AUTOMOBILES. ETC.’ THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, D. 0., FEBRUARY 8, 1925-PART 6. ROOMS,' ETC,' 3 FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. JOE SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOE SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE—AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOE RENT—GARAGES RENT ROOMS—FURNISHED M iContinued) PTZ—Fast traveling, powerful, 5 passenger: () onllnurd) (C onginurd > California top. late 1924; gray; cheap, cash BUI C K BARGAINS] RICKENBACKER USED CARS *' I«IHD rot I*JB—l.a> tc nindol. liko new inaide REAL RK Alt~OF : | 2229 PL For a Indy, ronfFi tiros, parking; light: or evchanse. 626 Southern Bldg. Main 6287.• Studebaker Coup* BANCROFT and out; f» Hr»t 1550 » Used Car Dept. ~ VARIOUS MAKES IRIK M SI. N W. able room with Htuall family. Apt. 33. $«. including 1923; Used Car Dept. $2-5. extras. Cash. $«*»(): weekly. WULYS-KNIGHT TOURING, fate tine Dodge Touring, 1023 475 U’lO T St. N. \V. N. 75Q9 J 8* Hiarge*: sh«|w; r**rl*a§ A «; inaurance. No financial Md. and \h. small car in trade. 1821 14th st. n.w. Club Roadater 475 R EASON BLK TE RM S. : b. W, 111*1 IMIS. uk; K St. Kansas cuarant to., 9* Touring, 1823 4442 AVE. n W. fnrabdwd roo* title*; 30-day Monk Motor That Durant 4 375 • Columbia ’23 Touring. twin for young Mo. open Sunday*. * Why We Think This Bterens Touring Cadillac MKTAI, i;aß.\i;B bed*: 2 men; Jewish preferred. 477 »\c. n."an . WIIAVB-KNIGHT TOURING; every 875 & Has RiX'OTllmier Continental motor and Washington Company. 1 I’l * 1924 po»- I>odg« 1138-1140 Conn, ON W'lllK AI.I.KV. i.nr- Adam® 8778 1 s Redan. driven sible equipment. like Is a To Sedan 875 bearings; paint, tired, upholstery and Ave. Phone Frank. 3902 FORD—A Ford about 0.000 » This car look* new; Good Time Premier Touring B Timken j 1316 vor ST. #lO. 11* 1744 dowbj* u ehanee to lM*tter than looks; high-grade, 375 mechanically right; bargain on this one; N.W. LANIER PIT. S.W -Single and nilles; runs and looks like new: • it a firat-claas a llulck Coup* J TO rooms, flrst-claaa save considerable money. .'lO-day guarantee. automobile, as near new a* you will find on Buy 275 term*. FLINT FROM 9? SUM. furnished to suit you, iu (Chevrolet Touring, 1923 _ J Various • 275 5 , OFFERS I lyx'utionx. home. a.m i. Hand Icy Motor Co., 3730 Georgia avo. t’ol. today's market in a 1924 automobile. An in- USED CAR. ! 8, from GEO. UWKINg. 5323.. spect ion of tliia car. without obligation, will | Ford Touring*. $126 to 250 W ITM K SI (Ift. Pleninnt 1. With Soring only a tew away and Ford Sedan 260 Chevrolet ’23 Touring. DURANT TOURING 1621 KENYON HT. *ectUm>- convince you of our on cur; j 0 BEAR 1815 K N.W.—ONE CAR $lO.OO Warm. bright outside room: comfortably fur done Judgment this corner, ! • FORD sedan; dcw tires, po*d c**4itioo; condition cannot the automobile Reason Juet around the ; All rara ar» rebuilt and repainted. A light car at a light price; everything Wonderful conftition; h real buy for very bt. N nfaiHed, next Apt. b« and Is not exaggerated; there will be bet. an 6 O New garazcs... 10.00 to bath. Col. 2679, 8* light; $2OO. Phone Col. 442. 510. 9* terms the usual demand for both used j Term* or trad*. right; see It and you will buy. little inoDvy. Hee thin today. $ 1 ft.~> down. priced $950: or trade. Wallace Motor W. J. PICKING. 8512 loth \ W.—Room* nicely furnished: FOUR-DOOR BED equal to new; L st. n.w. car* and new. 1416 K Street N.W. ST." FORD AN. Co.. 1700 Main 7612. oar*, MANHATTAN single Buit4*; ga * Roach steering 2. Price* on either new or old. never ! I GARAGE, 1.h.k.; or en range; h.-w.b equipped with ignition, lock the Rickenbacker ’24 Sedan. BEAR M »\. light, parking light. WILLS-8 AINT CLAIRE COUPE, repainted, drop lower with coming of Spring. If any- FORD FORDOR l PLEAS. AND IRVING STs ’ lia! elet price* right. ( 1016. 9* wheel, speedometer, dash 1706 7th St. at like Hear 1710 It. t.: * wiper. mirror, fully equipped. Terms. $675 cash, balance, thing, they generally go up. N.W. A poetically new ear a uaed car price; Sedan, new In every respect. See this to- SIO. lBth si . or double automatic windshield rear-view monthly. N, 3. car* In Rear 2311 Champlain. $B. corner of H Single ac«*elerator, luggage rack, $84.42 9860. 