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78103NCJRS.Pdf If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. ~ j'l I , National Criminal Justice Reference Service I : L Ontario Criminal Justice Terminology i' j for I , I • nCJrs L" ' Statistical Data and I nformation Systems This microfiche was produced from documents receiv~d for inclusion in the NCJRS data base. Since NCJRS cannot exercise control over the physical condition of the documents submitted, the individual frame quality will vary. The resolution chart on r \ this frame may be used to. evaluate the document quality. J • i . i 4 . , .. , 1 I ' ~ 1/11/2.8 2 5 W 11111 . I~ 1/,1/3.2 A proposal developed by Hoi 2.2 u.: w I~ i w I~ I ~ I,. 1.1 "" u - "'''" The Ministry of the Attorney General - r; The Ministry of Correctional Services ! ~ The Ministry of the Solicitor General The Provincial Secretariat for Justice ""'1.25 ""'1.4 ,11"11.6 )r; , I ' 1980 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART t J ~Aijct!Al BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A ""\" U.S. Department of Justice 78103 Nat/onallnslltute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the r. I person or organization originating it, Points of view or opinions stated 1 1 rn this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily Points of view or opin10':~s stated in this document are I Justice.represent the official position or policies of the NatiQnal Institute of those of the author(s) and do nqt represent the official Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been position or policies of the U. S. Department of Justice. 'DATE FIl~MEDI' granted by the Provincial Secretarias f.or Hustice .' . 10108/811 f to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). outside of the NCJRS system requires permis­ Sion~urther of the r~produ~tion cOPYright owner. ( 1 J I " I 1. , Provincial Secretariat ® for Justice The Honourable Gord Walker Q.C. Ontario Provincial Secretary for Justice I I EVOLUTION OF PROJECT II In mid No\-~mber of 1978, the Provin~ial Secretariat for Justice in Ontario submitted a proposal to the National Work Group on Justice ·I~ Information and Statistics for development of common terminology to be used in the criminal justice area. The joint participants in this project I weF the Provincial Secretariat for Justice and the Ministries of the Attorney General, 'the Solicitor General and Correctional Services. In addition to the direct benefits to the Ontario criminal justice com­ I munity, the project was conceived as a model for other provinces Wld one which would also improve the status of national crimin~ justice INTRODUCTION I statistics. Development of common terminology was viewed as a major step toward the reduction of existing communications problef!1s within This document is intended as a reference to be employed within the adult ',and between Criminal Justice Ministries in Ontario. I criminal justice system of Ontario. The objective is to arrive at a common unde~'standing of terms used in compiling statistical data and in At its most fundamental level, the need for this project is based on I information s¥stems; the descriptions of these terms may differ there­ several key problems, the magnitude of which impedes valid, timely and fore in many instances from their legal definitions. I reliable interpretation of criminal justice terminology. It