Coalition Qui!tries Final Moratorium Program 's march in By JEFF BECKER the nameeards will be placed in coffins participants in Saturdav which will be carried at the head of Washington will depart from the HUB Collegian Staff Writer Saturday's maich parking lot. Final plans for the Nov. 13-14 Coalition voluntcots aUo will be Knur to five buses will cany stu- Moratorium at the University and the canvassing in Bellcfontr this afternoon ftom me march area at 6 p.m. Satur- Washington. D.C., demonstrations were and in the Slate College area tonight. dents to Washington and will return bJj outlined last night for Moratorium par- Tomorrow's program will be de- day Including the buses and students ^Jp ticipants by Fred Reisz, coordinator of voted io educational workshops held traveling individuall y by car. thumb the Coalition for Peace. hourly throughout the HUB. The work- or public transportation , Reisz. said he In letters to various people at the shop theme is "Before and Beyond c.-,tim at*\-, "at least 500 people from the University and the surrounding area, Vietnam." State College area" to attend. the Coalition called for today to he a Mostly students and faculty mem- The Satuiday march will begin at day of mourning. It asked teachers , bers will be conducting the workshops, 11 a in at the Mall in Washington and m.m *mm&^ businessmen and clergy to set aside which begin with a "kickojf" in the ti.Ael on Pennsylvania Avenue to the time for meditation for their employes HUB Ballroom at 9 a.m. and ends there Washington Monument where there and students. with a "wrap up" at 4:30 p.m. will be a mass rally. At least 300,000 A memorial service for all men Two films, "Th e War Game" and drni'ins *rat ov< ai e expected to attend. killed , in the Vietnam War will be held "Inside North Vietnam ." will he shown A permit to use Pennsylvania this afternoon at 4:30 in the Helen continuously in the HUB AssembW Avenue was finally granted to demon- A. Eakin Eisenhower Chapel. It will be Room from 9 a ni to 8 pm. tomonow, strators after days of negotiations with conducted by the Rev. Dale Winter of Tomorrow evening there wil] be a Justice Department officials. March co- Moratorium FRED. REISZ, coordinator for the November Moratorium, discussed the plans that the United Campus Ministry . program beginning at 8 p m with John ordinators conceded their plan to move have been made for the University and for the trip io Washington, D.C., at a meeting of HUB Ballroom Rally Bababan ' > film on "The Effect of the past the White House and will move the Coalition for Peace last night in the Forum. War on Vietnamese Civilians." followed the march off one block short to ihe Plannin g Session There will be a rall y at 3:30 p.m. by a discussion. At 9pm. New York rally site. in the Hetzel Union Building Ballroom folksingcr Barbara Dime will perform The Coalition instructs partici- to send off local delegates to the "March and afterward Irwin Silbir. former pants not riding chartered buses to Against Death" in Washington. About editor of "Sing Out ." will speak go directly to the Pennsylvania delega- 100 local people are expected to attend The "Peoples Street Theater" from tion icception center, located m the the march. Reisz said. New York , formerly the "Columbia Metropolitan AME Church at 1518 Meeting To Discuss Student The "March Against Death" will Guerilla Theater," will piri form at 10 M St. N W.. for information. The church begin at Arlington Cemetery at 6 pm. p m The Black Student Union w ill will serve as center for the entire three today and will end at 10 a.m. tomoirow. follow with a talk on "RaLism and the day«? Local marchers are expected to be at War." Housing arrangements, coffee and Arlington by 10 tonight. Buses To Leave HUB march information can be obtained Voting in Senate Scheduled Each person will wear the name of The program will continue with there, accoiding to Reisz Participants a serviceman killed in Vietnam and will music by the rock qroup Cordurov Road By ROB McHUGH yesterday, "The committee has put a defeasible plan on march single file to the Capitol whcie until 2 a.m. when busloads of local (Continued on page four) 'd Collegian Staff Writer paper: now we like to hear student and faculty reaction to it." Members of the University community wll have an op- According to Rabmowitz , the upcoming meeting will differ portunity next vc^k to discuss proposed changes which allow from the last open meeting of the committee, held before the proposed changes were complete. Discussion then centered on Althouse Reminds Senate of Task student voting rights in the University Senate. the entire question oi student voting, Rabinowitz said . The up- An open meeting of the Senate Committee on Comm.ttees coming meeting will focus on the specific proposals before the Senate, he added. and Rules will be held at 7 30 p.m. Nov. 20. in the Hetzel Rabinowilz said the proposal involved "a number of Union Building Assembly Room. critical changes " A proposal calling for a full voting unit of 36 students was "Some senators have said perhaps we're going loo presented to the Senate this month. The proposal , recommend- fast . . . The committee is trying to insure that everyone who Admissions Rules Due Rules, included is empowered to vote understands the proposal ," Rabinowitz ed by the Committee on Committees and said. The University Senate h id been reminded thai ad- Senate and stated that these policies " require most urgent necessary changes to the Senate constitution and by-laws. missions policies for the 1070-71 academic year should be attention." Unless the proposal is acted on by the Senate in Decem- finalized by the December S-note on Academic Admission and ber, student voting may be seriously delayed. meeting The Senate Committee Although the proposal was debated at the meeting, final The reminder was included m a lftt-'r from Paul M. Athletic Standard s has been reviewing proposed changes in action cannot take place before the December meeting. If the If the proposed changes are approved oy the Senate in Althouse. vice president for resident instruction , to Senate the admis-.ior.s policy. Lewis said a subcommittee of AAAS December, the proposal will be submitted to the Trustees for proposal is oassed by {he Senate, it must then be approved by Chairman Arthur O. Lewis. is "presently working on three or four proposals." He add- action at their January meeting. Offers of admission to net students ire scheduled to come up with some the University Board of Trustee^ . ed . "We do expect that the AAAS will According to Senate Chairman Arthur O. Lewis, if action begin Jan. 2. The Senate has the responsibility for defining kind of proposal at the December meeting." were delayed, Presently, students sevve on all Senate committees except the Trustees probably would not act on the pro- policies of admission. Commenting on the importance of action by the Senate , posal until their next semi-annual meeting in June. In the letter. Althouse noted the responubilitv of Dean of Ad- the Committee on Committees and Rules. The 24 students en- the Lewis said , "We must have a figure ior the missions to use (in January)." joy full committee privileges and are entitled to address the Lewis also said a number of students would be admitted Senate but they cannot vote. These students are represen- under a "special admits" program—those who would not tatives of the Undergraduate Student Go\ ernmenl. the meet the current admissions standards said a new office Graduate Student Association and the Organization of Student Hans Panofsky. a member of AAAS. has been established in the Department oi Admissions to Go\ernmcnt Associations. SDS Plans 2 Demonstr ations deal with these special admits. According to Panofsky, the coordination " for the ad- The proposal Lefore the Senate provides procedures for olhce will provide "central missions decisions. the election of 33 student senators. The presidents of USG, Last year. University President Eric A. Walker charged GSA and OSGA would become e.\ oilicio members. Procedures Against Grange Jo b Recru iting the individual colleges with the repsonsibility of deter- also are included to proportion the number of graduate and mining special admissions. By RENA ROSENSON be held today in front of tion is not against Dow as one University chapter will be the letter was strictly a "remin- undergraduat e senators and the senators representing Althouse said yesterday Collegian Staff Writer Grange in honor of the corporation involved in the marching with the Worker 's der" that if changes are to be made, action must be taken University Park students and Commonwealth Campus stu- Moratorium. Dana Friedman , war. League behind banners con- soon. Students for a Democratic "Last year dents. SDS co-chairman, explained taining the demands of the Althouse said the letter expressed the idea , Society announced plans at "We aren't demonstrating the president bailed you (the Senate) out by saying we'll The proposed changes include the addition of two student their regular meeting Tuesday that the Moratorium should be working class. He said the pur- strictly because Dow produces have X number of college admits. Now what are you going senators on the Committee on Committees and Rules and two night for two demonstrations extended to the job of recruit- pose of this participation with [o do this year?" to be held against corporate ing. napalm for the war. It is more the workers is to "relate ihf cording to Althouse , a delay in Senate action could student senators on the Senate Council . recruiting at Grange. A' to show the corporate struc- imperialist war abroad with conceivably delay the beginning date for offers of ad- William Rabinowitz chairman of the committee, said The first demonstration will "Big corporations make commented that very few people understand . ture of America , " he said c!a^s struggle here at mission. He money on the armaments they the the compl exity ot the admissions procedures. make for the war. We have to "We must make the home." analyze why the war in con- University community aware To Investi gate Liberaliz in g Hours tinuing," he said. of how the University is con- Friedman said the marchers will try to point out "what is Friedman said it will be an tributing to the war effort not happening with inflation in Student Opposes War; slogan "Big firms get rich , only through research but by America." He explained that G.l.s die." providing man power for cor- although the GNP ot the coun- MRC Considers Visitation SDS hopes to convince the poration > who will gam from try looks like wages are high , Induction recruiters at Grange to stop the war." the truth is that real wages are Denies Army recruiting activities Friday in decreasing, unemployment is By JOE MEYERS level. If WHC had come to me before they increasing and the cost of liv- Donald Douglas Nocito won't be going to Washington this passed this legislation I would have advised honor of the Moratorium since He sa id the -M o n d a y Collegian Staff Writer demonstration also will be an ing along with high taxes Saturday for the Moratorium peace march but he'll contribute them against it for these reasons." corporate activity is an in- ihe day. Nocito has decided to refuse induction The Men s Residence Council passed a , anti-capitahsi , anti-imperiahst makes it difficult for the to the .-pint '>( ' tegral pa rt of the war Fried- into the armv tomorrow. resolution at Tuesday 's meeting which author- In answer to Shaffer s statement. Cathi man said. uemonstratmn "consisting of worker to h\e Dietnck. secretary of WHC. said. "Bob, you our analysis of the war." His form.'! noPce lists fi:45 a.m. and Nov. 14 as the official izes MRC to investigate the possibility of tim e for the induction. Nocito will not be there for the swear- liberalizing the visitation hours in the men 's flatter j oui'self when you think thai we would The second demonstration, " It is the workers who are come to you! The house presidents unanimous also in front of Grange, is to be Concerning SDS's part in really suffering and the cor- ing-in cviemony at his local clralt hoard m Uoper Darby. residence halls. "This is my part in the Moratorium ," he said. "It's such a The resolution reads in part . "The feelings ly passed this open house legislation. We (the held Monday in protest of Dow t h e Saturday March on porations who are profiting. executive officers of WHC ) have an obligation Chemical C o . recruitment. Washing'on Friedman said a Wo must demonstrate this to great thing, very moving. " of the residents living within the residence hall s According to Nocito . he is entitled to four legal draft at Penn State should be heard on the possible to our men to follow through on it. And that Friedman said the demonstra- group oi members Iro m the the people," Friedman said. includes going to the Senate." deferments which include being clfss^iiied as 2-S .since he is a broadening of the visitation program .. . Be it full-time student at the Uimersity (9th-pre-!aw Glen Mooie). resolved: The opinions of the students living in In other action. MRC passed a bill sup- A letter was sent by the RcrnrtU Off»cc m 11-i Shields to hi? the residence halls , concerning visitation , be porting the proposal of USG President Ted local drnlt board Nov . 5 establishing that tact. Nocito said that determined, and that MRC tnke the appropriate Thompson that the election of student senators After PUC Action dppaientiy no action was taken on the letter icgarding his stu- action to revise the present visitation program, be determined by each student government dent status . if necessary." organization. "I'm opposed to the war in Vietnam and even it these Ken Schwartz, president of East Halls Foster Frable. chairman of MRC's Food legal deferments didn 't exist , 1 still wouldn 't go," Nocito said. Council , who proposed the legislation, said. and Housing Board, said that he and Bob Shaf- Speculating on what might happen alter Ins icfusal , Nocito "'This bill will serve to unify the visitation fer expect to visit University President Eric A. said , "They 'll probably send me a ^ccond induction notice. If I way we Loop Bus May Stop policies of ail the residence areas. This Walker within the next two weeks to discuss Campus ignore ihat . a federal warrant tor m\ arrest may be sent out will be able to present a unified set of changes housing priorities and programs for the "already provided by but that might take two or three months to process—maybe to the University Senate." The Suburban Express Company ma\ have t hat Inop service is to my University. Fullington through the - c of two other routes two or throe minutes If I decide tn go d'^ n local board Brad Johnson, secretary of EHC, said the to suspend its campus loop service \f the Public- u' " Frable also said that he hopes to hold Utility Commission acts on a complaint receiv- of its own " in Upper Darby. 1 will not take the step for.vard to swear in. resolution "authorizes a questionaire on weekly "rap-ins" on housing at his office with porission tn both visitation, and authorizes MRC to seek changes ed a number of months ago. The University sa\e questionaire in- anyone who wished to discuss their problems. The Fullington Bus Company submitted the Suburban and Fullington to operate on campus in visitation if the results of the according to Public Information Direc- dicate that change is wanted." MRC also decided to postpone its annual complaint to the PUC. charging that Suburban in lflfifi . A point of controversy was a resolution "Great Meeting" of residence hall house presi- never received PUC permission to operate on tor Dixon Johnson. Hepatitis Shots Bar Donors their meet- dents from this Sunday to Jan. 11. campus, according to Fullington Manager However , the PUC must also grant which West Halls Council passed at bus route. who has re- Max Richards of the Blood ing last w eek. The resolution calls for a 25-hour Joe Manfred, vice president of MRC, an- Charles Shaffer. authorisation to operate a Any student weekends. Ac- nounced that the members of the MRC ex- A spokesman for Suburban said thev have Suburba n has been operating the campus ceived the gamma-gobulin Mobile. open house in West Halls on the years Runs are marie every p Blood Mobile will be cording to MRC President Bob Shatter, only ecutive board will be in 101 Chambers from received no official PUC notification to discon- loop about two shots for hepatitis from the ™ continue to run until that half hour from the Corner Room Monday , ., at, the Hetzel Union Building MRC should go before the Senate with reqeusts 1:30 to 5 p.m. Nov. 16 to answer any questions tinue service and will Simmons and Hartranft HallsTr concerning residence hall affairs. The meeting time. through Saturday from 7:30 a m. to 9.30 p.m. ncx t Tuesday and Wednesday, for liberalized visitation because, "the Senate provide loop cannot gi\e blond for six Students will be asked if West Halls acting alone. They has been specifically designed ior house presi- Shaffer said his company has PUC authori- Shaffer said Fullington will won't even hear service if Suburban discontinues. months, accotding to Mrs. they have received the shots. will only grant changes on a University wide dents but all residence hall men are welcome. zation to operate a campus loop service , and 7 Search Group's Recommendation Due Tomorrow

Dees, Orecon : Charles F Luce, president of Con- of Tuha . James G. Wh.den , wnter-in-residcnce at By DEMISE BOWMAN at the University of California at Santa Barbara . Olher men on the "C" list were Bowen C. Stephen H. Spurr, dean of the graduate school at vice president of the Universttv of Ari'/ona : solidated Edison: Jean Paul Mather, executive Georgetown University; Byron R . White, associate Collegian Staff Writer the University of Michigan and John W. Oswald, Lawri r.ce E Dennis, author: Ned Aden Flanders: \ ice pirsidunt oi the Uni\ei s .iv S • "nee Cer.t'-r in i. i .st.ce r.l the Supreme Court- William \V. Wirtz , The special "search" committee of the vice president of the University of California at Lawrence Fourakcr. professor of business ad- Philadelphia , and J. William Mau'. ker, president former secretary of labor: William Willis, vice University Board of Trustees ma;- present recom- Berkeley, all appeared on the Senate committee's miiiisiialion at Harvard Business School; Jay W. ol the liiuvors'tv ot North Dakota, i.ll appeared on presidrni ar-d secretary of Temple Univcrsitv . and mendations for a successor to retiring University "A," or most desirable, rating list. Forrester , professor of management at the Ihe "C" list. Albert C. Zeitlemover, scientist , all appeared on A. Walker at the Turstecs' Ex- Massachusetts Institute oi Technology. Fred L. Also Da\:d O. Maxwe ll , lawyer: John J . McKct- Hie "C" lis! President Eric Men appearing on the "C" list are Earnest C. at ecutive Committee meeting tomorrow. Arbuckle, dean of the graduate school of business Ghmp. dean oi adm^sions Harvard University. ta Jr., regent of Tn-State College (Angol.i . Ind ). The Senate committee urged that men on the T. McNearm \ pi esiricrl or Echnboio "C" !;s'l tie removed liom cons-deration eilner If the "search" committee recommends a can- at Stanlord University : Willard L. Boyd, president ->m T Marshall Hahn Jr . presiik'r.f of Virginia Cho=ter . accepted by the executive com- of the University of Iowa: John A. Carver Jr . Polvtechnic Institute . Slate College: James C. Olson , dean of Hie because the men iequested removal, or because didate and he is Jid not ill all points on the committee' his name will be brought before the full commissioner of the Ft deral Power Commissi™ ., Also. Ed.v m O Harrison , f ormer president ni grarl ualo school ' s mittee, . chairman of the depart "criteria of m«jor importance " in the selection of Board for a vote. At least 10 days notice must be John W. Cowee of the University of California and Georgia Tech: Ralph D. Hetzel . Univer.-'in Charles G Overberger members before a full Board meeting Kenneth B. Clark, prolessor of psychology at the Tic-i^i: Walter K Hibbard .Jr.. director of the ment oi chemistry rt the Univcr.-iiv of Michigan, a new president. given to the Roskens , According to these criteria the president of the can be considered legal. City College of New York . Bureau of Mines 01 ihe Department of the In- and Kooald W. vice president for , Harlan Cleveland , pres cient of Ihe tenoi : H.u old Howe II , vice chairman of the university relations at Kent State Univeisity University must have "demonstrated executive 01 the more than 100 names submitted to the Also uy" experience (preferably at and the special University University of Hawaii: Adrian R. Chamberlain , ex- board of trustee- o! the College Entrance Ex- Edyur F. Shannon , president of th" University of und leaders' ip abi' "search" committee , -uid Has Hoxens. Virair.ia. M'lton Shapp. form'-r Pa gubernatorial a Um\ersi'y i . adaptnoihr- to change, empathy Senate advisory committee, three men were in- ecutive vice president of Colorado Slate amination Hoard University : Arland F. Christ-Janer. president of Frederick Jackson 11. piesirient of Clark candidate. Raymond Shafoi. Pa. governor. Keith with students and faculty, " robust health , physical vited to visit the University and meet with Senate , o; ' Marshall: streneih .