AUTOMOBILES. ETC.’ THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, D. 0., FEBRUARY 8, 1925-PART 6. ROOMS,' ETC,' 3 FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. JOE SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOE SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE—AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOE RENT—GARAGES RENT ROOMS—FURNISHED M iContinued) PTZ—Fast traveling, powerful, 5 passenger: () onllnurd) (C onginurd > California top. late 1924; gray; cheap, cash BUI C K BARGAINS] RICKENBACKER USED CARS *' I«IHD rot I*JB—l.a> tc nindol. liko new inaide REAL RK Alt~OF : | 2229 PL For a Indy, ronfFi tiros, parking; light: or evchanse. 626 Southern Bldg. Main 6287.• Coup* BANCROFT and out; f» Hr»t 1550 » Used Car Dept. ~ VARIOUS MAKES IRIK M SI. N W. able room with Htuall family. Apt. 33. $«. including 1923; Used Car Dept. $2-5. extras. Cash. $«*»(): weekly. WULYS-KNIGHT TOURING, fate tine Dodge Touring, 1023 475 U’lO T St. N. \V. N. 75Q9 J 8* Hiarge*: sh«|w; r**rl*a§ A «; inaurance. No financial Md. and \h. small car in trade. 1821 14th st. n.w. Club Roadater 475 R EASON BLK TE RM S. : b. W, 111*1 IMIS. uk; K St. Kansas cuarant to., 9* Touring, 1823 4442 AVE. n W. fnrabdwd roo* title*; 30-day Monk Motor That Durant 4 375 • Columbia ’23 Touring. twin for young Mo. open Sunday*. * Why We Think This Bterens Touring Cadillac MKTAI, i;aß.\i;B bed*: 2 men; Jewish preferred. 477 »\c. n."an . WIIAVB-KNIGHT TOURING; every 875 & Has RiX'OTllmier Continental motor and Washington Company. 1 I’l * 1924 po»- I>odg« 1138-1140 Conn, ON W'lllK AI.I.KV. Adam® 8778 1 s Redan. driven sible equipment. like Is a To Sedan 875 bearings; paint, tired, upholstery and Ave. Phone Frank. 3902 FORD—A Ford about 0.000 » This car look* new; Good Time Premier Touring B Timken j 1316 vor ST. #lO. 11* 1744 dowbj* u ehanee to lM*tter than looks; high-grade, 375 mechanically right; bargain on this one; N.W. LANIER PIT. S.W -Single and nilles; runs and looks like new: • it a firat-claas a llulck Coup* J TO rooms, flrst-claaa save considerable money. .'lO-day guarantee. automobile, as near new a* you will find on Buy 275 term*. FLINT FROM 9? SUM. furnished to suit you, iu (Chevrolet Touring, 1923 _ J Various • 275 5 , OFFERS I lyx'utionx. home. a.m i. Hand Icy Motor Co., 3730 Georgia avo. t’ol. today's market in a 1924 automobile. An in- USED CAR. ! 8, from GEO. UWKINg. 5323.. spect ion of tliia car. without obligation, will | Ford Touring*. $126 to 250 W ITM K SI (Ift. Pleninnt 1. With Soring only a tew away and Ford Sedan 260 Chevrolet ’23 Touring. DURANT TOURING 1621 KENYON HT. *ectUm>- convince you of our on cur; j 0 BEAR 1815 K N.W.—ONE CAR $lO.OO Warm. bright outside room: comfortably fur done Judgment this corner, ! • FORD sedan; dcw tires, po*d c**4itioo; condition cannot the automobile Reason Juet around the ; All rara ar» rebuilt and repainted. A light car at a light price; everything Wonderful conftition; h real buy for very bt. N nfaiHed, next Apt. b« and Is not exaggerated; there will be bet. an 6 O New garazcs... 10.00 to bath. Col. 2679, 8* light; $2OO. Phone Col. 442. 510. 9* terms the usual demand for both used j Term* or trad*. right; see It and you will buy. little inoDvy. Hee thin today. $ 1 ft.~> down. priced $950: or trade. Wallace Motor W. J. PICKING. 8512 loth \ W.—Room* nicely furnished: FOUR-DOOR BED equal to new; L st. n.w. car* and new. 1416 K Street N.W. ST." FORD AN. Co.. 1700 Main 7612. oar*, MANHATTAN single Buit4*; ga * Roach steering 2. Price* on either new or old. never ! I GARAGE, 1.h.k.; or en range; h.-w.b equipped with ignition, lock the Rickenbacker ’24 Sedan. BEAR M »\. light, parking light. WILLS-8 AINT CLAIRE COUPE, repainted, drop lower with coming of Spring. If any- FORD FORDOR l PLEAS. AND IRVING STs ’ lia! elet price* right. ( 1016. 9* wheel, speedometer, dash 1706 7th St. at like Hear 1710 It. t.: * wiper. mirror, fully equipped. Terms. $675 cash, balance, thing, they generally go up. N.W. A poetically new ear a uaed car price; Sedan, new In every respect. See this to- SIO. lBth si . or double automatic windshield rear-view monthly. N, 3. car* In Rear 2311 Champlain. $B. corner of H Single ac«*elerator, luggage rack, $84.42 9860. 1727 Conn, ave. Our price* on used were never bet- FORI) TRACTOR TRAILER, coat $6OO $250 5 everythin* A1 condition. day. Only $lO5 down. r**oin: furnished, in good locality f«n»t motometer. Hear 800 hlo* k 11th n.e.. $6 attractively seat tires, new-, and spire. by at ter. and we have ample time In which to dem- Ford ton truck, stake body $250 0 covers, cord almost AUTOMOBILES auction Weschlef*. 920 you. ROBERT LEE O imiKN. moderate. rail Franklin 691. The ear cost complete; for sale by Pa. ave. n.w., every Wednesday and Saturday, onstrate our machine* for Open-side delivery $l5O $B5O 0 Oldsmobile Roadster. 1922. FORD COUPE Frank. 5385. 1710 Eye N.W. 621 L ST. N.E. For rent; furniahed room for finance co. $487. Cash or terms. Adams 10 a.m. Truck cliaaala $275 1924, f You’ll And these well worth looking over— The nbor* are recent other Four-cylinder; tbia car la in perfect rondi- many extra*. inHiiding bumper*. etc. one or two gentlemen; call between 3 and 3 3932. r Dt>DUK RUBINRBS COUPE, models; models, snappy to drive; K late model; new $4O up; as low as $2O and $4 a month. ’ tlon and la a bn* plenty See this today, $l5O down. 1223 N.W. ' any evening. 8* cash, 1212 tire>. excellent condition; new; gone price; easy terms. • FORD touring, 1924, like new, $2OO like Buick coach $1,250 ROBEY MOTOR CO., power, pep and S|s>ed; low Half of two-ar look garage. s*. 1118 10th ST. room kitchen hyp, 8.000 miles. Don’t fall to N.W.