MINUTES of the MEETING of the PARISH COUNCIL held on 3 March 2014 in the Village Hall, South Darenth at 7.30 pm

Present: Cllr D Mitchell (Chairman) Cllrs A Lewis, T Moyle, C Page, M Stead, C Willson and E Wilson

P McGarvey, District Councillor R Gough, County Councillor 2 members of the public In attendance: H Rohard, Parish Clerk

173 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Received from Cllrs Blackamore and House

174 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Mitchell declared a pecuniary interest in the schedule of accounts

175 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd February 2014 be approved and signed as a correct record.

176 MATTERS ARISING Horses being washed in the river Matter continues to be progressed by the Clerk

All other action points completed.

177 POLICE MATTERS PCSO could not attend as not on duty. The Clerk reported that he had been proactive in suggesting an Environmental Visual Audit to take place on the 11th March, was holding a surgery on 17th March in the Parish Room.

178 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Cllr Page reported on an incident by the Post Office when cars were parked on the pavement and double yellow lines. A pedestrian had to walk around the cars in the road and was very nearly knocked over. Parking has long been an issue in this spot and has been brought to Cllr Gough’s attention.

Whilst traffic wardens do attend infrequently, Cllr Page felt making reports of any cars parked inconsiderately should be made to SDC. In this way calls and details would be logged to form evidence of the need for action to be taken.

The Clerk was asked to produce a ‘report form’ for anyone to use who notices illegal parking. This may be collated by the Clerk as evidence. Cllr Page would also raise her concerns with the Pharmacy to ask them to remind customers to park considerately and legally. ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Page

179 REPORTS OF DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Cllr McGarvey had received an e-mail shortly before the meeting from Ian Finch regarding Flytipping in this Parish:

‘For information there have been 77 cases of Fly tipping reported in Horton Kirby & South Darenth since 1st April 2013 of which 57 have been collected by SDC. You’ll see below the percentages of fly-tipping activity in Horton Kirby & South Darenth parish compared to four towns in the District Council area.

Edenbridge (Town) 6% of fly tipping cases Sevenoaks (Town) 6% of fly tipping cases (Town) 13% of fly tipping cases (Town) 4% of fly tipping cases Horton Kirby & South Darenth (Parish) 10% of fly tipping cases’

Lesley Bowles, Chief Officer for Communities and Businesses had offered to meet the Chair in light of the Parish Council’s concerns; as an Environmental Visual Audit was already planned for the 11th March this would inform any meetings following on from this.

180 REPORT OF COUNTY COUNCILLOR Salt bins have now been installed in Towers Wood and at the top of New Road. Another is planned at the bottom of New Road near Fireman’s Run.

Potholes are on a ‘Find and Fix’ programme with Highways following severe weather over the winter months.

KCC element of Council Tax has been increased by 1.95%

Faster Broadband across rural has been an ongoing project with the aim that 90% will have fast internet access this year. More Government Funding will be sought to reach the last 10% who are difficult to reach.

181 RECREATION AND OPEN SPACES COMMITTEE The latest approved Minutes of the committee were received for information.

182 FIRE STATION Following a site visit on 12th February 2014, members each gave their views on the prospects of the building and what it could be used for. Discussions included the ideas that residents had put forward including youth venue, gym, community café, museum.

KFRS required a formal response to their offer. Cllr Page proposed that the Parish Council indicate that it would be interested in purchasing the property pending public consultation and further investigations into the project. Cllr Wilson seconded the proposal.

7 votes carried this proposal with 1 vote against.

A working party was formed with the remit to liaise with the Architect, look into grants and make regular reports back to the Parish Council.

The working party is: Cllrs Wilson, Willson, Page, Stead and Moyle

ACTION: Clerk to contact KFRS

183 KENT ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCIL AWARDS Cllrs Moyle, House and Stead had reviewed the nominations received which had been invited from residents of the Parish. 7 nominations had been received for 4 nominees; there was a clear winner who would receive a certificate from KALC at the Annual Parish Meeting in May. All nominees would be invited to attend with a Parish Council Certificate of recognition being given to the runner ups. Frames for the certificates would be purchased.

184 SOUTH DARENTH VILLAGE GREEN Transfer documents had been received for comment; a query regarding the ownership of part of the river bank was raised and will be passed to KCC Legal Team. A reminder about the removal of the dead tree was reiterated.

Malcolm Dunn from DRiPS advised that notices should be in place to warn the public to keep away from the steep river bank, which is fenced off.

185 STREET LIGHTING UK Power Networks had responded that the cost of removing Column 58 at £425 + VAT is non negotiable. Members heard from Cllr McGarvey that the cost of supplying electricity would not alter even if the column was disconnected. Members therefore felt it was not cost effective to have the column removed.

186 ADOPTION OF LAND Complaints about horses being washed in the river at Franks Lane due to the attending disruption to road users and walkers have been received over many years. Should the land between the Thames Water Pumping station and the river be available, Parish Councillors considered adopting the land to enable the area to be fenced as a means of resolving this recurring problem. The vote in favour of adopting the land if it is available was 5 to 1 against.

Cllr McGarvey advised that SDC may be able to fund the cost of the fence. ACTION: Clerk to continue with enquiries to progress matters

187 LOCAL TAX SUPPORT GRANT – JUDICIAL REVIEW Westerham Town Council is seeking a Judicial Review of SDC’s decision to withhold the Grant from Parish and Town Councils. SDC have stated that as the funds received from Government have not been ring fenced or identified as being the Grant they cannot pass it on to Parish and Town Councils. The Grant would be worth approximately £6500 to this Parish for this year. Members agreed that this Council would support in principle the request for a Judicial Review and asked to be kept informed of possible costs, should this be necessary. ACTION: Clerk to liaise with Westerham Town Council

188 ROTASPIKES Cllr Mitchell reported that having attended a Planning Seminar with Cllr Wilson and the Clerk it was clear that Appeals against decisions are rarely won. However a new application with modifications to the original application would prevent the refusal being enforced.

Having discussed matters with residents, who have opposed the spikes’ on the basis of their appearance, (October ROS Committee meeting), painting the spikes was agreed as a compromise.

Members agreed unanimously that a new planning application be submitted with the offer to paint the spikes and outlining the necessity of their presence. ACTION: Clerk to progress


Schedule Of Accounts RESOLVED that the schedule of accounts, as submitted, be approved and payments made accordingly.

Budget vs Actual Update This document was received for information.

190 NEWSLETTER/ WEBSITE/SOCIAL MEDIA The Newsletter was going to print with 36 pages which is the longest newsletter ever.

The Facebook group continues to grow in membership and provides an easy link between the Parish Office, Councillors and residents. An item regarding the cost of recent vandalism was requested to highlight this to residents.

A link to the Environmental Agency on the website would be a useful addition and St George’s day (26th April) event will be publicised; the Sport Funded project will start at this event with free taster sessions in various sport and dance.

191 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 7th April 2014

The meeting ended at 9.16pm

