UK Data Archive Study Number 4406. Membership Survey of the Alliance Party of , 2000-2001.



NB For all variables, the following codes apply:

88.00 Other 99.00 Missing


Q1 Year of joining Alliance

Q2 Missing

Q3 Mode of membership application

1.00 Wrote to party HQ 2.00 Local branch meeting 3.00 Filled in a leaflet 4.00 Canvassed 5.00 Internet 6.00 Signed up by friend / party 7.00 Founder member

Q4 Joined during election campaign?

1.00 Yes 2.00 No

Q5A1 Joined any other party?

1.00 Yes 2.00 No Q5A2 Other party joined [only if response to Q5A1 = 1]

1.00 UUP 2.00 DUP 3.00 UKUP 4.00 NIUP 5.00 PUP 6.00 UDP 7.00 SDLP 8.00 Sinn Fein 9.00 Worker’s Party 10.00 Women’s Coalition 21.00 Conservatives 22.00 Liberal Democrats 23.00 Labour 24.00 SDP 61.00 Northern Ireland Labour Party 65.00 Scottish National Party 72.00 75.00 Fine Gael

Q6 Level of activity within party

1.00 Very active 2.00 Active 3.00 Not particularly active 4.00 Inactive

Q7 Respondent Left-Right self-placement

1.00 Left 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 Right

Q8 Decision-making influence in party

1.00 Considerable influence 2.00 Some influence 3.00 Little or no influence Q9 Is respondent elected representative?

1.00 Yes 2.00 No

Q10 Gender

1.00 Male 2.00 Female

Q11 Country of birth

1.00 Northern Ireland 2.00 3.00 England, Scotland or Wales

Q12 County of residence

1.00 Antrim (excl. Belfast) 2.00 Armagh 3.00 Belfast 4.00 Derry 5.00 Down 6.00 Fermanagh 7.00 Tyrone

Q13 Age

1.00 15-24 2.00 25-34 3.00 35-44 4.00 45-54 5.00 55-64 6.00 65-74 7.00 75+

Q14 Educational attainment

1.00 No qualifications 2.00 'O' levels / GCSEs 3.00 Irish Leaving Certificate 4.00 'A' levels 5.00 Undergraduate degree 6.00 Postgraduate degree Q15A1 Occupation

1.00 Secretarial / clerical 2.00 Tradesperson (carpenter, plumber, etc.) and retail 3.00 Manual labour 4.00 Public sector employee 5.00 Junior / middle management 6.00 Senior management 7.00 Teacher 8.00 University academic 9.00 Professional 10.00 Farmer

11.00 Unemployed 12.00 Retired 13.00 Housewife 14.00 Student

Q15A2 Previous occupation of retired and unemployed [only if response to Q11A1 = 11 or 12]

1.00 Secretarial / clerical 2.00 Tradesperson (carpenter, plumber, etc.) and retail 3.00 Manual labour 4.00 Public sector employee 5.00 Junior / middle management 6.00 Senior management 7.00 Teacher 8.00 University academic 9.00 Professional 10.00 Farmer

Q16 Annual income (pounds)

1.00 50000+ 2.00 40000-49999 3.00 30000-39999 4.00 20000-29999 5.00 10000-19999 6.00 - 9999 Q17 National identification

1.00 Irish 2.00 British 3.00 British-Irish 4.00 Northern Irish 5.00 European

Q18 Religion

1.00 Catholic 2.00 Presbyterian 3.00 Church of Ireland 4.00 Methodist 5.00 Other Protestant 6.00 None

Q19 Religious practice

1.00 Practising 2.00 Non-practising


Responses to Q20 - Q41 coded as follows:

1.00 Strongly agree with statement 2.00 Agree with statement 3.00 Neither agree / disagree with statement 4.00 Disagree with statement 5.00 Strongly disagree with statement

Perceptions of party identity

Q20 The Alliance Party is a centre party

Q21 The Alliance Party is a social democratic party.

Q22 The Alliance Party is a radical party.

Q23 The Alliance Party is a unionist party. Q24 The Alliance Party is a nationalist party.

