www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk 50p outreach APRIL 2021 From the Parish Church of St Mary & St Cuthbert, Chester-le-Street, Co Durham REOPENING CHURCH and EASTER SERVICES

We did consider reopening the church building for physical services in the middle of March, but the Focus group (staff team and churchwardens) and PCC decided that we should move more slowly and cautiously.


We are going to reopen on Sundays starting on March 28 (Palm Sunday). 8.00 am, 10.00 am (also online) and 6.00 pm services.

On Maundy Thursday (April 1) 7.00 pm service in church (also online).

On Good Friday (April 2) 10.00 am St Cuthbert’s RC Church at 10 am – if you are going to it physically you have to book via St Cuthbert’s (it will also be online). Telephone - 07396 643588 11.30 am Broadcast online on CLS Churches Together Facebook page of a recorded meditative walk by Rev David on the route from Ropery Lane to the market place 2.00 pm Meditative service in church (also online)

On EASTER SUNDAY (April 4) 6.00 am Dawn gathering in our churchyard, 8.00 am, 10.00 am (also online) and 6.00 pm services.

We will start opening the church for Private prayers in church on Tuesdays 1.00 - 3.00 pm from April 6.

Thursday morning Communions at 10.45 am will restart on April 8.

Sunday Services in the Parish Centre at 10.00 am (with a service in the church building at the same time) restart on April 11, with South and North alternating in leading the services in the Centre. As we did for Jon Wilkinson back in September, on Sunday April 25 at 11.15 am, some of the Parish South congregation will be meeting in the large hall (Cuthbert) in the Parish Centre to say thank you and farewell to Simon in the context of worship.

The gatherings are still socially distanced, wearing face masks and with no singing.

We will be broadcasting Sundays at 10.00 am from church and some extra services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday will be available online.

For physical services in our Church building and Parish Centre you need to book via Jan in the Parish Office - 388 3295


Palm crosses will be available for people at services on Palm Sunday. We will also make them available in the days after March 28, on a table outside of church.

2 Outreach APRIL 2021 www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk Dear Church Family, ’s Letter

Last Easter I penned this article on the eve of the Global Pandemic and wrote.

‘Easter is upon us and this year’s Lent has been a journey of a different kind. The vigil of our 40 days and nights has been interrupted by world events as the Coronavirus Global Pandemic spreads bringing with it the dark clouds of panic, anxiety and fear.’

Now, one year later, is it possible to conclude that this past year has been non-stop Lent? A year where we have experienced a Pandemic with restrictions, isolation, and a poverty of spirit. So, throughout this time, we have needed the light of God’s word to guide our paths and for this reason it feels right to be writing about the theme of Rescue and Salvation through the Cross of Christ. For this reason, Paul writes;

“May you be made strong with all strength that comes from his glorious power and may be prepared to endure everything with patience, while joyfully giving thanks to God the Father who has enable you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has rescued us from a dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Col 1.11 &13

As I look at this passage again, for this year’s article, I see the Parish and the services we have conducted in church or online. I see a people who have shown great endurance and patience. In our year of non-stop Lent, we have all needed to embrace such characteristics where we have turned every sigh and every moment of doubt into a joyful song of praise to God. I believe we have been able to do this as we have shared our moments of struggle with the God who is the Light of the world. His light is revealed to us as rescue and salvation through the Cross of Christ.

For reasons like this Paul the Apostle reminds the Church of the importance of the Cross. In his letter to the Church of Colossae he sets the scene in the context of conquest and so we read ‘For he has rescued us from a dominion of darkness’.

Being rescued by a Saviour is found in many of today’s popular stories. In Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, there is the theme of conquest for the sake of liberating people from the overwhelming powers and dark dominions. However, the rescue message is first found in the Cross of Christ. Through Christ, God has entered into our world to rescue us, to liberate us, to set us free from those uncontrollable experiences that invade our lives.

This last year, the Pandemic has invaded our lives, and for many it has been unpleasant and dare I say dark. In all this time we have endured such things, God has not changed, for he has always had in mind our salvation, rescue, redemption and forgiveness of sins. So, as we come to Christ this Eastertime let us come as ever into the light of the Cross of Christ and give thanks to God our Father for his love grace and mercy.

