Dasamsa Varga By Ernst Wilhelm www.-videos.com

“Great Fruits from Dasama.”

Brihat states that the Dasamsa indicates Mahat Phalam "great fruits." This is a very vague term as compared to the effects mentioned for most other Vargas which are very specific, but that is because the Dasamsa is a relatively general Varga in the sense that it reveals the bigger things in our lives and the things in which we are most capable - those things for which we are known and so it can indicate anything and influences all things. Being the Varga of the 10th Bhava, the Bhava of kingship and fame, the Dasamsa reveals the big things and capabilities that make us famous and the big things of which we are kings. For those who aspire to a big role in the world, such as a politician, the biggest thing in their life will usually be their career and so the Dasamsa needs to be examined to determine periods of career success. But even for these people, sometimes they become better known for something else, and this the Dasamsa will also show. Most importantly, the Dasamsa reveals our capability, our ability to do.

daçamäàçäù svataçcaive yugme tannavamät småtäù daça pürvädidikpälä indrä' yama räkñasäù varuìo märutaçcaiva kubereçänapadmajäù anantaçca kramädoje same vä vyutkrameìa tu

“The Dasamsas from that, in even then from its ninth, it is taught. The ten beginning in the East are the regents of the directions: , Agni, Yama, Rakshasa, and also Maruta, Kubera, Isana, Padmaja and Ananta proceed in an odd, but in an even invert the order. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra: Shodasavargas, 13-14

The calculation of the Dasamsa is very strange as compared to other Vargas. The odd Rasis start their Dasamsas from that sign itself, while the even Rasis start their Dasamsas from their 9th. This means that the first Dasamsa of an even Rasi will be the same sign as the last Dasamsa of an odd Rasi.

An alternative method that some astrologers follow and which is also used in Tajika astrology is to simply run the Rasis in regular order beginning from the Rasi with Aries Dasamsa, similar to how the and Saptamsa are calculated. With this method opposite points, such as Bhava cusps and Rahu and Ketu always fall in the same Dasamsas. We have to wonder why Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra does not follow this standard "Paravritti" method of calculation for the Dasamsa, however, having tested both methods, I have found that the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra method gives better results.


DASAMA DEITIES The ten Dasamsa Deities are the lords of the ten directions beginning with the East. In an even Rasi, these lords are taken in the reverse.

1st of Odd Rasi, 10th of Even Rasi: Indra - East Slope of the Sun Indra, the God of the sky and atmosphere is a very prominent divinity in the Rig Veda as he is a deity seen in nature. His name means, "to conquer," and is also taken as a name for the human soul. Indra is the lord of the rain who conquers with his Vajra (thunderbolt) the demons of darkness that take the form of dark storm clouds. In later mythology Indra became the lord of the gods and was eventually subordinated by the trinity of , and Siva. This Dasamsa gives the power to do and thus overcome any obstacle to success.

2nd of Odd Rasi, 9th of Even Rasi: Agni - Southeast Slope of Venus Agni, the God of Fire is, like Indra, a prominent divinity in the Rig Veda. Like fire is hidden in wood, Agni represents the spirit hidden in matter. Agni is the cosmic light that permeates all things, thus being the support of all things. This Dasamsa gives the ability for connectivity and support, both which will provide success.

3rd of Odd Rasi, 8th of Even Rasi: Yama - South Slope of Mars Yama was the first born of man who along with his twin were born from the Sun. Yama is the god of death who leads the disembodied souls into one of the darker or brighter regions of the astral world according to each individual’s merit. The word Yama literally means a bridle or rein and refers to the ideas of control and restraint. This Dasamsa gives the self-discipline that gives success.

4th of Odd Rasi, 7th of Even Rasi: Rakshasa - Southwest Slope of Rahu Rakshasa is a king of the Rakshasas, the demonic Titan-like beings of . This direction is also given to Niriti the goddess of destruction. This Dasamsa gives the power to ruthlessly destroy and overcome and obstacles to success.

5th of Odd Rasi, 6th of Even Rasi: Varuna - West Slope of Saturn Varuna means “all enveloping sky” and refers to the God of the Firmament who placed, according to the Rig Veda, the Nakshatras in the heavens. In later mythology Varuna is considered as the god of the oceans and water. In the , Varuna is considered as the most excellent and preeminent of all deities, as the primal maker and upholder of the universe. Varuna can be looked upon as the greater force of consciousness that grows and creates the universe. This Dasamsa gives the power for the consciousness to hold onto its vision until the envisioned goal is acquired.