— Large and Potomac w.o. see thi* car. Price St, Main Many Others. etfe. first $7.50: objection to and is right: small payment your in 450 1428 1. N.W. 2121. fl*»or. no a chi! condition, good rti!»*»?»r cash or car Maxwell touring Attractive, dreu. • FOItl) touring, good trade; mouth* to pay ’22 Touring. Well Equipped bargain at $ 1 318 10th 12 balance. Peck’* Reo and w'xraKe fine curtains; extras; 30. G«jrage. 2121 st. . 8* Ruick sedan 850 HERE ARE SOME Bix-«*yllnder motor; tires and paint all good: USED CAR Salesroom show windows* 43 M Farge 14th n.w REAL* FLINT DEPT., to ft alley ST. N.W. front room and kitchen in a roomy, car; the price bids *loxl2o ft. 30 with range; plenty DoDtiE TOURING, real late model, prac- thia comfortable i* It; of heat and electricity fur FORD apeedster, 1920; $43; terms. Potomac 1 Buick 4-cyl. touring 500 CLEAN BUYS. low and terms are right. 1607 14th St. 2114 l-itiiST. N.W nished; excellently furnished; $BO, 9* tically new; gone less than 7,000 miles; 2 1823 Hudson Coach, every extra; 1924 Immediate possession Apptr owner, Dr I) 23 lit. ... bumper*.a cowl lights, stop and parking Reo touring, 7-pass 750 Dodge Business Coupe. 1923 Hudson 7 pas- North 3021. K. UH KINt.IIAM. 2113 1 Itli at. n.w. North 920 15tli s v\\ Attractive apt., 2 room* RING, model; #He aKape: light, many buy; bath, facingi FORD 10l ln t«• «Ja other extras: wonderful senger Sedan, new paint; Single 6 Chandler ’2l Touring. 0048 and park: alw» otlwr room*: con many extra*.; *l2O. Easy terms. Peck’s right price: down; 12 bal- sedan 550 6 1 Govt, montha to pay Chevrolet Sport Touring, 1923 model. O. K. mechanically; looks good, runs better: Open Sundays. REAR 810 L . . venlent to dept*. Buckingham Hotel rage. 2121 14*h u.w «nee. Peek’s Garage. 2121 14th at. n.w, 8* surprise you. HT. N.W .$40.00 Buick 6 700 AUTO MART. j all kinds of power; price will Hear 131 Welister sf. •, I-ARGE. comfortably furnished room, suitable T.aie model. wtii lots of or touring ! )S()\ n.w Stunt KOHD BEI»AN CADILLAC TOURING, mode! 59-1L8.7 TOMKINS GARAGE. See us. I 111 Rear Utli and Florida ave $lO.OO ji for two: Ui»nl if dewlred; conveniences r* coupe, hargaiti. $123. ord 1 Calif, tras. $230. lord l wonderful condition throughout. $9OO. term*. Buick 6 touring, top. 800 17th and Kaloratna Rd. X.TV. Near 1 Nt|i & ] *ts n.w $19.00 1fined home Potomac 1104. ton chassis. Ford sport model loadstcr; Will take smaller car in trade. This one _ls Phone Adama 5581. ESSEX 19th A; sltio: 95 to Rear K sth. n.w $lO.OO 7 \ BRNON (OR | s Terr clnssv lo* king. $230. Piione ranklin a bargain, let iis demonstrate: be Buick 6 touring, 7-pass... 750 - j 20 Others Select From A W Il** 1 I i t ompletely f n I ean »een LLAN K.. AI-KIJH Si CO.. INC.. nished honeekeeping adjoining l>afh, $•"• l.amltert Gnnige. rear 1218 North Capitol at Peck's Garage. 2121 14th st. n.w. S* MONEY 3680, j room, ht. Studebaker light 6 touring 500 BACK Your Car in Trade The following cars are in per- 813 15th '•t n w. Main wer-k: heat ga*. phone 4 ORD to .ng 1924 used very little *i ar TAXICAB, Chandler, with meter; painted ON ALL USED I lias speed- • 1775 WE a nee and performance like new: ’’Star.” Sec owner, 14th and E, Monday. Dodge Sec fect condition throughout. REAR 1738 14th ST. N.W. MASSACHUSETTS s7w7- Dealra wheel; demonstrate and roadster 425 FORD CARS Eddie Roper. Every- Ide second floor front room, twin beds, near ometer and b*ck will ROADSTER, light six; good A|.|»lj ROSENBERG'S, 1014 7th at. a.w. 9* • • purchaser. Phone running condi- if not satiaAfd with your purchase bath. give term* v«> responsible t|on; $lB5 cash. Adam* 2416. Ford touring 200 one a real value. Columbia 3618-W. WK lIAVIC BARGAINS 1612 L St. X.W. 1613 HOHART ST. N. W.-—Large, w'ell furnish _ SEDAN, new; op. HOFFMAN MOTOR CO., Rear new; almost half price; terms. 1013 Chevrolet touring 250 in both doited and open models. $4O and 1924 ESSEX COACH metal Rent, ? d rraini. porch, next to bath and «hower Ft>llD TtTrKINC. latest model, almost L *t, $2O $690 Due garage for single car. i l l l several other n.w. Franklln 4700. *__ Low an down and $4 a week. 1507 14th St. N.W. 1923 Hudson Coacli. . 7.-,(> per '•on! j ,lt a ter. look Wheel speedometer and coupe $lO month Garage. ford—FORD—FORD. Maxwell 500 CO., 1922 HUDSON SPEEDSTER ' five ar.age extras: $230. Kasy terms. Peck’s ROBEY MOTOR LOOK!! KVt One brick garage: can accommodate 1918 EYI 6T N.W Under ot m ntr Open all night. »• Ton truck liody $lOO Buick coupe 700 STOP! READ!!! HUDSON TOURING SEDAN Hooftrars. Kent $5O jw»r month. ment : single and double ro<»m«: h‘»t and cold 2121 14th '22 light delivery 150 AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. light ft touring HUDSON SPEEDSTER PORI) Excellent owner 1429 1. St. N.W. Main 2121. Columbia si.*oo 450 running water; large, warm and bright. 11* fOI’PE condition; _ COMPANY, • *22 sedan 275 600 touring, light 11. 1.. REST v 3837-J. Westcott touring. Rtilrk ft. like new 375 leaving 1327 Irving •. ‘oh touring ONE <>r: TWO furnished town '24 250 Buick roadster, light ft 125 812 15th St. N.W. Main 8888. bedrooms, ATTRACTIVELY COUPE. late model: looks and run* Ktrobel Motor 00., Ford Dealers. Paint, tires and mechanical SAVE tourings. 5 75 up NEUMEVER MOTOR CO., : shower bath: a.m.i.; pifl FORD sell, Bargain. Ruick ' vte home; garage like new: must need cash. 1425 Irving at. n.w. Col. 4206. Ford sedan*. 3. lat<* mode!!! 75 tip 19th optional. Col. 1990. s* cars $25 TO $5O. i 1823 14th St. N.W. St. Near Newton. 1 ¦-.!?-> K «.p. condition of the above A-l. Ford touring*. 4, with ftturteis 50 up Single (-a ! 802 Jib ST. fi i: . cor Penna. a\e. -Three "Tarts—pakts: delivcrieß, up r s*ragjs. rooms, TOURING. 192»: park 4 $50(1 ‘ Ford 3 . . 