God Bless.


www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk Outreach APRIL 2021 3 ’S RETIREMENT

Rev David announced last year that he is to retire in May 2021. His final Sunday is to be May 9. David and Christine are planning to move out of the Rectory on May 13.

I am sure many people will want to contribute to a farewell gift to David. We would like people to put gifts in

a marked envelope on a collection plate or post it through the Parish Office letter box or

by BACS (St Mary & St Cuthbert Church sort code: 20 27 41 Account no. 500 500 83 Reference: David Gift) by Tuesday May 4th.

Rev. Simon Grundy

Sisters and brothers,

I am delighted to announce that the Lord Bishop of Durham has invited me to become the next -in-Charge of Christ Church, Consett in the Diocese of Durham.

I am also delighted to announce that I have accepted the offer.

My last day serving with you here will be Sunday April 25th.

This is not an easy announcement to make. Meaning that, whilst my time with you as a church family isn’t quite over, it’s entering its last weeks.

Having been called here by God, I have been blessed beyond my imagining by being part of the church family with you. As have Rebecca, Eloise and James. I have learned so much and continue to be equipped through you to serve God as I follow the call onwards.

Please pray for me, for us as a family, our brothers and sisters in Consett and that community. Please also pray for our Parish and community here as God continues to lead us into his future vision of growth and renewal.

Yours in Christ,


NB Simon’s Licensing as of Christ Church, Consett takes place on Tuesday May 11th with Bishop Ssrah.

Rev Simon Grundy – Farewell gifts

I am sure many people will want to contribute to a farewell gift to Simon. His final Sunday with us is Sunday April 25.

We would like people to put gifts in a marked envelope on a collection plate or post it through the Parish Office letter box or by BACS (St Mary & St Cuthbert Church sort code: 20 27 41 Account no. 500 500 83 Reference: Simon Gift) by Tuesday April 20.

Simon will be preaching at the 8.00 am and 10.00 am services in church on April 25 and we will give him the parish gift within the 10.00 am service (which will be broadcast live on our church Facebook page).

4 Outreach APRIL 2021 www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk Safeguarding Training (Prevention Culture)

Being a Church Warden I was asked to carry out Safeguarding training and at first I thought it was only for those who had a specific role within the Church. (How wrong was I.) On the Web site there are three courses which can be carried out and depending on your role depends on what needs completing. These are 1 Basic Awareness 2 Foundation 3 Leadership

One word that challenged me during the course was “Prevention” and how can we create a culture within our Church which prevents harm to children, young people and vulnerable adults. The answer became clear during the course - training, knowledge, attitudes and skills.

As part of the course we were asked to read and reflect on Psalm 91:1 & 2. 1Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest In the shadow of the Almighty, 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.

The Church, Our Church needs to be a safe and welcoming place for all and acts on reports of abuse but also prevents abuse.

We are very blessed to have Sue White our full time Children and Youth Coordinator who is also our Safeguarding officer, but safeguarding is not just the role of Sue, it is for us all to engage in.

So, I encourage you all to engage with the Safeguarding training and carry out the Basic Awareness Course, it is free and can be found at (www.churchofengland.org/safeguarding)

Let’s make our Church a safer place to be.

Safeguarding Contacts Sue White – Safeguarding Officer – 0771 782915 Parish North Contact – Michelle Dundas Parish South Contact – Sarah Hindle Parish Central Contact – Elaine Rayner Malcolm Rowland (Church Warden)

Safeguarding Training

The new Leadership Pathway is about leadership and cultural change, and those people who participate should be those who play a lead role in shaping the culture of the Church body concerned. This will include for our parish : * Clergy * Chaplains * Lay Ministers * Readers * Parish Safeguarding Officers * Churchwardens * Safeguarding Area Leads and may include those who are in paid employment or a voluntary role which involves substantial leadership work with children, young people or vulnerable adults,

The Leadership Pathway does not now include Sunday School leaders, lay persons appointed to exercise pastoral leadership within a local church, directors of music, bell tower captains, bell ringing teachers, home visitors, house group leaders, home visitors, or support and link persons working alongside clergy in a wellbeing/support structure.

