. . JKAGKETIC KISSES · -JO_H_N_L_Io_N_. G_e_n_er-ai_D_ire_c_to_r __...;..._.,. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF MAGI( MAATIN ESSLIN, Dramaturg MAGICSon Francisco's PMirMN Aoyhous& Administrative Director ROSSI SNIPPEA The Magic Theatre, a non-profit presents Promotio()QI Director THEATRE corporation, would like to THEATRE BEVEAL Y LOHWASSEA thank the foll owing organizations Development Director JOAN WEEKS BOARD OF TRUSTEES for their support: Office Manager Stewart Brand SHARON A. SITTLOH Fred Carroll BankAmerica foundation Production Manager Martin Esslin The Bathin Helping Fund LINDA KOULISIS Blair Fuller The California Arts Council Administrative Assistant Richard Graff AlTA LECKRONE Chevron USA, Inc. Har"" Hunt Assistant Stage Manager The Columbia Foundation NINA SHAW Matyon Davies Lewis John Uon The Davies Ch aritable Trust Promotional Assistant The Ford Foundation PAMELA WINFREY Gail Schlesinger Graphic Design Judy Wyler Sheldon Foremost-McKesson Foundation RINALDO RATTO David Stone Th e Wallace Al exander Gerbode Angelica Thieriot Staff Photographer Foundation Sandy Walker RON BLANCHETTE Th e Hancock Foundation Th e He wlett Foundation LIFETIME MEMBERS The Louis A. Lurie Foundati on BARRY M. CHAUSEA. M.D. The Nationa l Endowment for JAY EGGER Magic Theatre is a constituent the Arts BOB FAHRNER theatre of the American Arts Alli ­ SUSAN HILLSTOM ance, Californi a Th eatre Council. The Publi city and Ad vertising Fund ETHEL HUFFMAN California Confederation of the of the Ci ty of San· Francisco SAM MORFORD Arts, and Th eatre Communications The Rockefeller Foundation JOSEPH T. AAVICINI Group. The Sa n Francisco Foundation MR. & MRS. HARMON SHRAGGE The Magic Th eatre project at Fort The U. and Mary C. Skaggs JAY SPEARS Mason is presented in connection GERALD AND SHEILA SPINDEL with the Fort Mason Foundation Foundation ZEB TROUT and the G G N R A Wens Fargo Bank Foundation DON'T MISS FISH STORIES JAMES C. RAINIE AHorney at l aw David Gilbert's new comedy about Representing peop le in Theatre and other Arts in all aspects of their business ­ fucking, God, and cancer Other qua li ty s e rv i c e ~ as wel l at ~ Phone (415) 452-4726 PROJECT ARTAUD THEATRE 450 Florida (17th ST.) Thurs. -Sun. Written by------Directed by JULY 11- AUG .17th PRINTING DONATED BY ROBERT WOODRUFF Information & reservations m Set Design JESSE HOLLIS • Light Design KURT LANDISMAN Am~~P!,~~"~?a!ble ~~~!,~Ye,press Costume Design RITA YOVINO • Sound by ROB WELLES • EMERYVILLE, CALIFOR!'J.. IA 94608 ~--a__ d a_r __ k h o_r_s_e_:p_r_o •. _u_c_•_o_n_..... d t (415) 428-18oo ~;;,·--.: •.. ; Previews July 2-5 • Plays July 10-August 10, 1980 "Be a MAN - SELL OUT" -- Lenny Bruce The Magic Starts here! CAST In order of appearance PRODUCTION STAFF Magic Theatre's I980-8I subscription Austin Production Stage Manager season sales are now underway. If you PETER COYOTE •••••••••••••••••••• LINDA KOULISIS would like to become part of the Lee Technical Director Magic at the Magic Theatre, just fill JIM HAYNIE ROBERT WOODRUFF MICHAEL FAW out our easy-to-order subscription form Saul Kimmer Director Properties available in the lobby. You can use TOM DAHLGREN SURESA DUNDES your Visa card, Mastercharge, or be TRUE WEST is the fifth work that billed later. Being a subscriber Mom Woodruff has directed at the Magic Synthesist CAROL McELHENEY ALAN LAM guarantees you seating for the best Theatre. Previous credits include new plays being written for today' s Assistant Technical Director There will be one ten minute intermission SUICIDE in B-FLAT and BURIED stage and the most provocative and •••••••••••••••••••• CHILD by Sam Shepard, WOLVES LYNN GUTSTADT adventuresome works by Performance by John Robinson and ARE YOU Stage Manager Artists. Being a subscriber also