Marc Martin | 32 pages | 01 Jun 2015 | Templar Publishing | 9781783702084 | English | Surrey, United Kingdom Forest | Definition of Forest at

Forestcomplex ecological system in which trees are the dominant life-form. They can develop under a variety of conditions within these climatic limits, and the kind of soil, plant, and animal life differs according to the extremes of environmental influences. In cool, high-latitude subpolar regions, forests are dominated by hardy conifers like pines, spruces, and larches. These taiga boreal forests have prolonged winters and between and mm 10 and 20 inches of rainfall annually. In more temperate A Forest climates, mixed forests of both conifers and broad-leaved deciduous trees predominate. A growing period of to days allows deciduous forests to be dominated by oaks, elms, birches, maples, beeches, and aspens. In the humid climates of the equatorial belt, tropical rainforests develop. There heavy rainfall supports evergreens that have broad leaves instead of needle leaves, as in cooler forests. In the lower latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, the temperate deciduous forest reappears. Forest types A Forest distinguished from each other according to species composition which A Forest in part according to A Forest age of A Forest forestthe density of tree cover, type of soils found there, and the geologic history of the forest region. Soil conditions are distinguished according to depth, fertility, and the presence of perennial roots. Soil depth is important A Forest it determines the extent to which roots can penetrate into the earth and, therefore, the amount of water and nutrients available to the trees. The soil of taiga forests is sandy and quickly drained. Deciduous forests have brown A Forest, richer than sand in nutrients, and less porous. Rainforests and savanna woodlands have a soil layer rich in iron or aluminum, which give the soils either a reddish or yellowish cast. The amount of water available to the soil, and therefore available for tree growth, depends on the amount of annual rainfall. Water may be lost A Forest evaporation from the surface or by leaf A Forest. Evaporation and transpiration also control the temperature of the air in forests, which is always slightly warmer in cold months and cooler in warm months than the air in surrounding regions. A Forest density of tree cover influences the amount of both sunlight and rainfall reaching every forest layer. A full-canopied forest absorbs between 60 and 90 percent of available light, most of which is absorbed by the leaves for photosynthesis. The movement of rainfall into A Forest forest is considerably influenced by leaf cover, which tends to slow the velocity of falling water, which penetrates down to the ground level by running down tree trunks or dripping from leaves. Water not absorbed by the A Forest roots for nutrition runs along root channels, so water erosion is therefore not a major factor in shaping forest topography. Forests are among the most complex ecosystems in the world, and they exhibit extensive vertical stratification. Conifer forests have the simplest structure: a tree layer rising to about 98 feet 30 metresa shrub layer that is spotty or even absent, and a ground layer covered with lichens, mosses, and liverworts. Deciduous forests are more complex; the tree canopy is divided into an upper and lower story, while rainforest canopies are divided into at least three strata. The forest floor A Forest both of these forests consists of a layer A Forest organic matter overlying mineral A Forest. The humus layer of tropical soils is affected by the high levels of heat and humidity, which quickly decompose whatever organic matter exists. Fungi on the soil surface play an important role in the availability and distribution of nutrients, particularly in the northern coniferous forests. Some species of fungi live in partnership with the tree roots, while others are parasitically destructive. Animals that A Forest in forests have highly developed hearing, and many are adapted for vertical movement through the environment. Because food other than ground plants is scarce, many ground-dwelling animals use forests only for shelter. In temperate forests, birds distribute plant seeds and insects aid in pollination, along with the wind. In tropical forests, fruit bats and birds effect pollination. Forest Article Media Additional Info. Home Science Environment. Print Cite. Facebook Twitter. Give Feedback External Websites. A Forest us know if A Forest have suggestions to improve this article requires login. External Websites. World Wildlife Fund - Forest Habitat. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree See Article History. Cloud forest atop Mt. Tropical montane forests grow at higher altitudes on forested mountainous regions of the tropics, such as in the highlands of New Guinea, the Gotel Mountains of Cameroon, the Ruwenzori mass of A Forest Africa, and the Andes of southern Brazil. Read More on This Topic. Commercial forestry is not A Forest developed in India. Nevertheless, the annual cutting of hardwoods is among the highest of any country Boreal forest, Alaska, U. Get exclusive access to content from our First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today. Learn about fungi in the forest ecosystem, including how some fungi digest plant matter saprotrophism A Forest, while others form mutualistic mycorrhizal relationships with plants. Deciduous forest of beech in autumn, New Forest, southern England, U. Nutrient cycling in tropical forests is dependent on fungi such as these growing in decaying leaf litter. Fungi decompose dead organic matter, releasing nutrients back into the ecosystem to A Forest taken up by the roots of plants. Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. Nevertheless, the annual cutting of hardwoods is among the highest of any country in the world. Species that are sources of timber, pulp, plywoods, veneers, and matchwood include teak, deodar a type of cedar A Forest, sal Shorea… …. With more A Forest 57, square milessquare km of woodland, France possesses one of the largest afforested areas in western Europe, offering direct employment to more than 80, people. Forest ed areas are unevenly distributed, with the majority lying to the east of a…. Forest s cover more than one-third of the total land area of Spain, with much of this woodland in the Cantabrian A Forest. Important forestry products are cork, eucalyptus, oak, pine, and poplar. Because centuries of…. History at your fingertips. 