Journal of the Senate



The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. President Kinder in the Chair. Reverend Carl Gauck offered the following prayer: “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.” (Psalm 25:4) Eternal God, in a world that seems to treat all things as transitory, used today and gone tomorrow, how wonderful it is to focus on the rich legacy we have in You. Everything You do and create for Your purposes lasts forever. How reassuring it is to accept that even we are meant to have life beyond this life and, therefore, must treat each other as Your fellow creation. In Your Holy Name we pray. Amen.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.

A quorum being established, the Senate proceeded with its business.

The Journal of the previous day was read and approved.

Photographers from KRCG-TV were given permission to take pictures in the Senate Chamber.

The following Senators were present during the day’s proceedings:

Present—Senators Brown Chappelle-Nadal Cunningham Curls Dempsey Dixon Emery Hegeman Holsman Keaveny Kehoe Kraus LeVota Libla Munzlinger Nasheed Onder Parson Pearce Richard Riddle Romine Sater Schaaf Schaefer Schatz Schmitt Schupp Sifton Silvey Wallingford Walsh Wasson Wieland—34


Absent with leave—Senators—None


The Lieutenant Governor was present.

873 874 Journal of the Senate

RESOLUTIONS Senator Kehoe offered Senate Resolution No. 796, regarding Lisa Higginbotham, Chamois, which was adopted. Senator Sifton offered Senate Resolution No. 797, regarding Mason Merris, which was adopted. Senator Munzlinger offered Senate Resolution No. 798, regarding the A.T. Still University-Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, which was adopted. Senator Sater offered Senate Resolution No. 799, regarding Gladys Reavis, Crane, which was adopted.

SENATE BILLS FOR PERFECTION Senator Libla moved that SB 540 be taken up for perfection, which motion prevailed. Senator Libla offered SS for SB 540, entitled: SENATE SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO. 540 An Act to repeal section 142.803 as enacted by house bill no. 2141, ninety-seventh general assembly, second regular session, and section 142.803 as enacted by house bill no. 1196, ninety-first general assembly, second regular session, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof one new section relating to motor fuel taxes. Senator Libla moved that SS for SB 540 be adopted. Senator Pearce assumed the Chair. Senator Dixon assumed the Chair. At the request of Senator Libla, SB 540, with SS (pending), was placed on the Informal Calendar.

MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE The following messages were received from the House of Representatives through its Chief Clerk: Mr. President: I am instructed by the House of Representatives to inform the Senate that the House has taken up and passed HB 148, entitled: An Act to repeal section 287.037, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof one new section relating to workers’ compensation. In which the concurrence of the Senate is respectfully requested. Read 1st time. Also, Mr. President: I am instructed by the House of Representatives to inform the Senate that the House has taken up and passed HCS for HB 268, entitled: An Act to repeal sections 94.902 and 143.801, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof two new sections relating to limitations on income tax credits or refunds. In which the concurrence of the Senate is respectfully requested. Read 1st time. Fifty-First Day—Tuesday, April 14, 2015 875

Also, Mr. President: I am instructed by the House of Representatives to inform the Senate that the House has taken up and passed HCS for HB 811, entitled: An Act to repeal sections 32.069, 136.110, 143.801, and 143.811, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof four new sections relating to the department of revenue. In which the concurrence of the Senate is respectfully requested. Read 1st time. HOUSE BILLS ON SECOND READING The following Bills were read the 2nd time and referred to the Committees indicated: HB 210––Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety. HB 511––Jobs, Economic Development and Local Government. On motion of Senator Richard, the Senate recessed until 3:00 p.m. RECESS The time of recess having expired, the Senate was called to order by Senator Pearce.

