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: LOS ANGELES DISTRIBUTED TO OVER 200 PROMINENT LOCATIONS IN THE GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA „ “FOR WHOME THE BELL TOLLS THE RACKHOUSE MEN’S SHOP ROBBERIES-President of the Hawaii Club mugged New Year’s Eve ‘*“ ."1'".’». «^'oOung shop on Hyperion Avenue w ith good faith, ^ in g to brmg a new defituUon and a new open social attitude to the area-which was considerably brightened by his store. f bemg robbed three times in two months during the holidays, desnite D* 'j*^^** expense m bars on the doors and windows and security alarms oc^"ences. not only for himself, but for the neighbor- h ^ d , and the city as well! He feeb that all the surrounding businesses and re- sidtmces ought to be involved in a stringent watch over one miother. "How can businwes grow and prosper in an area where new growth u discouraged?’’ Randv We“tXd‘*;if“thr “ busines^Tto fliSrfi We talked of the recent Frog Pond bombmg, and a disclosure by aneighbor that two eases of beer were known to be stolen from a bar in thb area Thomu F. Colemau He suggested the possibiUty of all the neighborhood esUblbhments investing m a private patrol service. The problems of intimidation by bodily harm, robber^ rffort felt tenMon can and must be attacked and resolved by a cohesive L.A. SPEAKS OUT rn*thi \ u“ **** Community. Randy expressed hb faith the potentiahties in the area and he intends to grow and prosper in spite of it. Membcn of the Gay and Lesbian genuinely ^ e u e d at the interest the northeast Police Division community received a significant com ^* k '?** S g t^ ie b . dectective. has worked closely w h h ^ S y mitment from the Los Angeles Police robberies. A hebcopter saw a weaving car hte one ^ght and a^ •uspect. He »vas caught with half the merchandbe sto l» from o m Commission to work together on a robbery still in the car. He is awaiting trial. broad range of issues relating to the gay community. and »««»ed the need for more public involvement, Attorney Thomas F. Coleman the a^el cohesive effort' to work out reaUstic sohitions agaiut intimidation in requested - the Commission set law Hawaii aub. and one of the progressive enforcement standards that would members in the gay commumty, was mugged, thrown down brutally, a ^ hurt give priority to crimes against person and property and end what he called ‘hc®»t area on New Year’s Eve. Paul b one o f everyone’s anti-gay harassment. Copies of the ^*****' help wherever it b needed, for t^tever ** hemg planned, or for whatever assbtance b needed in ’81-’S2 proposed LAPD budget and the community or for friends. He b a favorite with all who know him. Hb exact Directive 41 from Mayor Bradley’s office provided supporting documen ‘ j •** unable to talk-“Leaving a neigh- i^uAbv . I was on the comer of Highland*and wS- tation for Coleman’s proposal that loughby • • . I was ui a good mood-sober and alert! I can’t tell vou what a re-ordering of priorities was ne ***5 **j • ^c*t the forearm or elbow hit the right side of my neck cessary for the sake of Department Md down I went hitting the hard pavement-I couldn’t move-I was wearing my efficiency. The Mayor’s Directive Hawau Coat of Arms around my neck and 1 saw it lying on the ground! . I want now requires all department heads, this pnnted to warn others to be especiaUy careful in that area-But since only including the Police Chief, to show the good die young- 1 guess you will have to suffer with me awhile longer. Love, how productivity can be increased with existing resources. Coleman noted that the department has not __— _______________ _______ —Evelyn Freedman complied with that directive. Lesbian spokesperson, Pamela Parker, stressed the need for an ed percent budget cut, rather than ucation program at the police academy the LAPD; and the City Attorney’s and sensitivity training for officers seeking across-the-board efficiencies. office. However, the Commission Vice President of the Commission in the field. failed to respond in any way to Gay and Lesbian Community James Fbk, in stating the he comfort and hospitality of a budgetary issues that were rabed. Commission’s willingness to work on Services Center Executive Director, These include the first-time beautifully restored Victorian man Steve Schulte, requested that the these, issues, described the board as revelation of plans by the Police “overwhelmed’’ by the breadth and sion await you. Located near the commission extend an “Affirmative'^ Chief to totally eliminate the police tnvibtion’’ for qualified gays and detail of the presentations. Castro and Folsom areas in San