Prof Sarah Franklin, PhD, FSB Cambridge University Chair of Sociology Old Cavendish Laboratory Free School Lane, Cambridge CB2 3RQ
[email protected] Academic Employment 2004 –2011 Professor of Social Study of Biomedicine, LSE 2001– 2004 Professor of Anthropology of Science, Lancaster University 1999-2001 Reader in Cultural Anthropology, Lancaster University 1997-1999 Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University 1993-1997 Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University 1990-1993 .5 Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University .5 Research Associate, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester Visiting Professorships 10/08-05/09 Visiting Professor, IHPK, NYU 10/03- Visiting Professor, Department of Gender Studies, University of 8/04 Sydney 10/2001 Visiting Professor, NOISE Graduate Summer Programme, Madrid, Spain 10/2000 Visiting Professor, International Women's University, Hannover, Germany 12/99 Visiting Professor, Medical Anthropology Program, University of Tarragona, Spain 1/1994- Visiting Associate Professor, Anthropology Board, University of 8/1995 California, Santa Cruz 8-12/1993 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, New York University Education 1978-82, Department of Anthropology, Smith College BA 1983-4, Women's Studies Program, University of Kent MA 1984-6, Department of Anthropology, New York University MA 1986-9, Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, University of PhD Birmingham (awarded 1992) Franklin CV 2011 Major Publications 2013 Biological Relatives: IVF, Stem Cells and the Future of Kinship Duke (single authored monograph examining the historical importance of IVF for understanding gender and kinship as technologies). 2009 ‘Public Culture as Professional Science’ (Final Report of the ScoPE Project). 83pp, with K Burchell and K Holden 2008 Science as Culture Special Issue: Stem Cell Technologies 1998- Carfax 2008: Controversies and Silences Vol 17, No.