50 Open Evenings and i furnished first floor, for l.h.k : $l9 FORD f*.r all iiiakos i HKVROI.ET COUPE. PASS.. 1924 roaddter Sundavs. Thomas Fisher & Co., Inc., per nk I Whorl anil bumper,. *275: term* of cnr». »’«r* Niu*h( am) koM, 1924 50(1i) * jOldamoblle 50 J. i cht. tni-K Liberal Terms. CHEVROLET COUPE. 7;;k 150, i -• lIERSOVS ALTO 1 ft HS-to r.i* iiuii u •¦u.t cn.lillon. ROUKKT CHEVROLET, LATE 1923 325 ft ’ Paige light chassitt 50 Mam 'MT PLE tSANI Sitting room, with sleeping ' lIXCHANGL’. Ut an.l V sis. n.w. Lincoln Naali ligiit ft touring, good 150 model: —if starter. lock CHEVROLET COUPE. 1922 - 20rcli; twin tM>r]n; for geutlemen. Phone KOKII SKDAX. lato 9.ji»:i , IlndKott coupe 9ft FOR^SALE—AUTO Rear 4110 St. wheel. new tire*, extras; engine in eo«nl con- ; j Open Evenings and Sundays, j CHEVROLET TOURING, 1922 125ft j K'lth ill(K. -J 924: lock* and runs 18th N.W. I Adams 1573. 8* _ ft , Iltipmobile touring 75 j I uimhl Two*sfor\ hr garage. with ele- dition; $130: terms; $173. 281* VMa FORD TOURING, 1922 12.1 »• irk eie.-tric i ca-h. 30(1 I) Packard twin ft touring 150 H. 448-It. 'ator. light and steam heat: sxe IS by , l ''ON N AVE.. near new Mayflower Here! | CHEVROLET TOUHINt;, 1923 I j ft. ; a.m.i.; private reference. Phone M.\KE YOUR STANLEY hThORXER. INC.. CHEVROLET TOCHINC. 5(1 0 Chandler louring 150 TW() 24-PASSENGER BUS BODI SO ft. Desirable for auto service siatiou. jesidcuce* I >• good condition; $173: pri*i*a. One Frank. 5191 FORD TOG KING. 1923: PLANS I CHEVROLET TOUHIN4J 150 0 Plenty other* on hand at lowest Uob- 3-ton Riker Truck. Kent. $10<» p.*r month. terms. Pol. 10113. Apt. 34. 1343 PI ifton n.w. NOW i 1015 14th St. Main 5296' CHEVROLET .» ert Hernon* Auto Exchange, Ist and 1» *tH. i One Eton Republic Truck. *6.»8 LI * * Apt. ‘Si—Homelike TOURING, 1923 300 Line. 2-»on H. 1.. RUST COMPANY, I-11 ST.. room 8* i j I n.w. 9565 12* Also parte for Republic. gentleman • Christian Scientist preferred; ui“* 1924: $450 each; CONSIGNED Apply 2000 sth St. N.E. ID* 912 15th St. N.W. j of entire nachelor apartment. * FORDS Two Fordoor sedan*. fur happy, healthful trips in the Sport Ro*dßtpr: city: terms. Triangle Motor to., authorized Ford 1924 owner leaving voat , liberalTterms. j USED CAR* VALUES? Main »IKRK. 8912 M KINLEI ST New $1,950: run 5,000 milea: 4-wliecl brakes and —One largo jmnb prlvg;*’ dealers. North Capitol and York country this Spring. No finer | ! hath, sleeping porch; private familv. Cleye every extra; best offer over $975 gets It. Cadillac Touring, type 61. TRUCK BARGAINS. land FoRl» TOl KING PAR in K‘*‘d condition: or more economical entertain- A. WINEBERGER CO.. RENT ROOMS—FURNISHED j 2693. and several extras. Apply 1204 JOHN ’ Cadillac Touring, type spare tire Ijfe 1923 Hudson Speedster, disc wheels. 2 ; 59. 921 HAMILTON —Nicely | UFAI TIFULLY furnished room in new private for INC., ST. N.W. furnished j home; K n.w. ment the whole family than biller bumpers, 2 brand-new spare tires, Sedan. MACK. I Oozy housekeeping apattmerit, in private home: • suitable for two girls or married $423: terms. Paige 5-Pass. 2 tuu. body ¦ couple. ©• FORD TCIHIIt SEDAN. 1924; snubbers and windshield wings, spotlight, stake and « ab. j 3 outside toonii: second floor; private bath; •| Call Columbia 1665. Ford dealer*. excursions in a spring covers, cleaner, parking 3700 Georgia Ave. N.W. Triangle Motor t’o.. authorized windshield Hudson Speedster, Super Six. j private entrance: light, clean, hot-water heat; : ¦*Bo7 ti ST. N.W.—Southern exposure, large North Capitol and New York ave. light and rear view mirror; Marine offl.-er, be AUTO-CAR. ; electricity; large gas range; ! well furnished, private Col. 565. ton, dump porcelain sink: semi bath; gentleman all ing transferred, will for offer 2 body. hoi»t and mb: u»*wlv Winter I’ORD SEDAN. 1922: splendid condition: & sell best over -|Studebaker Big Six 1924 Sedan. painted. j tireless cooker: sewing machine; rugs: only. HILL TIBBITTS’ $BOO. above accessories; driven 10.000 miles; cash, $230. ( All the cara arc reconditioned; good j perntanenf if desired: telephone in apartment; 1 808 6th N.W Large, pe • back room. $3.50 und 3 p.m. 8• j tire* and newly painted. Also a good selec- garage near. rent. $55. (Vlumbia 1472. North 4341. between 1 Reconditioned. “Satisfaction” Tlie above cars are you will be OPEN SUNDAYS. BROCKWAY. | week: front hall loom. $2.50 per week: gen good condition the kind tion of various other makes of used car*. 2’a-ton. rebuilt chassis and tires; HI SI NESS WOMAN owning tlemen g* FORD SEDAN'S <2»- Both in hunting for in the spring. Term* reatonable. cab: solid J home in desirable onl\. & Co., 1078 Wis- guaranteed I newly painted. northwest section. 1 f 14th st. and real buy*. S. Select your car now. Make! sired re a soila hie rates. Address Box 342 T. PARK—Nicely furnished room FORD < OFPE. 1921. $303; terms. 043 Md. Star office. g* j(every •onvenience; new home r#*ut reason 1924 Ford coupe, newly painted. . * > ave. n.o. Fine. 8440. Open evenings. any deposit you want, j CADILLAC. TRAFFIC. abb-: , h , og(f2 g* then 1924 -V-63 5-pa**. sedan new car guaran 2 ton. mb and open express 174 s STREET NW. Large, nicely fur ; ’ ORD LIGHT DELIVERY, 1923; clo7se*>t or three < preferred). I1 * * N.W Private family l.ttle; required, bargain your car will be nearly paid for.) placed Rale at substantial reduction. $250. very at u bargain. !ike new. $35 PhNorth p.m hot and wa:<*r privat* m every extra fin on a attractive car 9745 after 5 C«drl iti room: semi . ash. 2423 I>*th n.w. We nlso have a nice assortment of 1923 and NATIONAL SERVICE A SUPPLY CO.. INC. NEAR Wardman Park Hotel and Episcopal | bath: eb«ctricjty: telepi.«me: young man: s2'' iOKI) 1924 model*. 1H36 Conn. ave. INTERNATIONAL. Cathedral Large, 3«m; Tl TOfRING. 