition Act of S. RES. 657 sociation. 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1773), the child and adult care Whereas celiac disease affects approxi- S. RES. 670 food program under section 17 of the Na- mately 1 in every 130 people in the United Whereas millions of Americans have bene- tional School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766), and States, for a total of 3,000,000 people; fitted from the courageous service of first re- the summer food service program for chil- Whereas the majority of people with celiac sponders across the United States; dren under section 13 of that Act (42 U.S.C. disease have yet to be diagnosed; Whereas the police, fire, emergency med- 1761); Whereas celiac disease is a chronic inflam- ical service, and public health personnel Whereas the work of the Select Committee matory disorder that is classified as both an (commonly known as ‘‘first responders’’) on Nutrition and Human Needs was instru- autoimmune condition and a genetic condi- work devotedly and selflessly on behalf of mental in the establishment of the special tion; the people of the United States, regardless of supplemental nutrition program for women, Whereas celiac disease causes damage to the peril or hazard to themselves; infants, and children established by section the lining of the small intestine, which re- Whereas in emergency situations, first re- 17 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 sults in overall malnutrition; sponders carry out the critical role of pro- U.S.C. 1786) (WIC); Whereas, when a person with celiac disease tecting and ensuring public safety; Whereas the Senate Committee on Agri- consumes foods that contain certain protein Whereas the men and women who bravely culture, Nutrition, and Forestry remains fractions, that person suffers a cell-mediated serve as first responders have found them- committed to continuing the important immune response that damages the villi of selves on the front lines of homeland defense work begun by Senators George McGovern the small intestine, interfering with the ab- in the war against terrorism; and Robert Dole of providing a Federal re- sorption of nutrients in food and the effec- Whereas first responders are called upon in sponse to hunger; tiveness of medications; the event of a natural disaster, such as the Whereas the Senate Committee on Agri- Whereas those problematic protein frac- tornados in Florida and the blizzard in Colo- culture, Nutrition, and Forestry provided a tions are found in wheat, barley, rye, and rado in December 2006, the flooding in the record-level amount of nutrition funding in oats, which are used to produce many foods, Northeast in April 2007, the flooding in the the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of medications, and vitamins; Midwest in June 2008, and the wildfires in 2008 (Public Law 110–246; 122 Stat. 1651) to re- Whereas, because celiac disease is a ge- the West in July 2008; form and strengthen Federal nutrition as- netic disease, there is an increased incidence Whereas the critical role of first respond- sistance programs; of celiac disease in families with a known ers was witnessed in the aftermath of the Whereas, through the Food, Conservation, history of celiac disease; mass shooting at the Virginia Polytechnic and Energy Act of 2008 (Public Law 110–246; Whereas celiac disease is underdiagnosed Institute and State University, when the col- 122 Stat. 1651), the Senate Committee on Ag- because the symptoms can be attributed to laborative effort of police officers, fire- riculture, Nutrition, and Forestry made key other conditions and are easily overlooked fighters, and emergency medical technicians improvements to the food stamp program, by doctors and patients; to secure the campus, rescue students from including— Whereas, as recently as 2000, the average (1) increasing the food purchasing ability person with celiac disease waited 11 years for danger, treat the injured, and transport vic- of low-income households by accounting for a correct diagnosis; tims to local hospitals undoubtedly saved food cost inflation; Whereas 1⁄2 of all people with celiac disease the lives of many students and faculty; (2) increasing the minimum benefit; do not show symptoms of the disease; Whereas 900,000 police officers, 1,100,000 (3) encouraging retirement and education Whereas celiac disease is diagnosed by firefighters, and 891,000 emergency medical savings; and tests that measure the blood for abnormally technicians risk their lives every day to (4) allowing families to account for child high levels of the antibodies of make our communities safe; care costs in calculating food assistance; immunoglobulin A, anti-tissue Whereas these 900,000 sworn police officers Whereas, through the Food, Conservation, transglutaminase, and IgA anti-endomysium from Federal, State, tribal, city, and county and Energy Act of 2008 (Public Law 110–246; antibodies; law enforcement agencies protect lives and 122 Stat. 1651), the Senate Committee on Ag- Whereas celiac disease can be treated only property, detect and prevent crimes, uphold riculture, Nutrition, and Forestry helped to by implementing a diet free of wheat, barley, the law, and ensure justice;

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 Whereas these 1,100,000 firefighters, both excellence in biomedical education, basic Whereas health care costs in the United volunteer and career, provide fire suppres- and clinical research, quality patient care, States doubled from 1990 to 2001 and are ex- sion, emergency medical services, search and and service to improve the health of the peo- pected to double again by 2012; rescue, hazardous materials response, re- ple of Maryland and the United States; Whereas employee health benefits are the sponse to terrorism, and critical fire preven- Whereas the University of Maryland fastest growing labor cost component for em- tion and safety education; School of Medicine is committed to the edu- ployers, thus posing a serious and growing Whereas the 891,000 emergency medical cation and training of M.D. and Ph.D. stu- challenge to business in the United States; professionals in the United States respond to dents in fields including physical therapy, Whereas business leaders are struggling to and treat a variety of life-threatening emer- rehabilitation science, and medical research find strategies to help reduce the direct costs gencies, from cardiac and respiratory arrest technology; of employer-provided health care, as well as to traumatic injuries; Whereas the University of Maryland the indirect costs associated with higher Whereas these 2,661,000 ‘‘first responders’’ School of Medicine has played a crucial role rates of absenteeism, disability, and injury; make personal sacrifices to protect our com- in helping to meet the health care needs of Whereas an effective strategy to address munities, as was witnessed on September 11, the people of Maryland and continues to re- the primary driving force of soaring health 2001, and in the aftermath of Hurricane cruit and develop faculty to serve as exem- care costs requires an investment in preven- Katrina, and as is witnessed every day in cit- plary role models for students; and tion; ies and towns across the United States; Whereas the University of Maryland Whereas some employers who invest in Whereas, according to the National Law School of Medicine has developed a legacy of health promotion and disease prevention Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, a total academic excellence, outstanding patient have achieved rates of return on investment of 1,671 law enforcement officers died in the care, and ground-breaking research: Now, ranging from $3 to $15 for each dollar in- line of duty during the past 10 years, an aver- therefore, be it vested, as well as a 28 percent average reduc- age of 1 death every 53 hours or 167 per year, Resolved, That the Senate— tion in sick leave absenteeism, an average 26 and 181 law enforcement officers were killed (1) congratulates the University of Mary- percent reduction in health care costs, and a in 2007; land School of Medicine on its 200th anniver- 30 percent average reduction in workers’ Whereas, according to the United States sary; and compensation and disability management Fire Administration, from 1996 through 2005 (2) recognizes the achievements of the Uni- claims costs; over 1500 firefighters were killed in the line versity of Maryland, Baltimore, and the Whereas the Healthy People 2010 national of duty, and tens of thousands were injured; School of Medicine in providing outstanding objectives for the United States include the Whereas 4 in 5 medics are injured on the service to, and in training leaders for, the workplace health–related goal that at least local community, the State of Maryland, and 3 job, more than 1 in 2 (52 percent) have been ⁄4 of United States employers, regardless of the world. assaulted by a patient and 1 in 2 (50 percent) size, will voluntarily offer a comprehensive have been exposed to an infectious disease, S. RES. 672 employee health promotion program that in- and emergency medical service personnel in Whereas negative images, stories, and in- cludes—(1) health education and program- the United States have an estimated fatality fluences in the day-to-day lives of Americans ming which focuses on skill development and rate of 12.7 per 100,000 workers, more than can detrimentally affect their emotional lifestyle behavior change along with infor- mation dissemination and awareness build- twice the national average; well-being, interactions with others, and ing, preferably tailored to employees’ inter- Whereas most emergency medical service general demeanor; ests and needs; (2) supportive social and personnel deaths in the line of duty occur in Whereas a group of teenagers participating physical environments, including an organi- ambulance accidents; in a leadership forum at Harding University zation’s expectations regarding healthy be- Whereas thousands of first responders have in Searcy, Arkansas, identified a lack of en- haviors, and implementation of policies that made the ultimate sacrifice; couragement as one of the greatest problems promote health and reduce risk of disease; (3) Whereas, in the aftermath of the terrorist facing young people today; integration of the worksite wellness pro- attacks of September 11, 2001, firefighters, Whereas the youth of our Nation need grams into the organization’s structure; (4) law enforcement officers, and emergency guidance, inspiration, and reassurance to linkage to related programs like employee counteract this negativity and to develop medical workers in the United States were assistance programs (EAPs) and programs to the qualities of character essential for future universally recognized for the sacrifices they help employees balance work and family; leadership in our country; made on that tragic day, and should be hon- and (5) screening programs, ideally linked to Whereas a National Day of Encouragement ored each year as these tragic events are re- medical care to ensure follow-up and appro- would serve as a reminder to counterbalance membered; priate treatment as necessary; and overcome negative influences, and would Whereas there currently exists no national Whereas employers should be encouraged also provide much-needed encouragement day to honor the brave men and women of to invest in the health of employees by im- and support to others; the first responder community, who give so plementing comprehensive worksite health Whereas, following the events of Sep- much of themselves for the sake of others; promotion programs that will help achieve tember 11, 2001, thousands of people of the and our national Healthy People 2010 objectives; United States made sacrifices in order to Whereas these men and women by their pa- Whereas business leaders that have made a bring help and healing to the victims and triotic service and their dedicated efforts healthy workforce a part of their core busi- their families, inspiring and encouraging the have earned the gratitude of Congress: Now, ness strategy should be encouraged to share Nation; and therefore, be it information and resources to educate their Resolved, That the Senate designates Sep- Whereas the renewed feelings of unity, peers on the issue of employee health man- tember 25, 2008, as ‘‘National First Responder hope, selflessness, and encouragement that agement through initiatives such as the Appreciation Day’’ to honor and celebrate began on September 12, 2001, are the same Leading by Example CEO-to-CEO Round- the contributions and sacrifices made by all feelings that the National Day of Encourage- table on Workforce Health and the United first responders in the United States. ment is meant to recapture and spread: Now, States Workplace Wellness Alliance; S. RES. 671 therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas the employers that provide health Whereas the University of Maryland care coverage for more than 177,000,000 Amer- School of Medicine was established in 1807, (1) designates September 12, 2008, as ‘‘Na- tional Day of Encouragement’’; icans have the potential to exert trans- making it the first public and the fifth oldest formative leadership on this issue by in- medical school in the United States; (2) acknowledges the importance of encour- agement and positive influences in the lives creasing the number, quality, and types of Whereas, in 1823, the University of Mary- health promotion programs and policies at land School of Medicine became the first of all people; and (3) urges the people of the United States to worksites across the Nation; teaching hospital in the Nation with the con- Whereas, for workplace wellness efforts to struction of the Baltimore Infirmary and be- encourage others, whether it be through an act of service, a thoughtful letter, or words reach their full potential, chief executive of- came the first medical school in the United ficers of major corporations, company presi- States to institute a residency training pro- of kindness and inspiration, and to thereby boost the morale of all. dents of small enterprises, and State gov- gram; ernors should be encouraged to make work- Whereas the School of Medicine was the S. RES. 673 site health promotion a priority; and founding school of the University of Mary- Whereas comprehensive, culturally sen- Whereas Congress supports the National land and is an integral part of the 11-campus sitive health promotion within the work- Worksite Health Promotion goal as stated in University System of Maryland; place is essential to maintain and improve Healthy People 2010 and encourages public Whereas, at the Baltimore campus of the the health of American workers; employers to increase their awareness of the University of Maryland, the School of Medi- Whereas employees who improve their value of corporate investments in employee cine serves as the foundation for a large aca- health also reduce their probability of chron- health management to help our Nation demic health center that combines medical ic health conditions, lower their out-of-pock- achieve this goal: Now, therefore, be it education, biomedical research, patient care, et medical and pharmaceutical costs, reduce Resolved, That the Senate calls on private and community service; pain and suffering, have greater levels of en- and public employers to support workplace Whereas the University of Maryland ergy and vitality, and experience increased wellness and implement voluntarily work- School of Medicine is dedicated to providing satisfaction with their lives and jobs; site health promotion programs to help

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9185 maximize employees’ health and well being media to use National Falls Prevention month of November and all throughout the and lower health care costs. Awareness Day to promote awareness of this year. S. RES. 674 important public health problem in an effort S. RES. 676 Whereas older adults value their independ- to reduce the incidence of falls among older ence and a fall can significantly limit their people in the United States. Whereas the Red Ribbon Campaign was es- ability to remain self-sufficient; S. RES. 675 tablished to commemorate the service of Whereas falls are the leading cause of Whereas there are approximately 510,000 Enrique ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena, an 11-year special death from unintentional injuries among children in the foster care system in the agent of the Drug Enforcement Administra- older adults in the United States; United States, approximately 129,000 of tion who was murdered in the line of duty in Whereas older adults are by far the popu- whom are waiting for families to adopt 1985 while engaged in the battle against il- lation at greatest risk for falling uninten- them; licit drugs; tionally, with more than 1⁄3 of all people 65 Whereas 61 percent of the children in foster Whereas the Red Ribbon Campaign has years or older falling each year; care are age 10 or younger; been sponsored by the National Family Part- Whereas older adults who fall once are 2 to Whereas the average length of time a child nership and nationally recognized since 1988 3 times more likely than adults who have spends in foster care is over 3 years; to preserve Special Agent Camarena’s mem- not fallen to fall again; Whereas, for many foster children, the ory and further the cause for which he gave Whereas, in 2000, the Bureau of the Census wait for a loving family in which they are his life, and is now the oldest and largest reported that more than 34,800,000 adults nurtured, comforted, and protected seems drug prevention program in the Nation, older than the age of 65 live in the United endless; reaching millions of young people each year States, and that number is expected to grow Whereas the number of youth who ‘‘age during Red Ribbon Week; to almost 55,000,000 by 2020; out’’ of foster care by reaching adulthood Whereas the Drug Enforcement Adminis- Whereas 20 to 30 percent of older adults without being placed in a permanent home tration, committed throughout its 35 years who fall suffer moderate to severe injuries, has continued to increase since 1998, and to aggressively targeting organizations in- such as bruising, hip fractures, and head more than 26,000 foster youth age out every volved in the growing, manufacturing, and traumas; year; distribution of controlled substances, has Whereas, in 2005, falls resulted in nearly Whereas every day loving and nurturing been a steadfast partner in commemorating 1,800,000 older adults being treated in emer- families are strengthened and expanded when Red Ribbon Week; gency departments and more than 433,000 committed and dedicated individuals make Whereas the Governors and Attorneys Gen- older adults being hospitalized; an important difference in the life of a child eral of the States, the National Family Part- Whereas, in 2005, nearly 16,000 people aged through adoption; nership, Parent Teacher Associations, Boys 65 and older died from injuries related to un- Whereas a 2007 survey conducted by the intentional falls; Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption dem- and Girls Clubs of America, the Drug En- Whereas the Centers for Disease Control onstrated that though ‘‘Americans over- forcement Administration, and more than and Prevention report that the mortality whelmingly support the concept of adoption, 100 other organizations throughout the rate from falls among older adults increased and in particular foster care adoption . . . United States annually celebrate Red Ribbon 45 percent between 2000 and 2004; foster care adoptions have not increased sig- Week during the period of October 23 Whereas the total in direct costs associ- nificantly over the past five years’’; through October 31; ated with both fatal and non-fatal falls is Whereas, while 4 in 10 Americans have con- Whereas the objective of Red Ribbon Week more than $19,000,000,000 annually for hos- sidered adoption, a majority of Americans is to promote the creation of drug-free com- pitalization, emergency department visits, have misperceptions about the process of munities through drug prevention efforts, and outpatient care; adopting children from foster care and the education, parental involvement, and com- Whereas the Centers for Disease Control children who are eligible for adoption; munity-wide support; and Prevention estimate that if the rate of Whereas 71 percent of those who have con- Whereas drug abuse is one of the major increase in falls is not stemmed, annual di- sidered adoption consider adopting children challenges that the Nation faces in securing rect treatment costs will reach $43,800,000,000 from foster care above other forms of adop- a safe and healthy future for families in the by 2020, with an annual cost under the Medi- tion; United States; care program of $32,400,000,000; Whereas 45 percent of Americans believe Whereas drug abuse and alcohol abuse con- Whereas evidence-based programs show that children enter the foster care system tribute to domestic violence and sexual as- promise in reducing falls and facilitating because of juvenile delinquency, when in re- sault and place the lives of children at risk; cost-effective interventions, such as com- ality the vast majority of children who have Whereas, although public awareness of il- prehensive clinical assessments, exercise entered the foster care system were victims licit drug use is increasing, emerging drug programs to improve balance and health, of neglect, abandonment, or abuse; threats and growing epidemics demand at- management of medications, correction of Whereas 46 percent of Americans believe tention, including the abuse of vision, and reduction of home hazards; that foster care adoption is expensive, when methamphetamines, inhalants, and prescrip- Whereas, on April 23, 2008, the Safety of in reality there is no substantial cost for tion medications, the second most abused Seniors Act of 2007 (Public Law 110–202) was adopting from foster care and financial sup- drug by young people in the United States; enacted, amending the Public Health Service port is available to adoptive parents after Whereas, between 1996 and 2006, the per- Act (42 U.S.C. 280b et seq.) to create a na- the adoption is finalized; tional education campaign aimed at older Whereas both National Adoption Day and centages of admissions to substance abuse adults, their families, and healthcare pro- National Adoption Month occur in Novem- treatment programs as a result of the abuse viders, and injury prevention programs that ber; of methamphetamines, prescription medica- focus on the reduction and prevention of Whereas National Adoption Day is a collec- tions, and marijuana each significantly rose; falls among older adults; and tive national effort to find permanent, loving Whereas drug dealers specifically target Whereas the Falls Free Coalition Advocacy families for children in the foster care sys- children by marketing illicit drugs that Work Group, its numerous supporting orga- tem; mimic the appearance and names of well nizations and all other supportive organiza- Whereas, since the first National Adoption known brand-name candies and foods; and tions, should be commended for their efforts Day in 2000, more than 20,000 children have Whereas parents, youths, schools, busi- to raise awareness and to promote greater joined forever families during National nesses, law enforcement agencies, religious understanding, research, and pilot programs Adoption Day; institutions, service organizations, senior to prevent falls among older adults: Now, Whereas, in 2007, adoptions were finalized citizens, medical and military personnel, therefore, be it for over 4,200 children through more than 260 sports teams, and individuals throughout the Resolved, That the Senate— National Adoption Day events in all 50 United States will demonstrate their com- (1) designates September 22, 2008, as ‘‘Na- States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto mitment to healthy, productive, and drug- tional Falls Prevention Awareness Day’’; Rico; and free lifestyles by wearing and displaying red (2) commends the National Falls Free Coa- Whereas the President traditionally issues ribbons during this week-long celebration: lition and all other supportive organizations an annual proclamation to declare November Now, therefore, be it for their efforts to promote awareness about as National Adoption Month, and National preventing and reducing falls among older Adoption Day is on November 15, 2008: Now, Resolved, That the Senate— people in the United States; therefore, be it (1) supports the goals and ideals of Red (3) encourages the private sector, the pub- Resolved, That the Senate— Ribbon Week; lic health community, healthcare providers, (1) supports the goals and ideals of Na- (2) encourages children and teens to choose advocacy organizations, and Federal, State, tional Adoption Day and National Adoption to live drug-free lives; and and local governments to work together to Month; (3) encourages the people of the United increase education and awareness about the (2) recognizes that every child should have States to promote the creation of drug-free prevention of falls; and a permanent and loving family; and communities and to participate in drug pre- (4) urges national and community organi- (3) encourages the citizens of the United vention activities to show support for zations, businesses, individuals, and the States to consider adoption during the healthy, productive, and drug-free lifestyles.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE DAY (B) the cultures, traditions, and languages of tivities, and supporting everyone who ACT OF 2008 Native Americans; and has stood strong against illicit drugs. (C) the rich Native American cultural legacy The Red Ribbon that we will wear dur- Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I that all Americans enjoy today. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ing Red Ribbon Week is a symbol of The amendment was ordered to be ate proceed to the consideration of Cal- zero tolerance for illegal drug use and engrossed and the joint resolution to endar No. 926, H.J. Res. 62; that the our commitment to help people, espe- be read a third time. committee amendment be agreed to, cially children, make the right life-de- The joint resolution (H.J. Res. 62) the resolution be read the third time, cisions. passed, and the motion to reconsider be was read the third time, and passed. In Alaska, Red Ribbon Week is a laid upon the table. Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I rise statewide celebration involving thou- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without today to applaud the passage of the sands of school children and other sup- objection, it is so ordered. resolution congratulating the Univer- porters. On October 27, the Alaska Red The Senate proceeded to consider the sity of Maryland School of Medicine on Ribbon Coalition, in conjunction with joint resolution (H.J. Res. 62) to honor its 200th anniversary. I am proud to in- the municipality of Anchorage, will the achievements and contributions of troduce this resolution that recognizes host a Red Ribbon Week kickoff. The Native Americans to the United States, the outstanding contributions the Uni- Red Ribbon Coalition is comprised of and for other purposes, which had been versity of Maryland School of Medicine the Anchorage School District, the reported from the Committee on Indian has made in the last 200 years to the Alaska State Troopers, the Anchorage Affairs, with an amendment to strike medical community, Maryland commu- Police Department, the U.S. Drug En- all after the enacting clause and insert nity, and entire world. forcement Administration, and the in lieu thereof the following: The University of Maryland School of U.S. Department of Justice. Forty- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Medicine is the first public medical three Boys & Girls Clubs across Alaska This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Native Amer- school in the country and is the fifth will help other Alaskan communities ican Heritage Day Act of 2008’’. oldest medical school. Since 1789, it has celebrate Red Ribbon Week throughout SEC. 2. FINDINGS. been a leader in medical education— the State. Congress finds that— the first medical school in the country (1) Native Americans are the descendants of In addition, this year, the Red Rib- the aboriginal, indigenous, native people who to build a teaching hospital for clinical bon Coalition, the Alaska National were the original inhabitants of the United instruction, the first to establish a Guard, and the Iditarod Trail Com- States; medical library, and the first school to mittee are sponsoring the first ever (2) Native Americans have volunteered to offer courses in preventive medicine. Anchorage School District Idol where- serve in the United States Armed Forces and Today, the University of Maryland have served with valor in all of the Nation’s by every junior high and high school in School of Medicine is home to 25 aca- Anchorage will hold local talent com- military actions from the Revolutionary War demic departments, 7 research centers, through the present day, and in most of those petitions and select one act to move to actions, more Native Americans per capita and treats over 1 million patients a a final competition. The acts will be served in the Armed Forces than any other year. I commend the contributions the judged based, among other things, on group of Americans; school has made over the past 200 their drug-free themes, and the final (3) Native Americans have made distinct and years. I know the University of Mary- competition will be held as part of the significant contributions to the United States land School of Medicine will continue Iditarod Sled Dog Race festivities in and the rest of the world in many fields, includ- to blaze trails in the future as a leader March 2009. The plan is to broadcast ing agriculture, medicine, music, language, and in medical research, patient care, edu- art, and Native Americans have distinguished the event to the students in all 50 themselves as inventors, entrepreneurs, spiritual cation, and community service. States and across the globe who par- leaders, and scholars; Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I ticipate in the Iditarod Education Pro- (4) Native Americans should be recognized for rise today in support of a resolution gram, thus extending the reach of the their contributions to the United States as local that commemorates the Annual Red 2008 Red Ribbon Week into 2009, and and national leaders, artists, athletes, and Ribbon Campaign. I am honored to sharing Anchorage’s Red Ribbon Week scholars; again seek the Senate’s continuing antidrug message and celebrations (5) nationwide recognition of the contribu- support and recognition of Red Ribbon tions that Native Americans have made to the with the Nation and the world. fabric of American society will afford an oppor- Week, which is October 23 through Oc- As we stand together against drugs, I tunity for all Americans to demonstrate their re- tober 31. thank my colleagues for joining me in spect and admiration of Native Americans for In 1985, Special Agent Enrique what hopefully will be a continuation their important contributions to the political, ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena of the Drug Enforce- of the tradition of congressional sup- cultural, and economic life of the United States; ment Administration was kidnapped, port and recognition of Red Ribbon (6) nationwide recognition of the contribu- tortured, and murdered in the line of Week. tions that Native Americans have made to the duty by drug traffickers. Shortly after Nation will encourage self-esteem, pride, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- self-awareness in Native Americans of all ages; Agent Camarena’s death, Congressman ator from Minnesota is recognized. DUNCAN HUNTER and high school friend (7) designation of the Friday following f Thanksgiving of each year as Native American Henry Lozano launched ‘‘Camarena Heritage Day will underscore the government- Clubs’’ in the Agent’s hometown of FINANCIAL CRISIS to-government relationship between the United Calexico, CA. In honor of Agent Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I States and Native American governments; and Camarena, hundreds of club members stand here today to highlight my grave (8) designation of Native American Heritage wore red ribbons and pledged to lead Day will encourage public elementary and sec- concerns about our financial system ondary schools in the United States to enhance drug-free lives. The campaign quickly and the American economy—a disaster understanding of Native Americans by providing gained statewide and then national that has been building for months and, curricula and classroom instruction focusing on prominence. In 1988, what is now the in fact, years and last week quickly hit the achievements and contributions of Native National Family Partnership organized the breaking point. Americans to the Nation. the first National Red Ribbon Week, an The latest crisis seemed to come so SEC. 3. IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIVE AMERICAN 8-day event proclaimed by the Congress suddenly, it moved so fast, it spread so HERITAGE DAY. and chaired by then President and Mrs. far, and went straight to the heart of Congress— (1) designates Friday, November 28, 2008, as Reagan. the global financial system. There is no ‘‘Native American Heritage Day’’; and This campaign is now the oldest and doubt we are seeing now the biggest fi- (2) encourages the people of the United States, largest drug prevention program in the nancial challenge since the Great De- as well as Federal, State, and local govern- Nation, reaching millions of youth pression, and we are also witnessing ments, and interested groups and organizations through Red Ribbon Week events. Red the most remarkable degree of Govern- to observe Native American Heritage Day with Ribbon Week memorializes Agent ment involvement into our financial appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activi- Camarena, and all those who have lost ties, including activities relating to— system since the 1930s. (A) the historical status of Native American their lives in the war on drugs, by edu- It is truly remarkable. Consider the tribal governments as well as the present day cating young people about the dangers list: Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie status of Native Americans; of drug abuse, promoting drug-free ac- Mac, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9187 and AIG. These names used to be con- change that proposal. I believe there is personal income is only 1 percent—the fined to the business pages. Now they more we need to do. 49th lowest in the country. Even that 1- are at the top of the front pages. First, I believe, in the long term, we percent increase is more than wiped I have strong feelings about what need a comprehensive plan, including out by inflation. happened here. During the past 8 years, both a short-term rescue strategy and Home values in the Twin Cities area the financial and economic policies of a long-term approach for economic re- dropped nearly 14 percent in the second this administration have been off covery and rebuilding. quarter of this year compared to last course. They have not managed or led Secondly, we must minimize, as year. Heating costs this winter are ex- the economy in a responsible manner. much as possible, the cost to American pected to increase by double digits. The We have gone from a large budget taxpayers. Private companies that get latest forecast shows that the cost of surplus, left by the Clinton administra- themselves into deep trouble should natural gas is expected to be 17 percent tion, to an even larger budget deficit. not get a free bailout on the backs of higher than it was last winter. Prices This administration has been reckless America’s middle class. for fuel oil are expected to be 23 per- in how it managed Government’s fi- Third, this plan can’t be limited to cent higher. nances, and it has been reckless in how helping Wall Street. We must help the The American people still have faith it managed its responsibility to ensure middle class. We must save Main in our Nation. They know our country a strong, stable financial system. Street from the mistakes of Wall and our economy still have great po- This administration acted as if the Street, and we must address head on tential. We have the talent, the re- rules don’t apply anymore. With loop- the underlying issue of the housing sources, the know-how, the entrepre- holes here and there, they don’t use the market and foreclosure crisis. That neurial spirit, and a passion for innova- regulations. It permitted the large fi- means providing protection and sup- tion. The public is still bullish on nancial institutions to run amok, to port to struggling homeowners and re- America, even though Merrill Lynch turn the economy into a gambling hall, storing confidence in the residential may not be. playing with funny money. Finally, in real estate market. Although our immediate and urgent the 11th hour, the house managers, Finally, if this plan proposes that the goal must be to stabilize the financial Bernanke and Paulson, have been Federal Government come to the res- system and restore confidence, we also asked to step in to shut down the cue of private financial institutions, must spend this week asking those game. then the Government must secure tough questions and making sure we It is hard to exaggerate the mag- greater oversight of how these compa- have some answers and making sure nitude of what has happened. As finan- nies conduct their business going for- the proposals that go through the Con- cial journalist Steven Pearlstein ob- ward. For companies that receive as- gress include those limits I talked served last week: sistance, there should be a limit placed about on executive pay. If we are going This is what a Category 4 financial crisis on dividends. Key executives should to be asking taxpayers in this country looks like. Giant blue-chip financial institu- have a look-back placed in their com- to bear any of this risk, they must in- tions swept away in a matter of days. Banks pensation package, and there should be refusing to lend to other banks. Russia clos- clude a long-term plan for better finan- ing its stock market to stop the panicked a prohibiting of these golden para- cial regulation of these companies. selling. Gold soaring $70 in a single trading chutes. I cannot tell you how angry They must include a focus not just on session. Developing countries’ currencies in this makes me. Look at Lehman Broth- Wall Street but also on Main Street. a free fall. Money-market funds warning ers and their CEO, Richard Fuld. He Mr. President, I yield the floor and they might not be able to return every dollar earned about $45 million. This amounts suggest the absence of a quorum. invested. Daily swings of three, four, five to roughly $17,000 an hour—$17,000 an The PRESIDING OFFICER. The hundred points in the Dow Jones Industrial hour that he earned. Basically, their clerk will call the roll. Average. It’s a painful reminder that, when you firm has been obliterated. The assistant legislative clerk pro- strip away all the complexity and trappings Last year, CEOs of large public com- ceeded to call the roll. from the magnificent new global infrastruc- panies averaged 340 more times the pay Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I ture, finance is still a confidence game—and of the average workers. As Warren Buf- ask unanimous consent that the order once the confidence goes, there’s no telling fet once said—and this is from an arti- for the quorum call be rescinded. when the selling will stop. cle by Nicholas Christopher in the New The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. STA- In some respects, it may look as if all York Times: BENOW). Without objection, it is so or- the action is in New York or Wash- In judging whether corporate America is dered. ington or London or Tokyo. But we serious about reforming itself, CEO pay re- f know the consequences are being felt mains the acid test. everywhere. This is a broad-based fi- As he said in this article, it is a test COMMENDING OLYMPIAN SHAWN nancial crisis. Everyone is affected. If that corporate America is failing. JOHNSON you are trying to buy or sell a home, People can make their money, I sup- Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I you are affected. If you are trying to pose, but once we start, as taxpayers in am going to address two things today. refinance your home, you are affected. the U.S. Government, buying their as- First, I wish to address an Iowan I am If you are trying to get a student loan sets and backing up their assets and very proud of, a person whom, if you for tuition, you are affected. If you are bearing the risk, asking taxpayers to watched the Olympics, you saw on tele- a small business owner trying to ex- do that, then we have something to say vision recently. So I am here today as tend your credit line, you are affected. about this executive compensation, and a proud Iowan and American to tell If you are a farmer trying to buy a new we must say it in any type of a rescue other Americans just how proud I am tractor, you are affected. Maybe the plan. of this Iowan. only people in America not affected are We also have to make sure going for- Millions of Americans tuned in to the those who kept their money in mat- ward that the appropriate financial Olympics this past August and wit- tresses, and we know that is not the regulations are in place, that these nessed phenomenal performances by answer. loopholes are closed. There should be American athletes. I am proud of all Look at what has happened to the changes in corporate governments to the athletes who competed in the middle class in the last 8 years: wages improve the independence of corporate Olympics but especially the 11-member down an average of $2,000 a year. Ex- boards and reduce reckless behavior. Team USA with Iowa ties who rep- penses up $4,400 a year. That is a net There should be limits on speculative resented our country in Beijing. loss of $6,400 a year. That doesn’t in- behavior. One of those exceptional athletes was clude people with babies, and childcare, I know everybody is focused a lot on a fellow Iowan named Shawn Johnson. and afterschool care, and the added ex- Wall Street. But I have to tell you Shawn was a member of the U.S. wom- penses for college—$6,400 a year. We what is happening on Main Street. In en’s gymnastics team who brought need solutions and we need them now. my State of Minnesota, the unemploy- home the silver in the team competi- Secretary Paulson has presented his ment rate is at its highest in 22 years. tion. She went on to win individual proposal, and I believe we need to Minnesota’s second quarter growth in honors too. She won the Silver Medal

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9188 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 both in all-around competition in the ly get to know Shawn until these re- when the Iowa Legislature passed a floor exercise, and she also received the cent Olympics. very important piece of legislation cut- Gold Medal for the balance beam. And Despite losing the all-around com- ting down on the number of labs. Yet that was her favorite event. All Ameri- petition to her U.S. teammate and there were still 240 incidents of clan- cans were proud to see Shawn’s suc- close friend Nastia Luikin, Shawn han- destine labs last year alone. cess, but Iowans are overwhelmingly dled herself with grace, poise, and gen- The Combat Meth Act has been par- proud of the self-described—and these uine happiness. And when Shawn fi- ticularly helpful in cutting down on are not my words, but other people de- nally won the coveted Gold Medal on mom-and-pop meth labs. However, our scribed her as the daredevil with a big the incredibly difficult balance beam, efforts have given rise to new and more smile. her joy was written all over her face. disturbing instances of meth produc- At this year’s Iowa State Fair, the So I take this opportunity for my tion, trafficking, and abuse that are be- famous butter sculpture, which has colleagues and everybody in this coun- coming more prevalent throughout our been a part of the State fair for the try to commend Shawn on her extraor- country. last 45 years—a sculpture made out of dinary performance in the Beijing A case in point can be found in the butter, usually a cow—this year fea- Olympics, not only for medals that she State of Missouri, where police re- tured a cow but also a sculpture of won but for her hard work, her cently made seven meth-related arrests Shawn Johnson. composure, and maturity. I com- in just as many hours in the tiny quiet Shawn is the reigning women’s world pliment her. She did Iowa and America town of Ozark. The house where these gymnastics All-Around Champion, but proud. arrests were made belonged to a 45- year-old grandmother, who was baby- she is also a teenager from West Des f Moines who presently attends Valley sitting her infant grandson while his ILLEGAL DRUGS High School when she is not competing mother was away at school. Upon her around the world. She attends football Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I arrest, she admitted using meth but de- games and school dances and tries to am going to now visit about an issue I nied that she was a dealer. However, live the life of a typical teen. She goes often visit with my colleagues about, while police searched the house, six to class 5 hours each day and then the issue of drugs, because I served more individuals were picked up on trains at Chow’s Gymnastics in her with Senator BIDEN as cochairman of meth-related charges. hometown. With all of this on her the drug caucus. When it was all said and done, three plate, she still manages to get straight As a parent and now grandparent, I children under the age of 3 watched as As. remain deeply concerned about the the police arrested their parent or Her talent is anything but typical. As hazardous environment to which our grandparent for selling or possessing a baby, Shawn skipped the crawling children are exposed. Every day, we see this terrible drug. Sadly, this is not an unusual inci- and went right to walking. She climbed more and more heartbreaking stories dent. We have here a picture of a baby. out of her crib before she was a year of a child being victimized in one way Scenes such as the one depicted on this old. As a toddler, she would build a lad- or another. Some of the most dis- chart are seen throughout the country. der out of toys, scale the entertain- turbing trends involve deadly drugs According to the Drug Enforcement ment center, and jump onto the couch. and our own kids. More specifically, Administration—DEA, as we call it After seeing their daughter’s abun- there is an alarming number of kids around this town—more than 12,000 dant energy and fearlessness, Shawn’s who are being exposed to environments children throughout the country have parents Terri and Doug enrolled her in where illegal drugs are being manufac- been affected, injured, or killed at a tumbling class at age 3, and she tured and sold. Kids are also falling meth lab sites since 2002. Thousands showed promise early on. Her coach at prey to unscrupulous drug dealers who more have been sent to foster homes or Chows Gymnastics in West Des Moines, are disguising highly addictive drugs to were victims of meth-related abuse in Liang Chow, noticed her talents and make them appear as if they were the home during the same period. candy. I believe we have a moral obli- honed those talents. He even submitted In my State of Iowa, the Department gation in this country to ensure our a tape of Shawn to the U.S. women’s of Human Services reports that over gymnastics team coach Marta Karolyi young people have every opportunity 1,000 children over the past 4 years because it is tough for a gymnast to grow up without being accosted by were classified as victims of abuse and training in Iowa to get noticed by a na- drug pushers at every turn, whether it that nearly half of child abuse cases tional team. is on TV in the home or on the way to have been meth-related. In 2006, there Training as an elite athlete did not school. were 107 reported cases of child abuse come cheap, though. Shawn’s parents As a Senator representing a State where meth was manufactured in the eventually mortgaged the family home that has been among the hardest hit by presence of a minor. three times so that their daughter the scourge of methamphetamine Due to the shocking number of chil- could achieve her Olympic dream, and abuse, I have witnessed firsthand how dren who were being victimized by they managed to travel with Shawn to this horrible drug has devastated indi- drugs in one form or another, I joined her international competitions. vidual lives and families. I have seen my colleagues in supporting a bill In June of this year, the disastrous the havoc wreaked on the environment called the Drug Endangered Children floods hit much of Iowa. Shawn was as well as the child welfare system. I Act of 2005. training with the national team, but have listened to the horror stories of This bipartisan legislation estab- her heart was with her fellow Iowans those caught in the grips of addiction. lished a national grant program to sup- who were suffering, especially her This is why I joined a number of my port state Drug Endangered Children— coach. You see, Chow’s Gymnastics, colleagues in passing the Combat Meth DEC programs. These programs assist which is Shawn’s second home, is lo- Act of 2005. This landmark legislation local law enforcement, medical serv- cated near the Raccoon River in West has shown dramatic results in decreas- ices, and child welfare workers to en- Des Moines, and the facility suffered a ing the number of clandestine meth sure that victimized children receive great deal of damage from the flood. labs and increasing methamphetamine proper attention and treatment after Shawn, knowing what this sort of dam- seizures. living in these terrible environments. age could mean for her coach con- While this is certainly welcome news, DEC programs greatly benefit local tinuing to run her business, wrote a particularly for our first responders law enforcement by helping law en- $12,000 check from her endorsements to and local law enforcement community, forcement coordinate in close coopera- help get Chows Gymnastics back up meth labs in our communities are still tion with the Department of Human and running. a reality. For instance, in 2006, there Services. This ensures a seamless cov- Iowans have all known about Shawn were still over 6,400 clandestine meth erage of child welfare and law enforce- and her extraordinary talent—and, of lab incidents throughout the country. ment joint operations. I am pleased to course, her big smile—for a few years In my home State of Iowa, we have report that since this program was im- now, and Iowa knew she would make seen an 88-percent decrease in the num- plemented a large number of commu- them proud. But the world did not real- ber of meth lab incidents since 2004 nities throughout the Nation have

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9189 formed multi-disciplinary alliances for dealers. The DEA recently arrested my colleagues on the Judiciary Com- the benefit of drug-exposed children. three men in an undercover operation mittee overwhelmingly voted in favor There are 16 communities throughout in California where candy flavored co- of reporting this important legislation Iowa that have set up DEC programs caine was being distributed. The DEA to the floor. I urge all of my colleagues and more are in the process of setting seized at least four different flavors of to join us in passing the Saving Kids up additional programs. cocaine along with other dangerous from Dangerous Drugs Act of 2008. Unfortunately, the authorization for substances. The estimated street value I urge all my colleagues to join us— this grant program expired for fiscal of the flavored cocaine seized in this meaning myself and Senator FEIN- year 2008. That is why Senator Fein- operation was over $272,000. STEIN, the main sponsors of the bill—in stein and I introduced S. 1210, the Drug The DEA also arrested 12 people in passing the Saving Kids From Dan- Endangered Children Act of 2007. This connection to a marijuana-laced candy gerous Drugs Act of 2008. legislation would reauthorize this im- operation in 2006. The marijuana-laced I yield the floor. portant grant program for an addi- candy that was seized in this operation The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. tional 2 years to assist States in co- was packaged to look like well-known WHITEHOUSE). The Senator from ordinating law enforcement, medical brand name candy bars. You can see in Vermont is recognized. services, and child welfare efforts to this chart, all the varieties of mari- f ensure children found in such environ- juana-laced candy that this operation ments receive appropriate attention produced. Once again, you can see how FINANCIAL CRISIS and care. The Senate Judiciary Com- it would be difficult for a child to dis- Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I wish mittee unanimously reported this bi- tinguish between these marijuana to say a few words on the crisis about partisan legislation to the floor. I urge candies and the real product. These which everyone in America is talking. my colleagues to join us in support of drug busts further illustrate the fact My phones, both in Vermont and here this important legislation and pass the that drug dealers will stop at nothing in Washington, have been bouncing off Drug Endangered Children Act of 2007. to hook a new generation on these the hook with people who are outraged As cochairman of the Senate Caucus deadly drugs. about the prospect of the middle class on International Narcotics Control, I Due to the growing trend of these bailing out Wall Street. They are tell- can tell you that the most at-risk pop- candy-flavored drugs, I joined Senator ing me: No way; we should not be doing ulation for drug abuse is our young Feinstein in co-sponsoring S. 1211, the that. people. Research has shown time and Saving Kids from Dangerous Drugs Act The current financial crisis facing again that if you keep children drug- of 2008, a bill that ought to currently our country should, in fact, put an end free until they turn 20, chances are move forward. Currently, Federal law to almost any support for the extreme very slim that they will ever try or be- enhances the criminal penalties that rightwing economic policies President come addicted to drugs. Unfortunately, apply when a person sells drugs to any- Bush has been pursuing for the last 8 unscrupulous drug dealers are all too one under the age of 21. When this oc- years and that, in fact, were pursued aware of statistics like these. They curs, the Federal penalties are dou- even before that. have developed new techniques and bled—or tripled for a repeat offense— These policies include, of course, marketing gimmicks to lure in young- and a mandatory minimum of at least huge tax breaks for the very rich under er users. The DEA and the White 1 year must also apply. However, this the guise that that money will trickle House’s Office of National Drug Con- penalty applies only to someone who on down to ordinary people and create trol Policy have recently issued warn- actually sells drugs to someone under a prosperous nation. That certainly has ings about highly addictive and dan- 21. not been the case. gerous drugs being colored, packaged, The Saving Kids from Dangerous Those policies include unfettered free and flavored in ways that appear to at- Drugs Act, as amended in the Judiciary trade, which says it is a good thing for tract use by children. corporate America to be able to throw These drug dealers are flavoring Committee, would expand the cir- drugs with additives to make them cumstances under which these en- American workers out on the street, taste like candy. For instance, some hanced penalties apply to cover the en- move to China, and bring those prod- drugs that have been recovered by the tire operation. Under our bill, the en- ucts back into this country and run up DEA and local law enforcement have hanced penalties that already exist what is now over a $600 billion-a-year been flavored to taste like strawberry. would also apply to anyone over 18 trade deficit. I have two charts just to show you the years of age who knowingly or inten- Last but not least, and pertinent to seriousness of this problem. One of tionally manufactures, creates, distrib- the great financial crisis we are facing these charts is of the popular novelty utes, dispenses or possesses a schedule right now—a crisis which many people candy ‘‘Pop Rocks.’’ The other is of I or II controlled substance that has believe is the most serious financial some strawberry-flavored methamphet- been combined with a candy product, is problem this country has had since the amine, which is known on the street as marketed or packaged as if it were Great Depression of 1929—is the whole ‘‘Strawberry Quick,’’ that was seized similar to a candy product, or has been of deregulation, not only of financial by police during a traffic stop in Mis- modified by flavoring or coloring with services but of energy and many other souri. You can see how similar these the intent to distribute, or sell that sectors in our economy, under the two products appear. It would be very controlled substance to a person under guise that we should have great faith difficult for a child to distinguish be- 21 years of age. The DEA busts are in large financial institutions, that tween these two. prime examples of why we need this bi- they will do the right thing and that Other flavors, such as lemon, coco- partisan bill to keep drug dealers from they will benefit the people of our nut, cinnamon and chocolate are clear- pedaling their poison to our children. country and, in fact, the world. ly being used to make highly addictive The fight against deadly drugs is an We have learned tax breaks for the and dangerous drugs seem less harmful ongoing struggle. We must continue to rich do not filter down but make the and more appealing. These flavored do all we can to protect the most vul- rich richer. We have learned unfettered drugs are also being marketed in nerable among us. We must send a free trade costs us millions of good- smaller amounts, making it cheaper clear message to those wishing to prey paying jobs. We have learned that mas- and more accessible to children. Ac- on our youth that you risk serious pris- sive deregulation, allowing large finan- cording to an article in USA Today, at on time when you target our future. cial institutions to do whatever they least eight States have reported in- The National Narcotics Officers Asso- want to do under the radar screen, will stances involving candy-flavored drugs, ciations Coalition is strongly sup- only hurt our economy and maybe and many law enforcement officials are porting this measure. This organiza- drive it to ruin. expecting these deadly substances to tion represents 69,000 law enforcement In the midst of all this, it is impor- infiltrate their communities in the officers who encounter these terrible tant to understand what has been going near future. substances on a daily basis and work on for ordinary people in this country. Meth is not the only drug that is endlessly to keep our children and Since President Bush has been in of- being flavored or disguised by drug communities safe. I am pleased that fice, nearly 6 million Americans have

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 slipped out of the middle class and into most middle-class Americans knew in- Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and poverty all over this country. In stinctively to be wrong, having told us Morgan Stanley—paid out $39 billion in Vermont, as I suspect in Rhode Island, over and over again how strong the bonuses to themselves. working people are working two jobs; economy was, how robust the economy Wall Street investment bank bonuses husbands and wives who were working was, last week the Secretary of the are larger, just their bonuses, than the are now reduced to going to emergency Treasury basically said in so many gross domestic products of Sri Lanka, food shelves in order to buy groceries words: I guess we made a slight mis- Lebanon, or Bulgaria, and the average they need to take care of their fami- take. The fundamentals are really not bonus—average—of $219,000 is more lies. Since George Bush has been Presi- very strong. In fact, if we do not act on than four times higher than the me- dent, the median family income for the largest bailout in the history of our dian U.S. household income. working Americans has declined by country, and you in Congress can take Why do I raise those issues and give more than $2,000, a huge decrease in a few days to respond, but if you do not those facts? I do that for a very simple the income for the middle class. Since act, there will be a financial meltdown reason; that is, I regard it as an out- President Bush has been in office, more not only in America but all over the rage for anyone to suggest the middle than 6 million Americans have lost world. class of this country, whose standard of their health insurance, over 4 million So year after year, until very re- living is going down, should be forced have lost their pensions, foreclosures cently, either because of incompetence to bail out Wall Street when people on are at an alltime high, consumer debt and not understanding what was going Wall Street have made huge amounts has more than doubled, and today we on in the economy or perhaps dishon- of money in recent years and, in gen- have a national debt which is almost esty and not wanting to let the Amer- eral, as a result of Bush’s reckless and $10 trillion, a debt we are going to be ican people know what was going on in irresponsible economic policies. leaving to our kids and our grand- the economy, we were told everything The wealthiest people have also done children. That is what is happening to was going well. Then they say: Oops, extraordinarily well. What President the middle class under these extreme we made a slight mistake. Actually, we Bush would have us do is to say to the rightwing economic policies. are on the verge of a major financial middle class that is sinking, you pay But in terms of this debate about meltdown and we want Congress to ac- for the bailout caused by Wall Street’s what we do with regard to the current cept a $700 billion bailout, and we do irresponsibility, and we do not have to financial crisis we are facing, it is also not want the Congress to discuss it ask them to do anything. They pay no important to understand not only what very much. We do not want the Con- price at all. is happening to the middle class and gress to change it very much. It has to I regard that as an absolutely unac- the decline of the middle class, it is act immediately because if it doesn’t, ceptable outrage, something we must also important to understand what is terrible things will happen. not allow to happen. I am open to other happening to the people on top, the Well, when we talk about the reasons ideas on this issue, but for me, the bot- wealthiest people in this country. The for the possible need of a bailout, we tom line on this bailout is that the top one-tenth of 1 percent now earns cannot minimize the incredible greed, middle class should not be paying. more income than the bottom 50 per- the ugly greed we have seen among There are a number of ways we can go cent of the American people: One-tenth many of the wealthiest people in this forward to protect the middle class. I of 1 percent, bottom 50 percent. The country in the last few years, not least have suggested a 5-year, 10-percent tax top 1 percent now owns more wealth of all the people on Wall Street. on incomes over $1 million a year for than the bottom 90 percent. This coun- Let me give you some examples. In couples, and $500,000 for single tax- try has the most unequal distribution 2005, Henry Paulson, our now Secretary payers. That would raise more than of wealth and income than since just of the Treasury, was then the CEO of $300 billion in revenue. before the Great Depression in the Goldman Sachs. He received, in 2005, a That begins the process of saying to 1920s. $38 million bonus. At that time, that the wealthiest people who have bene- Mr. President, the wealthiest 400 peo- was the largest bonus ever given to a fitted from Bush’s reckless policies: ple in our country, since President Wall Street CEO. You have to step to the plate, and this Bush has been in office, have seen their In December of 2006, John Mack, the is not going to be on the middle class wealth increase by $670 billion. Let me CEO of Morgan Stanley, broke Mr. to provide the money for the bailout— repeat that in case people are kind of Paulson’s record by receiving a $40 mil- this money, by the way, which is $2,200 scratching their heads because this is lion bonus—a bonus. This is on top of for every woman, man, and child in such an extraordinary number. The other forms of compensation. this country and, a family of four, wealthiest 400 people—that is not a Not to be outdone, Lloyd Blankfein, close to $9,000. whole lot of people—in our country the new CEO of Goldman Sachs, re- In addition, we have to ensure that have seen their wealth increase by $670 ceived a $53 million bonus later that assets purchased from banks are real- billion since President Bush has been month. In 2007, 1 year ago, Mr. istically discounted so companies are in office. Blankfein, the CEO of Goldman Sachs not rewarded for their risky behavior In the midst of all of that, while the shattered his own record by receiving a and taxpayers can recover the amount rich become phenomenally richer, $68 million bonus. they pay for them. President Bush lowered taxes on the In October of 2007, E. Stanley O’Neal, Thirdly, we must require that the very wealthy so they are now paying the former chief executive of Merrill taxpayers receive equity stakes in the lower income tax rates than teachers, Lynch—I think we all know what has bailed-out companies so the assump- nurses, policemen, firemen, than peo- happened to Merrill Lynch very re- tion of risk is rewarded when a com- ple in the middle class. cently—collected a severance package pany’s stock goes up. We are going to I raise that issue for a very simple worth an estimated $161 million. buy this stuff, and as stocks go up we reason. Secretary Paulson, rep- Angelo Mozilo, the former CEO of should benefit from that. In addition, resenting the Bush administration, Countrywide—we know what happened at a time when the middle class has so which year after year until a few to Countrywide—received a severance many serious problems; when people in months ago was telling us how robust package of about $110 million. That my State and in the State of the Sen- and strong the economy was—I remem- was on top of $140 million in Country- ator from Rhode Island are worried ber, as a member of the Budget Com- wide stock that he sold off during 2006 about how they are going to be able to mittee, having Secretary Paulson in and 2007. Mozilo was also paid $48 mil- heat their homes this winter; when front of us not very long ago telling us lion in 2006. millions of middle-class families are the economy was marvelous. Mar- In 2007, here is perhaps—when we worried about how they are going to be velous. talk about Wall Street greed and when able to send their kids to college; at a In late July of this year, President we talk about Wall Street bonuses—the time when our infrastructure is col- Bush himself said the foundations of most outrageous fact out there, which lapsing, and we have the potential to the economy were strong. That was on is that in 2007 Wall Street’s five biggest create millions of jobs rebuilding our July 31. So after having told us what firms—Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, bridges, our roads, our rail systems; at

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9191 a time when we must move from fossil more than the war in Iraq has cost, and lems, and we have to act, act, act. Ex- fuels to energy efficiency and sustain- it is an extraordinary thing. actly what are those problems that re- able energy and create large numbers I do not know the answer. I am not a quire us to act so fast? of jobs in that area as well; we need a master of the universe. I have used the Secondly, I think our action should major economic recovery program phrase sometimes: Masters of the Uni- be respectful of the marketplace, and which puts millions of Americans to verse. Understand that if this legisla- let’s try to do what would restore in- work dealing with the many unmet tion, as was proposed, were to become tegrity in the marketplace. I don’t needs facing our country. law, we would have one single master think it is necessary that we need more In addition, to my mind, any serious of the universe, almost, the Secretary regulation as much as we need better, piece of legislation dealing with this of Treasury. more appropriate regulation. I would bailout must include language which I think this Congress has a responsi- note that my colleague, Senator undoes the damage caused by excessive bility here. I want to say that. I know SHELBY, the ranking Republican on the deregulation. That means reinstalling now is not the time to go into a lot of Banking Committee and former chair- regulatory firewalls that were ripped detail, but I want to say this Congress man, has fought for years to have more down in 1999. And, lastly—not lastly has a responsibility, and we are not control over Freddie and Fannie and because I think many other people free to dust our hands and say: Mr. Sec- their activities, as the Wall Street have other good ideas as well, but the retary, you have all the power you Journal noted recently. last point that I want to make tonight want to buy and sell private corpora- I urge my colleagues: Let’s take is a very important point. tions, to spend up to $700 billion, and some time. We got into this in large We are where we are today because of we are all going to be happy about it. part by some bad government policies the doctrine of ‘‘too big to fail.’’ The We think you can fix it, and we will go and actions. I think we can all admit assumption is that if we allow these home and do our campaigning. I think that. The government is going to have huge institutions to fail, they take we have a bigger responsibility than to take action. I recognize that. But I down the entire economy and virtually that. think it is important that when we act all of our people suffer. I wish to say—and I have great re- on a matter of this size and this impor- I would respond to that in the future spect for Secretary Paulson, I do—I tance, we take enough time to under- by saying that if an institution is too would want to know more about the stand what is in it and do the right big to fail, that institution is too big to nature of the crisis we are facing. I thing, not the political thing in this exist. I should tell you that I have seri- know we have a serious crisis. I wish to political season. ous concerns right now about the Bank know why we cannot slow down a little I thank the Chair for the opportunity of America swallowing up Country- bit and think this thing through. That to share those thoughts. I know there wide, swallowing up Merrill Lynch. If is the tradition of the Senate, the sau- are some fine Members of this Senate they were to be teetering, does anyone cer that cools. But we are hearing: It is worried right now who are wrestling have any doubt that there would have a crisis, and you politicians will mess with these issues. I, for one, believe to be a massive bailout for that bank? it up. Go on and get out of the way and that maybe a little slower action, a lit- But it is not only the Bank of America. vote this thing out and we will take tle more thought, may turn out to be I think we have to take a very hard care of it. But that implicates the sepa- better in the long run than a panicky look at these huge institutions, which, ration of powers to an extraordinary response. if they fail, could impact the entire degree and may well be adverse in the I thank the Chair and yield the floor, economy. I think we need to start long run. The proposal certainly was and I note the absence of a quorum. doing something that was talked about not greeted by Wall Street today as an The PRESIDING OFFICER. The in the early part of the 20th century indication of a solid fix. The market clerk will call the roll. about breaking up these huge institu- dropped again, and people apparently The legislative clerk proceeded to tions. thought it would weaken the dollar and call the roll. There is a lot of work that has to be that is the reason oil prices increased. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- done in the near future. But for me, the So this is a matter we need to think imous consent that the order for the bottom line is that at a time when the about. quorum call be rescinded. wealthiest people made out like ban- I urge my colleagues on the relevant The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without dits under Bush’s reckless economic committees and the leadership on the objection, it is so ordered. policies, while at the same time the Republican side in the Senate and the f middle class declined, it would be abso- Democratic side: Let’s not be stam- ORDER OF PROCEDURE lutely grotesque to ask the middle peded here. Let’s ask good questions. I class of this country to pay for this am one who is not adverse to taking Mr. REID. Mr. President, the deci- bailout. action, appropriate action, but I think sion has been made that we are going I yield the floor and suggest the ab- we need to not be stampeded. It is a bit to try to work with Dr. COBURN tomor- sence of a quorum. hubris to think one person can fix it all row to see if we can get part of the 34 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and somehow that person can stand in bills he has held up for long periods of clerk will call the roll. the middle of all of the market forces time, to see if we can get some of those The legislative clerk proceeded to and rebalance them. Do we believe in passed by unanimous consent. There is call the roll. the market or not? a possibility that we can get 8 or 10 of Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I ask One socialist is reported to have said them done and if we could, that would unanimous consent that the order for when asked: What is socialism: It is the be very nice. If we can’t, we will wait the quorum call be rescinded. ability to control the commanding until next year when we have more op- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without heights of the economy. Well, financial portunity to do things such as this and objection, it is so ordered. institutions are one commanding less problems of people holding things f height of the economy. Who are we not up. So we are going to do the best we giving control of that over to? can. THE ECONOMY I think in a fundamental sense, the f Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I goals I believe we should have would be know the country is focusing on and we first to protect the interests of the tax- 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF MALDEF are all concerned about the state of the payers before we spend in a manner of Mr. REID. Mr. President, I rise to economy and some of the proposals days an amount of money equal to and call the attention of the Senate to the that are being raised to fix that, in- in excess of the war in Iraq—almost 40th anniversary of the leading Latino cluding the proposal from the Sec- one-third of our annual expenditures. litigation, advocacy, community edu- retary of Treasury and the administra- Let’s protect the taxpayers. How do we cation, and outreach organization in tion for a $700 billion expenditure. That do that? We need to find out more the United States. The Mexican Amer- is almost one-third of the entire gov- about the problems. We are told there ican Legal Defense and Educational ernmental expenditure this year. It is are grave problems, problems, prob- Fund, MALDEF, celebrates 40 years of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 protecting and promoting the civil Reno, Mike is a devoted and active The World War II Memorial was dedi- rights of Latinos in the United States. member of his community. In addition cated in 2004, nearly 60 years after our MALDEF’S service to the Latino to his time on the Elko County Com- troops returned home. It sits, appro- community is exemplary; they utilize mission, he has also served on the Elko priately, between the Washington multiple strategies to foster sound pub- County Planning Commission and was Monument and the Lincoln Memorial— lic policies, laws, and programs that se- mayor of Wells, NV. He has contributed reflecting the same principles of cour- cure the civil rights of Latinos. Their to Elko County as a 35-year business age and valor that were embodied by work on employment, education, immi- owner, a realtor, and a horse and cattle these two great Presidents. The legacy gration, political access, language, and owner. of the World War II veterans who de- public resource equity issues is pivotal With an unyielding commitment to fended those principles from enemies of to the advancement and progress of the public safety, Mike served as the Sher- freedom is not only preserved by this Latino community in the United iff Department’s liaison, fought to memorial, but it is honored each day in States. bring a juvenile justice facility to Elko the sacrifices of American troops who Over its rich 40-year history, County, and served on the Central Dis- continue to do the same for our Nation MALDEF has been led by some of the patch Administrative Authority board. in the war on terror. best and brightest Hispanic leaders He has also given his time as a U.S. As Americans, we are forever in- who paved the way for excellence in Forest Service and BLM Liaison, on debted to the brave men and women of nonprofit leadership. Thanks to the the Metropolis Dam Rehabilitation the United States military who defend fine leadership of Mario Obledo, board, and as a board member for the this great Nation. The veterans of MALDEF’s first president and general Heart Project, a tire recycling project. World War II made tremendous sac- counsel; Antonia Hernandez, who Mike has also worked hard to bring rifices so that we could continue to live served MALDEF for 23 years; and John the citizens of Elko County together— in prosperity and freedom and for that Trasvin˜ a, MALDEF’s current president no matter how far-flung they may be. they are more than deserving of their and general counsel, we have much to Good communication is essential in title as the ‘‘greatest generation.’’ celebrate. MALDEF’s leadership is rural Nevada, and Mike made an effort I would ask that my colleagues join heard throughout the nation from their to bridge gaps between larger commu- me in honoring these Kentucky vet- headquarters in Los Angeles, to San nities and the outlying towns. As a erans: Antonio, Chicago, Washington, DC, part of this plan, he helped organize WORLD WAR II VETERANS Houston, and Sacramento. rural commission meetings so that the Henry Alford; Salvator Amato; Fairel Bai- During these especially hard times concerns of the unincorporated com- ley; Harlan Barton; Woodrow Bryant; Wilbur for our Latino brothers and sisters, munities could be heard. Mike also Cannon; Charles Carveth; Clarence Cox; when the anti-immigrant sentiment is served on the Elko County Fair Board, Richard Dolan; Luther Drury; Francis Fleck; at its highest, MALDEF has been fight- and established the annual Elko Coun- John Frantz; William Glye; Sam Goldstein; ing to challenge breaches in voting ty Employee Picnic to recognize and Eugene Haag; James Harrison; James Hunt; rights, workplace discrimination, ac- thank county employees for their hard Paul Jones; James Lenihan; William Lippy. cess to justice, and educational access. work to support Elko County. Beverly Miller; Bobby Morgan; Ernest Mor- Elko County has prospered under gan; James Nicholson; Lewis Perciful; James In 2006, MALDEF went before the U.S. Plummer; Carl Rapson; Shirrelle Render; Supreme Court and successfully chal- Mike’s leadership, and although he is Harold Senior; Evan Shelby; Donald Stevens; lenged a congressional redistricting retiring, the benefits of his service will Wayne Tabor; Willard Thomas; Ernest Wag- plan that discriminated against Latino be felt for years to come. One of his ner; Phillip Wells; James West, Jr.; Elmer voters in Texas. Most recently, long-held goals has been to see a new Whitaker; Cecil Williams; Gilbert Yunt. MALDEF won a case that will require administration building for the county, f the Texas Education Agency to fix the and ground was recently broken on this INTERNET SERVICES USAGE State’s English Language Learner, project, which should be completed by RULES AND POLICIES ELL, programs in secondary schools 2011. Additionally, Mike continues to and restore educational equity for our work on a project to restore the Bishop Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I Latino students. Creek Dam so that it may be used for wish to inform all Senators that on I commend the Mexican American recreational and agricultural needs in Friday, September 19, 2008, the Com- Legal Defense and Educational Fund the county. mittee on Rules and Administration for their 40-year commitment to the After many years of service, Mike approved amendments to the U.S. Sen- Hispanic community. Their record of will enjoy retirement with his wife ate Internet Services Usage Rules and legal representation, advocacy, and Lois and their children and grand- Policies. These regulations are effec- educational outreach has indisputably children. I am grateful for his service tive immediately. improved the quality of life and oppor- and proud to honor him and his The regulations were amended to ac- tunities of all Latinos in the U.S. It is achievements. commodate Senate offices interested in through the hard work of organizations f utilizing social networking sites. I wish like MALDEF that we will be able to to emphasize that all Senate Web sites COMMENDING HONOR FLIGHT overcome social and economic inequal- must be located in the senate.gov host ities faced by Americans of different Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I domain, except for the exceptions spec- ethnic and racial backgrounds. would like to speak briefly about a spe- ified in A3 of the regulations. cial group of Kentuckians who visited f Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- our Nation’s capitol last month. In Au- sent to have the amended regulations RETIREMENT OF CHARLES gust, 39 World War II veterans from the printed in the RECORD. MICHAEL ‘‘MIKE’’ NANNINI, JR. Commonwealth visited the memorial There being no objection, the mate- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I rise today which they inspired on the National rial was ordered to be printed in the to recognize my friend Charles Michael Mall. These heroes were able to make RECORD, as follows: ‘‘Mike’’ Nannini, a dedicated public this trip because of the Honor Flight U.S. SENATE INTERNET SERVICES USAGE servant who retired last month after 16 Program, a nonprofit organization RULES AND POLICISE years of service to Nevada as an Elko which transports surviving World War A. SCOPE AND RESPONSIBILITY county commissioner. II veterans from around the country to 1. Senate Internet Services (‘‘World Wide Mr. Nannini was first elected in 1992 see their memorial free of charge. Be- Web and electronic mail, blogs, podcasting, and has since completed four terms as cause Congress was out of session dur- streaming media, etc.’’) may only be used for county commissioner for District 1. ing their visit, I was back home in Ken- official purposes. The use of Senate Internet When he retired in August, Mike was tucky. As a result, I was unable to par- Services for personal, promotional, commer- serving as the chair of the commis- ticipate in this Honor Flight event as I cial, or partisan political/campaign purposes is prohibited. sion—a position he held numerous have in others before it. However, I 2. Members of the Senate, as well as Com- times throughout his tenure. hope to have the opportunity to meet mittee Chairmen and Officers of the Senate A long-time resident of Nevada and a more of these inspirational veterans on may post to the Internet Servers informa- graduate of the University of Nevada, future Bluegrass Honor Flight trips. tion files which contain matter relating to