is hoped that this volume will be of use not only to the Ontario With the assistance of funds made available through the National Work Criminal Justice community but will also serve as a model for other I Group, Ontario was able to achieve its objective of developing an interim Provinces that may wish to engage iri similar initiatives. ar:td working draft.document o~ criminal justice terms and definitions in Ontario. Terms were identified and arranged in a Key-Word-In~Context I ' " forf!1 at for cross-referencing purposes. This first phase of the project [ took approximately three months and cUlminated· in the working draft I document (March 31, 1979) which was submitted to the National Work Grqup, and tabled at the Federal-Provincial Steering Commitee meeting I 'I of April 3, 1979. I I During the fiscal year of ,1979, again with financial assistance of Federal departments, the Ontario Project Group refi~ed and expanded the ( NCJRS working draft. The present document represents the results of those ;j I efforts. Because of the complexity and fluid nature of criminal justice I WAY 111981 terminology, this report should be viewed as a 'pilot document which the I project group expects to revise from time to time based on user I' ACQUISITIONS feedback and as changes are introduced in the criminal justice system. j \ .~-- ·'1' - i - I .11 -ii- , , I ,I ./ rl r I I I I' , I 'I CONTENTS I I ~ CJ-OOOl Abandon Child 1 I CJ-0002 Abandon an Appeal 'I 1 CJ-0003 Abandonment USE OF THIS DOCUMENT 1 CJ-0004 Abduction I 1 'I' CJ-0005 Abetting All entries have been alphabetized and each term carries a code which 1 I can be used as a reference number. Those terms which appear as i A.B.H. cf. Assault Causing Bodily Harm CJ-0006 Abortion synonY!lls to other terms are cross-referenced in the Index of Terms. I 1 I CJ-0007 Abrogate I 1 L CJ-OOOS Absolute Discharge Terms included in this document have several distinct features: Term i 2 Title; Definition; Synonym; Note. The latter two features are presented Abused child cf. Battered Child I CJ-0009 Accessory only when applicable. The information under Note provides added detail 2 ~ CJ-OOlO Accident .. which enriches the understanding of the term. Oftentimes, the reader is 2 CJ-OOll Accomplice I" directed to such sources as the Criminal Code of Canada for a fuller 2 rn CJ-OD12 Accused cf. Defendant context. 2 I· Accused person cf. Defendant CJ-OOl3 Acquittal Symbols and abbreviations used in this document are as follows: rn 2 Acquitted cf. Acquittal I CJ-OOl4 Act cf. Statute t Criminal Code of Canada rn 2 .. CJ-OOl5 Addict ( 3 I cf. Compare/contrast with; see Adjourned cf. Adjoumment m CJ-OOl6 Adjoumment 3 CJ-OOl7 Adjournment Sine Die R.S.O. ~~ ~ Revised Statutes of Ontario ~ 'f 3 ~ CJ-OOlS Adjudication 3 CJ-0019 Admission I U.C.R. Uniform Crime Reporting 3 CJ-0020 Admitting Officer rn 3 CJ-0021 Aduit * * Used to signify sIang 3 CJ-0022 Adult Training Centre ID 4 Adverse witness cf. Hostile Witness ), CJ-0023 Affidavit 4 ID CJ-0024 Affirmation 4 ~ A.G. cf. Attorney General I -iii- " n - iv - fl ---~, ---~, ---, .'~- -- 'J "'~"',_",,,~,,',":n,,,... ,,, ~".~,'.,_-.,,"~--"-"-" ~ ,.,""_."''''''"< ." ..._ , "0_ •• ~. , .,' "~·'T'~"""-_"""""' __ .' ......,.. ... ~.