NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that County Council proposes to make the above order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers. The effect of the order is to:

1) Introduce a 20mph speed limit area (in place of 30mph) in the town centre to all roads inside (and cul-de-sacs connected with) the following roads* listed clockwise: Northfield End, Marlow Road, New Street, Thameside, Hart Street, Friday Street, Station Road, Norman Avenue, Church Street, Greys Hill, Deanfield Avenue, Gravel Hill, Hop Gardens, Crisp Road, Badgemore Lane.

* Exact start/finish locations are detailed within papers available to the public.

2) Reduce the national 60mph limit to 40mph on the A4130 Fairmile from the existing 30mph limit to a point 95 metres northwest of Lambridge Wood Road.

Various speed limit orders will be consolidated with this order for administrative reasons only resulting in revocations of the following Oxfordshire County Council orders: (Restricted Roads) (Henley on Thames Parish) Order 1999; (A4155 Henley on Thames to Reading) (50mph Speed Limit) Order 1999; (Market Place, Henley-on-Thames) (20mph Speed Limit) Order 2003; (Bix and Assendon) (A4155 Marlow Road) (40mph Speed Limit) Order 2007, and the (Henley-on-Thames, Un-named Road between Gravel Hill, Henley and ) (40mph Speed Limit) Order 2007.

Documents giving more details of the proposals are available for public inspection online by visiting: https://consultations.oxfordshire.gov.uk, or in person at County Hall, Oxford, OX1 1ND, between 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday; and at Henley Town Council, Town Hall, Market Place, RG9 2AQ, from 9am to 8pm Mondays to Fridays, and from 9am to 4.30pm Saturday.

Objections to the proposal, specifying the grounds on which they are made and any other representations should be sent in writing to the address below (or via the web address above) no later than 03 August 2018. The County Council will consider objections and representations received in response to this Notice. They may be disseminated widely for these purposes and made available to the public.

Traffic Regulation Team (ref.CM/12.6.245) for the Director for Infrastructure Delivery, County Hall, Oxford OX1 1ND. Tel 0845 310 1111.