HAVE GERMAN WILL TRAVEL BAYERN Konig Ludwig II. von Bayern / King Ludwig II of (1845 to 1886)

Zeittafel I time line

1865 10 June: Premiere of Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde" in the Munich Hoftheater. IO December: Richard Wagner is forced to leave Munich.

1866 The conflict between Austria and Prussia leads to the "German War", as a result of which Bavaria is forced to form an alliance with Prussia. 22 - 24 May: King Ludwig TI visits Richard Wagner at the Villa Tribschen near Lucerne.

1867 22 January: King Ludwig II becomes engaged to Sophie, Duchess in Bavaria, a sister of Empress Elisabeth of Austria. l - 3 June: Journey to the Wartburg. 20 - 29 July: Visit to the World Exhibition in Paris with a stay in Compiegne and PieJTefonds. 7 October: The engagement is broken off.

1868 21 June: Premiere of Richard Wagner's "Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg" in the Munich N ationaltheater. First plans for and the first sketches for a palace modelled on Versailles and later built on the Herreninsel in tbe Chiemsee.

1869 Completion of the royal apartment in the . 5 September: The fow1dation stone ofNeuschwanstein is laid. 22 September: "Das Rheingold" by Richard Wagner is first performed in the Munich Hoftheater.

1870 Beginning of the war between and France. The king supports the alliance with Prussia. 26 June: "Die Walkure" by Richard Wagner is performed for the first time in the Munich Hoftheater. The first plans for Linderhof Palace are drawn up.

1871 Founding of the Second German Empire. l(jng Ludwig Il's conservatory is completed in the Munich Residenz.

1872 6 May: First "private performance" in the Munich Hoftbeater. 22 May: The foundation stone of Wagner's Festival Theatre in Bayreuth is laid.