entitles SAM SHEPARD LOOK!N? by Murray Mednick (for NINA SHAW you to special benefits such as advance which Woodruff received the Bay Playwright Light Operator notice of special events and our Area Critics Award for Outstanding subscriber newsletter. Information for Sam Shepard, one of America's Achievement in Direction). Woodruff NINA SHAW Magic Theatre's new I980-8I season leading playwrights is in his fifth year won popular acclaim as the Artistic Sound Operator is now available in the lobby during of producing new works at the Magic Director of the Eureka Theatre where STEPHEN CADY intermission and before and after the Theatre. His other works at the Magic he directed Medoff's WHEN YOU Cover Photograph show, so place your order today. include ACTION, KILLER'S COMIN' BACK RED RYDER and R. VALENTINE ATKINSON I HEAD, INACOMA, , SIZWE BANS! IS DEAD by LINDA KOULISIS MARTIN ESSLIN Dramaturg and which Fugard, Ntshona and Kani . Woodruff Martin Esslin is a true internationalist, and premiered at the Magic. Shepard resides in New York and has directed Production Services TECH'NIQUE considered one of the foremost theatre critics began his career in I963 as a profes- at Manhattan Theatre Club, Phoenix writing in English. His works on the Absurd· sional actor in New York. In I964, his Theatre, and Joseph Papp's New ists, Brecht, Artaud and Pinter are standard first two plays COWBOYS and THE York Shakespeare Festival (where he reading, and his numerous translations of ROCK GARDEN were produced at directed the American premiere of European dramatists, with his wife Renata, Theatre Genesis in New York. Since Shepard's CURSE OF THE ...... have strongly affected the American scene ...... Before joining the faculty at Stanford, he was then, Shepard's plays have been pro· STARVING CLASS). Woodruff is head of the drama department at the B .B.C. duced all over the country and in the founder and director of the Bay He now divides his time between and . In I975, Shepard toured Area Playwright's Festival which will the Bay Area. with Bob Dylan's Rolling Thunder take place this summer at the College Special thanks to Revue which later inspired Shepard to of Marin. THRIFT TOWN JOHN LION General Director write the Rolling Thunder Logbook. MR. & MRS. RICHARD ALLEN John Lion founded the Magic Theatre in Shepard now lives in the Bay Area •••••••••••••...... JACK STAUFFACHER I967 and has served ever since as its General Director, creating over roo original produc· with his wife 0-lan a writer and direc· CHALONE VINEYARD tions on the Theatre's behalf. He has directed for numerous theatres in Chicago and New ~tor,a~nd the~ir son~, Jesse~. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'IRUE WEST.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II York, was a founding member of T.C.G.' s Developmental Theatre Panel, and has taught or lectured at U.C. Berkeley, and U .C. Davis. • The Cast: JOHN LION MARTIN ESSLIN Ernest •••....•••.•••••• • ••• • ••.•• John Achorn Iris ••• • ••••••••••.••••••••••• • • • Nancy Kemp General Director Dramaturg Hulk •••••••••• • • o• ••••• • ··•• o •• o•Jeff Unger

Karl ••• o •••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••• John Lion Sibyl ••••••••••••.•••••• • •••••••• Barbara Bloom Sonnenberg •••••• o•·········•• o •••Howard Swain Dr. Ziak •••• o ••••••••. • ••.••.•••• Harry Snyder Joe •••••••• •• ••••• • •••••••...••.• Sterling Houston PRESENTS Olga ••••••••••••.•••••••••••.•••• Susan Dills Mother •.•••••••••.••• o •••••••• • •• Verona Seiter MAGNETIC KISSES (Actor's biographies in Lobby) Production Staff: BY Technical Director ••••••••.•••.••• James Orman Crime Thriller WOLFGANG Production Manager ••••••••••••.••• Suresa Dundes TRANSLATED BY RENATA AND MARTIN ESSLIN Stage Manager ••••••••••••••••••••. Linda Koulisis Light Operators •••••.