All these people must do the Basic (formerly C0) and Foundation (formerly C1) pathways. All certificates should be copied for our records

Any questions please contact Sue White [email protected] Susan White www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk Outreach APRIL 2021 5 QUIET CORNER

Ever since the early 1960's, I have been an ardent follower of the NASA Space programmes including the Hubble Telescope photographs into the furthest reaches of our Universe. I find it all just so amazing at what human beings have been able to achieve through advanced technology.

What has been so amazing recently, is the piece of rock reputed to be 4.6 billion years old, that entered our air space and landed on someone's driveway. This is the oldest, solid formation that goes right back to the very beginnings of our solar system when gases eventually solidified to form planets. Given that NASA have spent billions of $US in sending a moon rover vehicle to Mars to collect rock samples to determine if there has been life on that planet, here we have a sample from outer space, that arrives completely free of charge and without causing any damage or injury to anyone.

The world we inhabit is such a tiny place within the whole solar system, galaxy and the entire Universe. Our sun is just one of between 200-400 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy and planet Earth is just one of at least 100 billion planets. There may be 10 billion other stars and possibly 100 billion black holes and that is just one galaxy out of possibly 2 trillion galaxies. The numbers are so huge it is scarcely possible to imagine the size of the Universe, which is still expanding. Here we have one small piece of the original building blocks of the whole system that can possibly tell us so much more than we know already.

How insignificant the human race is on such a minuscule piece of the whole of creation and yet it puts a new perspective on the verse from King David's Psalm 8 verse 4 “what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him” (NIV). What is more strange and wonderful, is that God puts human beings on this one tiny, insignificant piece of His creation, to tend and care for it. Despite all our cleverness with technology in so many fields of scientific development, there has always been and always will be, one thing we can never do, that is to save ourselves from ourselves. From sin and committing the worst atrocities imaginable, accelerating climate change and inventing nuclear Armageddon - these are just some examples. Sending men and machines to outer space may be the high point of human endeavour, yet we are unable to simply change our sinful ways on planet Earth.

Throughout our brief history, mankind has ignored all God's warnings to the point where He has to send His only Son to voluntarily die the cruellest of death by crucifixion; to show not only how much He is mindful of us and cares for us, but how much He loves us. Thankfully, the pain and depths of despair Jesus suffered on the cross on Good Friday are replaced by the joy we have in His gracious gift of eternal life through the resurrection on Easter Sunday. Even more amazing and wonderful, is that eternal life, is not something that we have to wait for when we die. The Apostle John writes “for just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom He is pleased to give it” (John 5:21 NIV). Also, John records Jesus saying “I tell you the truth, whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life” (John 5:24 NIV) .

In other words, if we simply believe and confess that Jesus is the only Son of God, Messiah and all that He says to us is true, we have that gift of eternal life right here and now. None of this is by any human endeavour, despite all our cleverness. The gift of eternal life is a free gift from God through Jesus. Now how amazing is that, far beyond anything we could or ever will be able to do for ourselves on Earth or in outer Space.

John Hopper Lay Reader

6 Outreach APRIL 2021 www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk The Prayers I have included both the short and the long form of the Collect prayers for each day. They gather our intentions within the theme of the readings. You might find both helpful or spend time in prayer with one

