Winter 2006 • 59
University of Pittsburgh University Center for International Studies Winter 2006 • 59 CLAS Acting Director James Craft. (See New at CLAS, page 2) Reid Andrews (History) and Keynote Speaker Teresa Caldeira (Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Irvine) at the Latin American Social and Public Policy Conference. (See page 3) Former CLAS Director Mitchell Seligson and new granddaughter Dalia. CLAS Associate Director John Frechione (See Shirley K’s Korner, Page 15) suffering the adverse March weather in Puerto Rico at LASA2006. (See page 12) 2 CLASicos • Winter 2006 New at CLAS Kathleen Musante DeWalt, Director of the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), is on the Semester at Sea voyage through April 2006 and then on sabbatical leave through De- cember 2006. During that time, James A. Craft, Professor of Business Administration at the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, is serving as Acting Director. Dr. Craft received his MBA and PhD degrees from the University of California, Berkeley. He has taught at the University of California and Purdue University and has been a visiting profes- sor at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María in Valparaíso, Chile and the Interna- tional Management Center in Budapest, Hungary. He has lectured and conducted seminars at universities in Mexico, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, and Poland and has presented man- agement seminars in Turkey, Slovakia, the United Kingdom, and the Czech Republic. His research and teaching focus on effective talent management in organizations and value crea- tion through effective organizational human resources systems. Dr. Craft was the first Aca- James Craft demic Director for the Katz Executive MBA Program, has been Director of the School’s Doc- toral Program, and has served as Chairperson of the Katz Organizational Behavior and Human Resources faculty.
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