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Original watercolor illustrations by Martha Pennington Louis. Pennington Martha by illustrations watercolor Original Appomattox, VA 24522 VA Appomattox, Learn more at www.appomattoxcampaign.org. at more Learn Appomattox Court House National Historical Park, 111 National Park Dr, Dr, Park National 111 Park, Historical National House Court Appomattox 11 to participate in the park’s junior ranger program. ranger junior park’s the in participate to of the Appomattox Campaign. Campaign. Appomattox the of displays of soldier life, period children’s games and an opportunity opportunity an and games children’s period life, soldier of displays A cooperative retelling of the last days days last the of retelling cooperative A a er the surrender. An education station will feature interactive interactive feature will station education An surrender. the er a issued to Confederate soldiers to provide them safe passage home home passage safe them provide to soldiers Confederate to issued e park will also o er printing demonstrations of parole passes passes parole of demonstrations printing er o also will park e Virginia. Some programs are told in real time. time. real in told are programs Some Virginia. House, and events that led to the surrender of Lee’s Army of Northern Northern of Army Lee’s of surrender the to led that events and House, Campaign, the Battle of Appomattox Station and Appomattox Court Court Appomattox and Station Appomattox of Battle the Campaign, will o er a variety of interpretive programs covering the Appomattox Appomattox the covering programs interpretive of variety a er o will Appomattox Court House National Historical Park: Park rangers rangers Park Park: Historical National House Court Appomattox Appomattox, VA 24522 VA Appomattox, American Civil War Museum — Appomattox, 159 Horseshoe Rd, Rd, Horseshoe 159 Appomattox, — Museum War Civil American 12 guests can search for relatives and print pages to take home. home. take to pages print and relatives for search can guests the now digitized, original 1865 handwritten parole log through which which through log parole handwritten 1865 original digitized, now the Army of Northern Virginia battle ags surrendered at Appomattox; and and Appomattox; at surrendered ags battle Virginia Northern of Army ceremonial sword, gauntlets and pen used by Gen. Lee on April 9; the the 9; April on Lee Gen. by used pen and gauntlets sword, ceremonial Confederate Gen. A.P. Hill, killed the morning of April 2; the uniform, uniform, the 2; April of morning the killed Hill, A.P. Gen. Confederate North Carolina, which was captured at the breakthrough; the sword of of sword the breakthrough; the at captured was which Carolina, North Campaign. Key artifacts displayed include the battle ag of the 37 the of ag battle the include displayed artifacts Key Campaign. th to better contextualize artifacts speci c to the Appomattox Appomattox the to c speci artifacts contextualize better to e museum will have guided gallery tours throughout the week week the throughout tours gallery guided have will museum e Virginia communities experienced freedom a er enslavement. er a freedom experienced communities Virginia Paul Quigley, the exhibit explores how African-Americans from from African-Americans how explores exhibit the Quigley, Paul Studies at Virginia Tech under the direction of Associate Professor Professor Associate of direction the under Tech Virginia at Studies April 6. Curated in collaboration with Virginia Center for Civil War War Civil for Center Virginia with collaboration in Curated 6. April Black Virginians in the Age of Emancipation,” will open Saturday, Saturday, open will Emancipation,” of Age the in Virginians Black American Civil War Museum: A new exhibit, “Enacting Freedom: Freedom: “Enacting exhibit, new A Museum: War Civil American Lee’s forces are all but surrounded. but all are forces Lee’s Appomattox, VA 24522 VA Appomattox, retreats. e Northern horseman now block Lee’s pathway west, and and west, pathway Lee’s block now horseman Northern e retreats. 11 Appomattox Court House National Historical Park, 111 National Park Dr, Dr, Park National 111 Park, Historical National House Court Appomattox captures the trains and then contests Confederate artillery until it it until artillery Confederate contests then and trains the captures residents’ emancipation as a result of Lee’s surrender. surrender. Lee’s of result a as emancipation residents’ Appomattox Court House. Union cavalry arrives at the station, station, the at arrives cavalry Union House. Court Appomattox will set up 4,600 luminaries to commemorate Appomattox County County Appomattox commemorate to luminaries 4,600 up set will station. Lee’s forces are inbound, still 3 miles out, passing through through passing out, miles 3 still inbound, are forces Lee’s station. weekend. On Saturday evening, the Appomattox 1865 Foundation Foundation 1865 Appomattox the evening, Saturday On weekend. Ration trains sent om Lynchburg