1921, 3 mourns old: new Guaranteed Cars at Prices to i j 1 ton. cab. open express body: pueiimat ie well furnished room in new LIP AYE . TAKoMA PARK—2 room* • ord tire*, lock wheel, das’. and park light. New and used cars will be 6oid on monthly 1924 Ford four door sedan. I ' semi-detached houae; southern and eastern ex- ; large, well lighted; first floor: * payments. i tires. I .separate or. 5203, 203, terniq. After 3:30 Potomac 2:149. S* Fit Any Pocketbook. poeurea: private bath: space Jn built in ga tran-e; new house: near car lines s $475. 'HUPP JORDANj ragf : priiate family: gentleman, per ; fisst mechan- SERVICE. $4O NT N.E.—O FRANKLIN DEMI SEDAN class Call Adams iiGot) or Main S&0 :ju.-too. month. Rhone Cleveland it-* f Ditht ical coiuiition: new v painted. Franklin & 1923 Ford light delivery, I .ab and chassis; solid tire*. newlv 3403. 8* i room, for two gentlemen or couple, employed HILL TTBBITTS. paiutcd. 4 os Agency. 1814 K st. n.w. Ma :n 7 < l for lady: breakfast perfect: $373. Franklin Garage A HUDSON^ESSEX. OLDSMOBELE. . fine condition. t ome in IMA NEAR ONN AVE Lftfte! | df*ired. ’ • chanically $175. tion and j light room to rent young Service Co. 1724 Kalorama rd C 01. 7484 and below the average in | let us demonstrate to you. i in private family to USED CAR FACTS. CHEVROLET TOURING, 1924 I>ooks and I j woman employed, college graduate, who will j WASHINGTON i IRUiTE—Desirable large Brd touring, years service; for ! help 3 evenings a room, heat, FRANKLIN 9-B; of runs like a new car. ton truck, price. ! TERMS LIBERAL. NO FINANCE • about house week in partial ; fliH»r front hot-water elortriciu. s3**). Garage & Service Co.. 1724 Due to the steady demand 1923 Ford CHARGE j if 4. FORD TOURING. 1922. In A-l mechanical sedan, j •22 JORDAN SEDAN 900 wHter; quiet, private Service Go.. 1724 1922 Ford 1 refineil home: clean. I 1699 DS3 s E Nicely furn shed rooms jir.-i in good late model used condition. Make offer. Terms. J 20 JORDAN TOURING , 330 TRUCK AGENCY. INC., !; GARDNER touring: tine condition: good tires: values j | warm. Call after 7 Sunday afternoon, ! : kitchenette. $22.59 must t«, * •24 HUPP TOURING I 228 232 evenings. per month: be seen $lB3. Phone Adams sic). $2OO. 875 First Street N.W. Pot. 3917-J 8* he t.-.i • £ j cars. OLDSMORILE COUPE, 4 pass. 1924. This •28 HUPP TOURING 500 1 PHONE FRANKLIN 1170. 1 appn ; : is in touring OWNER *8 PRIVATE il'cMK. upper north HOLMES touriug. aircooled: this car K«sex l\>ac!i JiC.o ear lias been run about 6,500 milea and has t car and *23 AUBURN 475 ASK FOR MR. ARNOLD. west SMI i ~S; 1 NW. APT 3 1 Jirge front roon splendid condition throughout: new battery, 1924 Ford louring: like new 325 new paint and tires. A saving of SGOO.OO | Every reconditioned Ji •21 OVERLAND SEDAN 175 I residential section: convenient to bus and -ar j second fl«H»r walking di*tance to business i lines; comfortable room, '. • tires, etc.; will sacrifice for $300; this is a 1923 Essex 4 Coach; for _ '24 JORDAN SEDAN j well-heated second : adults. Sunday or evenings after 6 excellent 709 some ooe. mechanical condi- I 1.700 front, give-away for this price. Can b*» seen any 192:* jin excellent ‘24 FORD TOURING 300 | WANTED—AUTOMOBILES floor adjoining bath: a.m.i.: ulmi ga- j Chevrolet Sedan 375 I • K • t terrace. 872. SEDAN, in rage; gentleman: reasonable. Col. mWp. 1232 i« i AVE N front roou ad imo. 1630 Argon no Col. 1923 Chevrolet Touring 235 CHEVROLET 1923. A-l mechani- tion ; good tires and paint. _ '23 HUPP ROADSTER 050 I 24 pav (adi! Adams bath, two gentle Gen- BUICK. model: will " • jacent suitable for one or (A •24 ESSEX TOURING (100 . • • HUDSON COACII. 1923: exceptionally good 1923 Oldsnioblle Sport Touring .%. . 350 cal condition. real bargain.) 4256. EYE N.W • Phone North 5732-W condition, at the very price of $O3O. Call 1922 Dodge Touring 385 appearance 18 PACKARD TWIN TOURING 500 nished: exclusive location; near low eral excellent. I! PORI) j WIIAT WILL YOU TAKE f*>r your car in White House 1627 IRVING BT Front room: 4 large wt Potomac 3719. l>etween 6 and 8 p.m. 1922 Chevrolet Sedan: excellent 300 OAKLAND COUPE, 4-pas» , 1922. Being "21 TOURING 150 I and depart mnts; garage; refined atruo*- Ford Touring offer.) 23 FORD trade for either a new or UKed Buick. T. S. j pliere; gentlemen dows: southern exposure: continuous hot water 1923 sold for owoer. (Make TOURING 275 ! preferred: • HUDSON. mod**l 12-0. 3 pass, sedan; A 1 con- 130 I Gaddess, 101ft Conn. ave. Open Sunday until ( transients accom- gentVmai • 1922 Studebaker Special 6 473 See Mr. Le Vey. | '24 CHEVROLET COUPE 300 -1 mod® ted. dition; cheap for cash. Call-Line. 1683. ! noon. 1922 StudolMiker Light 6 450 FORD SEDAN. 1921. New tire* (4). In •20 DODGE TOURING 175! 2.0, lslo BELMON l N Att activi & HUDSON, 1923. coach: driven 9.000 miles: 1924 good condition. (Make offer.) '23 HUDSON COACH (150 WILL high-grade building for WUODLEI I ‘I. harp Maxwell Club Sedan: line shape.... 700 running TRADE lot 1 j also large private . room: second floor: southern exposure tingle your as part T. S. Gaddees, PARKWAY MOTOR CO.. Inc. • 23 STAR TOURING good automobile. room with bath: if • «ar payment. 1923 Essex 4 Coach 550 230 Address Box 4V. Star t j room:shower new home, room: meals le*ired: reasctiable Conn, ave. OAKLAND TOURING office. • one block from Wardman 1013 1920 Hudson Speedster 450 ! 750 Lark Hotel ; reasonable: aisi heated , 13**8 EUCLID HT. N.W -Second floor: next j. Very Easy Terms. 1065 Wisconsin Ave., •24 CHEVROLET garage. 1921 Kissel Touring COUPE 500 I ! DODGE, late, Essex; cheap • HUDSON super six cabriolet. 2-passenger. clo* 550 or for cafli. Ad- Adams 49**4. i hath: a.m.i.: telephone: comfortable: reason cd car: row paint, practically new cord tire*, N.W. • ’23 CHEVROLET COUPE 350 I ' drca* Box 29 V. otticc. • p-ivate • Many Other Bargains. Off M St. '22 CHEVROLET COUPE Ibis PARK RLb N.W. m-a new K d able licnie upholstery perfect. mechanically excellent: MURPHY, 230 FORI) itiful ¦ I** DICK INC., Open Sundays. 