••••••••••••• Linda Koulisis, Linda Bergeron ADAPTED BY SURESA DUNDES AND JOHN LION Sound Operator •••••••••••••••••••• Michael Pirzl Properties ..••••••.•••••••.•••.••• Lynn Gutstadt Property Mistress .•••••••••••••••• Anne Militello Wardrobe .•••••.••••••••• • •.••••••• Marcia McGetrick, Irena Schiesser DIRECTED by JOHN LION Cherie Pinsky Music Coordinator •••••••••••••••.• Barbara Bloom Set Construction Painting/Electronics ••••.••••• Michael Kroschel Mark Hodges Leornard Menchini Debra Hurt Michael Pirzl SCENIC DESIGN by JOHN WILSON Beards •••••...•.•••••• . • • •• .• o •••• Christopher Reed Special Effects ••••••••• o • •••••••• Michael Faw Music .•••.•••••. •• •••••• ~ ••••••••• The Cast LIGHTING DESIGN by JMmS OruffiN House Manager ••.•••••••••..••.•.•• Nina Shaw Box Office •••.•••••••.•••••..•• • •• Kathleen Orloff Promotion •••.••••••••.••••.••..••• Stan L. Friedman & Associates COSTUME DESIGN by SURESA DUNDES Photography ••.•••••••••••••••••••• James Armstrong Program ••••.••••••.•••••••..•••••• Cherie Pinsky SOUND DESIGN by MICHAEL KROSCHEL Sign .•••.•.•...••••.••••.•....•.•. Steven Cady Production Services provided by Tech'nique Special thanks to Skipper Skeoch and SFS University DIRECTOR: JOHN LION Administrative Staff: John Lion founded the Magic Theatre in 1967 and has served ever since as its General Director, creating over 50 original productions on the Theatre's behalf. He has Administrative Director .••••••••..• Christopher Reed Development Director •••••.••••••••• David Glotzer directed for numerous theatres in Chicago and New York, was a founding member of Production Manager •• o •••••••• • ••••• Suresa Dundes T.C.G., and has taught or lectured at Berkeley, California College of Arts and u.c. Business Manager .••••••..• o • • ······Steven Cady Crafts and u.c. Davis. This spring he will be teaching directing at Stanford Uni­ Administrative Assistant .•••••••••• Cherie Pinsky versity. Administrative Assistant ••••.••.••. Kathleen Orloff

PLAYWRIGHT: WOLFGANG BAUER - The Austrian Moralist Lifetime Members: Wolfgang Bauer (born 1941) belongs to the so-called Graz group of Austrian play­ wrights (of whom the other widely-known name is Peter Handke) who are generally Susan Hillstrom, Joseph T. Ravicini, Mr. & Mrs. Harmon Shragge, considered to be among the most outstanding younger writers in the whole German­ Jay Egger, Sam Morford, Jay Spears, Ethel Huffman, Gerald & Sheila Spindel speaking world. The Magic Theatre project at Fort Mason is presented in connection with the On the surface, Bauer is an earthly, coarsely comic playwright whose brutal realism Fort Mason Foundation and the G. G.N.R. A. and sharply observed reproduction of contemporary life-styles seems to arise from a tradition of crude folk-comedy, which is very Austrian too. But, on closer in­ The Magic Theatre is a non-profit corporation, funded in part by grants from the spection, the intentions behind Bauer's plays are very different indeed. Bauer, who National Endowment for the Arts, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, is a highly educated intellectual - he studied Romance Languages and Theatre at Graz the San Francisco Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, the Lurie Foundation, the University - reveals himself as a bitter satirist in a Swiftian mood. His subject San Francisco Art Commission, the Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation, the Hotel is the ennui, the existential boredom in present-day affluent and materialistic Tax Board of San Francisco, the Hancock Foundation and the Bothin Helping Fund. societies that have lost their metaphysical dimension, their contact with, or inter­ est in, the spiritual aspects of life, what, which in previous epochs one might have Program Photo Credits: called the religious dimension. In the phenomena of contemporary pop culture - Front background photo •.•••••••••• Larry Sultan, Mike Mandel, Evidence rock music and the cinema - Bauer sees the tawdry, debased idols of that kind of Front foreground photo ••••.••••••• James Armstrong materialistic society which seeks oblivion in alcohol, drugs and sex.- Martin Esslin Back photo • • •• •• • ••••••••••••••••• Elizabeth Shreve

There will be one fifteen intermission. Smoking is permitted in the Lobby only. Sam Shepard (left, background), 0-Lan Johr:son (right, foreground), and other actors developing a scene· from The Vhion Piece (a.k.a. The Body Piece), which appeared in the late Sixties at Theater Genesis. (Reproduced by permission of Tony Barsha.)

Sam Shepard (left ihird row from front), Harry Mann (right, first row), and 0-Lan Johnsc n (ne](t to Harry Mann) in a company photograph from lnacoma, produced at the Magic Theater, San Frarcisco, 1977, directed by Sam Shepard. (Reproduced by permission of Ha,·ry Mann.) \

From left to right: Sticks Carlson, Lee Kis!:man, Sam Shepard, Beeson Carroll, and Bernard Warkentin du·ing a rehearsal for the off-off-Broadway production at La Mama :>f The Unseen Hand in 1969. rn - .. - ..l . . - .... .l ... , ..-. n ... ,...... J cr i(\n n f ll:Prnnrcl \tV:u kcntin .) James Dean has appeared in local productions of Sam Shepard works including Angel City (MT, 1976), Killer's Head (MT, 1975), and MAGIC THEATRE the San Francisco and Berkeley productions of Tooth of Crime. A Magic Theatre regular, Mr. Dean recently appeared as " Bernie" in of San Francisco our production of Sexual Perversity in Chicago. Other MT credits Presents The World Premiere Production Of include The Death and Life of Jesse James, Fear of Heights, Strip­ tease of Jealousy, and Auto-Destruct. A Theatre Arts graduate of UCLA, he appeared in more than 25 productions there. Jeff Deane (Dino) (trombone, alto flute, piccolo, percussion) works INACOMA wherever there is a need and want for his services as a creative A Collaboration Directed By musician. Born and raised in Los Angeles, he studies music and does recording work in L.A. (with the L.A. Horns) for various grou.ps. He lives and plays music in the Bay Area as often as possible. Jane Dornacker graduated from Highlands High School in Albu­ SAM SHEPARD querque, New Mexico. Bill Fairbanks has been playing bass for over nine years, working With The San Francisco in such styles as jazz, rock, folk, soul, and pop. He worked initially with groups out of Cincinnati, and lived and performed in the Theatre Jazz Ensemble college towns of Oxford, Ohio; Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Buffalo, New York, before moving to the Bay Area in 1975. His work in the Bella Bautista Ann Matthews Bay Area includes performances at The Cannery, Ivan Alex­ James Dean John Nesci anders', Jack London Square, and numerous clubs in Marin and Jeff Deane Joseph Sabella the East Bay. Bill Fairbanks Catherine Stone A native New Yorker, Robert Feldman (woodwinds) moved to San Francisco in 1970 after playing with a variety of East Coast rock Robert Feldman 0-Lan Shepard groups. Since that time, he has played with local bands including Ebbe Roe Smith Sopwith Camel. Bob recorded the music for Coppola's The Con­ Jane DornaQker versation in 1972 with the San Francisco Strutters. In 1976, in addi­ Harry Mann Fred Ward tion to local gigs and a four-state tour with the band " Hot House," Sigrid Wurschmidt Bob scored, arranged, and performed the music for Sam Shepard's Angel City at the Magic. Theatre designed and constructed by ...... Larry Beard Assisted by ...... Ji m Heslin, Jacques Bloxham Harry Mann (woodwinds) is currently an Improvisation Instructor Sterling Houston, Derrick