Art in the Modern World

LECTURE 11 | 19th-C Academic Art, the Pre-Raphaelites, & Decadence


1863 The Girlhood of Mary


Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI

1850 Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI


1874 Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI A Sea Spell

1877 Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI

1866 Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI Veronica Veronese

1872 Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI | 1852 Our English Coasts detail 1852 William Holman HUNT 1851 | William Holman HUNT

The Awakening Conscience

1853 William Holman HUNT

The Scapegoat 1854 | William Holman HUNT The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple 1854-55 | William Holman HUNT

1870-73 William Holman HUNT Christ in the House of His Parents 1849 | Portrait of

1854 John Everett MILLAIS 1852 | John Everett MILLAIS George Herbert at Bemerton 1851 | The Man of Sorrows 1860 | William DYCE ACADEMIC ART Louis XIV & Molière 1862 | Jean-Léon GÉRÔME Prayer in Cairo Jean-Léon GEROME Harvester


William BOUGUEREAU Bacchante

1894 William BOUGUEREAU Innocence

1873 William BOUGUEREAU Fishing for Frogs 1882 William BOUGUEREAU The Awakening Heart


William BOUGUEREAU Solitude

1890 Frederick Lord LEIGHTON

1895 Frederick Lord LEIGHTON Ophelia 1896 | J.W. WATERHOUSE The Baleful Head

1885 Edward BURNE JONES The Beguiling of Merlin

1874 | Edward BURNE JONES Seaside

1878 James Jacques Joseph TISSOT The Princesse de Broglie James Joseph Jacques TISSOT A Woman of Ambition

1883-85 James Joseph Jacques TISSOT Too Early 1873 | James Joseph Jacques TISSOT Holyday 1876 | James Joseph Jacques TISSOT Autumn on the Thames

1871 James Joseph Jacques TISSOT The Boyhood of Raleigh 1870 | John Everett MILLAIS A Dream of the Past: Sir Isumbras at the Ford

1857 | John Everett MILLAIS A Reading Lesson c. 1889 Léon-Jean Basile PERRAULT The Little Brother

1889 Léon-Jean Basile PERRAULT dis-integration dis-integration

“Things have come to a pretty pass when religion is allowed to invade the sphere of private life”

William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne The nude in ACADEMIC ART Albaydé

1848 Alexandre CABANEL Young Greeks Fighting Cocks 1847 | Jean-Leon GEROME Pygmalion

Jean-Leon GEROME The Purchase of a Slave

1899 Jean-Léon GEROME The Rapture of Psyche

1895 William BOUGUEREAU A Mermaid

1901 William John WATERHOUSE The Depths of the Sea

1886 Edward BURNE JONES Actaea Frederick LEIGHTON | 1868 Light of the Harem

Frederick LEIGHTON 1880 Ectopic Pregnancy Cancer of the Uterus

2005 | Wangechi MUTU Glitter, ink, fur, collage on medical illustrations C H R I S T I A N SUBJECTS

by Academic artists Solomon’s Wall, Jerusalem

Jean-Leon GEROME The Christian Martyr’s Last Prayer 1875-85 | Jean-Leon GEROME Pollice Verso 1872 | Jean-Leon GEROME Samson and Delilah 1885 | Solomon J. SOLOMON Mary Magdalen in the Cave 1868 | Hugues MERLE

Mariya Magdalen

1858-60 Anthony Frederick Augustus SANDYS St. Eulalia

1885 | J.W. WATERHOUSE St. Augustine and St. Monica

1858 | Ary SCHEFFER The Holy Women at the Tomb of Christ

1890 William BOUGUEREAU

Flagellation of Our Lord Jesus Christ

1880 William BOUGUEREAU


1897 William BOUGUEREAU Pietà

1876 William BOUGUEREAU James Jacques Joseph TISSOT

(1836-1902) Too Early 1873 | James Jacques Joseph TISSOT A Woman of Ambition

1883-85 James Jacques Joseph TISSOT Holyday 1876 | James Jacques Joseph TISSOT Charles Darwin “Men of the Day”

1871 James Jacques Joseph TISSOT Princesse de Broglie

1895 James Jacques Joseph TISSOT The Journey of the Magi New Testament series | 1894 | James Jacques Joseph TISSOT The Baptism of Yeshua New Testament series 18XX James Jacques Joseph TISSOT Jesus among the Pharisees New Testament Series | 18XX | James Jacques Joseph TISSOT The Primacy of St. Peter New Testament Series | 1886/96 | James Jacques Joseph TISSOT The Pharisee & the Publican New Testament Series | 1894 | James Jacques Joseph TISSOT The Good Samaritan

New Testament Series 1886/94 James Jacques Joseph TISSOT Abraham watching God destroy Sodom (Exodus 18) James Jacques Joseph TISSOT The Flight of the Prisoners (the exile to Babylon) Old Testament series | 1896 | James Jacques Joseph TISSOT The Annunciation New Testament Series | 1894 | James Jacques Joseph TISSOT The Alabaster Box (Mt 26:6-13) New Testament Series | 1885/96 | James Jacques Joseph TISSOT The Two Men Possessed with Devils New Testament Series | 1886/94 | James Jacques Joseph TISSOT He Went Through the Villages on the Way to Jerusalem New Testament Series | 1886/94 | James Jacques Joseph TISSOT What Our Saviour Saw from the Cross

New Testament series 1890 James Jacques Joseph TISSOT The Body of Jesus Carried to the Anointing Stone

New Testament Series 1886/96 James Jacques Joseph TISSOT Barabbas

New Testament Series 1886/94 James Jacques Joseph TISSOT Judas Hangs Himself

New Testament series 1890 James Jacques Joseph TISSOT D é ca d e n c e D é ca d e n c e

“Not to recognize the state of decadence which we are in would be the height of insensibility. Religion, customs, justice, everything decays.... Society comes apart under the corrosive action of a delinquent civilization.... We commit this paper to murderous innovations, to stupefying audacities, to incoherences ... at the furthest limit of compatibility with those archaic conventions known as ‘public morality’.... We will ... preach eternally the dogma of elixir, the quintessential word of triumphant décadisme.” Anatole Baju Salome Dancing before Herod 1870 Gustave MOREAU Salome

c. 1900 Gustave MOSSA Salome c. 1900 | Lucien LEVY-DHURMER Salome with the Head of St. John

1892 Aubrey BEARDSLEY Apparition

1876 Gustave MOREAU Jupiter and Semele

1894 Gustave MOREAU The Idol of Perversity

L’Idole de la perversité, or, L’ange du bizarre

1891 Jean DELVILLE Friedrich Nietzsche

1905 Edvard MUNCH Anxiety

1896 Edvard MUNCH Spring Evening on Karl-Johan Street 1892 | Edvard MUNCH The Shriek lithograph 1895 Edvard MUNCH The Shriek

1893 Edvard MUNCH