Q25 The Alliance Party is a pro-European party.

Q26 The Alliance Party is a cross-community party.


Q27 The Alliance vision is of a society in which Unionists and nationalists successfully work together for the common good.

Q28 The Alliance vision is of a society in which sectarian divisions have been overcome.

Q29 The Alliance vision is of a more united community that cherishes diversity.

Q30 The Alliance vision is of a society based upon separate Unionist and Nationalist communities, equal in status and mutual respect.


Q31 Alliance should seek to reconcile Unionism and Nationalism.

Q32 Alliance should provide an alternative to Unionism and Nationalism which can be supported by all sections of the community.

Q33 Alliance should provide a Unionist alternative, which can be supported by Protestants.

Q34 Alliance should provide a Nationalist alternative, which can be supported by Catholics.


Q35 The best solution to the Northern Ireland question is that Northern Ireland should remain part of the .

Q36 The best solution to the Northern Ireland question is devolved power sharing, plus cross border bodies. Q37 The best solution to the Northern Ireland question is joint British-Irish sovereignty over Northern Ireland.

Q38 The best solution to the Northern Ireland question is a .

Q39 The best solution to the Northern Ireland question is an independent Northern Ireland, ruled by neither London nor Dublin.

Q40 The best solution to the Northern Ireland question is that its future is determined by the ‘principle of consent’ i.e. the views of 50% +1 of the population.

Q41 The solution to the Northern Ireland question should require the consent of a majority of Unionists and a majority of Nationalists.

Good Friday Agreement

Q42 How did you vote in the referendum on the ?

1.00 Yes 2.00 No 3.00 Didn’t vote 4.00 Spoilt ballot

Q43 How would you vote in a similar referendum today?

1.00 Yes 2.00 No 3.00 Wouldn’t vote 4.00 Spoilt ballot

Responses to Q44 - Q49 coded as follows:

1.00 Strongly agree with statement 2.00 Agree with statement 3.00 Neither agree / disagree with statement 4.00 Disagree with statement 5.00 Strongly disagree with statement

Q44 The Alliance Party achieved most of its overall objectives through the Good Friday Agreement. Q45 The Good Friday Agreement consolidated Northern Ireland’s position within the United Kingdom.

Q46 The Good Friday Agreement was a step towards joint British-Irish sovereignty.

Q47 The Good Friday Agreement was a step towards a united Ireland.

Q48 The Good Friday Agreement will create equality between Unionists and Nationalists.

Q49 The Good Friday Agreement increases sectarianism by dividing parties into nationalist, unionist or ‘other’ blocs.

Q50 Should the Alliance Party redesignate as ‘Unionist’ rather than ‘Centre’ in the Assembly?

1.00 Yes 2.00 Yes, for tactical advantage 3.00 Yes, but only to save the Assembly / Good Friday Agreement 4.00 No


Responses to Q51 – Q55 coded as follows:

1.00 Strongly agree with statement 2.00 Agree with statement 3.00 Neither agree / disagree with statement 4.00 Disagree with statement 5.00 Strongly disagree with statement

Q51 Decision within the Assembly should always require the consent of a majority of Unionists and Nationalists.

Q52 Decisions within the Assembly should be based upon straightforward majority voting.

Q53 Sinn Fein should be permitted to participate in the Assembly and Executive, irrespective of whether the IRA decommissions its weapons. Q54 A devolved Northern Ireland administration will improve the standard of the local services, such as education and health.

Q55A1 More powers should be granted to local councils in Northern Ireland instead of the Assembly.

Q55A2 More powers should be granted to local councils in Northern Ireland as well as the Assembly.

Alternatives to the Good Friday Agreement

Q56 If the Agreement fails, which of the following should be attempted next?

1.00 Direct rule from Westminster 2.00 Alternative form of devolution 3.00 Joint British-Irish rule 4.00 British withdrawal

Responses to Q57 – Q73 coded as follows:

1.00 Strongly agree with statement 2.00 Agree with statement 3.00 Neither agree / disagree with statement 4.00 Disagree with statement 5.00 Strongly disagree with statement

Q57 The symbols associated with the state in Northern Ireland are too Unionist.

