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Supporting Teacher Project.Pdf SituationSituation ofof PrimaryPrimary EducationEducation inin Pakistan:Pakistan: •• GrossGross enrollmentenrollment raterate inin schoolsschools isis 70%70% •• OutOut ofof it,it, 50%50% childrenchildren dropoutdropout beforebefore reachinreachingg thethe fifthfifth classclass •• OnlyOnly oneone thirdthird ofof thethe 30%30% survivorssurvivors passpass thethe primaryprimary educationeducation LiteracyLiteracy RateRate InIn MansehraMansehra •• LiteracyLiteracy raterate 36.336.3 %% •• MaleMale LiteracyLiteracy raterate 50.9%50.9% •• FemaleFemale literacyliteracy RateRate 22.7%22.7% SUPPORTINGSUPPORTING TEACHERTEACHER PROJECTPROJECT Target Beneficiaries': Student Studying in Govt: Primary Schools of District Mansehra and registered orphan Beneficiaries family member who had teaching skills and required qualification. ProjectProject Objective.Objective. TheThe objectiveobjective ofof thisthis projectproject isis toto improveimprove educationaleducational standardstandard byby providingproviding trainedtrained supportingsupporting teacherteacher inin GovernmentGovernment PrimaryPrimary schoolsschools ofof (Male/Female)(Male/Female) ToTo provideprovide employmentemployment opportunitiesopportunities toto qualifiedqualified joblessjobless orphanorphan beneficiariesbeneficiaries inin therethere ownown areasareas formform thethe circlecircle ofof organizationorganization registeredregistered beneficiaries.beneficiaries. WhyWhy WeWe NeedNeed thisthis ProjectProject During verification process of the Student Education Support Project (SESP) we observed that number of orphan beneficiaries' families members (Brother and Sister) are educated but jobless. These beneficiaries‘ showing interest in employment and especially in teaching. Secondly on the basis of school assessments we observed that in Govt Primary Schools the ratio of the students are high as compare to teachers. (Govt Rule That is 1 : 40 ) According to assessments nearly 70% schools showing teacher deficiency. ProjectProject DataData CollectionCollection TotalTotal receivedreceived beneficiariesbeneficiaries formsforms fromfrom sixsix unionunion councilscouncils ofof TehsilTehsil BalakotBalakot areare 1639.1639. DetailDetail UnionUnion CouncilsCouncils vise.vise. UnionUnion CouncilsCouncils OrphanOrphan AliveAlive TotalTotal FormForm U/CU/C BalakotBalakot 157157 152152 309309 U/CU/C GarlatGarlat 9494 5555 149149 U/CU/C ShohalShohal MazullahMazullah 125125 7070 195195 U/CU/C KarnolKarnol 5454 227227 281281 U/CU/C TalhattaTalhatta 6666 6969 135135 U/CU/C GarhiGarhi HabibullahHabibullah 213213 357357 570570 GrandGrand TotalTotal 709709 930930 16391639 %% 43%43% 57%57% DataData CollectionCollection Total Collected form according to Male and Female. Union Council Orphan Alive Total form M / F M / F M / F U/C Balakot 84 / 73 68 / 84 152 / 157 U/C Garlat 53 / 41 30 / 25 83 / 66 U/C S Mazullah 72 / 53 40 / 30 112 / 83 U/C Karnol 26 / 28 112/115 138 / 143 U/C Talhatta 38 / 28 40 / 29 78 / 57 U/C G. Habibullah 122/ 91 235/122 357 / 213 Grand Total 395/314 525/405 920 / 719 % 56%/ 44% PreparationPreparation ofof ListList OfOf Beneficiaries.Beneficiaries. Total number of Orphan Form: 709 Total Number of beneficiaries' Minimum Qualification Matric: 250 Less than 18 Year of Age: 055 Students: 090 Not willing to do work: 020 M / F Call for Interview: 085 40 / 45 SelectionSelection CriteriaCriteria ForFor SupportingSupporting Teachers.Teachers. AllAll thethe appointmentsappointments mademade byby thethe associationassociation selectedselected beneficiariesbeneficiaries byby aa combinedcombined selectionselection committeecommittee onon thethe basisbasis ofof followingfollowing criteria.criteria. Matric and scoring Under 40 marks 1st Category Having FA or higher qualification and under 45 marks 2nd Category BA/MA With PTC and under 60 marks 3rd Category MethodologyMethodology Detail Meeting with EDO Education District Mansehra and DCO Mansehra about project. Coordination with Education Department. Coordination with District Coordination Officer. MOU with Education department. preparation of Documents for the project Preparation of complete Monitoring process MeetingMeeting WithWith ADOADO EducationEducation MansehraMansehra TeachersTeachers SelectionSelection Process.Process. Total Number of Beneficiaries' Called for Interview. 85 Total Number of Interview Participants. 70 Total Number of Male Candidates. 30 Total Number of Female Candidates. 