"Aquatic Plants of the Pacific Northwest, with Vegetaive Keys"

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STUDIES IN BOTANY Number 11 OREGON STATE MONOGRAPHS Studies in Botany FRANK H. SMITH, Consulting Editor 1. Tuberales of North America, Helen M. Gilkey 2. Developmental Morphology of Alpova, S. M. Zeller 3. Paleoecology of Two Peat Deposits on the Oregon Coast, Henry P. Hansen 4. Moss Flora of the Willamette Valley, Oregon, Clara]' Chapman and Ethel 1. Sanborn 5. Floral Anatomy of the Santalaceae and Some Related Forms, Frank H. Smith and Elizabeth C. Smith 6. Septoria Disease of Gramineae in Western United States, Roderick Sprague 7. Clavaria, the Species from Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, Maxwell S. Doty 8. The Marine Algae of the Coos Bay-Cape Arago Region of Oregon, Ethel I. Sanborn and Maxwell S. Doty 9. Northwestern American Plants, Helen M. Gilkey 10. Species of Selenophoma on North American Grasses, Roderick Sprague and A. G. Johnson 11. Aquatic Plants of the Pacific Northwest With Vegetative Keys, A. N. Steward, La Rea J. Dennis, and Helen M. Gilkey 12. Winter Twigs, a Wintertime Key to Deciduous Trees and Shrubs of North­ western Oregon and Western Washington, Helen M. Gilkey and Patricia L. Packard. AQUATIC PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Aquatic Plants of the Pacific Northwest With Vegetative Keys Albert N. Steward La Rea J. Dennis Helen M. Gilkey Second Edition OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS Corvallis, Oregon Copyright © 1963 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CORVALLIS Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 63-62508 Preface to First Edition With the support of the General Research Fund administered \. by the Graduate Council of Oregon State College and the National Science Foundation, the late Dr. Albert N. Steward started work ~~ on vegetative keys to the aquatic plants of the Pacific Northwest. His ',,--, untimely death in June of 1959 made it necessary for associ­ ate authors to be named to continue the project. The area included in this study is Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska. Considerable difficulty was encountered in preparing a list of plants to be included. An effort was made to in­ clude all true aquatics and also species whose life cycle includes some stage that requires either the saturation of the substrate with water or the presence of an ambient aqueous medium. The intent has been to exclude species occasionally found in moist places but equally at home in drier situations. In the Pacific Northwest the period of flowering and fruiting '. of aquatic plants is very short when compared to the long period of vegetative development experienced by a large proportion of the species. Many species appear not to flower every year but may ap­ pear prominently in the flora vegetatively for ten to twelve months of each year. This situation makes it most desirable that the keys be constructed primarily upon vegetative characters. This has been the approach wherever possible in this study. Reproductive characters have often been given as secondary characteristics to supplement and strengthen the keys. Where species are not readily distinguishable vegetatively, inserts have been made in the key making separations on reproductive characters. Numerous individuals have helped in the preparation of this manuscript; to them the authors express their genuine appreciation. Special mention should be made of the National Science Foundation for making the study financially possible; Dr. Roy A. Young, head of the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology for encourage­ ment and consideration; Dr. Harry K. Phinney for advanced testing of the key to families in his class and for valuable suggestions; Dr. Frank H. Smith for critical editorial and technical assistance; and Mrs. Cathrine Davis Young for most of the detailed drawings. February 18, 1960 La Rea f. Dennis Helen M. Gilkey Vll Preface to Second Edition Exhaustion of the first printing of this manual created a con­ venient opportunity for revision. Use 'Of the manual for tW'O seas'Ons, in the course in Aquatic Plants at Oregon State University, pro­ vided an opportunity to appraise the content and clarity of the b'Ook. This resulted in several changes; in particular, it seemed advisable to add certain borderline plants which, through their broad powers of adaptability, may be termed facultative aquatics. With the addi­ tion of a number of species, the illustrations have been increased and keys appropriately modified. Als'O, for convenience when flowers are present, a supplemental key to families based on floral characters has been added. To the list of individuals who helped in the preparation of this manual should be added the name of Dr. Kenton L. Chambers who 'COntributed many valuable suggestions during the preparation of the second edition. July 25, 1962 La Rea !. Dennis Helen M. Gilkey viii Contents Page Keys to Families .............................................................................. 