1727 Conn, ave. Our price* on used were never bet- FORI) TRACTOR TRAILER, coat $6OO $250 5 everythin* A1 condition. day. Only $lO5 down. r**oin: furnished, in good locality f«n»t motometer. Hear 800 hlo* k 11th n.e.. $6 attractively seat tires, new-, and spire. by at ter. and we have ample time In which to dem- Ford ton truck, stake body $250 0 covers, cord almost AUTOMOBILES auction Weschlef*. 920 you. ROBERT LEE O imiKN. moderate. rail Franklin 691. The ear cost complete; for sale by Pa. ave. n.w., every Wednesday and Saturday, onstrate our machine* for Open-side delivery $l5O $B5O 0 Oldsmobile Roadster. 1922. FORD COUPE Frank. 5385. 1710 Eye N.W. 621 L ST. N.E. For rent; furniahed room for finance co. $487. Cash or terms. Adams 10 a.m. Truck cliaaala $275 1924, f You’ll And these well worth looking over— The nbor* are recent other Four-cylinder; tbia car la in perfect rondi- many extra*. inHiiding bumper*. etc. one or two gentlemen; call between 3 and 3 3932. r Dt>DUK RUBINRBS COUPE, models; models, snappy to drive; K late model; new $4O up; as low as $2O and $4 a month. ’ tlon and la a bn* plenty See this today, $l5O down. 1223 N.W. ' any evening. 8* cash, 1212 tire>. excellent condition; new; gone price; easy terms. • FORD touring, 1924, like new, $2OO like Buick coach $1,250 ROBEY MOTOR CO., power, pep and S|s>ed; low Half of two-ar look garage. s*. 1118 10th ST. room kitchen hyp, 8.000 miles. Don’t fall to N.W.— Large and Potomac w.o. see thi* car. Price St, Main Many Others. etfe. first $7.50: objection to and is right: small payment your in 450 1428 1. N.W. 2121. fl*»or. no a chi! condition, good rti!»*»?»r cash or car Maxwell touring Attractive, dreu. • FOItl) touring, good trade; mouth* to pay ’22 Touring. Well Equipped bargain at $ 1 318 10th 12 balance. Peck’* Reo and w'xraKe fine curtains; extras; 30. G«jrage. 2121 st. 8* Ruick sedan 850 HERE ARE SOME Bix-«*yllnder motor; tires and paint all good: USED CAR Salesroom show windows* 43 M Farge 14th n.w REAL* FLINT DEPT., to ft alley ST. N.W. front room and kitchen in a roomy, car; the price bids *loxl2o ft. 30 with range; plenty DoDtiE TOURING, real late model, prac- thia comfortable i* It; of heat and electricity fur FORD apeedster, 1920; $43; terms. Potomac 1 Buick 4-cyl. touring 500 CLEAN BUYS. low and terms are right. 1607 14th St. 2114 l-itiiST. N.W nished; excellently furnished; $BO, 9* tically new; gone less than 7,000 miles; 2 1823 Hudson Coach, every extra; 1924 Immediate possession Apptr owner, Dr I) 23 lit. ... bumper*.a cowl lights, stop and parking Reo touring, 7-pass 750 Dodge Business Coupe. 1923 Hudson 7 pas- North 3021. K. UH KINt.IIAM. 2113 1 Itli at. n.w. North 920 15tli s v\\ Attractive apt., 2 room* RING, model; #He aKape: light, many buy; bath, facingi FORD 10l ln t«• «Ja other extras: wonderful senger Sedan, new paint; Packard Single 6 Chandler ’2l Touring. 0048 and park: alw» otlwr room*: con many extra*.; *l2O. Easy terms. Peck’s right price: down; 12 bal- sedan 550 6 1 Govt, montha to pay Chevrolet Sport Touring, 1923 model. O. K. mechanically; looks good, runs better: Open Sundays. REAR 810 L . venlent to dept*. Buckingham Hotel rage. 2121 14*h u.w «nee. Peek’s Garage. 2121 14th at. n.w, 8* surprise you. HT. N.W .$40.00 Buick 6 700 AUTO MART. j all kinds of power; price will Hear 131 Welister sf. •, I-ARGE. comfortably furnished room, suitable T.aie model. wtii lots of or touring ! )S()\ n.w Stunt KOHD BEI»AN CADILLAC TOURING, mode! 59-1L8.7 TOMKINS GARAGE. See us. I 111 Rear Utli and Florida ave $lO.OO ji for two: Ui»nl if dewlred; conveniences r* coupe, hargaiti. $123. ord 1 Calif, tras. $230. lord l wonderful condition throughout. $9OO. term*. Buick 6 touring, top. 800 17th and Kaloratna Rd. X.TV. Near 1 Nt|i & ] *ts n.w $19.00 1fined home Potomac 1104. ton chassis. Ford sport model loadstcr; Will take smaller car in trade. This one _ls Phone Adama 5581. ESSEX 19th A; sltio: 95 to Rear K sth. n.w $lO.OO 7 \ BRNON (OR | s Terr clnssv lo* king. $230. Piione ranklin a bargain, let iis demonstrate: be Buick 6 touring, 7-pass... 750 - j 20 Others Select From A W Il** 1 I i t ompletely f n I ean »een LLAN K.. AI-KIJH Si CO.. INC.. nished honeekeeping adjoining l>afh, $•"• l.amltert Gnnige. rear 1218 North Capitol at Peck's Garage. 2121 14th st. n.w. S* MONEY 3680, j room, ht. Studebaker light 6 touring 500 BACK Your Car in Trade The following cars are in per- 813 15th '•t n w.
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