Q58 The symbols associated with the state in Northern Ireland are too Nationalist.

Q59 British and Irish symbols should be displayed side by side.

Q60 Northern Ireland needs to develop its own set of symbols distinct from those of the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

Q61 A devolved Northern Ireland administration should retain the 11+ examination in schools.

Q62 Northern Ireland’s universities should not charge tuition fees to undergraduate students. Q63 Abortion should be legalised in Northern Ireland.

Q64 Integrated education is preferable to a system of segregated education.

Q65 The government should do more to promote integrated housing.

Q66 Full implementation of the Patten Commission’s recommended changes to the RUC is necessary.

Q67 Republican violence was never justifiable.

Q68 Loyalist violence was never justifiable.

Q69 The government / Northern Ireland Administrations should do more to tackle illegal kerbstone paintings and wall murals.

Q70 The IRA must decommission all its weapons.

Q71 The early release of prisoners under the Good Friday Agreement was justifiable.

Q72 The Orange Order should have the right to march through nationalist areas.

Q73 The UK should join the Single European Currency.

Q74 In elections, do you …

1.00 … always vote? 2.00 … usually vote? 3.00 … sometimes vote? 4.00 … rarely / never vote?

Responses to Q75A1 – A11 coded as follows:

1.00 Yes, would transfer. 2.00 Might consider but not definite. 3.00 No more than slight possibility. 4.00 Under no circumstances would consider. Q75 Below is a list of parties. Please state which, if any, you would consider giving lower preference votes to.

A1 A2 Democratic Unionist Party A3 UK Unionist Party A4 NI Unionist Party A5 Progressive Unionist Party A6 A7 Social Democratic Labour Party A8 Sinn Fein A9 Worker’s Party A10 Women’s Coalition A11 Other (please specify)

Q76A1 Do you think the Alliance Party should engage in electoral pacts with any party?

1.00 Yes 2.00 No

If yes (up to three responses, A2 – A4):

1.00 UUP 2.00 DUP 3.00 UKUP 4.00 NIUP 5.00 PUP 6.00 UDP 7.00 SDLP 8.00 Sinn Fein 9.00 Worker’s Party 10.00 Women’s Coalition 21.00 Conservatives 22.00 Liberal Democrats 23.00 Labour 31.00 Greens 42.00 Unionist parties 43.00 Centre parties 44.00 Non-sectarian parties 45.00 All parties 55.00 Pro-GFA parties Q77A1 – A6 Which parties do you think the Alliance Party is best placed to win lower preference votes from? (name as many as you feel relevant)

1.00 UUP 2.00 DUP 3.00 UKUP 4.00 NIUP 5.00 PUP 6.00 UDP 7.00 SDLP 8.00 Sinn Fein 9.00 Worker’s Party 10.00 Women’s Coalition 21.00 Conservatives 22.00 Liberal Democrats 23.00 Labour 31.00 Greens 42.00 Unionist parties 43.00 Centre parties 44.00 Non-sectarian parties 45.00 All parties 55.00 Pro-GFA parties

Q78 The Labour, Liberal Democrat and Conservative parties should contest elections in Northern Ireland.

1.00 Strongly agree with statement 2.00 Agree with statement 3.00 Neither agree nor disagree with statement 4.00 Disagree with statement 5.00 Strongly disagree with statement

Q79A1 – A4 Which of those parties would you consider voting for?

A1 Conservative A2 Liberal Democrat A3 Labour A4 None Addendum

Responses to all addendum questions coded as follows:

1.00 Strongly agree with statement 2.00 Agree with statement 3.00 Neither agree / disagree with statement 4.00 Disagree with statement 5.00 Strongly disagree with statement

Q26A The Alliance Party is a .

Q26B The Alliance Party is a socialist party.

Q26C The Alliance Party is a conservative party.

Q26D The Alliance Party is an internationalist party.

Q34A The Alliance Party should represent those who do not associate with Unionism or Nationalism.

Q52A Decisions within the Assembly should be based upon weighted majority voting.