WWW.XIANEASE.COM NOVEMBER 2011 XIANEASE 1 A XIANEASE THANKSGIVING Though it’s not an international holiday Thanksgiving is a great time to get together with old friends, meet new ones, and stuff yourself silly with Turkey and all the trimmings! Get more informa- tion or RSVP by contacting
[email protected] PLACE: Colabo Italian Restaurant ADDRESS: 11F,K.I.Tower, 1 of Xihuamen (西华门凯爱大厦11层) DATE: Thursday, November 24th TIME: 6:30pm COST: RMB 120.00 for adults RMB 60.00 for chiilldren 6 to 12 and chiilldren under 6 free Price includes a Thanksgiving buffet with all the turkey, stuffing, and trimmings plus one beer or soft drink. 2 XIANEASE NOVEMBER 2011 WWW.XIANEASE.COM WWW.XIANEASE.COM NOVEMBER 2011 XIANEASE 3 m o Volume 19 Notes From The Team ease.c others or even fail to notice them? That is a n www.xianease.com In recent conversations the topic of stud- CONTENTS a XIANEASE Web, Print, Events, and More ying a foreign language seems to be popping question for folks smarter than us and while NOVEMBER 2011 xi General Manager up rather frequently. It’s not clear whether we aren’t doctors or anything close to that Yasuo Kitajima is it that there are more folks studying a for- we did have a rather lively lunch conversa-
[email protected] eign language (foreigners studying Chinese tion about this and from what we came up and Chinese studying English, French, Japa- with is that every one, no matter what coun- Editor In Chief nese, etc.) which there undoubtedly are or is try you’re from, what language you speak, Patrick Antony it just the season for becoming introspective or if you’re male or female, everyone always In This Issue
[email protected] and so folk are looking at bettering them- thinks that the grass is always greener on the selves and learning a language is one very other side.