Regeneration Committee The Regeneration Game Stadium-led regeneration March 2015 1 Regeneration Committee Members Gareth Bacon (Chairman) Conservative Navin Shah (Deputy Chair) Labour James Cleverly Conservative Len Duvall Labour Murad Qureshi Labour The Regeneration Committee The Regeneration Committee is tasked with monitoring and reviewing the Mayor’s regeneration functions and spending decisions. This includes oversight of the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC), the Mayor’s powers through the London Plan, which are being used to promote particular areas for regeneration, and the Mayor’s regeneration funds. In 2014/15, the Committee’s work programme has included stadium-led regeneration, the LLDC, the Royal Docks, Smithfield Market, and regeneration funding. Further information about the Committee’s work is available on the GLA website: Contact Jo Sloman email:
[email protected] Tel: 020 7983 4942 Cover photo: View of Wembley Stadium taken on the Committee’s site visit on 8 July 2014 (London Assembly) 2 ©Greater London Authority March 2015 Contents Chairman’s foreword 4 Executive summary 5 1. What is stadium-led regeneration? 6 2. What difference can a stadium make? 9 3. When should the Mayor intervene in stadium-led regeneration? 22 Appendix 1 Stadium case studies 28 Appendix 2 Recommendations 35 Appendix 3 Survey Results 37 Appendix 4 How we conducted this investigation 46 Orders and translations 48 3 Chairman’s foreword The vivid memories of football fans are an especially poignant nostalgia. They fill countless pages in newspaper articles and on websites, they have become the basis for plays and books and films.