Freeman, at Lo ne Mountain College and co-leader of Dr. Legato & Rubicon, Ann McDowell and Paul Chapot an ava nt-garde jazz ensemble. He was t he arranger for Jon Hen­ Set Designed and Constructed by ...... Morgan Hall drick's Evolution of the Blues, and the composer for Where Are You?, a Synanon drug fi lm. Harry, who studied music at the Berk­ Assisted by ...... Steven Lane lee School of Music in Boston, Massachusetts, also performed in Lighting designed by ...... John Chapot Angel City at the Magic. Sound Coordinator ...... Paul Kastner Stage Manager ...... Susan Naomi Nelson Ann Matthews was last seen at the Magic in 1975, when she per­ formed in Sam Shepard 's Action. Since that time, she has ap­ Production Staff ...... Jacques Bloxham, Sterling Houston, peared in several productions at the Showcase Theatre including Steven Lane, Susan Tiffany-Brown two Shaw plays (Mrs. Warren 's Profession, Misalliance) and The Box Office ...... J. C. Sealy Riva ls (as " Julia" ). She worked at the Old Globe Theatre in San Promotion ...... Patrick Corman, Diego last summer, and recently completed a Bay Area children's Public Re lations and Adverti sing theatre tour of The Singing Prince, in which she played the Wicked Graphics ...... Johanna Graphics Witch. Her earlier San Francisco c redits include the roles of Signs & Banners ...... Ch erie Pinsky " Candy," " Sandy," and " Nurse Flinn" in One Flew Over the Cuck­ oo 's Nest. Photography ...... Ron Blanchette John Nesci has been exploring theatre forms including acting, There will be one writing, and directing for the past 13 years. A veteran with the - - · - 'a-1-.=ft- een-m .sn u:t e-1. w +.erm1 • SSl-0 • 1-hr---- JVtaglr,_, b e_r ec e nl l~p_p_eared iD David Mam.et's n uck Varia..tipns, __:_. and last season was featured in Sam Shepard's Angel City and · The Magic Theatre is a non-profit corporation funded in part by AC!DC by Heathcote Williams. Earl ier MT credits include Ameri- grants from The National Endowment for the Arts, The R-ockefeller can Vermillion and Michael McClure's Gorf. John acted and di- Foundation, The Ford Foundation, The San Francisco Foundation, rected in last sum mer's Bay Area Playwrights Festiva l The Lurie Foundation, and the Hotel Tax Board of San Francisco. John Lion ...... General Director Originally from Boston, percussionist Joseph Sabella · has per­ L. Ann Wieseltier ...... Administrative Director formed in various cl ubs in t he Bay Area. A graduate of San Fran­ cisco State Un iversity in Music, Joe is currently involved in two Lisa Le dwich ...... Administrative Assistant groups; he is co-l eader of an improvisat ion and ethnic music quar­ The Magic Theatre 's world prem iere production of Israel Horovitz's tet , and a member of NJT, an improvisation ensemble. ALFRED DIES will run Th ursday t hrough Sunday at 1618 California Street, San Francisco, through May 15, 1977. Phone reservations 0 -La n Shepard made her pro fessional theatre debut 10 years ago accepted : 441-8001. in New York City. She has performed in numerous productions in New York and London, including a self-composed musical. Her Upcoming productions: local credits include roles in the Magic Theatre's productions of ARE YO U LOOKIN? by Mu rray Mednick, Angel City and The Death and Life of Jesse James, the Eureka directed by Robert Woodruff Theatre's The Birthday Party, and America, More or Less , staged HOSPITAL, by Jock Reynolds, directed by the author at the Marines Memorial Th eatre. For advance information on these product ions, sign up for our mailing list. A Theat re Arts graduate of San Francisco State University, Ebbe Roe Smith is a co-founder of the Freeway Barter Theatre of San Special thanks to: ProKeds by Uniroyal, and San Francisco The­ Francisco. He played " Crow" in