SENATE BILLS FOR PERFECTION Senator Keaveny moved that SB 386, with SS and SA 1 (pending), be called from the Informal Calendar and again taken up for perfection, which motion prevailed. At the request of Senator Keaveny, SS for SB 386 was withdrawn, rendering SA 1 moot. Senator Keaveny offered SS No. 2 for SB 386, entitled: SENATE SUBSTITUTE NO. 2 FOR SENATE BILL NO. 386 An Act to repeal sections 192.945, 195.207, and 261.265, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof four new sections relating to hemp extract. Senator Keaveny moved that SS No. 2 for SB 386 be adopted, which motion prevailed. On motion of Senator Keaveny, SS No. 2 for SB 386 was declared perfected and ordered printed.

SIGNING OF BILLS The President Pro Tem announced that all other business would be suspended and SS for HB 384, having passed both branches of the General Assembly, would be read at length by the Secretary, and if no objections be made, the bill would be signed by the President Pro Tem to the end that it may become law. No objections being made, the bill was so read by the Secretary and signed by the President Pro Tem.

PRIVILEGED MOTIONS Senator Sater, on behalf of the conference committee appointed to act with a like committee from the House on HCS for SS No. 2 for SCS for SB 24 moved that the following conference committee report be taken up, which motion prevailed. 876 Journal of the Senate

CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT ON HOUSE COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE SUBSTITUTE NO. 2 FOR SENATE COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO. 24 The Conference Committee appointed on House Committee Substitute for Senate Substitute No. 2 for Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 24, with House Amendment No. 1, begs leave to report that we, after free and fair discussion of the differences, have agreed to recommend and do recommend to the respective bodies as follows: 1. That the House recede from its position on House Committee Substitute for Senate Substitute No. 2 for Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 24, as amended; 2. That the Senate recede from its position on Senate Substitute No. 2 for Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 24; 3. That the attached Conference Committee Substitute for House Committee Substitute for Senate Substitute No. 2 for Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 24 be Third Read and Finally Passed. FOR THE SENATE: FOR THE HOUSE: /s/ /s/ Diane Franklin /s/ Gary Romine /s/ Sue Allen /s/ /s/ Marsha Haefner Jamilah Nasheed Jon Carpenter Jeanne Kirkton Senator Sater moved that the above conference committee report be adopted, which motion prevailed by the following vote:

YEAS—Senators Brown Cunningham Dempsey Dixon Emery Hegeman Kehoe Kraus Libla Munzlinger Onder Parson Pearce Richard Riddle Romine Sater Schaaf Schaefer Schatz Schmitt Silvey Wallingford Wasson Wieland—25

NAYS—Senators Chappelle-Nadal Curls Holsman Keaveny LeVota Nasheed Schupp Sifton Walsh—9


Absent with leave—Senators—None

Vacancies—None Fifty-First Day—Tuesday, April 14, 2015 877

On motion of Senator Sater, CCS for HCS for SS No. 2 for SCS for SB 24, entitled: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE SUBSTITUTE NO. 2 FOR SENATE COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO. 24 An Act to repeal section 208.040, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof four new sections relating to nonmedical public assistance. Was read the 3rd time and passed by the following vote:

YEAS—Senators Brown Cunningham Dempsey Dixon Emery Hegeman Kehoe Kraus Libla Munzlinger Onder Parson Pearce Richard Riddle Romine Sater Schaaf Schaefer Schatz Schmitt Silvey Wallingford Wasson Wieland—25

NAYS—Senators Chappelle-Nadal Curls Holsman Keaveny LeVota Nasheed Schupp Sifton Walsh—9


Absent with leave—Senators—None

Vacancies—None The President declared the bill passed. On motion of Senator Sater, title to the bill was agreed to. Senator Sater moved that the vote by which the bill passed be reconsidered. Senator Richard moved that motion lay on the table, which motion prevailed.

