Parshat Beshalach No 1660: 15 Shevat 5777 (February 11, 2017) WANT TO BECOME A MEMBER Membershiip: $50.00 CLICK HERE TO JOIN OR DONATE TO THE RZA Piillllar Membershiip:$180.00 We are iinthe process of collllectiing membershiip dues for 2017. Plleaseshow your support and jjoiin as a member or renew your membershiip at thiistiime. Relliigiious Ziioniists of Ameriica 305 Seventh Avenue, 12th Flloor, New York, NY 10001
[email protected], Yom Yerushalayim Honor Roll Dear Friend of Religious Zionism, One of the initiatives we are planning, in anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the re- unification of Jerusalem, is an “Honor Roll” to be signed by the leadership of congregations and schools across the country. 1) Please have your leadership inform us if they want to be included on our Honor Roll. (We will include the names of all participating institutions in the media). 2) Please share this Honor Roll with institutions in your community and encourage participation. 3) Please arrange to hang this Honor Roll in the lobbies of your Shuls and Schools. Click here to print out a copy of the poster OR kindly email us to let us know if you’d like us to mail you a hard copy flyer or poster. We have more than 40 Shuls signed up. If your community is not yet on our list please let us know. Rabbi Gideon Shloush Presidium National Director Mr. Martin Oliner Religious Zionists of America - Mizrachi Rabbi Leonard Matanky
[email protected] Dr. Ernest Agatstein Please encourage your community leadership toinclude the paragraph below in your Shul and School Announcements: This year marks the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem.