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View Entire Issue As it's easy, and it's free. VOCeiblif'Saiftana tir [FI 445'g WHOA( COHtlifestat 2005 3i. HWNT® net+ Vol. 3 - No. 5 • Au MINN 16[-cti© W qtRes NileChAl7 OF WIC SIN DE ()il 513 E. State)t® StreetStreet Rockford, ILIL •. 815.965.0344 :.- (11} S. J 17.1 • ix 13 \\ aeffi_J, firs,L.'s C:JJ:iri 'thin :ill \ Saturday,Saturday, AtigustAugust 13th1 3th II PERFORMINGNING ININ THETHE OFFICE NITECLUB SHOWSHOW LOILOUNGE... Happy Hour Wisconsin Dells'. 3rd Pride OUR OWN CECECECE MARTINMAfiTIN && TAJMATAJM^ HALL # September 10th! FROM MILWAUKEEMILWAul{EE - -SIIANNONSHANNON DUPREE Mon-Thar open - 7pm 1 Come join the fun and - SPECIALPECIAL GUEST`GUEST FROMFROM CHICAGO'SCHICAGO'S BATOBATON - Sat E Sun 1 1am - 7pm 1 \ SHERIPAYNESHERI PAYNE ,,, show your pride! SHOWsHow sTAFtTs STARTS @ @ 1 11:30pm1 =a Vendor space available `j`+RE#dri,!!v;RE,:+ , iiRE] Contact Resort for details Saturday, August 2Orh20th -)LL MALEE STRIPPER REVUEREVUE Weekly Events. PERFORMINGPERFORMING IN OUR SHOW LOUNGE && THE DANCEDANCEFL®O FLOOR STARTSS@11pm @ 11pm „# Monday: Movie Movie NightNight .EI! Tuesday: Ladies NightNight (Ladies DrinkDrink 1/2 Price `till Midnight) Saturday, August 27th27th ` Wednesday:Bdnesday: StraightStraight Night.I. Night... Bring Bring A AFriend! Friend! I PERFORMING IN THE OFFICE NITECLUB SHOW LOUNGE... Thursday: Country¢Ouhtry Night Night With with Dance Dance Lessons Lessons Some some weeks weeks ffiifeffiwiedil 7' \fropOUR OUR OWN OWN CECE CECE MARTIN MARTIN & & TAJMA TAJMA HALLHALL FROM CHICAGOCHICAGO -- TRACEYTIIACIW STEPHENSSTEPHENS Friday: Sponsored Sponsored LiquorLiquor Party Party & GamesGames FROM ST.ST.` LOUIS LOUIS - - ALEXISALEXIS PRINCIPLEPRINCIPLE Saturday: Afternoon picnic && Fun;#[venihgFun, Evening Weekly Theme Party! SHOW STARTS @ 11:30pm W{ SHOW STARTS @ 11=30i)in Sunday: Tea Dance 3pm3pm I • WeWe PlayPlay YOUR YOUR Music, Queer As Folk 9pm Thursday,Thur::ayj, ;ifeeptembe;September 1st let \ FREEFnEE a& CoNFIDENTiAL CONFIDENTIAL HivHIV TESTINGTESTING @ 7pm fluGUSTAUGUST SurerSuper Summer SpecialSnecia 6th -- WetWet Boxer Party Friday, 2hd2nd Contact resort forfor special WATERFRONT+ESTIVALWATERFRONT FESTIVAL KICK OFF \ 13th13th -- Blinky LightLight $1.75S+.75 DOMESTicsDOMESTICS -=Sdse.5d - $3.50 JAGER-AGER BOMBBOMBS wetekdavweekday rates!rates! higivtsLights OutOut & & Swingers Swingers Party fatty * $1St Pucl{ER PUCKER & & KOOL-AI KOOL-AID SHOTS Both20th - Frozen Ti5hirtT-Shirt Contest AI a `. 0, \,1 \ \ 87th27th -- Drag Show Saturday,Salurd#ay,S#emb®- September 3rd t 4125 Hwy 13 & 41244 River F}oadRoad / WATEF[FRONTWATERFRONT PARTYPARTY -- OPEN ATAT NOON Wisconsin Dells, WII 53965 PERFORMINGPERFOFtMING LIVELIVE ONON STAGE.