SENATE BILLS FOR PERFECTION Senator Onder moved that SJR 12, with SCS, be taken up for perfection, which motion prevailed. SCS for SJR 12, entitled: SENATE COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 12 Joint Resolution submitting to the qualified voters of , an amendment to article I of the Constitution of Missouri, by adding thereto one new section relating to educational freedom. Was taken up. Senator Onder moved that SCS for SJR 12 be adopted. Senator Riddle assumed the Chair. 878 Journal of the Senate

Senator Sifton offered SA 1, which was read: SENATE AMENDMENT NO. 1 Amend Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Joint Resolution No. 12, Page 1, Section 36, Line 14, by striking the word “and” and inserting in lieu thereof the following: “,”; and further amend line 15 by inserting after the word “constitution” the following: “, and American history and institutions”. Senator Sifton moved that the above amendment be adopted, which motion prevailed. Senator Holsman offered SA 2, which was read: SENATE AMENDMENT NO. 2 Amend Senate Committee Substitute for Senate Joint Resolution No. 12, Page 2, Section 36, Line 30, by inserting after all of said line the following: “4. The word “religion” as used in this section shall include the following religions: Christianity, Mormonism, including the LDS Restoration Church, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Nuwaubianism, Church of Euthanasia, Prince Philip Movement, Church of the Sub Genius, World Church of the Creator, Thee Temple on Psychic Youth, Nation of Yahweh, Secular Humanism, Ethicism, the People's Temple, Church of All Worlds, Scientology, Universe People, Druze, Navajo religion, Iroquois Nation, Rastafarian, Peyote religion, Animism, and Santeria.”. Senator Holsman moved that the above amendment be adopted. At the request of Senator Holsman, SA 2 was withdrawn. At the request of Senator Onder, SJR 12, with SCS, as amended (pending), was placed on the Informal Calendar. Senator Schmitt moved that SB 365 be taken up for perfection, which motion prevailed. Senator Schmitt offered SS for SB 365, entitled: SENATE SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO. 365 An Act to amend chapter 162, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to the special needs of certain individuals. Senator Schmitt moved that SS for SB 365 be adopted, which motion prevailed. On motion of Senator Schmitt, SS for SB 365 was declared perfected and ordered printed. Senator Nasheed moved that SB 334 be taken up for perfection, which motion prevailed. Senator Hegeman offered SA 1: SENATE AMENDMENT NO. 1 Amend Senate Bill No. 334, Page 2, Section 174.310, Line 24, by inserting after all of said line the following: “174.332. 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 174.050 to the contrary, the board of regents of Northwest Missouri State University shall be composed of nine members, eight of whom shall be voting members and one who shall be a nonvoting member. Not more than four voting members shall belong to Fifty-First Day—Tuesday, April 14, 2015 879

any one political party. Not more than two voting members shall be residents of the same county. The appointed members of the board serving on August 28, 2008, shall continue to serve until the expiration of the terms for which the appointed members were appointed and until such time a successor is duly appointed. 2. The board of regents shall be appointed as follows: (1) Six voting members shall be residents of the university's historic statutory service region, [as described in section 174.010 and modified by section 174.250,] provided at least one member shall be a resident of Nodaway County. For the sole purpose of determining the composition of the board of regents, the university's historic statutory service region shall consist of the counties of Atchison, Andrew, Caldwell, Carroll, Clay, Clinton, Daviess, DeKalb, Gentry, Grundy, Harrison, Holt, Livingston, Mercer, Nodaway, Ray, and Worth; (2) Two voting members shall be residents of a county in the state that is outside the university's historic statutory service region, as described in [section 174.010 and modified by section 174.250] subdivision (1) of this subsection, provided these two members shall not be appointed from the same congressional district; and (3) One nonvoting member shall be a full-time student of the university, a United States citizen, and a resident of Missouri. 3. A majority of the voting members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; however, no appropriation of money nor any contract that shall require any appropriation or disbursement of money shall be made, nor teacher employed or dismissed, unless a majority of the voting members of the board vote for the same. 4. Except as specifically provided in this section, the appointments and terms of office for the voting and nonvoting members of the board, and all other duties and responsibilities of the board, shall comply with the provisions of state law regarding boards of regents.”; and Further amend the title and enacting clause accordingly. Senator Hegeman moved that the above amendment be adopted, which motion prevailed. On motion of Senator Nasheed, SB 334, as amended, was declared perfected and ordered printed. Senator Schmitt moved that SB 401 be taken up for perfection, which motion prevailed. Senator Kehoe assumed the Chair. SB 401 was placed on the Informal Calendar. Senator Riddle assumed the Chair.

REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES Senator Richard, Chairman of the Committee on Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics, submitted the following reports: Mr. President: Your Committee on Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics, to which were referred SS for SB 365 and SS No. 2 for SB 386, begs leave to report that it has examined the same and finds that the bills have been truly perfected and that the printed copies furnished the Senators are correct. 880 Journal of the Senate

MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE The following message was received from the House of Representatives through its Chief Clerk: Mr. President: I am instructed by the House of Representatives to inform the Senate that the House has taken up and passed HCR 38.

HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 38 WHEREAS, human trafficking is a form of slavery in which psychological and physical coercion is used to force people to perform commercial sex acts, house-keeping, farm work, and other types of labor and services; and WHEREAS, the human trafficking industry generates one hundred fifty billion dollars in annual profits throughout the world on the backs of an estimated twenty-one million victims, including five and one-half million children; and WHEREAS, despite the efforts of dozens of nonprofit organizations dedicated to fighting human trafficking, it is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the House of Representatives of the Ninety-eighth General Assembly, First Regular Session, the Senate concurring therein, hereby create the Human Trafficking Task Force; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the mission of the task force shall be to raise awareness of the human trafficking problem in Missouri and provide organizations and agencies that enforce human trafficking laws and assist victims with a central place to share information; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force shall consist of the following members: (1) Two members of the Senate to be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; (2) Two members of the House of Representatives to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; (3) The Attorney General or his or her designee; (4) The Director of the Department of Public Safety or his or her designee; (5) The Director of the Department of Corrections or his or her designee; (6) A circuit court judge who has experience handling juvenile court matters, appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; (7) A prosecuting or circuit attorney, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; (8) A juvenile officer from a circuit court, appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; (9) The Commissioner of Education or his or her designee; (10) The Director of the Department of Social Services or his or her designee; (11) The Director of the Department of Mental Health or his or her designee; (12) One representative from the Missouri Police Chiefs Association, appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and one representative from the Missouri Sheriffs Association, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; (13) One representative from the Office of Child Advocate; (14) One medical provider with professional expertise in child abuse and medical forensics; and (15) Four representatives from geographically diverse nongovernmental organizations that assist victims of human trafficking, two of whom shall be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and two of whom shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the staffs of Senate Research, House Research, and the Joint Committee on Legislative Research shall provide such legal, research, clerical, technical, and bill drafting services as the task force may require in the performance of its duties; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force, its members, and any staff assigned to the task force shall receive reimbursement for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in attending meetings of the Task Force or any subcommittee thereof; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force shall meet within two months from adoption of this resolution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force shall report a summary of its activities and any recommendations for legislation to the General Assembly by January 1, 2017; and Fifty-First Day—Tuesday, April 14, 2015 881

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Human Trafficking Task Force is authorized to function during the legislative interim of both the first and second regular sessions of the 98th General Assembly, as authorized by State v. Atterburry, 300 S.W.2d 806 (Mo. 1957); and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force shall terminate on January 1, 2017; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Clerk of the Missouri House of Representatives be instructed to prepare a properly inscribed copy of this resolution for the Attorney General, the Director of the Department of Public Safety, the Director of the Department of Corrections, the Director of the Department of Mental Health, the Commissioner of Education, and the Director of the Department of Social Services. In which the concurrence of the Senate is respectfully requested.

SENATE BILLS FOR PERFECTION Senator Schmitt moved that SB 401 be called from the Informal Calendar and taken up for perfection, which motion prevailed. On motion of Senator Schmitt, SB 401 was declared perfected and ordered printed. Senator Libla moved that SB 540, with SS (pending), be called from the Informal Calendar and again taken up for perfection, which motion prevailed. At the request of Senator Libla, SB 540, with SS (pending), was placed on the Informal Calendar.

REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES Senator Richard, Chairman of the Committee on Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics, submitted the following reports: Mr. President: Your Committee on Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics, to which were referred SB 401 and SB 334, begs leave to report that it has examined the same and finds that the bills have been truly perfected and that the printed copies furnished the Senators are correct.

RESOLUTIONS Senator Sater offered Senate Resolution No. 800, regarding the One Hundredth Birthday of Bernice Mathis Smith, Pineville, which was adopted. Senator Wallingford offered Senate Resolution No. 801, regarding Thomas J. Steska, Perryville, which was adopted. Senator Hegeman offered Senate Resolution No. 802, regarding the Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stiens, Maryville, which was adopted. Senator Holsman offered Senate Resolution No. 803, regarding Matt Hauser, which was adopted. Senator Holsman offered Senate Resolution No. 804, regarding Gabe Lathrop, which was adopted. Senator Holsman offered Senate Resolution No. 805, regarding Zane Groom, which was adopted. Senator Holsman offered Senate Resolution No. 806, regarding David Hall, which was adopted. Senator Nasheed offered Senate Resolution No. 807, regarding the death of Johnnie J. Glenn, Sr., which was adopted. 882 Journal of the Senate

INTRODUCTIONS OF GUESTS Senator Pearce introduced to the Senate, Matt Wenzel; and his daughters, Chloe and Hannah, Chillicothe; and Chloe and Hannah were made honorary pages. Senator Nasheed introduced to the Senate, Dave Chilenski; and members of the Missouri Wing of the Civil Air Patrol, St. Louis. Senator Kehoe introduced to the Senate, Laney Clemens, Tyler Clark and Jim Womack; and ninth grade students from Simonsen Ninth Grade Center, Jefferson City. Senator Walsh introduced to the Senate, Joshua Crow, Troy. Senator Hegeman introduced to the Senate, Kasey Bailey, Instructor; and students from Trenton High School, American Legion Youth in Government Day. On behalf of Senator Schaefer, Senator Kehoe introduced to the Senate, MA3 Chris Browning, United States Navy; his grandmothers, Pauline Richardson and Alice Browning; and Robert Carmichael. Senator Sater introduced to the Senate, Umar Shahraz, Parvaz, and Yasmin Akhtar, Purdy. Senator Pearce introduced to the Senate, Matt Cleveland; Kristen Lorenz; and Michael Fisk, Knob Noster. Senator Kehoe introduced to the Senate, Mikala Jungmeyer, Russellville. Senator Walsh introduced to the Senate, Mitchell McGill, Highland, Illinois. Senator Parson introduced to the Senate, sponsors, Joe Grande and Jason Aabye; and students: René Cabrales, Tristen Good, Brian Dunnihoo, and Caleb Aabye, Stockton. Senator Holsman introduced to the Senate, eighth grade students from Visitation Catholic School, Kansas City. On motion of Senator Richard, the Senate adjourned under the rules.





HCS for HB 712 HB 1022-Gosen HCS for HBs 35 & 323 HB 410-Kelley HB 229-McCaherty HCS for HB 882 HCS for HB 380 HCS for HB 319 Fifty-First Day—Tuesday, April 14, 2015 883

HB 254-Crawford HB 982-Rowden HCS for HB 1063 HB 336-McGaugh HCS for HB 1019 HCS for HBs 636 & 645 HCS for HB 272 HCS for HB 926 HCS for HB 14 HB 148-Fitzpatrick HB 523-Burlison HCS for HB 268 HCS for HB 637 HCS for HB 811


1. SCS for SBs 1, 22, 49 & 70-Pearce 6. SB 389-Silvey and Walsh (In Fiscal Oversight) (In Fiscal Oversight) 2. SCS for SB 56-Munzlinger 7. SCS for SB 328-Schupp (In Fiscal Oversight) 8. SCS for SB 190-Curls 3. SS for SB 201-Dixon 9. SS for SB 365-Schmitt (In Fiscal Oversight) 10. SS#2 for SB 386-Keaveny 4. SB 203-Dixon (In Fiscal Oversight) 11. SB 401-Schmitt and Richard 5. SB 155-Nasheed (In Fiscal Oversight) 12. SB 334-Nasheed