Encountering Jesus through the Gospel readings One way that we can get to know Jesus more, and grow in love and faith is through encountering Jesus in the Gospel. We do this by asking God to use the gift of our imagination and our senses to bring the passage to life for us. 1. Choose the gospel passage for the week or any other Gospel passage where Jesus is interacting with others. Holy Week 2. Read the Gospel passage twice so that the story and the details of the story become As we begin Holy Week, we might find that, in many familiar. things, we find an affinity with the disciples of Jesus as we encounter them in John and Mark. Including, that 3. Close one’s eyes and reconstruct the scene what Jesus does, who Jesus is and what that means in one’s imagination. See what is going on. for us, is not always so easy to understand. Especially Watch the people in the scene. Pay attention in the moment. In the account of Jesus’ entry into to the sounds and the smells. What does Jerusalem that we reflect upon on Palm Sunday, and Jesus look like? How do the others react to then continue with, the narrator observes that him? What are the people saying to one another? What emotions fill their words? Is ‘His disciples did not understand these things at first; Jesus touching someone? Where are you in but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered the scene? Maybe you are observing. Maybe that these things had been written of him and had you are one of the of the correctors. been done to him’ (John 12.16) Continue to observe or be in the scene as it As we take the opportunity to encounter Jesus each comes to you visually or verbally. day on this Holy Week journey, we do so through the 4. As this time draws to a close, take the lens of the historic events of what we now call ‘Good opportunity to say to Jesus anything that you Friday’, ‘Easter Sunday’, ‘Ascension Day’ and would like to. ‘Pentecost’. Jesus, who, through those historic events, is with us in an even more intimate way than he was Recognising Jesus in the day to day with his followers in the original ‘holy week’. That is in (The Examen) believing we can trust in and experience the truth Jesus declares and the Spirit has brought into being; The prayer of the Examen helps us to review our day and become more aware of how God is with and Because I live, you will live too…I am in my father, and within us and working for our good. you in me, and I in you’ (John 14.19-20) 1. Find a quiet, comfortable place, close your The reality, the depth of which we will never be able to eyes and begin to become aware of God fathom, that is God’s love for us. The self-giving love that created us, came as Jesus, and offers God self 2. Let God look at you and savour God’s love now that we might choose to fulfil the will of God that 3. Ask God to lead you through the day from its we beginning ‘have life and have it abundantly’ (John 10:10) 4. Recall one thing for which you feel gratitude and savour this in God’s love The Bible readings 5. Review the day – considering events, The Bible readings for the Sundays, Thursday and people, thoughts, feelings. What brought Friday, are those that we will use in our services in the life, light and energy today? Where was church building and online on those days. For Monday faith, hope, love? For what are you to Wednesday, they continue the account in John from thankful? Palm Sunday so that, together, we can journey with 6. What was hard today and not how you would Jesus day by day throughout the whole week. The wish it to be? Share that with God. Psalm is that set for Morning Prayer for that day. 7. Ask God for what you need. With the gospel reading you might choose to use the method of imaginative contemplation found below as a means of encounter with God through the Living Readings and collects can be found on Word. pages 8 and 9 of this magazine.

www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk Outreach APRIL 2021 7 Monday of Holy Week –

Psalm 41 John 12.1-11

Tuesday of Holy Week –

Psalm 27 John 12.20-36

Wednesday of Holy Week – Palm Sunday – 28th March “So they took Psalm 102 branches of palm John 13.21-32 trees and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the nameof the Lord - the King of Israel!’” Maundy Thursday – (John 12.13) ‘I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as Liturgy of the Palms I have loved you, you also should Psalm 118:19 - end love one another. By this John 12.12 -16 everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for Liturgy of the Passion one another.’ Philippians 2:5 - 11 (John 13.34-35) Psalm 31:9 - 16 Mark 15:1- 39 Readings 1 Corinthians 11.23-26 Collect John 13.1-17, 31b-35 Almighty and everlasting God,who in your tender love towards the human race Collect sent your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ to take upon him our flesh God our Father, and to suffer death upon the cross: you have invited us to share in the supper grant that we may follow the example of his patience which your Son gave to his Church and humility, to proclaim his death until he comes: and also be made partakers of his resurrection; may he nourish us by his presence, through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, and unite us in his love; in the unity of the Holy Spirit, who is alive and reigns with you, one God, now and for ever. Amen. in the unity of the Holy Spirit, Or one God, now and for ever. Amen. True and humble king, Or hailed by the crowd as Messiah: God our Father, grant us the faith to know you and love you, your Son Jesus Christ was obedient to the end that we may be found beside you and drank the cup prepared for him: on the way of the cross, may we who share his table which is the path of glory. Amen. watch with him through the night of suffering and be faithful. Amen.