\vd k iHk'rnnce. " and should be between members. Gordon J. F. MacDonaid , Boston University and Frederick C Davidson, Uniw s.u Jamd A K'llhr , prolc-sor o f public Spa lding president ol i n .inri committee administijUon at the University of Eugene L. Swearinyer , pi evident ol the University •10 and SO jears old— "certainly not over 54." vice chancellor for research and graduate affairs president of the UnKersity of Georgia. affairs and Edit orial O pinion I ^ Lousy Lecture Seats what the role of the By GLENN KRANZLEY dividual interpretation of of the university) Collegian Manag ing Editor professor (and even the role Should it exist for the student, or for w You can 't open the windows in Willard, should be. CT1B> something else, such as research , or the Keep the Peace m they're built that way because of the heat and scholarly works.? THE SECOND NATIONAL Viet- and his police had to enforce his orders air conditioning system. Unfortunately, publication of ' blizzard-cold or nam War Moratorium begins today, and dozens of persons were clubbed and whenever the weather isn t If a professor is dividing his time between which is most of the time hauled off to jail in full view ol l<$e Fourth-of-July-hot . doing research or extensive writ- teaching and the climate greeting it across the nation during the school year, it's too hot in the television cameras. i. conflict of interest , is quite different than it was for the HEsiyT.1 rooms. ing, there appears to be a IF THE NIXON Administratior but it is a conflict that the academic com- first protest day last month. The hea't produces drowsiness, and un- believes that the Oct. 15 style of protesf munity has long been willing to accept. le like The Moratorium itself , on campus discredits the nation then it must rea- less the lecturer has a speaking sty , of the time bind for many and off , is different this time too. Here lize that a replay of the Chicago police- Wi nston Churchill The way out notes over at University Park, there will be a protesters script will be even more « or Jerry Rubin, teachers is to use the same sel of series of workshops instead of the disastrous. sleep comes easily. and over that he drew up the lirst lime he lies teach-ins that were held last month. And most of taught the course years ago. His notebook the coun- Mil And everywhere else, the emphasis As shameful as it may be, le who take on the lecturn, he reads from it, and students y upon the the peop seems to have shifted from small, try may not be able- to rel courses in Willard copy the words into their notebooks. Authorities to maintain the peace this T hometown observances to the massive would be asleep is time. If there's violence, the Authorities m Agreeing with this point of view march on Washington and San Fran- each time the end When he , 't they lose because IS University President Eric A. Walker. cisco Saturday. win if there isn , of the period comes university, the once again the anti-war movement will i ^11*: outlines his plan for the Utopian In fact, the march on Washington except for the sadis- present lecture system has no place. "Too of- have shown that it is a responsible voice devices by will probabl be crucial to the success tic geometry of the ten, lectures are pretty wasteful y of opposition to a policy that it believes from the of the whole anti-war movement. There chairs, which plays which ' symbols are transferred is bad for the country. "Af ter S'pi ro warms up th e audience , to the notebook of the will be heavy pressure on Washington havoc with the notebook of the lecturer spine of anyone m* student without leaving much impression in the University students making the trip anything i say sounds great!" participants to avoid violence. In fact, KRANZLEY As a matter of fact, I have with troop alerts and heavy debate

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College Relatio ns/Recruitment £s$&&Mfl& FAEROSPAC E CORPORATION ^ GEf S^^ ftP^ Bethp age • Long Island • New Yorh Sign up here for the annual Du Pont job-ho pping competition. W An Equal Opportunity Employer Mflips iha: "AWS i-mzen by Rcn m C "f Ihe HUB th» "Deslinv of Rp.'-n lnii'in S-l Hr r^r. fr"= Tomorrrm there I' niversitv Senate p« iHp legmmatp student authon concern- will he workshops fmm 9 A m p nca —The Brotherhood of Man" will he 'y ing Women ^tudoptr a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Hetzel Union Building to " pre- discussed. A play. "As Our Cities Burn. =taff- drsrues "Before and Beyond Vietnam " Thr resolution ihra Kn - T hat A U'Sfni should have a ceded by a neM singing gmup. "Youth for One rrnrr^nl^'n n op Srnatr CnrnmiMer t'nrie:"^! adua*e at Be^mnms " '30 tomnrrrm- msht in the World." "ill be performed at R p.m. Saturday Stiidrni Affair (SC1 ;SA) a- an pvifficm mrviher. and that Kv ? Ipso? op the floor of the HUE Ballroom. "GrlUns It Together" will be in 105 Forum Terminating the entire week the tint vpp r^miatr- r "-pr-ikdi: prn- Sr ratp the theme explor»rl b> jnest speakers, theatre Bah a 'i devotional program will begin at 3 p.m. Thr nrrr^cu fm- Mirh ipr>r e,,:,*n, atin*i icmi'dm- lo the and folk mupic " Sunday m Helen A Eakin Eisenhower Chapel A "Festival of Life will he reso lution. i= t hai Ihr ' I' nriri'^* Pduat p Stunrnt Go\ eminent b^ pr»sented from hi p m to 2 a m including rock Lounge. i* : nature irpi'-^n'.- all undergraduate students " and could bands and more folk music. Saturday is the nni hp rxrjeried in srtirulatr thr .special interest? of any on*1 ^t'OUp :i.f' a* » O'TlPll siiirir>nu peace march to Washington. Tired of watching only the strong he-man h nkitinn .> ? n«ipc "Thp dup .tuntmn nf atiark= ^nd tvpes plav football? Women take heart The an Re's . ^ For all those who missed the boat last \>.eek i-Rprt nn rampnt !ia« hpnn int?ll\ < m pppo -ip by ramp'J- mia! Kappa Kappa Gamma Powder Puff Bowl ¦ "Mobv Dick Rehearsed. " adapted by Orson -PCUI 'ltv " game w ill be piayed 2 p.m Sunday at the fM Co on rppon Welles and based nn Ihe novel by Herman T^p m-nitiFr f 3>npiu V-':iiiH\ ¦* prrpanns s Field. Donations are 25 cents and all proceeds tn iii\ P c ti2aip 1!t- " ipronv pnjm i a nd dan^«-''oii- ' parking Melville, ivin be performed at R tonisht through tn Inri htiP-. tor unrrrM i ^nid<-pi^ 'vhn hs^ r «,.s mlic=nt PP^d u 5 p Saturday at the Pavilion will he given to the cancer fund . Theatre anlomnb'l^c in lb" p' ^ppiz Thr cnnimittrf r .\Hmimr.£ 'hp nn^tib'lnv of »\nmen n^ Start sc?nmn3 th» sky for the speeding ?> If you haie free time between studies Mon tai nins 24-hnnr paikins ortMlp^F« m io.c idpncr hall lot= -tvbch w-nder of a but are man tomorrow . Thrill lo the day night , stop by While Hall for a glimps e of ai*F rr^rrved fo Food and HoT]«ms rmploy^s infrp- heroics of Clark Kent as he 'tumbles over ten- the Interlandia Folk Dancers qtiPntl.v u-f. ri nn Kqu of feet tall buildings in a single hound and gets TIip AWS Srn^ip Cnmtnitirr illation Ad v missions Slanda?'d= dircijcspd the pn^Pinilirv nf 3 rolle^e quota "permed" into phone booths while completing Al 8 Tuesday night in Fee Hall the Artists syctern « hprrb> p^rh c-ollegp p^Tipisi ho-.r msnv maJp or his h,-o Series will he picased" present bnnr costume changes Watch Lois " lo Ihe NKH femalr student? it can admit Thi<= quotR 1? met trregardleps nf Lane reject the muscle marvel for the more Symphony Orchestra from Tokyo wilh Hiroyuki =p\ wito lar^ok lhai it radical college tvpp. Jimmy Olson. Yes. the Iwaki. conductor , and Htroko Nakamura. Ho'».p\rr . oiip nf ihpto oMwhsfk- o( t hi? «\*iprn p nefmrs^p* student's apply inr (Ollr^o^ qwoi^; rock musical "It ' s a Bird. It ' s a Plane It ' s pianist. Their program will include Chopin ' s and thrn to cwitrh ?nolher rnlle^p after they are admitted " Piann Concerto No 1 Tchaikovsky' s Fiflh '0 Superman . ha= mme to Scliwab. Presented b\ . Thr c on mittrv ~^id the Fall Trrir. ratio ni 2- VI is tint the Penn Stale Thespians tomorrow through Svmphony and the Mavii7iimi Rugaku. Tiokcis ( nrKtanl hut \ai"'rc with farmt- turn a> th,; -mip 10 one ad *¦' „ - - . ; ?^?*-V' • j' - V1*x". Saturday , the plav stars Sam Freed and a re now available al the HUB desk for $1.50 million- i at 10 in nihpr trrm= and the one to onp ratio of Claudia White as beginning 1 '30 Ihis aflernoon. —collegian Photo bv eierrt Belflc inl transfer students. Superman and his girlfriend. Iran^fet «nidrntc , thr AW^ Sppair Committee ' Conrernin^ Lois. On sale at the HUB desk , tickets are $1.50 PIXIES JANICE RUBIN , (left). Judy Millleman and on Overcrow di r-aid that 200 of ibp fran>)r r ^tiirjpnt,1 for Start standing in line now if you intend to n£ * for Thursday night SI.75 Fndav night and 52 Phy llis Click, alias Sigma Delia Tau sorority sisters, took Wintnr Tern- h?i r been ttd 1 i^ni thai tbey \« Ml be Ipips in purchase tickets Monday to the next Jazz Club Saturday night. Jimmy Amy and Patty Osborne on a lour of the ginger- tturi\- ton nee F Tor the fir<=t fp« v ppU of thai term concert featuring the Chicago Transit Authority bread house at yesterday's State College Junior Wcmens Esha i Week began \esterda\ and will con at 8 p.m. Nov Lollipops, . 23 in . Club Cookie Tree Bazaar in the Wesley Foundation. The Pixhs coeds aided in the kiddie corner distributing lollipops, AIN'T A FIT NIGHT helping the children select gifts from the treasure chest And a Coekh Tree and entertaining them while their mothers shopped. All OUT FOR MAN NOR BEAST Superman? In Schwab? Tonight? proceeds will go to the Mountain View unit of the Centre County Hospital. So Come m — I n the That's A Little Hard To Believe HUB Assembh- Room ' Faster than s speeding cording to Mr? Ruth Yeaton faithful assistant Lois Lane, ' . bullet. Mors powerful than a Thespian faculty ad v ? e r , played by Claudia White DAILY COLLEGIAN ALTERNATIVES j ahuary.. ? locomotive. Able to leap onto "There is great satire for the The show runs todaj through CLASSIFIED AD =*!N .. .i . TQ~=«* NICKELODEON NITiS tail building? m s single bound. sophisticat e and for the kids Saturday, opening each night DEADLINE (he ' ' Look tip in «ky ' It s a there 's Superman." at S p m. Tickets are no« on 10:30 A.M. PR!L2S bird . U 'f a plane — no it s sale Da? EDUCATION * . for SI.50 on the ground Before Publicatior VITES TONIGHT — 7-.30 & 9.00 Superman '" Discussing the problems tn- floor of the Hetzel Union Build- CIDOG IN YQLI TO CUERH4V4C.A for s ,,i sl5 l, voived m producing such an ing seminars alfred ot finding voys to free education The=e "'nrd= ma;- be heard a^ant-garde show. Mrs Yeaton all cei* campus this weekend. said. "Schwab posed some pro- from schooling. Seminar leader »"|l inc lude: Now Charlie Chaplin • The CukJ Laurel & Hardy e Music Bos Eut rather than flying above blerrf:; for us." Restricted by JEROME BRUME* JOHH HOLT towering skyscrapers of Neu- Shoving: W. C. Field • The Big Thumb the sue of the auditorium. PAULO FREIRE IVAN York this muscle bound jour - Superman will not be flying HUGH nalist of the fifhe? O PAUL GOODMAN JONATH AN KOZOL of 'vill appear across the sta^e FOR Y UR on the s'a^e Schwab m thp Instead "some ?reat sound f =1* It' s ffnl"« prog's ™ er ei'oll '« ".d'vid'jnl i cmnarj. Tote 3d"9!«. Thespiaj i production of "It 's a effects " have been recorded to taoetage cf canfsearifsi-erer-caca -«d col"-*?* o»n LaLo i"*t'" A m«r M > ¦ ¦ n M M ¦ M ¦ I ¦ ¦ < 11! > ¦ ¦ ' :¦: 'J: LqVES - . . ' "$ First in Musk - Stereo 91 VISTA ' s Sophcmcrs Class = s Co-Sponsers = Plus Extra Added SLY AND THE Hoi^ Stemjj FAMILY STONE | The Festival sf Life 1 Attraction 10 p.m. to 2 e.m. i £ L*J^^»k3SfSa ^ x The New York Resk *'° end Re!! Enssmb! | MORATORIUM BAY NOV, 14

si! !!! ! !! HHII||l!l!l|lllllllllll!llinill|IIH|lllllllllim wan ted For Psychology Experiment

Ma!s er Female University Students, MID-TERMS GOT YOU DOWN? Undergraduates er former PSU Undergraduatea - Mu3t be 21 er elder First Experiment TAKE A BREAK Ths first experiment WI be conducted at 6 :55-11:30 p.m. en Tuesday, Novembe r 25 , at the chapter room of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, followed by four evening ses- sions during the same time interval at dates to be individually scheduled. These latter COME ON DOWN TO sessions will take place during the first eight weeks of the winter term and will be con- ducted at the Institute For Research. Payment will be based on performance and will average $2.00 per hour for those who complete al! sessions for which they are scheduled.