23 CHEVROLET TOURING | l ton ihi » k Late model. Address flieir front room; pr vate bath and shower: NIMMHRROtIK !MiT’KTS. 16th and Nowt.c car looks like now and must Is* seen to Co., 275 Bo» 447-T, ojfcc, steam terms trade. Seaton Lambert-Hudson Motors •21 STUDEBAKER ROADSTER 325 Star j electricity: heat: mahogany twin bed* ; 'dv Large, well fnnt.shed. adjoining bati appreciated; cash, or 1835 14th St. NAY. 163. : if desired; two. • Garage, Seaton at, Phone West '23 lirPP TOURING 725 Ford, late model, closed; most lx cheap, convenient to bus and enr lines: niivate family of iN-’umhia 6395 43 n.e. 1722 L St. at Conn. Ave. -arag- il J'. Wanted, young HCPMOBILE. 1923; have $7OO equity; 90 day Potomac Sundays, RRli GASOLINE TRUCK, ro RENT -Next to bath, in new boose to share 4-room apartment, ne. r Lim*o!n Pa , -k guarantee good: 900 mile*. Col. equipped wit • hold* run '22 FORD COUPE 200 than with every rent breakf 'leges. 809<>. call Sunday. 266 Carroll Takoma OAKLAND SOUND VALUES less 4uo-gallon capacity tank. Muat be modern convenience. including re:«sonal>le: s: n. \ *t.. • 22 WESTCOTT TOURING 025 model Uectri- Single Park. 19* late and in perfect running order. 6fto jj elevator. woman preferred. ! 2149 K s r N.w” Fo f rnlshed _ SAVE YOUR MONEY I LINCOLN. Owner one Inw IN s.e. I and adult in house References , lady gentleman: private ho->e: quiet f.m HUP MORILE TOURING, 1923. A-l condition: * i fed, Boi 126 7- , . j <*r demonstration BUY NOW Your Car in Trade. ' AUTO iu exchange for new light ! Addreaa fl g* ! ily, motor just overhauled. For & USED CARS. 02-v. and l-V;o TIBBITTS, • HILL INC. IH) BELMONT BT. N.W am’ 3L ~ call Col. 8059. ; e plant. Line. 4169. ,! warm, a \mrge. 3<*9 U N.W. iNitijfort«i»ie front loom: heated 1924 Essex Coach $750 | Open Evenings. ''l r j clean, nicely ftirnishod TOURING; DODGE 4 door go«Gj mechanical condi- front i.»oni 3 running water, eie- ?ri«*itv: bath convenient: $t JORDAN 1923 equipment includes 1923 Oakland Sport car we sedan; j windows: next to bath: plenty water, da , 350 Every used offer for t _ tion: 4-aah or exchange: fully. I hot two sets <»f snubbers, parking light, stop- 1924 Chevrolet Touring Buv your used car r! ! describe Ad- j and night: electric light, photic: v | 1 complete 300 i \ erv Terms. A™** 323-T. suitable for light. windshield cleaner, chains, 1923 Chevrolet Touring 273 sale is priced on a plus s j Liberal Star office. 1 1 ••’*2 pi ha te r m jr. » o’ nnbia 1515 .1 1117 PA AVE S. 1 ’ abed “cost • ?er transmission lock and J NOW , J . gentleman. of tool equipment, 1924 Wiilys-Knight Touring 930 ; & UASIJ FOR YOUR CAR In D» minutes if the I si n*‘*r batu: a.m.i rent keys: tank of gasoline: priced $950; ¦price j 16th Ml PLEASANT jg: • warm, full 1923 Jordan Touring 950 fair profit” basis. Through long FLEMING. Inc.! is right; late models preferred. Morgan. room, i paint. I: While Winter prices prevail. (onu. ave, j front in an apt : convenient to ST. S. E I• the only one like it anywhere: Dee ho 1925 Touring Msu 102ft Fr. 10263. both »»t tc ; range, elect ‘ty ; w.b not Oldsinobile | Hume of the Certified Gold car lines and bus; Protestant 1 clo.e’s. “a* r- h. g«sxl we v lady. t all p * Your car in trade if it's a one. if Coupe learned and sold. Adarns fii*t fl'xi : »:«• 1922 Ford 225 experience have how T : I.ATE MODEL CARS bought Peck’s ' 2111 .1. Sundays week days after | l.h.k 4*o '.<>¦: children. % we will take it any way: liberal terms. Wal- Sedan suburban. Seal L sed Car, gg ~' 1922 Ford 250 Cadillac 61 : Gtr> » L>l2l 14th n.w. \ 18Motor Co.. 1709 L st. n.w. Main 76 1 1924 Oakland (Guaranteed) to buy them right. And we seli II! APTS 307 rtiE ALABAMA arge 830 auction v« v in 1921 N I RELJL AUTOMOBILES by exery Sat- brPONI CIRCLE, 1636 19th v>. ** . l.e.ited. ’a- ! furui-l.ed. light, doul* 1922, g«>od mechanical Chevrolet Touring 59 phaeton. j m a v i t • JORDAN TOURING. 90 Cadillac them right. And we sell them n 1931 14th St. urday and Wednesday. 10 a.m. A front • ’ - - condition; newly painted; extra tire; excel- 19’AI Cleveland quick and room with lavatory, hot Mater. .*V. Cuui*e 650 at satisfactory method. No tale, no charge. tricity and buy at terms. Agency, Cole ’2l sportster. Champlain Kalorama Rd. Cars I telephone. SIS month: also two ! I«2T. Winv ST \ W lent $030; Marn.on right because it is good business s listed in time advertised free. “Weacbler,** newly 1028 Conn, ave. MANY BARGAINS. j small r«*oius. painted. $l3 ea-b: u-li!i J secondXIfloor: adjoining bath: ¦ all convenience*¦ OTHER de »20 Pa. ave. n.w. and Columbia '22 luxe sedan. Phone Col. 5050. M. 1282 M. 9539. kept h«Bf i • sport touring, just painted: run** LIBERAL TERMS IF DESIRED. to do so. ¦ LEXINGTON >24 N.w. good: take Ford in trade. 319 Eye Ford ’23 touring. I «r I-arge room, two windows, don XKAIS 14t1i ' AMI Wit $B5: will Remember—Oakland—Address ble be«|s. hot and cold nmning water, 1 STS.-Roo.m at. a.e. *__ FOR morning ; pori-h adloi'iing bath. s2**; smaller room. touring. For your protection buy B K HIRE—AUTOMOBILES. sun. hot water heat, next to • excellent 1709 L St. N.W: Haynes ’2l yj uTc bath: refined fam 1I Col. 1752 w LINCOLN TOURING, late 1922: con - AERO TAXI CO.—s and 7-pass, cars; ily of two: garage cheap- opening on wide allev; \ g \ dition, repainted. Terms, $790 cash, bal- Lincoln ’24 sedan. your used car from a reputable est rates. White rent pan •' ' ! NE R AND si > w Lftrgi pat PHELPS ’ chauffeurs or drite it your reasonable: only. you ' ance, $98.73 monthly. N. 9800. 