8 Outreach APRIL 2021 www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk Good Friday – Easter Day ‘Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ Then he bowed his head and gave up “Mary Magdalene went and his spirit.’ announced to the disciples, (John 19.30) ‘I have seen the Lord’” (John 20.18) Readings Readings Psalm 22 Hebrews 4.14-16 Psalm 118 John 18.1-end of 19 Acts 10.34-43 John 20.1-18 Collect Collect Almighty Father, look with mercy on this your family Lord of all life and power, for which our Lord Jesus Christ was content to be who through the mighty resurrection of your Son betrayed and given up into the hands of sinners and overcame the old order of sin and death to suffer death upon the cross; to make all things new in him: who is alive and glorified with you and the Holy Spirit, grant that we, being dead to sin one God, now and for ever. Amen. and alive to you in Jesus Christ, may reign with him in glory; Or to whom with you and the Holy Spirit Eternal God, be praise and honour, glory and might, in the cross of Jesus now and in all eternity. Amen. we see the cost of our sin Or and the depth of your love: in humble hope and fear God of glory, may we place at his feet by the raising of your Son all that we have and all that we are, you have broken the chains of death and hell: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. fill your Church with faith and hope; for a new day has dawned and the way to life stands open in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. Holy Saturday

‘In you, O Lord, have I taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness.’ (Psalm 31.1)

Readings Psalm 31 John 19.38-end

Collect Grant, Lord, that we who are baptized into the death of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ may continually put to death our evil desires and be buried with him; and that through the grave and gate of death we may pass to our joyful resurrection; through his merits, who died and was buried and rose again for us, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Or In the depths of our isolation we cry to you, Lord God: give light in our darkness and bring us out of the prison of our despair; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk Outreach APRIL 2021 9 Noticeboard

Parish Values * Reaching out with God’s love * Serving the People of Chester-le-Street * Doing everything for Jesus


We have changed this – Sue has worked on this with ANNUAL MEETING the help of a “consultant”. It uses exactly the same name – so it simply replaces the old one. We prepare for our church Annual Meeting in May, by updating our CHURCH ELECTORAL ROLL (our membership list, which gives voting rights at the APCM). If you have filled in a form in the last couple of years you do not need to complete a form. This year is about adding people who are not already on the Roll. If you are unsure whether you are on it, ask Jan Rowland in the Parish Office.

Anyone who is baptised, is at least 16 and either lives in the parish and/or worships regularly with us is entitled to fill in the very simple form to come on the Roll. The forms are available in church from April 3 (Easter Eve) to April 18 (3rd Sunday of Easter).

Our ANNUAL MEETING is coming up on Tuesday May 4 at 7.00 pm in the large hall (Cuthbert) in the Parish Centre. We aim to meet physically, though FRANK LEHMANN face masks will have to be worn and there will be social distancing. It will be on a first come, first For many years Frank has come over from Germany to served basis. No bookings will be taken. worship with us at Easter, he loves to robe and join our church choir for the weekend. When he comes each year, he stays at Plawsworth Hall.

Last year and this year he had organised a blessing of his marriage to Astrid in our church. But of course, last April and this April he has had to cancel his travel plans CHURCH SOUND SYSTEM because of the pandemic. They have rebooked a marriage blessing for Easter 2022, when hopefully they and BROADCASTING will be able to be with us once again. The new sound system has been installed in time for Frank has been in touch with us by email and has Easter. shared how Astrid’s mother died very peacefully last October. He ended his email with this: Also, we are buying equipment so that we can “We are looking forward to see you again in England as continue to broadcast services (Sundays at 10.00 am soon as possible, we are all well and hope the same to and occasionally funerals) from church. Someone has you to your family and all people in this lovely part of given a donation to cover the costs of the broadcasting Northern England, you are deep in our hearts. equipment. Please bring our deep felt friendship and love to all members for the parish of St. Mary and St. Cuthbert in We need volunteers to run this new equipment and Chester-le- Street, with special greetings to the choir they will be trained to operate it. If you would like to from us.” help please give your name to Jan in the Parish Office.

