
Computer Graphics Exercise – Jakob Wagner

Computer Graphics Exercise 6. Transformation & Normal Mapping

Jakob Wagner for internal use only 6 – Transformation & Normal Mapping Computer Graphics Exercise – Jakob Wagner

Normal vector scaling

(1.0, 1.0) (2.0, 1.0) - normal n represents orientation of plane p

- normal is orthogonal to represented plane p’ . p . (2.0, 1.0) scaling n’ - scale normal like vertices: n (1.0, -1.0) (2.0, -1.0) -> points no longer lie on plane p’ (0.0, 0.0) (0.0, 0.0) represented by normal n’

(1.0, 1.0) (2.0, 1.0)

- scale normal inversely to vertices: p . p’ (0.5, 1.0) scaling . -> points still lie on plane p’ represented by n n’ normal n’ (1.0, -1.0) (0.5, -1.0)

(0.0, 0.0) (0.0, 0.0)

6 – Transformation & Normal Mapping 2 Computer Graphics Exercise – Jakob Wagner

Normal transformation

-1 - normal must be transformed with inverted scale -> Mnormal = Mvertex

- through the matrix inversion an included rotation is also inverted

- the inverse of a rotation matrix is its transpose -> R-1 = RT

- the transposing does not change the effect of a scaling matrix -> ST = S

-1 T - transpose inverted matrix to restore correct rotation -> Mnormal = (Mvertex )

- translation is irrelevant, as normals only represent orientation

-T -> transform normals with inverse-transpose of vertex transform matrix -> Mnormal = Mvertex

6 – Transformation & Normal Mapping 3 Computer Graphics Exercise – Jakob Wagner

Transformation spaces

Model Space World Space View Space

Model View Matrix Matrix

- vertex attribute definition - model transformations - lighting computations

6 – Transformation & Normal Mapping 4 Computer Graphics Exercise – Jakob Wagner

Normal Mapping

vertex normals texture normals - normals are a vertex attribute

-> surface orientation can only be defined at vertices

-> no explicit normal definition between vertices possible

- textures are looked up per-fragment

-> level of detail solely dependent on texture resolution

-> storing normals in a texture allows arbitrary surface detail

http://blog.wolfire.com/2009/10/character-normal-maps/ 6 – Transformation & Normal Mapping 5 Computer Graphics Exercise – Jakob Wagner

Model Space Normal Mapping

- normals in texture replace vertex normals - R,G,B channels store X,Y,Z orientation of normal in model space channels: combined - x: direction to right & left x y z normal map - y: direction up & down - z: direction forward & backward

- workflow: a. map texture to model b. encode normal orientation in texture

c. apply normal map to model d. in fragment , read detail normal from texture e. transform detail normal from model- into view-space f. use detail normal in lighting computation

http://blog.wolfire.com/2009/10/character-normal-maps/ 6 – Transformation & Normal Mapping 6 Computer Graphics Exercise – Jakob Wagner

Normal Mapping Variants

- model space normal map encodes normals of relative to model -> normal map replaces vertex normals -> normal map needs to be recomputed when the surface is deformed or rotated -> normal map cannot be used on other models (e.g. differently rotated flat planes)

tangent space texture projection model space normals vertex normals normals

top back

normal mapping on a cube: right left - =

botto front m

- tangent space normal map encodes normals relative to covered surface -> normal map can still be used when the surface is deformed and rotated as it is defined relative to it -> normal map can be used on multiple models (e.g. all flat planes)

http://www.3dtotal.com/index_tutorial_detailed.php?id=1106&page=2 6 – Transformation & Normal Mapping 7 Computer Graphics Exercise – Jakob Wagner

Tangent Space

- a space is defined by a reference frame of basis vectors - tangent space describes the underlying surface at a point on the mesh -> what are the basis vectors for tangent space?

- a space is defined by a reference frame of basis vectors - the normal vector represents the z-axis, pointing away from the surface - two more vectors are required, must lie on the surface to be orthogonal to normal vector - only existent further information about surface are the texture coordinates of surrounding vertices -> use texture u- and v-axes to span two additional vectors, tangent and bitangent normal and texture normal with tangent and normal coordinates bitagent

n n n . . . . v


6 – Transformation & Normal Mapping 8 Computer Graphics Exercise – Jakob Wagner

Tangent Space

- d1 and d2 are the triangle edge directions in model space

- d1’ and d2’ are edge directions in texture space (relative to u and v base axes)

- u’ and v’ are the texture space bases in model space called tangent and bitangent

- tangent and bitangent form together with the surface normal an orthogonal space, the tangent space representing the surface of a triangle

model space texture space model space 1 1

2 n u’ d2’ d1 v d1 . . v’ d ’ 1 1 3 3 2 d2 3 2 u d2 6 – Transformation & Normal Mapping 9 Computer Graphics Exercise – Jakob Wagner

p Tangent Calculation 1

- tangent t and bitangent b represent the texture u- and v-axes in model space Δp1 p - ti is the texture coordinate of pi: ti = (ui, vi) b