1727 Conn. AUTO EXCHANGE EMERSON !Sc OR ME self. Tripa special. ; lor. KontlK-rn <*\!»o2B ave. FIVE 1923 22J !5 j Dodge touring. IES 15: evenings LIB- room* on second floor. 14* WIRE WHEELS AND ALL TIRES FORD REMAN ERTY AUTO SUPPLY CO. 2214 14th st. n.w ' 1125.6 th sT. N.W. Large front sect *MAX\VkT.i7“k E l>\ N. practically new. many PUMPED UP. WILL RUN UP ANT HILL 1132-1134 Connecticut Avenue. 22i room for font g 1153 6t I ST. i i rge omplett leaving town, must at 1022 ir Hudson coach 1923. rls or men: $3 each per week: extras: owner sacrifice IN REVERSE AND DOWN ANY HILL IN TOURING also small front room. water, elec.. ga> range: two ladies or big loss for quick sale. Call Mr. Walker. HIGH. IF INTERESTED Main 2080. 2081. GARDNER $3 per week: other ¦ IN GOOD USED 55*, 0 , Studebaker 1923 special 6 tour. rooms. $3 ! Frank. 5469. 10* North 8710 from 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p.m, C AR. 1023 j and s*». TURN TO THE AUTOMOBILE SECTION DURANT TOURING GARAGE BUILDERS good running order; AND NOTE CARS Ford 1923 touring. 929 K ST. N.W. Large room, kitchenette |; THE MONTGOMERY. U3I X. • ap. St.. Ap« MITGHeITI TOURING, OUR USED ADVERTISED 32: ’ j • 1P22 and small dining room: elec., gas. rung . .‘s3—Front corner room, next bath: cont.niton* TODAY. IF YOU HAVE TIME JUSTICE. KINDS; 1 run * must sell: $3O. 810 7th st. n.c. TO CLEAN lICPMOBILE TOURING | GARAGES OF ALL TERMS; TROMPT hot water: Buick 1921 coupe. • Call for I! water, ratlio: $3O: men preferred. Call after , a.m.i. THIS CAR UP. IT’S YOURS FOR *5O. Itention. Main 2369 estimate i _ NASH ROADSTER, g«>od paint and_ rubber: 1921 375 i p MODEL GARAGES, 927 15th n.w 14* I m. S" i 203 1 11 h ST. N Very de* a motor excellent: lots of extras; $275. Call YOUR OPPORTUNITY Buick 1923 (5-pass.) touring. | j I adiobiing 11 TABARI) INN. N ST: -Suite »wo rooms floor front room, bath, h.-w.h: North 04 11 Sunday bet. and 12 in. Dept.. is to THE I METAL GARAGES. SIZE 10x16, *125. j 1739 I J P‘i• Used Car is here. Now the time pur- SEMMES MOTOR Buick 1923 (4-cyd.) touring. plete; double gar., 15> xlC. ea'h j and bath, also room with bath: available Feb- • f vile family. Pr. 9722-J. "TOURING, bargain. i a $215: Feb. i 7; — NASH 1920: a $l5O. I only. 1315 35th ruary beautiful surround '.tigs: breakfast, i 1237 N « *-ly furnished f * Terms, $23 cash, balance, $3 weekly. N. WASH NGTON-VlRGINIA I chase a used car at I T. D. ALLEN. st. n.w. Phone i PA. AVK. s.E. i the lowest COMPANY. Buick 1924 (4-cyd.) touring. West i;(. Franklin 4818. S* room, married or 9864). 1727 Conn, ave. I 931. j f suitable for couple geu’lr MOTORS. INC.. j possible price. Prices have been 1707 14th St. NAY Dodge 1919 i 1415 CHAI’IN ST. N.W. Nicely furnished {man: reasonable. 9* OAKLAND TOURING, 1924; A1 condition; sedan. {room in apt.: first tlo>r front; to desirable brakes, inclosure; LOWEST IN PRICE. young 1111 PST N.W. ! r luco paint. 4wheel Rex 1818 14th St. N.W. i cut to their lowest. woman : electric grill permitted. ga $’ BEST OF MATERIAL. Co! 4**o^ , rext to b.ith: e!e<*tritdty. '.1 phone: smaller car in • • a bargain for $730; will take Cash or Liberal Terms. Our an.l •• Apt, a. ' !{ $25. trade; terms to responsible party. Phone Col. Pot. 775. P-A-C-K-A-R-D motto. "SERVICE SATISFACTION ii Why pay rent when you on* mi VERMONT AVE.—First floor, 8800. PAY. we will build 1 sink, range two house- lisoo1 HARTAEI> ST. X.W.. APT. S —Comtnri REDUCED FROM TO" M~ST. Just like lent. $5 caab. $6 per mouth. . keeping: gas in kitchen: $45 | 1 nh!e and attract iv:- room for one or two girl- OAKLAND 0 SEDAN: heated; excellent mo- $lOO I 1620 N.W. Formerly monthly. Burlington Hotel * • Due to the increasing demand dl with the I*. A. Rolierta (oust j supplies heat \ Sunday. clmnicallj; $275; needing cosh, North 2745-J, $2OO PER 1923 FORD SEDAN Uo I and | Fall CAR. ! 1923 BUICK TOURING ! 495 or hot water. LAMONT ST N’.H x tIAKLANI)ROADSTER, 6-44 model, excellent ClifTrolet 1922 touring; unusually 1924 OVERLAND tor tve offer some e H. M. BRUXK, 1842 good mo- TOURING 395 new 1423 K TWO bright rooms, screened porch, ! Jro<^ni: continuous hot water, electricity: priva:»- reasonable. Tel. Fr. Was $22T>. Takr 1018 CONN. AVE. St. N.E. Phone Line 8531. i tile hath. • condition: all extras: tor. off JtOO. Terms. 1923 CHANDLER COUPE. 4-PASS 673 in house; ideal j home. 4 9* Haynes B. 1922 Bport touring. W,s 1922 CHEVROLET amazing prices on exchanged modern detached for Tnung ' 793 .$495. COUPE 200 Franklin 3860. I couple. Phono . - in off $2OO. ARMOSTONE I North S9-'5-W for further in- I MACOMB ST. N.W. 2 ••«»*.i.-• fr<»nf roonr* OAKLAND sport. 1922; overhauled; excel- Term*. 1923 AUBURN TOURING 500 formation. adjoining bath,: 5-paaa. six-eyi. touring: cars: j j { widl ltea*ed. instantaneous lo* lent shape; $220; terms. 1519 M st. n.w.. Overland almost 1924 DURANT SPORT ROADSTER 500 Garages—Bungalows. water; (let <; • • tires. Was o(T RUICK I ideal loritlon. e Apt. _L new $275. Take $2OO. Terms. 1923 COUPE, 4 PASS 750 | 133 H MAKS. AVE. N.W.—For rent, front 1 Templar 1922 sport. Perfect. - Was $750. 1923 lIUPMOHII.E SPORT TOURING 650 THERE’S~NO TIME Standard Concrete Products C0..! rooms, facing j I.AUGE FRONT ROOM, southern exposure * TOURING, 1924; a new RE.VD "THESE: Thomas Circle; suitable f„r one OAKMNh almost Take off $l5O. Terms. 1923 OVER!.AMI SEDAN 395 Main 303’>. Investment Bldg. !or two gentlemen. Apply between 5 ! • heat. elec., bath, hot w.xtor: gentleman: $l5 and guarantee. Only LIKE and 7 • .ar carries new-car Templar sport. Was $395. Take off 1922 OVERLAND SEDAN 223 NOW TIME p in. to elevator operator. month. rol. 8097-W. $873; also ’24 sport touring and inclosure. $125. I J guarantee, only ’24 Terms. 1922 MAXWELL TOURING 390 Packard touring, 1924. .. .$2.25C O’ WIZARD 1800 KAMONT 1020 C BT. ,front room with new .