GP, HW School Board Elections See Low Turnouts

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GP, HW School Board Elections See Low Turnouts ~ws • The Grosse POinte Farms City Council reviewed a plan by developer Edward J Russell to h11lid a "cw retail/office bUilding at Kercheval and Hall Place on The HIli business district The new bUilding would require the destructIon of the current bUilding which was onglnally a car dealership' By Jim Stlckford "Chnstme had mdlcated a The main obstacle IS parking Farms Staff Writer preference to pursue other officIals promised not to approve any CIty of Grosse Pomte career opportumtIes," slud construction plan unlil the question of assistant cIty manager Overton "We made It benefi- parking was settled Page 3A ChrIstme Bremer saId good- Cial for her to do so " bye to colleagues on Friday, • Fnday, June 15, is another Hili Bremer WIll receIVe SIX ~ 1- June 8, after two decades of months pay and benefits, Happening This year's Sidewalk sale i service 10 the CIty Overton said Staffer Brian promises to be among the best ever t-£;' Bremer served a!> assls. Page 13A Vlck has assumed Bremer's ~ tant city manager under dUhes Overton praIsed \ > now-retlTed cIty manager • Lakeshore, between Vernier and ~~), , Bremel's tenure WIth the Tom Kresi>bach for 21 years the St Clair Shores border, IS gOing to \~ City, S8Ylng that whIle they be rf'pav~d thiS year Shores offiCials When Kressbach announced only worked together a short had thought that the expense would hIS retirement last year, tIme, It was hIS understand. have required money to be saved for a Bremer was one of four can. mg that she dId a good Job year before construction could take didates mterviewed for hiS over the past 20 years place But a lower-than-expected con. Job "It's unusual for someone But earlIer thIS year, the structlon bid has made work In 2001 to be an assIstant cIty man- pOSSible Page 13A CIty'S counCIl announced ager for ~o long," Overton that the pOSItIon was gomg slUd "The usual career tra- • Grosse POinte South's baseball to MIke Overton, a city man- Jec;t.orYfpr someone 10 Chps' and softball teams each won DiVIsion I ager from a small commUni- poslrlon is to go from. CIty to regional championships last weekend ty near Muskegon CIty until they become a city When asked about leav- manager" The softball team defeated Regina 4- 109, Bremer declined to com- In addItIOn to recelvmg 1 In 14 innings In Its championship ment other than to i>ay that SIXmonths pay and benefits, game, while the baseball team defeat- she hoped that she would be Bremer IS vested In the ed East Detroit 3-1 In Its title game remembered for her many CIty's pensIOn fund She wIll Page 1C years of faithful service to be elIgIble to collect when • Harper Woods won itS first region- the CIty she turns 60 al baseball championship since 1990 Photo b\ Brad Lindberg with a 7-4 VictOry over Center Lme St. Clemen' Page 5C They're off GP, HW school sallboats barrel over the starting line withio feet of the main dock at Windmill Pointe Park in Grosse Pointe Park. Fast action WEEK AHEAD is almost guaranteed as skippen bob and weave to be first across board elections the line. See page 16A. Thursday, June 14 see low turnouts Alberta Adams and the Rhythm By Bonnie Caprara Rockers perform at 7 p m In the Mack firewor\<s to go off DIstrict reported a sImilarly' SIaff Writer Village The free concert IS part of the sparse turnout for Its elec- 2001 Bon Secours Cottage Health GrOi>se POInte Board of tIOn One hundred twenty- SeNlces MUSICon the Plaza serres July 1 at Parce\l$_ Schpol EducatIOn trustee Joseph three voters turned out to Brennan wdtked mto elect Damel Lusch and By Brad Lindberg TMv get' upset" Parcells Middle School to RIchard SherrIll for another Saturday, June 16 Staff Writer The show IS cheduled to start cast hiS vote around 6 15 term The Fnends of the Grosse POinte Thli> year's fireworks "how at shortly after 10 p , on Sunday, July p m 10 the Monday, June 11, Both Lusch and Shernll Public library holds a used book sale at Parcells MIddle School could be better 1, wlth a Iam ate the followmg school board electIOn received 113 votes No wnte- thun ever, e-,peclally fOI ammallover'> evenlOg the central brancn, 10 Kercheval In He was the 53rd of 68 vot- 10 candIdates were reported Grosse POinte f'arms The sale starts at \\ ho don't lIke seemg terrified dog, Woodi> officm members of the ers who came to vote at Lusch and Shemll have 10 a m and runs to 4 p m Used hard- cower under volleys of rockets' red local bUi>mes, mmumty, clubs and Parcells that day been on the Harper Woods cover boole!:>me on sale for $2, f>::' cr. ~Iare the publIc scho ,ystem have spent It was no surpTlse Board of Education SInce backs, $1 Some Videos and cassette Pet owners are bemg'a~ked not to months plann g the show, whIch Brennan and fellow mcum- August 1999 when they tapes Will also be available bring th,- ,- dogs to the fireworks thli> annually I~ the-Lligest fireworks dIS- bent Joan Dmdoffer replaced board members July m Grosse Pomte Woods play m the Gros,' Pomtes retamed their seats 10 the that