120 the Communique Staff Wishes All of Starfleet A

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120 the Communique Staff Wishes All of Starfleet A “GUMBY” SIMMONS SAYS “I DO”! 120 DEC 2003/ JAN 2004 Top (L to R): The Napoleon of R17, Johnathan “Gumby” Simmons sent out invites far and wide (obviously, they were blue) and even engaged the little drummer boy to get the word out. Center (Left): Gumby had realized it was time to toast his swingin’ bachelor days good-bye. Damon Schanover helped out. Right: So, what brought all this on? Why, his impending nuptuals to the lovely Lady Frances (seen here with her groom to be and her mother). Bottom: Phaser Rifl es, Bath’lets and Lightsabres made up the Honorguard. Photos courtesy of: Johnathan Simmons, USPS 017-671 THE COMMUNIQUE STAFF WISHES ALL OF STARFLEET A HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HOPES THAT ALL YOUR HOLIDAY WISHES HAVE COME TRUE! CONTENTS STARFLEET Communiqué Volume I, No. 120 “Gumby” Simmons Says “I Do”!.................1 Table of Contents.....................................2 Published by: Colophon................................................2 STARFLEET: The International From the Center Seat...............................3 Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. EC/AB News...........................................3 “Doesn’t his costume remind you of Dan?”: 3212 Mark Circle IC 2006 Bids: The Time is Now!.............3 Bill Couture, Ty Campbell and Caroline Couture of the Thagard Independence, MO 64055 Off-Center Viewpoint...............................4 For more about the Thagards Halloween party, turn to Page 20. New Chairman Sought for ASDB..............4 Publisher: Greg Trotter Ops Center..............................................5 Photo courtesy of Sonny Wright Editor in Chief: Dixie Halber COMM As You Are...................................6 Graphics Editor: Johnathan Simmons The Shuttlebay.........................................6 Copy Editors: Claire Halber, Dixie Halber, SFI Chapter Care Program Update...........6 Michael Klufas, Tracy Lilly, Stuart Roth Computer Operations..............................7 Layout: Team Jaguar Coordinated Recruiting............................7 STARFLEET Treasurer Report................8 Commandant’s Corner........................9 Send Submissions to: SFI Academy Graduates........................10 STARFLEET Flag Promotions...............11 STARFLEET COMMUNIQUÉ How to Submit a Proper Promotion........11 8606 King George Rd. School of Cryptography.........................12 Evansville IN 47725 Walk for Dog Guides.............................12 cq@sfi .org Offi ce of the Inspector General.............12 House Calls...........................................13 The STARFLEET Communiqué is a A Journey of Self-Discovery................14 publication of the Communications USS Avalon: Having Fun........................14 Department of STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Asociation, The Crew of the USS Ares.................15 Inc. It is intended for the private use of our Every Little Bit Helps............................15 members. STARFLEET holds no claims to Wilderness Challenger 2004................16 any trademarks, copyrights, or properties held by Paramount or their parent company, Building a Model of Your Ship.............17 Viacom. Operation: Crimson File.........................18 SFI in the City at the Top of the World.......19 The contents of this publication are Copyright © 2003 STARFLEET: The Region 13 Summit Away Mission...........19 International Star Trek Fan Association, The Starship of the Living Dead............20 Inc. and/or the original authors. All rights My Big, Fat Geek Wedding.....................22 reserved. No portion of this document may Meeting, Greeting, and Eating...............24 be copied or republished in any way or form without the written consent of the Offi ce of One Year Journey into Homelessness....26 the Chief of Communications, STARFLEET. Addressing Controversial Topics...........27 Voyager 1 Leaves Solar System............27 (USPS 017-671) Entered as periodical matter at the Post Offi ce of Tecumseh, A Rocket Scientists View of Space.........28 No, this isn’t the latest in US Armed Forces fashion: Oklahoma, under the act of March 8, 1879. Section 31:Year End Report...................28 The Communiqué is published bi-monthly The Newest Fighters for the 750th MSG...29 It’s just Bob Vosseller of the USS Challenger, ready to let the by STARFLEET: The International Star Lng’We Chi-Class Exploratory Cruiser...30 paintballs fl y on Page 22. Trek Fan Association, 101 North Broadway, Tecumseh, OK 74873 A Tale of Two Conventions.....................31 UFC: No Longer a Star Trek Fan’s Wish?.31 Photo courtesy of Bob Vosseller Activate the Quantum Slipstream...........32 From the ‘Dant........................................33 DEADLINE FOR From the Deputy Comandant, SFMC.......33 FORCECOM Report..............................34 SEND US MORE PICTURES OR ELSE... SUBMISSIONS State of INFOCOM................................35 Hello. My name is Toby. You may remember FOR CQ 121: State of TRACOM..................................35 me from my triumphant starring engagement SFMC