40 Selected candidates' 30 Male 14 47% Female 16 53% Waiting 17 Rejected 38 Female Supporting Teacher During Project Orientation In (association) Regional Office Female Supporting Teacher During Project Orientation In (association) Regional Office DetailDetail OfOf PostingPosting ofof SupportingSupporting TeacherTeacher AccordingAccording ToTo UnionUnion Councils.Councils. NameName OfOf U/CU/C MaleMale FemaleFemale TotalTotal U/CU/C GarlatGarlat 0000 0404 0404 U/CU/C BalakotBalakot 0303 0303 0606 U/CU/C S.MazullahS.Mazullah 0404 0303 0707 U/CU/C KarnolKarnol 0202 0000 0202 U/CU/C TalhattaTalhatta 0404 0303 0707 U/CU/C G.HabibullahG.Habibullah 0101 0303 0404 TotalTotal 1414 1616 3030 DetailDetail OfOf GovernmentGovernment PrimaryPrimary SchoolsSchools SixSix UnionUnion CouncilsCouncils OfOf TehsilTehsil BalakotBalakot Union Councils Name Total GGPS/GPS U/C Garlat 40 U/C Balakot 40 U/C S.Mazullah 31 U/C Karnol 46 U/C Talhatta 40 U/C G.Habibullah 31 Total 228 MMaale Supporupportingting TTeaceacher DDuringuring PProjectroject Orrientationientation IInn (assocassociatiiation) Regional Office NameName OfOf SelectedSelected FemaleFemale CandidatesCandidates withwith SchoolsSchools Supporting Teacher Project Female Selected Canidates S. Name Father Name School Name Union Council # 1 Aneeqa Khalil Khalil-ur-Rehman GGPS Garlat Garlat 2 Farkhanda Sultan Sarwer Sultan GGPS Batkrar Hassa Garlat 3 Naila Sain Muhhamad GGPS Garlat payeen Garlat 4 Bushra Ashraf Mohd Ashraf GGPS Narah Garlat 5 Beenish Bibi Altaf Hussain GGPS Shohal Najif Balakot 6 Saba Sadiq Mohd Sadiq GGPS Bilayani Balakot 7 Rabia Fida Mohd Fida GGPS Balakot Balakot 8 Rabia Jabeen Mohd Parvaiz GGPS S Mazullah S. Mazullah 9 Nadia bibi Abdul Jalil GGPS Patsari S. Mazullah 10 Ribibi Sh i Rh GGPS Bj i SM llh NameName OfOf SelectedSelected MaleMale CandidatesCandidates withwith SchoolsSchools Supporting Teacher Project Male Selected Canidates S. Name Father Name School Name Union Council # 1 Gharit Ali Riaz Khan GPS Shohal Najif Balakot 2 Azhar Farooq Mohd Farooq GPS Tarana Balakot 3 Mohd Yasir Mohd Hussain GPS Dara Shohal Balakot 4 Zeeshan Afzal Mohd Afzal GPS Shohal Mazullah S. Mazullah 5 Shakeel Ahmad Mohd Yaqoob GPS Khangeri S. Mazullah 6 Inayat Rehman Mohd Imran GMPS Bajmori Bala S. Mazullah 7 Abdul Rasheed Chan Sardar GPS Shagai S. Mazullah 8 Mohd Azeem Fazal Rehman GPS Sarwai Talhatta 9 Mohd Arif Abdul Rehman GPS Gul Mara Talhatta NameName ofof SelectedSelected GGPSGGPS TehsilTehsil BalakotBalakot MUHAMMADAN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH ASSOCIATION 30 Selected schools S.# School Name Union Council M/F 1 GGPS Garlat Bala Garlat F 2 GGPS Batkrar Hassa Garlat F 3 GGPS Garlat payeen Garlat F 4GGPS Narah Garlat F 5 GGPS Shohal Najif Balakot F 6 GGPS Bilayani Balakot F 7 GGPS Balakot Balakot F 8 GGPS S Mazullah S. Mazullah F 9GGPS Patsari S. Mazullah F 10 GGPS Bajmori S. Mazullah F 11 GGPS Talhatta Talhatta F 12 GGPS Sugdar Talhatta F 13 GGPS Hasari Talhatta F 14 GGPS Brarkot G.Habibullah F 15 GGPS Sari Naral G.Habibullah F 16 GGPS G.Habibullah G.Habibullah F NameName ofof SelectedSelected GPSGPS TehsilTehsil BalakotBalakot MUHAMMADAN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH ASSOCIATION 30 Selected schools S.# School Name Union Council M/F 1 GPS Shohal Najif Balakot M 2 GPS Tarana Balakot M 3 GPS Dara Shohal Balakot M 4 GPS Shohal Mazullah S. Mazullah M 5 GPS Khangeri S. Mazullah M 6 GMPS Bajmori Bala S. Mazullah M 7 GPS Shagai S. Mazullah M 8 GPS Sarwai Talhatta M 9 GPS Gul Mara Talhatta M 10 GPS Talhatta Talhatta M 11 GPS Sugdar Talhatta M 12 GPS Bani Karnol G.Habibullah M 13 GPS Karnol Karnol M 14 GPS Jagir Karnol M Supporting Teacher Busy in School Activities at GPS Talhatta Balakot association Female Supporting teacher association Female Supporting Teacher SupportingSupporting TeacherTeacher TrainingTraining ProcessProcess HowHow toto BecomeBecome AnAn EffectiveEffective Teacher.Teacher. 0404 daysdays TrainingTraining ofof supportingsupporting teacherteacher arrangedarranged byby thethe NRSPNRSP inin Islamabad.Islamabad. InIn firstfirst phasephase 1414 malemale teacherteacher trainedtrained byby thethe NRSPNRSP inin Islamabad.Islamabad. SupportingSupporting TeacherTeacher TrainingTraining Program Officer Muhammadan Education With NRSP Manager During Training Group Photo of Training Participants In Islamabad HelpHelp PakistanPakistan toto achieveachieve thethe MillenniumMillennium DevelopmentDevelopment GoalGoal targettarget ofof 86%86% literacyliteracy byby 2015.2015. ENDEND.
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