Graduate Seminar in Inequality: Bourdieu’s Capital Sociology 905, Spring 2018 Fridays 2:00 – 4:30pm Class Location: Oldfather 707

Kirk Dombrowski [email protected] 206 Benton Hall Phone: (402) 472-3205 Office Hours: Tues & Thurs: 2:00-3:00 and by appointment

Required Texts: See Bibliography for a list of recommended readings. Seminar participants are expected to contribute to the course bibliography as part of their participation.

Course Grades: Grades will be based on participation in the seminar. Students who wish to receive feedback on a paper as part of the course must turn that paper in no later than week 10. Each student will be asked to provide lecture/discussion summary notes for at least one class, and to provide an annotated bibliography on one lecture topic (5 prominent sources, cited and summarized, for distribution to the class).

Course Topics: Week 1 1/12/17 Introduction: Theory, Bourdieu, Capital, Sociology Week 2 1/19/17 Habitus and its relationship to practice, field, and capital Week 3 1/26/17 Practice and its relationship to habitus, field, and capital Week 4 2/2/17 Field and its relationship to practice, habitus, and capital off 2/9/17 No Class (MHDI Conference) Week 5 2/16/17 Capital and its relationship to practice, habitus and field Week 6 2/23/17 Bourdieu’s capital in relation to Marx Week 7 3/2/17 Negation (and exchange?) Week 8 3/9/17 Beyond the individual—collective practice and politics Week 9 3/16/17 Group habitus and the concept of institution off 3/18-25 Spring Break Week 10 3/30/17 Dominant fields and the concept of culture Week 11 4/6/17 and hegemony Week 12 4/13/17 Can we imagine a Bourdieuian biology? Week 13 4/20/17 Practice theory and public health Week 14 4/26/17 Wrap up: Some words…

Week 1 Theory, Bourdieu, Capital, Sociology and Loïc Wacquant, (1992) An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology, University of Chicago Press.

Also: Pierre Bourdieu (1979) Algeria 1960: The Disenchantment of the World: The Sense of Honour: The Kabyle House or the World Reversed: Essays, Cambridge University Press.

Week 2 Habitus and its relationship to practice, field, and capital Pierre Bourdieu (1977) Outline of a Theory of Practice, Cambridge University Press. Parsons, T., Shils, E. A., & Smelser, N. J. (Eds.). (1965). Toward a general theory of action: Theoretical foundations for the social sciences. Transaction publishers.

Of interest: Crossley, N. (2014). The concept of habit and the regularities of . Phenomenology and Mind, (6), 134-145. Dermot Moran (2011) "'s Phenomenology of Habituality and Habitus", Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 42 (1): 53–77. Mauss, M. (1973). Techniques of the body. Economy and society, 2(1), 70-88.

Week 3 Practice and its relationship to habitus, field, and capital Pierre Bourdieu (1998) Practical Reason. Stanford University Press. Marshall Sahlins (1976) Culture and Practical Reason. U Chicago Press.

Of Interest: Bourdieu, P. (1990). The scholastic point of view. Cultural anthropology, 5(4), 380-391. DiCicco‐Bloom, B., & Gibson, D. R. (2010). More than a game: from the theories of games. Sociological theory, 28(3), 247-271. Lamaison, P. (1986). From rules to strategies: An interview with Pierre Bourdieu. Cultural Anthropology, 1(1), 110-120. Scheer, Monique. "Are emotions a kind of practice (and is that what makes them have a history)? A Bourdieuian approach to understanding emotion." History and Theory 51.2 (2012): 193-220.

Week 4 Field and its relationship to practice, habitus, and capital Pierre Bourdieu (1984) Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste, Routledge. (1971) The Archaeology of Knowledge. Pantheon Books.

Of Interest: Pierre Bourdieu and Luc Boltanski (1975) “Le fétichisme de la langue,” Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, 1(4): 2-32. Couldry, N. (2004). Media meta-capital: Extending the range of Bourdieu’s . In After Bourdieu (pp. 165-189). Springer Netherlands. Rowe, E. E. (2018). Breaking from the Field: Participant Observation and Bourdieu’s Participant Objectivation. In Bourdieu’s Field Theory and the Social Sciences (pp. 99-112). Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

Week 5 Capital and its relationship to practice, habitus and field Pierre Bourdieu (1986) The forms of capital. In J. Richardson (Ed.) Handbook of Theory and Research for the . Greenwood Press, pp. 241-258. Pierre Bourdieu (2001) La domination masculine, 1998; Eng. Masculine Domination, Polity, Press.

Of interest: Anheier, H. K., Gerhards, J., & Romo, F. P. (1995). Forms of capital and social structure in cultural fields: Examining Bourdieu's social topography. American journal of sociology, 100(4), 859-903. Lamont, M., & Lareau, A. (1988). Cultural capital: Allusions, gaps and glissandos in recent theoretical developments. Sociological theory, 153-168. Swartz, D. (1977). Pierre Bourdieu: The cultural transmission of social inequality. Harvard Educational Review, 47(4), 545-555.