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their official business, activities, and duties. c. Reports of how or when a Senator, the D. MISCELLANEOUS All other offices must request approval from Senator’s spouse, or any other member of Domains and Names (URL)—Senate enti- the Committee on Rules and Administration the Senator’s family spends time other than ties must reside exclusively on Senate.gov before posting material on the Internet In- in the performance of, or in connection with, domains, subject to the exceptions noted in formation Servers. the legislative, representative, and other of- (A)(3). The URL name for an official Senate 3. Websites covered by this policy must be ficial functions of such Senator is prohibited. Website located in the Senate.gov domain located in the Senate.gov host-domain. d. Any transmission expressing holiday must: a. Exceptions: A Member, Committee or greetings from a Senator is prohibited. This 1. Member sites—contain the Senator’s last Officer of the Senate (‘‘Office’’) may sepa- prohibition does not preclude an expression name. rately maintain websites or channels or oth- of holiday greetings at the commencement 2. Committee sites—contain the name of erwise post material on third-party websites or conclusion of an otherwise proper trans- the committee. that are available to the general public sub- mission. 3. Officer sites—contain the name of the of- ject to Senate Rules, Regulations, Standing 3. Promotional Matter fice. Orders and Statutes governing Senate oper- a. The solicitation of funds for any purpose ations, including the prohibition on using is prohibited. Senate internet resources for personal, pro- b. The placement of logos or links used for f motional, commercial, or partisan political/ personal, promotional, commercial, or par- campaign purposes. tisan political/campaign purposes is prohib- INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE To provide assistance and guidance to Of- ited. Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I want fices, the Rules and Administration Com- C. RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF INTERNET mittee may provide a non-exhaustive list of SERVICES to take some time to remind our col- examples of third-party websites that, at the leagues, and indeed all Americans, that time they are reviewed by the Committee, 1. During the 60-day period immediately preceding the date of any primary or general yesterday, September 21, 2008, was the agree: International Day of Peace. The United a. to provide naming protocols or other election (whether regular, special, or runoff) methods that will enable the public to know for any national, state, or local office in Nations and its member states unani- when a site or channel is maintained by an which the Senator is a candidate, no Member mously established an International office; may solicit constituent input or inquiries Day of Peace in 1981. However it was b. not to add personal, promotional, com- (such as online petitions or opinion polls or not until 2001 that September 21 was mercial or partisan political/campaign-re- issue alerts) using a Senate Internet Server agreed to as the permanent date. Ac- lated content or links to an Office-main- (‘‘World Wide Web and electronic mail, blogs, podcasting, streaming media, etc.’’), unless cording to the U.N. resolution, the tained website or channel; and International Day of Peace should be c. not to use data gathering tools on an Of- the candidacy of the Senator in such election fice-maintained website or channel that is uncontested. devoted to commemorating and allow for collecting personal information on 2. Electronic mail may not be transmitted strengthening the ideals of peace both users and distributing it to outside parties. by a Member during the 60-day period before within and among all nations and peo- b. If the use of a particular website is de- the date of the Member’s primary or general ples. I applaud Governor Chet Culver termined to pose a possible threat to the se- election unless it is in response to a direct for his proclamation affirming Iowa’s curity of the Senate’s computer network, the inquiry. Exceptions to this moratorium in- observance of International Peace Day. clude the following: press release distribu- Committee on Rules and Administration re- And, at this time, I would like to do serves the right to direct offices to cease tion to press organizations and email to per- using these websites until the issue can be form administrative communication. Direct my own part to mark this day, espe- resolved. inquiries do not include a request to be cially on the behalf of the many Iowans c. The Rules Committee shall require the added to a mailing list, subscription list, or who are committed to the ideals of removal of a website or channel maintained other request to receive future mailings. peace. by the Member on such third-party website During the 60-day period, electronic news Unfortunately, this may be Inter- or channel at the end of a Member’s term. letters may not be sent out. national Peace Day, but sadly our lead- 3. During the 60-day period immediately 4. It is the responsibility of each Senator, ers are faced with numerous challenges Committee Chairman (on behalf of the com- before the date of a biennial general Federal mittee), Officer of the Senate, or office head election, no Member may solicit constituent around the world that undermine the to oversee the use of the Internet Services by input or inquiries (such as online petitions ideal of peace. The United States is in his or her office and to ensure that the use of or opinion polls, issue alerts or request to be the sixth year of a devastating war in the services is consistent with the require- added to newsletter mailing lists electronic Iraq, a war of choice that was launched ments established by this policy and applica- or otherwise, on behalf of another Senator preemptively by the current U.S. ad- ble laws and regulations. who is a candidate for election, unless the ministration. The Middle East is in 5. Official records may not be placed on the candidacy of the Senator in such election is turmoil. We have an ongoing genocide Internet Servers unless otherwise approved uncontested. by the Secretary of the Senate and prepared 4. An uncontested candidacy is established in Darfur. A dictator still clings to in accordance with Section 501 of Title 44 of when the Rules Committee receives written power in Zimbabwe by indefinitely the United States Code. Such records in- certification from the appropriate state offi- postponing, without explanation, clude, but are not limited to: bills, public cial that the Senator’s candidacy may not be scheduled meetings to discuss the im- laws, committee reports, and other legisla- contested under state law. Since the can- plementation of a power-sharing agree- tive materials. didacy of a Senator who is running for re- ment, despite the fanfare surrounding B. POSTING OR LINKING TO THE FOLLOWING election from a state which permits write-in its signing. Russia continues its illegal MATTER IS PROHIBITED votes on elections day without prior reg- presence in Georgia. HIV/AIDS and ma- 1. Political Matter istration or other advance qualification by the candidate may be contested, such a laria continue to ravage the continent a. Matter which specifically solicits polit- of Africa. Millions of children are ical support for the sender or any other per- Member is subject to the above restrictions. son or political party, or a vote or financial 5. If a Member is under the restrictions as forced to work in abusive conditions— assistance for any candidate for any political defined in subtitle C, paragraph (1), above, in many cases, as outright slaves—and office is prohibited. the following statement must appear on the are denied an education. Drought and b. Matter which mentions a Senator or an homepage: (‘‘Pursuant to Senate policy, rising food prices are causing even employee of a Senator as a candidate for po- newsletters, petitions, opinion polls and more hunger and famine in some of the litical office, or which constitutes election- issue alerts and other electronic communica- world’s poorest places. eering, or which advocates the election or tions cannot be initiated by this office for the 60-day period immediately before the But a true commitment to peace is defeat of any individuals, or a political party not measured by a proclamation or by is prohibited. date of a primary or general election.’’). The 2. Personal Matter words ‘‘Senate Policy’’ must be hypertext high-minded speeches on 1 day of the a. Matter which by its nature is purely per- linked to the Internet services policy on the year. It takes more than good inten- sonal and is unrelated to the official business Senate Home Page. tions and high ideals. What it takes is activities and duties of the sender is prohib- 6. A Senator’s homepage may not refer or the hard work of diplomacy, people-to- ited. be hypertext linked to another Member’s site people exchanges, and active, assertive b. Matter which constitutes or includes or electronic mail address without author- peace movements in each country. any article, account, sketch, narration, or ization from that Member. other text laudatory and complimentary of 7. Any Links to Information not located on I agree whole-heartedly with recent any Senator on a purely personal or political a Senate Internet Server must be identified remarks made by Secretary of Defense basis rather than on the basis of performance as a link to a non-Senate entity, subject to Robert Gates. He said our institutions of official duties as a Senator is prohibited. the exceptions noted in (A)(3). of diplomacy and development have

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9194 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 been chronically undermanned and un- America is strongest when we lead away. There are lots of things people can do derfunded relative to our military ex- not by force of arms but by our demo- to consume less. More public transportation penditure. I came across a sobering sta- cratic and moral example. It takes a is a must and would be a lot cheaper in more tistic along these lines just the other ways than one, than more nuclear power sustained effort to understand our ad- plants. More bike-friendly places and bike day. In this country we have more mu- versaries and, if at all possible, to re- paths would get people riding. The commu- sicians in military bands than we do solve our differences peacefully. The nities/cities of Idaho would be a much better members of the Foreign Service. International Day of Peace allows peo- place to live that have walk/bike friendly What are our priorities? We spend ple to think about redoubling our dip- road/ shoulders. So this is how high fuel nearly $1 billion a year on military lomatic efforts and reducing violence. prices have affected me in Idaho. We all need academies to train our best and bright- I look forward to a time, hopefully to get out of our cars and enjoy the scenery! est young people to make war. But we not too far in the future, that will Thanks, LYNN, Rathdrum. spend almost nothing to train our truly be a day of peace. But let us re- cadre of diplomats to use diplomacy to member that peace is not merely the I am an owner/operator truck driver. It is strengthen peace around the world. cessation or absence of hostilities. The getting real hard to make a living out here Mr. President, I have long been com- ideals of peace require us to practice on the road. The price of fuel is almost to mitted to finding peaceful solutions to understanding, tolerance, and honor- the point of shutting this country down. I conflicts. That is why I was present at able compromise. The ideals of peace have just a few more payments left on my the creation of the U.S. Institute of truck . At this point, I cannot make a full require us to look upon our fellow Peace. Throughout our long history, payment on my truck each month. So it is human beings and to see them as our America has been proud of its strong, going to take even longer to get the job brothers and sisters. The ideals of well-led military. And this outstanding done. When I get the truck paid off, I am peace require us to reject unprovoked military leadership is no accident. It is afraid, like many others, I will have to park aggression and violence as acceptable my truck. I cannot haul freight for nothing. possible because we maintain pres- instruments of national policy. I do not enjoy it that much. I use to stay out tigious, world-class military academies So, Mr. President, on this day after 4–6 weeks at a time; now, I have to stay out that train some of the best and bright- the International Day of Peace, I sa- 2 months or longer and still cannot keep the est minds in America in the art and payments caught up. But I am so exhausted lute the many good people in Iowa, science of war. that I have to take a few days off. This only But Americans also have a long his- across America, and around the world makes me farther behind. Thanks for the tory as a peace-loving people. Time and who devote themselves 365 days a year help! again, we have brokered peace agree- to the cause of peace and nonviolence. DANNY. ments between warring nations, and we The world is a better place because of their activism and engagement. Almost half our state of Idaho is rural, and have intervened to head off potential much is in BLM Land. So, to get to Idaho conflicts. The Institute of Peace draws f cities requires driving long stretches of high- on this proud tradition and today way or two-lane roads. I have to drive to makes a vital intellectual investment IDAHOANS SPEAK OUT ON HIGH Garden Valley every weekend from Boise, in the art and science of peacemaking ENERGY PRICES and sometimes I have to go there two or by engaging with the Iraqi people to Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, in mid- three times per week. At 60 miles one way build peace from the community level. June, I asked Idahoans to share with and 120 miles roundtrip, we have seen our Addressing worldwide hunger is cru- me how high energy prices are affect- gasoline bill nearly double. Next to our cial for ensuring the health of people in mortgage payment, gasoline expense has be- ing their lives, and they responded by come our second highest cost in our house- developing countries and maintaining the hundreds. The stories, numbering hold. I get raises very infrequently, so this peace throughout the world. The U.S. over 1,000, are heartbreaking and has shot our budget. We do not shop as much is a major contributor to international touching. To respect their efforts, I am and we have stopped going out to eat or go food aid by providing, on average for submitting every e-mail sent to me to any entertainment. This, in turn, has hurt the last 6 years, roughly 55 percent of through [email protected] our economy. I listened to the Governor of Montana say annual total food aid provided to low- .gov to the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. he has enough coal and oil along with the income and developing countries. I be- This is not an issue that will be easily lieve we can still do more. That is why major oil finds in the Dakotas to virtually resolved, but it is one that deserves im- replace the dependence we are placing on for- I worked hard to strengthen food aid mediate and serious attention, and Ida- eign energy, but our own red tape has ham- programs in the 2002 and 2008 farm bills hoans deserve to be heard. Their sto- strung our domestic energy companies from and continue to support expansion of ries not only detail their struggles to developing these resources. Why? It is past our food aid efforts. meet everyday expenses, but also have time to drill in ANWR. Let us get that roll- During my tenure in the Senate, I suggestions and recommendations as to ing now—we have better technology to mini- have consistently championed food aid what Congress can do now to tackle mize the environmental impact than any other nation on earth. The time is ripe to programs such as Public Law 480, title this problem and find solutions that II, also known as the Food for Peace even consider re-introducing the 55 MPH last beyond today. I ask that today’s speed limit again. I am ready to vote for na- Program. Title II is extremely impor- letters be printed in the RECORD. tant in providing U.S. food developing tionalizing oil, natural gas, and electricity. You asked for comments on how the fuel These three resources have got to be sta- countries meet humanitarian needs costs have affected me. It has been good for bilized for our nation to stay in good eco- arising from emergencies or for use in my health. The high fuel prices have gotten nomic health. By not stabilizing these three development projects. me back on my bicycle, and I am enjoying it resources, we are headed for economic ruin. I am also a strong advocate and was very much. I put baskets on my bike to carry Right now, corn is up so high for the eth- a lead sponsor of the McGovern-Dole supplies and groceries, and it works very anol that farmers are producing that they International Food for Education and well. When I see people driving three or four are not selling corn for food. Cattle are not Child Nutrition Program established in blocks to get coffee or ice cream or beer or getting enough feed to eat, so ranchers are the 2002 farm bill, which was reauthor- whatever, and then listen to them complain planning to mass sell off their herds, which about how much fuel costs them, I have a will temporarily glut the marketplace then ized in the 2008 farm bill. The McGov- hard time with that. I drive a lot less than I beef will soar in cost. Our airplane and auto- ern-Dole program encourages edu- used to, and am hoping the rest of the coun- motive situation has nosedived, and the va- cation and provides food to improve try will follow suite. I turned my thermostat cation industry is failing. Private truckers nutrition in developing countries for down this past winter, and my bills went are parking their rigs and even selling them preschoolers and school-aged children down even with rising costs. Putting a to Russia, so when gas and diesel prices come and their families through the use of sweater on is easy. As people comment when down, the trucking industry will not recover. both in-school programs and take- they see my baskets full of groceries, most of Of course, the housing market is dying with home rations. I believe that it is essen- them say they should do that. I am won- the subprime mortgage mess, and banks do dering why they are not. Instead they go to tial to fully fund food aid programs not have the necessary reserves on hand to the gym and burn gas getting there and back even lend more money though the Fed has which help to promote a safe and to get a workout. Why not walk or ride a lowered the interest rates to 2%. healthy diet for people in developing bike? Hopefully, folks will start thinking Frankly, unless some or all of the oil and countries, and will ultimately make about how far away their job is and try to natural gas industry is immediately nation- the world a safer place to live. live within a short commute or bike ride alized, I fear we are economically doomed

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9195 and will lead the whole world into an eco- cient vehicles for the modern day public. teaching my kids to enjoy what our state has nomic recession/depression. Please kill any Take the time to view the DVD, ‘‘Who Killed to offer. I am a married father of three kids, legislation regarding carbon capping. There the Electric Car?’’ It tells what happened to hoping for a couple more. I work as an ac- is no way there is enough CO2 in the world to the electric car. It is available in the countant and, for the last two-and-a-half cause global warming. With CO2 only com- Kootenai/Shoshone public library system. half years, my wife has stayed home to raise prising .05% of the atmosphere, even dou- developed an electric car our kids. It was a giant leap of faith for us bling, tripling, its concentration will not in the late ’90’s, 2000’s that was leased to to go from two incomes down to one. We sac- cause global warming, but sunspot flare ac- drivers in California. Each driver loved their rificed a lot of the little luxuries but have tivity surely can and does cause global car. Had fun with it and it was economical to been blessed by being able to teach our kids. warming. Over 21,000 scientists now agree drive with rechargeable batteries. Some As a result, my eldest daughter, who is in this is true versus 2,500 who disagree. We models even recharged as they were driven. second grade, has excelled in school. She and have got to wake up and take action to- They did not even need to be parked to be re- her siblings love to learn. As the general gether. Thanks for asking for our opinion. charged. They were economical, easy to costs of living have increased, I made the de- HERMAN. maintain and sensible to drive. What hap- cision to pick up a paper route to help build pened to them? They were taken away from our savings. I spent many years in college If the U.S. government reduced some of the the drivers/leasee & destroyed/crushed!!!! And before finally graduating from BSU in 2005. huge amounts of oil held in reserve, the price that under much protest! Our savings was depleted. Just as we thought Some of these things we’ve done to our- of oil would immediately fall. I just cannot we were going to get ahead, the gas prices selves, but other things the American public understand why such action has not been started going up. The speed at which they in- taken and can only conclude that [partisan does not have many choices when it comes to what we drive. I will tell you this all these creased has not allowed wages to follow. I or illegal actions may be behind the price still throw papers, but the amount of money fixing.] SUV’s on the highway are a disgrace to econ- omy. And legislation was giving a tax break I can earn is much lower. My route requires Regards, me driving over 40 miles each day. This is on BILL. if you went out and purchased one a few years ago. Tell me, what kind of economic top of my 17-mile each way commute to sense does that make??? They’re just a pack work. There is little to no public transpor- As a single father and college student, I tation here, and my commute is a bit longer pay over $500 per month in child support. I of gas guzzlers!!! Thanks again for the opportunity to sound than a bike ride. Cost of living has risen dra- am barely making it and I depend on student matically requiring me to use the money loans to even survive. I cannot afford to be off a bit! TIFFANY, St. Maries. earned from newspaper delivery to help sup- paying outrageous prices for gas. I have er- plement our budget to pay bills. Travel plans rands to run everyday. If this continues, I do I am 63-years-old and last year, right be- this spring and summer have been canceled not know what I can do to keep a roof over fore the prices went out of control, already due to the price of fuel. The number of trips my head and feed my children when I have had purchased an electric bike to use to get I will be able to take to get in some fly fish- them. Please, we cannot ignore this price to work. Fortunately, I only live a little over ing will be cut as well. What I would like to gouging. a mile away and can use this bike that goes see is a short term help but long term solu- DOUG. 15 miles an hour. My determination to ride tion. While an increase in domestic supply this bike increased as the hot days turned will begin to stabilize prices, it will not be a Thanks, Senator Crapo, for this oppor- into colder ones and I was able to ride my long term solution due to the volatile OPEC. tunity to share my opinions and stories bike through November so I would not have We need alternative energy solutions and an about the high cost of fuels and how it is af- to fill the pick-up with gas too much. Gov- increase in public transportation. I hope that fecting my immediate family. ernment wants us to recycle to help the en- our countries leaders can keep an open eye Two weeks ago, my husband finally broke vironment and I am all for it, but when we to all sources of power. INL has long been a down and called our fuel oil dealer to order try to do our part, we do not get any help in great source for nuclear power but it seems 100 gallons of stove oil. It has been a cool return. If you do get an electric car which no that too many people are scared to work spring. We have been wearing extra sweaters one can afford but the wealthy. with. The Integral Fast Reactor was shut and jackets to be warm inside our home! The I see my single parent daughter trying to down during the Clinton era and years of price for that was $450, and that did not fill commute and make ends meet and it gets in- technology was lost. We must find a better up our tank. This is the end of winter; what creasingly difficult because with gas prices solution. is stove oil going to cost in the fall, next she goes with less food for family, etc. JOE, Boise. winter? Not so long ago stove oil was pennies I think it is outrageous for our country on the dollar. We used to burn wood, but it and politicians to allow these price increases also takes gas for the chainsaw and truck to when we have the means to take care of this I work in Hailey, which is a commute of haul it home. You also have to buy a permit country. Twenty years ago they spoke of get- 150 miles each work day. It now costs me in to gather the wood. It is no longer free! My ting alternatives and did not push this issue excess of one hour of my wages to make the Social Security check is $515 a month. I live and had they done so much more could have drive. My gasoline costs are around $800 per 16 miles to our nearest town, 42 miles to been done. I am afraid that before long we month. We heat our house with oil and it Couer d’ Alene, our county seat where we will see violence in this country mainly be- now costs us right at $1,000 to fill our 250-gal- conduct a lot of our business. There is no cause our jobs are gone, price increases in lon barrel. We cannot afford to take a vaca- public transportation to anywhere I live. every area of products, but no one ever in- tion because of the fuel, motel, and food People in the East have no concept of the creases the wages to meet the demands of prices. My wife and I find this quite disheart- distance to places in the West!!! Back there other increase. What is the matter with peo- ening. you can visit several states and we are still ple in government and businesses? I would really like to see the United States on our way to Boise when they have come I do not like to see government control but become energy self-sufficient. I know the and gone to their state capitol and perhaps 5 because our business people will not use technology is available to help us get their or six bordering states. Boise is 400 miles common sense to see what happens when the let us offer entrepreneurs incentives to ac- south on what is referred to as the ‘‘Goat jobs go there is not sufficient jobs to go and complish this. If Congress would make all Trail’’. It is about an eight-hour trip by car. buy the products. What is wrong with this cars sold in the U.S. flex fuel cars, this would Folks, it is no freeway. North Idaho’s free- picture? We need to start taxing products drive the alternative fuel market into pro- way is I-90 & it is 75 miles wide. That is the from overseas that come here so businesses duction. If Congress would require that all width of the panhandle there. will come back to the states and put our peo- new cars meet the fuel economy require- We have driven the most economical car ple back to work. How sad our government ments that are scheduled for 2020 become a possible since 1985 when Chevrolet came out has deserted their own people. with the Chevy Sprint that consistently I am hoping with all my heart that some- requirement by 2010, this would also help. If gives about 45 miles to the gallon. It is a 3- one will step up to the plate and really try to Congress would take control over fuel and cylinder car that is great for commuting, but make a difference. We have to do something energy futures trading, this would also help. it is no luxury car. Our second car is a 1996 as everything is getting out of control and it Thank Congress for taking away the incen- Subaru Legacy Outback. It carries a month’s is sad because of what our forefathers have tives to the fuel producers. worth of groceries and other supplies. It also tried to do before us to make it a great coun- We put a man on the moon in less that a brings us to the top of the hill we live on try. I am angry and I do not like politics, but decade, so I truly believe we can become self when there is lots of snow on the ground. when I see people trying to do well for their sufficient if we put our minds and hearts to- Chevrolet first came out with the Sprint, families and that means is taken away from ward this goal. then the Geo and now the Aveno (?I believe them, someone needs to speak up. Sincerely, it is called). Each model the gas mileage has DEVERA, Nampa. WALT, Kimberly. decreased significantly. In our area, doctors and dentists are driving them for the gas I appreciate the help trying to keep energy mileage, not for their luxury. You see, it is prices at a manageable level. As a lifelong I live ten miles from town. I moved to this affecting the professionals too! Idahoan, I have grown accustomed to the location for solitude several years ago. Be- I feel that the car companies and oil com- Idaho way of life. I travel to the same hunt- cause of the greed of the petroleum industry, panies are in cahoots to keep the gas flowing ing and fishing grounds that my father and I am to the point that I cannot take my when they can and have designed fuel effi- my grandfather have previously shown me, handicapped wife for a weekend drive. My

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 propane heating bill has doubled since last than quadrupled. Still, high school teachers, administrators, and school year. If this greed continues, I will have to graduation rates and college matricu- board members in the A-H-S-T Commu- make a choice of what I can buy with the in- lation rates continued to fall short of nity School District, and to report on come that I have. Do I buy fuel so I can take Mr. Ketelsen’s expectations. He be- their participation in a unique Federal my wife to her doctors, some of which are lo- lieved that Davis students—and all stu- cated in Lewiston, 55 miles from our house, partnership to repair and modernize or drive the ten miles to town to get her dents from economically disadvantaged school facilities. much-needed medicine, get groceries, which communities—were capable of much This fall marks the 10th year of the we cannot buy like we used to, or pay the more if given the right investments Iowa Demonstration Construction ever-increasing heating bill from this past and the right commitment. ‘‘It’s not Grant Program. That is its formal winter? the kids!’’ he insisted. Armed with that name, but it is better known among There are reason why the cost of fuel are belief, Mr. Ketelsen has dedicated the educators in Iowa as the program of on a continuing on this outragest rise. Refin- last two decades to making an enor- Harkin grants for Iowa public schools. eries are not at capacity; there are no new mous difference for America’s highest refineries; the environmentalists, with the Since 1998, I have been fortunate to se- needs students. cure a total of $121 million for the help of their liberal judges, stop any new Today, Project GRAD has expanded drilling for oil; pure greed by the petroleum State government in Iowa, which se- industry. Whenever there is a new develop- to 13 communities and reaches more lects worthy school districts to receive ment to increase fuel mileage, the petroleum than 120,000 students and families from these grants for a range of renovation industry buys up the patents and kills them. California to New York, Alaska to and repair effort—everything from up- WENDELL, Orofino. Georgia. In the longest-served group of dating fire safety systems to building schools, GRAD scholars are completing new schools or renovating existing fa- I cannot understand why Congress cannot college at a rate 92 percent above the cilities. In many cases, this Federal see the need to allow the United States to national average for students from access more of our own energy sources. Yes, funding is used to leverage public and/ similar demographic backgrounds. A or private local funding, so it often has we need new alternative fuels, but we also statistically significant sample of need to become more realistic about our so- a tremendous multiplier effect in a GRAD scholarship recipients who have lutions to the energy crisis. We need to com- local school district. bine research AND start making use of our completed college shows that the pro- The A-H-S-T Community School Dis- own current oil supplies. We need to start portion who graduated with majors in trict received a 2005 Harkin grant to- drilling in the locations where oil has al- science, technology, engineering, and taling $500,000 which it used to help ready been discovered. Why has Congress mathematics—concentrations of dire build a new elementary school. This ridiculed President Bush when he asked the need for the national economy and na- school is a modern, state-of-the-art fa- Saudis to produce more oil when Congress tional security—exceeded the national refused to do the same right in our own cility that befits the educational ambi- average for minority students by 71 tions and excellence of this school dis- country? He did ask Congress first. I would percent. In the coming academic year, also like to see the Congressmen invite the trict. Indeed, it is the kind of school fa- more than 7,500 students will attend scientists who do not agree with man-made cility that every child in America de- college, funded by a Project GRAD global warming to testify and bring their serves. facts forward. Forming an energy policy on scholarship. GRAD has already sent Excellent schools do not just pop up an unproven crisis does not make much high school graduates to more than 100 like mushrooms after a rain. They are sense. institutions of higher education, in- the product of vision, leadership, per- GLORIA. cluding many of the most highly selec- sistence, and a tremendous amount of tive colleges and universities in the collaboration among local officials and I drive 80 miles a day round trip to work in Nation. At the beginning of high concerned citizens. I salute the entire the Sun Valley area from Fairfield. ‘‘Real’’ school, many Project GRAD students people cannot afford to live within 30 miles staff, administration, and governance would never have dreamed of attending of the Hailey/Sun Valley area due to exorbi- in the A-H-S-T Community School Dis- Rice, the University of Texas, Texas A tant house prices, so the local economy is de- trict, which serves the towns of Avoca, & M, Harvard, Yale, MIT, Cornell, pendent on those who will drive from out- Hancock, Shelby and Tenant. In par- Emory, Georgetown, or the University lying areas. The high gas prices are crippling ticular, I would like to recognize the my family’s ability to stay in South Central of Virginia. Yet, Mr. Ketelsen’s Texas- leadership of the board of education— Idaho. sized vision, determination, and re- Greg Becker, Monte Reisgard, Allen RANDY. markable leadership of Project GRAD Cordes, and Lauri Fell and former f have transformed those expectations. members John Pattee, Mark Schroder, ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS I am grateful for the energy and en- thusiasm with which Mr Ketelsen has Sondra Dea, Gene McCool and Darlene served America’s children and families. McMartin. I would also like to recog- nize superintendent Mike Alexander, HONORING JAMES KETELSEN Recently, Mr. Ketelsen announced his decision to step down from his post as former superintendent Chuck Scott ∑ Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, today I chairman of the board of directors for and business manager Nancy Collins. commend James Ketelsen for his vision Project GRAD USA. Although he is re- As we mark the 10th anniversary of and commitment to transforming the tiring from Project GRAD USA, he the Harkin school grant program in hopes of tens of thousands of students plans to remain active with the Hous- Iowa, I am obliged to point out that and families across the country ton chapter of Project GRAD. I join many thousands of school buildings through Project GRAD, an education with my colleagues in saluting James and facilities across the United States reform program that he started when Ketelsen for his efforts to improve edu- are in dire need of renovation or re- he was chairman and CEO of Tenneco cation and career opportunities for placement. In my State of Iowa alone, in Houston, TX. Project GRAD has children in inner-city schools. The re- according to a recent study, some 79 helped these students realize their aca- turn on his investment in education percent of public schools need to be up- demic potential and many of them will continue for generations to graded or repaired. The harsh reality is have completed their college education come.∑ that the average age of school build- with the assistance of Project GRAD ings in the United States is nearly 50 f scholarships and mentoring support years. from Project GRAD staff. A-H-S-T COMMUNITY EDUCATION Too often, our children visit ultra- Project GRAD evolved from a schol- ∑ Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, in Iowa modern shopping malls and gleaming arship program that began under Mr. and across the United States, a new sports arenas on weekends, but during Ketelsen’s leadership at Tenneco. In school year has begun. As you know, the week go to school in rundown or 1988, the company began to fund a 4- Iowa public schools have an excellent antiquated facilities. This sends ex- year scholarship program for eligible reputation nationwide, and Iowa stu- actly the wrong message to our young graduates of Davis High School, at the dents’ test scores are among the high- people about our priorities. We have to time Houston’s lowest-performing high est in the Nation. do better. school. By 1992, the number of Davis I would like to take just a few min- That is why I am deeply grateful to graduates entering college had more utes, today, to salute the dedicated the professionals and parents in the A-

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9197 H-S-T Community School District. Hoskins, elementary school principal wellness, but as a morning alternative There is no question that a quality Nancy Foust, board secretary Nancy school for the local community. The public education for every child is a Foust and buildings and grounds super- district also received three fire safety top priority in their communities. I sa- visor Sam Kirby. grants totaling $31,765 which it used to lute them, and wish them a very suc- As we mark the 10th anniversary of install emergency lighting and stairs cessful new school year.∑ the Harkin school grant program in and to update smoke and heat detec- f Iowa, I am obliged to point out that tors and alarms in the elementary many thousands of school buildings school. The Federal grants have made ALBIA COMMUNITY EDUCATION and facilities across the United States it possible for the district to provide ∑ Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, in Iowa are in dire need of renovation or re- quality and safe schools for their stu- and across the United States, a new placement. In my State of Iowa alone, dents. school year has begun. As you know, according to a recent study, some 79 Excellent schools do not just pop up Iowa public schools have an excellent percent of public schools need to be up- like mushrooms after a rain. They are reputation nationwide, and Iowa stu- graded or repaired. The harsh reality is the product of vision, leadership, per- dents’ test scores are among the high- that the average age of school build- sistence, and a tremendous amount of est in the Nation. ings in the United States is nearly 50 collaboration among local officials and I would like to take just a few min- years. concerned citizens. I salute the entire utes, today, to salute the dedicated Too often, our children visit ultra- staff, administration, and governance teachers, administrators, and school modern shopping malls and gleaming in the Central Lyon Community School board members in the Albia Commu- sports arenas on weekends, but during District. In particular, I would like to nity School District, and to report on the week go to school in rundown or recognize the leadership of the board of their participation in a unique Federal antiquated facilities. This sends ex- education—president Steve partnership to repair and modernize actly the wrong message to our young Sieperda, Dr. Chet DeJong, Pat school facilities. people about our priorities. We have to McCarty, Judy Gacke and Gail Van This fall marks the 10th year of the do better. Berkum and former board members Iowa Demonstration Construction That is why I am deeply grateful to president Bruce Vogel, Marilyn Grant Program. That is its formal the professionals and parents in the Mammenga and Tom Wall. I would also name, but it is better known among Albia Community School District. like to recognize superintendent David educators in Iowa as the program of There is no question that a quality Ackerman, former superintendent Bill Harkin grants for Iowa public schools. public education for every child is a Hutchinson, business manager Jackie Since 1998, I have been fortunate to se- top priority in that community. I sa- Wells and former board business man- cure a total of $121 million for the lute them, and wish them a very suc- ager Robin Kilgore. State government in Iowa, which se- cessful new school year.∑ As we mark the 10th anniversary of the Harkin school grant program in lects worthy school districts to receive f these grants for a range of renovation Iowa, I am obliged to point out that and repair efforts—everything from up- CENTRAL LYON COMMUNITY many thousands of school buildings dating fire safety systems to building EDUCATION and facilities across the United States new schools or renovating existing fa- ∑ Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, in Iowa are in dire need of renovation or re- cilities. In many cases, this Federal and across the United States, a new placement. In my State of Iowa alone, funding is used to leverage public and/ school year has begun. As you know, according to a recent study, some 79 or private local funding, so it often has Iowa public schools have an excellent percent of public schools need to be up- a tremendous multiplier effect in a reputation nationwide, and Iowa stu- graded or repaired. The harsh reality is local school district. dents’ test scores are among the high- that the average age of school build- The Albia Community School Dis- est in the Nation. ings in the United States is nearly 50 trict received four Harkin fire safety I would like to take just a few min- years. grants totaling $435,000 to make im- utes, today, to salute the dedicated Too often, our children visit ultra- provements throughout the school dis- teachers, administrators, and school modern shopping malls and gleaming trict. The district was able to make re- board members in the Central Lyon sports arenas on weekends, but during pairs to the ceiling and walls in the Community School District, and to re- the week go to school in rundown or practice gymnasium at the high school, port on their participation in a unique antiquated facilities. This sends ex- actly the wrong message to our young replace windows at Kendall Elemen- Federal partnership to repair and mod- people about our priorities. We have to tary School, upgrade electrical sys- ernize school facilities. tems in several buildings and make This fall marks the 10th year of the do better. That is why I am deeply grateful to other safety improvements throughout Iowa Demonstration Construction the professionals and parents in the the district. The Federal grants have Grant Program. That is its formal Central Lyon Community School Dis- name, but it is better known among made it possible for the district to pro- trict. There is no question that a qual- vide quality and safe schools for their educators in Iowa as the program of ity public education for every child is a students. Harkin grants for Iowa public schools. top priority in that community. I sa- Excellent schools do not just pop up Since 1998, I have been fortunate to se- lute them, and wish them a very suc- like mushrooms after a rain. They are cure a total of $121 million for the cessful new school year.∑ the product of vision, leadership, per- State government in Iowa, which se- sistence, and a tremendous amount of lects worthy school districts to receive f collaboration among local officials and these grants for a range of renovation COLLEGE COMMUNITY EDUCATION concerned citizens. I salute the entire and repair—efforts everything from up- ∑ Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, in Iowa staff, administration, and governance dating fire safety systems to building and across the United States, a new in the Albia Community School Dis- new schools or renovating existing fa- school year has begun. As you know, trict. In particular, I would like to rec- cilities. In many cases, this Federal Iowa public schools have an excellent ognize the leadership of the board of funding is used to leverage public and/ reputation nationwide, and Iowa stu- education—president Robin Haselhuhn, or private local funding, so it often has dents’ test scores are among the high- vice-president Dr. John Scieszinski, a tremendous multiplier effect in a est in the Nation. Mary Wynn, Jeff Liston, Mike Stocker, local school district. I would like to take just a few min- Donna Whisler and Denny Amoss and The Central Lyon Community School utes, today, to salute the dedicated former board members Kim Sawatzky, District received a 2002 Harkin grant teachers, administrators, and school Bob Beary, Darrell Radeuchel, Bob totaling $623,711 which it used to help board members in the College Commu- Fluegge and Mick Brock. I would also make improvements including dis- nity School District, and to report on like to recognize superintendent Kevin ability access and to build a commu- their participation in a unique Federal Crall, former superintendent Dave nity room and fitness center. This fa- partnership to repair and modernize Sextro, high school principal Linda cility is used not only to promote school facilities.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 This fall marks the 10th year of the lute them, and wish them a very suc- chitects at Neumann, Monson and Iowa Demonstration Construction cessful new school year.∑ Wictor; Hoogendoorn Construction; the Grant Program. That is its formal f membership of the project steering name, but it is better known among committee; and the staff of the Little GEORGE-LITTLE ROCK educators in Iowa as the program of Rock Freelance and the Lyon County COMMUNITY EDUCATION Harkin grants for Iowa public schools. News. Since 1998, I have been fortunate to se- ∑ Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, in As we mark the 10th anniversary of cure a total of $121 million for the Iowa and across the United States, a the Harkin school grant program in State government in Iowa, which se- new school year has begun. As you Iowa, I am obliged to point out that lects worthy school districts to receive know, Iowa public schools have an ex- many thousands of school buildings these grants for a range of renovation cellent reputation nationwide, and and facilities across the United States and repair efforts—everything from up- Iowa students’ test scores are among are in dire need of renovation or re- dating fire safety systems to building the highest in the Nation. placement. In my State of Iowa alone, new schools or renovating existing fa- I would like to take just a few min- according to a recent study, some 79 cilities. In many cases, this Federal utes, today, to salute the dedicated percent of public schools need to be up- funding is used to leverage public and/ teachers, administrators, and school graded or repaired. The harsh reality is or private local funding, so it often has board members in the George-Little that the average age of school build- a tremendous multiplier effect in a Rock Community School District, and ings in the United States is nearly 50 local school district. to report on their participation in a years. The College Community School Dis- unique Federal partnership to repair Too often, our children visit ultra- trict received a 2000 Harkin grant to- and modernize school facilities. modern shopping malls and gleaming taling $500,000 which it used to help This fall marks the 10th year of the sports arenas on weekends, but during build a new elementary school—the Iowa Demonstration Construction the week go to school in rundown or first new school the district had built Grant Program. That is its formal antiquated facilities. This sends ex- in 30 years. This school is a modern, name, but it is better known among actly the wrong message to our young state-of-the-art facility that befits the educators in Iowa as the program of people about our priorities. We have to educational ambitions and excellence Harkin grants for Iowa public schools. do better. of this school district. Indeed, it is the Since 1998, I have been fortunate to se- That is why I am deeply grateful to kind of school facility that every child cure a total of $121 million for the the professionals and parents in the in America deserves. State government in Iowa, which se- George-Little Rock Community School Excellent schools do not just pop up lects worthy school districts to receive District. There is no question that a like mushrooms after a rain. They are these grants for a range of renovation quality public education for every the product of vision, leadership, per- and repair efforts everything from up- child is a top priority in their commu- sistence, and a tremendous amount of dating fire safety systems to building nities. I salute them, and wish them a collaboration among local officials and new schools or renovating existing fa- very successful new school year.∑ concerned citizens. I salute the entire cilities. In many cases, this Federal f staff, administration, and governance funding is used to leverage public and/ in the College Community School Dis- or private local funding, so it often has LINN-MAR COMMUNITY trict. In particular, I would like to rec- a tremendous multiplier effect in a EDUCATION ognize the leadership of the board of local school district. ∑ Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, in Iowa education—president Randy Bauer, The George-Little Rock Community and across the United States, a new vice president Greg Kelsey, Norm School District received a 2005 Harkin school year has begun. As you know, Zahradnik, Dawn Tucker, John Titler, grant totaling $500,000 which it used to Iowa public schools have an excellent Lauri Hughes, Dot Pospischil and help renovate an old gymnasium into a reputation nationwide, and Iowa stu- board secretary Jim Rotter as well as fine arts center and two accessible spe- dents’ test scores are among the high- former board President Sandy Flatgard cial education classrooms. This addi- est in the Nation. and former secretary Jim Steffen. I tion is a modern, state-of-the-art facil- I would like to take just a few min- would also like to recognize super- ity that befits the educational ambi- utes, today, to salute the dedicated intendent Richard Whitehead and tions and excellence of this school dis- teachers, administrators, and school former superintendent Mick trict. Indeed, it is the kind of facility board members in the Linn-Mar Com- Starcevich. that every child in America deserves. munity School District, and to report As we mark the 10th anniversary of The district also received two fire safe- on their participation in a unique Fed- the Harkin school grant program in ty grants totaling $44,900 which it used eral partnership to repair and mod- Iowa, I am obliged to point out that to install smoke and heat detectors ernize school facilities. many thousands of school buildings and update fire alarm notification sys- This fall marks the 10th year of the and facilities across the United States tems throughout the district. Iowa Demonstration Construction are in dire need of renovation or re- Excellent schools do not just pop up Grant Program. That is its formal placement. In my State of Iowa alone, like mushrooms after a rain. They are name, but it is better known among according to a recent study, some 79 the product of vision, leadership, per- educators in Iowa as the program of percent of public schools need to be up- sistence, and a tremendous amount of Harkin grants for Iowa public schools. graded or repaired. The harsh reality is collaboration among local officials and Since 1998, I have been fortunate to se- that the average age of school build- concerned citizens. I salute the entire cure a total of $121 million for the ings in the United States is nearly 50 staff, administration, and governance State government in Iowa, which se- years. in the George-Little Rock Community lects worthy school districts to receive Too often, our children visit ultra School District. In particular, I would these grants for a range of renovation modern shopping malls and gleaming like to recognize the leadership of the and repair efforts—everything from up- sports arenas on weekends, but during board of education president—Warren dating fire safety systems to building the week go to school in rundown or Tiedeman, Terrence Clark, Donell new schools or renovating existing fa- antiquated facilities. This sends ex- Nagel, Amy Jurrens, Doug Krull and cilities. In many cases, this Federal actly the wrong message to our young board secretary Delinda Kruger as well funding is used to leverage public and/ people about our priorities. We have to as former board members Roger or private local funding, so it often has do better. Jurrens and Kory Hayenga. I would a tremendous multiplier effect in a That is why I am deeply grateful to also like to recognize superintendent local school district. the professionals and parents in the David Ackerman; former super- The Linn-Mar Community School College Community School District. intendent Joanne Smith; elementary District received five Harkin grants to- There is no question that a quality and middle school principal Janel taling $1,625,000. A 2000 construction public education for every child is a Guse; the teaching and custodial staff grant for $500,000 was used to help ren- top priority in that community. I sa- of George-Little Rock; the team of ar- ovate Bowman Woods Elementary

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9199 School to provide space for a media school year has begun. As you know, many thousands of school buildings center, a 2002 construction grant for Iowa public schools have an excellent and facilities across the United States $200,000 was used to provide classrooms reputation nationwide, and Iowa stu- are in dire need of renovation or re- for the Little Lions preschool at a new dents’ test scores are among the high- placement. In my State of Iowa alone, K–8 school and a 2005 construction est in the Nation. according to a recent study, some 79 grant for $500,000 was used to help build I would like to take just a few min- percent of public schools need to be up- Linn Grove Elementary School. These utes, today, to salute the dedicated graded or repaired. The harsh reality is schools are the modern, state-of-the- teachers, administrators, and school that the average age of school build- art facilities that befit the educational board members in the Maquoketa Com- ings in the United States is nearly 50 ambitions and excellence of this school munity School District, and to report years. district. Indeed, they are the kind of on their participation in a unique Fed- Too often, our children visit ultra- schools that every child in America de- eral partnership to repair and mod- modern shopping malls and gleaming serves. The district also received two ernize school facilities. sports arenas on weekends but during fire safety grants totaling $425,000 to This fall marks the 10th year of the the week go to school in rundown or install sprinkler systems at Excelsior Iowa Demonstration Construction antiquated facilities. This sends ex- Middle School and Linn-Mar High Grant Program. That is its formal actly the wrong message to our young School. name, but it is better known among people about our priorities. We have to Excellent schools do not just pop up educators in Iowa as the program of do better. like mushrooms after a rain. They are Harkin grants for Iowa public schools. That is why I am deeply grateful to the product of vision, leadership, per- Since 1998, I have been fortunate to se- the professionals and parents in the sistence, and a tremendous amount of cure a total of $121 million for the Maquoketa Community School Dis- collaboration among local officials and State government in Iowa, which se- trict. There is no question that a qual- concerned citizens. I salute the entire lects worthy school districts to receive ity public education for every child is a staff, administration, and governance these grants for a range of renovation top priority in that community. I sa- in the Linn-Mar Community School and repair efforts everything from up- lute them and wish them a very suc- District. In particular, I would like to dating fire safety systems to building cessful new school year.∑ recognize the leadership of the board of new schools or renovating existing fa- f education—president Robert Crawford, cilities. In many cases, this Federal vice president Ann Stark, Barry funding is used to leverage public and/ NASHUA-PLAINFIELD COMMUNITY Buchholz, Bob Gilchrist, David Nichol- or private local funding, so it often has EDUCATION son, Jim Green, Erik Miles and Helen a tremendous multiplier effect in a ∑ Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, in Iowa Romanowsky and former board mem- local school district. and across the United States, a new bers Swati Dandekar, Mark The Maquoketa Community School school year has begun. As you know, Klopfenstein, Tom Manor, David District received a 2002 Harkin grant Iowa public schools have an excellent Meyer, Tom Miller, Lorna Richards totaling $228,750 and a 2003 Harkin reputation nationwide, and Iowa stu- and Steve Colton. I would also like to grant totaling $240,000. The 2002 grant dents’ test scores are among the high- recognize superintendent Dr. Kathleen was used to help build four new class- est in the Nation. Mulholland, former superintendent Dr. rooms and a restroom at Cardinal Ele- I would like to take just a few min- Joe Pacha, business administrator mentary. These new classrooms al- utes, today, to salute the dedicated Dave Nicholson, former business ad- lowed the district to expand their pre- teachers, administrators, and school ministrator Dave DeWall, and prin- school program and dedicate part of board members in the Nashua-Plain- cipals Dona Miller, Kent Stock, Dan the space for special needs students. field Community School District, and Ludwig, Shannon Bisgard, Dr. Marc The 2003 grant was used to relocate the to report on their participation in a McCoy and Jerry VanDyke. middle school office from the second unique Federal partnership to repair As we mark the 10th anniversary of floor to the first floor main entryway, and modernize school facilities. the Harkin school grant program in resulting in a safer and more secure en- This fall marks the tenth year of the Iowa, I am obliged to point out that vironment. The district also received Iowa Demonstration Construction many thousands of school buildings two fire life safety grants totaling Grant Program. That is its formal and facilities across the United States $35,000 for updating fire alarm systems, name, but it is better known among are in dire need of renovation or re- fire doors, and fire walls. The Federal educators in Iowa as the program of placement. In my State of Iowa alone, Harkin grants for Iowa public schools. according to a recent study, some 79 grants have made it possible for the Since 1998, I have been fortunate to se- percent of public schools need to be up- district to provide quality and safe cure a total of $121 million for the graded or repaired. The harsh reality is schools for their students. Excellent schools do not just pop up State government in Iowa, which se- that the average age of school build- like mushrooms after a rain. They are lects worthy school districts to receive ings in the United States is nearly 50 the product of vision, leadership, per- these grants for a range of renovation years. Too often, our children visit ultra- sistence, and a tremendous amount of and repair efforts everything from up- modern shopping malls and gleaming collaboration among local officials and dating fire safety systems to building sports arenas on weekends, but during concerned citizens. I salute the entire new schools or renovating existing fa- the week go to school in rundown or staff, administration, and governance cilities. In many cases, this Federal antiquated facilities. This sends ex- in the Maquoketa Community School funding is used to leverage public and/ actly the wrong message to our young District. In particular, I would like to or private local funding, so it often has people about our priorities. We have to recognize the leadership of the board of a tremendous multiplier effect in a do better. education—president Anne Hawks, local school district. That is why I am deeply grateful to vice-president Brian Tabor, Marty The Nashua-Plainfield Community the professionals and parents in the Hudrlik, Mark Pape, and Bill School District received a 2002 Harkin Linn-Mar Community School District. Schwenker, and former members, Mary grant totaling $104,200 which it used to There is no question that a quality Bartels, Leslie Lawson, Troy Thede. I help replace windows at the school in public education for every child is a would also like to recognize the leader- Plainfield. The Federal grant has made top priority in that community. I sa- ship of curriculum director and school it possible for the district to provide lute them, and wish them a very suc- improvement coordinator Sherri quality and safe schools for their stu- cessful new school year.∑ Marceau, as well as school improve- dents. Excellent schools do not just pop up f ment coordinator Helen Snell, school board secretary Barb McKeon and su- like mushrooms after a rain. They are MAQUOKETA COMMUNITY perintendent Kim Huckstadt. the product of vision, leadership, per- EDUCATION As we mark the 10th anniversary of sistence, and a tremendous amount of ∑ Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, in Iowa the Harkin school grant program in collaboration among local officials and and across the United States, a new Iowa, I am obliged to point out that concerned citizens. I salute the entire

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 staff, administration, and governance The Olin School District received a Mr. Zapata, one of its reading clerks, in the Nashua-Plainfield Community 2002 Harkin grant totaling $575,000 announced that the House has passed School District. In particular, I would which it used to help build an addition the following bills, in which it requests like to recognize the leadership of the to the school. The project is a collabo- the concurrence of the Senate: current board of education, Brian ration with the Olin library board and H.R. 998. An act to direct the Librarian of Bierschenk, Lisa Franzen, Dawn Koob, the addition houses the town’s library, Congress and the Secretary of the Smithso- Michael Mahoney and Gail Zwanziger. I the district’s Iowa Communications nian Institution to carry out a joint project would also like to recognize super- Network classroom and access for com- at the Library of Congress and the National intendent Paul Bisgard, former super- munity activities. The additional space Museum of African American History and intendent Linda Johanningmeier, mid- made it possible to convert the former Culture to collect video and audio recordings dle school principal Ron Reusche, head school library into classrooms for pre- of personal histories and testimonials of in- dividuals who participated in the Civil custodian Dave Fordyce and custodian kindergarten, kindergarten and music. Rights movement, and for other purposes. Richard Lindloff. The district also received a fire safety H.R. 2352. An act to enhance the safety of As we mark the 10th anniversary of grant totaling $20,325 to make safety elementary schools, secondary schools, and the Harkin school grant program in improvements. The Federal grants institutions of higher education. Iowa, I am obliged to point out that have made it possible for the district to H.R. 2535. An act to direct the Secretary of many thousands of school buildings provide quality and safe schools for the Interior to conduct a study on the feasi- and facilities across the United States their students. bility and suitability of constructing a stor- are in dire need of renovation or re- Excellent schools do not just pop up age reservoir, outlet works, and a delivery placement. In my State of Iowa alone, like mushrooms after a rain. They are system for the Tule River Indian Tribe of California to provide a water supply for do- according to a recent study, some 79 the product of vision, leadership, per- mestic, municipal, industrial, and agricul- percent of public schools need to be up- sistence, and a tremendous amount of tural purposes, and for other purposes. graded or repaired. The harsh reality is collaboration among local officials and H.R. 3036. An act to reauthorize and en- that the average age of school build- concerned citizens. I salute the entire hance the National Environmental Edu- ings in the United States is nearly 50 staff, administration, and governance cation Act, and for other purposes. years. in the Olin Community School Dis- H.R. 3437. An act to authorize the Sec- Too often, our children visit ultra- trict. In particular, I would like to rec- retary of the Interior to carry out the Jack- modern shopping malls and gleaming ognize the leadership of the board of son Gulch rehabilitation project in the State sports arenas on weekends, but during education—Mike Hansen, Randy Cress, of Colorado. H.R. 5293. An act to approve the settlement the week go to school in rundown or Margo Ahrendsen, Marty Francksen of the water rights claims of the Shoshone antiquated facilities. This sends ex- and Rob Strawn and former board Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reserva- actly the wrong message to our young members Brian Bean and Ned tion in Nevada, to require the Secretary of people about our priorities. We have to Rohwedder as well as superintendent the Interior to carry out the settlement, and do better. Charles Liston, former superintendent for other purposes. That is why I am deeply grateful to Juanita Suhr and board secretary/ H.R. 5350. An act to authorize the Sec- the professionals and parents in the treasurer Carrie Fortin. I would also retary of Commerce to sell or exchange cer- Nashua-Plainfield Community School like to recognize the members of the tain National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- District. There is no question that a ministration property located in Norfolk, Olin Public Library board—Carrie Virginia, and for other purposes. quality public education for every Fortin, Margaret Kistler, Deanna H.R. 5611. An act to reform the National child is a top priority in that commu- Butterworth, Dianne Tenley and Jan Association of Registered Agents and Bro- nity. I salute them, and wish them a Dierks and former board members Jean kers, and for other purposes. very successful new school year.∑ Rickels, Sandy Hansen-Heggebo, and H.R. 5736. An act to designate the Depart- f Sandy Weirather as well as librarian ment of Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic in Dolores Wood and former librarian Gadsden, Alabama, as the Colonel Ola Lee OLIN CONSOLIDATED EDUCATION Sheri Ulrich Mize Veterans Clinic. ∑ Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, in Iowa As we mark the 10th anniversary of H.R. 6229. An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located and across the United States, a new the Harkin school grant program in school year has begun. As you know, at 2523 7th Avenue East in North Saint Paul, Iowa, I am obliged to point out that Minnesota, as the ‘‘Mayor William ‘Bill’ Iowa public schools have an excellent many thousands of school buildings Sandberg Post Office Building’’. reputation nationwide, and Iowa stu- and facilities across the United States H.R. 6338. An act to designate the facility dents’ test scores are among the high- are in dire need of renovation or re- of the United States Postal Service located est in the Nation. placement. In my State of Iowa alone, at 4233 West Hillsboro Boulevard in Coconut I would like to take just a few min- according to a recent study, some 79 Creek, Florida, as the ‘‘Army SPC Daniel utes, today, to salute the dedicated percent of public schools need to be up- Agami Post Office Building’’. teachers, administrators, and school graded or repaired. The harsh reality is H.R. 6460. An act to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to provide for board members in the Olin Consoli- that the average age of school build- dated School District, and to report on the remediation of sediment contamination ings in the United States is nearly 50 in areas of concern, and for other purposes. their participation in a unique Federal years. H.R. 6503. An act to amend the Violent partnership to repair and modernize Too often, our children visit ultra- Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of school facilities. modern shopping malls and gleaming 1994 to reauthorize the Missing Alzheimer’s This fall marks the 10th year of the sports arenas on weekends, but during Disease Patient Alert Program. Iowa Demonstration Construction the week go to school in rundown or H.R. 6604. An act to amend the Commodity Grant Program. That is its formal antiquated facilities. This sends ex- Exchange Act to bring greater transparency name, but it is better known among actly the wrong message to our young and accountability to commodity markets, and for other purposes. educators in Iowa as the program of people about our priorities. We have to Harkin grants for Iowa public schools. H.R. 6625. An act to require the Secretary do better. of Veterans Affairs to permit facilities of the Since 1998, I have been fortunate to se- That is why I am deeply grateful to Department of Veterans Affairs to be des- cure a total of $121 million for the the professionals and parents in the ignated as voter registration agencies, and State government in Iowa, which se- Olin Consolidated School District. for other purposes. lects worthy school districts to receive There is no question that a quality H.R. 6681. An act to designate the facility these grants for a range of renovation public education for every child is a of the United States Postal Service located and repair efforts everything from up- top priority in that community. I sa- at 300 Vine Street in New Lenox, Illinois, as dating fire safety systems to building lute them, and wish them a very suc- the ‘‘Jacob M. Lowell Post Office Building’’. H.R. 6772. An act to designate the facility new schools or renovating existing fa- cessful new school year.∑ cilities. In many cases, this Federal of the United States Postal Service located f at 1717 Orange Avenue in Fort Pierce, Flor- funding is used to leverage public and/ MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE ida, as the ‘‘CeeCee Ross Lyles Post Office or private local funding, so it often has Building’’. a tremendous multiplier effect in a At 3:13 p.m., a message from the H.R. 6855. An act to extend the authority local school district. House of Representatives, delivered by for the United States Supreme Court Police

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9201 to protect court officials off the Supreme H.R. 5893. An act to reauthorize the sound ant to law, a six-month periodic report on Court grounds, and for other purposes. recording and film preservation programs of the national emergency declared in Execu- The message also announced that the the Library of Congress, and for other pur- tive Order 13224 of September 23, 2001, with House has agreed to the following con- poses. respect to persons who commit, threaten to commit, or support terrorism; to the Com- f current resolutions, in which it re- mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- quests the concurrence of the Senate: ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED fairs. H. Con. Res. 61. Concurrent resolution ex- EC–7675. A communication from the Sec- pressing the sense of the Congress that the At 3:54 p.m., a message from the retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- United States flag flown over the United House of Representatives, delivered by ant to law, a six-month periodic report on States Capitol should be lowered to half- Mr. Zapata, one of its reading clerks, the national emergency with respect to per- mast one day each month in honor of the announced that the Speaker has signed sons undermining democratic processes or brave men and women from the United the following enrolled bills: institutions in Zimbabwe that was declared in Executive Order 13288 of March 6, 2003; to States who have lost their lives in military S. 996. An act to amend title 49, United the Committee on Banking, Housing, and conflicts. States Code, to expand passenger facility fee H. Con. Res. 388. Concurrent resolution ex- Urban Affairs. eligibility for certain noise compatibility EC–7676. A communication from the Sec- pressing the sense of Congress that the De- projects. partment of Defense and the Federal Voting retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- S. 2339. An act to designate the Depart- ant to law, a six-month periodic report on Assistance Program should take certain ad- ment of Veterans Affairs clinic in Alpena, ditional and timely measures to ensure that the national emergency with respect to Iran Michigan, as the ‘‘Lieutenant Colonel Clem- as declared in Executive Order 12957 of March members of the Armed Forces and their de- ent C. Van Wagoner Department of Veterans pendents and citizens living overseas are pro- 15, 1995; to the Committee on Banking, Hous- Affairs Clinic’’. ing, and Urban Affairs. vided with reasonable information on how to S. 3406. An act to restore the intent and register to vote and vote in the 2008 general EC–7677. A communication from the Direc- protections of the Americans with Disabil- tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- elections. ities Act of 1990. H. Con. Res. 408. Concurrent resolution rec- ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ognizing North Platte, Nebraska, as ‘‘Rail At 3:58 p.m., a message from the Town USA’’. ‘‘2,4-D, Bensulide, Chlorpyrifos, DCPA, H. Con. Res. 410. Concurrent resolution rec- House of Representatives, delivered by Desmedipham, Dimethoate, Fenamiphos, ognizing the FBI on their 100th anniversary. Mr. Zapata, one of its reading clerks, Metolachlor, Phorate, Sethoxydim, H. Con. Res. 415. Concurrent resolution announced that the House has passed Terbufos, Tetrachlorvinphos, and Triallate; celebrating 75 years of effective State-based the following bill, in which it requests Tolerance Actions’’ (FRL No. 8375-2) received alcohol regulation and recognizing State the concurrence of the Senate: on September 12, 2008; to the Committee on lawmakers, regulators, law enforcement offi- Environment and Public Works. H.R. 6890. An act to extend the waiver au- EC–7678. A communication from the Direc- cers, the public health community and in- thority for the Secretary of Education under dustry members for creating a workable, tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- section 105 of subtitle A of title IV of divi- ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, legal, and successful system of alcoholic bev- sion B of Public Law 109–148, relating to ele- erage regulation, distribution, and sale. pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled mentary and secondary education hurricane ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality The message further announced that recovery relief, and for other purposes. Implementation Plans; Texas; Control of Air the House has passed the following bill f Pollution by Permits for New Construction and joint resolution, without amend- or Modification’’ (FRL No. 8715-7) received ment: MEASURES DISCHARGED on September 12, 2008; to the Committee on S. 171. An act a bill to designate the facil- The following measure was dis- Environment and Public Works. ity of the United States Postal Service lo- EC–7679. A communication from the Direc- charged from the Committee on tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- cated at 301 Commerce Street in Commerce, Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- Oklahoma, as the ‘‘Mickey Mantle Post Of- ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, sions by unanimous consent, and re- pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled fice Building’’. ferred as indicated: S.J. Res. 35. Joint resolution to amend ‘‘Ethoprop; Pesticide Tolerances’’ (FRL No. Public Law 108–331 to provide for the con- S. 3507. A bill to provide for additional 8382-6) received on September 12, 2008; to the struction and related activities in support of emergency unemployment compensation; to Committee on Environment and Public the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Tele- the Committee on Finance. Works. EC–7680. A communication from the Direc- scope Array System (VERITAS) project in f tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- Arizona. MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, The message also announced that the pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled House agrees to the amendment of the The following bill was read the first ‘‘Inert Ingredient: Exemption from the Re- Senate to be bill (H.R. 3986) to amend time: quirement of a Tolerance for amylopectin, the John F. Kennedy Center Act to au- S. 3535. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- acid-hydrolyzed, 1-octenylbutanedioate and thorize appropriations for the John F. enue Code of 1986 to index certain assets for for amylopectin, hydrogen 1- Kennedy Center for the Performing purposes of determining gain or loss. octadecenylbutanedioate’’ (FRL No. 8374-1) received on September 12, 2008; to the Com- Arts, and for other purposes. f mittee on Environment and Public Works. f EC–7681. A communication from the Direc- EXECUTIVE AND OTHER tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED COMMUNICATIONS ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, The message further announced that The following communications were pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled the Speaker has signed the following laid before the Senate, together with ‘‘Withdrawal of Federal Antidegradation accompanying papers, reports, and doc- Policy for All Waters of the United States enrolled bills: within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’’ H.R. 2608. An act to amend section 402 of uments, and were referred as indicated: (FRL No. 8716-2) received on September 12, the Personal Responsibility and Work Oppor- EC–7672. A communication from the Dep- 2008; to the Committee on Environment and tunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 to provide, uty Chief of Legislative Affairs, Department Public Works. in fiscal years 2009 through 2011, extensions of the Navy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a EC–7682. A communication from the Direc- of supplemental security income for refu- report relative to the Department’s decision tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- gees, asylees, and certain other humani- to conduct a streamlined A-76 competition of ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, tarian immigrants, and to amend the Inter- information assurance functions; to the pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled nal Revenue Code of 1986 to collect unem- Committee on Armed Services. ‘‘Outer Continental Shelf Air Regulations ployment compensation debts resulting from EC–7673. A communication from the Prin- Consistency Update for Massachusetts’’ fraud. cipal Deputy, Office of the Under Secretary (FRL No. 8709-4) received on September 12, H.R. 5551. An act to amend title 11, District of Defense (Personnel and Readiness), trans- 2008; to the Committee on Environment and of Columbia Official Code, to implement the mitting the report of an officer authorized to Public Works. increase provided under the District of Co- wear the insignia of the grade of brigadier EC–7683. A communication from the Direc- lumbia Appropriations Act, 2008, in the general in accordance with title 10, United tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- amount of funds made available for the com- States Code, section 777; to the Committee ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pensation of attorneys representing indigent on Armed Services. pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled defendants in the District of Columbia EC–7674. A communication from the Sec- ‘‘Underground Storage Tank Program: Ap- courts, and for other purposes. retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- proved State Program for ’’ (FRL No.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 8716-3) received on September 12, 2008; to the transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on Mobile Alert System, Third Report and Committee on Environment and Public D.C. Act 17-497, ‘‘Clean and Affordable En- Order’’ (FCC 08-184) received on August 26, Works. ergy Act of 2008’’ received on September 9, 2008; to the Committee on Commerce, EC–7684. A communication from the Sec- 2008; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- Science, and Transportation. retary of Health and Human Services, trans- rity and Governmental Affairs. EC–7705. A communication from the Chief mitting, pursuant to law, a report entitled EC–7694. A communication from the Chair- of Staff, Media Bureau, Federal Communica- ‘‘A Study on the Feasibility and Advisability man, Council of the District of Columbia, tions Commission, transmitting, pursuant to of Providing for Contracting with Prescrip- transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- tion Drug Program Sponsors and Medicare D.C. Act 17-473, ‘‘Street and Alley Closing ment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allot- Advantage Organizations on a Multi-Year and Acquisition Procedures Amendment Act ments, FM Broadcast Stations; Arlington Basis’’; to the Committee on Finance. of 2008’’ received on September 9, 2008; to the and Boardman, Oregon; Boise, Caldwell, EC–7685. A communication from the Chief Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- Grangeville, Hazelton, Iona, Jerome, McCall, of the Publications and Regulations Branch, ernmental Affairs. Melba, Salmon, and Sun Valley, Idaho; Elko Internal Revenue Service, Department of the EC–7695. A communication from the Chair- and Owyhee, Nevada; Finley, Pasco, and Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the man, Council of the District of Columbia, Walla Walla, Washington; and West Yellow- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Unified Rule for transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on stone, Montana’’ (MB Docket No. 06–72) re- Loss of Subsidiary Stock’’ ((RIN1545- D.C. Act 17-496, ‘‘Health-Care Decisions for ceived on August 26, 2008; to the Committee BB61)(TD 9424)) received on September 12, Persons with Developmental Disabilities on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. 2008; to the Committee on Finance. Amendment Act of 2008’’ received on Sep- EC–7706. A communication from the Acting EC–7686. A communication from the Chief tember 9, 2008; to the Committee on Home- Assistant Administrator, National Marine of the Publications and Regulations Branch, land Security and Governmental Affairs. Fisheries Service, Department of Commerce, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the EC–7696. A communication from the Chair- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the man, Council of the District of Columbia, a rule entitled ‘‘International Fisheries; At- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Coordinated Issue: transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on lantic Highly Migratory Species; Inter- False Claims Act Settlements with Depart- D.C. Act 17-501, ‘‘Income Tax Secured Bond national Trade Permit Program; Bluefin ment of Justice (DOJ)’’ (LMSB-4-0908-045) re- Authorization Act of 2008’’ received on Sep- Tuna Catch Documentation Program’’ ceived on September 12, 2008; to the Com- tember 9, 2008; to the Committee on Home- (RIN0648–AU88) received on August 18, 2008; mittee on Finance. land Security and Governmental Affairs. to the Committee on Commerce, Science, EC–7687. A communication from the Chief EC–7697. A communication from the Dep- and Transportation. of the Publications and Regulations Branch, uty White House Liaison, Department of EC–7707. A communication from the Direc- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Justice, transmitting, pursuant to law, the tor, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Depart- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a vacancy and designation of an ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant report of a rule entitled ‘‘Transition Guid- acting officer for the position of U.S. Attor- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Closure ance for New Funding Rules and Funding-Re- ney for the Eastern District of Michigan, re- of the Nantucket Lightship Scallop Access lated Benefit Limitations under PPA ‘‘06’’ ceived on September 8, 2008; to the Com- Area to Scallop Vessels’’ (RIN0648–XJ51) re- (Notice 2008-73) received on September 12, mittee on the Judiciary. ceived on August 18, 2008; to the Committee 2008; to the Committee on Finance. EC–7698. A communication from the Acting on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. EC–7688. A communication from the Chief Administrator, Small Business Administra- EC–7708. A communication from the Direc- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- tor, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Depart- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the port of a vacancy and designation of an act- ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ing officer for the position of Inspector Gen- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Fish- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Section 6707A and eral, received on September 8, 2008; to the eries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off the Failure to Include on any Return or Committee on Small Business and Entrepre- Alaska; Turbot in the Bering Sea Statement any Information Required to be neurship. Subarea of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Is- Disclosed under Section 6011 with Respect to EC–7699. A communication from the Asso- lands Management Area’’ (RIN0648–XJ58) re- a Reportable Transaction’’ ((RIN1545- ciate Administrator, Government Con- ceived on August 18, 2008; to the Committee BF62)(TD 9425)) received on September 12, tracting and Business Development, Small on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. 2008; to the Committee on Finance. Business Administration, transmitting, pur- EC–7709. A communication from the Direc- EC–7689. A communication from the Chief suant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Report to tor, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Depart- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, the U.S. Congress on Minority Small Busi- ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant Internal Revenue Service, Department of the ness and Capital Ownership Development’’; to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Fish- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the to the Committee on Small Business and En- eries of the Northeastern United States; report of a rule entitled ‘‘Tier II Industry Di- trepreneurship. Summer Flounder Fishery; Commercial rector’s Directive on the Planning and Ex- EC–7700. A communication from the Sec- Quota Harvested for the Commonwealth of amination of Gift Card/Certificate Issues in retary of Transportation, transmitting, pur- Massachusetts’’ (RIN0648–XJ37) received on the Retail and Food & Beverage Industries suant to law, a report relative to the dis- August 18, 2008; to the Committee on Com- #2’’ (LMSB-04-0808-042) received on Sep- ability-related complaints that U.S. and for- merce, Science, and Transportation. tember 12, 2008; to the Committee on Fi- eign passenger air carriers operating to and EC–7710. A communication from the Direc- nance. from the U.S. received during the calendar tor, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Depart- EC–7690. A communication from the Direc- year 2007; to the Committee on Commerce, ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant tor, Regulations Policy and Management Science, and Transportation. to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Fish- Staff, Department of Health and Human EC–7701. A communication from the Sec- eries Off West Coast States; Coastal Pelagic Services, transmitting, pursuant to law, the retary of Transportation, transmitting, pur- Species Fisheries; Closure’’ (RIN0648–XJ27) report of a rule entitled ‘‘Supplemental Ap- suant to law, an annual report relative to received on August 18, 2008; to the Com- plications Proposing Labeling Changes for the Maritime Administration for fiscal year mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Approved Drugs, Biologics, and Medical De- 2007; to the Committee on Commerce, tation. vices’’ ((RIN0910-ZA32)(Docket No. FDA-2008- Science, and Transportation. EC–7711. A communication from the Acting N-0032)) received on September 8, 2008; to the EC–7702. A communication from the In- Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and spector General, Federal Trade Commission, partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- Pensions. informing Congress that they have begun the ant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–7691. A communication from the Direc- audit of financial statements for fiscal year ‘‘Fisheries Off West Coast States; Modifica- tor, Regulations Policy and Management 2008; to the Committee on Commerce, tions of the West Coast Commercial and Rec- Staff, Department of Health and Human Science, and Transportation. reational Salmon Fisheries; Inseason Ac- Services, transmitting, pursuant to law, the EC–7703. A communication from the Chief tions #5 and #6’’ (RIN0648–XJ22) received on report of a rule entitled ‘‘Irradiation in the of Staff, Media Bureau, Federal Communica- August 19, 2008; to the Committee on Com- Production, Processing and Handling of tions Commission, transmitting, pursuant to merce, Science, and Transportation. Food’’ (Docket No. FDA-1999-F-2405) received law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- EC–7712. A communication from the Acting on September 8, 2008; to the Committee on ment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allot- Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. ments, FM Broadcast Stations; Dilley and partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- EC–7692. A communication from the In- Cotulla, Texas’’ ((MB Docket No. 07-183)(DA ant to law, the report of a rule entitled spector General, Nuclear Regulatory Com- 08-1714)) received on August 26, 2008; to the ‘‘Fisheries of the Northeastern United mission, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- Committee on Commerce, Science, and States; Scup Fishery; Adjustment to the 2008 port relative to the commercial and inher- Transportation. Winter II Quota’’ (RIN0648–XJ34) received on ently governmental activities for fiscal year EC–7704. A communication from the Divi- August 19, 2008; to the Committee on Com- 2008; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- sion Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Se- merce, Science, and Transportation. rity and Governmental Affairs. curity Bureau, Federal Communications EC–7713. A communication from the Dep- EC–7693. A communication from the Chair- Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, uty Assistant Administrator for Regulatory man, Council of the District of Columbia, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Commercial Programs, Office of Sustainable Fisheries,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9203 Department of Commerce, transmitting, pur- entitled ‘‘Modification of Class E Airspace; EC–7732. A communication from the Pro- suant to law, the report of a rule entitled Staunton, VA’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2008– gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- ‘‘Fisheries of the Northeastern United 0170)(Airspace Docket No. 08–AEA–16)) re- tion, Department of Transportation, trans- States; Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and ceived on August 20, 2008; to the Committee mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule Butterfish Fisheries; Amendment 9; Correc- on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. entitled ‘‘Revision of Class E Airspace; St. tion’’ (RIN0648–AP60) received on August 19, EC–7723. A communication from the Pro- Mary’s, AK’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2008– 2008; to the Committee on Commerce, gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- 0134)(Airspace Docket No. 08–AAL–3)) re- Science, and Transportation. tion, Department of Transportation, trans- ceived on August 20, 2008; to the Committee EC–7714. A communication from the Sec- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. retary, Federal Trade Commission, transmit- entitled ‘‘Amendment of Class E Airspace; EC–7733. A communication from the Pro- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- State College, PA’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2007– gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- titled ‘‘Identity Theft Red Flags and Address 29375)(Airspace Docket No. 07–AEA–06)) re- tion, Department of Transportation, trans- Discrepancies Under the Fair and Accurate ceived on August 20, 2008; to the Committee mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule Credit Transactions Act of 2003’’ (RIN3084– on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. entitled ‘‘Modification of Class D Airspace; AA94) received on August 19, 2008; to the EC–7724. A communication from the Pro- Brunswick, ME; Withdrawal’’ ((Docket No. Committee on Commerce, Science, and gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- FAA–2008–0203)(Airspace Docket No. 08–ANE– Transportation. tion, Department of Transportation, trans- 99)) received on August 20, 2008; to the Com- EC–7715. A communication from the Pro- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- entitled ‘‘Amendment of Class E Airspace; tation. tion, Department of Transportation, trans- Scottsboro, AL’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2007– EC–7734. A communication from the Pro- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule 28591)(Airspace Docket No. 07–ASO–16)) re- gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- ceived on August 20, 2008; to the Committee entitled ‘‘Proposed Establishment of Class E tion, Department of Transportation, trans- on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Airspace; Huntsville, AR’’ ((Docket No. mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule FAA–2008–0004)(Airspace Docket No. 08–ASW– EC–7725. A communication from the Pro- gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- entitled ‘‘Establishment of Class D Airspace; 2)) received on August 20, 2008; to the Com- Georgetown, Texas’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2007– mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tion, Department of Transportation, trans- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule 29373)(Airspace Docket No. 07–ASW–10)) re- tation. ceived on August 20, 2008; to the Committee EC–7716. A communication from the Pro- entitled ‘‘Amendment of Class E Airspace; Waynesburg, PA’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2007– on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- EC–7735. A communication from the Pro- tion, Department of Transportation, trans- 0022)(Airspace Docket No. 07–AEA–07)) re- ceived on August 20, 2008; to the Committee gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule tion, Department of Transportation, trans- entitled ‘‘Revision of Class E Airspace; on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. EC–7726. A communication from the Pro- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule Bettles, AK’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2007– gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- entitled ‘‘Establishment of Low Altitude 0342)(Airspace Docket No. 07–AAL–20)) re- tion, Department of Transportation, trans- Area Navigation Route (T–Route); South- ceived on August 20, 2008; to the Committee mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule west Oregon’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2008– on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. entitled ‘‘Amendment of Class E Airspace; 0038)(Airspace Docket No. 07–ANM–16)) re- EC–7717. A communication from the Pro- Danville, KY; Confirmation of Effective ceived on August 20, 2008; to the Committee gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- Date’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2007–0246)(Airspace on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. tion, Department of Transportation, trans- Docket No. 07–ASO–26)) received on August mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule 20, 2008; to the Committee on Commerce, f entitled ‘‘Removal of Class E Airspace; Science, and Transportation. Hawesville, KY’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2008– EC–7727. A communication from the Pro- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 0334)(Airspace Docket No. 08–ASO–11)) re- gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- ceived on August 20, 2008; to the Committee tion, Department of Transportation, trans- The following reports of committees on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule were submitted: EC–7718. A communication from the Pro- entitled ‘‘Amendment of Class E Airspace; gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- By Mr. BAUCUS, from the Committee on Gettysburg, PA; Confirmation of Effective Finance, with an amendment in the nature tion, Department of Transportation, trans- Date’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2007–0309)(Airspace mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule of a substitute and an amendment to the Docket No. 07–AEA–20)) received on August title: entitled ‘‘Modification of Class E Airspace; 20, 2008; to the Committee on Commerce, Phillipsburg, KS’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2006– S. 1577. A bill to amend titles XVIII and Science, and Transportation. XIX of the Social Security Act to require 25943)(Airspace Docket No. 06–ACE–13)) re- EC–7728. A communication from the Pro- ceived on August 20, 2008; to the Committee screening, including national criminal his- gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- tory background checks, of direct patient ac- on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. tion, Department of Transportation, trans- cess employees of skilled nursing facilities, EC–7719. A communication from the Pro- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule nursing facilities, and other long-term care gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- entitled ‘‘Amendment of Class E Airspace; facilities and providers, and to provide for tion, Department of Transportation, trans- Black River Falls, WI; Withdrawal’’ ((Docket nationwide expansion of the pilot program mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule No. FAA–2008–0024)(Airspace Docket No. 08– for national and State background checks on entitled ‘‘Modification of Class E Airspace; AGL–4)) received on August 20, 2008; to the direct patient access employees of long-term Phillipsburg, KS; Confirmation of Effective Committee on Commerce, Science, and care facilities or providers (Rept. No. 110– Date’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2006–25943)(Airspace Transportation. Docket No. 06–ACE–13)) received on August EC–7729. A communication from the Pro- 474). 20, 2008; to the Committee on Commerce, gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- By Mrs. BOXER, from the Committee on Science, and Transportation. tion, Department of Transportation, trans- Environment and Public Works, without EC–7720. A communication from the Pro- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule amendment: gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- entitled ‘‘Revision of Class E Airspace; New S. 1933. A bill to amend the Safe Drinking tion, Department of Transportation, trans- Stuyahok, AK’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2007– Water Act to provide grants to small public mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule 29008)(Airspace Docket No. 07–AAL–11)) re- drinking water systems (Rept. No. 110–475). entitled ‘‘Modification of Class E Airspace; ceived on August 20, 2008; to the Committee S. 199. A bill to amend the Safe Drinking Wilkes-Barre, PA; Confirmation of Effective on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Water Amendments of 1996 to modify the Date’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2008–0130)(Airspace EC–7730. A communication from the Pro- grant program to improve sanitation in rural Docket No. 08–AEA–11)) received on August gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- and Native villages in the State of Alaska 20, 2008; to the Committee on Commerce, tion, Department of Transportation, trans- (Rept. No. 110–476). Science, and Transportation. mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule By Mrs. BOXER, from the Committee on EC–7721. A communication from the Pro- entitled ‘‘Revision of Class E Airspace; Environment and Public Works, with an gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- Deadhorse, AK’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2008– amendment in the nature of a substitute: tion, Department of Transportation, trans- 0171)(Airspace Docket No. 08–AAL–5)) re- S. 906. A bill to prohibit the sale, distribu- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule ceived on August 20, 2008; to the Committee tion, transfer, and export of elemental mer- entitled ‘‘Modification of Class E Airspace; on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. cury, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 110– Wilkes-Barre, PA; Confirmation of Effective EC–7731. A communication from the Pro- 477) . Date; Correction’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2008– gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- By Mrs. BOXER, from the Committee on 0130)(Airspace Docket No. 08–AEA–11)) re- tion, Department of Transportation, trans- Environment and Public Works, without ceived on August 20, 2008; to the Committee mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule amendment: on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. entitled ‘‘Revision of Class E Airspace; S. 3109. A bill to amend the Solid Waste EC–7722. A communication from the Pro- Allakaket, AK’’ ((Docket No. FAA–2008– Disposal Act to direct the Administrator of gram Analyst, Federal Aviation Administra- 0141)(Docket No. 08–AAL–4)) received on Au- the Environmental Protection Agency to es- tion, Department of Transportation, trans- gust 20, 2008; to the Committee on Com- tablish a hazardous waste electronic mani- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule merce, Science, and Transportation. fest system (Rept. No. 110–478).

