Tremblers in GOP's Tectonic Plates
V19, N25 Thursday March 6, 2014 Tremblers in GOP’s tectonic plates Bosma, Kittle story, family groups lashing out shows a GOP on edge By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS – With the Indiana Republican Party at its power apex, the inevitable fissures are beginning to appear as economic and social conserva- tives are clashing. Nothing revealed this more than the constitutional mar- riage amendment where more than a dozen senators and repre- sentatives broke away, supporting the vote from this November to possibly the stripping out of the second 2016 when Gov. Mike Pence is expected sentence. On the Indiana Repub- to seek reelection, the last two weeks lican Central Committee, a clear have found social conservatives lashing majority said to be around 15 of out at the GOP legislative establishment. the 21 members opposed HJR-3. Former Republican Jim Kittle (left) and And in the fallout of the Continued on page 4 second sentence, which delayed Speaker Brian Bosma. Putin’s Russia, Crimea By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS – As day slipped into night during the cruel winter of 2014, millions of Americans watched the mesmerizing closing ceremony of the Sochi Olympics. This was a stunning facade of the Russian Fed- eration, particularly its tribute “He made an inexcusable to writers, with their portraits rising up from the floor - Leo mistake, he did. He went to a Tolstoy, Anton Chekov, Fyodor debate - if he’d just gotten a flat Dostoevsky, and, amazingly, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the tire, he’d be a senator today.” author who revealed the epic - Club for Growth’s Chris cruelty of gulags of the Soviet Stalin era.
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