the San Francisco and Berkeley atrical Supply. productions of Sam Shepard's To oth of Crime, and was featured in The Magic Theatre wi shes to t hank t he Fo rt Mason Foun­ Sam Shepard's Angel City (MT, 1976) and Action (MT, 1975). Other dation for their cooperation on this production and the Mag ic recent credits include acting an d direct ing in last summer's Bay Theat re's res idency. Area Playwrights Festival and the role of " Mike" in the Lee Director's statement for I NACOMA program Sankowich production of Moonchildren. INACOMA started as an idea for a play more than three years Catherine Stone (Stoney) (keyboards) grew up in Salem, Oregon. ag o. The idea never see med to fit into a fluid written structure. All She studied harpsichord and piano at Occidental College and at I could visualize was a hospital bed , the coma victim and creature­ San Francisco State University, where she graduated with a BA in characters. Th en various scenes would start popping up, all out of Music. She has played as a street musician in a jazz ensemble context an d wanderin g in and out of different re alities. The scenes called " Life is Color," has also been in reggae-calypso bands in were joined by sound s of breathing, then music t hen back to local dance clubs, and curren tly leads a group of senior c itizens sounds. I kep t abandoning the idea of even starting to write some­ in the Downtown Senior Rhythm Band. She scored Sam Shepard 's thing because the subject became too vast and uncontrollable. Pe cos Bill for the Bay Area Pl aywrights Festival last sum mer and Since I moved to San Francisco I've been working off and on with a wrote some of the music. consistent group of actors at the Magic Theatre on productions of my plays. Then musician s started coming into the picture. Fred Ward moved to the West Coast in 1965 after trai ning at the The heart of t he work we've been doing is improvisation, both Berghoff Studio in New Yo rk. He worked with numerous local and musically and with the actors . Th e main written material is in the Los Angeles- based theatres before moving to Rome, where heap­ form of songs. I've tried to make use of every influence that has peared in two films by Robert Rosellin i. Fred 's work since his re­ moved me. From vaudevil le, circuses, the Li vi ng Theatre, the Open turn to the Bay Area includes One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nes t (as Theatre and the whole world of Jazz Music, trance dances, faith McMu rphy), Find Your Way Home and a pair of Tennessee Wil­ healing ceremonies, musical comedy, Greek t rag edy, medicine liams' plays (The Two Character Play, The Glass Menagerie) at the shows, etc. Our approach has been to include as much infor­ Sh owcase Theater, and Sam Shepard's Angel City at the Magic mation as possible, coming from the material, on every level we last year. He just completed work on a new Universal Studio TV could find. To try to remain open to any new possibilities and at the series entitled " Kingston Confidential." same time discard what was unnecessary. Obviously, a project Sigrid Wurschmidt was last seen in the Eureka Theatre production like this could use a lot more time than the six weeks we have to of Brecht's Mahagonny, and in An Evening at Widow Begbick's at work on it. the Spaghetti Factory. She played " Slue-Foot Sue" in Sam Shep­ The case history of Karen AnnQuinlan became a central theme ard 's The Sad Lament of Pecos Bill at last summer's Bay Area very early on in rehearsals but only as a catalyst for our own dis­ Playwrights Festival. Sigrid was also seen as " Becky Lou " in the coveries. The piece is not intended to be her story or any other San Francisco and Berkeley productions of Shepard's Tooth " real-life" comatose victim's: Sam Shepard - of Crime.