had been recalled "Be conSiderate of your p('l " 'dId "We want to nlolke thli> somethmg June 11 school board elec- "It sounds like there aren't Monday, June 18 Ted Bldlgare, the Woods city mdndg- tion, but ChriS Fenton, the any I~sues," saId Harper A blood drive IS scheduled In the er "Fireworks aren't good for d()g~ See FIREWORKS, page 2A dlstnct's assistant superin- Woods schools supermten- Grosse POinte Park mUnicipal bUilding, tendent for busmess affaIrs dent Dan Danosky "Two 1717'", E Jefferson, from 1 7 P m To and support servIces, su~- other people pIcked up petl- make an aPPOintment, cal: Penny pected It was the smallest tlOns, but dIdn't file Carettl at (313} 822-3535 turnout of voters 10 tbp dls, "I don't know If I~'" (the • tnct's hIStOry - 237 low voter turnout) good or The board of trustees of the Grosse Accordmg to an unoffiCial bad, but we don't ha.,e to POinte Public Library meets publicly at tally, Brennan received 219 deal With transitions and It'S 7 p m In the Neighborhood Club, votes and Dmdoffer receIved mce to have that stabIlity" 17150 Waterloo In the CIIy of Grosse 212 vote" There were no "The only people we had POinte wrlte.m candidates report. votmg were people who want ed a perfect votmg record, hke The Harper Woods School me," saId Brennan The City of Grosse POinte CounCil meets at 7 30 P m In the city hall, 17147 Maumee The public ISInVited to dttend Tuesday, June 19 The Grosse Po nte Shores board of trustees meets at 7 p m In the Village Home: Grosse POInte hall, 795 Lakeshore The meetlno IS open to the pUblic - Woods Age: 74 ": Family: WIfe, Gall, seven -..........,..~ OpInion. 6A ,t children, 19 grandchIl- dren Autos .11A :V. (" 14A Obltuanes Occupation: RetIred Schools 17A Humane Society and Hill Days / The MIchigan Humane Society wiDbe 00 hand for Hill Days. Fri- BUSiness 18A Quote: "N ever, never, day and Saturday. June 15 and 16 The MHs booth wiD be open It Seniors 7B from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days, with an assortment of pet and never, never gIVe up" retail items and dog and cat T-shUts. From left. are Marshall Vyle. Entertainment 88 tel; Patti Printz; Andrew Vyletel; Matthew Wbollhan; Irene Taylor See story, page 4A ClaSSified ads 6C and Mom; MHS alum Rags MouJudlan; and Terri Lloyd. David KnOlt ..9&re is a curefor heart disease Prevent it. c~t. Lanclsceplnt 0..11" .. Con.tNCtton 'Sl Wecan teach you how SEE OUR AD IN YOUR MOME ON PAGE 4 810-774-0090 Inside YourHome This Week 313-343-3490 H1IHlRIAI: S:U-02').' • illSI'I AYADVI.RflSIN(;: l\S2-V;OO • CU\551nFO' SS:!-ht)OO • C1RCL"L\lIO'\: .1.D-:;:;-S • rROl1LCTlO'\:'S~:!-bl1qO .1 2A June 14, 2001 News Grosse Pointe News yesterday's headlines 50 years ago this week 50 years ago this week actIVIties durmg the year Flemmg received 6,285 • Grosse POinte High Records showed there were • The Umverslty Liggett School handed out dIplomas no pedestnan deaths In School tennis team won Its to 2303 !>emors In an Impres- 1950 The fine pedestrian fifth CGnl>ecutlve state ten- ~Ive outdoor commencement protectIOn results placed the ms champIOnship In ceremony state of Michigan In thIrd Kalamazoo The title wab The program Included place ITl the 1950 AAA also their eighth III 11 years ~peelhe!> by three members Pedestrian ProtectIOn of the class whose remarks Contest 10 years ago this week dedit with the tOPiC • Cortez Miller was sen- Tomurrow'l> IneVItable 25 years ago this week Probl('m') » tenced as a Juvemle for the • The Gro!>se POinte murder of Farms reSIdent Shores Department of • Cpl John E WeinreIch, BenJamm Gravel Gravel Pubhc SafE'ty IS Inve!>tlgat- wa!> returning home from 23 recently left hIS umt, the Ing a boating aCCIdent In BaYVIew Yacht Club when 31<>t Infantrv Relnment on whIch two hO'lt~ c"lhded :\111101 <lI1J fh" uthel yuuth" the fightmg front In Korea, near the Gro')se POinte fatally shot hIm dnd hall ilrnved home on Yacht Club Seven people lotatlOn DetrOIt Recorder's Chief were Injured and all were Judge Dalton A Rober"on Weinreich made amphlbl- treated and released from ruled that It was not In the QU" landings on both coasts Bon Secours HOl>pltal best Interests of society to of Korea and In hiS most sentenct' the teen to I.fe In lecent actIOn fought With • Grosse Pomte '50ard of pnl>on the UN forces on the central EducatIOn PresldenL Joan R • Parents Jf students at front Hanpeter was oVl'rwhelm- Maire Elementary School Ingly re-eleceted and by a are dIVIded 0\ er the pro- • The Automobile smaller margin Wilham po!>ed plan to create a ~afer A.~~oclatlOn of Amenca Cited Fleming was named to the drop-off aJ ea at the !>chool Making Final Plan for Saturday's the CIty of Grosse POinte, second trustee posltlOn In and at the same tIme the Park and the WOods for recent electIOn!> Hanpeter f'xpand the Kroger store In theIr pedestnan safety received 8,766 votes and the VIllage Memorial Center Carnival • Grosse Pomte's Robbie The Memorial Center is a beehive of activity these days with preparations Buhl finu,hed fourth m the for Saturday's big Carnival swinglng into high gear.
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