10 Outreach APRIL 2021 www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk The Parish Register

Funerals Funerals

February March 18 Marjorie Bagnall (72) 1 Mary Dobbin (94) 19 Marjorie Ellen Mary Wilson (86) 4 Rita Hancox (81) 22 Iris Farley (82) 5 Margaret Ann Walker (94)

25 Deborah Batey Punshon (94) 9 Robert Ellison (97) Richard Horner (89) Jean Radcliffe (96) 11 Patricia Margaret Collinge (78) 26 Ann-Marie Rowcroft (84) 12 William (Bill) Heightley Wilson (87)

17 Dorothy Vest (93)

23 Ann Ewart (73)

Coffee Mornings Saturdays, 10.00 am - 2.00 pm in the Parish Centre

Due to the present Corona Virus Pandemic there are no coffee mornings booked at present.

Flowers: In memory of: April Robert Willis Jamfrey Snr Robert Willis Jamfrey Jnr Frederick Jamfrey Walker and Stephenson Family Easter Derrick Earnshaw Donations for flowers to be sent to the Parish Office

www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk Outreach APRIL 2021 11 * Are you interested in reading the classics? * Would you like to look at great paintings in a new way?

So far we have looked at Charles Dickens and Jane Austen amongst others. Also the Dutch Golden Age and French Impressionists. Thursdays - 10.00 am to 12 noon - Small friendly group. In September we will be looking at the Brontes. In January the Italian Renaissance awaits! For more details contact Sue on 0191 371 8533

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28 Ravensworth Road Telephone Birtley 0191 410 3863 (24 hrs) Co Durham DH3 1EJ www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk Outreach APRIL 2021 13 0191 387 1404 151 Front Street, Chester le Street Also at 210 Durham Road, Gateshead (opp. Springfield Hotel) 0191 477 2398 / www.aytonandranson.net M. FORRESTER LANDSCAPES


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Mrs Last's Ironing Ring Between 8am - 9pm Any Day Call or text 07572655835 Call Michael on or find me on Facebook 0191 3873993 Or £12 a basket 07947 188124 14 Outreach APRIL 2021 www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk This page is blank.

www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk Outreach APRIL 2021 15 outreach Who’s Who?

Average monthly circulation in Staff team: Organist: 2020 was 320 copies. Rev’d David Tully Stephen Smith Rector (388 4027) Contributions to the Parish Office Treasurer: Rev’d Simon Grundy or by e-mail to: Malcolm Austin [email protected] Curate (07985 501753) Rev’d Mark Harrison Readers: May 2021 Edition Curate (07975 782891) John Hopper Deadline Dennis Rudd (410 0820) Audrey Telford (388 3858) Tuesday 13th April 2021 Church Secretary: Jan Rowland Parish Centre Kitchen Manager: Parish Centre Office (388 3295) Sharon Phillips (01325 467 806) Editor: Rev’d David Tully Youth & Children’s Co-ordinator Susan White (0771 7823915) We reserve the right to shorten articles and cannot guarantee publication of everything sent to us. Churchwardens: Dorothy Hall David Mallams Elaine Rayner Malcolm Rowland

Reg. Charity No: 1130847 Weekly Worship Parish Centre Office: in the Parish of St Mary and St Cuthbert Church Chare Chester-le-Street SUNDAYS Co Durham DH3 3QB 8.00 am Holy Communion* Tel: 0191 388 3295 10.00 am Morning Service and Online 10.00 am Service Monday - Friday 9.00 am - 1.00 pm 6.00 pm Evening Service E- mail: [email protected] AREA SERVICES Website: North and South - meeting fortnightly at 10.00 am in “Cuthbert” in Parish www.maryandcuthbert.org.uk Centre from April 11th

Church Opening Hours WEEKDAYS The church building is only open for: Thursday 10.45 am Holy Communion* from April 8th

Services on a Thursday and Sunday - please book place via the Parish *Book of Common Prayer Office.

Tuesday afternoon for private prayer - 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm from Tuesday 6th April

Staff Days Off Please note that David’s day off is usually Wednesday, Simon and Mark’s is usually Friday.

Printed by St Mary and St Cuthbert’s Parish Office