Heat Transfer—A Review of 2002 Literature

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Heat Transfer—A Review of 2002 Literature International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 819–927 www.elsevier.com/locate/ijhmt Review Heat transfer—a review of 2002 literature R.J. Goldstein *, E.R.G. Eckert, W.E. Ibele, S.V. Patankar, T.W. Simon, T.H. Kuehn, P.J. Strykowski, K.K. Tamma, A. Bar-Cohen, J.V.R. Heberlein, J.H. Davidson, J. Bischof, F.A. Kulacki, U. Kortshagen, S. Garrick, V. Srinivasan Heat Transfer Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 125 Mechanical Engineering Building, 111 Church Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455, UnitedStates Available online 31 December 2004 Contents 1. Introduction . 822 2. Conduction . 824 2.1. Contact conduction/contact resistance. 824 2.2. Microscale/nanoscale heat transport, non-Fourier effects and laser/pulse heating . 824 2.3. Heat conduction in complex geometries, composites/layered media and fins . 825 2.4. Analytical/numerical methods and modelling/simulation techniques. 825 2.5. Experimental studies . 825 2.6. Thermal stresses and thermomechanical problems . 825 2.7. Miscellaneous applications. 825 3. Boundary layers and external flows . 825 3.1. External effects. 825 3.2. Geometric effects . 826 3.3. Compressibility and high-speed flow effects. 827 3.4. Analysis and modeling . 827 3.5. Unsteady effects . 828 3.6. Films and interfacial effects . 828 3.7. Effects of fluid type or fluid properties . 828 3.8. Flows with reactions . 829 4. Channel flows . 829 4.1. Straight-walled ducts. 829 4.2. Microchannel heat transfer . 830 4.3. Irregular geometries . 830 4.4. Finned and profiled ducts . 830 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 612 625 5552; fax: +1 612 625 3434. E-mail address: [email protected] (R.J. Goldstein). 0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2004.10.011 820 R.J. Goldstein et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 819–927 4.5. Ducts with periodic and unsteady motion . 831 4.6. Multiphase and non-Newtonian flows in channels . 831 5. Separated flows . ......................................................................... 831 6. Heat transfer in porous media . ............................................................ 832 6.1. Property determination . 833 6.2. External flow and heat transfer . 833 6.3. Packed beds . 833 6.4. Porous layers and enclosures . 834 6.5. Coupled heat and mass transfer . 835 7. Experimental methods . .................................................................. 836 7.1. Introduction . 836 7.2. Heat transfer . 836 7.3. Temperature measurement. 836 7.4. Velocity measurement . 836 7.5. Miscellaneous . 837 8. Natural convection-internal flows ............................................................ 837 8.1. Highlights. 837 8.2. Fundamental studies . 837 8.3. Internal heat generation . 837 8.4. Thermocapillary flows. 837 8.5. Enclosures . 837 8.6. Vertical cylinders, ducts and annuli . 838 8.7. Spherical and horizontal cylindrical annuli . 838 8.8. Mixed convection . 838 8.9. Fires . 838 8.10. Miscellaneous . 838 9. Natural convection-external flows............................................................ 839 9.1. Vertical plate . 839 9.2. Horizontal and inclined plates . 839 9.3. Channels . 839 9.4. Cylinders and cones . 839 9.5. Plumes . 839 9.6. Mixed convection . 839 10. Convection from rotating surfaces ............................................................ 840 10.1. Rotating discs . 840 10.2. Rotating channels . 840 10.3. Enclosures .......................................................................... 840 10.4. Cylinders, spheres, and bodies of revolution . 841 11. Combined heat and mass transfer. ............................................................ 841 11.1. Ablation. 841 11.2. Transpiration . 841 11.3. Film cooling. 841 11.4. Jet impingement heat transfer—submerged jets . ..
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