122000. AOACIA CTANOPHYIXA Lindl. 122001 to 122033—Continued Mimosaceae. Blueleaf acacia. 122011. No. 1379. Afangma. From Prom South Australia. Seeds presented by Karzong, Baltistan, Kashmir, Septem- J. Howard Johnson, St. Peters. Received ber 13, at 15,000 feet altitude. Bar- February 26, 1937. ley grown at the limit of cultivation. For previous introduction see 48040. 122012. No. 1391. Yang am a. From , Ladak, Kashmir, September 15, 122001 to 122033. at 10,500 feet altitude. The earliest variety, maturing in about 90 days. From . Seeds collected by Walter Koelz, Bureau of Plant Industry. Received Feb- 122013. No. 1405. 8hirok Kapo. From ruary 27, 1937. Leh. Ladak, Kashmir, September 16, This material was all collected, in 1936. at 10,500 feet altitude. A barley sown in the spring and harvested in Sep- 122001 to 122003. ASTEAGALDS spp. Faba- tember. ceae. 122014. No, 1406. So shir oh. From 122001. ASTRAGALUS sp. Tiktse. Ladak, Kashmir, September 18, No. 1584. From Tinu, Lahul, Punjab, at 11,000 feet altitude. An early bar- October 15, at 11,000 feet altitude. A ley and the only husk barley grown in perennial up to 5 feet in height, with the vicinity. attractive rose-purple flowers. 122015. No. 1410. Yangnak. Probably 122002. ASTRAGALUS sp. the same as No. 1391 (P. I. 122012). Ah early-maturing variety. No. 1602. Bangzu Guram . From Pukar, Lahul, Punjab, in August, 122016. No. 1433. Shirok. From , at 2,000 feet altitude. Wanie, or "horse Ladnk, Kashmir. September 24, at sugarcane." This name is applied to 13,000 feet altitude. A strain of bar- several species of Astragalus which grow ley grown near the cultivation limit. 3 feet tall. They are more or less at- tractive ornamentals, and are all rel- 122017. No. 1443. Bhirok. From Gya, ished by horses. ladak. Kashmir, September 25, at 15,000 feet altitude. A strain of 122003. ASTRAGALUS sp. spring 'huskless barley grown at the No. 1446. Tartagaon. From Zing- world's cultivation limit. zinpbar, Lahul, Punjab, October 8, at 122018. No. 1549. Salzot. From Ko- 13,000 feet altitude. A perennial about lung, Lahul, Punjab, October 16. at 1 foot high, with woolly leaves and a 12,000 feet altitude. A huskless bar- large inflated pod. ley, of good yield; considered the best 122004 to 122009. FAGOPYRUM BSCULBNTUM in the valley. Moench. Polygonaceae. Buckwheat. 122019. No. 1551. Strmo Ringruo. 122004. No. 1542. Gangri. From Bikri, From Kolung, Lahul, Punjab, October Kulu, Punjab, October 31, at 6,000 12, at 12,000 feet altitude. One of feet altitude. Superior to the com- the best barleys for yield and quality. mon Lahul races and a good yielder. Sown in May, harvested in September. 122005. No. 1547. B anbrau. From 122020. No. 1555. Tangzot. From Kasar, at 11,000 feet altitude. A form Jalma, Lahul, Punjab, October 20. at of buckwheat that is raised chiefly in 9,000 feet altitude. An early barley, this locality; as it shatters easily it but a poor yielder. must be harvested before it is fully ripe, 122021. No. 1559. Sermo Tuqun. From Kolung, Lahul, Punjab. October 11, at 122006. No. 1560. Mita bres. From 12,000 feet altitude. One of the best Jalma, Lahul, Punjab, October 10, at yielding barleys; sown in May, har- 9,000 feet altitude. This is consid- vested in September. ered the best of the four kinds of Lahul buckwheat, but it is the poorest 122022. LOTUS sp. Fabaceae. yielder, perhaps because there are no honeybees. No. 1623. Tuljima. From Kolung, Labul, Punjab, August, at 12,000 feet alti- 122007. No. 1568. Drau. From Kolung. Lahul, Punjab, October 10, at 12,000 tude. A low plant with fragrant yellow feet altitude. A bitter variety, but flowers and leaves. the best yielder of all the Lahul buck- 122023 to 122029. MEDIC AGO SATIVA L. wheats. Fabaceae. . Alfalfa. 122008. No. 1570. Bostor. From Jalma. 122023. No. 1283. Buksup. From Shi- Lahul, Punjab, October 17, at 9,000 gar, Baltistan, Kashmir, August 20; a feet altitude. The earliest of the cultivated variety. buckwheats, maturing in 90 days, but of poor quality, with a heavy husk. 122024. No 1283-A.- Buksup. From 122009. No. 1627. Kattu. From Koti, Shigar, Baltistan, Kashmir, August Kulu, Punjab, October 27. A buck- 16; a cultivated variety. wheat 4 feet tall, much like the Lahul 122025. No. 1303. Bukmp. From Ka- drau (P. I. 122007), but not quite so palu, Baltistan, Kashmir, August 25. good. A variety which grows between 4 and 122010 to 122021. HORDEUM VULGARB L. 5 feet high and gives two cuttings a Poaceae. Barley. season. The flowers are white, yel- low, and purple. 122010. No. 1355. Nemas. From Sdongpa, Baltistan, Kashmir, Septem- 122026. No. 1392. Yarkan&i Buksup. ber 5, at 15,000 feet altitude. An From Leh, Ladak, Kashmir, September early barley, 3% feet high, with large 17, at 10,500 feet altitude. A variety heads, growing near the limit of cul- that grows 8 feet high, originally from tivation. Yarkand.