- Δp1 = p1 - p0 , Δp2 = p2 - p0

p t p - the position of any point on the plane can be calculated using its uv-coordinates: 0 Δp2 2

pi = p0 + Δui ∙ t + Δvi ∙ b

- this equation must also hold for p1 and p2: Δp1 = Δu1 ∙ t + Δv1 ∙ b and Δp2 = Δu2 ∙ t + Δv2 ∙ b

in matrix form: Δp : x Δp : y Δp : z Δu Δv t : x t : y t : z 1 1 1 = 1 1 ∙ Δp2 : x Δp2 : y Δp2 : z Δu2 Δv2 b : x b : y b : z

- multiply with inverse of uv-coordinate matrix:

t : x t : y t : z 1 Δv2 -Δv1 Δp1 : x Δp1 : y Δp1 : z ______∙ = Δu ∙Δv - Δu ∙Δv ∙ b : x b : y b : z 1 2 2 1 -Δu2 Δu1 Δp2 : x Δp2 : y Δp2 : z

http://web.archive.org/web/20160409104130/http://www.terathon.com/code/tangent.html 6 – Transformation & Normal Mapping 10 Computer Graphics Exercise – Jakob Wagner

Tangent Computation

1. start with null-vectors for vertex tangents ti

2. for each triangle a. calculate tangent t of current triangle and normalize it

b. add t to ti of the three vertices forming the triangle

3. for each vertex a. orthogonalize tangent relative to normal: t’ = t - n ∙ dot(n, t) b. normalize tangent

- for mirrored texture projections the handedness of the tangent also needs to be stored (ignored in the exercise)

- the bitangent is assumed to be orthogonal to the normal and tangent -> calculating it with cross(n, t) in the fragment shader saves the space of an additional vertex attribute

http://www.terathon.com/code/tangent.html 6 – Transformation & Normal Mapping 11 Computer Graphics Exercise – Jakob Wagner

Tangent Space Normal Mapping

p - tangent-space normal maps can be interpreted as containing offsets or a rotation v of the vertex normal - the red component controls the offset along the horizontal axis (u / tangent) - the green component controls the offset along the vertical axis (v / bitangent) - the blue component controls the offset along the outward axis (w / normal) w u

- concept: the normal np at position p is defined as np = cr∙ t + cg∙ b + cb∙ n

with c = (cr, cg, cb) being the normal texture color at p

- implementation: np = Mtangent∙ (cr, cg, cb) – with Mtangent = [t, b, n] b n n - workflow: p p a. map texture to model b. encode normal orientation in texture t c. apply normal map to model d. in fragment shader, read the detail normal from the texture e. create tangent-space matrix from tangent, bitangent and normal in view-space f. transform detail normal from tangent- into view-space using tangent-space matrix g. use detail normal in lighting computation

6 – Transformation & Normal Mapping 12 Computer Graphics Exercise – Jakob Wagner

Transformation spaces

- texture channels are normalized (from 0 to 1) but normal direction components have different ranges: - X-axis: right: 1.0 to left: -1.0 - Y-axis: up: 1.0 to down: -1.0 - Z-axis: forward: 1.0 to nothing: 0.0 (normal cannot point inwards)

-> after reading the normal from the texture, the values must be adjusted so that they lie in the correct range

View Space Tangent Space Texture Space

b n

Tangent range v Matrix adjust t

w u

- lighting computations - detail normals - encoded normals with normalized ranges 6 – Transformation & Normal Mapping 13 Computer Graphics Exercise – Jakob Wagner

Assignment 4 – Normal Mapping

Tangent Calculation - implement the model_loader::generate_tangents() function

- request the model loader to calculate the tangents by replacing the last parameter “model::NORMAL|model::TEXCOORD” of the model_loader::obj() function call with “model::NORMAL|model::TEXCOORD|model::TANGENT”

- in the planet_object initialisation, add another attribute of the type “model::TANGENT”

Normal map - load a normal map for a planet and bind it to an additional Texture Unit and upload its index to a new uniform in the shader

Normal mapping - in the planet vertex shader add another input attribute “layout(location = 3) in vec3 in_Tangent“ that is transformed into view-space using the Normal Matrix and then assigned to an output variable “vec3 pass_Tangent”

- in the fragment shader add another input “vec3 pass_Tangent”

- sample the normal texture with “pass_TexCoord” and use the resulting rgb color as the normal in texture space

- transform the normal from texture into tangent space by adjusting the range of the components

- transform the normal from tangent- into view-space by multiplying it with the tangent matrix built from view-space normal, tangent and bitangent 6 – Transformation & Normal Mapping 14