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9204 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008

By Mr. LIEBERMAN, from the Committee vision loss, and for other purposes; to the Ms. COLLINS, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and OBAMA, Mr. ENZI, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr. fairs, with amendments: Pensions. VITTER, Mr. KERRY, Mr. DOMENICI, S. 3175. A bill to amend the Robert T. Staf- By Mr. DEMINT: Mr. STEVENS, Mr. THUNE, Mrs. DOLE, ford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assist- S. 3535. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Mr. COBURN, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. ance Act to reauthorize the predisaster haz- enue Code of 1986 to index certain assets for ROCKEFELLER, Mr. INOUYE, Mr. SALA- ard mitigation program, to make technical purposes of determining gain or loss; read ZAR, Mrs. HUTCHISON, and Mr. MENEN- corrections to that Act, and for other pur- the first time. DEZ): poses (Rept. No. 110–479). By Mr. CARPER: S. Res. 675. A resolution expressing support By Mr. DORGAN, from the Committee on S. 3536. A bill to amend section 5402 of title for the goals of National Adoption Day and Indian Affairs, with an amendment in the 39, United States Code, to modify the author- National Adoption Month by promoting na- nature of a substitute and an amendment to ity relating to United States Postal Service tional awareness of adoption and the chil- the title: air transportation contracts, and for other dren awaiting families, celebrating children S. 3192. A bill to amend the Act of August purposes; to the Committee on Homeland Se- and families involved in adoption, and en- 9, 1955, to authorize the Cow Creek Band of curity and Governmental Affairs. couraging Americans to secure safety, per- Umpqua Tribe of Indians, the Coquille Indian By Mr. BOND: manency, and well-being for all children; Tribe, and the Confederated Tribes of the S. 3537. A bill to establish the World War I considered and agreed to. Siletz Indians of Oregon to obtain 99-year Centennial Commission to ensure a suitable By Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself, Mr. lease authority for trust land (Rept. No. 110– observance of the centennial of World War I, BAYH, Mr. BIDEN, Mr. CASEY, Mr. 480). and for other purposes; to the Committee on CHAMBLISS, Mr. COCHRAN, Ms. COL- f the Judiciary. LINS, Mr. CRAPO, Mrs. DOLE, Mr. DOMENICI, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. INOUYE, f INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND Mr. KERRY, Mr. MARTINEZ, Mr. JOINT RESOLUTIONS SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND MENENDEZ, Mr. PRYOR, Mr. SCHUMER, The following bills and joint resolu- SENATE RESOLUTIONS Ms. SNOWE, Mr. SPECTER, Ms. STABE- NOW, Mr. STEVENS, Mr. SALAZAR, and tions were introduced, read the first The following concurrent resolutions and second times by unanimous con- Mrs. CLINTON): and Senate resolutions were read, and S. Res. 676. A resolution supporting the sent, and referred as indicated: referred (or acted upon), as indicated: goals and ideals of Red Ribbon Week; consid- By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mrs. LIN- By Mr. MARTINEZ (for himself, Mr. ered and agreed to. COLN, Ms. SNOWE, Ms. CANTWELL, Mrs. NELSON of Florida, and Mr. SALAZAR): By Mr. REID (for himself and Mr. DOLE, Mrs. CLINTON, Mr. VOINOVICH, S. Res. 669. A resolution recognizing the ef- MCCONNELL): Ms. LANDRIEU, Mr. PRYOR, Mrs. forts and contributions of outstanding His- S. Res. 677. A resolution to authorize testi- MCCASKILL, Mr. OBAMA, and Mrs. panic scientists in the United States; to the mony and legal representation in Ramsey, et BOXER): Committee on Commerce, Science, and al. v. Wilson, et al.; considered and agreed to. S. 3528. A bill to authorize the Adminis- Transportation. By Mr. BYRD: trator of General Services to convey a parcel By Mr. ALLARD (for himself, Mr. S. Con. Res. 100. A concurrent resolution of real property in the District of Columbia; authorizing the last surviving United States CASEY, Mr. AKAKA, Mr. BENNETT, Mr. to the Committee on Environment and Pub- veteran of the First World War to lie in BROWN, Mr. CHAMBLISS, Mrs. CLINTON, lic Works. honor in the rotunda of the Capitol upon his Mr. COLEMAN, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. DOMEN- By Mr. LUGAR (for himself and Mr. death; to the Committee on Rules and Ad- ICI, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. ENZI, Mrs. FEIN- CASEY): ministration. S. 3529. A bill to authorize appropriations STEIN, Mrs. HUTCHISON, Mr. INHOFE, f for fiscal years 2010 through 2014 to provide Mr. KENNEDY, Ms. LANDRIEU, Mr. assistance to foreign countries to promote LEAHY, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. LIEBERMAN, ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS food security, to stimulate rural economies, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. S. 368 and to improve emergency response to food PRYOR, Mr. ROCKEFELLER, Mr. SAND- crises, to amend the Foreign Assistance Act ERS, Mr. SCHUMER, Ms. STABENOW, At the request of Mr. BIDEN, the of 1961, and for other purposes; to the Com- Mr. STEVENS, Mr. VOINOVICH, Mr. name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. mittee on Foreign Relations. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. WICKER, Ms. MUR- WYDEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. By Mr. BROWN: KOWSKI, Mr. BARRASSO, and Mr. 368, a bill to amend the Omnibus Crime S. 3530. A bill to establish the Stephanie MENENDEZ): S. Res. 670. A resolution designating Sep- Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to Tubbs Jones Gift of Life Medal for organ do- enhance the COPS ON THE BEAT nors and the family or organ donors; to the tember 25, 2008, as ‘‘National First Responder Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Appreciation Day’’; considered and agreed grant program, and for other purposes. Affairs. to. S. 382 By Mr. LUGAR (for himself, Mr. BIDEN, By Ms. MIKULSKI (for herself and Mr. At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the and Mr. HAGEL): CARDIN): name of the Senator from Arkansas S. Res. 671. A resolution congratulating the S. 3531. A bill to authorize assistance for (Mrs. LINCOLN) was added as a cospon- University of Maryland School of Medicine Afghanistan, and for other purposes; to the sor of S. 382, a bill to amend the Public Committee on Foreign Relations. on its 200th anniversary; considered and By Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Ms. agreed to. Health Service Act to establish a State SNOWE, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. ENSIGN, By Mr. PRYOR (for himself and Mrs. family support grant program to end Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. LINCOLN): the practice of parents giving legal FEINGOLD, Ms. COLLINS, Ms. CANT- S. Res. 672. A resolution designating Sep- custody of their seriously emotionally WELL, Mr. SUNUNU, Mr. LEAHY, Mrs. tember 12, 2008, as ‘‘National Day of Encour- disturbed children to State agencies for DOLE, Mr. SMITH, Mr. ALEXANDER, agement’’; considered and agreed to. the purpose of obtaining mental health Mr. DODD, Mrs. LINCOLN, Mr. BAYH, By Mr. HARKIN (for himself and Mr. services for those children. Mr. KERRY, Mr. HARKIN, Mrs. BOXER, SMITH): S. 400 Mr. OBAMA, Mrs. CLINTON, Ms. STABE- S. Res. 673. A resolution recognizing the NOW, and Mr. BIDEN): importance of workplace wellness as a strat- At the request of Mr. SUNUNU, the S. 3532. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- egy to help maximize employees’ health and name of the Senator from Minnesota enue Code of 1986 to allow the Secretary of well being; considered and agreed to. (Mr. COLEMAN) was added as a cospon- the Treasury to establish the standard mile- By Ms. MIKULSKI (for herself, Mr. sor of S. 400, a bill to amend the Em- age rate for use of a passenger automobile ENZI, Mr. BURR, and Mr. HATCH): ployee Retirement Income Security S. Res. 674. A resolution designating Sep- for purposes of the charitable contributions Act of 1974 and the Internal Revenue deduction and to exclude charitable mileage tember 22, 2008, as ‘‘National Falls Preven- reimbursements from gross income; to the tion Awareness Day’’ to raise awareness and Code of 1986 to ensure that dependent Committee on Finance. encourage the prevention of falls among students who take a medically nec- By Mr. SCHUMER (for himself and older adults; considered and agreed to. essary leave of absence do not lose Mrs. CLINTON): By Ms. LANDRIEU (for herself, Mr. health insurance coverage, and for S. 3533. A bill to establish the Daniel Web- COLEMAN, Mrs. LINCOLN, Mr. MAR- other purposes. TINEZ, Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. CRAIG, Mr. ster Congressional Clerkship Program; to the S. 960 Committee on Rules and Administration. LEVIN, Mr. CASEY, Mr. BAYH, Mrs. At the request of Mrs. CLINTON, the By Mr. DODD (for himself and Mr. BOXER, Mr. INHOFE, Mrs. CLINTON, Mr. VOINOVICH): BURR, Mr. BUNNING, Mr. LAUTENBERG, name of the Senator from West Vir- S. 3534. A bill to provide for the expansion Mr. SMITH, Mr. DEMINT, Ms. STABE- ginia (Mr. ROCKEFELLER) was added as of Federal programs to prevent and manage NOW, Mr. SPECTER, Mr. BROWNBACK, a cosponsor of S. 960, a bill to establish

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9205 the United States Public Service Acad- S. 2263 tion of the legacy of the United States emy. At the request of Mr. WEBB, the name Army Infantry and the establishment S. 1070 of the Senator from Massachusetts of the National Infantry Museum and At the request of Mrs. LINCOLN, the (Mr. KENNEDY) was added as a cospon- Soldier Center. name of the Senator from South Da- sor of S. 2263, a bill to require the Di- S. 3367 kota (Mr. JOHNSON) was added as a co- rector of the National Institute of At the request of Mr. SMITH, the sponsor of S. 1070, a bill to amend the Standards and Technology to establish name of the Senator from Michigan Social Security Act to enhance the so- an initiative to promote the research, (Ms. STABENOW) was added as a cospon- cial security of the Nation by ensuring development, and demonstration of sor of S. 3367, a bill to amend title adequate public-private infrastructure miner tracking and communications XVIII of the Social Security Act to re- and to resolve to prevent, detect, treat, systems and to promote the establish- vise the timeframe for recognition of intervene in, and prosecute elder abuse, ment of standards and other measure- certain designations in certifying rural neglect, and exploitation, and for other ment services regarding underground health clinics under the Medicare pro- purposes. communications to protect miners in gram. the United States. S. 1232 S. 3426 S. 2851 At the request of Mr. DODD, the At the request of Mr. KERRY, the names of the Senator from California At the request of Mr. BUNNING, the name of the Senator from Nebraska name of the Senator from New Mexico (Mrs. BOXER) and the Senator from (Mr. HAGEL) was added as a cosponsor Utah (Mr. HATCH) were added as co- (Mr. BINGAMAN) was added as a cospon- of S. 3426, a bill to amend the Foreign sponsors of S. 1232, a bill to direct the sor of S. 2851, a bill to amend the Inter- Service Act of 1980 to extend com- Secretary of Health and Human Serv- nal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the parability pay adjustments to members ices, in consultation with the Sec- penalty on the understatement of tax- of the Foreign Service assigned to retary of Education, to develop a vol- payer’s liability by tax return pre- posts abroad, and to amend the provi- untary policy for managing the risk of parers. sion relating to the death gratuity pay- food allergy and anaphylaxis in S. 3021 able to surviving dependents on For- schools, to establish school-based food At the request of Mr. LAUTENBERG, eign Service employees who die as a re- allergy management grants, and for the name of the Senator from Cali- sult of injuries sustained in the per- other purposes. fornia (Mrs. BOXER) was added as a co- formance of duty abroad. S. 1255 sponsor of S. 3021, a bill to amend title S. 3429 At the request of Mr. DORGAN, his 49, United States Code, with respect to At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the name was added as a cosponsor of S. length and weight limitations for name of the Senator from Arkansas 1255, a bill to protect Indian arts and buses, trucks, and other large vehicles (Mrs. LINCOLN) was added as a cospon- crafts through the improvement of ap- on Federal highways, and for other sor of S. 3429, a bill to amend the Inter- plicable criminal proceedings, and for purposes. nal Revenue Code to provide for an in- other purposes. S. 3246 creased mileage rate for charitable de- S. 1410 At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the ductions. At the request of Mr. COLEMAN, the name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. S. 3446 name of the Senator from Idaho (Mr. COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the CRAIG) was added as a cosponsor of S. 3246, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- 1410, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- enue Code of 1986 to allow the Sec- name of the Senator from Hawaii (Mr. enue Code of 1986 to allow a credit retary of the Treasury to set the stand- INOUYE) was added as a cosponsor of S. against income tax for the purchase of ard mileage rate for use of a passenger 3446, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- hearing aids. automobile for purposes of the chari- enue Code of 1986 to defer the tax on the gain on the sale of certain tele- S. 1661 table contributions deduction. communications and media businesses, At the request of Mr. DORGAN, the S. 3308 and for other purposes. name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the S. 3484 LUGAR) was added as a cosponsor of S. name of the Senator from Missouri 1661, a bill to communicate United (Mrs. MCCASKILL) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. SPECTER, the States travel policies and improve sponsor of S. 3308, a bill to require the names of the Senator from North Caro- marketing and other activities de- Secretary of Veterans Affairs to permit lina (Mrs. DOLE) and the Senator from signed to increase travel in the United facilities of the Department of Vet- Colorado (Mr. SALAZAR) were added as States from abroad. erans Affairs to be designated as voter cosponsors of S. 3484, a bill to provide S. 1738 registration agencies, and for other for a delay in the phase out of the hos- At the request of Mr. BIDEN, the purposes. pice budget neutrality adjustment fac- names of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. S. 3344 tor under title XVIII of the Social Se- SMITH), the Senator from Georgia (Mr. At the request of Mr. COBURN, the curity Act. ISAKSON), the Senator from Virginia names of the Senator from Oklahoma S. 3487 (Mr. WEBB) and the Senator from Lou- (Mr. INHOFE), the Senator from North At the request of Mr. DURBIN, his isiana (Ms. LANDRIEU) were added as Carolina (Mr. BURR) and the Senator name and the names of the Senator cosponsors of S. 1738, a bill to establish from South Dakota (Mr. THUNE) were from Massachusetts (Mr. KERRY), the a Special Counsel for Child Exploi- added as cosponsors of S. 3344, a bill to Senator from Minnesota (Mr. COLE- tation Prevention and Interdiction defend against child exploitation and MAN), the Senator from Oregon (Mr. within the Office of the Deputy Attor- child pornography through improved SMITH) and the Senator from Rhode Is- ney General, to improve the Internet Internet Crimes Against Children task land (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) were added as Crimes Against Children Task Force, forces and enhanced tools to block ille- cosponsors of S. 3487, a bill to amend to increase resources for regional com- gal images, and to eliminate the un- the National and Community Service puter forensic labs, and to make other warranted release of convicted sex of- Act of 1990 to expand and improve op- improvements to increase the ability fenders. portunities for service, and for other of law enforcement agencies to inves- S. 3356 purposes. tigate and prosecute predators. At the request of Mr. ISAKSON, the S. 3491 S. 1782 names of the Senator from South Da- At the request of Mr. STEVENS, the At the request of Mr. FEINGOLD, the kota (Mr. JOHNSON), the Senator from name of the Senator from Texas (Mrs. name of the Senator from California Arkansas (Mrs. LINCOLN) and the Sen- HUTCHISON) was added as a cosponsor of (Mrs. BOXER) was added as a cosponsor ator from Missouri (Mrs. MCCASKILL) S. 3491, a bill to amend the Commu- of S. 1782, a bill to amend chapter 1 of were added as cosponsors of S. 3356, a nications Act of 1934 to improve the ef- title 9 of United States Code with re- bill to require the Secretary of the fectiveness of rural health care support spect to arbitration. Treasury to mint coins in commemora- under section 254(h) of that Act.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9206 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 S. 3498 sylvania (Mr. CASEY) were added as co- tion, and broaden agricultural knowl- At the request of Mr. VOINOVICH, the sponsors of S. Res. 661, a resolution edge could begin a new era in U.S. di- names of the Senator from Kentucky supporting the goals and ideals of Na- plomacy. Such an effort could solidify (Mr. MCCONNELL), the Senator from tional Spina Bifida Awareness Month. relationships with nations where, up to Iowa (Mr. GRASSLEY), the Senator from S. RES. 666 now, we have had few positive con- Mississippi (Mr. WICKER) and the Sen- At the request of Mr. ROBERTS, the tacts. It could improve our broader ator from Arkansas (Mrs. LINCOLN) names of the Senator from Missouri trade relations and serve as a model for were added as cosponsors of S. 3498, a (Mr. BOND), the Senator from Wis- similar endeavors in the areas of en- bill to amend title 46, United States consin (Mr. KOHL), the Senator from ergy and scientific cooperation. Code, to extend the exemption from the Idaho (Mr. CRAIG) and the Senator from Achieving food security for all people fire-retardant materials construction Montana (Mr. BAUCUS) were added as also would have profound implications requirement for vessels operating with- cosponsors of S. Res. 666, a resolution for peace and U.S. national security. in the Boundary Line. recognizing and honoring the 50th an- Hungry people are desperate people, S. 3509 niversary of the founding of AARP. and desperation often sows the seeds of conflict and extremism. At the request of Mr. CASEY, the f name of the Senator from New Mexico The U.S. has always stood for big STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED ideas—from the founding of the Repub- (Mr. BINGAMAN) was added as a cospon- BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS sor of S. 3509, a bill to address the on- lic on the basis of freedom to President Kennedy’s vow to put a man on the going humanitarian crisis in Iraq and By Mr. LUGAR (for himself and moon. One of today’s big ideas should potential security breakdown resulting Mr. CASEY): be the eradication of hunger. We can from the mass displacement of Iraqis S. 3529. A bill to authorize appropria- bring America’s dedication to science, inside Iraq and as refugees into neigh- tions for fiscal years 2010 through 2014 innovation, technology, and education boring countries. to provide assistance to foreign coun- together to lead an effort devoted to S. 3521 tries to promote food security, to stim- ulate rural economies, and to improve overcoming the obstacles to food secu- At the request of Mr. COCHRAN, the rity. name of the Senator from Mississippi emergency response to food crises, to amend the Foreign Assistance Act of The Global Food Security Act of 2008, (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor is a 5-year authorization that seeks to of S. 3521, a bill to designate the facil- 1961, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Relations. provide solutions that will have the ity of the United States Postal Service greatest effect. First, it creates a Spe- located at 95 Dogwood Street in Cary, Mr. LUGAR. Mr. President, I am pleased today to announce the intro- cial Coordinator for Global Food Secu- Mississippi, as the ‘‘Spencer Byrd Pow- rity and puts that person in charge of ers Jr. Post Office’’. duction of the Global Food Security Act of 2008. I would like to thank my developing a food security strategy. We S. 3526 call on the development of that strat- friend Senator CASEY for lending his At the request of Mr. BIDEN, the ideas and support to this bipartisan ef- egy to take a whole-of-government ap- names of the Senator from Florida (Mr. fort. I also thank USAID Adminis- proach and to work with other inter- MARTINEZ) and the Senator from Flor- national donors, the NGO community, trator Henrietta Fore, who took an ida (Mr. NELSON) were added as cospon- and the private sector. early interest in potential legislation. sors of S. 3526, a bill to enhance drug Second, the bill authorizes additional Her leadership is very much appre- trafficking interdiction by creating a resources for agricultural productivity ciated. Finally, I want to thank the Federal felony relating to operating or and rural development. U.S. foreign as- members of USAID’s informal food se- embarking in a submersible or semi- sistance for agriculture has declined by curity team, who advised us on prob- submersible vessel without nationality nearly 70 percent since the 1980s. Glob- lems and possible legislative solutions. ally, only four percent of official devel- and on an international voyage. As we know, food prices started a opment assistance from all donors is S. RES. 616 steep climb in the fall of 2007 and con- At the request of Mrs. LINCOLN, the allocated for agriculture. This amounts tinued to increase during the spring of to neglect of what should be considered names of the Senator from Colorado this year. The crisis has abated some- (Mr. SALAZAR), the Senator from Cali- one of the most vital sectors in the al- what, largely due to the drop in energy leviation of poverty. Food shortages fornia (Mrs. BOXER), the Senator from prices. Nonetheless, this episode dem- California (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) and the are likely to recur frequently if the onstrated that there are significant U.S. and the global community fail to Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. REED) structural challenges to attaining glob- were added as cosponsors of S. Res. 616, invest in agricultural productivity in al food security. The system is vulner- the developing world. a resolution reducing maternal mor- able to periodic disruptions that both tality both at home and abroad. World leaders must understand that expose and exacerbate deeper problems. over the long term, satisfying global S. RES. 660 We live in a world where nearly 1 bil- demand for more and better food can be At the request of Mr. NELSON of Flor- lion people suffer from chronic food in- achieved only by increasing yields per ida, the name of the Senator from Lou- security. When droughts occur, hurri- acre. In the 1930s, my father, Marvin isiana (Ms. LANDRIEU) was added as a canes hit, or other disruptions arise, Lugar, produced corn yields of approxi- cosponsor of S. Res. 660, a resolution transitory food insecurity can put as mately 40 to 50 bushels per acre. Today, condemning ongoing sales of arms to many as 100 million people at a time in the Lugar farm yields about 150 bushels belligerents in Sudan, including the grave danger. In fact, the World Food per acre on the same land in Marion Government of Sudan, and calling for Program reports that 25,000 people die County, IN. The Green Revolution, both a cessation of such sales and an each day from malnutrition-related from 1965 to 1985, saw the introduction expansion of the United Nations em- causes. Health experts advise us that a of high yield seeds and improved agri- bargo on arms sales to Sudan. diverse and secure food supply has cultural techniques that resulted in a At the request of Mr. INHOFE, the major health benefits, including in- near doubling of cereal grain produc- names of the Senator from New Hamp- creasing child survival, improving cog- tion per acre over 20 years. But yields shire (Mr. SUNUNU), the Senator from nitive and physical development of may have to be doubled or tripled Ohio (Mr. VOINOVICH), the Senator from children, and increasing immune sys- again. Georgia (Mr. CHAMBLISS), the Senator tem function including resistance to Increasing acreage under production from Nevada (Mr. ENSIGN) and the Sen- HIV/AIDS. will not satisfy the growth in food de- ator from Oregon (Mr. SMITH) were Food insecurity is a global tragedy, mand, and these steps come with seri- added as cosponsors of S. Res. 660, but it is also an opportunity for the ous environmental and national secu- supra. U.S. The U.S. is the indisputable world rity costs. We need a second green rev- S. RES. 661 leader in agricultural production and olution that will benefit developed and At the request of Mr. DODD, the technology. A more focused effort on developing nations alike. names of the Senator from Indiana our part to join with other nations to Recent studies have demonstrated (Mr. BAYH) and the Senator from Penn- increase yields, improve food distribu- that funds spent in agriculture can be