GERARD MILLS!! Second Experiment

We shall also accent tentative reservations for a second exoerimeni to be held Shop far T op Quality Merchandise evenings during the soring term at L©w f Low Rock-Bottom Prices Those interested in either or both experiments should sign up in person with prool of age at the Institute For Research. 257 S. Pugh Street , from 9 a.m. till 12 noon , and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, November 12, and Thursday, November 13 until the OUR HQUHS: nuota is filled. 112 Hefiei St. 11-9 Msndciy - Friday Telephone inquiries may be made by calling 238-8411, but no telephone reserve Across Frem South Halls 9 - Noon This Saturday tions will be accented.

iillllllll!lllllllll!!lllll!!yi!!!!llll!i!!!!!!l!!!!!!l!!]!!!!l!!!!!ll!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!n Dail Colle gian Hot Line For November Moratorium WOFM Schedule y {91 1 in FM Stereo) Monda y through Thursday 6:29 a m Sign-on 6:30 a.m Top forty with news at :15 8. :45 11:00 am Siqn-off Coalition Outlines Plans 3 5' pm Siqn-on 4.00 p.m Popular, easy IHtenma Information, Please (Continued from page one) in 217 HUB In the HUB Main Lounge. with news at :1S & :45 7 00 pm Npws and sporK in Saturday's march onl y need not report to "Women's Liberation and Women and Re- 7.20 p..Ti "Comment" (public the center. sistance" will be discussed, while in 215 HUB. affairs) Marl in Qtunn will talk on the "Mora l Dilem- 7-30 p m "Smslrnr" (public Concert Is Soon Sign My Mass parking for individual cars has affairs) been arranged as close as possible to the ma of Draft Age Man ." B 00 p m "ThtrdP Programme" When is the next Jazz Club concert? Can first term freshmen rush frater- How does someone £o about running Mall . Three lots will be available: the Friends More Speakers (classical) At 12:30 p m. Davo Mulhnlland. German 12 :00 p m Newi ¦loci Gyziec nities " a class office? House parking lot at 1R and Hamilton N.W., 12.05 rr Sion-off 14th hbeial arts-Wilkes Banc) Name Withhold by Request Name Withheld by Request Soldieis House at Michigan Avenue, a block Department, will speak on the "War and * from 4 N.K and S. Capitol Friends at the the Working Class" in 216 HUB. Jav Sholel The nevt Jazz Club concert "ill be (["(" The only election for class officers is of the Foreign Service Department will pre- An rulins states (hat Irc-.kmcn the president. Once elected, the class Douglas Bridge. held at 8 p.m. Nov. 23 in Rec Hall. The mav nut rush fraternities until their se- sent his ideas in an open-end discu>siou Chicago Transit Authority will be ap- presidents selects the rest of the officers. Dress Warmly Policy " cond term. ' concerning "American Foreign m pearing. The" senior, junior and sophomore class Participants m both marches are asked 217 HUB. Bob Hoffert . Political Science, will candidates for pwsident are elected each by the Coalition to dress warmly, prepare give some historical reminders on Vietnam spring (luring Undergraduate Student in case of rain , and bring along some type in the Main Lounge ; in 215 HUB. Betsy No Directories Government executive elections. T o of unsalty food. Reisz emphasr/cd that the Aaidsma, English Department, will speak on Open Says heenme an approved LSG candidate for si/e of the crov. ds will greatly limit the the "War and Black Authors." Do downtown students ^ei t"">pio: class presjdent. students desiring to run accessibility of water and toilet facilities. W'il Old .Mam Trm er ever be open The topics of discussion at 1 :30 p.m. the student directory "' must sufimit a petition with 500 He also said suitcases should be avoided. will be "Where Do We Go From Here" by Judv Berkowits n " signatures on it. Once this is done, the Siei.p Thompson Demons!ralors in the "March Against Marvin Rozen of the Economics Department Make an (graduate-sociology Linden .\ candidates may start campaigning. The Death" tomorrow are askod to leave their in 216 HUB: "The Grape Bovcott and tin- linth-brnadcastinq-E'kine . W V 1 election for , freshman president takes belongings in their cars at the designated War in Vietnam." m 217 HUB by Susan All students luing off campus must place in the fall. To become an approved purchase copies of the student director) there are no plans for the reopening parking areas. Shuttle buses will carry them Chromiak and Jerry Cornell; "U S. Foreign executive USG candidate, the freshman must sub- to Arlington, as no cars will be permitted Policy and Revolution" by James Petras. if they desire to have one. The> can be of the touer. It was closed for reasons of mit a petition \\ ith 200 names on it. He New Un-' purchased in the book stores on College to park in that area. versitv Conference co-chairman, in snfets to students and the public. may begin campaigning when this is trouble, medical attention can the Mam Lounge of the HUB; and in 214 Avenue. completed. In case of ' decision. be obtained at Capitol Hill rresbvierian HUB. Peter Meyer s "Technological Mih- Church, 201 Fourth St. S.E. Legal counsel is tau.-m and National Priorities. " Names To Know available by calling 737-3621 in Washington. At 2 p.m. in 215 HUB, Joe Warren of the One Every numbers in State College are Math Department will speak on ihe subject Check out What is the name of the State College Emergency Does Alike Reid aradua 'e at the end 1 814) '237-7401 or 238-7011. of "Science and the War." Whe mayor and the Slate College justice of . of Fall Term and. if he doe« . will he be n are jammies held in East The schedule for tomorrow's Moratorium Don Souders. Department of Psychology, able to play m a bow l same" Halls " the peace? workshops will begin with the kick off in the Name Withheld by Request will talk at 2:30 p.m. on "How to Talk Peace Federated Name Withheld bv Request Name Withheld by Request HUB Ballroom at 9 a.m. Jack Regal of the and Influence People" in 216 HUB. while in Chauncey I.anR is the mayor of State Educalisn will speak on the Mike Reid will be graduating at the Jammies are held every Fridaj night Department of 217 HUB. Malcom Klugtnan presents "A end of Fall Term but he still will be able College and Guy K. Mills and William "Role of Youth in Political Action to End Radical's View of Vietnam." Wells Keddics, in the Kindlay Union Building, located in partmen to play in a bonl game according lo Bell are justices of the peace. the War" in 21B HUB: Charles Veley. from NUC Secretary, speaks at the' same time on De Coach Patcrno. the center of East Halls. bv Marvin Gross the Department of English, will speak on "Labor and the War." in the Main Lounge. "Middle Class Poverty of ihe Soul and Jeff Bcrgcr will give a talk on "Imperialism: Psyche" in 214 HUB, and in ihe Main Lounge. The Highest Stage ot Capitalism " in 214 HUB. Stores, Dave Weslby, from ihe Department of Soci- Following them, at 3 p.m. in 215 HUB ology, will talk on ihe "Power Elite and ihe Joe Flay. Department of Philosoph y, wil l War." talk about "Opposition to the War: A" Mean- Inc. At 10 a.m. in 216 HUB. Steve Boyan, ingful or a Meaningless Alternative. " from Ihe Department of Political Science, In 216 HUB at 3-30 p.m. Nick Sanders will speak on "Changing National Go\em- and Paul Weener will give their "Reactions \\ ate ' iberation Front Organizes; inent Policies Through Electoral Politic 5 ;" ' Women s L to Nixon s Speech." In 217 HUB. John Mun- Federated Department Stores Inc I.on Flonmonte of WPSX will speak on "Mass tnr.e. Communitv Development, will gi\c a Director of Media and the War" in 217 HUB. while "G.I 's View of 'the War." while m the Mam Executive Resources , Hni b Aurbach lectures m 214 HUB nn Ihe Lounge. Richard Rosenborg speaks on ihe Cincinnati , Ohio 45202 "War and the University." In the Mam "Economics of Imperialism and Militarism. " Asms To Eliminate Sex Discrimination Lounge Steve Weiss, from the Department Bill St-mple . Department of Architecture, if Biophysics, will speak on "Defoliation at will spea k on the It couldn't hurt. This emphasis on women , groups are not restricted to "Crisis m the Cities De- By ARLENE KOBYUNSK I which are a^um^d by society Home and Abroad." Robert Olsen and Dale layed bv the Vietnam Wai ." in 214 HUB. tn be " natural ' Men are even m the area of anti-war, college campuses. Organisa- Winter join in a speech on "Problems of : Collegian Staff Writer At 4 pm. Peter and Barbara W ood will repressed in the same sense, in may be partially explained by tions have formed in other Developing Nations" at the University Baptist preesnt a Junior High a statement made by Miss Alt- areas, such as working class Workshop in 215 HUB. The Women ' s Liberation that if the> don 't plav certain Church. The wrap-up will be given at 4.30 p m. Front is a group working for roles , they may be accused of man. She said. "There are communities. At 11 a.m. in 216 HUB Eldon Ei-enach in the HUB Ballroom many areas where women can by Irving Louis Horo- "Support the equal rights for women. being eff eminate For instance, Earlier this term WLF op- if the Department of Political Science will witz. Editor of Transaction , a mcmbei of the Regular members, at present they must surpass the contri bute, but they have thr posed the idea of selecting a talk on the "Failure of Liberalism." Danny Rutgers Univer-itv bicgest job to do tor their own Department of Socinlogv Artists Series numbering 15 to 20. meet emotinna! side of their Homecoming Queen, believing Gallo, Mathematics, will express opinions on and a prominent theorist. His subject will be " regularly to discuss relevant personalities. One \ery impor- sex. I feel many issue* pulling it was one example of ex- why the "Schools Must Serve the People" "From Teach-in to Moratorium " issues. tant aspect of W omen ' s at me. I'm certainly in agree- ploitation of womn as a sex- ment with the aims ol the object. Continuing on the sub- Women m WLF. which was Liberation i? tn try to break down these barriers, this role Coalition for Peace and some ject of sex. Miss Farley said . formed last Winter Term , other organizations on campus include facultv members , plav ins. We have more specific "And so little is known about aims a fco , such a«c frying to and in sneiety. but now 1 feel women 's sexuality. We oiten graduate students, graduate the greatest responsibility to students' wives, staff mem- eliminate discrimination ha^ed end up striving to behave in a on sex in hiring and salaried .'' women. " way that will give pleasure to bers, undergraduates and town Asked the approximate num- women. Other issues in which WLF is the male without understand- ber of similar "women's groups ing that the dominant practices WLF functions under a interested include abortion need an answer? throughout the countr y . are not those that will give RANGE V system of group leadership: laws and birth control, women equal as consumers, the family as pleasure to the female." however, to be recognized as a Pamela Farley, a graduate Women 's Liberation is striv- organization, it was obligated the basic unit of society and assistant in English and mem- want to cut red tape? woman as a sex object ing ior equal rights for women . FIRE iS to select a member of the . ber of WLF. stated . "It's such However, more than one mem- University as an official head. Although, ^ the group as a a growing movement, one ber stressed the point . "We re Betty Petras (graduate- single unit did not participate have a gripe? can 't tell how m a n y not trying to become more like WILDFIRE political science-State College) in the October Moratorium, the men." and Cindy Rosenthal <9th- organizations there are." She individual members did . For Barbara Wood, another general arts and setences- added , "There are many member of WLF stated , or just curious? Levittown ) were therefore the Moratorium Nov. 14 and 15 aspects to the movement : it 's "Women 's Liberation is not an- designated as co-chairmen. WLF will be one of the groups \ery diversified. " Women's ti men either. We hope for a Lmda Plotkin- Altman , a conducting workshops in the better society for groups represent views from all . Though WLF member, gave a brief ex- Members will lead discussions we attack precisely on planation of the purpose oi the the middle to the far left. Miss ' on women in the war and the women s issues right now. we iff group. She said, "Women are Farley said. "1 rhink it's a sign keep in mind what's best for forced to play certain roles anti-war movement of health, " These women 's everyone.

