Zitteliana A 52 (2012) 79 The American genus Penetrigonias Tanner & Martin, 1976 (Mammalia: Rhinocerotidae) as a stem group elasmothere and ancestor of Menoceras Troxell, 1921 Kurt Heissig Zitteliana A 52, 79 – 95 Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologe und Geologie, Richard Wagner Str. 10, München, 23.05.2012 D-80333 Munich, Germany Manuscript received E-mail:
[email protected] 03.02.2012; revision accepted 17.04.2012 ISSN 1612 - 412X Abstract A detailed character study of the early Oligocene skull of Penetrigonias dakotensis (Peterson, 1920) kept in the Bavarian State Collec- tion of Paleontology and Geology at Munich, Germany, and comparisons of this specimen with geologically older species of the genus has resulted in the recognition of features characterizing this lineage of small-sized rhinoceroses of North America. Morphological trends recognizable in the upper cheek teeth of P. dakotensis are present also in the early Elasmotheriini, suggesting that the genus Penetrigonias may represent a stem group representative of this tribe. At the same time, the more advanced characters of the latest early Oligocene species P. dakotensis suggest that the genus Menoceras with its Eurasian and American species may represent the successor of this species. A cladistic analysis of the characters of early Rhinocerotidae from America results in a scheme explaining how and when this family may have split into its different tribes. Key words: Elasmotheriini, North America, Menoceras, Penetrigonias, Paleogene, Phylogeny, Rhinocerotidae Kurzfassung Eine genaue Untersuchung des unteroligozänen Schädels von Penetrigonias dakotensis (Peterson, 1920) in der Bayerischen Staats- sammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie und Vergleiche mit älteren Arten der Gattung erlauben es, den typischen Merkmalsbestand die- ser phyletischen Linie kleinwüchsiger Nashörner Nordamerikas zu erfassen.