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9207 up to four times more beneficial to eco- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. (A) the Committee on Foreign Relations nomic growth than spending in other (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as and the Committee on Appropriations of the areas. It seems, therefore, that our the ‘‘Global Food Security Act of 2008’’. Senate; and overall foreign aid strategy would ben- (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- (B) the Committee on Foreign Affairs and tents for this Act is as follows: the Committee on Appropriations of the efit from restoring agriculture pro- House of Representatives. grams to their former prominence. The Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. Sec. 2. Findings. (3) CHRONIC FOOD INSECURITY.—The term bill increases funding for these pro- Sec. 3. Definitions. ‘‘chronic food insecurity’’ means ongoing grams in the first year by $750 million. and persistent lack of access to sufficient TITLE I—POLICY OBJECTIVES, food to meet dietary needs for an active and The increase would reach $2.5 billion in PLANNING AND COORDINATION year 5. Because those who subsist on healthy life. Sec. 101. Statement of policy. less than one dollar a day spend at (4) EXTREME POVERTY.—The term ‘‘extreme Sec. 102. Comprehensive food security strat- poverty’’ means income of less than half of least half their incomes on food, ac- egy. the poverty level as defined by the Inter- cording to the International Food Pol- Sec. 103. Reports. national Bank for Reconstruction and Devel- icy Research Institute, the bill high- TITLE II—BILATERAL PROGRAMS opment for the relevant year. (5) INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION.—The lights the need to focus on those living Sec. 201. Agriculture, rural development, term ‘‘institution of higher education’’ in extreme poverty. and nutrition. means educational institutions providing In thinking about how to approach Sec. 202. Agricultural research. post-secondary education and training. agricultural productivity, we tried to Sec. 203. Higher education collaboration for draw from the experience of U.S. land technology, agriculture, re- TITLE I—POLICY OBJECTIVES, PLANNING grant colleges and the contributions search and extension. AND COORDINATION they have made to U.S. agriculture. TITLE III—EMERGENCY RESPONSE TO SEC. 101. STATEMENT OF POLICY. FOOD CRISES It is the policy of the United States to pro- The bill creates a new program that mote global food security, to improve agri- would strengthen institutions of higher Sec. 301. Emergency food assistance ac- cultural productivity, to support the devel- education in the areas of agriculture count. opment of institutions of higher learning sciences, research and extension pro- Sec. 302. Authorization of appropriations. that will enhance human capacity, a knowl- grams. Investments in human capital SEC. 2. FINDINGS. edge economy, agricultural research and and institutional capacity are impor- Congress makes the following findings: technology, and the dissemination of farm- tant to developing a robust agricul- (1) Nearly 1,000,000,000 people worldwide ing techniques to all levels of the agriculture suffer from food insecurity, defined as a lack sector, and to support sustainable farming tural sector. of access to sufficient food to meet dietary methods. Universities and research centers can needs for an active and healthy life. SEC. 102. COMPREHENSIVE FOOD SECURITY play an important role in achieving (2) The number of food insecure increased STRATEGY. technological advances that are appro- from 849,000,000 in 2006 to 982,000,000 in 2007. (a) SPECIAL COORDINATOR.—The President priate to local conditions. As such, the (3) The World Food Programme reports shall designate an individual to serve in the bill calls for increasing collaborative that 25,000 people die each day from mal- Executive Office of the President as the Spe- cial Coordinator for Food Security. The co- research on the full range of biotechno- nutrition-related causes. (4) The food security situation of lower in- ordinator shall advise and assist the Presi- logical advances including genetically dent by— modified technologies. come countries is projected to continue to deteriorate over the next decade. (1) advising the President on international Third, the bill improves the U.S. (5) Nearly half of the world’s food insecure food security issues; emergency response to food crises by live in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2) taking such actions as are necessary to creating a separate Emergency Food (6) The agricultural sector comprises large ensure the coordination of the food security Assistance Fund that can make local portions of the total labor force in many de- efforts and programs of the United States, including the activities of Federal agencies, and regional purchases of food, where veloping countries, as high as 70 to 80 per- and cent in Sub-Saharan Africa, where it also appropriate. Funds can be used for (3) overseeing the development and imple- contributes about 35 percent of the total emergency food and agricultural assist- mentation of the strategy described in sub- gross national product (GDP). ance. The Government Accountability section (b). (7) Agriculture has been shown to be an ef- Office reports that it can often take 4 (b) CONTENT OF STRATEGY.—The strategy ficient engine of economic growth in devel- referred to in subsection (a)(3) is a com- to 6 months from the time a crisis oc- oping countries. curs until U.S. food shipments arrive. prehensive food security strategy that— (8) A diverse and secure food supply has (1) includes specific and measurable goals, Our intention is to provide USAID with health benefits, including increasing child benchmarks and time frames, and a plan of the flexibility to respond to emer- survival, improving cognitive and physical action to achieve the objectives described in gencies more quickly, without sup- development of children, and increasing im- section 101; planting other food programs such as mune system function including resistance (2) seeks to encourage and leverage, to the P.L. 480. to HIV/AIDS. greatest extent possible— I hope that our bill will begin a pro- (9) Rapid increases in global food costs (A) private sector participation, including since 2007 threaten to significantly under- through the Global Development Alliances of ductive dialogue on how our govern- mine gains achieved in poverty reduction ment can be a more effective partner the United States Agency for International and health programs. Development and other measures; and with NGO and private actors in pro- (10) The poor in developing countries spend (B) the coordination of United States food moting food security. There is no good as much as 50 to 70 percent of their incomes security efforts with similar efforts of inter- reason why nearly a billion people on food. national organizations, international finan- should be food insecure or that the (11) Three out of five of those suffering cial institutions, the governments of devel- world should have to endure the social from hunger are rural small-scale agricul- oping and developed countries, and United upheaval and risks of conflict that this tural families. One out of five is a rural land- States and international nongovernmental less laborer, and another one-fifth are urban organizations; insecurity causes. poor, according to the United Nations Hun- I look forward to working with col- (3) provides appropriate linkages with ger Task Force. United States international health pro- leagues to improve the U.S. and global (12) A comprehensive approach to food se- grams, such as the President’s Emergency efforts to alleviate food insecurity and curity should encompass improvements in Plan for HIV/AIDS Relief; advance agricultural knowledge and nutrition, education, agricultural infrastruc- (4) reflects a whole-of-government ap- technology worldwide. ture and productivity, finance and markets, proach that incorporates and encompasses Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- safety net programs, household incomes, and the programs of relevant Federal depart- sent that the text of the bill be printed emergency preparedness. ments and agencies that engage in some as- in the RECORD. SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. pect of food security, including the Depart- There being no objection, the text of In this Act: ment of State, the United States Agency for the bill was ordered to be printed in (1) ADMINISTRATOR.—The term ‘‘Adminis- International Development, the Department trator’’ means the Administrator of the of Agriculture, the Department of Defense, the RECORD, as follows: United States Agency for International De- the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the S. 3529 velopment. Department of the Treasury, the Office of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (2) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- the United States Trade Representative, and resentatives of the United States of America in TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional the Department of Health and Human Serv- Congress assembled, committees’’ means— ices; and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 (5) provides annual monitoring and evalua- (1) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘; and’’ oped by the United States Agency for Inter- tion of the program addressing progress to- and inserting a semicolon; national Development in coordination with a ward access to food, availability of food, uti- (2) in subparagraph (C), by striking the pe- foreign government addressing assistance for lization of food, and risk factors associated riod at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and agricultural education programs. with food insecure populations. (3) by adding at the end the following new (2) BOARD.—The term ‘‘ ‘Board’ ’’ means the (c) IMPLEMENTATION.—The United States subparagraph: Board for Higher Education Collaboration Agency for International Development shall ‘‘(D) to expand the economic participation for Technology, Agriculture, Research, and be the lead agency in implementing the of people living in extreme poverty and those Extension. strategy described in subsection (b). who lack access to agriculturally productive (3) EDUCATION CENTER OF EXCELLENCE.—The SEC. 103. REPORTS. land, including through productive safety term ‘‘ ‘education center of excellence’ ’’ (a) ANNUAL REPORTS.— net programs and health and nutrition pro- means an institution of higher education (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than one year grams, and to integrate those living in ex- that is designated as the lead educational in- after the date of the enactment of this Act, treme poverty into the economy.’’. stitution for purposes of the assistance plan. and not later than December 31 of each year (b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— (4) ELIGIBLE COUNTRY.—The term ‘‘ ‘eligible thereafter through 2014, the President shall There is authorized to be appropriated to the country’ ’’ means a country that meets the submit to the appropriate congressional President to provide assistance under section requirements of subsection (h). committees a report on the implementation 103 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 (d) ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAM.—Not later of the strategy described in section 102(b). U.S.C. 2151a) for the purpose of carrying out than 90 days after the date of the enactment (2) CONTENT.—The report required under activities under this section, in addition to of this Act, the Administrator shall establish paragraph (1) shall include— funds otherwise available for such purpose— a program to be known as the Higher Edu- (A) a copy of the strategy and an indica- (1) $750,000,000 for fiscal year 2010; cation Collaboration for Technology, Agri- tion of any changes made in the strategy (2) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2011; culture, Research, and Extension (in this during the preceding calendar year; (3) $1,500,000,000 for fiscal year 2012; section referred to as the ‘‘Program’’ or (B) an assessment of progress made during (4) $2,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2013; and ‘‘HECTARE’’) for the purpose of providing the preceding calendar year toward meeting (5) $2,500,000,000 for fiscal year 2014. assistance in support of policies and pro- the objectives described in section 101 and (c) COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH SUPPORT grams in eligible countries that advance ag- the specific goals, benchmarks, and time PROGRAM.—Of the amounts appropriated pur- ricultural productivity and hunger allevi- frames specified in the strategy described in suant to the authorization of appropriations ation through partnerships with institutions section 102(b); under subsection (b), up to $35,000,000 may be of higher education. made available annually for the Collabo- (C) a description of United States Govern- (e) FORM OF ASSISTANCE.—Assistance may ment programs contributing to the achieve- rative Research Support Program for fiscal be provided under this section in the form of ment of the objectives described in section years 2011 through 2014. grants, cooperative agreements, or contracts (d) CONSULTATIVE GROUP ON INTERNATIONAL 101, including the amounts expended on such to or with eligible entities described in sub- AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH.—Of the amounts programs during the preceding fiscal year; section (i) and shall be provided pursuant to appropriated pursuant to the authorization and assistance plans as described in subsection of appropriations under subsection (b), up to (D) an assessment of United States efforts (g). Assistance may not be provided under $45,000,000 may be made available annually to encourage and leverage private sector par- this section in the form of loans. for core long-term research for the Consult- ticipation in United States food security pro- (f) USE OF FUNDS.—Assistance provided grams and to coordinate such programs with ative Group on International Agricultural Research for fiscal years 2011 through 2014. under this section may be used to provide similar efforts of international organiza- support to education centers of excellence in SEC. 202. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH. tions, international financial institutions, eligible countries for the following purposes: Section 103A of the Foreign Assistance Act the governments of developing and developed (1) Academic exchange programs for stu- of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151a–1) is amended in the countries, and United States and inter- dents, faculty members, and school adminis- first sentence— national nongovernmental organizations. trators with other education of centers of ex- (1) by striking ‘‘, and (3) make’’ and insert- (3) GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE RE- cellence and with universities in the United ing ‘‘, (3) make’’; and PORT.—Not later than 270 days after the sub- States. (2) by striking the period at the end and in- mission of each report under paragraph (1), (2) Strengthening agriculture sciences cur- serting ‘‘, and (4) include research on bio- the Comptroller General of the United States ricula. technological advances appropriate to local shall submit to the appropriate congres- (3) Increasing research capacity. ecological conditions, including genetically sional committees a report that contains— (4) Improving the dissemination of appro- modified technology.’’. (A) a review of, and comments addressing, priate information and technology to farm- the report submitted under paragraph (1); SEC. 203. HIGHER EDUCATION COLLABORATION ers. and FOR TECHNOLOGY, AGRICULTURE, RESEARCH AND EXTENSION. (g) ASSISTANCE PLANS.— (B) recommendations relating to any addi- (a) FINDINGS.—Congress makes the fol- (1) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator shall tional actions the Comptroller General de- lowing findings: provide assistance under this section pursu- termines to be necessary to improve a global (1) Institutions of higher education can ant to an assistance plan developed in co- food security strategy and its implementa- promote a robust agriculture sector through ordination with an eligible country that es- tion. investments in human capital, research and tablishes a multi-year plan for significantly (b) PROGRAM REVIEW.— technology, and extension services. improving agricultural productivity and in- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 4 years (2) Enrollment levels in higher education vesting in rural economies through the after the date of the enactment of this Act, are 5 percent in Africa, 10 percent in South strengthening of agricultural programs at the President shall submit to the appro- Asia, 19 percent in East Asia, and 23 percent institutions of higher learning. priate congressional committees a report in North Africa and the Middle East. (2) ELEMENTS.—An assistance plan should— containing— (3) Universities in the United States have a (A) take into account the national develop- (A) an assessment of progress made during history of serving as engines of development. ment strategy of the eligible country; the preceding four years toward meeting the (4) Many universities in the United States (B) identify an education center of excel- objectives described in section 101 and the have experience in partnering with foreign lence devoted to agricultural sciences (in specific goals, benchmarks, and time frames universities on faculty and student ex- this paragraph referred to as a ‘‘center’’); specified in the strategy described in section changes, curriculum development, and joint (C) identify the partnerships between the 102(b); and research projects. center and other institutions of higher learn- (B) an evaluation of the impact during the (5) According to a World Bank study, high- ing, including schools or research institu- preceding four years of United States food er education contributes to national produc- tions in the United States and foreign coun- security programs on food security, health, tivity, raises living standards, and improves tries, government agencies, including local and economic growth in countries suffering a country’s ability to compete globally. and regional governments, private sector en- from chronic food insecurity. (6) United States foreign assistance sup- tities, and civil society; (2) BASIS FOR REPORT.—The report required port for higher education has declined from (D) identify appropriate channels for dis- under paragraph (1) shall be based on assess- the 1990s. semination of farming techniques to the ments and impact evaluations utilizing (b) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this section field; and sound quantitative and qualitative meth- is to provide United States assistance for the (E) identify the center’s plans for— odologies and techniques for the behavioral development of higher educational capacity (i) conducting agricultural research and sciences. in the field of agriculture in a manner that technology; TITLE II—BILATERAL PROGRAMS promotes economic growth in rural areas, (ii) strengthening the teaching of agri- SEC. 201. AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOPMENT, the alleviation of poverty and malnutrition, culture science, including programs aimed at AND NUTRITION. nutritional diversity, and good governance. curriculum, faculty, and students; (a) AUTHORITY.—Section 103(a)(1) of the (c) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (iii) providing rural outreach services (ex- Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. (1) ASSISTANCE PLAN.—The term ‘‘ ‘assist- tension); and 2151a(a)(1)) is amended— ance plan’ ’’ means a multi-year plan devel- (iv) improving university administration.

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(3) COORDINATION.—The Administrator, as implementation, and monitoring of activi- no amount of funds may be appropriated appropriate, shall coordinate the develop- ties described in this section. which, when added to amounts previously ment of assistance plans with the Global (B) Advising the Administrator in the for- appropriated but not yet obligated for such AIDS/HIV Coordinator of the Department of mulation of basic policy, program design, purpose, would cause the total of such appro- State to ensure coordination of such plans procedures, and criteria for the Program. priated amounts to exceed $500,000,000. with education programs provided for in sec- (C) Advising the Administrator on the (3) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.—Amounts ap- tion 204(c) of the United States Leadership qualifications of interested institutions of propriated pursuant to this section shall re- Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Ma- higher learning based on— main available until expended. laria Act of 2003 (22 U.S.C. 7623(c)). (i) their ability to work collaboratively to (c) USE OF FUNDS.—Assistance provided (h) ELIGIBLE COUNTRIES.— improve agricultural production, scientific under this section may include the local and (1) CRITERIA.—The Administrator shall research, and the dissemination of sound ag- regional purchase and distribution of food, identify eligible countries for purposes of ricultural technologies; and the provision of emergency non-food as- this section. Such determination shall be (ii) their commitment to expanding and sistance. based, to the maximum extent possible, upon applying their academic, teaching, research, (d) LIMITED DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY.— objective and quantifiable indicators of a and outreach capacities; and The authority under subsection (a) may be country’s demonstrated commitment to the (iii) their commitment to partner with pri- delegated to the Administrator, provided following: vate organizations, civil society, and govern- that not more than $100,000,000 may be made (A) Investments in, and support for, rural ment entities. available in any fiscal year pursuant to de- economies, including the protection of pri- (D) Advising the Administrator on which terminations made by the Administrator vate property rights, the promotion of pri- developing nations could benefit from pro- pursuant to the delegation of such authority. vate sector growth and sustainable manage- grams carried out under this section and (e) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.—The Admin- ment of natural resources, the rights of have an interest in establishing or devel- istration shall submit a report to the appro- women, and the well-being of women and oping agricultural institutions that engage priate congressional committees not later children. in teaching, research, or extension services. than 5 days before providing assistance pur- (B) Raising agricultural productivity of suant to a determination made under this (4) TERM.—Terms of members shall be set small- and medium-sized farms. by the Administrator at the time of appoint- section. The report shall indicate the unex- (C) Alleviating poverty and hunger among ment. pected urgent food needs to be addressed by the entire population. the assistance and the amount of assistance (5) REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES.—Mem- (D) Strengthening the system of higher bers of the Board shall be entitled to such re- to be provided. education institutions with regard to agri- imbursement of expenses incurred in the per- SEC. 302. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. culture science, research, and technology. formance of their duties (including per diem There is authorized to be appropriated (E) The wide dissemination of farming in lieu of subsistence while away from their $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2010 for the purpose techniques. homes or regular place of business) as the of carrying out this title. (F) Working with other international part- Administrator deems appropriate on a case- ners, such as universities in the United by-case basis. By Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Ms. States, other foreign universities, civil soci- (k) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— SNOWE, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. EN- ety, and private business and research insti- There is authorized to be appropriated to the SIGN, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. GRASS- tutions. President for the purpose of carrying out ac- LEY, Mr. FEINGOLD, Ms. COL- (G) Good governance, transparency, and tivities under this section— LINS, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. anti-corruption policies. (1) $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2010; DDITIONAL FACTORS.—The Adminis- SUNUNU, Mr. LEAHY, Mrs. DOLE, (2) A (2) $200,000,000 for fiscal year 2011; trator, in selecting eligible countries, shall Mr. SMITH, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. (3) $300,000,000 for fiscal year 2012; consider— DODD, Mrs. LINCOLN, Mr. BAYH, (4) $400,000,000 for fiscal year 2013; and (A) the extent to which the country clearly (5) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2014. Mr. KERRY, Mr. HARKIN, Mrs. meets or exceeds the eligibility criteria; (l) DISCLOSURE OF FUNDING RECEIVED BY BOXER, Mr. OBAMA, Mrs. CLIN- (B) the opportunity to increase agricul- UNITED STATES UNIVERSITIES.—The Adminis- TON, Ms. STABENOW, and Mr. tural productivity, enhance human and insti- trator shall prescribe regulations providing BIDEN): tutional capacity, and reduce hunger in the for the utilization by universities in the S. 3532. A bill to amend the Internal country; United States of alternative sources of pub- Revenue Code of 1986 to allow the Sec- (C) the availability of funds to carry out lic and private funding to carry out the pur- this section; and retary of the Treasury to establish the poses of this section and requiring the disclo- standard mileage rate for use of a pas- (D) the percentage of the country’s popu- sure, not less than annually, of all such al- lation that faces chronic food insecurity. ternative funding, both prospective and re- senger automobile for purposes of the (i) ELIGIBLE ENTITIES.—Entities eligible for ceived. charitable contributions deduction and assistance under this section are the fol- (m) ANNUAL REPORT.—Not later than Octo- to exclude charitable mileage reim- lowing: ber 1, 2009, and annually thereafter, the bursements from gross income; to the (1) Universities in the United States work- President shall submit to Congress a report ing in partnership with institutions of higher Committee on Finance. detailing the activities carried out under education in eligible countries. Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I rise this section during the preceding fiscal year (2) Education centers of excellence and today to introduce a bill, the Giving and containing a projection of programs and other institutions of higher education in eli- Incentives to Volunteers Everywhere activities to be conducted in the following gible countries. Act. In today’s economic climate, year. (3) National governments of eligible coun- Americans need relief from sky-rock- tries. TITLE III—EMERGENCY RESPONSE TO eting oil and gas prices. This applies to FOOD CRISES (4) Regional or local governmental units of everyone, including people who engage eligible countries. SEC. 301. EMERGENCY FOOD ASSISTANCE AC- in much-needed volunteer work. In (5) Nongovernmental organizations and COUNT. private entities. (a) AUTHORITY.—Whenever the President July, I introduced a similar bill to help (j) BOARD FOR GLOBAL AGRICULTURAL EDU- determines it to be important to the na- volunteers. It gave the Internal Rev- CATION.— tional interest, the President may furnish on enue Service authority to change the (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Administrator such terms and conditions as he may deter- mileage rate—currently set by statute shall establish a permanent Board for Global mine appropriate assistance under this Act at 14 cents per mile—for calculating Agricultural Education (in this section re- or the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 the deductible cost of operating a vehi- ferred to as the ‘‘Board’’) for purposes of as- U.S.C. 2151 et seq.) for the purpose of meet- cle for charitable purposes. We can’t sisting in the administration of the pro- ing unexpected urgent food assistance needs, grams authorized under this section. notwithstanding any provision of law which let an out-of-date mileage rate exacer- (2) MEMBERSHIP.—The Board shall consist restricts assistance to foreign countries. bate the pinch at the pump for volun- of 7 members, of whom— (b) ESTABLISHMENT OF ACCOUNT.— teers who selflessly provide so many (A) not less than 4 shall be selected from (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established a vital goods and services in every com- universities in the United States; and United States Emergency Food Assistance munity across America. After working (B) not less than 3 shall be selected from Fund to carry out the purposes of this sec- with Congressman LEWIS and Congress- representatives of nongovernmental organi- tion (in this section referred to as the man RAMSTAD on compromise language zations devoted to agricultural research and ‘‘Fund’’). we have improved the original bill. education. (2) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— (3) DUTIES.—The duties of the Board shall There are authorized to be appropriated to This compromise legislation will pro- include the following: the President from time to time such sums vide immediate relief for volunteers (A) Responsibility for advising the Admin- as may be necessary for the Fund to carry serving our elderly, poor, frail, and at- istrator on issues related to the planning, out the purposes of this section, except that risk Americans. I am pleased that the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 senior Senator from Maine, Senator In Maryland, the Central Maryland ‘‘(c) APPLICATION TO VOLUNTEER SERVICES SNOWE, and my other colleagues, the Meals on Wheels has experienced an in- ONLY.—Subsection (a) shall not apply with senior Senator from New York, Sen- crease of 7 percent in food costs and respect to any expenses relating to the per- formance of services for compensation. ator SCHUMER, the junior Senator from suppliers are charging higher delivery ‘‘(d) NO DOUBLE BENEFIT.—A taxpayer may Nevada, Senator ENSIGN, the senior fees. The cost to fill up the vans with not claim a deduction or credit under any Senator from Maryland, Senator MI- gas has increased. Fuel costs averaged other provision of this title with respect to KULSKI, and the senior Senator from $72,538.70 in fiscal year 2007; this year, reimbursements excluded from income under Iowa, Senator GRASSLEY, and the jun- the costs have jumped to $86,790.63. subsection (a). ior Senator from Wisconsin, Senator This is an organization with volunteers ‘‘(e) EXEMPTION FROM REPORTING REQUIRE- FEINGOLD, are original cosponsors of serving over 3,100 elderly, disabled, MENTS.—Section 6041 shall not apply with re- this bill and I thank all of them for frail and at-risk Marylanders. Its vol- spect to reimbursements excluded from in- their support. unteers deserve relief from high gas come under subsection (a). The Internal Revenue Code does not prices just as much as people who use ‘‘(f) MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS.—For pur- fix a rate for individuals who are re- their car for work or for medical pur- poses of this section, no exclusion shall be quired to use their own vehicle for poses or for moving. allowed under subsection (a) for any reim- work, or for individuals taking a mile- Throughout the U.S., Meals on bursement unless with respect to such reim- bursement the taxpayer meets substan- age deduction for moving purposes. The Wheels served over 3 million people and IRS is able to increase the deduction tiation requirements similar to the require- more than 250 million meals in fiscal ments of section 274(d).’’. amount for these purposes to reflect year 2006. This is just one of thousands (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—The table of the current economic climate and dra- of charitable organizations. We need to sections for part III of subchapter B of chap- matically higher fuel prices. This is ex- encourage and support the Meals on ter 1 of such Code is amended by adding at actly what the IRS recently did. Wheels volunteers and all other volun- the end the following new item: As of July 1st, the IRS modified the teers who need their cars to help their ‘‘Sec. 139C. Charitable mileage reimburse- standard mileage rates for computing neighbors and communities. The Giv- ment.’’. the deductible costs of operating an ing Incentives to Volunteers Every- (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments automobile for business, medical, or where bill will do just that, and I hope made by this section shall apply to miles moving expenses. The revised standard my colleagues will support it. traveled after the date of the enactment of mileage rate for business purposes in- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- this Act. creased from 50.5 cents per mile to 58.5 sent that the text of the bill be printed By Mr. DODD (for himself and cents. For medical and moving ex- in the RECORD. penses, the IRS increased the rate from There being no objection, the text of Mr. VOINOVICH): 19 cents per mile to 27 cents per mile. the bill was ordered to be printed in S. 3534. A bill to provide for the ex- I think the Nation’s volunteers who the RECORD, as follows: pansion of Federal programs to prevent travel on behalf of charitable organiza- S. 3532 and manage vision loss, and for other tions deserve an increase in their mile- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- purposes; to the Committee on Health, age rate, too. resentatives of the United States of America in Education, Labor, and Pensions. My bill gives the IRS flexibility in Congress assembled, Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I rise setting the rate so that volunteers for SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. today to introduce the Vision Preser- charitable organizations could be given This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Giving In- vation Act of 2008 with my colleague the same tax benefit accruing for mov- centives to Volunteers Everywhere Act of Sen. GEORGE VOINOVICH. The goal of ing, medical, and business expenses. It 2008’’ or the ‘‘GIVE Act of 2008’’. this legislation is to help Americans also provides a floor for volunteers, not SEC. 2. DETERMINATION OF STANDARD MILEAGE avoid the personal tragedy of unneces- allowing their rate to be set lower than RATE FOR CHARITABLE CONTRIBU- TIONS DEDUCTION. sary, preventable vision loss. This im- moving and medical rate. In today’s (a) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (i) of section portant legislation is supported by Pre- climate of increasing food and fuel 170 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (re- vent Blindness America, the American prices, this bill will help relieve some lating to standard mileage rate for use of Foundation for the Blind, the Amer- of the pressure on charitable organiza- passenger automobile) is amended to read as ican Academy of Ophthalmology, and tions and their volunteers. Addition- follows: the American Optometric Association ally, this bill will allow the organiza- ‘‘(i) STANDARD MILEAGE RATE FOR USE OF Right now there are an estimated 80 tion to reimburse the volunteer up to PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE.—For purposes of computing the deduction under this section million Americans suffering from po- the business rate without any tax im- for use of a passenger automobile, the stand- tentially blinding eye disease. Three pact to volunteers. ard mileage rate shall be the rate deter- million more Americans struggle with Take Meals on Wheels, for example. mined by the Secretary, which rate shall not This organization delivers nutritious low vision. 1.1 million more are legally be less than the standard mileage rate used blind. Glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, meals and other nutrition services to for purposes of section 213.’’. cataract and age-related macular de- men and women who are elderly, home- (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment bound, disabled, frail, or otherwise at- made by this section shall apply to miles generation, AMD, and other vision risk. The services Meals on Wheels pro- traveled after the date of the enactment of problems are costing tens of thousands vides significantly improve the recipi- this Act. of people in the United States their ents’ quality of life and health, and SEC. 3. EXCLUSION FROM GROSS INCOME FOR ability to see each year. With the aging CHARITABLE MILEAGE REIMBURSE- baby boom generation moving toward often help to postpone institutionaliza- MENTS. tion. (a) IN GENERAL.—Part III of subchapter B retirement age, these numbers are ex- Over the past year, there has been of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of pected to grow considerably. It is esti- nearly a 20 percent increase in fuel and 1986 (relating to items specifically excluded mated that by 2030, the number of blind food prices, coupled with reduced Gov- from gross income) is amended by adding at and visually impaired people will dou- ernment funding and fewer donations the end the following new section: ble if nothing is done. across the country. Nearly 60 percent ‘‘SEC. 139C. CHARITABLE MILEAGE REIMBURSE- Unsurprisingly, ‘‘The Economic Im- MENT. pact of Vision Problems: The Toll of of the estimated 5,000 programs that ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—In the case of an indi- operate under the auspices of the Meals vidual, gross income shall not include Major Adult Eye Disorders, Visual Im- on Wheels Association of America have amounts received from an organization de- pairment, and Blindness on the U.S. lost volunteers, in large part because it scribed in section 170(c)(2) as reimbursement Economy,’’ a study conducted by Pre- is too expensive for the volunteers to of operating expenses with respect to the use vent Blindness America, reveals that drive back and forth. Nearly half the of a passenger automobile for the benefit of vision loss carries significant cost to programs have eliminated routes or such organization. individuals, private insurers, health ‘‘(b) LIMITATION.—The amount excluded care providers, and the Federal govern- consolidated meal services. About 38 from gross income under subsection (a) shall percent of the programs have switched not exceed the product of the standard mile- ment. The study indicates that the di- to delivering frozen meals, and about 30 age rate used for purposes of section 162 mul- rect and indirect costs of vision loss percent are cutting personal visits tiplied by the number of miles traveled for among adults are $51.4 billion. And from 5 days a week to one. which such reimbursement is made. over a lifetime, the cost for just one

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9211 person dealing with this terrible condi- as developmental learning, communicating, ‘‘(C) establish quantitative benchmarks for tion is $566,000. The lifetime costs asso- working, health, and quality of life. determining the effectiveness of activities ciated with just those Americans born (4) One in twenty preschoolers experience carried out under this subsection; and visual impairment which, if unaddressed, can ‘‘(D) not later than 12 months after the with vision loss in 2000 is $2.5 billion. affect learning ability, personality, and ad- date of the enactment of this section, submit But what makes vision loss even justment in school. a report to the Congress on the results more tragic is that half of all blindness (5) It is estimated that blindness and visual achieved through such activities. is preventable if action is taken soon impairment cost the Federal Government ‘‘(b) SURVEILLANCE, EPIDEMIOLOGY, AND enough. There are many health and fi- more than $4 billion annually in benefits and HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH.— nancial challenges our nation is facing lost taxable income, and cost the United ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall ex- that we may just have to weather. But States economy approximately $51.4 billion pand and intensify activities to establish a solid scientific base of knowledge on the pre- here is one we can do something annually in direct medical costs, direct non medical costs, and indirect costs such as lost vention, control, and rehabilitation of vision about—and we should. That is why Sen. productivity and wages. problems and related disabilities. VOINOVICH and I are introducing the Vi- (6) Vision rehabilitation helps people with ‘‘(2) ACTIVITIES.—In carrying out this sub- sion Preservation Act. This legislation vision loss to live safely and independently section, the Secretary may— would improve and strengthen impor- at home and in the community, reduce medi- ‘‘(A) create a national ongoing surveillance tant public health programs at the cation errors, cook and perform other daily system; Centers for Disease Control and Pre- activities reliably, and avoid accidents ‘‘(B) identify and test screening modali- ties; vention, the National Institutes of which may lead to injury or even the onset of additional disabilities, especially among ‘‘(C) evaluate strategies to reduce barriers Health, and the Health Resources and older persons living with vision loss. to access to treatment by optometrists, oph- Services Administration, HRSA. Spe- (7) Recognizing that the Nation requires a thalmologists, and other vision rehabilita- cifically, it would expand existing pub- public health approach to visual impair- tion professionals; lic education and awareness efforts to ment, the Department of Health and Human ‘‘(D) evaluate the efficacy and cost-effec- empower Americans to do what is nec- Services dedicated a portion of its Healthy tiveness of current and future interventions essary to protect their own vision. This People 2010 initiative to vision. The initia- and community strategies; ‘‘(E) update and improve knowledge about legislation would also incorporate vi- tive set out as a goal the improvement of the Nation’s visual health through prevention, the true costs of vision problems and related sion screening, prevention, and reha- early detection, treatment, and rehabilita- disabilities; and bilitation into the Maternal and Child tion. ‘‘(F) require the Surgeon General to assess Health Block Grants and the Commu- (8) Greater efforts must be made at the the state of vision care and vision rehabilita- nity Health Centers so low income Federal, State, and local levels to increase tion in the United States. Americans who are most likely to go awareness of vision loss and its causes, its ‘‘(c) PROGRAMS, POLICIES, AND SYSTEMS.— without needed prevention and screen- impact, the importance of early diagnosis, ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall ex- pand and intensify research within the Cen- ing can be alerted to the early warning treatment, and rehabilitation, and effective prevention strategies. ters for Disease Control and Prevention on signs of vision loss. It would improve (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of the prevention and management of vision the training and education of health the Congress that the Nation must have a loss. professionals so that they are better full-scale integrated public health strategy ‘‘(2) ACTIVITIES.—In carrying out this sub- prepared to help their patients identify to comprehensively address vision loss and section, the Secretary may— and deal with conditions that could its causes that, at a minimum, includes the ‘‘(A) build partnerships with voluntary lead to vision loss. following: health organizations, nonprofit vision reha- bilitation agencies, Federal, State, and local These are simple steps that we in the (1) Communication and education. (2) Surveillance, epidemiology, and preven- public health agencies, eye health profes- Senate can take to help make sure that tion research. sional organizations, and organizations with millions of Americans can live without (3) Programs, policies, and systems change. an interest in vision issues; fear of losing their sight. I urge my col- SEC. 3. VISION LOSS PREVENTION. ‘‘(B) work with health care systems to bet- leagues to join us in supporting this Part B of title III of the Public Health ter address vision problems and associated legislation. Service Act (42 U.S.C. 243 et seq.) is amended disabilities; and Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- by inserting after section 317S the following: ‘‘(C) award grants for community outreach ‘‘SEC. 317T. PREVENTIVE HEALTH MEASURES regarding vision loss to health care institu- sent that the text of the bill and a let- tions and national vision organizations with ter of support be printed in the WITH RESPECT TO VISION LOSS. ‘‘(a) COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATION.— broad community presence.’’. RECORD. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary, acting SEC. 4. EXPANSION OF VISION PROGRAMS UNDER There being no objection, the mate- through the Centers for Disease Control and THE MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH rial was ordered to be printed in the Prevention, the Health Resources and Serv- SERVICE BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. RECORD, as follows: ices Administration, and the National Insti- Section 501(a)(3) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 701(a)(3)) is amended— S. 3534 tutes of Health, shall expand and intensify programs to increase awareness of vision (1) by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of subpara- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- problems, including awareness of— graph (E); resentatives of the United States of America in ‘‘(A) the impact of vision problems; and (2) by striking the period at the end of sub- Congress assembled, ‘‘(B) the importance of early diagnosis, paragraph (F) and inserting ‘‘, and’’; and SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. management, and effective prevention and (3) by adding at the end the following new This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Vision Pres- rehabilitation strategies. subparagraph: ‘‘(G) introduce core performance measures ervation Act of 2008’’. ‘‘(2) ACTIVITIES.—In carrying out this sub- on eye health by incorporating vision screen- SEC. 2. FINDINGS; SENSE OF CONGRESS. section, the Secretary may— ing and examination standards into State (a) FINDINGS.—The Congress finds as fol- ‘‘(A) conduct public service announce- programs under this title, based on scientific lows: ments and education campaigns; studies.’’. (1) An estimated 80 million Americans ‘‘(B) enter into partnerships with eye- have a potentially blinding eye disease, and health professional organizations and other SEC. 5. PREVENTION AND TREATMENT FOR UN- DERSERVED, MINORITY, AND OTHER more than 19.1 million Americans report vision-related organizations; POPULATIONS. trouble seeing, even with eye glasses or con- ‘‘(C) conduct community disease preven- (a) EXPANSION AND INTENSIFICATION OF VI- tacts. At least 1.1 million Americans are le- tion campaigns; SION PROGRAMS.—The Secretary of Health gally blind, and 200,000 Americans experience ‘‘(D) conduct testing, evaluation, and and Human Services (in this section referred profound vision loss. Refractive errors affect model training for vision screeners based on to as the ‘‘Secretary’’) shall expand and in- approximately one third of persons 40 years scientific studies; and tensify programs targeted to prevent vision or older in the United States. Visual impair- ‘‘(E) evaluate strategies to reduce barriers loss, treat eye and vision conditions, and re- ment is one of the 10 more frequent causes of to access to treatment by optometrists and habilitate people of all ages who are blind or disability in the United States. ophthalmologists. partially sighted in underserved and minor- (2) While it is believed that half of all ‘‘(3) EVALUATION.—In carrying out this sub- ity communities, including the following: blindness can be prevented, the number of section, the Secretary shall— (1) Vision care services at community Americans who are blind or visually im- ‘‘(A) establish appropriate measurements health centers receiving assistance under paired is expected to double by 2030. for public awareness of vision problems; section 330 of the Public Health Service Act (3) Vision loss can, especially without ap- ‘‘(B) establish appropriate measurements (42 U.S.C. 254b). propriate rehabilitation and skills training, to determine the effectiveness of existing (2) Vision rehabilitation programs at vi- significantly impact an individual’s ability campaigns to increase awareness of vision sion rehabilitation agencies, eye clinics, and to conduct activities of daily living, as well problems; hospitals.