Week 6 Bourdieu’s capital in relation to Marx Pierre Bourdieu (2005) The Social Structures of the Economy, Polity Press. (1992) Capital, Volume 1 (Part 2: Transformation of Money into Capital, and Part 3: The Production of Absolute Surplus Value). Penguin Classics.

Of Interest: Beasley-Murray, J. (2000). Value and capital in Bourdieu and Marx. Pierre Bourdieu: fieldwork in culture, 100-119. Hall, Stuart (2003). "Marx's Notes on Method: A 'Reading' of the '1857 Introduction.'". Cultural Studies. 17 (2): 113–149. and Michael Hardt (1999) “Value and Affect” boundary 26(2): 77-88.

Week 7 Negation and exchange? Marcel Mauss (2000) The Gift. WW Nortion and Company. Peter Blau (1986) Exchange and Power in Social Life. Transaction Publishers.

Of Interest; Örjan Widegren (1997) “Social Solidarity and Social Exchange” Sociology 31(4): 755-771. Paul Redding (2015) “Pierre Bourdieu: From Neo-Kantian to Hegelian Critical Social Theory”, Critical Horizons 6(1): 183-204.

Week 8 Beyond the individual—collective practice and politics Pierre Bourdieu (2000) Pascalian Meditations, Stanford University Press. (1998) The Human Condition. U Chicago Press.

Of Interest: Swidler, Ann. "Cultural power and social movements." Culture and Politics. Palgrave Macmillan US, 2000. 269-283. Escobar, Arturo. "Whose knowledge, whose nature? Biodiversity, conservation, and the political ecology of social movements." Journal of political ecology 5.1 (1998): 53-82. Lash, Scott. "Pierre Bourdieu: Cultural economy and social change." Bourdieu: critical perspectives (1993): 193-211.

Week 9 Group habitus and the concept of institution Pierre Bourdieu (1991) Language and Symbolic Power, Harvard University Press. Jurgen Habermas (1985) Theory of Communicative Action. Beacon Press.

Of Interest: Throop, C. Jason, and Keith M. Murphy. "Bourdieu and phenomenology: A critical assessment." Anthropological theory 2.2 (2002): 185-207. Ryfe, D. M. (2007). Toward a sociology of deliberation. Journal of public deliberation, 3(1). Holdo, M. (2015). Strategies of deliberation: Bourdieu and struggles over legitimate positions. Political Studies, 63(5), 1103-1119.

Week 10 Dominant fields and the concept of culture Pierre Bourdieu (1993) The field of cultural production, Columbia University Press. Sider, Gerald M. Between history and tomorrow: Making and breaking everyday life in rural Newfoundland. University of Toronto Press, 2003.

Of Interest: Yosso, T. J. (2005). Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth. Race ethnicity and education, 8(1), 69-91. Sider, Gerald M. "A delicate people and their dogs." Journal of 2.1 (1989): 14-40. Dombrowski, Kirk. "The praxis of indigenism and Alaska native timber politics." American Anthropologist 104.4 (2002): 1062-1073.

Week 11 Cultural capital and hegemony Pierre Bourdieu (1999) Acts of Resistance: Against the Tyranny of the Market, The New Press. Raymond Williams (1977) Marxism and Literature, Oxford University Press.

Of interest: Garnham, Nicholas, and Raymond Williams. "Pierre Bourdieu and the : an introduction." (1980) Media, Culture Society 2(3): 209-223. Burawoy, Michael. "The roots of domination: beyond Bourdieu and Gramsci." Sociology 46.2 (2012): 187-206.

Week 12 Can we imagine a Bourdieuian biology? (1991) The Normal and the Pathological, trans. Carolyn R. Fawcett & Robert S. Cohen (New York: Zone Books. Giorgio Agamben (1998) Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life. Stanford U Press.

Of Interest: Muhle, Maria. "A genealogy of biopolitics: The notion of life in Canguilhem and Foucault." The government of life: Foucault, biopolitics, and neoliberalism (2014): 77-97. Koopman, Colin. "Two uses of Michel Foucault in political theory: Concepts and methods in Giorgio Agamben and Ian Hacking." Constellations 22.4 (2015): 571-585.

Week 13 Practice theory and public health Pierre Bourdieu (1999) Weight of the World: Social Suffering in Contemporary Society, Polity Press.

Also: Veenstra, G. (2007). Social space, social class and Bourdieu: Health inequalities in British Columbia, Canada. Health & place, 13(1), 14-31. Williams, S. J. (1995). Theorising class, health and lifestyles: can Bourdieu help us?. Sociology of health & illness, 17(5), 577-604.

Week 14 Wrap up Pierre Bourdieu (1987) Choses dites (Eng. In Words: Essays toward a Reflective Sociology), Stanford, 1990.