
Electroactive polymeric thin film based on polypyrrole incorporating metallophthalocyanine polymer

Veena Vijayanathan, S. Venkatachalam* and V. N. Krishnamurthy Propellants, Polymers and Chemicals Entity. Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum-695022, India (Received 4 June 1992)

Thin films of polypyrrole doped with polymeric nickel phthalocyanine were grown on a platinum substrate by the electrochemical oxidation of from aqueous solution containing 0.01 M pyrrole and 0.1 M sodium salt of polymeric nickel phthalocyanine as the only supporting electrolyte. The film thus prepared was characterized by i.r., u.v.-vis., e.s.c.a, and by conductivity measurements. The electrochemical behaviour of the electrode was studied by cyclic voltammetry in aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes. The film exhibits stable conductivity and reversible electrochemical behaviour in the range of the potential investigated.

(Keywords: polyphthalocyanine; conducting polymer; electrochemical activity; cyclic voltammogram)

Introduction possessing peripheral carboxyl groups into a conducting Metallophthalocyanines and their polymers possess polypyrrole matrix. Details of the electrochemical investi- aromatic conjugated structures and have excellent gation are also presented here. thermal, chemical, electrochemical, hydrolytic and photo- chemical stabilities 1-3. They have therefore received Experimental considerable attention in recent years as suitable candi- Materials. Polymeric nickel phthalocyanine containing dates for making environmentally stable electrically peripheral carboxyl groups of the structure shown in conductive materials. By varying the substituents on the Figure 1 has been prepared by the method reported ring of the macrocyclic phthalocyanine moiety, it is elsewhere 6,14. Sodium salt was prepared by reacting the possible to improve the properties of the system 2-8. acid with an equimolar amount of sodium hydroxide and Proper choice of the substituent is needed in order precipitating the salt with alcohol. Pyrrole (Fluka AG) to obtain highly extended conjugated structures. The was dried and distilled prior to use. Tetraethylammonium presence of these structures in the polymer could reduce perchlorate (Fluka) and potassium chloride (Glaxo) were the band gap, Eg, which governs the intrinsic electrical used as received. Triply distilled water was used for all and optical properties of the system. Because of the cyclic voltammetric experiments. presence of rigid structures, these polymers have poor processability. The electrochemical method is one of the Measurement techniques. The i.r. spectra of the easiest techniques adopted for making thin films of polymer were obtained with a Perkin Elmer spectro- uniform thickness. Previous reports have described the photometer model 283. The cyclic voltammograms were electrochemical preparation 9 and use of monomeric recorded using an EG & G PAR (model 273A) phthalocyanines entrapped in a polypyrrole matrix as potentiostat. Photoelectronic spectroscopic measure- electrocatalysts and stable conducting materials 1°'11. It ments were performed using a VG-ESCALAB MK-II is known that polymeric phthalocyanines are better instrument using MgKct 300W (hv=1253.6eV). The electrocatalysts than monomeric ones. The electro- electrical conductivity of the polymer was measured by chemical activity of phthalocyanine polymers dispersed pressing the powdered samples between two stainless in an insulating matrix such as poly(N-vinyl carbazole) steel anvils of known area in an insulating die of diameter and polyimide was shown to depend on the amount of ,,~ 2.5 mm and length --~ 10mm by the method reported phthalocyanine in the composite. It was also shown that previously 6. the charge carrier mobility is interrupted by the insulating polymer matrix 12. We therefore reasoned that replace- Preparation of film. Polypyrrole-poly(nickel phthalo- ment of the insulating polymer matrix by conducting ) (PPy-PPC) thin film was prepared from aqueous polymers such as polypyrrole, which are easily prepared solution containing 0.01 M pyrrole and 0.1 M sodium by electrochemical polymerization13, should be beneficial salt of polymeric nickel phthalocyanine as the only from the point of view of making thin films possessing supporting electrolyte. The film was grown on a platinum both processability and improved electrochemical activity. substrate by the electrochemical oxidation of pyrrole at In view of the importance of these materials for various 0.8 V with saturated calomel electrode and a platinum microelectronic applications, we report the electro- coil as the counterelectrode. The film adhered well to the chemical incorporation of polymeric phthalocyanine platinum substrate. The film thickness was controlled by measuring the charge passed during the electropolymer- * To whom correspondence should be addressed ization. The electrode was then washed thoroughly with

0032-3861/93/051095~)3 ~: 1993 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. POLYMER, 1993, Volume 34, Number 5 1095 Electroactive thin film: V. Vijayanathan et al.