AWARDS....................................35 in CQ 114. You may be asking yourself what Jan. 25th, 2004 111th MSG – SFI Heavy Guards............35 a feline superstar such as myself is doing in Games and Puzzles..............................36 this issue. Well, the answer is simple: The CQ Convention Listings..............................37 team needs more pictures and in their ever- What Exactly Does “SCC” Stand For?....39 loving quest to get a few good pix, they have POSTMASTER: Monthly Status Report Summaries.......40 resorted to disturbing felines in their sleep. SFIAnnouncements...........................43 Send Address Changes to: Shocking, no? So please....won’t you help a STARFLEET Communications SFI Directory of Contact Information.....44 poor, little itty-bitty kitty to get some rest and STARFLEET Classifi ed.........................46 510 Osage St. send some more pictures to the addresses Leavenworth, KS 66048 STARFELET: Special Ops.....................47 at the right? Thank you from the bottom of Challenger Goes Trick or Treating!..........48 my...zzzZZZzzZZZZzZzZzzzzz.... 2 STARFLEET COMMUNIQUÉ hours-a-day, database was no small feat. But Sandy and his staff did an outstanding job and have forever changed the face of FROM THE CompOps and Membership Processing. Fortunately, as in the case of our CFO, we CENTER SEAT had a strong Vice Chief in place, ready to step up and assume the leadership role. Mandi Livingston, already a veteran of the FLEET ADMIRAL MIKE MALOTTE EC in a past administration, is a welcome COMMANDER , STARFLEET addition to our team and will carry on the work started by her predecessor. As the year winds down, I hope everyone was laid for things to come next year. The numerous to name, but just as dedicated to had, and is having, a happy holiday season. Public Relations offi ce didn’t quite work out making this organization all it can be. And Finally, one other upcoming change I With the temperatures dropping, I hate the the way I had envisioned. As of November fi nally, thanks to you, the members. Without need to address. I have the unfortunate cold! Things are going well at Fleet HQ as 2nd, the Public Relations Department your support, suggestions, and input, we task of announcing that Carl Johnson has we head into the end of 2003. For many, is offi cially disbanded. I’ve spoken with wouldn’t have the direction needed to take tendered his resignation as STARFLEET’s the end of the year is a time for refl ection, Gerry Sylvester and informed her of the care of your vision of this club. Thanks, Quartermaster. Between his duties as for looking back at past achievements decision. I want to thank Gerry for her work everyone! Region 12 RC and the work on his new and looking forward to what we can and accomplishments while heading this house, he doesn’t have the time he feels accomplish in the year to come. This year department. Inclusion into the Guinness With everything going on, we’ve had our is necessary to devote to this. Carl has has been especially challenging for me, Book of World Records is just one of the share of changes and challenges, including done a great job and his infl uence and “buy both personally and as a member of this many things she was able to do. When some personnel changes at the highest early, buy often” sales pitch will be sorely organization. On a personal level, Deb’s the department was fi rst conceived, it was levels. STARFLEET’s fi rst Chief Financial missed. health issues have taken up a pretty good done so to further publicize the Scholarship Offi cer, Tammy Willcox, had to step down chunk of my time. Between hospital runs, Program and get more folks participating due to personal obligations. I can’t tell you At this time, I’m taking applications for surgeries, tests, X-rays, MRIs, CAT scans, in it. Since that time, it has taken on a life how much of an impact she has made on the position until at least January 1st, 2004, examinations, doctor’s visits and all the of it’s own and gone in directions I hadn’t this organization in the last three years. depending on when this issue hits the care in between, I have a new respect for considered. Due to this, as well as a few Fleet owes her a debt we may never be mailboxes; with an announcement by the those in the convalescent care industry. The other things, I’ve decided to pull the plug able to repay. Fortunately, Denby has been end of that month. The ability to secure high amazing thing about all of this is that even on this while its function and scope of up to the challenge of fi lling her shoes and quality merchandise at reasonable prices is with her health issues, she took the time to operation are looked at again. Allyson Dyar, the transition has gone pretty smoothly. I a plus, as well as the ability to attend IC to keep up with her duties as the Promotions my Chief of Staff, has been tasked with know Denby will do a great job in her new work the STARFLEET merchandise table. Director and didn’t get very far behind very reorganizing this department and helping to role and I’m very confi dent in our continued Please send your applications to me at often at all. Within the club, I think we’ve defi ne where it will go from here.
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