FOR YOUR "You don' t have to be Call the Collegian able to say CONVENIENCE gnocchi Sc cr arlic HOT LINE 865-2881 j ust enjoy this Italian meal potatoes mashed and mixed with fresh eggs 7 :00 P.M Tuesday and Thur sday and flour. These li ght, fluffy dumplings served in a tasty meat sauce. with your meal- ^ S^^ SS^^^ S, Disrupt the monotony a basket of warm, buttered garlic bread o£ your week. & tossed salad a ll f or n .75 » t S\app er Ql m Symphony Orchestra I&tdiei! "Clumpies" Tokyo Convenient locaion S. Garner St Cover Gnl has tamed the monsters and easy-to-afford prices calls ihem .. . what else . . . "clumpies." Tuesday, 8:30 p.m., Rec Hall Mon. - Sat. 11:30 a.m. - 7:45 p.m. Sun. 9 a.m. lo 8:00 p.m Fashion's newest happening, in wild Sunday brunch - 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. coloi [til leathers with exciting orna- ments and detailing. Hurry in today Cheaper than driving to and pick a pair of clumpies from our laige selection. Belleionte ARTISTS SERIES 20%-50% RE DUCT on casual slacks and dress slacks The Sisters of Pi Beia Phi proudl y present their two new initiates 10% - 50% REDUCTION Anne Greene on flares and jeans Margi Ja cob

t¦ nd their Fall Pledge Clasg

Gail Buzby Carolyn Miller Traditional Shop Men's Shop Moyer 342 E. College 114 E. College Mullan ^Joiun and v^ampuA 3 DAYS ONLY J W, World of 3ask 110 E. College Ave. Thur s. Nov. 13 Sue Hodan Hours : Mon. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fri . Nov. 14 Sue She per d Tue. - Sat. 9 a.m. lo 5 p.m. Kathy McBride Sat. Nov. 15 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1969

In Weekl y 'Bi g 33' Penny Sees Purdue in Upset The Nelson By PENNY WEICHEL Kansas State over Nebraska— despite constant pressure The Touch following interview was undertaken with the object until he stepped up to the ball. Then he took three swings Collegian Sports Columnist put on by Mike the Mcts Hater. of finding out what causes a Penn on the first tec. On his third try he final l y got about one LSI! over Mississippi State— go Godfrey State male, otherwise idiotic question of one of tenth of the ball and drove it three feet down the fairway. As many as 10 times a day I have this Michigan State over Minnesota— the fir<= l round of Ihe the quietest, most docile creatures on Ihe globe, to But that's about it." the ceniury hurled at me' "How do you make your picks?" play-ofl - lor the Bin 10 Doti Bowl. take part in the roaring, kicking, take all or nothing world Mississippi over Tennessee— jesterday LSU, toddy Ten- "As a student-athlete That's so stu pid because I have a dilferent reason for every of intramural athletics. Collegian— , how do you fit golf in- nessee. to your overall University life?" game. Be more specific when you ask me. Syracuse over Navy— oran ge has always been one of my But unfortunately, or fortunately, as it turned out. The Nelson—"When I first came to Penn State, I had great But I know what everybody 's drivin g al. You don ' t think fav orite colors. Collegian stiimb'rd onto something big. Boh Nelson, the intentions of studying—1 was going to take my books out on I'm lor real. You cither think 1 just plain guess al ail this or 1 North Carolina over Clemson— ihe Tarheels' fil-)l romp the course and read between shots. current independent golf tournament titlist, is not a typical have a ghost writer. No. I pretty much have a good idea ol over VMI w;n nn Muke . VMI w;i.> , "But 1 have learned two valuable things from playing what I'm talking about. I'm really aware that when the Thiel Houston over NC State Bill y Bndsrs trie waj betucen IIM champion. In fact, he's a subdued Joe Namath—a Hawk so much golf—how to swear and how to light cigarettes in a Tomcats lost to Allegheny la«t Sa turday. Penn Stale became the backheld and j -.n- din. Harrellson in tapered pants. What started a semi-serious stifl breeze. And golf is the only thing I'll get up in the the only undefeated power left in thi s great gridiron Com- Northwestern o\er Indiana - can t tell one roi len team interview degenerated into a joke and laugh session. But morning for. It's a better alarm clock than a first period monwealth. 1 also know who p lav .-. center lor i.SU (Godfrey lioni a'l'uher mi the Bin 10 without a score curd. then, fun 's what sports should he all about. test ." Zaunbrecher). that Western Michi gan has a lirst string corner Purdue over Ohio Stale— Goodbye Columbus. back named Gershwin Dram and that .lohn Wolicki , the UPl's Oklahoma over Kansas— Owens makes more yards on "What 's really educational about golf is that it takes old .- - 1 you through every emotion lroni love to hale in one round. All-Slate fullback of lDBfi . is now performing for Slippery Rock les^ carries than he dirt a^ainM M1//0 ' - . - _ " ?£v~'^!~- y > ^J "*"" ~'~ " ~~ '"" * "I ' * It's a great teacher. Golf 's taught me more about myself as a second or third string lineUiekei . Now let s get on with UCLA over Oregon— Ducks will have tr ouble bursting than all the dope in the world." the show. the Bruins' bubble Collegian—"Do you have interests outside the sporting Last week: 21-6-3 80 percent. Te\as A&M over Rice— Rico should play the University ol Greece, then I could write. "Greece over Rice "' world?" Total: 164-50-7 73 percent. Arkansas over SMU— R.n\le' « Ark Floats Nelson— a^ain. " Vm a big music fan. I play the organ and 1 Alabama over Miami (Fla.)— because Alabama backwards Stanford over Air Force— "Kcr-Plimkfet t) ," said the even went to a Cream concert in Philly last year. The best spells "Amabala 1 " Fak-on ¦';'• i t crashed to the ground. Baxter ' ? blitzkrieg, has " part of that was the trip, though. Utah over Arizona— the Redskins can sneeze at the Wild- '{Phi-Hi icd. Collegian— "How 's trial?" cats. "Hatu." Te\as over Tt'L'~ Ohio State better than Te\a< " Darrell's f - "T Nelson — "Well . I took a bus down the Pennsylvania Pitt over Army— the Hai l less years have begun. Rolta better 62-0, or Fred' 1- gonna believe i t. Turnpike. That may not sound very exciting, but the best Colorado over Oklahoma State— this is one herd of Buf- Texas Tech o\cr I.aylnr the second round of the plav- thing ab'- ut the Turnpike is that you can arrive at a faloes the Cowboy* can ' t kill off. offs In-* the SWC Dos Bowl Howard ohnsons without even knowing it. Then you can go Dartmouth over Cornell— The Mouth contnues to talk bi g VPJ over Duke— I bet the Golden Gobbler*-, wt«h they ha:} in buy th =e little Fez candies. in Ivy circles. thi s tarnished season back Collegian—"That's great. Bo'o. Do they help your Florida over Kentucky— Casey, tssel and Pratt are seen South Carolina over Wake Forest—meanwhile, back in ulcers?" dribbling on the sidelines. thei r nv.ti league .... Memphis Slule over Florida State - Seminoles will have to Nelson- "No. but it freaked out the whole bus. I SC over Washington— while 'Pro think u p some new war dance steps to win this one. inns smell the roses . Everybody was there smoking grass and I was hiding in Huskic-- smWl th e Icr iiU/er. [ "I don ' the buck eating my Pez. Auburn over Georgia— Cavan and Co. try to set the t know about you. b?il when it raws I just They all thought that I was drop- ' West Virginia over Kiehmonii Spiders' h a\c a pas*.- ping acid , 't. Tiger s tail on fire. "Aw . burn," they exclaim. But it lust put on Tim / hat to protect my glasses and keep playing. but 1 wasn ' receiver named Gillette to cut through the VV'VU secondary, "The won t . 1 keep my wri sts m shape in the off season by placing acid heads were terribly disappointed when they but Mountaineers have a bowl bid to think a'lniit. pinball machines." found out. They thought I was one of them—with short Notre Dame over Georgia Tech— a bad day for peaches hair." all around. Wisumsin over Illinois— Ull.n clinch a B'm 10 Dor Bowl Michigan over Iowa— but Coach hcMli as thev stumble to an all-losing seaj-on '11 Collegian—"Bob. I suppose the first question should Collegian—"Do you want to close this interview with a Schembechler better take ( Yeah, they be along a case of RoLuris. the ta vontes in the Big One ) concern what satisfaction you got trom winning the IM golf broad moral statement about the position athletics should Looks like a pertect spot for an upset. champion, hip." occu py in contemporary Western Missouri oicr Iowa State— My mommate has a terrible Oiegmi State ovej Washington State— oops. I almost left Civilization?" " Nelson— "That' cold , so I said, all because o l me." She said "No . it 's these thi *.