Guaranteeing Indigenous People's Rights in Latin America
Summary Guaranteeing indigenous people’s rights in Latin America Progress in the past decade and remaining challenges Summary Guaranteeing indigenous people’s rights in Latin America Progress in the past decade and remaining challenges This document was prepared by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), through the Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (CELADE)-Population Division of ECLAC, under the supervision of Dirk Jaspers-Faijer. This study was carried out at the request of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) and the Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas, with support from the Ford Foundation. Technical cooperation was undertaken by Dirk Jaspers-Faijer and Fabiana Del Popolo, Population Affairs Officers of CELADE; Mirna Cunningham, President of UNPFII in 2012-2013; and Tarcila Rivera Zea, Coordinator of the Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas. The various parts of the document were drafted by Fabiana Del Popolo and Leandro Reboiras, consultant with CELADE, who received substantive contributions from an indigenous advisory team comprising Ana María Barbosa, ECMIA; María Eugenia Choque, Indigenous Women’s Biodiversity Network); Gerardo Jumi, Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas (CAOI); José Antonio Medina and Gilberto Solano, del Mesoamerican Indigenous Council; Álvaro Pop, member of UNPFII; Donald Rojas, Central American Indigenous Council; Edwin Vásquez, Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations in the Amazon Basin (COICA); and Teresa Zapeta, Alliance of Indigenous Women of Mexico and Central America. Substantive inputs were also prepared by Mikel Berraondo, Ferran Cabrero, Mirna Cunningham, Beatriz Fernández, Ciro Martínez, Ana María Oyarce, Víctor Toledo Llancaqueo and Rodrigo Valenzuela; and assistance was received from Bernardo Arroyo, Mathilde Bourguignat, Ninoska Damianovic, Laura García and Miguel Ojeda.
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