Figure 1 Structure of metallophthalocyanine polymer, M = Ni

distilled water till the washings were free from adsorbed phthalocyanine. It was then allowed to dry at room temperature. + Results and discussion The i.r. spectrum of PPy-PPC film shows bands at 750, 885, 925, 1015, 1070 and ll40cm -~, which are attributed to the phthalocyanine skeleton 6'14'~5, in addition to bands at 3480, 1710, 1680, 1640, 1560, 1480 and 1380cm -~. The u.v.-vis, spectrum of the limited soluble portion of the polymer in concentrated shows absorption peaks characteristic of substituted phthalocyanine at 739, 690, 655 and 630 nm. These data prove that phthalocyanine polymer is incorporated into polypyrrole matrix. The presence of phthalocyanine in I I I I the film was further confirmed by the observed charac- 0.8 0.4 0 -0.4 teristic core-binding energies of Ni(2p3/z) at 845.5eV, E(V) Ni(2p~/2 ) at 872.0eV along with the binding energies Figure 2 Cyclic voltammogram of PPy-PPC film on Pt in 0.01M HCI. of carbon (Is), (Is) and oxygen (Is) centred Sweep rate = 100mV s- 1 using SCE reference electrode at 285,400, and 531 eV, respectively, in the x.p.s, spectra of the PPy-PPC polymer 6. The PPy-PPC polymer exhibits a room temperature electrical conductivity of This is analogous to the behaviour of polypyrrole doped 2.5 x 10-3S cm-~ which remains stable even after keep- with large anions 16'17. In PPy-PPC film the redox ing the samples under ambient conditions. The value is process can also occur via injection of electrons at about four orders of magnitude larger than that of the metal/polymer interface, followed by the transfer undoped or non-heat-treated polymeric phthalocyanines 6 of charge through the film and by the incorporation and is about two orders of magnitude lower than that of charge-compensating cations through the polymer/ of polypyrrole doped with other anions ~6. electrolyte interface. The charge-compensating cations The electrochemical characteristics of the PPy-PPC (protons in the case of HC1) might be easily attached to film were studied using the modified electrode by cyclic the weakly basic aza nitrogen atoms of the phthalo- voltammetry (Figure 2) in 0.01 M HC1. Upon reduction cyanine moieties, as is known to occur in thin films of of the film, the polymeric phthalocyanine carboxylate polymeric phthalocyanine as such, or incorporated into anion, being large, remains in the matrix so that an an insulating matrix 12'18'19. The film shows a near square electrolyte countercation can be released from or pene- root dependence of peak current with scan rate, indi- trate into the matrix to conserve the electroneutrality of cating that the cation intercalation follows diffusion- the film. With the following oxidation, the remaining controlled kinetics. This is analogous to the behaviour phthalocyanine anion can be incorporated again, of octacyano phthalocyanine dispersed in an insulating Ibllowed by the release of the cation from the matrix. polymer matrix 18.

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+ ated poly(N-methyl pyrrole) in supporting electrolytes such as lithium perchlorate and tetrabutylammonium ImA fluoroborate. The latter exhibits exchange of phthalo- cyanine carboxylate anions with the electrolyte anions i which occur due to the hindrance of complexation of pyrrole to the central metal atom. This behaviour is similar to that of polypyrrole doped with monomeric sulfonated cobalt phthalocyanines 11. The interaction between the N-H proton of polypyrrole and the phthalocyanine ring could facilitate intimate affinity between the base polymer and phthalocyanine moiety, thereby making the system highly stable. Since phthalo- cyanine moieties are tied to the polypyrrole matrix via the above interaction, the system behaves similarly to the so-called self-doped system. The electrochemical activity of the film in a redox electrolyte indicates that it behaves like platinum. The cyclic voltammogram of the electrode surface yielded I I I I nearly reversible peaks for the ferri/ferrocyanide couple 0.5 o -0.5 -~.o in neutral aqueous media. E(V) Conclusions Figure 3 Cyclic voltammogram of PPy-PPC film deposited on Pt in aqueous solution containing 0.01 M sodium salt of nickel phthalo- Metallophthalocyanine polymer has been incorporated cyanine polymer. Sweep rate=100mVs -1 using SCE reference into polypyrrole matrix by electrochemical means. The electrode resulting polymer film has been characterized by i.r., u.v.-vis., e.s.c.a, and conductivity measurements. The film exhibits stable electrical conductivity and reversible The electrochemical characteristics of the film were electrochemical behaviour. The electrochemical behaviour also investigated by cyclic voltammetry in aqueous has been explained based on the reversible incorporation solution containing the sodium salt of nickel phthalo- of cations from the electrolyte on to the polymeric film. cyanine polymer (Figure 3). A blank cyclic voltam- mogram run in aqueous solution of sodium salt of Acknowledgements polymeric nickel phthalocyanine using platinum elec- One of the authors (V.V.) gratefully acknowledges trodes shows only the charging current. Figure 3 financial assistance by the CSIR. Thanks are due to therefore reflects the oxidation-reduction behaviour of Dr S. Aravamuthan for his valuable suggestions. the incorporated anion. E~ shifts more positively and Ep shifts more negatively as sweep rate (v) increases, Refet'ences indicating that the process resembles a quasi-reversible 1 Kaneko, M. and Wohrle, D. Adv. Polym. Sci. 1988, 84, 141 behaviour. The anodic and cathodic peak separation was 2 Katon, J. E. (Ed.) 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