- one ou t. Psychologists would say there was a deep rooted Nelson— "The satisfaction was secondary. What I s close. But as long as vou mentioned it there is one thing about golf' damn rooms we have here (L>ons). Probably get more at- psychological reason behind that. wanted was the trophy. I finally got it a few clays ago and s place in the world that really pisses me off It' it fit.s be-autitully on my charm bracelet. I was expecting . s that golfs a forgotten game. Do you know that there has only been something hut this thing's great. It has a big blue one song written about golf? "There's all that 'Take Me Out to the ' * 'S" on it—lor slicker I guess. But at least now I can wear Ballgame stuff Mary land Tickets Still Available and three strikes and your out and 'You Gotta Be a Foot- ' it around my nock like a mezuzah. ' ' There are lickets available for Penn State s final ball Hero. But there s only been one song about goli. Bing home football ' Collegian—"Have you ever met any important people game Saturday with Maryland and will Crosby wrote it—it 's called Straight Down the Fair- be sold at the Stadium on game white playing goli?" day. way—for the Bing Crosby Open. But what ticks me off is The Lions had played before seven straight sellout Nelson— "No. not really. I lake the money and run that its a shitty song." Hill el iust . crowds this season but ihe streak will apparently be Collegian— 1 do like to go out by my soil though, bji-.nisc then they "Well thank you for revealing interview Mr. snapped this vreek. Penn State, however, will surpass stick you in with other people and you i .an have a good Nelson and best of luck in your next round. the one season attendance mark of 234,923 set last year. laugh. Nelson—" You're welcome. When do I get the money? " "Once I met a guy who had a red shirt , red slacks, red Interview by Don McKee FREE CAR HEATERS ICE SKATING PARTY shoes <\nc\ an orange golf bag. He reailv looked like a pro Collegian Snorts Editor WEST HALLS COUNCIL rfcuMff/ CARTOON t Presents SATURDAY KITE 8:00

Meet Inside Ice Pavilion W-QWK CAT 7M&MPIM Entr ies Due in Grid Contest tm/ninety-seven WITH OMN All THIATU IE4T1W* 1600 N. Atherton Street Entries in the football pie- Navy-Syracuse BALLOU THE Fri. - Sat. - Sun. diction contest are due at the North Carolina-Clemson PROGRESSIVE ONE UNIVERSITY THEATRE HUB desk by 4 p.m. tomor- NC State-Houston Starring row. Place entries in a sealed Northwestern-Indiana 50TH ANNIVERSARY SEASON envelope with the 25 cent Ohio State-Purdue" . Lee Marvin entry fee. Oklahoma-Kansas I know th ^ |#& me Metro Gotttfynwrye peerc Alabama-Miami (Fla.) Oregon-UCLA Jane Fonda . .. -^ Martin Rnsohofl's Ftaducbon o Arizona-Utah Oregon Stale-Washington But before *KoM 'f' *¦¦?&¦» :£* n Army-Pitt „.Staie V* R T as A&M STARL TE many more wa raie_ Colorado-Oklahoma State i5?; ex, M "Ice SM iT-Arkansas» 'jfa WwSr ' Dartmouth-Cornell «•*"-*• so graphic. I could hava sv.--n. —^ . PARaMntlNT PlCTllRESPHESFNTS ' l Florida-Kentucky Stanfo£?-^'r Force the screen was smoking ' -W/ Daily \ Station Florida State-Memphis State Texas-TCU Georgia-Auburn- T"las Tech-Baylor l@H§ l Zebra" VPI-Duke T« Georgia Tech-Notre Dame First film by critic SS~~ Super Panav,s«i* Iowa-Michigan Wake Forest-South Carolina PETER BOGPANOVICH ^TH ard'Miocolor Iowa Stale-Missouri Washington-USC 2nd BIG HIT S ale-Nebraska Starring Boris KARLOFF H??™- ? . w Virginia-Richmond LSU-M;ssissippi State . , . * ' \ciNr\nTio Michigan State-Minnesota Wisconsin-Illinois mT J - Plus - FIVE BIG SHOWINGS: Mississippi-Tennessee* 'pick scores The only film directed bv Friday —6:30 & 9:00 Ss Bkoffil Charles LAUGHTON Saturday — 7:00 TONIGHT A Robert Miichum T 8 P.M Sunday — 6:30 & 9:00 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Shelley Winters Lillian Gish LOCAL AD CLASSIFIED AL» tZLssss^sim DEADLINE DEADLINE "THE NIGHT 4:00 P.M. 2 Days 10:30 A.M. Day MOBY DICK Before Publication Before Publication Written by JAMES AGEE VAN CL BURN REHEARSED Today & Friday Only Dpi®® "Targets" at 7:30 - 10:30 NOV. 13-15 milAMDOZIER PRODUCTION „ "Night" at 6:00 - 9:00 PAVILION 865-6309 FEMALE STUDENTS :CHJHCOLOR.PANAVISION" . "S $1.60/hoor + Bonuses FROM WARMER BROS.SEVEN ARTS W Don't Miss "Inga" ANDRE WATT S -j i tj Our Last Show of Season CBBtawLEySBt iyftj ifr fiiiii Work from a downtown H^W M ^7 i I S I I >• l' J k I I With The u—-— I -Warner Bmw& Iw" iffjjj ftt t WHraWB State College Office ^ m^—»^ PITTSBURGH SYMPHONY We have hours to fit your, schedule ORCHESTRA 2nd WEEK !... 1 :30-3:25-5:20-7:2 5-9:30 Call 237-8352 for interview -FEBRUARY 21 A Riot Of "The orgies go on forever " -N.Y. Daily News NHK SYMPHONY SeXUal from TOKYO Vandalism" "ACRES OF ANATOMY" -Pid yboy -izrl Wikon _^-—_ Dr. PeePee Wadman TONIGHT -THIS TUESDAY . *--» Lfc- -:v KHR DULLEA-SENTA BERGER-ULU PALMER Announces 112 Chambers Bldg Ticket Booklet s — S3.0Q *••$ / STUDEN TS ONLY

COLOR- noxitwB •" The Coming Of A ^ ^ >~j/ ^ i ^i ^^ 7 *- LAST FEW DAYS m AMERICAN INTERN«-10NR -"„ * ^ x&-fc ^ g ytr -~Z3Zi4 &ilmt t c Ground Floor — HUB • NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ADMITTED! • WADDO 75 @$ SEE THREE FOR THE PRICE OF TWO Saturday Night ART STS SER ES ¦^^^^ flSrv B ^ vl H^fflS 6th Week!,.. 1:30-3:30-5:30 7:30-9:35 "ABSOLUTELY STUNNING.' FIRST RATE! Feat. Time - Judith Crist 1:30-3:25-5:15 Now "RAUNCHY. RIOTOUS. GREAT. A REAL TONIC 7:20-9:20 Playing PAUL NEWMAN NEVER BETTER!" —Wins Mfc 237-7657 . Not that it matters, but most of it is true. ^ ^ 20th CENTURV FOX PRESENTS SfetoL l'^fVSi Not many people know it but Paromo-jnl PKIures Presents reoL newman , . . Columbus was so sick after 1 , ,, , By ' 1 '¦ " ¦ iSiiKflOl* Alanj Fbkub fto*,,. ¥Q>m «, n ^B"'^"^''"^ '^" " " sailing across the Atlantic that / ^ mmm&m 'i ' he didn't even feel like a pizza fj&i} mf ill KMHARINE ROSS- a&i3r f i <%'M Mm smothered in anchovies and JPSS^ 1 Cuckoo BUTCH CASSIDY AND mushrooms (much less lox). An ^^TS^ * -/ r«cnmcoIo<'* ' THE SUNDANCE KID A PO'O mOijnj Ptr-l-jre But you don't have to worry about traveling out on rainy, cold evenings . . . just call Hi-Way Pizza and we'll deliver you hot pizza FREE. (It's the delivery that's free, the pizza you gotta pay for). «^P^i*£5 tfck l£%£S£ra urGarrard's X-10ban module **^ tgJMilMfl^WBM^ a precision automatic turntable ¦ Starts T0N1TE...7:15-9:15P.M Complete ana reeay to play HI-WAY PIZZA ^cm maI] a AVCO EMBASSY PICTURES .er. ¦ Wh ere The Focis Of 238-1755 A n^an .' 'i lcoMri^ ioi'AiT/ci rf&8i!$&>. And couldn t find it anyv.he'p lile Are Stranger groove w(3Rmliil ife Than Fichonl wew&fv newour bag. into your thing to obtain T Simply plug PA NOO COMPANY -n a«ofdt>on mth precision record playii" , capability k«p, ., ppoduc,™ &3tt&g&^Sft HEAVEN Pl ay 7". 10". 12" record s P.133V3. 45. or 7B rpm. —g-j The X-10 is complete with matched stereo ceramic sa H/£/e|?I TSP wxi'A andHSLL cartridge, diamond stylus, base and dust cover. S52.50. See it at your fidelity dealer or PETER FONDA DENNIS HOPPER IN COLOR if i j a.awBw WM*! JACK NICHOLSON ¦ • "iw ii t" .S f Bl ["jjfj writ e Garra rd, Dipt. CSS89. Westbury. I gSaFH SSSTl ceo* »B"W"" I |||| m |] New York 11590 lor literature ¥j ftfii Q #&& &9 Not Admitted I CANNES fUM FESTIVAL WINNER' Best Fi -n E, ,1 'i'.i. Otrec'oi \tfgi83S8M Persons Under II Collegi an Notes Teach-ins , Fil ms Hi g hli g ht Baha 'i Week Oh Collo quiums Dedicated to solution for the world's problems, Physics Dept. Holds a spiritual the University Baha 'i will pu blicize its ideas in a ween Two colloquiums will be The secon d special physics the Modern Polish Historian blem of provincial reform in Alexander A . Parker, pro - for 8 tonight in the assembly Club Imperial Russia. fessor of Hispanic studies at room ol the Inn long observance from Nov. 1? tn Ifi. presented by the Department lecture of the week will be will be the topic of a talk to be showing ot of Physics this week. given by a University alumn is. given by Jake Kipp. instructor As a research studen t at the the University of Edinburgh. and will be followed by a cof- The week's activities began yesterday with a Edward S. Sabisky, a member in history, at the Historj University of Warsaw. Kipp Kngland will present a public lee hour, open to the public. the movie "A New Wind ," about the Bah a 'i faith. F. E. Dunnam , a member ot observed the attitudes and pro- lecture at the University today. , Tonight and ght there will be teach-ins. At 8 the physics faculty at the of the technical stall at RCA Round Table at 7-30 tonight in Parker a native of Mon- Fridav ni Laboratories m Princeton , N.J. blems of Polish historians, Sponsored by the Depart- tevideo, Uruguay received both p.m. in 69 Willard . "Prescription for Universal Peace will ne University of Florida , will the Laurel Room ol the Nit- which will serve as the basis ment of Spanish , Italian and his master of arts degree and discussed. "The Destiny of America-Brotherhood of Man will speak at the regular weekly Sabisky will di sens s tany Lion Inn. in "Acoustic- phonon Spec- lor his talk. Portuguese , the talk will be en- doctor of literature degree be the topic for tomorrow's teach-in to be held at 8 p.m. physics colloquium at 4 this af- Kipp spent last year in titled "From Courtly Love to where he was a Fellow from ternoon in 117 Osmond Lab. He t roscopy " at 4 p.m. tomorrow Dining Room C of the HUB. in 117 Osmond Lab. Poland on a Fulbright-Hays Three members of the De- 1933 to 1939. "As Our Cities Burn " will be presented al 8 p.m. .Saturday will discuss ''Radiative partment of Computer Science Capture Experiments with a 4 Research Grant g a t h e r ing A corresponding member of in 105 Forum. The play was described by its authors as ". . . a will participate in the Fall and MV Accelerator." "The Existential