-,--......... _~".,,;., ... ,~~ •__ • .".,~, ... ~ ".' __'"" __~,,~,~ .... ~-.. {=-_"",".k~"" __ """,,.,,,...., . ., _'._ I I(, Page i Page I I! CJ-0058 CJ-0025 Aggregate Sentence 4 Bail Verification 8 CJ-0059 AKA - also known as cf. Alias Bail Violation 9 I I CJ-0060 CJ-0026 Alias 4 Barbituate 9 CJ-0061 Baton CJ-0027 Alibi 4 9 I CJ-0062 Batter.ed Child I CJ-0028 Amphetamine 4 9 CJ-0063 Beat CJ-0029 Appeal 5 9 CJ-0064 I CJ-0030 Appearance Notice 5 I Bench Warrant 9 CJ-0031 Appearance Result 5 Bench warrant to hold cf. Bench Warrant with Discretion CJ-0065 I CJ-0032 Appellant 5 ,I Bench Warrant with Discretion 9 CJ-0066 CJ-0033 Application 5 Bestiality 10 CJ-0067 CJ-0034 Apprehend cf. Arrest 5 Bigamy 10 I I CJ-0068 CJ-0035 Approved Instrument 5 Blackmail 10 CJ-0069 CJ-0036 Arraign 6 Bombing Incident 10 I CJ-0070 I CJ-0037 Arrest 6 Booking 10 CJ-0071 CJ-0038 Arrest Warrant 6 Bookmaking 10 ( CJ-0072 CJ-0039 Arson 6 I Break and Enter 10 CJ-0073 Bribery CJ-0040 Assault 6 11 ( CJ-0041 Assault Causing Bodily Harm 6 I Buggery cf. Sodomy CJ-0074 By-law CJ-0042 Assault Indecent on a Female 7 11 CJ-0075 CACP ( CJ-0043 L~ssault Indecent on a Male 7 11 II CJ-0076 CJ-0044 Assaultive 7 Calendar of Prisoners 11 CJ-0077 Camp ( CJ-0045 Assessment 7 11 ~ CJ-0078 CJ-q046 Attempt 7 Cannabis sativa 11 " CJ·,OO79 Case (Court) CJ-0047 ~ Attorney General ;", 7 ~ !' 11 CJ-0080 r CJ-0048 Audio Surveillance 7 ~ Case (Police) 11 CJ-0081 Case (Social) CJ-0049 Autopsy 7 12 CJ-0082 Case Law I CJ-0050 Autrefois Acquit 8 ~ 12 CJ-0083 CJ-0051 Autrefois Convict 8 Case, stated 12 CJ-0084 B & E cf. Break and Enter Caseload Management 12 I I CJ-0085 Backlog cf. Pending Caseloa.d Cases Added 12 ...... CJ-0086 [ CJ-0052 Bail '8 Cattle 12 U CJ-0087 Caution CJ-0053 Bail Estreat 8 1';' 12 CJ-0054 Bail Hearing 8 (\ C.C.J.C.C. cf. County Court Judges' Criminal Court ( CJ-0088 CJ-0055 Bail Hostel 8 :. 0 Certificate of Acquittal 12 CJ-0089 CJ-0056 Bail Review 8 Certifics.te of Conviction 13 CJ-0090 [ CJ-0057 Bail Supervision 8 U Certiorari 13 k"'~_ , , [, i 0 -v- - vi - -- " ~ .. { .' [I ~~ - ".-::--....~ .. -~ -,-._. ._._. ~-.- .. --..-. - - 'r_ ~'.-- "~." "' ... ->~,~ .~'''''~.~. __ '> _".. ,;0-,,,-, T"-, U; _,~ ... -._..... I I P~~ I ·1 I Page CJ-0091 Change of Venue 13 I ~.I CJ-0126 Contempt of Court CJ-0092 Charge 13 18 CJ-0127 Controlled Device I CJ-0093 Charged 13 I 18 , J CJ-0128 Convict (Noun) CJ-0094 Citizen's Arrest 13 U) CJ-0129 Convict (Verb) CJ-0095 Cla$ification 'of Inmates 13 .1 18 I I CJ-0130 Conviction CJ-0096 Clerk of the Court 14 18 CJ-0131 Coroner CJ-0097 Clerk of the Peace 14 I 18 I : : I I CJ-OI32 Coroner's Inquest CJ-0098 Client 14 18 ,j CJ-OI33 Coroner's Jury CJ-0099 Cocaine 14 18 I : .,1 I CJ-0134 Correctional Centre CJ-OI00 Codeine 14 19 I CJ-0135 Correctional Institute, Ontario CJ-OI01 Coercion 14 \! 19 I CJ-0136 Correctional Institution, Correctional Facmty I CJ-OI02 Collusion 14 ,j I 19 '[ CJ-0137 Correctional Officer CJ-OI03 Commissioner 15 19 1 CJ-0138 Corrupt CJ-OI04 Commit 15 I 19 I ! CJ-0139 Counsel for the Defence CJ-OI05 Commitment 19 15 CJ-0140 Count CJ-OI06 Common Law 15 19 I I CJ-0141 Counterfeit Currency 20 CJ-0107 Community Programs 15 oj CJ~,0142 County Court Judge CJ-OI08 1 20 ( Community Resource Centre 15 J \ .I CJ-0143 ! ~ County Court Judges' Criminal Court 20 CJ-OI09 Community Resources 15 I ' J CJ-0144 Court CJ-OllO Community Supervision 16 20 or CJ-0145 Court Administrator r CJ-Olll Community Service Order m 20 16 ;j CJ-0146 Court Docket CJ-01l2 /;;:.
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