station divbions in the Northeast Chief Gates abo gave hb un lesbians to apply for officer training. (Highland Phrk); Devonshbe (north To underscore the need, speaker reserved support to the idea that the Francisco’s "sunbelt,” we ( ^ r a east San Fernando Valley); Newton gay community and the Los Angeles Peter Nash read a list of 21 gay men (south central L.A.); 77th (south rooftop sundeck, solar-heated hot who have been murdered in L.A. in Police Department should work central Los Ahgeles) in case of a 10 together. tub Jacuzzi and a unique “tanning the last year and requested better room.” Large guest rooms feature protection for gays. Long-time activist, Morris Kight, wet bars or kitchens and Euro- stated flatly that the proposed ’81- pean-style shared baths with com ’82 department budget be zero based. Spokesperson Jairow Rogpvin \ plimentary continental breakfast asked the board, in the spirit of the served in our traditional double par city’s Bicentennial, to appoint a com lor. The Inn’s friendly staff will assist mittee of its staff to work with mem bers of the gay and lesbian community you in finding what you want in on these issues. San Francisco. Public transportation Each commissioner then stated and the BART system are nearby. that he or she was -sincere in their concern about the matters raised, Rates b ^ at $19 single or double. and agreed to work with members of the gay community on the issues The Inn San Francisco of education«^.hiring and law enforce ment priorities and standards. 943 Sooth \hn Ness Avenue Various members of the com San Francisco 94110 mission suted that they desired lUephone 415/641-0188 further input from the gay and les bia spokespeople in conjunction t' Send for our brochure:— with the psychologist at the Police Academy; AÚistant Chief Lou Reiter, Marabina Davila and Mark Del Castillo-Marante in THE LOVE OF DON Head of Personnel and Training for PERLIMPLIN AND BELISA IN HER GARDEN. See page 26. ANTONIO MEJIAS-RENTAS flfteen of his poems sUged with or ied to high prices iginal music make up FREDERICO! SATURDAY, JAN 17 (POEMS AND A PLAY IN THE LIFE OF LORCA), a production of The en all you want is Some plays arc not intended to Los Angeles Actor’s Theatre Bilingual be movies and, although LA CAGE Company which premieres at 8:30 AUX FOLLES mis-directed by Ed p.m. (in English) at the Los Angeles hang your cuffs? ouard Molinaro falls into this cate City College’s Caminito Theatre (855 gory, it is worth seeing because it N. Vermont Avenue; 464-5500). focuses on a good—if somewhat Another premiere, at the Studio different—lifetime homosexual re Theatre Playhouse: Leslie Steven’s lationship. It is also very funny. SUNFIRE MAN, at 8 p.m. (1944 With “Happy Birthday Gemini” at Riverside Drive: 665-3011). the Vista (4473 Sunset Drive; 660-6614). FRIDAY,JAN 23 THE RUDY PEREZ DANCE |N^|.ES from $12 COMPANY premieres three pieces KATHERINE HEPBURN opens at 8:30 p.m. at the UCLA Center for a new comedy, “The West Side the Performing Arts (825-9261). Waltz,” at the Ahmanson at 8:30 ES from $20 p.m. (972-7654) SUNDAY,JAN 18 A little bit of salsa, a little bit of jazz, or just plain TIERRA, at Per The Los Angeles County kins Palace in Pasadena (796-7001). Museum’s recently inaugurated “Anna The silliest costumes and sets leahif safe facilities Bing Arnold Lectures” are designed ever made in American Film History: “to bring the people of Los Angeles FLESH GORDON and BARBAREL- and the national art community im LA, at the Vista (664-6614) ;:.Jtie Spartan Man portant contemporary thought and Distingubhed activist IVY BOT- scholarship in the field of fine arts.” TINI b honored by the Stonewall Considering the Museum’s ultra- Democratic Club. Dinner and enter heart of San traditional approach to art collection, tainment (at S30 per) at the Crystal this statement is to be taken cau Ballroom, Biltmore Hotel. (463-3928) b's famous tiously. The topic chosen for the first six lectures to be delivered by art SATURDAY, JAN 24 historian Sir Ernst H. Gombrich is bisom area “The Preference for the Primitive: If you had a new wave band, Six Lectures on the History of Taste.” would, you name it Paul Shock and the Folsom St., FUTURE SCHLOCK “Present corruption, effeminancy, Schockettes? Would it make any dif and venality,” explains Professor Gom ference? Doo, doo, doo, dah, dah, dah, brich, “have continously been con dah . COSMIC SPUNK: A SHOCK incisco,-C A “What if,” the oddly dressed man asks his audience, “we were to live in a trasted with the primitive as an ideal ROCK OPERA opens at midnight, at planet that could not afford any further population growth .