-ar $975: also We believe these prices are the lowest 1924 NASH SPORT ROADSTER 875 GARAGES. j ST. N.w” Large second floor jj X.E.—Lli.k.: lance sedan, like new. $1,095, and ’23 M»dnn. iti in sedan, q ! I o Buv a | All types; all kinds of building, remodeling i front room: nicely 1j neatly furnishetl; electricity; h.-w.h.: reason Washington. We will hold these cars for later 1924 OVERLAND SEDAN 450 Packard 1924 $2.25C I hath; furnished: convenient to able. 9* excellent shape throughout, only $775. Many and repair work. Terms. 1323 10th st. n.w | suitable f«r *2. wish Adams cars, ali in beat of shape. Your delivery. Demonstrations. 1924 CHEVROLET SEDAN 450 STUDEBAKER Potomac 2424. jo* other Oakland 1924 OVERLAND RKDRIRD 400 Packard coupe, 1921 0 ?Ts§: 8* MT. PLEASANT. 3430 Brown ioverlooks iti • in n.w., or phone S9OC 3 ar trade. 1612 14th st. STER LING-KNIGHT, 550 Used 92b I» ST. N.E.- For gentleman, large front •it Meridian!—ldeal location: lovely rooms 1923 DODGE TOURING . y • 1742. ’ Car. THE large or separately; garage. Potomac CHANDLER DISPATCH 600 Packard phaeton, 1922. .$1.50C “DURABLE” GARAGE, jr«*om with four winnow*; hot-water heat, un- bath: whole 1020 Conn. Ave. N.W. telephone, OAKLAND tf-44 SEDAN, special: 10.000-mile CHANDLER. I.ATE MODEL, 4- touring, 0 Drop in on ns early in the week, give our limited electricity; -tls per month: *417 AST sF. loi 2 rooms and kPcheneto Packard 1917 S4SC to $* • guarantee: rebuilt, refinished: look* like new; PASS. COUPE 250 present unusual assemblage of dependable “Built Endure.” I brick garage at per month. furnished for l.h.k. : heat. gas. hath and el*c Main 4611. • runs like new; your car iu trade: price. $730. Flint ’24 touring, 6-55 S9SC 0 used dars the onev over. Let us make you DURABLE GARAGE CO. j 1432 SPKINC PL. N.W. Single front room. trlclty Call eTenina* after 5 p.m. See this before you buy: your terms. M. 7612. We have many others to acquainted with a privilege we'll be glad to MAIN 1540. 1419 G ST. N.W. j hot-water heat, electric lights, near bath, con IN WOODRIDGE Two rti f ed room* \V*llats* Motor Go., 1709 L st. n.w. MAXWELL Durant 6 touring. ’22 S4SC 0 extend to you that will allow you to reserve I tiiiimiis hot water, 1 v block from ldth at. bus Jight housekeeping; employed adults. Phone CHRYSLER • the used car of your choice for st. gentleman; per * OLDSMORILE, 4 cylinder motor over- from, ranging in price 0 Spring delivery. Pi on ror 14th cars* $l3 mo North 2975-W. touring: select Buick roadster SBOC Telephone Potomac 1633. Discount ices Garages, f 1 _ hauled and repainted; terms or trade. Adams We are offering REDUCED PRICES on ga- }i THE MONTGOMERY, Apt. 37. North Capitol 1488 NEWTON ST N.W. ~Nicely fiwnishc from $5O up. Many of these cars —Nicely f D96-W Used Car Dept. Studebaker sedan SI.IOC rages during January. BuMd a good guraga j| and M sts. furnished front room, next front room: private home: suitable 2 or 3 SEDAN. $1,200 and, save money. electricity, hot water. with or TOURING, late BIG can bought as as SIX bath: continuous Frank- without hoard Adams OLDSMORILE 5-passenger, BARGAINS. be low $25 Reo I STUDEBAKER LIGIIT SEDAN: • in sedan LOW TERMS MAY lin -933 ,1. - 1923: new paint; perfect every way: $530; SSOC OVERHAULED. NEW PAINT 750 BE ARRANGED. 1457 MONROE Root _ ai - sink: cor terms. Seaton Garage. 43 Seaton »t. n.o. Prices will advance from $5O down, $5 per week. STUDEBAKER LIGHT.SIX 450 APT. 4. ISI3 F N.W.—La ge room: nicely and tlmious hot water: adjoining large sleeping Washington Garage Const. Co. comfortably furnished: porch. OLDSMORILE TOURING. 1925 model; only The safest used car market in 1 STUDEBAKER SPEC. SIX TOURING.. 600 Phone M. 7984. private entrance; elec to $lOO oT! 111 models soon. Buy STUDEBAKER BIG SIX ContinentalJTnmt Bldf tricity, excellent heat, continuous hot run 1.600 miles: saerifiec. Gall Col. 5570 or *MOTOR CO., 475 water: 1102 P st. N.W. Irge front room, second • JUSTICE arranged. '. otic. s2*»: address Pox 294 T. Star office. now and put the difference the world. Terms REO TOURING 500 two. M: *_ floor: desirable; $25: also large, cheerful from in N.W. FORD TOURING 300 FOR RENT—GARAGES. 1321 Cj! INCI SI. N.W. Large fiont room; room, third fl<»or. s2»t. OVERLAND. 1922; g«H» tires: cheap. 1210 Gapitol st. the bank. RD 2443 18th. COLUMBIA Rl>.-DESII{ in room: CAROLINA, \’•t t>• *'i»jm>s 11 c l*a’ - 1 : - cord East STUDEBAKER SPECIAL SIX COUPE. . 850 NEAR gentlemen only. able garage, on extra wide alley: $lO no other icomers: Telephone on lltli near O: room for one or two Tadfe- SEDAN, wheel*, niuntbiv. • lato model; wire SIX: RUNS LIKE NEW 750 * OVERLAND 1924 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL SEDAN. $1,750 PACKARD. BUICK CVnmbtu 4802. Adams 3955. 4*ail 7. tne- 745 Just CHEVROLET 4 PASS. COUPE. 1824... 450 lvv tb •with new cord tires, and In excellent 1924 MAXWELL TOURING years and models . including ~ tween 15th and 16th n.w. Col. 1122. COLUMBIA IID . APT. Bright « shape : has burner, park- 745 CHEVROLET SEDAN 400 1015 tti. ST. N.E. One large front loom ami warm, comfortably ImDi'-al motometer. 1923 MAXWELL SPORT FIREPROOF BRICK. IN ALI.IiV furnished room t'olnm ing light and linking steering wheel: for 675 Coupe • DURANT TOURING 400 HETWEKN kitchen: completely fin n shed: kitdien eabinet. bin 7783 .U 1923 MAXWELL TOP RING 050 Ford for $l5O. REO REO Kith and 17th, V and I" sts. n.w. Applv Mis and water: only cash, or will arrange terms to suit. _ _ CHEVROLET TOURING 290 I, 11, gjts range reasonable: no chil att:a. $275 HOLLER, 5996 • ST. N.W. I'omfortahle. 14th «t. n.w.. or phone Potomac 1742. 1922 MAXWELL TOURING 395 BIG SIX SEDAN 900 fol. drill. 1725 KUULID 1612 1922 STUDEHAKER LIGHT 6 SEDAN.. 775 RTUDEBAKER tive bedroom: modern improvements: hoaral. 