are awaiting Lee’s army at the the at army Lee’s awaiting are Lynchburg om sent trains Ration meeting will be among the programs o ered throughout the the throughout ered o programs the among be will meeting e Battle of Appomattox Station and Lee’s Defeat: Defeat: Lee’s and Station Appomattox of Battle e April 8-12 | 8-12 April Lee’s departure from the McLean House following the surrender surrender the following House McLean the from departure Lee’s reenactors. Firing demonstrations, a stacking of arms ceremony, and and ceremony, arms of stacking a demonstrations, Firing reenactors. T A C A T Rice, VA 23966 VA Rice, feature a living history encampment of Union and Confederate Confederate and Union of encampment history living a feature Camp Paradise, High Bridge Trail State Park, 1466 Camp Paradise Road, Road, Paradise Camp 1466 Park, State Trail Bridge High Paradise, Camp 9 Appomattox Court House National Historical Park: e park will will park e Park: Historical National House Court Appomattox THE END THE Maine. Regiment, charge of the 19 the of charge th overview of the Second Battle of High Bridge focusing on the the on focusing Bridge High of Battle Second the of overview Appomattox, VA 24522 VA Appomattox, of Pamplin Historical Park Jerry Desmond will also provide an an provide also will Desmond Jerry Park Historical Pamplin of 12 American Civil War Museum — Appomattox, 159 Horseshoe Rd, Rd, Horseshoe 159 Appomattox, — Museum War Civil American will be available throughout the day at the fort. Executive Director Director Executive fort. the at day the throughout available be will continue through Sunday, April 14. 14. April Sunday, through continue cooking demonstrations and a cavalry camp by living historians historians living by camp cavalry a and demonstrations cooking EXPERIENCE political and cultural meanings of the action. Gallery tours will will tours Gallery action. the of meanings cultural and political Appomattox Campaign will be o ered. Period-correct camp camp Period-correct ered. o be will Campaign Appomattox study of Civil War surrender, focusing on con icting social, social, icting con on focusing surrender, War Civil of study hikes and programs highlighting lesser-known key players of the the of players key lesser-known highlighting programs and hikes the American Civil War,” which provides the rst comprehensive comprehensive rst the provides which War,” Civil American the High Bridge Trail State Park at Camp Paradise: Self-guided Self-guided Paradise: Camp at Park State Trail Bridge High his new book “Raising the White Flag: How Surrender De ned ned De Surrender How Flag: White the “Raising book new his p.m., Dr. Silkenat, from the University of Edinburgh, will discuss discuss will Edinburgh, of University the from Silkenat, Dr. p.m., Appomattox River and advancing to Farmville. to advancing and River Appomattox American Civil War Museum – Appomattox: On April 13 at 2 2 at 13 April On Appomattox: – Museum War Civil American descend upon High Bridge attempting to stop Lee om crossing the the crossing om Lee stop to attempting Bridge High upon descend Post surrender Post forces Union Bridge: High of Battle Second e April 13-14 | 13-14 April | 7 April March 30 – April 14 April – 30 March April 2 | Battle of Fort Gregg: e Homeric last stand by Experience the End: e Appomattox Campaign Confederate soldiers here in a rear-guard action saved Petersburg is a cooperative retelling of the last days of the om capture and allowed Lee’s army to Escape. Appomattox Campaign—Gen. Lee’s retreat from Pamplin Historical Park: A 6th Corps Breakthrough Walking Tour th Petersburg to Appomattox. Nine partnering will be held at 9:30 a.m. on the 154 anniversary of the battle. 2 Pamplin Historical Park, 6125 Boydton Plank Rd, Petersburg, VA 23803 organizations recount the events of the campaign Petersburg National Battle eld: In an e ort to save Petersburg day by day, from March 30 through April 14, to from the Union armies’ assaults west of the city, a band of 600 get you as close to the action as possible. Southern soldiers defended Fort Gregg and held o nearly 5,000 Federal soldiers for two hours, enabling Lee’s army to safely From the breakthrough at Petersburg to the formal withdraw from the city that night. roughout the day, park rangers will give presentations, and a cannon crew will host artillery April 5 | Grant at Nottoway Court House: rough some mix-up, surrender at Appomattox, enjoy living history, re demonstrations. the rations expected at Amelia failed to arrive, and Lee is forced to educational programs, lectures and entertainment 1 Petersburg National Battle eld, 5001 Siege Rd, Prince George, VA 23875 forage the countryside thereby giving up his one-day lead on Grant’s brought to you by those preserving the rich history army. Union forces at Jetersville cut o Lee’s southern objective of Sutherland Tavern: e physical capture of the South Side Railroad Danville, and he is forced west to Farmville where 80,000 rations of Virginia and the Civil War.