Curriculum Vitae 04/04/2021 PETER CARRUTHERS
[email protected] 7400 Glenside Drive Department of Philosophy Takoma Park University of Maryland MD 20912-6923 College Park, MD 20742 Tel.: 301 270 5107 Tel.: 301 405 5705 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2001-present UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK. Professor (2001–2018), Department of Philosophy; Distinguished University Professor (2018–present). Chair of Department (June 2001–December 2008). Associate Member, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Program (NACS) (2002–present). Member, Brain and Behavior Initiative (BBI) (2016–present). 1991-2001 UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD. Senior Lecturer (1991-2), Department of Philosophy; Professor (1992-2001). Head of Department (1993-8). Director, Hang Seng Centre for Cognitive Studies (1992-2000). 1985-91 UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX. Lecturer (tenured) (1985-9), Department of Philosophy; Senior Lecturer (1989-91). 1989-90 — UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR. Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy. 1981-85 QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY OF BELFAST. Lecturer, Department of Philosophy (confirmed in post 1984). 1979-81 UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS. Temporary Lecturer, Department of Logic and Metaphysics. 1978-79 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, LADY MARGARET HALL. Temporary Lecturer (part-time: 6 hours tutoring per week). EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS 1977-79 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, BALLIOL COLLEGE. D.Phil. in Philosophy (1980). Thesis: “The place of the private language argument in the philosophy of language.” (Supervisor: Michael Dummett. Examiners: Elizabeth Anscombe, Christopher Peacocke.) 1971-77 UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS. M.Phil. in Philosophy (1977). Thesis: “Blame: an analysis.” (Supervisor: Jennifer Jackson.) Papers: Wittgenstein, Philosophical Logic, Political Philosophy. B.A. (Honors) in Philosophy (1975). 1st Class. “Congratulatory 1st.” Carruthers CV 2 HONORS AND AWARDS 2020: Graduate Faculty Mentor of the Year Award (one of 10 awards made annually among faculty at the University of Maryland).