1. SB 339-Munzlinger 19. SB 305-Onder 2. SB 87-Emery, with SCS 20. SB 369-Pearce 3. SB 53-Schaaf 21. SB 435-Walsh, with SCS 4. SB 55-Munzlinger 22. SB 232-Kehoe, with SCS 5. SB 500-Riddle 23. SB 366-Schmitt 6. SB 469-Munzlinger 24. SB 299-Pearce 7. SB 400-Onder 25. SB 430-Curls 8. SB 416-Wasson 26. SB 268-Pearce, with SCS 9. SB 457-Sater 27. SB 539-Brown, with SCS 10. SB 517-Wasson, with SCS 28. SB 488-Cunningham 11. SB 200-Dixon 29. SB 69-LeVota, with SCS 12. SB 91-Dixon, with SCS 30. SB 561-Wasson 13. SB 112-Dixon, with SCS 31. SB 481-Onder, with SCS 14. SB 321-Hegeman, with SCS 32. SB 567-Chappelle-Nadal, et al 15. SB 304-Keaveny, with SCS 33. SB 145-Pearce, with SCS 16. SB 141-Parson 34. SB 354-Sater, with SCS 17. SB 352-Schaefer 35. SB 314-Wallingford 18. SB 377-Schatz 36. SB 463-Dixon 884 Journal of the Senate

37. SB 420-Schmitt 41. SB 373-Libla 38. SB 151-Sater 42. SB 371-Munzlinger 39. SB 476-Kehoe 43. SB 317-Brown 40. SB 225-Romine, with SCS 44. SB 474-Wallingford


HB 92-Miller (Kehoe)



SB 37-Romine, with SCS & SA 1 (pending) SB 358-Kehoe SB 59-Dixon SB 372-Keaveny, with SCS (pending) SB 80-Dixon, with SCS SB 424-Pearce, with SA 1 (pending) SB 142-Romine, with SCS & SS#2 for SCS SB 433-Dixon and Dempsey (pending) SB 452-Schmitt, et al, with SA 1 & point SB 159-Parson of order (pending) SB 167-Schaaf, with SCS SB 475-Dempsey SB 199-Dixon, et al, with SCS SB 540-Libla, with SS (pending) SB 227-Emery, with SS (pending) SJR 7-Richard and Wallingford SB 233-Kehoe, with SCS & SA 2 (pending) SJR 12-Onder, with SCS (pending) SB 302-Riddle, with SCS (pending) SBs 331 & 21-Libla, with SCS & SS for SCS (pending)


SCS for HCS for HB 42 (Pearce) HB 150-Fitzpatrick (Kehoe) (In Fiscal Oversight) (In Fiscal Oversight)


House Bills

Reported 4/9

HB 125-Black (Romine) Fifty-First Day—Tuesday, April 14, 2015 885


In Conference

SS#2 for SCS for SB 11-Richard, with HA 1, HCS for HB 6, with SCS (Schaefer) HA 2, as amended, HA 3, as HCS for HB 7, with SCS (Schaefer) amended & HA 4 HCS for HB 8, with SCS (Schaefer) SS#2 for SCS for SB 24-Sater, with HCS, HCS for HB 9, with SCS (Schaefer) as amended (Senate adopted CCR and HCS for HB 10, with SCS (Schaefer) passed CCS) HCS for HB 11, with SCS, as amended HCS for HB 2, with SCS (Schaefer) (Schaefer) HCS for HB 3, with SCS (Schaefer) HCS for HB 12, with SS for SCS (Schaefer) HCS for HB 4, with SCS (Schaefer) HCS for HB 13, with SCS (Schaefer) HCS for HB 5, with SCS (Schaefer)


Reported from Committee

SCR 13-Curls SCRs 21, 19 & 23-Dixon, et al, with SCS

To be Referred

HCR 38-Haahr