1923; perfect TOURINGS. AT THE SIGN BUICK ROADSTER 250 for rend—large garage, running rONNEPTirt-T AVE.. half block PEERLESS TOURING 7 . condition] 1922 OAKLAND SEDAN 745 400 water, Vrora Dupont »f dee*red. Uohiiuh'a 9229. many extras. Terms. s7l*o cash, ROADSTER light: wide alley: $8.50 monthly. 1346 Circle—Rright, comfoi table om; balance, CLEVELAND SEDAN OUT, “TREW” Spring 985(1. n all modern MBIA RD Dealrabh SEDAN 1.000 rd. Tel. Main v( 2443 NEAR $98.75 moot tily. N. 9860. 1727 Conn, ; 1923 HUPP. OF DODGE 8» nvenieiices. including telephone; gentleman 18th. COM ave. 1924 DURANT TOURING J 695 rc*otn: electricity, instantaneous hot water; 1923 NASH SPORT (2). n STUDEBAKER SPEC. SIX TOURING.. 250 NEW CENTRAL LOCA only. Phone Franklin 1939 • PEERLESS TOURING, late model: aTl~extm* 1022 CHALMERS TOURING 575 You will find an A-l selection TOURING 550 BRICK—2O-CAR: or BMi. $4.30 weekly: gentleman. Colnmhia 48fi2, !»e 1922 DODGE. BUICK 1923 tion: reasonable. Apply 25 Eye n.e. ilint ean put on car; for unpaid notes, $233. ESSEX ROADSTER 445 SPEC. SIX TOURING.. 1.000 1208 PA. AVE. N.W.—Opposite Kuieirn dioiei: Nicely l.h.k. rooms for 1920 DODGE. of All are' STUDEBAKER refined; plenty hot 61S B N.E. furnished 323 Ist at. n.w. 12* 1923 DODGE ROADSTER 4&5 used cars. GARAGE FOR RENT IN REAR OF (XFlS- clean, water, fi. ; a I particular <*onvenient fi»r 3 adults, 1922 NASH; SIX AND FOUR CYL. ape, at S* rooms; rat**s people: nniht »>e this bring 1923 CHEVROLET SEDAN 475 dova 20tli and Fla ave. Applv L. ! outside special weekly r,.p running water, gas electricity. RKO COUPE: bold week: 1923 CHEVROLET TOURING 295 1921 NASH. “TREW” VALUES' A few good buys ranging FRISTOF;. 1013 15th st. n.w. ‘ and ______$2OO and drive it home. .3820 Albemarle st. COT I*E 1921 HAYNES. IIfo LAMONT ST. N.W.—Second story, open* jT~ST7 Three, * CHEVROLET 950 BRICK; 1717' sTIC. 1.h.k.: 2nd floor CHEYROLETS. $250-$3OO. in * These are NEW 20-ear: mitral location: reas- i mg on porch; adjoining bath, electric ty. n.w. SEDAN 1923 A-l mechanical condition: from to $250. • j lo»t- running v. ater: a.m.i.; next hath: private 1922 CHEVROLET 345 1923 $2OO. $lOO enable. Apply 25 Eye j water heat: private family. jtfcO TOURING. 1924. in excellent condition; TOURING 98 FORD. r u.e. Phone Col. b*l7. family. ’ SAXON $l6O mostly newly' Let out ANT) LIGHT. run about 2.300 mile*; balloon tires, extra 1923 FORD SPEEDSTER 1922 FORD. painted. special values. BRICK. WATER SJO Tltli ! -j Bedroom, larg»* 2»5 LIBERTY. $150; GOOD MOTOR. near P st, n.w, Franklin 3051. , 17f«» Ist ST. N.E. kitchenette. tire, bumper, motormeter: chance to buy FORD COUPE 150 sign be » 716 OTIS ST. N.W. —4l-room house, partly very a.nt.i.; adults; car your guide. to jH»rch: reasonable: new practical Iv ncty af reduction: $1,30U: FORD SEDAN 150 ‘ l-CAR GARAGE 1316 VFIItMOXT AVI'lT i j furniahed. settled couple who will care for term*. Marmou Agency, 1028 tAonn. nve. LOOK FOR IT. STUDEBAKER, " | 3-year old girl: Gentile preferred; reference® % HURLEY REAR 483 MO. (’APITOL— furnished, “MOTOR CO., • JUST DRIVE IT—THAT'S ALL." AVE., NEAR MARKET. | required: very reasonable. jop7 EAS'f Re*iutifully TTeo TOURING, as gtxxl «* n new one. for hold car SPACE FOR 6 CARS: WATER; $35 PER MO. very large room: corner residence. Lincoln A* deposit will 30 days. • sale by original owner; 4.000 miles: « month* 1522 14th St. 14th and R Sts. N.W. SEIDKNSPINNEK. FRANK. 3517. 442 mT\SS AYR ~N \V~Nk?iy furnished REMEMBER J rooms; h.-AV.h.: iniitmuons 8988/ old: balloon tires: $1,495. H. W. Hyland. Liberal Terms. SERVICE STATION 't hot water; phone 8* North 6441. Potomac 1633. AND SALESROOM: ! privilege/ Frank. 3889. MT. PLEASANT—DoubIe iicdroom: use of pa 810 20th st. NO FINANCE CHARGES. “ - large lot: centrally reasonable. room, with Your in located: very lor. dining kitchen: marrieil 4*on Box • STAR SEDAN. '23. $65 down, $2O month. 212 Old Car Trade. FORffs. FORDS. FORDS! Address 76-V, Star offlee. RESEAR!’H UNIVERSITY CLUB. 20 Jaekson pie. rolumhia 9791. • • PHAE- II n.w. LINCOLN SPORT Ford Sedan*, choice of 4 $175 up plaee. near White House Men only; suite or See Our Used Car Show. REAR 524 23rd ST. N.W.—BRICK GARAGE single rooms, $25 to $39. 1212 K ST. N.W.— Ijirge front rooms: single SlX—Touring: a real The Most Liberal Terms Ford Coupe, 1928 275 cars. STUD EH AKK R LIGHT TON, VERY ATTRACTIVE, Runabouts, choice of 5 75 up to bold 2 $l2. or double: plenty of heat; $2O monthly: l»nard Ford PtIRTNER. APT. 2.35 I.argt*. room, • , buy if you want a car of tills kind. H. A in the City. IV. S. PHILLIPS. attractive ers taken. . choice of 10 50 tip Motor Co., 1078 Wisconsin ave. West 11. B. LEARY, Jr., USED LESS THAN A DEM- Touring*, Main 4600. 15th and K with bath: private family: gentlemen. North G. of 4 125 up _ sts. 780. 8* Trocka. choice 1421. 8* 126 E ST. N.W. —A.m.i.: 1 room and kitchen. BROTHERS, ONSTRATOR; A CO., Light delivery, choice of 5 50 up 6th AND KEEKER—I CAR $5.00 $lO a week. . AND BARGAIN. THE TREW~MOTOR and Newton sta.—l car APT. 3. THE HALFOUfb—Bed-living room. YV4LLYS-KNIGHT OOUPB. 1922: excellent , Truck, ice wagon body 275 16th 7.50 • WA A PA I.arg* mechanical condition; newly extra payment. Monthly Payments. 18th and Columbia rd.—S cara 29.00 br*antifi|lly furniahed. NBAR RDM N RK HOTEL painted: 1321-23 14th St. N.W. DAILEY'S GARAGE, 1828 L 1509 14th St. Main 4173. ). Low caah Low 2nd floor front room, $3O. Col. 48.38, rire. two bumper*, motormeter: $80<); terms. STECAHT'S GARAGI! ULANNON *LOCK*, toe. Sloe MT. PLEASANT ST.—Single front roonT, IX* Marmou Agency, 1028 Conn. ave. Open Evenings and Sundays. ST. 9* (See Mr. Fox.) line. 6800. 141 ».». ns 14tb «L Mala SMB second floor, modern, $l6. Tel. Adams 3547. (Conttenet! on Next Pafe^T