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(b) VOLUNTARY GUIDELINES FOR VISION AMERICAN OPTOMETRIC ASSOCIATION, scholarships for Hispanic boys and girls to SCREENING.—The Secretary, in consultation Alexandria, VA, September 19, 2008. participate in the Youth Enriched by Science with eye-health professional organizations Hon. CHRIS DODD, Program of the Museum of Science and In- and other vision-related organizations, shall U.S. Senate, dustry, known as the ‘‘YES! Team’’; develop voluntary guidelines to ensure the Washington, DC. Whereas a need to acknowledge the work quality of vision screening and appropriate DEAR SENATOR DODD: The American Opto- and effort of outstanding Hispanic scientists referral for comprehensive eye examinations metric Association (AOA), representing over in the United States has led to the selection and subsequent vision rehabilitation serv- 36,000 doctors of optometry who are the of Dr. Lydia Villa-Komaroff as the honoree ices. frontline providers of eye and vision care, op- of the 8th annual National Hispanic Sci- tometric researchers, educators and optom- entist of the Year Award; SEC. 6. VISION REHABILITATION PROFESSIONAL etry students, deeply appreciates your con- Whereas Dr. Villa-Komaroff is an inter- DEVELOPMENT GRANTS. tinued outstanding leadership on priority nationally recognized molecular biologist (a) AUTHORITY.—The Secretary of Health eye and vision care issues before Congress. who is deeply committed to the recruitment and Human Services (in this section referred With that in mind, it is my pleasure to in- and retention of minorities in science; to as the ‘‘Secretary’’) may make grants to form you that the AOA wholly endorses and Whereas Dr. Villa-Komaroff currently eligible institutions of higher education or will be working to pass the Vision Preserva- serves as Chief Executive Officer of nonprofit organizations for the purpose of tion Act of 2008, legislation you have crafted Cytonome, Inc., a company building the first activities described in subsection (b) relating to strengthen federal vision programs de- optical cell sorter capable of supporting to vision rehabilitation professional develop- signed to prevent and manage vision loss. rapid, sterile sorting of human cells for Vision impairments are a growing problem ment. therapeutic use; and in the US—particularly with the aging of the Whereas Dr. Villa-Komaroff was a key (b) USE OF FUNDS.—The Secretary may not babyboomer generation. Approximately 80 member of the research team that first dem- make a grant to an institution of higher edu- million Americans have a potentially blind- onstrated that bacterial cells produce insu- cation or a nonprofit organization under this ing eye disease such as diabetic retinopathy, lin and her varied and active professional life section unless the institution or organiza- glaucoma, cataract, and age-related macular includes research positions at the Massachu- tion agrees to use the grant for the fol- degeneration. If we fail to take decisive ac- setts Institute of Technology, Harvard Uni- lowing: tion, the number of blind and visually im- versity, and the University of Massachusetts (1) Developing and offering preparatory paired Americans will double in the next 25 Medical Center: Now, therefore, be it and continuing education training opportu- years, even though half of all blindness is Resolved, That the Senate— nities (incorporating state-of-the-art ap- preventable. proaches, technologies, and therapies to By introducing the Vision Preservation (1) recognizes efforts to educate, support, meet the unique needs of older adults with Act, you are providing important leadership and provide hope for the Hispanic commu- vision loss) in— on vision-related programs and policies at nity, including efforts— (A) geriatrics among vision rehabilitation the federal level. This bill’s focus on increas- (A) to honor outstanding Hispanic sci- professionals, including professionals in the ing public awareness about vision problems, entists in the United States at the annual vision rehabilitation therapy, orientation bolstering research at the National Eye In- National Hispanic Scientist of the Year and mobility, and low vision therapy fields; stitute, and improving access to vision care Gala; and and at Federally-Qualified Health Centers, the (B) to motivate Hispanic youth to study (B) vision rehabilitation among occupa- Maternal and Child Health Bureau, and science through ‘‘Meet the Hispanic Sci- tional therapists and others in related reha- under the Medicaid program are key compo- entist Day’’, an opportunity for Hispanic bilitation and health disciplines. nents that optometry and others in the vi- youth to meet the honoree of the National (2) Conducting, and disseminating the find- sion community are completely united be- Hispanic Scientist of the Year Award; and ings and conclusions of, research on the ef- hind. (2) congratulates the 2008 National His- fectiveness of preparatory and continuing As the Vision Preservation Act of 2008 is panic Scientist of the Year designated by the education training under paragraph (1). considered, be assured that we will continue Museum of Science and Industry, for ongoing (3) Developing and disseminating inter- to work with you and your colleagues in dedication to improving the quality of, and disciplinary course curricula for use in the Congress to place maximum emphasis on access to, science and engineering research preparation of new professionals in vision re- early identification of those individuals at and education. habilitation, occupational therapy, and re- risk for vision loss and need access to qual- lated rehabilitation and health disciplines. ity care. f (4) Educating physicians, nurses, and other If we can be of any assistance on this legis- health care providers about the value of vi- lation, or any other vision related questions, sion rehabilitation, to increase appropriate please contact Alicia Kerry Jones. SENATE RESOLUTION 670—DESIG- referral by such professionals for the full Sincerely, NATING SEPTEMBER 25, 2008, AS range of vision rehabilitation services avail- MICHELE HARANIN, O.D., ‘‘NATIONAL FIRST RESPONDER able to older individuals with vision loss. Chair, AOA Federal Relations Committee. APPRECIATION DAY’’ (c) ELIGIBILITY.—To be eligible to receive a f Mr. ALLARD (for himself, Mr. CASEY, grant under this section, an entity shall be a Mr. AKAKA, Mr. BENNETT, Mr. BROWN, university, academic medical center, na- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Mr. CHAMBLISS, Mrs. CLINTON, Mr. tional or regional nonprofit organization, community rehabilitation provider, or allied COLEMAN, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. DOMENICI, health education program, or a consortium SENATE RESOLUTION 669—RECOG- Mr. DURBIN, Mr. Enzi, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, of such entities, that— NIZING THE EFFORTS AND CON- Mrs. HUTCHISON, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. KEN- (1) offers or coordinates education or train- TRIBUTIONS OF OUTSTANDING NEDY, Ms. LANDRIEU, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. ing activities among professionals described HISPANIC SCIENTISTS IN THE LEVIN, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Ms. MIKULSKI, in subsection (b)(1); or UNITED STATES Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. PRYOR, Mr. ROCKE- (2) agrees to use the grant to expand its ca- FELLER, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. SCHUMER, pacity to coordinate such activities. Mr. MARTINEZ (for himself, Mr. NELSON of Florida, and Mr. SALAZAR) Ms. STABENOW, Mr. STEVENS, Mr. (d) DISTRIBUTION OF GRANTS.—In awarding VOINOVICH, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. grants under this section, the Secretary submitted the following resolution; WICKER, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. BAR- shall ensure that grantees offer or coordi- which was referred to the Committee nate training for current and emerging pro- on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- RASSO, and Mr. MENENDEZ) submitted fessionals— tation: the following resolution; which was (1) from a variety of geographic regions S. RES. 669 considered and agreed to: and a range of different types and sizes of Whereas the purpose of the National His- S. RES. 670 settings and facilities, including settings and panic Scientist of the Year Award is to rec- Whereas millions of Americans have bene- facilities located in rural, urban, and subur- ognize outstanding Hispanic scientists in the fitted from the courageous service of first re- ban areas; and United States who promote a greater public sponders across the United States; (2) serving a variety of populations of older understanding of science and motivate His- Whereas the police, fire, emergency med- individuals with vision loss, including racial panic youth to develop an interest in ical service, and public health personnel and ethnic minorities, low-income individ- science; (commonly known as ‘‘first responders’’) uals, and other underserved populations. Whereas the 8th annual National Hispanic work devotedly and selflessly on behalf of (e) APPLICATION.—To seek a grant under Scientist of the Year Gala will be held at the the people of the United States, regardless of this section, an entity shall submit to the Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa, the peril or hazard to themselves; Secretary an application at such time, in Florida, on Saturday, October 11, 2008; Whereas in emergency situations, first re- such manner, and containing such informa- Whereas proceeds from the National His- sponders carry out the critical role of pro- tion as the Secretary may require. panic Scientist of the Year Gala support tecting and ensuring public safety;

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9213 Whereas the men and women who bravely Resolved, That the Senate designates Sep- neighborhoods safer and more livable. serve as first responders have found them- tember 25, 2008, as ‘‘National First Responder If we or our loved ones experience a selves on the front lines of homeland defense Appreciation Day’’ to honor and celebrate medical emergency, EMTs are there at in the war against terrorism; the contributions and sacrifices made by all a moment’s notice to provide lifesaving Whereas first responders are called upon in first responders in the United States. care. the event of a natural disaster, such as the Mr. ALLARD. Mr. President, I rise to tornados in Florida and the blizzard in Colo- In many ways, our first responders rado in December 2006, the flooding in the submit a resolution today that will embody the very best of the American Northeast in April 2007, the flooding in the designate September 25 as National spirit. With charity and compassion, Midwest in June 2008, and the wildfires in First Responder Appreciation Day. these brave men and women commit the West in July 2008; Last year I introduced this resolution themselves to preserving the highest Whereas the critical role of first respond- with my good friend and colleague Sen- standard of life we all enjoy in this ers was witnessed in the aftermath of the ator ROBERT CASEY and I am pleased mass shooting at the Virginia Polytechnic great Nation. Through their actions Senator CASEY has joined me again in they have become heroes to many, Institute and State University, when the col- honoring our first responders. I am also laborative effort of police officers, fire- through their examples they have be- fighters, and emergency medical technicians pleased to be joined by Senators come role models to us all. to secure the campus, rescue students from AKAKA, BENNETT, BROWN, CHAMBLISS, While various cities and towns have danger, treat the injured, and transport vic- CLINTON, COLEMAN, CRAPO, DOMENICI, recognized the contributions made by tims to local hospitals undoubtedly saved DURBIN, ENZI, HUTCHISON, INHOFE, KEN- their local first responders, there exists the lives of many students and faculty; NEDY, LANDRIEU, LEAHY, LIEBERMAN, no national day to honor and thank Whereas 900,000 police officers, 1,100,000 MIKULSKI, MURRAY, PRYOR, ROCKE- firefighters, and 891,000 emergency medical these courageous men and women. The FELLER, SANDERS, STABENOW, STEVENS, technicians risk their lives every day to time has come to give our first re- make our communities safe; VOINOVICH, WHITEHOUSE and WICKER in sponders the national day of apprecia- Whereas these 900,000 sworn police officers this important recognition of our men tion that they deserve. from Federal, State, tribal, city, and county and women who keep us safe. Designating September 25 as Na- law enforcement agencies protect lives and The contributions that our Nation’s tional First Responder Appreciation property, detect and prevent crimes, uphold 1.1 million firefighters, 900,000 police the law, and ensure justice; Day provides an opportunity for this officers, and 890,000 emergency medical institution and the people of the Whereas these 1,100,000 firefighters, both professionals make in our communities volunteer and career, provide fire suppres- United States to honor first responders sion, emergency medical services, search and are familiar to us all. Their heroics can for their contributions, sacrifices, and rescue, hazardous materials response, re- be seen every night on our TV screens, dedication to public service. sponse to terrorism, and critical fire preven- read about in our papers, and heralded I hope my colleagues will join me in tion and safety education; by the survivors of every modern dis- supporting passage of this worthwhile Whereas the 891,000 emergency medical aster. From the wildfires in Colorado resolution. professionals in the United States respond to and California, the tragic events at and treat a variety of life-threatening emer- Virginia Tech, and the horrific damage f gencies, from cardiac and respiratory arrest to traumatic injuries; of Hurricanes Katrina, Gustav, and Ike, SENATE RESOLUTION 671—CON- Whereas these 2,661,000 ‘‘first responders’’ our first responders regularly risk GRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY make personal sacrifices to protect our com- their lives to protect property, uphold OF MARYLAND SCHOOL OF MEDI- munities, as was witnessed on September 11, the law, and save the lives of others. CINE ON ITS 200TH ANNIVER- 2001, and in the aftermath of Hurricane The duty of a first responder is never SARY Katrina, and as is witnessed every day in cit- without risk and requires the courage ies and towns across the United States; to place the safety of others ahead of Ms. MIKULSKI (for herself and Mr. Whereas, according to the National Law one’s own. It is courage that compels a CARDIN) submitted the following reso- Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, a total firefighter to rush into a burning build- lution; which was considered and of 1,671 law enforcement officers died in the agreed to: line of duty during the past 10 years, an aver- ing, a police officer to charge into an age of 1 death every 53 hours or 167 per year, active shooter, and an emergency med- S. RES. 671 and 181 law enforcement officers were killed ical professional to perform precision Whereas the University of Maryland in 2007; lifesaving procedures in the most haz- School of Medicine was established in 1807, Whereas, according to the United States ardous conditions imaginable. While making it the first public and the fifth oldest medical school in the United States; Fire Administration, from 1996 through 2005 all of these brave Americans know the over 1500 firefighters were killed in the line Whereas, in 1823, the University of Mary- of duty, and tens of thousands were injured; risks involved, some make that ulti- land School of Medicine became the first Whereas 4 in 5 medics are injured on the mate sacrifice to save another, at the teaching hospital in the Nation with the con- job, more than 1 in 2 (52 percent) have been cost of their own life. struction of the Baltimore Infirmary and be- assaulted by a patient and 1 in 2 (50 percent) Every year over 100 firefighters and came the first medical school in the United have been exposed to an infectious disease, nearly 200 police officers are killed in States to institute a residency training pro- and emergency medical service personnel in the line of duty. And while some may gram; the United States have an estimated fatality not consider a career in the emergency Whereas the School of Medicine was the rate of 12.7 per 100,000 workers, more than medical services dangerous, EMS work- founding school of the University of Mary- twice the national average; land and is an integral part of the 11-campus Whereas most emergency medical service ers actually have an occupational fa- University System of Maryland; personnel deaths in the line of duty occur in tality rate comparable to that of fire- Whereas, at the Baltimore campus of the ambulance accidents; fighters and police officers. I know I University of Maryland, the School of Medi- Whereas thousands of first responders have speak on behalf of all Americans when cine serves as the foundation for a large aca- made the ultimate sacrifice; I express my sincerest appreciation for demic health center that combines medical Whereas, in the aftermath of the terrorist their service and sacrifice. education, biomedical research, patient care, attacks of September 11, 2001, firefighters, While we recognize our first respond- and community service; law enforcement officers, and emergency ers for their sacrifices, we also ac- Whereas the University of Maryland medical workers in the United States were School of Medicine is dedicated to providing universally recognized for the sacrifices they knowledge their everyday contribu- excellence in biomedical education, basic made on that tragic day, and should be hon- tions that make our communities and clinical research, quality patient care, ored each year as these tragic events are re- throughout America a safer place. In and service to improve the health of the peo- membered; addition to battling fires, firefighters ple of Maryland and the United States; Whereas there currently exists no national reach out through fire prevention and Whereas the University of Maryland day to honor the brave men and women of public education, like teaching our School of Medicine is committed to the edu- the first responder community, who give so children about fire safety and proper cation and training of M.D. and Ph.D. stu- much of themselves for the sake of others; emergency response. In addition to ar- dents in fields including physical therapy, and rehabilitation science, and medical research Whereas these men and women by their pa- resting criminals, police officers en- technology; triotic service and their dedicated efforts courage communities to stay involved Whereas the University of Maryland have earned the gratitude of Congress: Now, in crime prevention and cooperate with School of Medicine has played a crucial role therefore, be it law enforcement to help make our in helping to meet the health care needs of

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the people of Maryland and continues to re- S. RES. 673 ernors should be encouraged to make work- cruit and develop faculty to serve as exem- Whereas comprehensive, culturally sen- site health promotion a priority; and plary role models for students; and sitive health promotion within the work- Whereas Congress supports the National Whereas the University of Maryland place is essential to maintain and improve Worksite Health Promotion goal as stated in School of Medicine has developed a legacy of the health of American workers; Healthy People 2010 and encourages public academic excellence, outstanding patient Whereas employees who improve their employers to increase their awareness of the care, and ground-breaking research: Now, health also reduce their probability of chron- value of corporate investments in employee therefore, be it ic health conditions, lower their out-of-pock- health management to help our Nation Resolved, That the Senate— et medical and pharmaceutical costs, reduce achieve this goal: Now, therefore, be it (1) congratulates the University of Mary- pain and suffering, have greater levels of en- Resolved, That the Senate calls on private land School of Medicine on its 200th anniver- ergy and vitality, and experience increased and public employers to support workplace sary; and satisfaction with their lives and jobs; wellness and implement voluntarily work- (2) recognizes the achievements of the Uni- Whereas health care costs in the United site health promotion programs to help versity of Maryland, Baltimore, and the States doubled from 1990 to 2001 and are ex- maximize employees’ health and well being School of Medicine in providing outstanding pected to double again by 2012; and lower health care costs. service to, and in training leaders for, the Whereas employee health benefits are the f local community, the State of Maryland, and fastest growing labor cost component for em- the world. ployers, thus posing a serious and growing SENATE RESOLUTION 674—DESIG- f challenge to business in the United States; NATING SEPTEMBER 22, 2008, AS Whereas business leaders are struggling to ‘‘NATIONAL FALLS PREVENTION SENATE RESOLUTION 672—DESIG- find strategies to help reduce the direct costs AWARENESS DAY’’ TO RAISE NATING SEPTEMBER 12, 2008, AS of employer-provided health care, as well as AWARENESS AND ENCOURAGE ‘‘NATIONAL DAY OF ENCOURAGE- the indirect costs associated with higher THE PREVENTION OF FALLS MENT’’ rates of absenteeism, disability, and injury; Whereas an effective strategy to address AMONG OLDER ADULTS Mr. PRYOR (for himself and Mrs. the primary driving force of soaring health Ms. MIKULSKI (for herself, Mr. ENZI, LINCOLN) submitted the following reso- care costs requires an investment in preven- Mr. BURR, and Mr. HATCH) submitted lution; which was considered and tion; the following resolution; which was agreed to: Whereas some employers who invest in considered and agreed to: S. RES. 672 health promotion and disease prevention have achieved rates of return on investment S. RES. 674 Whereas negative images, stories, and in- ranging from $3 to $15 for each dollar in- Whereas older adults value their independ- fluences in the day-to-day lives of Americans vested, as well as a 28 percent average reduc- ence and a fall can significantly limit their can detrimentally affect their emotional tion in sick leave absenteeism, an average 26 ability to remain self-sufficient; well-being, interactions with others, and percent reduction in health care costs, and a Whereas falls are the leading cause of general demeanor; 30 percent average reduction in workers’ death from unintentional injuries among Whereas a group of teenagers participating compensation and disability management older adults in the United States; in a leadership forum at Harding University claims costs; Whereas older adults are by far the popu- in Searcy, Arkansas, identified a lack of en- Whereas the Healthy People 2010 national lation at greatest risk for falling uninten- couragement as one of the greatest problems objectives for the United States include the tionally, with more than 1⁄3 of all people 65 facing young people today; workplace health–related goal that at least years or older falling each year; Whereas the youth of our Nation need 3⁄4 of United States employers, regardless of Whereas older adults who fall once are 2 to guidance, inspiration, and reassurance to size, will voluntarily offer a comprehensive 3 times more likely than adults who have counteract this negativity and to develop employee health promotion program that in- not fallen to fall again; the qualities of character essential for future cludes—(1) health education and program- Whereas, in 2000, the Bureau of the Census leadership in our country; ming which focuses on skill development and reported that more than 34,800,000 adults Whereas a National Day of Encouragement lifestyle behavior change along with infor- older than the age of 65 live in the United would serve as a reminder to counterbalance mation dissemination and awareness build- States, and that number is expected to grow and overcome negative influences, and would ing, preferably tailored to employees’ inter- to almost 55,000,000 by 2020; also provide much-needed encouragement ests and needs; (2) supportive social and Whereas 20 to 30 percent of older adults and support to others; physical environments, including an organi- who fall suffer moderate to severe injuries, Whereas, following the events of Sep- zation’s expectations regarding healthy be- such as bruising, hip fractures, and head tember 11, 2001, thousands of people of the haviors, and implementation of policies that traumas; United States made sacrifices in order to promote health and reduce risk of disease; (3) Whereas, in 2005, falls resulted in nearly bring help and healing to the victims and integration of the worksite wellness pro- 1,800,000 older adults being treated in emer- their families, inspiring and encouraging the grams into the organization’s structure; (4) gency departments and more than 433,000 Nation; and linkage to related programs like employee older adults being hospitalized; Whereas the renewed feelings of unity, assistance programs (EAPs) and programs to Whereas, in 2005, nearly 16,000 people aged hope, selflessness, and encouragement that help employees balance work and family; 65 and older died from injuries related to un- began on September 12, 2001, are the same and (5) screening programs, ideally linked to intentional falls; feelings that the National Day of Encourage- medical care to ensure follow-up and appro- Whereas the Centers for Disease Control ment is meant to recapture and spread: Now, priate treatment as necessary; and Prevention report that the mortality therefore, be it Whereas employers should be encouraged rate from falls among older adults increased Resolved, That the Senate— to invest in the health of employees by im- 45 percent between 2000 and 2004; (1) designates September 12, 2008, as ‘‘Na- plementing comprehensive worksite health Whereas the total in direct costs associ- tional Day of Encouragement’’; promotion programs that will help achieve ated with both fatal and non-fatal falls is (2) acknowledges the importance of encour- our national Healthy People 2010 objectives; more than $19,000,000,000 annually for hos- agement and positive influences in the lives Whereas business leaders that have made a pitalization, emergency department visits, of all people; and healthy workforce a part of their core busi- and outpatient care; (3) urges the people of the United States to ness strategy should be encouraged to share Whereas the Centers for Disease Control encourage others, whether it be through an information and resources to educate their and Prevention estimate that if the rate of act of service, a thoughtful letter, or words peers on the issue of employee health man- increase in falls is not stemmed, annual di- of kindness and inspiration, and to thereby agement through initiatives such as the rect treatment costs will reach $43,800,000,000 boost the morale of all. Leading by Example CEO-to-CEO Round- by 2020, with an annual cost under the Medi- f table on Workforce Health and the United care program of $32,400,000,000; SENATE RESOLUTION 673—RECOG- States Workplace Wellness Alliance; Whereas evidence-based programs show Whereas the employers that provide health promise in reducing falls and facilitating NIZING THE IMPORTANCE OF care coverage for more than 177,000,000 Amer- cost-effective interventions, such as com- WORKPLACE WELLNESS AS A icans have the potential to exert trans- prehensive clinical assessments, exercise STRATEGY TO HELP MAXIMIZE formative leadership on this issue by in- programs to improve balance and health, EMPLOYEES’ HEALTH AND WELL creasing the number, quality, and types of management of medications, correction of BEING health promotion programs and policies at vision, and reduction of home hazards; worksites across the Nation; Whereas, on April 23, 2008, the Safety of Mr. HARKIN (for himself and Mr. Whereas, for workplace wellness efforts to Seniors Act of 2007 (Public Law 110–202) was SMITH) submitted the following resolu- reach their full potential, chief executive of- enacted, amending the Public Health Service tion; which was considered and agreed ficers of major corporations, company presi- Act (42 U.S.C. 280b et seq.) to create a na- to: dents of small enterprises, and State gov- tional education campaign aimed at older