Dilemma of material for a work on the pro - the Hispanic Society o f trip through America as Baha's see it. today—convulsed Joint Computer Conference in America and of the Real distorted by deep problems, racial prejudice , war, greed, im- Las Vegas. New. next week. Academia Espanola. Parker's morality : but bearing within it, the hope for an unparalleled Sponsored by the American speciality is Renaissance and age of human prosperity." Federation of Information Pro- Golden Age Spanish literature. A Baha 'i devotional program will conclude the week's ac- Better Business Bureau Member cessing Societies, the con- He is the author of the book tivities at 3 p.m. Sunday in the Main Lounge of the Helen A. ference is held each spring and "The. Allegorical Drama of Eakin Eisenhower Chapel. ' fall. Calderon: An Introduction lo AH events are open to the public and no admission will be Preston C. Hammer, pro- the Auto Sacramental" (1943) To Consider State College Office and another book "Literature The chances of establishing a should bring documentation to the businessmen by instilling fessor and head of the depart- . ment , will serve as chairman and the Delinquent: The Better Business Bureau in 202 HUB betore 2 p.m. today. more confidence in the Picaresque Novel in Spain and State College will depend Complaints should include customers. of a meeting of heads of ' university computer science Europe (1599-1753), " published largely on the outcome of a the student s name, the name *'I think there's a genuine in 1967. meeting tonight with downtown of the business against which student distrust of downtown departments which he has ar- Boycott Classes businessmen. the complaint is being lodged businessmen." Arbittier said. ranged. * * * and the trouble encountered. Malcolm H. Gotterer Young Americans for A representative of BBB In- "But if a BBB was termed and . pro- Literatu re." "We can 't do anything the students saw they fessor of computer science, Freedom will meet at 8:05 Attend Moratorium Workshops —Nov. 14 ternational, Miciiael J. Hickcy . could The program is scheduled tonight in 2)5 HUB. will appear with local without the complaints." Arbit- trust merchants. I think the will serve as chairman of a merchants to hear student tier said. "Most of the result would be an increase in session on "Computers in complaints about State College businesses are in favor of the business." Education ," which he has © vni.KSWi.arft t>w mlmr i, lie. 9:00 business practices and then Burea u but they want to know Arbittier . initiator of the organized. Role of *outti in Political Action To End consider if a BBB is necessary. if there's a real need for it and drive, said that a Bureau James E. V a n d e r M ey, the War in Vietnam l The meeting will be held at if it would benefi) them." would cost about SIS.000 a >ear instructor in computer science, Middle Class Povertv of the Soul & Psyche 7:30 p.m. in the Hetzel Union Arbittier said that the to run "effectively, " and that wi ll present a paper on Power Elite & the War Building Reading Room. Burea u 's sea] displayed in the participating businessmen "SYMPLE—A General Syntax- Aron Arbittier, vice presi- State College stores would help would shoulder costs. directed Macro Preprocessor." dent of the Undergraduate Stu- dent Government, said stu- 10:00 dents having complai nts Volk swagen Changing Gov't Policies Thru Electoral Politics against downtown businesses Mass Media and the War ^¦HHH MiKs niM anHRi ATTENTION War and the University Mora l Dilemma of Draft Age Men W-QWK BLOCK "S" CLUB MEMBERS Medi-car: Defoliation at Home and Abroad fm/ninety-seven 1 AS A RESULT OF MUCH 4 free check-ups for every member of the family, THE a PRAISE RECEIVED 11:00 PROGRESSIVE ONE I FROM FACULTY AND ATTENDING DIGNA- Black Liberation and the War in Vietnam TARIES ON OUR LAST PERFORMANCE AND "SPIRIT" EXHIBITED, Schools Must Serve the people WE ARE ASKING AGAIN TO SUPPORT YOUR TEAM BY BRINGING Failure of Liberalism THE POM-POMS RECEIVED AT THE B.C. GAME 12:00 TO THE FINAL War a nd the Working Class HOME GAME. Discussion Concering America n Foreign Policy TIME Historical Reminders on Vietnam The longest word in the language? SUPPORT COACH PATERNO 1:00 By letter count, the longest Where Do We Go From Here? word may be pneumonoultra- AND YOUR NITTANY LIONS!! Grape Boycott and the War m Vietnam microscopicsilicovokanocomosis, Foreign Policv and Revolution a rare lung disease. You won't find it in Webster's New World iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiii niiiiiiiiiiii ir Dictionary, College Edition. But you will find more useful infor- 30 Technological Militarism and National mation about words than in any 7&%e&$&»&' Priorities other desk dictionary. Science and the War Take the word time. In addi- tion to its derivation and an illustration showing U.S. time Christmas Vacation Emp loyment zones, you'll find 48 clear def- Wben you bring home a new baby, you take him How To Talk Peace & Influence People initions of ihe different mean- A Radical's View of Vietnam ings of time and -27 idiomatic back for a series of check-ups: To spot any prob- Labor and the War uses, such as lime- of one's life. lems before they can become big problems. Women and Resistance In. sum, .everything you want to Same with ? new Volkswagen. know about time. Except our check-ups are free. This dictionary is approved E. J. , Korve tt And the special diagnostic equi Inc. pment we use is and used by .more than 1000 designed for VWs. No! babies. Imperialism: Highest Stage of Capitalism colleges and universities. Isn't Opposition to the War: Meaningful or it time vou owned one? Only We call our plan Medi-car. Meaningless $6.50 for 1760 pages; $7.50 And you get automatic coverage in it the minute thumb-indexed. Located at: King of Prussia you buy a new Volkswagen. At Your Bookstore When a check-up itself comes due, you can get it wherever you happen to be. Reactions lo Nixon's Speech GI.' Will intervie w Because every Volkswagen Dealer has the spe- s View of the War on cam pus Economics of Imnenalism and Militarism cial equipment. After all, the idea is the same wherever Volks- I wagens are sold: To spot trouble early and help November 20 and 21 extend your car's life. War and Black Authors I You've probably heard of cars that died unex- pectedly after30 or 40,000 miles. But now there's r 'W Ji-car. Evening Program: Taken as directed, it can help your VW live to 7:30 - 10:00 Speakers, Theater, Music ' Contact: Office of Student Aid 10:00 - 2:00 Rock Bands, Folk Music, Light Show 121 Grange Buildin g ON TO WASHINGTON 865-6301 Mier'ley Volkswagen, Inc. 1500 North Atherton StreeJ | S | USG VIETNAM MORATORIUM COMMITTEE Slate Coileae 238-1500 (%&UT nOOIICB ¦liiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiHiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiUiiuniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllll IlllllllI lllllllliUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMII III MIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIlll lllllllllllMll I f 11111111111 i 1111111111111111 ¦ I f i I ¦ IM

SB > COLLEGIAN < 4gr iniini iimiiiiiiniiiiiiiiitiMiiiiiii miiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiuMnMiiiiN CLASSIF iiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;::iiiiui I IIIIIIII IIJ1 lltllllUUIIIIIllIlClMIIIIli IIIII IItllltllllllllflllllllliSBlllllIf lllU FOR SALE WANTED | WANTED CLASSIFIED | ((i WANTED ATTENTION "attention """" LOST (LOWEST PRICES for exceptional Stereo 1 OR 2 MALE Roommates wanted for JWANTED FEMALE Roommate, 3-man THIRD MAN wanted ADVERTISING POLICY ! Component Systems Radios, Televisions, winter term Living room furnished, for 2 bedroom PLAYLAND — NOW Bigger and Be, TV , i apartment , winfpr and sprfng terms. furnished apartment Close to campus jand Tape Recorders. Call Roy 23 7-5094 Stereo, Dishwasher. Utilities paid. 338- i Call Barb: 238-0077 offers you Fun and Relaxation — E WORLD FAMOUS Roffler Sculpter LOST: GOLDEN striped cat, DEADLINE ~ S5S/mnnth. Call •Jnfi-Siwn nice place to spend a little time. green collar - ^ S m optional. Lars t is a patented method for use in In vicinity of 630 E Prospect. '«7 M HELP WANTED pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Cam ¦mitled to be used in the central best offer Bob Liqhtner ?37-864S social privileges. Call caterer 237-«44. " ' Publication i tor Saturday (Maryland). Call Ed 237-3716. Shopping Center, nnsylvanta area ONLY at Davidson's LOST: LADY'S Helbrose Wmf WeitchZ " WE'RE gold with , *nrl 7-nn 9.18.3ri09 a Jong time. University Drive. Administration ~ — Rad — GRADUATES I dents — learn how a new company WOULD THE PERloir"who~7a7l7d 6 " Any degree, to train in such fields 1 about ' 'a '' ONE BEDROOM Apartment formed. A Pennsylvania Corp. is a lost golden cat please return call and 'i?beltedS " I«7and I conventionalSS ^ f tires now t-n\ - near as: Personnel, Auditing, Journalism. HAV E A BLAST — Take Sexy TYPING — THESES — ItKM PARE i ^ camDUSpus Cai| r V vlg M Classified ering stock to the public ask. lor Harry 237-4679 or 238-2555. OFFICE HOURS [stock and at low prices For example. * *- a M> vie 8»65-82B7"*"'¦ Operations Management, Food Man- Ads for The Collegian. IBM Setectric — special symbofs. Gene and needs " See Barry or esmen. Write . Gold |S36 90 for an H70-15 Fiberglas belted agement, Retail Management, Ac- Jack second period in the basement technical typing. Editorial assistai Beef, Inc., P O. MY-O-MY presents SHEER-FUZ and all of Rnnnii 23B.7719. x 467 State College. 