2 6th of Odd Rasi, 5th of Even Rasi: Maruta - Northwest Slope of Moon Maruta is the wind divinity who creates change while also giving great strength with which to make changes happen. This Dasamsa gives the capacity to make the changes required for continued success.

7th of Odd Rasi, 4th of Even Rasi: Kubera - North Slope of Mercury Kubera is the lord of wealth. Kubera was first identified as a demonic king who later grew into the divinity of wealth. This Dasamsa gives the capacity to use its wealth and success for creating greater success and the practical ability to enjoy wealth.

8th of Odd Rasi, 3rd of Even Rasi: Isana - Northeast Slope of Jupiter Isana is a name of Siva and literally mean the one who owns and thus rules over what he owns. Isana is specifically the idea of the Sun as a form of Siva. This Dasamsa gives the ability to rule over things and thus promotes their continual success.

9th of Odd Rasi, 2nd of Even Rasi: Padmaja - Zenith Padmaja means “lotus born” and refers to Brahma, the creator who has actively created the three worlds of Heaven, Earth and the Nether Regions. Some sources relate this direction to Ketu. This Dasamsa gives the creative ability with which to create great things.

10th of Odd Rasi, 1st of Even Rasi: Ananta - Nadir Ananta is the 1000 headed serpent Adishesha, the one that remains upon cosmic dissolution. This direction is also considered to be ruled by Vishnu and truth be told, these two divinities are inseparable. In fact, upon Vishnu's incarnations Ananta also incarnates as a peer and supporter of Vishnu's incarnation. Some sources relate this direction to the . This Dasamsa gives the ability to give success working with what one already has available to them and to find fulfilling success in what has already been accomplished.

USING THE TEN DIRECTIONS The most useful technique with respect to the deities of the Dasamsa is that a planet in its Dasa will most readily give its biggest thing in relationship to the direction ruled by its deity. So the individual may do important things in this direction or some important thing will come from this direction. In respect to the zenith and nadir directions the zenith direction gives very unexpected things or things from very unexpected sources, newly created by Brahma that the person would have never imagined. The nadir direction ruled by Ananta gives things from familiar sources or sources that the individual always felt where there for them or somehow expected. Each planet also represents a slope towards a different direction and thus the planet representing the slope of a particular direction will more readily come into play with any planet that is in the direction of it slope.


MOST IMPORTANT GRAHA IN THE DASAMSA The Dasamsa is the 10th Varga, but the 7th Varga given by Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra and so the 7th Graha, Saturn, is the most important Graha to examine in the Dasamsa. Saturn represents the burden's one has to bear. The greater the success, the greater the burdens that come with it. The bigger one does something, the more work they have to do. The stronger Saturn is in the Dasamsa the better the individual can suffer the stress and pressure required to make something big happen and thus the greater he can do. The 10th Bhava, and thus the Dasamsa, also has to do with obligations, that which one must do. A strong Saturn in the Dasamsa creates greater obligation and thus greater success. The most important ingredient to success is perseverance and hard work, but qualities of Saturn. The person who perseveres and works hard will also become capable in what they choose to do.

IMPORTANT BHAVAS IN THE DASAMSA 10th Bhava: The primary Bhava to consider in the Dasamsa due to the Dasamsa being the 10th Varga is the 10th Bhava. This is the Bhava that can give the greatest periods of success and allow for the biggest things to happen when it is well disposed. 1st Bhava: Addding up all the numbers in the number 10 gives 1, so the 1st Bhava is also an important Bhava to consider in the Dasamsa and represents the strength of one's path and personality, the stronger, the greater the success. Additionally, squaring 10 gives 100, which reduces to 1, so the 1st Bhava holds double significance. The great deeds of the 10th Bhava create the strong personality by which the individual is known and with which he can do more.

After considering Saturn and these two Bhavas to access the general condition of the Dasamsa so as to see the degree to which one is capable, study the other Bhavas and Grahas to see those things in which they are more or less capable.

RAJA There are many Raja Yogas which can contribute to success, power and fame. These need to be examined to reveal the extent of an individual's success. The Dasamsa alone cannot do that. 's principles are particularly important in that regard. The Dasamsa does, however, reveal quite readily periods of doing great things and the great capabilities of the individual.