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9215 adults, their families, and healthcare pro- SENATE RESOLUTION 675—EX- port is available to adoptive parents after viders, and injury prevention programs that PRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE the adoption is finalized; focus on the reduction and prevention of GOALS OF NATIONAL ADOPTION Whereas both National Adoption Day and falls among older adults; and DAY AND NATIONAL ADOPTION National Adoption Month occur in Novem- Whereas the Falls Free Coalition Advocacy ber; MONTH BY PROMOTING NA- Whereas National Adoption Day is a collec- Work Group, its numerous supporting orga- TIONAL AWARENESS OF ADOP- nizations and all other supportive organiza- tive national effort to find permanent, loving TION AND THE CHILDREN tions, should be commended for their efforts families for children in the foster care sys- to raise awareness and to promote greater AWAITING FAMILIES, CELEBRAT- tem; Whereas, since the first National Adoption understanding, research, and pilot programs ING CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Day in 2000, more than 20,000 children have to prevent falls among older adults: Now, INVOLVED IN ADOPTION, AND joined forever families during National therefore, be it ENCOURAGING AMERICANS TO SECURE SAFETY, PERMANENCY, Adoption Day; Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas, in 2007, adoptions were finalized (1) designates September 22, 2008, as ‘‘Na- AND WELL-BEING FOR ALL CHIL- for over 4,200 children through more than 260 tional Falls Prevention Awareness Day’’; DREN National Adoption Day events in all 50 (2) commends the National Falls Free Coa- Ms. LANDRIEU (for herself, Mr. States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto lition and all other supportive organizations Rico; and COLEMAN, Mrs. LINCOLN, Mr. MARTINEZ, for their efforts to promote awareness about Whereas the President traditionally issues Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. CRAIG, Mr. LEVIN, preventing and reducing falls among older an annual proclamation to declare November people in the United States; Mr. CASEY, Mr. BAYH, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. as National Adoption Month, and National (3) encourages the private sector, the pub- INHOFE, Mrs. CLINTON, Mr. BURR, Mr. Adoption Day is on November 15, 2008: Now, lic health community, healthcare providers, BUNNING, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. SMITH, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate— advocacy organizations, and Federal, State, Mr. DEMINT, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. SPEC- (1) supports the goals and ideals of Na- and local governments to work together to TER, Mr. BROWNBACK, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. tional Adoption Day and National Adoption ROBERTS, Mr. OBAMA, Mr. ENZI, Mr. increase education and awareness about the Month; prevention of falls; and LIEBERMAN, Mr. VITTER, Mr. KERRY, (2) recognizes that every child should have (4) urges national and community organi- Mr. DOMENICI, Mr. STEVENS, Mr. THUNE, a permanent and loving family; and zations, businesses, individuals, and the Mrs. DOLE, Mr. COBURN, Mrs. MURRAY, (3) encourages the citizens of the United media to use National Falls Prevention Mr. ROCKEFELLER, Mr. INOUYE, Mr. States to consider adoption during the Awareness Day to promote awareness of this SALAZAR, Mrs. HUTCHISON, and Mr. month of November and all throughout the important public health problem in an effort MENENDEZ (submitted the following year. to reduce the incidence of falls among older resolution; which was considered and f people in the United States. agreed to: SENATE RESOLUTION 676—SUP- Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I rise S. RES. 675 PORTING THE GOALS AND today to submit legislation designating Whereas there are approximately 510,000 IDEALS OF RED RIBBON WEEK September 22, 2008, as National Falls children in the foster care system in the Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself, Mr. Prevention Awareness Day. Earlier United States, approximately 129,000 of BAYH, Mr. BIDEN, Mr. CASEY, Mr. CHAM- whom are waiting for families to adopt this year Senator ENZI and I worked to- BLISS, Mr. COCHRAN, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. them; gether to pass a law that expands re- Whereas 61 percent of the children in foster CRAPO, Mrs. DOLE, Mr. DOMENICI, Mr. search and education on elder falls. care are age 10 or younger; GRASSLEY, Mr. INOUYE, Mr. KERRY, Mr. Passing our resolution is yet another Whereas the average length of time a child MARTINEZ, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. PRYOR, way we can help raise awareness and spends in foster care is over 3 years; Mr. SCHUMER, Ms. SNOWE, Mr. SPECTER, educate the Nation about this serious Whereas, for many foster children, the Ms. STABENOW, Mr. STEVENS, Mr. SALA- wait for a loving family in which they are issue. Falls prevention helps seniors ZAR, and Mrs. CLINTON, (submitted the nurtured, comforted, and protected seems following resolution; which was consid- live longer, healthier, and more inde- endless; ered and agreed to: pendent lives. Whereas the number of youth who ‘‘age out’’ of foster care by reaching adulthood S. RES. 676 Falls are the leading cause of injury without being placed in a permanent home Whereas the Red Ribbon Campaign was es- deaths among older adults. In 2005, has continued to increase since 1998, and tablished to commemorate the service of falls among older adults accounted for more than 26,000 foster youth age out every Enrique ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena, an 11-year special 16,000 deaths, 1.8 million emergency de- year; agent of the Drug Enforcement Administra- Whereas every day loving and nurturing tion who was murdered in the line of duty in partment visas, and 433,000 hospitaliza- families are strengthened and expanded when 1985 while engaged in the battle against il- tions. In Maryland alone, falls resulted committed and dedicated individuals make licit drugs; in roughly 340 deaths, 23,000 falls-re- an important difference in the life of a child Whereas the Red Ribbon Campaign has lated emergency room visits, and 13,000 through adoption; been sponsored by the National Family Part- hospitalizations. The resulting costs to Whereas a 2007 survey conducted by the nership and nationally recognized since 1988 Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption dem- to preserve Special Agent Camarena’s mem- the individual, their families, and the onstrated that though ‘‘Americans over- ory and further the cause for which he gave health care system are avoidable. whelmingly support the concept of adoption, his life, and is now the oldest and largest I am pleased to continue to work and in particular foster care adoption . . . drug prevention program in the Nation, foster care adoptions have not increased sig- reaching millions of young people each year with the Falls Free Coalition Advocacy nificantly over the past five years’’; during Red Ribbon Week; Work Group comprised of the Home Whereas, while 4 in 10 Americans have con- Whereas the Drug Enforcement Adminis- Safety Council, the National Council sidered adoption, a majority of Americans tration, committed throughout its 35 years on Aging, the National Safety Council, have misperceptions about the process of to aggressively targeting organizations in- adopting children from foster care and the volved in the growing, manufacturing, and the American Occupational Therapy children who are eligible for adoption; distribution of controlled substances, has Association, the American Physical Whereas 71 percent of those who have con- been a steadfast partner in commemorating Therapy Association, AARP, and many sidered adoption consider adopting children Red Ribbon Week; other concerned advocates to prevent from foster care above other forms of adop- Whereas the Governors and Attorneys Gen- elder falls. Together, I am hopeful we tion; eral of the States, the National Family Part- Whereas 45 percent of Americans believe nership, Parent Teacher Associations, Boys can continue to improve the quality of that children enter the foster care system and Girls Clubs of America, the Drug En- life for America’s seniors through because of juvenile delinquency, when in re- forcement Administration, and more than awareness and prevention. ality the vast majority of children who have 100 other organizations throughout the entered the foster care system were victims United States annually celebrate Red Ribbon of neglect, abandonment, or abuse; Week during the period of October 23 Whereas 46 percent of Americans believe through October 31; that foster care adoption is expensive, when Whereas the objective of Red Ribbon Week in reality there is no substantial cost for is to promote the creation of drug-free com- adopting from foster care and financial sup- munities through drug prevention efforts,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 education, parental involvement, and com- SEC. 2. The Senate Legal Counsel is author- 5834, to amend the North Korean munity-wide support; ized to represent Anthony Condia in connec- Human Rights Act of 2004 to promote Whereas drug abuse is one of the major tion with the action referenced in section respect for the fundamental human challenges that the Nation faces in securing one of this resolution. rights of the people of North Korea, a safe and healthy future for families in the f and for other purposes; as follows: United States; SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- Whereas drug abuse and alcohol abuse con- On page 3, beginning on line 4, strike the tribute to domestic violence and sexual as- TION 100—AUTHORIZING THE comma and all that follows to the end period sault and place the lives of children at risk; LAST SURVIVING UNITED and insert the following: ‘‘and has increased Whereas, although public awareness of il- STATES VETERAN OF THE FIRST the bounty paid for turning in North Korean licit drug use is increasing, emerging drug WORLD WAR TO LIE IN HONOR refugees’’. threats and growing epidemics demand at- IN THE ROTUNDA OF THE CAP- On page 3, beginning on line 11, strike ‘‘in- tention, including the abuse of ITOL UPON HIS DEATH cluding’’ and all that follows through methamphetamines, inhalants, and prescrip- ‘‘killings’’ on line 17. tion medications, the second most abused Mr. BYRD submitted the following On page 4, line 4, strike ‘‘On February’’, drug by young people in the United States; concurrent resolution; which was re- and insert the following: ‘‘Since the passage Whereas, between 1996 and 2006, the per- ferred to the Committee on Rules and of the North Korean Human Rights Act, Con- centages of admissions to substance abuse Administration: gress has on several occasions expressed in- treatment programs as a result of the abuse S. CON. RES. 100 terest in the status of North Korean refu- of methamphetamines, prescription medica- Whereas the veterans of the First World gees, and on February’’. tions, and marijuana each significantly rose; War fought bravely and made heroic sac- On page 4, line 19, strike ‘‘at overseas Whereas drug dealers specifically target rifices for the Allied forces; posts’’. children by marketing illicit drugs that Whereas the veterans of the First World On page 5, line 10, after ‘‘should’’, insert mimic the appearance and names of well War suffered the terrors of both trench war- ‘‘continue to’’. known brand-name candies and foods; and fare and the chemical battlefield; On page 6, line 3, strike ‘‘rights, humani- Whereas parents, youths, schools, busi- Whereas the veterans of the First World tarian, and refugee issues,’’ and insert the nesses, law enforcement agencies, religious War suffered the scourge of the Spanish in- following: ‘‘rights and humanitarian issues, institutions, service organizations, senior fluenza pandemic; and to participate in policy planning and im- citizens, medical and military personnel, Whereas past resolutions have sought au- plementation with respect to refugee sports teams, and individuals throughout the thorization for veterans, representative of issues,’’. United States will demonstrate their com- specific wars, to lie in honor in the rotunda On page 7, line 20, strike ‘‘$4,000,000’’ and mitment to healthy, productive, and drug- of the Capitol; insert ‘‘$2,000,000’’. free lifestyles by wearing and displaying red Whereas it is the desire of all veterans to ribbons during this week-long celebration: On page 9, line 13, after ‘‘including’’, insert honor both those who serve and those who Now, therefore, be it the following: ‘‘, in coordination with the Resolved, That the Senate— have served in time of war and peace; Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migra- (1) supports the goals and ideals of Red Whereas it is the Nation’s collective desire tion,’’. Ribbon Week; to express its gratitude for the sacrifice and On page 9, line 21, strike ‘‘coordinate’’ and (2) encourages children and teens to choose service of all First World War veterans; and insert ‘‘participate in the formulation and’’. to live drug-free lives; and Whereas Frank Woodruff Buckles, born On page 11, line 13, strike ‘‘paragraphs’’ (3) encourages the people of the United February 1, 1901, in Bethany, Missouri, and and insert ‘‘paragraph’’. States to promote the creation of drug-free residing in Jefferson County, West Virginia, On page 11, strike line 14 and all that fol- communities and to participate in drug pre- at age 107, is believed to be the last surviving lows through line 19. United States veteran of the First World vention activities to show support for On page 11, line 20, strike ‘‘(4)’’ and insert healthy, productive, and drug-free lifestyles. War: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- ‘‘(3)’’. f resentatives concurring), On page 12, lines 3 and 4, strike ‘‘may be SENATE RESOLUTION 677 TO AU- SECTION 1. HONORING VETERANS OF THE FIRST provided in a classified format, if necessary’’ THORIZE TESTIMONY AND WORLD WAR. and insert the following: ‘‘shall be provided LEGAL REPRESENTATION IN (a) IN GENERAL.—In recognition of the his- in unclassified form, with a classified annex, if necessary’’. RAMSEY, ET AL. V. WILSON, ET toric contributions of United States veterans AL. who served in the First World War, the last surviving United States veteran of the First f Mr. REID (for himself and Mr. World War shall be permitted to lie in honor MCCONNELL) submitted the following in the rotunda of the Capitol upon his death, NOTICES OF HEARINGS resolution; which was considered and so that the citizens of the United States may agreed to: pay their last respects to these great Ameri- COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS S. RES. 677 cans. Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I would Whereas, in the case of Ramsey, et al. v. (b) IMPLEMENTATION.—The Architect of the like to announce that the Committee Capitol, under the direction and supervision Wilson, et al., Case No. 06–82, pending in fed- on Indian Affairs will meet on Tuesday, eral district court in the Southern District of the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representa- September 23, at 10 a.m. in room 628 of of Ohio, the United States has requested tes- the Dirksen Senate Office Building to timony from a former employee of the office tives, shall take the necessary steps to im- of Senator George Voinovich; plement subsection (a), including, if nec- conduct a business meeting to consider Whereas, pursuant to sections 703(a) and essary, scheduling the use of the rotunda of pending legislative issues. 704(a)(2) of the Ethics in Government Act of the Capitol for the purposes described in Those wishing additional information 1978, 2 U.S.C. §§ 288b(a) and 288c(a)(2), the such subsection at such a time as such use will not coincide with the use of the Capitol may contact the Indian Affairs Com- Senate may direct its counsel to represent mittee at 202–224–2251. employees of the Senate with respect to any for an Inauguration or a State of the Union subpoena, order, or request for testimony re- address. COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS lating to their official responsibilities; f Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I would Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of the United States and Rule XI of the Stand- AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND like to announce that the Committee ing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under PROPOSED on Indian Affairs will meet on Thurs- the control or in the possession of the Senate SA 5632. Mr. REID (for Mr. DODD (for him- day, September 25, at 2:15 p.m. in room may, by the judicial or administrative proc- self, Mr. BIDEN, Mr. BROWNBACK, Mrs. BOXER, 628 of the Dirksen Senate Office Build- ess, be taken from such control or possession and Ms. MURKOWSKI)) proposed an amend- ing to conduct a hearing on (1) H.R. but by permission or the Senate: ment to the bill H.R. 5834, to amend the 1294, Thomasina E. Jordan Indian Whereas, when it appears that evidence North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004 to Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition under the control or in the possession of the promote respect for the fundamental human Senate may promote the administration of Act of 2007; (2) S. 514, Muscogee Nation rights of the people of North Korea, and for of Florida Federal Recognition Act; (3) justice, the Senate will take such action as other purposes. will promote the ends of justice consistent S. 724, Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa with the privileges of the Senate: Now, f Indians Restoration Act of 2007; and (4) therefore be it TEXT OF AMENDMENTS S. 1058, Grand River Bands of Ottawa Resolved, That Anthony Condia is author- Indians of Michigan Referral Act. ized to testify in the case of Ramsey, et al. SA 5632. Mr. REID (for Mr. DODD (for v. Wilson, et al. and related proceedings, ex- himself, Mr. BIDEN, Mr. BROWNBACK, Those wishing additional information cept concerning matters for which a privi- Mrs. BOXER, and Ms. MURKOWSKI)) pro- may contact the Indian Affairs Com- lege should be asserted. posed an amendment to the bill H.R. mittee at 202–224–2251.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9217 FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ‘‘(D) provide all required certifications and made by the Federal Financial Assistance MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT assurances for a Federal grant using the Management Improvement Act of 2008, and ACT OF 2008 website.’’; and in implementing the strategic plan sub- (3) in subsection (g), as so redesignated, by mitted under section 8, including an evalua- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- striking ‘‘All actions’’ and inserting ‘‘Except tion of the progress of each Federal agency imous consent that the Senate proceed for actions relating to establishing the that has not received an exemption under to the consideration of Calendar No. website required under subsection (e), all ac- section 6(d) towards implementing the stra- 1027, S. 3341. tions’’. tegic plan; and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The SEC. 4. REPORT ON IMPLEMENTATION. ‘‘(B) a compilation of the reports sub- clerk will report the bill by title. The Federal Financial Assistance Manage- mitted under section 8(c)(3) during the appli- cable period. The legislative clerk read as follows: ment Improvement Act of 1999 (31 U.S.C. 6101 note) is amended by striking section 7 and ‘‘(c) DEFINITION OF APPLICABLE PERIOD.—In A bill (S. 3341) to reauthorize and improve inserting the following: this section, the term ‘applicable period’ the Federal Financial Assistance Manage- means— ment Improvement Act of 1999. ‘‘SEC. 7. EVALUATION OF IMPLEMENTATION. ‘‘(1) for the first report submitted under ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 9 months There being no objection, the Senate subsection (a), the most recent full fiscal after the date of enactment of the Federal year before the date of the report; and proceeded to consider the bill. Financial Assistance Management Improve- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- ‘‘(2) for the second report submitted under ment Act of 2008, and every 2 years there- subsection (a), and each subsequent report imous consent that the bill be read the after until the date that is 15 years after the submitted under subsection (a), the period third time and passed, the motions to date of enactment of the Federal Financial beginning on the date on which the most re- reconsider be laid upon the table, there Assistance Management Improvement Act of cent report under subsection (a) was sub- be no intervening action or debate, and 2008, the Director shall submit to Congress a mitted and ending on the date of the re- that any statements relating to this report regarding the implementation of this port.’’. Act. SEC. 5. STRATEGIC PLAN. matter be printed in the RECORD. ‘‘(b) CONTENTS.— The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (a) IN GENERAL.—The Federal Financial ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Each report under sub- Assistance Management Improvement Act of objection, it is so ordered. section (a) shall include, for the applicable 1999 (31 U.S.C. 6101 note) is amended— The bill (S. 3341) was ordered to be period— (1) by redesignating sections 8, 9, 10, and 11 engrossed for a third reading, was read ‘‘(A) a list of all grants for which an appli- as sections 9, 10, 11, and 12, respectively; and the third time, and passed, as follows: cant may submit an application using the (2) by inserting after section 7, as amended S. 3341 website established under section 6(e); by this Act, the following: ‘‘(B) a list of all Federal agencies that pro- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ‘‘SEC. 8. STRATEGIC PLAN. vide Federal financial assistance to non-Fed- ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 18 resentatives of the United States of America in eral entities; Congress assembled, months after the date of enactment of the ‘‘(C) a list of each Federal agency that has Federal Financial Assistance Management SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. complied, in whole or in part, with the re- Improvement Act of 2008, the Director shall This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Federal Fi- quirements of this Act; submit to Congress a strategic plan that— nancial Assistance Management Improve- ‘‘(D) for each Federal agency listed under ‘‘(1) identifies Federal financial assistance ment Act of 2008’’. subparagraph (C), a description of the extent programs that are suitable for common ap- SEC. 2. REAUTHORIZATION. of the compliance with this Act by the Fed- plications based on the common or similar Section 11 of the Federal Financial Assist- eral agency; purposes of the Federal financial assistance; ance Management Improvement Act of 1999 ‘‘(E) a list of all Federal agencies exempted ‘‘(2) identifies Federal financial assistance (31 U.S.C. 6101 note) is amended— under section 6(d); programs that are suitable for common re- (1) in the section heading, by striking ‘‘and ‘‘(F) for each Federal agency listed under porting forms or requirements based on the sunset’’; and subparagraph (E)— common or similar purposes of the Federal (2) by striking ‘‘and shall cease to be effec- ‘‘(i) an explanation of why the Federal financial assistance; tive 8 years after such date of enactment’’. agency was exempted; and ‘‘(3) identifies common aspects of multiple SEC. 3. WEBSITE RELATING TO FEDERAL ‘‘(ii) a certification that the basis for the Federal financial assistance programs that GRANTS. exemption of the Federal agency is still ap- are suitable for common application or re- Section 6 of the Federal Financial Assist- plicable; porting forms or requirements; ance Management Improvement Act of 1999 ‘‘(G) a list of all common application forms ‘‘(4) identifies changes in law, if any, need- (31 U.S.C. 6101 note) is amended— that have been developed that allow non- ed to achieve the goals of this Act; and (1) by redesignating subsections (e) and (f) Federal entities to apply, in whole or in part, ‘‘(5) provides plans, timelines, and cost es- as subsections (f) and (g), respectively; for multiple Federal financial assistance pro- timates for— (2) by inserting after subsection (d) the fol- grams (including Federal financial assist- ‘‘(A) developing an entirely electronic, lowing: ance programs administered by different web-based process for managing Federal fi- ‘‘(e) WEBSITE RELATING TO FEDERAL Federal agencies) through a single common nancial assistance, including the ability to— GRANTS.— application; ‘‘(i) apply for Federal financial assistance; ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Director shall estab- ‘‘(H) a list of all common forms and re- ‘‘(ii) track the status of applications for lish and maintain a public website that quirements that have been developed that and payments of Federal financial assist- serves as a central point of information and allow non-Federal entities to report, in ance; access for applicants for Federal grants. whole or in part, on the use of funding from ‘‘(iii) report on the use of Federal financial ‘‘(2) CONTENTS.—To the maximum extent multiple Federal financial assistance pro- assistance, including how such use has been possible, the website established under this grams (including Federal financial assist- in furtherance of the objectives or purposes subsection shall include, at a minimum, for ance programs administered by different of the Federal financial assistance; and each Federal grant— Federal agencies); ‘‘(iv) provide required certifications and ‘‘(A) the grant announcement; ‘‘(I) a description of the efforts made by assurances; ‘‘(B) the statement of eligibility relating the Director and Federal agencies to commu- ‘‘(B) ensuring full compliance by Federal to the grant; nicate and collaborate with representatives agencies with the requirements of this Act, ‘‘(C) the application requirements for the of non-Federal entities during the implemen- including the amendments made by the Fed- grant; tation of the requirements under this Act; eral Financial Assistance Management Im- ‘‘(D) the purposes of the grant; ‘‘(J) a description of the efforts made by provement Act of 2008; ‘‘(E) the Federal agency funding the grant; the Director to work with Federal agencies ‘‘(C) creating common applications for the and to meet the goals of this Act, including a de- Federal financial assistance programs identi- ‘‘(F) the deadlines for applying for and scription of working groups or other struc- fied under paragraph (1), regardless of wheth- awarding of the grant. tures used to coordinate Federal efforts to er the Federal financial assistance programs ‘‘(3) USE BY APPLICANTS.—The website es- meet the goals of this Act; and are administered by different Federal agen- tablished under this subsection shall, to the ‘‘(K) identification and description of all cies; greatest extent practical, allow grant appli- systems being used to disburse Federal fi- ‘‘(D) establishing common financial and cants to— nancial assistance to non-Federal entities. performance reporting forms and require- ‘‘(A) search the website for all Federal ‘‘(2) SUBSEQUENT REPORTS.—The second re- ments for the Federal financial assistance grants by type, purpose, funding agency, pro- port submitted under subsection (a), and programs identified under paragraph (2), re- gram source, and other relevant criteria; each subsequent report submitted under sub- gardless of whether the Federal financial as- ‘‘(B) apply for a Federal grant using the section (a), shall include— sistance programs are administered by dif- website; ‘‘(A) a discussion of the progress made by ferent Federal agencies; ‘‘(C) manage, track, and report on the use the Federal Government in meeting the ‘‘(E) establishing common applications and of Federal grants using the website; and goals of this Act, including the amendments financial and performance reporting forms

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 and requirements for aspects of the Federal There being no objection, the Senate (c) SURVEY.—The Secretary may make financial assistance programs identified proceeded to consider the bill. minor corrections to the survey and legal de- under paragraph (3), regardless of whether Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- scription of the Federal land described in the Federal financial assistance programs imous consent that the bill be read the subsection (b) as the Secretary determines to are administered by different Federal agen- third time and passed, the motions to be necessary to correct clerical, typo- cies; graphical, and surveying errors. reconsider be laid upon the table, and ‘‘(F) developing mechanisms to ensure (d) USE OF LAND.—The land taken into compatibility between Federal financial as- that any statements relating to this trust under subsection (a) shall be used for sistance administration systems and State matter be printed in the RECORD. the educational, health, cultural, business, systems to facilitate the importing and ex- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and economic development of the 19 Pueblos. porting of data; objection, it is so ordered. (e) LIMITATIONS AND CONDITIONS.—The land ‘‘(G) developing common certifications and The bill (S. 1193) was ordered to be taken into trust under subsection (a) shall assurances, as appropriate, for all Federal fi- engrossed for a third reading, was read remain subject to any private or municipal nancial assistance programs that have com- the third time, and passed, as follows: encumbrance, right-of-way, restriction, ease- mon or similar purposes, regardless of S. 1193 ment of record, or utility service agreement whether the Federal financial assistance pro- in effect on the date of enactment of this Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- grams are administered by different Federal resentatives of the United States of America in Act. agencies; and Congress assembled, SEC. 4. EFFECT OF OTHER LAWS. ‘‘(H) minimizing the number of different SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (a) IN GENERAL.—Except as otherwise pro- systems used to disburse Federal financial This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Albuquerque vided in this section, land taken into trust assistance. Indian School Act’’. under section 3(a) shall be subject to Federal ‘‘(b) CONSULTATION.—In developing and im- laws relating to Indian land. plementing the strategic plan under sub- SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. (b) GAMING.—No gaming activity (within section (a), the Director shall consult with In this Act: (1) 19 PUEBLOS.—The term ‘‘19 Pueblos’’ the meaning of the Indian Gaming Regu- representatives of non-Federal entities and latory Act (25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.)) shall be Federal agencies that have not received an means the New Mexico Indian Pueblos of— carried out on land taken into trust under exemption under section 6(d). (A) Acoma; section 3(a). ‘‘(c) FEDERAL AGENCIES.— (B) Cochiti; ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 6 months (C) Isleta; f (D) Jemez; after the date on which the Director submits FOSTERING CONNECTIONS TO SUC- the strategic plan under subsection (a), the (E) Laguna; head of each Federal agency that has not re- (F) Nambe; CESS AND INCREASING ADOP- ceived an exemption under section 6(d) shall (G) Ohkay Owingeh (San Juan); TIONS ACT OF 2008 develop a plan that describes how the Fed- (H) Picuris; Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- eral agency will carry out the responsibil- (I) Pojoaque; imous consent that we now proceed to (J) San Felipe; ities of the Federal agency under the stra- the immediate consideration of H.R. tegic plan, which shall include— (K) San Ildefonso; ‘‘(A) clear performance objectives and (L) Sandia; 6893. timelines for action by the Federal agency in (M) Santa Ana; The PRESIDING OFFICER. The furtherance of the strategic plan; and (N) Santa Clara; clerk will report the bill by title. ‘‘(B) the identification of measures to im- (O) Santo Domingo; The legislative clerk read as follows: prove communication and collaboration with (P) Taos; A bill (H.R. 6893) to amend Parts B and E representatives of non-Federal entities on an (Q) Tesuque; of title IV of the Social Security Act to con- on-going basis during the implementation of (R) Zia; and nect and support relative caregivers, im- this Act. (S) Zuni. prove outcomes for children in foster care, ‘‘(2) CONSULTATION.—The head of each Fed- (2) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ provide for tribal foster care and adoption eral agency that has not received an exemp- means the Secretary of the Interior (or a access, improve incentives for adoption, and tion under section 6(d) shall consult with designee). for other purposes. representatives of non-Federal entities dur- (3) SURVEY.—The term ‘‘survey’’ means the ing the development and implementation of survey plat entitled ‘‘Department of the In- There being no objection, the Senate the plan of the Federal agency developed terior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Southern proceeded to consider the bill. under paragraph (1). Pueblos Agency, BIA Property Survey’’ (pre- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- ‘‘(3) REPORTING.—Not later than 2 years pared by John Paisano, Jr., Registered Land imous consent that the bill be read after the date on which the head of a Federal Surveyor Certificate No. 5708), and dated three times and passed, the motions to agency that has not received an exemption March 7, 1977. reconsider be laid upon the table, there under section 6(d) develops the plan under SEC. 3. LAND TAKEN INTO TRUST FOR BENEFIT be no intervening action or debate, and OF 19 PUEBLOS. paragraph (1), and every 2 years thereafter any statements relating to this matter until the date that is 15 years after the date (a) ACTION BY SECRETARY.— of enactment of the Federal Financial As- (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall take be printed in the RECORD. sistance Management Improvement Act of into trust all right, title, and interest of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 2008, the head of the Federal agency shall United States in and to the land described in objection, it is so ordered. submit to the Director a report regarding subsection (b) (including any improvements The bill (H.R. 6893) was ordered to a the progress of the Federal agency in achiev- and appurtenances to the land) for the ben- third reading, was read the third time, ing the objectives of the plan of the Federal efit of the 19 Pueblos. and passed. agency developed under paragraph (1).’’. (2) ADMINISTRATION.—The Secretary shall— (b) TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMEND- (A) take such action as the Secretary de- f MENT.—Section 5(d) of the Federal Financial termines to be necessary to document the NORTH KOREAN HUMAN RIGHTS Assistance Management Improvement Act of transfer under paragraph (1); and ACT 1999 (31 U.S.C. 6101 note) is amended by in- (B) appropriately assign each applicable serting ‘‘, until the date on which the Fed- private and municipal utility and service Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- eral agency submits the first report by the right or agreement. imous consent that the committee on Federal agency required under section (b) DESCRIPTION OF LAND.—The land re- Foreign Relations be discharged from 8(c)(3)’’ after ‘‘subsection (a)(7)’’. ferred to in subsection (a)(1) is the 2 tracts of further consideration of H.R. 5834, and f Federal land, the combined acreage of which is approximately 18.3 acres, that were his- the Senate proceed to its immediate ALBUQUERQUE INDIAN SCHOOL torically part of the Albuquerque Indian consideration. ACT School, more particularly described as fol- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lows: objection, it is so ordered. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- (1) TRACT B.—The approximately 5.9211 imous consent the Senate now proceed The clerk will state the bill by title. acres located in sec. 7 and sec. 8 of T. 10 N., The legislative clerk read as follows: to Calendar No. 925, S. 1193. R. 3 E., of the New Mexico Principal Merid- A bill (H.R. 5834) to amend the North Ko- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ian in the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, rean Human Rights Act of 2004 to promote clerk will report the bill by title. as identified on the survey. respect for fundamental human rights of the The legislative clerk read as follows: (2) TRACT D.—The approximately 12.3835 people of North Korea, and for other pur- A bill (S. 1193) to direct the Secretary of acres located in sec. 7 and sec. 8 of T. 10 N., poses. the Interior to take into trust 2 parcels of R. 3 E., of the New Mexico Principal Merid- Federal land for the benefit of certain Indian ian in the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, There being no objection, the Senate Pueblos in the State of New Mexico. as identified on the survey. proceeded to consider the bill.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9219 Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, I am approach the job with quiet determina- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without pleased that the Senate is considering tion and considerable patience. Dis- objection, it is so ordered. H.R. 5834, a bill to reauthorize the cussing human rights issues with North The amendment (No. 5632) was agreed North Korea Human Rights Act. The Korean authorities will not be easy, to, as follows: act underscores U.S. concern about the and the new ambassador will need to (Purpose: To make certain technical and poor human rights conditions inside have both excellent diplomatic skills clarifying amendments) North Korea and the difficulties faced and a deep understanding of East Asia On page 3, beginning on line 4, strike the by thousands of North Koreans who and the particular circumstances on comma and all that follows to the end period have fled the country and become refu- the Korean Peninsula. Change will not and insert the following: ‘‘and has increased gees. I support this bill because I be- come easily, and is more likely to flow the bounty paid for turning in North Korean lieve our Government’s approach to from dialogue and engagement than refugees’’. North Korean human rights and ref- On page 3, beginning on line 11, strike ‘‘in- from bombast and condemnation. cluding’’ and all that follows through ugee issues must be seamlessly inte- There are many issues on the table, ‘‘killings’’ on line 17. grated into a coherent strategy that ranging from family reunification vis- On page 4, line 4, strike ‘‘On February’’, promotes regional peace and stability, its for the thousands of Korean-Ameri- and insert the following: ‘‘Since the passage advances core U.S. national security cans with relatives in the north, to of the North Korean Human Rights Act, Con- interests by verifiably eliminating ending the persecution of people of gress has on several occasions expressed in- North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weap- faith inside North Korea. Other human- terest in the status of North Korean refu- ons, and step by step encourages North itarian issues may also enter the mix, gees, and on February’’. Korea to adhere to international norms On page 4, line 19, strike ‘‘at overseas including food security and public posts’’. in the areas of human rights, security, health. It is my hope that the new am- On page 5, line 10, after ‘‘should’’, insert and trade. bassador will work with our treaty ‘‘continue to’’. It is essential that the United States ally, South Korea, and with other On page 6, line 3, strike ‘‘rights, humani- reach out and begin a dialogue with countries neighboring North Korea to tarian, and refugee issues,’’ and insert the North Korea on issues related to basic craft an approach to human rights following: ‘‘rights and humanitarian issues, human rights. Four years ago, I was issues that can, step by step, see an im- and to participate in policy planning and im- plementation with respect to refugee proud to work with my colleague, Sen- provement in the lives of average ator BROWNBACK of Kansas, on an issues,’’. North Koreans and compassionate care On page 7, line 20, strike ‘‘$4,000,000’’ and amendment to the North Korean for those who have fled the country. In Human Rights Act that created within insert ‘‘$2,000,000’’. this effort, the ambassador may find it On page 9, line 13, after ‘‘including’’, insert the Department of State a Special useful to draw appropriate lessons from the following: ‘‘, in coordination with the Envoy for Human Rights in North the Helsinki process in Europe, but ul- Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migra- Korea. In reauthorizing the act, the timately the approach will have to be tion,’’. Congress expresses its intent that the On page 9, line 21, strike ‘‘coordinate’’ and one that is specifically tailored to the envoy should be a full-time employee, insert ‘‘participate in the formulation and’’. North Korean situation. and Congress elevates the post to the On page 11, line 13, strike ‘‘paragraphs’’ As Congress passes this legislation, rank of ambassador, subject to the ad- and insert ‘‘paragraph’’. we must not lose sight of the fact that vice and consent of the Senate. The in- On page 11, strike line 14 and all that fol- members of the Bush administration lows through line 19. cumbent special envoy has pursued his are toiling to convince North Korea to On page 11, line 20, strike ‘‘(4)’’ and insert duties part-time while residing outside resume the disablement of its nuclear ‘‘(3)’’. of Washington, making coordination On page 12, lines 3 and 4, strike ‘‘may be facilities and to agree to a verification with the Department more difficult provided in a classified format, if necessary’’ mechanism for its nuclear declaration. and limiting the overall effectiveness and insert the following: ‘‘shall be provided These efforts are of vital importance. of his diplomatic efforts. By expressing in unclassified form, with a classified annex, It is regrettable that progress has been the sense of the Congress that the new if necessary’’. ambassador should be a full-time posi- derailed over a dispute about sanctions The amendment was ordered to be tion, the Congress does not preclude relief and the verification protocol. engrossed and the bill be read a third the possibility that the President may North Korea should understand that if time. find it desirable to nominate as ambas- Pyongyang honors its commitments, The bill (H.R. 5834), as amended, was sador an individual who already has we stand ready to honor ours. On the read the third time, and passed. other duties closely related to those to basis of action-for-action, I hope the f be pursued by the Ambassador for United States and North Korea, along with other members of the Six Party SENATE LEGAL COUNSEL North Korean Human Rights Issues. In- AUTHORIZATION deed, such dual assignments are not Talks, will work to accomplish the uncommon within the State Depart- denuclearization of the Korean Penin- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- ment. sula and the full integration of North imous consent that the Senate proceed The bill acknowledges that the new Korea into the community of nations. to the consideration of S. Res. 677. Ambassador for North Korean Human In exchange for the complete and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Rights Issues should be able to partici- verifiable elimination of its nuclear clerk will state the resolution by title. pate in policy planning and implemen- weapons programs, North Korea stands The legislative clerk read as follows: tation with respect to refugee issues, to receive energy assistance, sanctions A resolution (S. Res. 677) to authorize tes- particularly given the fact that return- relief, and security assurances from the timony and legal representation in Ramsey, ing refugees are among those most United States and other members of et al. v. Wilson, et al. likely to be persecuted by North Ko- the Six Party Talks. I look forward to There being no objection, the Senate rean authorities. But it is my expecta- the day when North Korea is truly at proceeded to consider the resolution. tion that the State Department’s Bu- peace with its neighbors and enjoys Mr. REID. Mr. President, this resolu- reau of Population, Refugees, and Mi- normal relations with the United tion concerns a request for testimony gration (PRM) will continue to play States. It is a future that is within and representation in a civil action in the leading role on North Korean ref- North Korea’s grasp if it abandons its Federal district court in the Southern ugee issues, engaging with China and pursuit of nuclear weapons. District of Ohio. In this action under other nations to ensure humane treat- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- the Federal Tort Claims Act, in which ment in accordance with international imous consent that the amendment at the plaintiffs seek damages arising out norms. PRM has the staffing, expertise, the desk be agreed to, the bill, as of an accident involving a pickup congressional authorization, and expe- amended, be read the third time and truck, the United States has requested rience needed to spearhead U.S. efforts passed, the motion to reconsider laid testimony from a former employee in in this area, and they should continue upon the table, with no intervening ac- Senator VOINOVICH’s office who was to do so. tion or debate, and that any state- traveling in his own car on official Sen- The new Ambassador for North Ko- ments relating to this measure be ate business at the time of the acci- rean Human Rights Issues will have to printed in the RECORD. dent. A trial in this case is scheduled

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:21 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22SE8.REC S22SE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9220 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2008 to commence on November 10, 2008. A bill (S. 3535) to amend the Internal Rev- NOMINATIONS Senator VOINOVICH would like to co- enue Code of 1986 to index certain assets for purposes of determining gain or loss. Executive nominations received by operate. This resolution would author- the Senate: ize the Senator’s former staffer to tes- Mr. REID. I now ask for its second IN THE ARMY tify in connection with this action, and reading—I do that in order to place the bill on the calendar under the provi- THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT in related proceedings, with represen- TO THE GRADE INDICATED UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SEC- tation from the Senate Legal Counsel. sions of rule XIV—and I object to my TION 3037: Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- own request. To be lieutenant general imous consent that the resolution be The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- MAJ. GEN. SCOTT C. BLACK tion is heard. The bill will be read for agreed to, the preamble agreed to, the THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT motions to reconsider be laid upon the the second time on the next legislative IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED day. WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND table en bloc; that any statements re- RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 601: lating to this measure be printed in the f To be lieutenant general RECORD. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ADVANCING AMERICA’S PRIOR- MAJ. GEN. CARROLL F. POLLETT THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT objection, it is so ordered. ITIES ACT—MOTION TO PROCEED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED The resolution (S. Res. 677) was WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND Mr. REID. Mr. President, I move to RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 601: agreed to. proceed to Calendar No. 894, S. 3297. The preamble was agreed to. To be lieutenant general The resolution, with its preamble, f MAJ. GEN. JAMES H. PILLSBURY reads as follows: THE FOLLOWING ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF THE ORDERS FOR TUESDAY, UNITED STATES OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT IN THE RE- S. RES. 677 SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 SERVE OF THE ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED UNDER Whereas, in the case of Ramsey, et al. v. TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 12203 AND 12211: Wilson, et al., Case No. 06–82, pending in fed- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- To be brigadier general imous consent that when the Senate eral district court in the Southern District COL. DAVID N. BLACKORBY of Ohio, the United States has requested tes- completes its business today, it stand THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT timony from a former employee of the Office in recess until 10 a.m., September 23; TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE RESERVE OF THE of Senator George Voinovich; that following the prayer and pledge, ARMY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 12203: Whereas, pursuant to sections 703(a) and the Journal of proceedings be approved To be colonel 704(a)(2) of the Ethics in Government Act of to date, the time for the two leaders be DAVID E. GRAETZ 1978, 2 U.S.C. §§ 288b(a) and 288c(a)(2), the reserved for their use later in the day, BERT S. KOZEN Senate may direct its counsel to represent BRUCE A. POSTMA employees of the Senate with respect to any and the Senate then proceed to a pe- STEPHEN E. VAUGHN subpoena, order, or request for testimony re- riod for the transaction of morning THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT lating to their official responsibilities; business for up to 1 hour, with Senators TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY AS CHAPLAINS UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 624 AND Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of permitted to speak for up 10 minutes 3064: the United States and Rule XI of the Stand- each, with the time equally divided and To be colonel ing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under controlled between the two leaders or the control or in the possession of the Senate ORMAN W. BOYD their designees, with the Republicans SCOTT R. CARSON may, by the judicial or administrative proc- controlling the first half and the ma- BRENT V. CAUSEY ess, be taken from such control or possession RANDALL C. DOLINGER but by permission of the Senate: jority controlling the second half; that THOMAS L. DUDLEY, JR. following morning business, the Senate THOMAS E. ENGLE Whereas, when it appears that evidence THOMAS G. EVANS under the control or in the possession of the proceed to the consideration of H.R. JOEL C. HARRIS Senate may promote the administration of 6049, the tax extenders legislation, FRANKLIN L. JACKSON, JR. YOUN H. KIM justice, the Senate will take such action as under the previous order; further, that KARL O. KUCKHAHN, JR. will promote the ends of justice consistent the Senate recess from 12:30 p.m. to 2:15 WILLIAM H. PHILLIPS, JR. with the privileges of the Senate: Now, JIM L. PITTMAN p.m. to allow for the weekly caucus JONATHAN E. SHAW therefore, be it luncheons. D0000 Resolved, That Anthony Condia is author- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT ized to testify in the case of Ramsey, et al. TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE RESERVE OF THE v. Wilson, et al., and related proceedings, ex- objection, it is so ordered. ARMY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 12203: cept concerning matters for which a privi- f To be colonel lege should be asserted. CHRISTOPHER C. CARLSON SEC. 2. The Senate Legal Counsel is author- PROGRAM JAMES R. COTTER ized to represent Anthony Condia in connec- STEVEN E. DYESS tion with the action referenced in section Mr. REID. Mr. President, under the BRADFORD L. FIPPS RALPH J. GORE, JR. one of this resolution. previous order the Chair has issued, the PHILLIP L. HUNTER Senate will consider up to three WYLIE W. JOHNSON f DAVID B. amendments to the tax extenders legis- JEFFREY D. MCGRADY UNANIMOUS CONSENT lation with limited debate on the ALVIN E. MILLER AGREEMENT—S. 3507 BERNARD K. NISWANDER amendments and on the bill. The first JOHN C. PETTIT Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- vote of the day is expected to occur DAVID A. POLLOK, JR. MARK SACHS imous consent that the Committee on prior to the caucus luncheons and the OTTO C. SCHNARR, JR. Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- remaining votes to occur in the after- STEPHEN B. SHOW HARRY W. TERMAAT sions be discharged from further con- noon. This bill is one of the most im- LARRY O. TONEY sideration of S. 3507 and that it be re- portant ones done by this Congress. It KEVIN R. TURNER JAMES G. WINTER, JR. ferred to the Finance Committee. is so important that we get this bill The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without done. I hope the House will accept this f objection, it is so ordered. legislation very quickly. DISCHARGED NOMINATIONS f f The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations was discharged from further MEASURE READ THE FIRST RECESS UNTIL 10 A.M. TOMORROW consideration of the following nomina- TIME—S. 3535 Mr. REID. Mr. President, if there is tions and the nominations were con- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I under- no further business to come before the firmed: stand there is a bill at the desk. I now Senate, I ask unanimous consent that BILL NELSON, OF FLORIDA, TO BE A REPRESENTATIVE ask for its first reading. it stand in recess under the previous OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE SIXTY- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The order. THIRD SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS. clerk will report the bill by title for There being no objection, the Senate, BOB CORKER, OF TENNESSEE, TO BE A REPRESENTA- the first time. at 6:42 p.m., recessed until Tuesday, TIVE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE SIXTY-THIRD SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF The legislative clerk read as follows: September 23, 2008, at 10 a.m. THE UNITED NATIONS.


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