9:30 - 4:30 I studded snow tire. Heavy duty front and that it implies — every Friday afternoon ] :ountir,g, Engineering, Commerce, Sackett or call B65-2531. MY-O-MY presents SHEER-FUZ and all rear sway bars for any car and other 2 - 4 j Trucking, Warehouse Management, that it implies — every Friday afternoon Monday thru Friday AAY-O-MY presents SHEER-fuz and ;EE DRAFT COUNSELING — Cail for accessories. Pa rts for all imoorteo cats I Traffic, Architecture, College Graduate BUS DRIVER for weekly trips to Blue that ii implies — every Friday afterr 2 - 4. Call Super Sport Supplies at APARTMENT OR ELSE, close to campus. Training Programs, etc. (inter- Knob Ski Area. Drive on ski bum oointment — 237-0222 afternoon and 238-8375 \ ! basis, 2 • < Basement of Sackett One room not smaller 20' x 16' . Could lational Corporation) Company will with wages paid in form of free skiing, ?nings at the Peace Center. " North Wine 1966 M.G. 4-door Sedan. Economical, share if quite independent. 359-2169 ; 3e interviewing in our office this . lessons and rentals. Various schedules DO YOU NEED graphs, charts, or dr PHYRST" reliable Excellent engine, winter tuned, I Tionth! Starting Salary $8,600 - available. For further informa tion, please mqs ior a tresis? if so call 237-6 !ACE MASS — Thursday, November 13, AM-FM, six tires, low mileage. Asking WANTED: TWO FEMALE roommates for »10,400 yr. for a Bachelors degree call 238-1843 ' winter. and/or spring terms. Furnished, j Reasonable rates for quality work. 5:05 in the HUB Ballroom. Please TONIGHT — THE toUNCHK.Ns 'Vurn a S6G0. Day — B6S-H67; evenings — 233-5244. I '.higher tor experience and additional ne. television, dishwasher. S62.O0 monthly. PART TIME bookkeeper Work FOLKLORE SOCIETY: No mee small respectaPle downtown Tavern Into ~~ ;ducation). Company pays agency fee mostly a wild screaming small respectable FOB SALE | STUDENTS : P ROM PT fnsu ranee for Call 237-6*3B. I oius interviewing expenses to corpor- around rent days. 1st and 15th. 238-4912, November l6ih or 23rd. Remember p down- autos, group student life, motorcycles, Mrs. Spencer town Tavern THIRD GIRL — Beaver Terrace Apt. j ate offices plus relocation expenses. . mq sessions Wednesday nights at Jawbi TENTION SPEECH MAJORS1 Don't ON SALE — Stereo Taoerecorder TC-200 j travel, valuables, hospitalization. Phone Military obligation need not be com- get your Big Chance is coming! Thurs- FRIDAY — The Tarnished Si)T~Dix1eland Mr. Temples, 233-6633. winter, spring, summer option. Phone " '"" " Good quality. Will bargain. Can be 1 237-6765. pleted. /, Nov. 13, 7:00 p.m. 228 Sparks, Band entertains the audience with their for rent freshments. reached after 7:30 p m 238-5530. 1968 LIGHT BLUE VW; radio, heater, ATTENTION Dolished music and their rusterf mfnds. " COLLEGE GHADUATE FOR RENT: One bedroom apartment in Contracts, winter,; white-walls, one owner, 76,000 miles, excel-)[ WANTED FOR SALE — 4 Dorm lent condition. Asking $1450 00. Call 237-1 TRAINING PROGRAMS Park Forest Villas. Available Winter spring terms. Buy for all your friends. I 1971. i Positions available throughout the term. Call 237-6649. HILLEL COMMENTS every sa tue Roger 865-2050. 'LOOKING FOR an exciting place to Jive? U.S.A. and Overseas. Complete corpor- ( i Female roommate needed for Beaver "" ~~ Wight at 7:20 p m. on WQFW\. Our 11 ONE DATE Ticket for Maryland game,. ate training program. Starting Salary TmMEDIATE OCCUPANCY^ One bed- 1/6 nf an hour: SB-12 AMPEG BASS Amp, Kingston JTerrace — overlooking beautiful State room furnished apartment, one $6. Cathy 237-1168. ! \ to $10,000 yr. plus all expenses. Com- block Electric Bass, Electric Guitar, mike , 'College. If this suits you call 237-1677 oany pays agency fee plus interview- from campus. $140 month. Couples pre- Perfect. Reasonable. Bob 237-0843. 1 (winter, spring, summer). COMPLETE PRINTING Service. The stand. FOR SALE: Genuine domestic steernides ing expenses to corporate office plus ferred. 237-1208. reports» name cards, invitations, resui GUY BRITTON'S abt . 6* *5'. Retail value $79. will take ! - relocation expenses, Phone 355-2197. RIDING APPAREL, equipment, gift [ONE FEMALE roommate wanted, winter , 'TWO MAN furnished efficiency. Great best offer over $50. Call 237-91 bS. !• items. English and Western at Jodon's spring, summer terms. Two bedroom'I ACCOUNTANTS and/or ! location. Indoor parkino. utilities in- HAYRlDE! FRIDAY November 14. M Stables and Tack Shop. 237-4364 [ NEW CABRETTA Leather Coat . Full!,White Hall Apt. Cathy 237-1188. cluded. Winter, spring terms. Cail 237-3076. reservations by noon Friday in FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE ^ ^ length. Lining Men' s sire 40 S70. 466-7141. l AUDITORS | VERY LARGE HOUSE, furnished, gar- IMPALA SS 327, 375 no.,! ROOMMATE WANTED- University Dearee in Accounting, Business Ad- Eisenhower Chapet. S3 50/non-memPi '66 CHEVY 1 lage, 8 miles off campus . $150. 359-2169. S2 50/members. Sponsored by Penn S' 3-2's, 4 spd., posi., ovals, PP Heads, ,IFOR SALE: Used furniture cheap. Call 'Towers; winter, sprini — summer option. ministration, Economics, or Math. 237-0872. 'All utilities included, furnish: ' Callh Postnons open in corporate offices Newman. LAST WEEK solids. Must sell. 865-5808. __ j lAPARTMENT FOR RENT starting winter ^ iGary 237-1005. : without traveling, or positions re- term. $82.50 & electric a . See between CABIN RETREAT, "Social Change FENDER JAZZ BASS custom, color. I quiring 60 o travel on a national and/ ' 5:30 p m. & 6:00 p m. 334 w. Fos ter Ave. ndition. Call Steve 865-3749. NOTICE WANTED; TWO Roommates winter ierm f or International basis. Starting Salary The individual." For creative life st' Excellent co j * — Nov- 14 fl. IS. 865-7627 further info, [only. Whiteha ll. Call 237-1055. 1 S9 400 with an automatic increase in ;ONE BEDROOM Apartment. Winter ALL DRESSES 50% off s Schwinn Bike. Three NOTARY — Car transfer* , legal papers ' . FOR SALE: Man' ¦ WANTED: FEMALE to share one bed'*! 6 months to $9,900 yr. plus all travel- ¦term only. One block from campus, Call THE EARTH is But One Country speed, hand brakes, baskets, speedometer & soforlh, 9:30 to 4:30 or by appoint-1 ment. Above Corner Room. ' room apt. winter or winter and spring. ing expenses and benefit* . Company 237-5027. Mankind Its Citizen — Baha'i W etc. Bill 865-8126. i oays agency fee plus interviewing ~ ~ " ! Across from campus on College Ave, Wnv. 12-16. TANGO BAGS from Spain 50% off DI^FT cdUNSELLrNG r3nd^nfor^Ttion. expenses to corporate offices plus re- (SUBLET 2-MAN furnished efficiency SALE* MIFFLIN DORM contract, winter ( Call 237-0368 after 6:00. [apartment, utilities included. S133 month Rick 865-2820. Call 665-7627 9 a m -5 p m. to make an! ^ I location f>xopnses. term. Call soon. appointment Evenings call 238-2839. ! I Available winler. Call Frank 865-6079, 4 Sale. Hate to but wilt sell 237-6403. LEATHER BELTS 25% off '64 V W. BAHA'I WEEK Is Here — NovT 12-16" highest offer. Trailer hitch. Goes any- . office this month.. Cail immediately ~ for a person.!1 interview. (SUBLET LARGE Efficiency Furnished where doesn't use gas. 466-7319 evenings. SUPERMAN LOVES YOU! See the I Apartment winter, spring, summer terms. GOATSKIN BAGS Thespians rock the saga of Superman, Grads or married. Call Kathy 237-4051. 50% off FOUR DORM CONTRACTS for sale be- Sherry D'George Enter prises term. All located fourth (Clark Kent, Lois, and Jimmy. This I SLACK SALE I PEACE MASS ginning winter Thursday, Friday, -Saturday. (Employment Agency Division) BOSS SPLIT-LEVEL furnished efficiency. Call 865-7237. Tickets at floor Beam. 'HUB desk. 'in Now Going On B Hotel Penn Alto, 2nd Floor 5100 a month. Cable and utilities included MEXICAN FUR PATCHES 20% off — 1960 Slide Hearse. ~ Altoona. Pa. I6i03 : Excellent for two people married or FOR YOUR BODY UNIVERSAL PEACE A Coming Reality; student or camper. 364-9148 (otherwise. Available Dec. 7. Call George Idea l for , — Baha'i Has the answer. 9 At H Phone: (814) 343-3300 |238-8:i9. TODAY after t p.m. ______PONCHOS 25% off -- ¦ MERCEDES - BENZ 4 dr. sedan, am-fm, or write n-.=ch. condition. 5 :05 P.M. sunroof. Excel, body and 'j Name fter 7 p.m. ICE SKATING 237-9335 a Boots Sharpening If mocchi GUY BRITTON FOR SALE: Two Reserved Tickers to • • Address 1 game, good price. Call Dave|t © Supplies HUB'S Maryland & HUB next to Murphy s on S. Allen 865-3944. Traditional & Tel. N umber . .. I I ; Skate & Tennis Shop State College Phone 237-0 1 64 1968 TRIUMPH GT-6 Fastback, r ed, l| 1250 E. College Avenue Men's Shops Mo. & Yr. Grad. Degree :S garlic bread f BALLROOM wire wheels, radio, snow lires, one owner. ! " BM? ffVr over V.700. Call Mrs, Stiff•i 238-5013 Slate College, pa. Malar Minor 15? copper kitchen c IIHMM .