^\i.. STAGE.... (6108) 253-1818 or (866)§) 553-1818 /// ' III RONNIE NYLES \`_,a September Hwy 13 DEBUTING+iN£#EhR?sT#.iEATnY==:TUREslls HER "SIMILAR FEATURES" SHOW N. 1-90 /1-94 and2nd -- Labor Day/UniformDay/Uhiform Party mlty SHOWSHOW,STARTING STARTING ATAT 10pm IOpm miles 10thloth -wisconsin- Wisconsin Dens Dells Ppidel Pride! / I tif id qv Exit 87 , ,P.4. Sunday,#dyaf;,gremberidith;S September 4th ¥17th I 7thxp: - Amateur Amateur StripStrip Ni8ueNight WATEFtWATERFRONT WFtAPWRAP UPUP -- OPEN ATAT NOON Falling Drag Show $1.75 DOMESTICSE§TIC§# & 7BLOODYBLOODY MARY'S MARY'S - -$2.50$2.50 WELL¥bRINKWELL DRINKS 84th24th -- Fun Drag show KARAOKEKE WITH AMANDA STARTSSTARTS ATAT 9pm9pm a& 8whgersSwingers PartyParty ,A OPEN TILL 2am!! /4 li r il 11 LIZ/AV Z5`J I 777°£_dGfflG` WSW 132 W. ERA AWE/11E • BELOIT, WISC0/15M 15051351-0000 EEffi-EEmEHHHEEEREEEEEEEHREREEHEHill Last Saturday of the Month Ben IRO rfu|irfud0 Enforced Dress Code HJ.I S2.00 Muddy 1110tays dqllll8rm0 EHdE++; # EHEillvuo S 50 Midfa_ & Milidr ununs Drink Specials & Contests arom:faRE CUrd))_: 1 STARTINGi DATE For Guys in Leather LLJ ANNOUNCED j!!i;,,i ie#.,TEEfillEREfflfflillEgRE Happy Hour! EEpeEilltHEfflEEHHfflREdiE=REoiHHEillREREillillREE E! E] „ onday -ridgy 3pm-6pm $1 dr nksEiHmiEH EHiEIEI E ill diREREillmDEEHBiadiE][REHmdiE± FREEH BBEEHDiE]|IE Thursday Saturday 7pm-9pmd1till ouble Bub EEilllE E.IiElo REfimHREE",ife ill mmEfiillIRERE E] EE].ill I F day Saturday Shot"SpecialsEBB E .[E[\t`w:R#:ftRE,:L¥';;i in #)I I~mffi++I Hm.,,dtjt - y _GO fitici r,, H! H Tilostialit - s i _GO email Ifileiriks EiL_ BE rm 3rd Saturday of the Month d E~:I+,+ri Wiatiriestigiv - Sl_GC. ilcoratsti E BEE Thitiestiny - 82_00 eistadstin I-TTE-a E FffiFr •:- Fri Saint - Lii !Rau""+Ht IFiltioa#rifa isaeffiw`"'-, IIiil -'„'wFBB#A 7 HIIIEi 3 a ME1111111kilf -ifeife — E|]i clime• SDRE Saittivilay & Stirstialy 11111 — CidISO 11 •-,,,,,,.'= Jfty + lE. EEH H EE EBE -RAtry:JP. E EE ! rff ,FTE=E y HliHiim THE BARRACKS MEN'S BAR OFWELOOM/POLSE@ZOLCOM 5 Applegate Court • Madison, WI 53713 • 608.277-9700 WWW.CLOO-IMPOLSECOM CLUB5QUAOL.COM • Mud, Luba or Jolla W ESTLI G 4 2nd 15th Wednesday of the Month. km.nahaaa II <mow,. ;two saw no•A•t Sponsored by: SWIMS itirroNarto •••••••.• • 5 Applegate Court • Madison, WI 53719 2710 North Murray Ave • Milwaukee, WI 53211 • 414.963.9089 608.277.9700 • [email protected] • Madison Rockford, ILIL Club 5 5 ....... ++ .................... 55 Applegate Ct. (t ......... 608-211-9700608-277-9700 The Office Omte NiteClub Niteclub ........,,,.,. 513 513 E. E. State State §t .......... 815-%5-0344 St. 815-965-0344 1,1 the Edge: Greenbush ..... „ ..................... 914914 Regent Regent St §t .,......... 608-257-2874 608-Z57-2874 The Oh2oneOh'Zone ........................... 10141014 Charles Charles St. St ........ 815-964-9663 815-964-9663 Slipper Club(Iub ..... „ ....,...... 121 IZI W. W. Main Main St. st+ ,,,,..... 608-251-1030 608-25l-1030 Aids Care (are Network Network ,,............. +. 310 i. Avon ...........,,, 815-%8-5181 310 S. Avon 815-968-5181 Horoscopes 2 Ray's Bar & Grill .................... 2526 E. Washington . 608-Z4l-9335 Rays Bar & Grill 2526 E. Washington . 608-241-9335 T.H.A.TT.H.A.T......................... „„.. 614 614 7'h 7th §tSt. ............ „ ..... 815-961-1269 815-.6l-1269 Take My Advice 4 ShamrockStiamrock ......................... 117 117 W. W. MainMain ......... 608-255-5029608-255-50Z9 Beloit, WIWl The Barracks ....,.....,,...... 5 Applegate (t .,..... „ 608-277-9700 Edge "TRAVEL" 8 & le 27 The Barracks 5 Applegate Ct. 608-217-9700 Club(lub Impulse ....,,,........ + .... 132132 W. Grand Grand Ave Aye ..,.. 608-361-0000 608-36I-0000 3720 Pinecrest PloadRoad The Foxhole Foxhole ............................ 5 5 Applegate Applegate Ct. Ct ......... 608-277-9700 608-277-9700 Green Bay, WIWI Music Review 12 Plcokford, lL 61107-1310 Vibes Adult Adult Gift Shop ...........,,, 1637 Thierer Rd ....... 608-301-0290 Rockford, IL 61107-1310 Gift Shop 1637 Thierer Rd. 608-301-0290 Brandy's II ll ....................... 1126 1126 Main Main ............. 920-437-3917920-437-3911 Spotlight: JOCILYN SANTANA 13 Printed in the U.S. Napalese ................................. 1351 Cedar Cedar St. St ........... 920-432-9646 920.432-9646 Montage 14 Resturants/Cafes F}ockford Office: (815) 37812215 Resturants/Cafes Sass ................................ 840 840 5. Broadway5 Broadway ...... 920-437-7Z77920-437-7277 Rockford Office: (815) 378-2215 Letter to the Editor 19 Madison Edible Edible Complex (omplex .....,.,. 5 5Applegate Applegate Ct. Ct ......... 608-277-9700 608-Z77-9700 Cricket's Fox RiverRiver Lounge Lounge ....., 715 715 S. i.Broadway Broadway .... „920-884-2835 920-884-Z835 Editor: Cody Barron - Hot Topics 24 RaysRay'§ BarBar & & Grill Grill ................... 25262526 E.E. Washington Washington . 608-241-9335 608-241-?3}5 A|'sAl's ................. 30l s. Broadway 301 S. Broadway ...... 920-436-9970 920-436-9970 [email protected] Edge Personals The Shelter shelter ........................ 730 730 N.Quinqr N.Quincy stSt. ........ 920.217-2199920-217-2199 29 Other Organizations XS Niteclub Niteclub ............................. 1106I 106 Main Main St. 5t ............ 920-884-2949 920-884-2949 Directory 31 & 32 Columnist: Tajma Hall, Travis AIDS Network Network ......................... 600 Williamson §t. 600 Williamson St. Appleton,Appletoh, WIWI RuPaul's Underwear Party Pics 6 Copeland, BailyBaily D D and and CarinCarin OutReach Inc. ln( ..................... 600 600 Williamson Williamson st. St. Suite Suite pIPI CrossroadsC"sroads ............................,. 1042 W. Wis(onsin .... 920-830-1927 1042 W. Wisconsin ....920-830-1927 Wet Underwear Contest Pics 11 Lessnless (on retreat). LGBT Business Business Alliance Alliance ........... P.O. P.0. Box Box 168 168 [email protected] [email protected] Rascal'sRas{al'S Bar && Grill Grill ................ 702 702 E. E. Wisconsin Wis(on5in ..... 920-954-9262 9ZO-954-9262 Madison Pride Pics 16 Sr 17 La Crosse,Crosse, WIWI Photography: DanDan ValleyValley & Cody Dubuque, lA City of Festivals Pics 21 Dubuque, IA My Place place .......................... 320l 3201 south South Aye Ave ........ 608-188-9073608-788-9073 One Flight Flight Up Up ......................... 44-48 Main 5t .......... 563-582-8357 44-48 Main St. 563-582.8357 Ramblin Rose Rose ..................... 717717 Rose St st ................ 608-796-1161608-796-116l Production, Printing && Distribution:Distribution: IowaIowa Cfty,City, IAlA Players ................................... I214 14 MainMain St. §t .............. 608-784-2353 608-784-235} Cody Barron, JoeJoe Galvanoni. The Alley Cat ........................... Linn St in ttie alley .... 319-887-1305 Alley Cat Linn St in the alley .... 319-887-1305 Rainbow's End .......... ++ ...........
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