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Protect clean air, clean A Forest, and public health and conserve working farms, forests, and natural lands. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Please enable scripts and reload this page. An Official Government Website. State Parks. State Forests. Find a Trail. Find Local A Forest. Page Content. State Forest District Index Select a state forest district from the map above or from the list below for maps and information. . Fish the fabled Penn's Creek. See old growth at Joyce Kilmer. Snowmobile on miles of trails. Hike the Mid-State Trail. Enjoy the Sweet Root Natural Area. Cross-country ski Anders Run. Explore Hunter's Run A Forest. Enjoy the Poconos in their natural form. Paddle a glacial lake. Take in the views at Stairway Wild Area. View majestic wild elk. See the white birches of Wykoff. Ride horseback on Thunder Mountain. Trout fish on Indian Creek. Visit Mt. Davis Natural Area, the highest point in PA! . Loyalsock State A Forest. Experience the "big woods" along the . Photograph the A Forest of the McIntyre Wild Area. . Hike across South Mountain on the . Climb to Pole Steeple. Fish on Mountain Creek. . Backpack the Quehanna. Hunt "big woods" spring gobblers. Snowmobile across the Allegheny Front. Pinchot State Forest. Trek A Forest the forests of northeast PA. Bird-watch near Harvey's A Forest. Take in the view A Forest Pine Hill. . . Backpack the remote Fish Dam Wild Area. ATV the Bloody Skillet. Trout fish on Young Woman's Creek. Susquehannock State Forest. Search for relic logging camps in the Hammersley. Mountain bike the Billy Lewis. Deer hunt in the "big woods. . Paddle Pine Creek. Find serenity in the Algerine Wild Area. Cross-country ski the Pine A Forest Rail Trail. . Ride Owasee's white water. Survey the "Grand Canyon" from the West Rim. Look for otters on the Pine. . Travel on the . Picnic along Licking A Forest. Check out 1,year-old huckleberries. Hang-glide on the Haldeman. Explore the A Forest of Roaring Creek. Kayak out to . William A Forest State Forest. Check out rare plants on Goat Hill. Explore the Serpentine Barrens. Look for shorebirds on Little Tinicum. Government that Works Protect clean air, clean water, and public health and conserve A Forest farms, forests, and natural lands. Forest - Wikipedia

The word forest can also refer collectively to those trees. Less commonly, forest can be used as a verb meaning to cover an area with trees. This sense of the word is used in the terms deforestation the clearing of a forested area and reforesting planting trees in a woodland that has been deforested or destroyed by a forest A Forest. Sometimes, forest is used in a figurative way to refer to a collection of vertical objects clustered together, as in Many of these new cities look like forests of skyscrapers. The first records of the word forest come from A Forest s. The word woods can be used as a synonym for forestbut the word forest usually implies a much bigger area, especially one considered part of the wilderness. Forests can be found throughout the A Forest. There are several types of forestsincluding rainforests found in the tropicstemperate forests found in temperate zones, like in North Americaand boreal forests found in northern areas. In the U. What are some other forms related to forest? The word forest is usually used to refer to a wild and very extensive woodland. The fires that raged through many rainforests just one year ago are a poignant reminder of how important these forests are. Creating protected areas is the most A Forest way to prevent deforestation activity that leads to fires. 's "logging loophole" is allowing the logging industry to escape scrutiny and regulation over its massive toll on the climate-critical boreal A Forest, jeopardizing global efforts to avoid climate catastrophe. Forest Service has closed all 18 national forests in California amid "unprecedented and historic fire conditions. A Forest or False? It can also mean using saws and machines to cut and thin the forest s. Then, over the past few decades, the forest s of Sarawak faced threats unlike any before. Severe wildfires across the American West may already be altering the future of forest s there. He A Forest rose to prominence as a lawyer in Queens, who settled a boiling racial dispute over public housing A Forest Forest Hills. The birds poop all over the forestand thanks to the viscin, the mistletoe seeds in said poop stick to branches. Instead, most of the suffering species ate insects on the forest floor. From the looks of it, mistletoe is a keystone species and plays a crucial role in that forest ecosystem. You may kill one—two—ten; yes, as A Forest as the leaves in the forest yonder, and their brothers will not miss them. They are the true children of the forest and the wilderness. A Forest two women would sally forth by the postern door, and make for the A Forest. The women are supposed to have a very A Forest time in the forestwhereas the men have hard work. A man of seventy and a boy of fourteen were running for the forest. See how many words from the week of Oct 12—18, you get right! Forest, grove, wood refer to an area covered with trees. A forest is an extensive area, preserving some or all of its primitive wildness and usually having game or wild animals in it: Sherwood Forest; the Black Forest. A grove is a group or cluster of trees, usually not very A Forest in area and cleared of underbrush. It is usually tended or cultivated: a shady grove; a grove of pines; an orange grove; a walnut grove. A Forest or a wood resembles a forest but is a smaller tract of land, less wild in character, and generally closer to civilization: lost A Forest the woods; a wood covering several acres. Words nearby forest foresightforeskinforesleeveforespeakforespentforestforestaffforestageforestallforestationA Forest. Example: We were deep in the forest, with no roads or buildings for miles. Did you know The word forest usually refers to a small wooded area, like a grove of trees. Words related to forest woodlandparkwoodjunglethickettimbercoppicegrovecovertcoverbackwoodsshelterwoodsgrowthstandbrakechaseclumpcopseweald. Suppressing fires has failed. Severe wildfires in the West may already be altering the future of forests Alison Snyder September 10, Axios. Europe is on high alert after a deadly swine virus emerges A Forest Germany Bernhard Warner A Forest 10, Fortune. The Scouts of the Valley Joseph A. NZ an area planted with exotic pines or similar trees Compare bush 1 def. A growth of trees covering a large area. Forests exist in all regions of the Earth except for regions of extreme cold or dryness. A Forest rights reserved. Every day? A Forest Them Now!