1 Vegetative Key ........................................................................ 1 Supplemental Floral Key to Spermatophytes ........................ 22 Descriptive Flora .............................................................................. 29 Glossary ............................................................................................ 237 Bibliography ...................................................................................... 245 Index .................................................................................................. 247 PLATES Page Plate I (Figs. 1-8) ............................................................ 41 Plate II (Figs. 9-17) .......................................................... 54 Plate III (Figs. 18-25) ........................................................ 66 Plate IV (Figs. 26-34) ........................................................ 75 Plate V (Figs. 35-41) ........................................................ 97 Plate VI (Figs. 42-47) ........................................................ 110 Plate VII (Figs. 48-54) ........................................................ 122 Plate VIII (Figs. 55-65) ........................................................ 128 Plate IX (Figs. 66-74) ........................................................ 141 Plate X (Figs. 75-83) ........................................................ 149 Plate XI (Figs. 84-92) ........................................................ 157 Plate XII (Figs. 93-102) ...................................................... 161 Plate XIII (Figs. 103-110) .................................................... 170 Plate XIV (Figs. 111-121) .................................................... 184 Plate XV (Figs. 122-131) .................................................... 191 Plate XVI (Figs. 132-142) .................................................... 199 Plate XVII (Figs. 143-152) .................................................... 206 Plate XVIII (Figs. 153-161) .................................................... 213 Plate XIX (Figs. 162-170) .................................................... 221 Plate XX (Figs. 171-179) .................................................... 229 Plate XXI (Figs. 180-186) .................................................... 230 Plate XXII (Figs. 187-195) .................................................... 231 Plate XXIII (Figs. 196-203) .................................................... 232 Plate XXIV (Figs. 204-211) .................................................... 233 Plate XXV (Figs. 212-218) .................................................... 234 Plate XXVI (Figs. 219-227) .................................................... 235 Plate XXVII (Figs. a-z) ............................................................ 236 IX Keys to Families Vegetative Key la. Plants not differentiated into true roots, true stems, true leaves, not pos­ sessing true vascular tissue, the plant body therefore a thallus; gameto­ phytic thallus often producing structures superficially resembling roots, stems, and leaves; reproduction vegetative and/or by spores. 2a. Thallus differentiated into nodes and internodes, each node bearing a whorl of branches of limited growth; branches of unlimited growth often arising axillary to these; sex organs one-celled....... _.............. ..................._......................................................................... CHARACEAE.......29 2b. Thallus not differentiated into nodes and internodes; sex organs multicellular. 3a. Gametophytic thallus radially symmetrical; leaf-like structures scale-like and overlapping........................................ ·.. · [MUSCI] 4a. Plants with long stem-like structures floating out from the point of attachment, green in color .......... species of Fontinalis and Dichelyma FONTINALACEAE........34 4b. Plants with rather short stem-like structures forming thin mats on rocks or soil, or the mats rarely floating; or forming dense cushion-like mats in bogs. Sa. Color of the plants grayish-green; a thick cushion- like mat in bogs ......................................... _.............. ........................ SPhagnum SPHAGNACEAE........3S Sb. Color of plants yellow-green, brownish, or nearly black; thin mats covering rocks or soil, or the mats rarely floating in fresh water streams....... ................... _.. 'species of Leptodictyum, Drepan­ ocladus and Hygrohypnum HYPNACEAE........3S 3b. Gametophytic thallus not radially symmetrical, but dorsi­ ventral; often conspicuously bilaterally symmetricaL............ ............................................................................ [HEPATICAE]
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